MP3 Player V.3.0

By RagBot on May 04, 2008

This is Haewk's "Hawks MP3 player" but i have changed the place of the buttons and added a menu in the channel section so if you right click in the channel section "MP3 Player" will be there.
/song : shows what your listening to
everything else is pretty self explanitory


V.1.1 Update - This is a very minor change but i changed menu channel to menu * which makes it so you can right click any window to get the list with "MP3 Player" in it. :)

V.1.2 Update - My freind had used this, but he said it didn't work, so i just changed "mp3" to "mp4" i hope it will work, and if it doesn't comment below that it doesn't (P.S. With it being mp4 you can use it with other mp3 dialogs)

V.2 Update - With Version 2 i gave it a, kind of new look, i put buttons in boxes, Text at the bottom showing credits. Check it out for yourself! (spoiler: i'm going to try to put in an "add directory" to my dialog next update)

V.2.5 Update - ^Neptune said that the MP3 looked horrible so i moved some buttons up and made the list shorter (happy? :p). Also i fixed the del file button, so it acctually deletes files from the MP3 instead of doing nothing.

V.2.6 Update - I decided that the close button was useless scince it's close to the 'X' button anyways. so i decided to change it into a 'Check For Updates' button. This will make it easier to come back here and see if i've improved it.

V.3.0 Update - I moved around all of the buttons to make the dialog smaller .i also changed add and del to ADD and DEL for clear reading. Make sure to give ideas so i can get more updates out.

dialog mp4 {
  title "MP3 Player V.3.0"
  size -1 -1 350 190
  option pixel

  box "Music Play Options" 12, 210 45 138 94
  button "<<", 2, 215 110 60 25 ok tab 11
  button "||", 3, 215 60 130 25
  button "", 4, 215 85 60 25
  button "|>", 5, 285 85 60 25 
  button ">>", 6, 285 110 60 25
  button "Check For Updates", 10, 215 140 130 25

  list 7, 1 0 208 170, hsbar vsbar extel
  box "ADD/DEL file" 11, 210 1 138 45
  button "ADD File" 8, 215 15 65 25
  button "DEL File" 9, 280 15 65 25
  text "|Haewk's MP3 player Edited by RagBot|" 14, 75 170 200 25
menu * {
  MP3 Player { player }
on 1:dialog:mp4:sclick:10:{ url -an }
on 1:dialog:mp4:sclick:8: {
  set %song1 $sfile(/)
  write playlist.txt %song1
  did -a mp4 7 $nopath(%song1)
on 1:dialog:mp4:sclick:9: {
  set %del1 $did(mp4,9)
  set %del2 $did(mp4,7).sel
  write -dw [ $+ [ * [ $+ [ %del1 [ $+ [ * ] ] ] ] ] ]  playlist.txt
  did -d mp4 7 %del2
on 1:dialog:mp4:init:0: {
  set %number 1
  set %song2 $read(playlist.txt, %number )
  did -a mp4 7 $nopath(%song2)
  inc %number 1
  if ( %song2 != $null ) { goto next }
on 1:dialog:mp4:sclick:5: {
  if ( %pause == on ) {
    set %pause off
    splay -p resume
  else {
    unset %play1
    unset %play3
    set %play1 $did(mp4, 7).seltext
    set %play2 $did(mp4, 7).sel
    set %play3 $read(playlist.txt, w, * [ $+ [ %play1 ] ] [ $+ [ * ] ] )
    splay %play3
    set %listening $nopath(%play3)
    inc %play2 1
on 1:MP4END: {
  set %play3 $read(playlist.txt, %play2)
  splay %play3
  set %listening $nopath(%play3)
  inc %play2 1
on 1:dialog:mp4:sclick:4: {
  splay stop
on 1:dialog:mp4:sclick:6: {
  splay $read(playlist.txt, %play2)
  set %path $read(playlist.txt, %play2)
  set %listening $nopath(%path)
  inc %play2 1
on 1:dialog:mp4:sclick:2: {
  dec %play2 1
  splay $read(playlist.txt, %play2)
  set %path $read(playlist.txt, %play2)
  set %listening $nopath(%path)
on 1:dialog:mp4:sclick:3: {
  set %pause on
  splay -p pause
alias song {
  if ( %islist == me ) {
    describe $chan %text %listening
  else {
    msg $chan %text %listening
alias setup {
  set %islist $$?="When you say what you're listening to, shall it be in /me or /say. (me for /me and say for /say)"
  set %text $$?="And what do you want to say? Example: Now playing: or is listening to"
  echo ok, type /song to show what song you're listening to
alias player {
  dialog -md mp4 mp4


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guardianANGEL   -  Jun 22, 2010

A few edits. This way allows you to set a directory and writes ms.txt for all your mp3s in a folder. Also adds an on load to set the /me or /say with instuctions echo'd in the active window. Added the directory finder and song announcer in menu * { . Still have to manually delete each song from the player itself. I'm not that good with dialogs :/

damdempsel   -  Jul 28, 2008

there should be a way to add more then 1 song at a time...

BlueThen   -  Jun 28, 2008

I usually update my screenies after 4th or 5th update (or whenever the looks drastically change)
Looks nice and simple though.

EL   -  Jun 28, 2008

Called deleting the old ones and this dialog isnt that bad an i suggest a repeat an random mode as well as a play list option.`-.-´

RagBot   -  Jun 28, 2008

I got a couple screenies ^_^
gunna be annoying taking them each update though :p

BlueThen   -  Jun 28, 2008

needs screenies.

RagBot   -  Jun 28, 2008

Make sure to give me feedback on how to improve my MP3 player, i\'m undergoing a change right now, whould be finished soon :)

RagBot   -  Jun 22, 2008

Yeah i noticed that the buttons were big. so i made them smaller, and in future updates i may change them again.

PuNkTuReD   -  Jun 15, 2008

nice but if you made the buttons smaller you could add volume and stuff
buttons r a bit big

RagBot   -  Jun 14, 2008

I think the dialog looks hideous
You need to tell my why it looks hideous, or suggest ways to fix it. Just saying it looks bad won\'t be able to give me ideas to change how it looks for the better.
EDIT: i guess i got one idea, The list does look a bit ... off, i\'ll see what i can do to make it look better.

^Neptune   -  Jun 08, 2008

I think the dialog looks hideous

RagBot   -  Jun 08, 2008

Please Give me your feedback about this, i\'d like to make it better

Joshuaxiong1   -  May 04, 2008


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