Control Panel X

By Jack_Sparrow on Apr 28, 2008

Hi guys,

I made this snippet after a few days and its code may not be very clean as this is my first dialog so I hope you guys like it ;)

I checked out everything on 1 particular server on it cant be guarantteed to work on all servers...

Looking Forward to Comments ;)

dialog CPanelX {
  title "More Options"
  size -1 -1 200 260
  option dbu
  tab "General Info", 1, 1 -2 1 1
  box "", 7, 2 23 196 121, tab 1
  text " Welcome to Control Panel X,a part of Pythins-IRC. Above, you will see 5 tabs :-", 8, 5 30 190 15, tab 1 center
  text " General Info :- This Contains the Basic Information and Instructions you need to control IRC", 9, 5 45 190 15, tab 1
  text " ChanServ :- Dazzle your friends with your amazing prowess over the channel", 10, 5 75 190 15, tab 1
  edit "", 14, 2 156 196 80, tab 1 multi return
  text " NickServ :- Control your nicks with just about every command there is", 11, 5 60 190 15, tab 1
  text " MemoServ :- Get Memo's in style with this nifty panel", 12, 5 90 190 15, tab 1
  text "Notepad", 15, 88 146 33 10, tab 1 center
  text " General Info", 16, 83 13 35 8, tab 1
  tab "NickServ", 2
  box "", 52, 10 30 180 72, tab 2
  button "Change Nick", 53, 20 40 45 12, tab 2
  button "Register Nick", 54, 20 55 45 12, tab 2
  button "Identify Nick", 55, 20 70 45 12, tab 2
  button "Change Password", 56, 20 85 45 12, tab 2
  button "Set URL", 57, 77 40 45 12, tab 2
  button "Set Email", 59, 77 55 45 12, tab 2
  button "Ghost", 58, 77 70 45 12, tab 2
  button "Recover Nick", 60, 77 85 45 12, tab 2
  button "Drop Nick", 61, 135 40 45 12, tab 2
  button "Nick Info", 62, 135 55 45 12, tab 2
  button "Access Level", 63, 135 70 45 12, tab 2
  button "Owner Status", 64, 135 85 45 12, tab 2
  text "Nick Settings", 65, 78 15 45 8, tab 2 center
  text "Toggle Settings", 66, 78 117 45 8, tab 2 center
  box "", 67, 10 135 180 28, tab 2
  button "Toggle Enforce", 68, 20 145 45 12, tab 2
  button "Toggle Memo", 69, 77 145 45 12, tab 2
  button "Toggle Email", 70, 135 145 45 12, tab 2
  tab "ChanServ", 3
  text " Channel Settings", 18, 78 15 45 8, tab 3
  button "Invite Status", 23, 5 70 45 12, tab 3
  button "Register Channel", 19, 5 40 45 12, tab 3
  button "Toggle URL", 20, 53 85 45 12, tab 3
  button "Toggle miRc", 21, 102 40 45 12, tab 3
  button "Set Founder", 22, 150 40 45 12, tab 3
  button "Set User Limit", 24, 150 85 45 12, tab 3
  button "Toggle Verbose", 25, 53 40 45 12, tab 3
  button "Toggle OPGuard", 26, 53 55 45 12, tab 3
  button "Key", 27, 5 55 45 12, tab 3
  button "Toggle Private", 28, 102 85 45 12, tab 3
  button "Toggle Moderate", 29, 102 70 45 12, tab 3
  button "Toggle Secret", 30, 102 55 45 12, tab 3
  button "Toggle Messaging", 31, 53 70 45 12, tab 3
  button "Set Password", 33, 150 55 45 12, tab 3
  button "Set Description", 34, 150 70 45 12, tab 3
  button "Topic Lock", 32, 5 85 45 12, tab 3
  text " User Control", 36, 73 115 45 8, tab 3 center
  box "", 35, 2 124 195 106, tab 3
  box "", 17, 2 30 196 85, tab 3
  text "SuperOP Settings", 13, 5 130 45 8, tab 3 center
  button "Add New SOP", 37, 5 139 45 12, tab 3
  button "Remove SOP", 38, 5 155 45 12, tab 3
  button "Add New AOP", 39, 53 139 45 12, tab 3
  button "Remove AOP", 40, 53 155 45 12, tab 3
  button "Add New HOP", 41, 102 139 45 12, tab 3
  button "Remove HOP", 42, 102 155 45 12, tab 3
  button "Add Voice", 43, 150 139 45 12, tab 3
  button "Remove Voice", 44, 150 155 45 12, tab 3
  text "AutoOP Settings", 45, 53 130 45 8, tab 3 center
  text "HalfOP Settings", 46, 102 130 45 8, tab 3 center
  text "Voice Settings", 47, 150 130 45 8, tab 3 center
  text "AutoKick Settings", 48, 77 172 45 8, tab 3
  button "Add AKick", 49, 78 185 45 12, tab 3
  button "Remove AKick", 50, 78 200 45 12, tab 3
  button "AKick List", 51, 78 215 45 12, tab 3
  tab "MemoServ", 4
  box "", 71, 5 30 190 65, tab 4
  button "Send Memo", 72, 77 40 45 12, tab 4
  button "Memo 1", 73, 12 55 25 12, tab 4
  button "Memo 2", 74, 43 55 25 12, tab 4
  button "Memo 3", 75, 73 55 25 12, tab 4
  button "Memo 4", 76, 104 55 25 12, tab 4
  button "Memo 5", 77, 134 55 25 12, tab 4
  button "Memo 6", 78, 164 55 25 12, tab 4
  text "Memo From ", 80, 77 105 45 18, tab 4 center
  edit "", 79, 5 140 190 10, tab 4
  edit "", 84, 5 150 190 10, tab 4
  edit "", 85, 5 160 190 10, tab 4
  edit "", 86, 5 170 190 10, tab 4
  edit "", 89, 5 200 190 10, tab 4
  edit "", 87, 5 180 190 10, tab 4
  edit "", 88, 5 190 190 10, tab 4
  tab "More Options", 6
  text "Give Power", 82, 78 17 45 8, tab 6 center
  box "", 81, 5 30 190 64, tab 6
  button "Give SuperOP", 83, 10 55 45 12, tab 6
  button "Give OP", 90, 10 70 45 12, tab 6
  button "Ban Protection", 91, 70 40 45 12, tab 6
  button "Give HalfOP", 93, 131 40 45 12, tab 6
  button "Tease OP", 94, 70 70 45 12, tab 6
  button "Tease SOP", 95, 70 55 45 12, tab 6
  button "Give Voice", 96, 130 55 45 12, tab 6
  text "Take Power", 92, 78 102 45 8, tab 6 center
  button "Take SuperOP", 98, 10 125 45 12, tab 6
  button "Take Voice", 102, 130 140 45 12, tab 6
  button "Take HalfOP", 100, 130 125 45 12, tab 6
  button "Give Founder", 103, 10 40 45 12, tab 6
  button "Take Founder", 101, 70 140 45 12, tab 6
  button "Take OP", 99, 10 140 45 12, tab 6
  text "Toggle Ban", 104, 78 172 45 8, tab 6 center
  button "Normal Ban", 106, 10 190 45 12, tab 6
  button "Super Ban", 107, 9 205 45 12, tab 6
  button "Ban + Kick", 108, 140 190 45 12, tab 6
  button "Super Ban + Kick", 109, 140 205 45 12, tab 6
  button "Ban + Kick [Mean]", 110, 65 190 66 12, tab 6
  button "Super Ban + Kick [Mean]", 111, 65 204 66 12, tab 6
  button "Ban + Kick [Random]", 112, 65 218 66 12, tab 6
  button "Random Kick", 114, 140 220 45 12, tab 6
  button "Normal Kick", 113, 10 220 45 12, tab 6
  button "Kick [Choose]", 115, 65 232 66 12, tab 6
  box "", 97, 5 115 190 50, tab 6
  box "", 105, 5 185 190 61, tab 6
  button "Close", 5, 160 246 37 12, ok
dialog Confirmation {
  title "Confirmation"
  size -1 -1 200 50
  option dbu
  text "Click Toggle On to Toggle On and Toggle Off to Toggle Off", 1, 5 6 190 8, center
  button "Toggle On", 2, 35 25 45 12
  button "Toggle Off", 3, 115 25 45 12
  button "Cancel", 4, 159 38 37 12, cancel
dialog Priveledge {
  title "Select Users"
  size -1 -1 180 50
  option dbu
  button "Founder Only", 2, 15 25 40 12
  button "SuperOP Only", 3, 70 25 40 12
  button "Cancel", 4, 139 38 37 12, cancel
  button "Toggle Off", 5, 125 25 40 12
on *:dialog:cpanelx:init:*: { .timer -m 1 1 }
on *:dialog:cpanelx:close:*: { unset %cpnl }
on *:dialog:cpanelx:sclick:*: {
if ($did == 19) { cs register $$?="Channel Name?" $$?="Password?" $$?="Description?" }
elseif ($did == 20) {
   set %confirm 1 
   confirm } 
elseif ($did == 21) {  
   set %confirm 2 
   confirm } 
elseif ($did == 22) { cs set %cpnl founder $$?="Nick?" }
elseif ($did == 23) { 
   set %confirm 3 
   confirm } 
elseif ($did == 24) { mode %cpnl +l $$?="User Limit?" }
elseif ($did == 25) { 
   set %confirm 4 
   confirm }
elseif ($did == 26) {
   set %confirm 5 
   confirm }
elseif ($did == 27) { cs set %cpnl key $$?="Key?" }
elseif ($did == 28) { 
   set %confirm 6 
   confirm }
elseif ($did == 29) { 
   set %confirm 7 
   confirm }
elseif ($did == 30) { 
   set %confirm 8 
   confirm }
elseif ($did == 31) { 
   set %confirm 9 
   confirm } 
elseif ($did == 32) {
   set %Priveledge 1
   Priveledge }
elseif ($did == 33) { cs set $$?="Password?" }
elseif ($did == 34) { cs set description $$?="Description?" }
;SuperOP Settings
elseif ($did == 37) { cs access %cpnl add $$?="Nick?" 998 }
elseif ($did == 38) { cs access %cpnl del $$?="Nick?" 998 }
elseif ($did == 39) { cs access %cpnl add $$?="Nick?" 5 }
elseif ($did == 40) { cs access %cpnl del $$?="Nick?" 5 }
elseif ($did == 41) { cs access %cpnl add $$?="Nick?" 4 }
elseif ($did == 42) { cs access %cpnl del $$?="Nick?" 4 }
elseif ($did == 43) { cs access %cpnl add $$?="Nick?" 3 }
elseif ($did == 44) { cs access %cpnl del $$?="Nick?" 3 }
elseif ($did == 49) { cs akick %cpnl add $$?="Nick?" }
elseif ($did == 50) { cs akick %cpnl del $$?="Nick?" }
elseif ($did == 51) { cs akick %cpnl list }
;Select Nick Settings
elseif ($did == 53) { nick $$?="New Nick?" }
elseif ($did == 54) { ns register $$?="Password?" $$?="Email ID?" }
elseif ($did == 55) { ns identelseify $$?="Password?" }
elseif ($did == 56) { ns set password $$?="New Password?" }
elseif ($did == 57) { ns set url $4?="New URL ?" }
elseif ($did == 58) { ns ghost $$?="Nick?" $$?="Password?" }
elseif ($did == 59) { ns set email $$?="New Mail ID ?" }
elseif ($did == 60) { ns recover $$?="Nick?" $$?="Password?" }
elseif ($did == 61) { ns drop $$?="Nick?" $$?="Password?" }
elseif ($did == 62) { ns info $$?="Nick?" }
elseif ($did == 63) { ns acc $$?=Nick?" $$?="Press Add to add address or Del to delete Address" $$?="Address?" }
elseif ($did == 64) { ns owner $$?="Nick?" }
;Toggle Nick Settings
elseif ($did == 68) { 
   set %confirm 10 
   confirm }   
elseif ($did == 69) {
   set %confirm 11 
   confirm } 
elseif ($did == 70) {
   set %confirm 12 
   confirm } 
elseif ($did == 72) { ms send $$?="Nick or Channel?" $$?="Message?" From $me }
;Read MeMo
elseif ($did == 73) { 
set %memo 1
ms read 1 }
elseif ($did == 74) { 
set %memo 2
ms read 2 }
elseif ($did == 75) { 
set %memo 3
ms read 3 }
elseif ($did == 76) { 
set %memo 4
ms read 4 }
elseif ($did == 77) {  
set %memo 5
ms read 5 }
elseif ($did == 78) { 
set %memo 6
ms read 6 }
elseif ($did == 83) { mode %cpnl +aov $$?="Nick?" }
elseif ($did == 90) { mode %cpnl +ov $$?="Nick?" }
elseif ($did == 91) { mode %cpnl +ev $$?="Nick?" }
elseif ($did == 93) { mode %cpnl +hv $$?="Nick?" }
elseif ($did == 94) { set %tease $$?="Nick?" | mode %cpnl +o %tease | mode %cpnl -o %tease | timer 1 36 say There was your OP , lol ! }
elseif ($did == 95) { set %tease $$?="Nick?" | mode %cpnl +ao %tease | mode %cpnl -ao %tease | timer 1 36 say %cpnl There was your SOP , lol ! }
elseif ($did == 96) { mode %cpnl +v $$?="Nick?" }
elseif ($did == 98) { mode %cpnl -ao $$?="Nick?" }
elseif ($did == 99) { mode %cpnl -ohv $$?="Nick?" }
elseif ($did == 100) { mode %cpnl -hv $$?="Nick?" }
elseif ($did == 101) { mode %cpnl -qao $$?="Nick?" }
elseif ($did == 102) { mode %cpnl -v $$?="Nick?" }
elseif ($did == 103) { mode %cpnl +qao $$?="Nick?" }
elseif ($did == 106) { mode %cpnl +b $$?="Nick?" }
elseif ($did == 107) {
mode %cpnl +b $address( $$?="Ban Nick?",1)
mode %cpnl +b $address( $$!,2 )
mode %cpnl +b $address( $$!,3 )
mode %cpnl +b $address( $$!,4 ) 
mode %cpnl +b $address( $$!,5 ) }
elseif ($did == 108) { 
mode %cpnl +b $$?="Nick?"
kick %cpnl  $$! }
elseif ($did == 109) {
mode %cpnl +b $address( $$?="Ban Nick?",1)
mode %cpnl +b $address( $$!,2 )
mode %cpnl +b $address( $$!,3 )
mode %cpnl +b $address( $$!,4 ) 
mode %cpnl +b $address( $$!,5 )
kick # $$! }
elseif ($did == 110) { 
mode %cpnl +b $$?="Nick?"
kick %cpnl  $$! $read MIRC-files\kicks`.txt }
elseif ($did == 111) {
mode %cpnl +b $address( $$?="Ban Nick?",1)
mode %cpnl +b $address( $$!,2 )
mode %cpnl +b $address( $$!,3 )
mode %cpnl +b $address( $$!,4 ) 
mode %cpnl +b $address( $$!,5 )
kick # $$! $read MIRC-files\kicks`.txt }
elseif ($did == 112) {
mode %cpnl +b $$?="Nick?"
kick %cpnl  $$! $read MIRC-files\kicks.txt }
elseif ($did == 113) { kick %cpnl $$?="Nick?" }
elseif ($did == 114) { kick %cpnl  $$?="Nick?" $read MIRC-files\kicks.txt }
elseif ($did == 115) { kick %cpnl $$?="Nick?" 4,1 $$?="Reason?"  } }
on *:dialog:confirmation:sclick:*: {
if ($did == 2) {
if (%confirm == 1) { 
cs set %cpnl url $$?="URL?"
dialog -c confirmation confirmation }
elseif (%confirm == 2) { 
cs set %cpnl mlock +miRc
dialog -c confirmation confirmation }
elseif (%confirm == 3) { 
mode %cpnl mlock +i
dialog -c confirmation confirmation } 
elseif (%confirm == 4) { 
cs set %cpnl verbose on
dialog -c confirmation confirmation }
elseif (%confirm == 5) { 
cs set %cpnl opguard on
dialog -c confirmation confirmation }
elseif (%confirm == 6) { 
cs set %cpnl private on
dialog -c confirmation confirmation }
elseif (%confirm == 7) { 
mode %cpnl +m
dialog -c confirmation confirmation }
elseif (%confirm == 8) { 
cs set %cpnl mlock +s
dialog -c confirmation confirmation }
elseif (%confirm == 9) { 
mode %cpnl mlock -n
dialog -c confirmation confirmation }
elseif (%confirm == 10) { 
ns set enforce on
dialog -c confirmation confirmation }
elseif (%confirm == 11) { 
ns set nomemo off
dialog -c confirmation confirmation }
elseif (%confirm == 12) { 
ns set show email on
dialog -c confirmation confirmation } }
elseif  ($did == 3) {
if (%confirm == 1) { 
cs set %cpnl url
dialog -c confirmation confirmation }
elseif (%confirm == 2) { 
cs set %cpnl mlock -miRc
dialog -c confirmation confirmation }
elseif (%confirm == 3) { 
mode %cpnl mlock -i
dialog -c confirmation confirmation } 
elseif (%confirm == 4) { 
cs set %cpnl verbose off
dialog -c confirmation confirmation }
elseif (%confirm == 5) { 
cs set %cpnl opguard off
dialog -c confirmation confirmation }
elseif (%confirm == 6) { 
cs set %cpnl private off
dialog -c confirmation confirmation }
elseif (%confirm == 7) { 
mode %cpnl -m
dialog -c confirmation confirmation }
elseif (%confirm == 8) { 
cs set %cpnl mlock -s
dialog -c confirmation confirmation }
elseif (%confirm == 9) { 
mode %cpnl mlock +n
dialog -c confirmation confirmation }
elseif (%confirm == 10) { 
ns set enforce off
dialog -c confirmation confirmation }
elseif (%confirm == 11) { 
ns set nomemo on
dialog -c confirmation confirmation }
elseif (%confirm == 12) { 
ns set show email off
dialog -c confirmation confirmation } } }
on *:dialog:priveledge:sclick:*: {
if ($did == 2) {
if (%Priveledge == 1) { cs set $chan topiclock founder } }
if ($did == 3) {
if (%Priveledge == 1) { cs set $chan topiclock sop } }
if ($did == 5) {
if (%Priveledge == 1) { cs set $chan topiclock off } } }
alias ns { msg nickserv $$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 }
alias ms { msg memoserv $$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 }
alias cs { msg chanserv $$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 }
alias confirm { dialog -m confirmation confirmation }
alias Priveledge { dialog -m Priveledge Priveledge }
alias cpanelx {
set %cpnl $chan
  if ($dialog(cpanelx)) {
    dialog -c cpanelx cpanelx
    dialog -mado cpanelx cpanelx
  else { dialog -mado cpanelx cpanelx }

alias {
  var %w = 200
  var %h = 260
  var %i 0
  var %j 0
  while (%i <= %w) {
    dialog -srb cpanelx -1 -1 %i %j
    var %t 1
    while (%t <= 80) inc %t
    inc %i
    inc %j $calc(%h / %w)
on 1:NOTICE:*:* {
if ($nick == MemoServ) {
if ($2 != %memo) {
if ($1 != Memo) {
if (msg !isin $1-) {
if (MemoServ !isin $1-) {
did -ra cPanelX 80 Memo From $(,$ $+ $0)
did -ra cPanelX 79 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15
did -ra cPanelX 84 $16 $17 $18 $19 $20 $21 $22 $23 $24 $25 $26 $27 $28 $29 $30
did -ra cPanelX 85 $31 $32 $33 $34 $35 $36 $37 $38 $39 $40 $41 $42 $43 $44 $45 
did -ra cPanelX 86 $46 $47 $48 $49 $50 $51 $52 $53 $53 $55 $56 $57 $58 $59 $60
did -ra cPanelX 87 $61 $62 $63 $64 $65 $66 $67 $68 $69 $70 $71 $72 $73 $74 $75
did -ra cPanelX 88 $76 $77 $78 $79 $80 $81 $82 $83 $84 $85 $86 $87 $88 $89 $90 
did -ra cPanelX 89 $91 $92 $93 $94 $95 $96 $97 $98 $99 $100 $101 $102 $103 $104 $105
} } } } } }


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PuNkTuReD   -  Mar 04, 2009


bybib   -  Mar 04, 2009

Doesn't do anything for me, I put it in my remotes and well, nothing no menu on right click nothing. XD
am i doing something wrong.

Jack_Sparrow   -  Apr 28, 2008

Sorry to Double Comment but I fixed it now

It was working perfectly for me
but incase you had any probs, I modified it a bit and I checked it out with friend and all of it works

But the (NickServ) Unknown command identelseify. was a type lol

Thanks for pointing it out anywyas mate ;)


Jack_Sparrow   -  Apr 28, 2008

Looking into it now, Whistler;

Thanks for the headsup but it worked for me and my friends on the server I am on so it might be your server but I am looking anyway

TheWhistler   -  Apr 28, 2008

just going to post errors
(NickServ) Unknown command identelseify.
lots of Unknown MODE flag\'s in Toggle Ban
no commands work in More Options
this snipplet do not work right
not with me on my server

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