NarutoBot (Incomplete)

By Logan on Apr 23, 2008

Well, it has been a long ass time since I've been on, but you might be pleased to know I have begun scripting once more and I will be creating either a Naruto, Bleach, or One Piece bot. Please look forward to it.

on *:Join:#:{                        
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {            
    notice $Nick 10,15[]12,15 Hi and Welcome to my Home channel. I am a Naruto-Bot that is not yet complete, but I will soon be done. I hope you enjoy your stay! :D 10,15||1,15 Type `Register to Begin. 10,15[]
on 500:Text:`NarutoRpg*:#:{
  if ($2 == On) {
    set %NarutoRpg On
    unset %ActivePlayers
    msg $Chan 10,15[]12,15 NarutoRpg Has been Activated! 10,15[]
    topic # 10,15[]12,15 Welcome to $Chan home of a Naruto-Bot that is currently being created by Solarcluster.(Now Working on: Training) 10,15||2,15 Bot is now Multi-Serv type `Servers for the servers! 10,15||1,15 Type `Register to begin.  10,15||12,15 Status: Online 10,15[]  
  if ($2 == Off) {
    set %NarutoRpg Off
    msg $Chan 10,15[]12,15 NarutoRpg Has been DeActivated! 10,15[]  
    topic # 10,15[]12,15 Welcome to $Chan home of a Naruto-Bot that is currently being created by Solarcluster.(Now Working on: Training) 10,15||2,15 Bot is now Multi-Serv type `Servers for the servers! 10,15||1,15 Type `Register to begin.  10,15||12,15 Status: Offline 10,15[]
    unset %ActivePlayers
on 1:Text:`Register*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) == Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 You are already registered! 10,15[] | halt }
    notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 So you want to register? Well first of all make a name. To make a name type `Name (Whatever you want) 10,15| 12,15Note: Your name will have your clan as a last name. 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Name*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 You already made a name! 10,15[] | halt }
    notice $Nick 10,15[]12,15 So your name is $2 ehhh.... Now onto the next step. Choose a village and for a list of Villages type `Villages. 10,15[]
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Name $2
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Register Name Yes
on 1:Text:`Villages:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 The Villages are: Leaf, Mist, Waterfall, Cloud, Sound, and Sand. To choose a village type `Village (Village you want) 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Village*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Village) == Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 You already chose a village! 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please make a name then go onto this step. 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($2 == Leaf) {
      notice $Nick 10,15[]12,15 So your a part of the Leaf village.... Nice. Now onto the next step. Choose a clan, To see a list type `Clans 10,15[]
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini Register Village Yes
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Village Leaf
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Area Hidden-Leaf-Village
    if ($2 == Mist) {
      notice $Nick 10,15[]12,15 So your a part of the Mist village.... Nice. Now onto the next step. Choose a clan, To see a list type `Clans 10,15[]
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini Register Village Yes
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Village Mist
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Area Hidden-Mist-Village
    if ($2 == Waterfall) {
      notice $Nick 10,15[]12,15 So your a part of the Waterfall village.... Nice. Now onto the next step. Choose a clan, To see a list type `Clans 10,15[]
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini Register Village Yes
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Village Waterfall
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Area Hidden-Waterfall-Village
    if ($2 == Cloud) {
      notice $Nick 10,15[]12,15 So your a part of the Cloud village.... Nice. Now onto the next step. Choose a clan, To see a list type `Clans 10,15[]
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini Register Village Yes
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Village Cloud
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Area Hidden-Cloud-Village
    if ($2 == Sound) {
      notice $Nick 10,15[]12,15 So your a part of the Sound village.... Nice. Now onto the next step. Choose a clan, To see a list type `Clans 10,15[]
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini Register Village Yes
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Village Sound
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Area Hidden-Sound-Village
    if ($2 == Sand) {
      notice $Nick 10,15[]12,15 So your a part of the Sand village.... Nice. Now onto the next step. Choose a clan, To see a list type `Clans 10,15[]
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini Register Village Yes
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Village Sand
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Area Hidden-Sand-Village
on 1:Text:`Clans*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 The clans are: Lee, Hyuga, Uchiha, Nara, Inuzuka, Haruno, Yaminaka, and Aburame. To choose a clan type `Clan (Clan you want) 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Clan*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Clan) == Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 You already chose a clan! 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Village) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please choose a village then go onto this step. 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($2 == Lee) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Clan Lee
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini Register Clan Yes
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Kekei-Genkai Gates
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Aura 3
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick BAura 1
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move1 Punch
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move2 Kick
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move3 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move4 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move5 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move6 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move7 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move8 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move9 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move10 None
      notice $Nick 10,15[]12,15 So your in the $2 clan. Welcome to the $2 clan, I hope you chose wisely. Now onto the final step. Make a password by pming Naruto-Bot `Password <Password you want> 10,15[]
    if ($2 == Hyuga) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Clan Hyuga
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini Register Clan Yes
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Kekei-Genkai Byakugan
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Aura 0
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick BAura 1
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move1 Punch
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move2 Kick
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move3 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move4 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move5 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move6 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move7 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move8 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move9 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move10 None
      notice $Nick 10,15[]12,15 So your in the $2 clan. Welcome to the $2 clan, I hope you chose wisely. Now onto the final step. Make a password by pming NarutoBot `Password <Password you want> 10,15[]
    if ($2 == Uchiha) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Clan Uchiha
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini Register Clan Yes
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Kekei-Genkai Sharingan
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Aura 4
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick BAura 1
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move1 Punch
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move2 Kick
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move3 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move4 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move5 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move6 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move7 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move8 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move9 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move10 None
      notice $Nick 10,15[]12,15 So your in the $2 clan. Welcome to the $2 clan, I hope you chose wisely. Now onto the final step. Make a password by pming NarutoBot `Password <Password you want> 10,15[]
    if ($2 == Nara) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Clan Nara
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini Register Clan Yes
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Aura 10
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick BAura 1
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move1 Punch
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move2 Kick
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move3 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move4 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move5 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move6 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move7 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move8 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move9 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move10 None      
      notice $Nick 10,15[]12,15 So your in the $2 clan. Welcome to the $2 clan, I hope you chose wisely. Now onto the final step. Make a password by pming NarutoBot `Password <Password you want> 10,15[]
    if ($2 == Inuzuka) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Clan Inuzuka
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini Register Clan Yes
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Aura 5
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick BAura 1
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move1 Punch
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move2 Kick
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move3 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move4 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move5 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move6 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move7 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move8 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move9 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move10 None
      notice $Nick 10,15[]12,15 So your in the $2 clan. Welcome to the $2 clan, I hope you chose wisely. Now onto the final step. Make a password by pming NarutoBot `Password <Password you want> 10,15[]
    if ($2 == Haruno) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Clan Haruno
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini Register Clan Yes
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Aura 13
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick BAura 1
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move1 Punch
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move2 Kick
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move3 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move4 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move5 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move6 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move7 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move8 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move9 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move10 None
      notice $Nick 10,15[]12,15 So your in the $2 clan. Welcome to the $2 clan, I hope you chose wisely. Now onto the final step. Make a password by pming NarutoBot `Password <Password you want> 10,15[]
    if ($2 == Yaminaka) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Clan Yaminaka
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini Register Clan Yes
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Aura 8
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick BAura 1
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move1 Punch
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move2 Kick
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move3 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move4 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move5 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move6 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move7 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move8 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move9 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move10 None   
      notice $Nick 10,15[]12,15 So your in the $2 clan. Welcome to the $2 clan, I hope you chose wisely. Now onto the final step. Make a password by pming NarutoBot `Password <Password you want> 10,15[]
    if ($2 == Aburame) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Clan Aburame
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini Register Clan Yes
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Aura 9
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick BAura 1
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move1 Punch
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move2 Kick
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move3 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move4 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move5 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move6 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move7 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move8 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move9 None
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move10 None
      notice $Nick 10,15[]12,15 So your in the $2 clan. Welcome to the $2 clan, I hope you chose wisely. Now onto the final step. Make a password by pming Naruto-Bot `Password <Password you want> 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Password*:?:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Password) == Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 You are already registered! 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Clan) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[] First choose a clan then go onto this step! 10,15[] | halt }
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Pass Password $2
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Register Complete Yes
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Pass Logged Yes
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Level 1
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Ninjutsu $rand(50,100)
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Taijutsu $rand(50,100)
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Genjutsu $rand(50,100)
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Intelligence $rand(50,100)
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Strength $rand(50,100)
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Defense $rand(50,100)
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Hp 200
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick MHp 200
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Place Village-Center
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move1-Used Yes
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move2-Used Yes 
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move3-Used No 
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move4-Used No
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move5-Used No 
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move6-Used No 
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move7-Used No
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move8-Used No
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move9-Used No
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Move10-Used No
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Health-Pills 3
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Strength-Pills 3
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Defense-Pills 3
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Tai-Pills 3
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Gen-Pills 3
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Nin-Pills 3
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Light-Ramen 3
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Average-Ramen 2
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Strong-Ramen 1
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick HeadGear None
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Fighting No
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Attacking No
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Mission None
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Rank Student
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Jutsus None
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Money 100
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Exp 0
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick NExp 100
    set %ActivePlayers %ActivePlayers $Nick
    notice $Nick 10,15[]1,15 Your password is now $2 Don't forget it. 10,15[]
    notice $Nick 10,15[]1,15 If you need any help type `Help in the channel. 10,15[]
    mode %chanset +v $Nick
    /Heal $Nick
on 1:Text:`Login*:*:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Your already logged in! 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Password) != $2) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Incorrect password. If you don't remember your pass ask the Owner of this bot.10,15(12,15Note: He will know if you are the real person or not.10,15) 10,15[] | halt }
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Pass Logged Yes
    notice $Nick 10,15[]12,15 You're now logged in. 10,15[]
    msg %chanset 10,15[]12,15 $Nick has logged in. 10,15[]
    mode %chanset +v $Nick
    set %ActivePlayers %ActivePlayers $Nick    
on 1:Text:`Logout*:*:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 You aren't logged in so you can't log out. 10,15[] | halt }
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Pass Logged No
    notice $Nick 10,15[]12,15 You're now logged out. 10,15[]
    msg $chan 10,15[]12,15 $Nick has logged out. 10,15[]
    set %ActivePlayers $remtok(%ActivePlayers,$Nick,1,32)
    mode %chanset -v $Nick    
on *:Nick:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == Yes) { Remove -b $Nick $+ .ini }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { halt }
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pass Logged No
    set %ActivePlayers $remtok(%ActivePlayers,$Nick,1,32)
on *:Part:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == Yes) { Remove -b $Nick $+ .ini }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { halt }
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pass Logged No  
    set %ActivePlayers $remtok(%ActivePlayers,$Nick,1,32)
on *:Quit:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == Yes) { Remove -b $Nick $+ .ini }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { halt }
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pass Logged No
    set %ActivePlayers $remtok(%ActivePlayers,$Nick,1,32)  
Alias Name {
  set %Aura $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Aura)
  set %BAura $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,BAura)
  return  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+  $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Name) $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Clan)  $+ 
on 1:Text:`Stats*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt }
    notice $nick 10,15[] 1,0([0,0 $Name($Nick) ])1,15 Health: $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Hp) / $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,MHp) 10,15|1,15 Ninjutsu: $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Ninjutsu) 10,15|1,15 Genjutsu: $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Genjutsu) 10,15|1,15 Taijutsu: $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Taijutsu) 10,15[]
    notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 [Stats Continued] Intelligence: $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Intelligence) 10,15|1,15 Level: $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Level) 10,15|1,15 Exp: $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Exp) / $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,NExp) 10,15[]
    notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 [Stats Continued Again...] Strength: $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Strength) 10,15|1,15 Defense: $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Defense) 10,15|1,15 Rank: $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Rank) 10,15|1,15 Clan: $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Clan) 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Places*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Traveling) == Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You are traveling! 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Area) == Hidden-Leaf-Village) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 The places you can goto in the 1Hidden-Leaf-Village12 are: 2Shop, Ramen Shop, Ninja School, and Gym. 12(More to come soon...) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Area) == Hidden-Sand-Village) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 The places you can goto in the 1Hidden-Sand-Village12 are: 2Shop, Ramen Shop, and Ninja School. 12(More to come soon...) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Area) == Hidden-Mist-Village) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 The places you can goto in the 1Hidden-Mist-Village12 are: 2Shop, Ramen Shop, and Ninja School. 12(More to come soon...) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Area) == Hidden-Waterfall-Village) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 The places you can goto in the 1Hidden-Waterfall-Village12 are: 2Shop, Ramen-Shop, and Ninja School. 12(More to come soon...) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Area) == Hidden-Sound-Village) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 The places you can goto in the 1Hidden-Sound-Village12 are: 2Shop, Ramen Shop, and Ninja School. 12(More to come soon...) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Area) == Hidden-Cloud-Village) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 The places you can goto in the 1Hidden-Cloud-Village12 are: 2Shop, Ramen Shop, and Ninja School. 12(More to come soon...) 10,15[] | halt }
on 1:Text:`Shop*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Traveling) == Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You are traveling! 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Place) == Shop) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 You already are at the Shop. 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Place) != Village-Center) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 You need to be at the Village-Center to go here! 10,15[] | halt }   
    if ($timer(Heal $+ $nick).secs != $null) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You Are Healing! 10,15[] | halt }
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Place Shop
    notice $Nick 10,15[]1,15 Currently in Stock: 2Health-Pill(500), Strength-Pill(10,000), Defense-Pill(10,000), Tai-Pill(5,000), Gen-Pill(5,000), and Nin-Pill(5,000) 5[`Shop-Help for help and information on the shop, and `Buy (Item) to buy something.] 10,15[]
    notice $Nick 10,15[]1,15 `Leave Shop to leave the Shop. 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Ramen Shop*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Traveling) == Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You are traveling! 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Place) == Ramen-Shop) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 You already are at the Ramen-Shop. 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Place) != Village-Center) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 You need to be at the Village-Center to go here! 10,15[] | halt }    
    if ($timer(Heal $+ $nick).secs != $null) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You Are Healing! 10,15[] | halt }
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Place Ramen-Shop
    notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 Ramen in Stock: Light-Ramen(5000), Average-Ramen(7500), and Strong-Ramen(10000). [`RamenShop-Help for help and information on the Ramen-Shop, and `RamenBuy (Item) to buy something. 10,15[]
    notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 `Leave Ramen-Shop to leave the Shop. 10,15[]  
on 1:Text:`Ninja School*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Traveling) == Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You are traveling! 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Rank) == Genin) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 You've already graduated Ninja School. | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Place) == Ninja-School) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 You already are at the Ninja School. 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Place) != Village-Center) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 You need to be at the Village-Center to go here! 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($timer(Heal $+ $nick).secs != $null) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You Are Healing! 10,15[] | halt }
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Place Ninja-School
    notice $nick 10,15[]3,15 Iruka Sensei:14,15 "So you want to be a Genin Ehhh... Well first of all you need 1000 Taijutsu, Genjutsu, and Ninjutsu. Type (`Accept Path-To-Genin) if you have 1000 Taijutsu, Genjutsu, and Ninjutsu (You will become Genin). 10,15[]
    notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 `Leave School to leave the School. 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Leave Shop*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Place) != Shop) { notice $Nick 10,15[]12,15 You aren't at the Shop! 10,15[] | halt }
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Place Village-Center
    msg $chan 10,15[]0,0 $Name($Nick) 1,15has now left the Shop. 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Leave Ramen-Shop*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Place) != Ramen-Shop) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 You aren't at the Ramen-Shop 10,15[] | halt }
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Place Village-Center
    msg $chan 10,15[]0,0 $Name($Nick) 1,15has now left the Ramen-Shop. 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Leave School*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Place) != Ninja-School) { notice $Nick 10,15[]12,15 You aren't at the Ninja-School! 10,15[] | halt }
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Place Village-Center
    msg $chan 10,15[]0,0 $Name($Nick) 1,15has now left the Ninja-School. 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Buy*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Place) == Shop) {
      if ($3 == $Null) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 Dumbass... 10,15[] | halt }
      if ($2 == Health-Pill) {
        set %Price $Calc($3 * 5000)
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) <= %Price) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You can't afford that many! 10,15[] | halt }
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) >= %Price) {
          writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Health-Pills $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Health-Pills) + $3)
          writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Money $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) - %Price)
          notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have bought $3 Health Pills! 10,15[]
      if ($2 == Strength-Pill) {
        set %Price $Calc($3 * 25000)
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) <= %Price) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You can't afford that many! 10,15[] | halt }
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) >= %Price) {
          writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Strength-Pills $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Strength-Pills) + $3)
          writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Money $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) - %Price)
          notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have bought $3 Strength Pills! 10,15[]
      if ($2 == Defense-Pill) {
        set %Price $Calc($3 * 25000)
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) <= %Price) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You can't afford that many! 10,15[] | halt }
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) >= %Price) {
          writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Defense-Pills $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Defense-Pills) + $3)
          writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Money $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) - %Price)
          notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have bought $3 Defense Pills! 10,15[]
      if ($2 == Tai-Pill) {
        set %Price $Calc($3 * 10000)
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) <= %Price) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You can't afford that many! 10,15[] | halt }
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) >= %Price) {
          writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Tai-Pills $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Tai-Pills) + $3)
          writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Money $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) - %Price)
          notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have bought $3 Taijutsu Pills! 10,15[]
      if ($2 == Gen-Pill) {
        set %Price $Calc($3 * 10000)
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) <= %Price) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You can't afford that many! 10,15[] | halt }
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) >= %Price) {
          writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Gen-Pills $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Gen-Pills) + $3)
          writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Money $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) - %Price)
          notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have bought $3 Genjutsu Pills! 10,15[]
      if ($2 == Nin-Pill) {
        set %Price $Calc($3 * 10000)
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) <= %Price) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You can't afford that many! 10,15[] | halt }
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) >= %Price) {
          writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Nin-Pills $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Nin-Pills) + $3)
          writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Money $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) - %Price)
          notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have bought $3 Ninjutsu Pills! 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Sell*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Place) == Shop) {
      if ($3 == $Null) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 Dumbass... 10,15[] | halt }
      if ($2 == Health-Pill) {
        set %Price $Calc($3 * 2500)
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Health-Pills) <= $3) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You do not have that many Health Pills! | halt }
        notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have sold $3 Health Pills! 10,15[]
        writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Money $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) + %Price)
      if ($2 == Strength-Pill) {
        set %Price $Calc($3 * 12500)
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Strength-Pills) <= $3) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You do not have that many Strength Pills! | halt }
        notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have sold $3 Strength Pills! 10,15[]
        writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Money $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) + %Price)
      if ($2 == Defense-Pill) {
        set %Price $Calc($3 * 12500)
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Defense-Pills) <= $3) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You do not have that many Defense Pills! | halt }
        notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have sold $3 Defense Pills! 10,15[]
        writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Money $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) + %Price)
      if ($2 == Tai-Pill) {
        set %Price $Calc($3 * 5000)
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Tai-Pills) <= $3) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You do not have that many Taijutsu Pills! | halt }
        notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have sold $3 Taijutsu Pills! 10,15[]
        writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Money $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) + %Price)
      if ($2 == Gen-Pill) {
        set %Price $Calc($3 * 5000)
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Gen-Pills) <= $3) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You do not have that many Genjutsu Pills! | halt }
        notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have sold $3 Genjutsu Pills! 10,15[]
        writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Money $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) + %Price)
      if ($2 == Nin-Pill) {
        set %Price $Calc($3 * 5000)
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Nin-Pills) <= $3) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You do not have that many Ninjutsu Pills! | halt }
        notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have sold $3 Ninjutsu Pills! 10,15[]
        writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Money $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) + %Price)
on 1:Text:`RamenBuy*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Place) == Ramen-Shop) {
      if ($3 == $Null) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 Dumbass... 10,15[] | halt }
      if ($2 == Light-Ramen) {
        set %Price $Calc($3 * 5000)
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) <= %Price) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You can't afford that many! 10,15[] | halt }
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) >= %Price) {
          writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Light-Ramen $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Light-Ramen) + $3)
          writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Money $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) - %Price)
          notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have bought $3 bowls of Light Ramen! 10,15[]
      if ($2 == Average-Ramen) {
        set %Price $Calc($3 * 7500)
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) <= %Price) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You can't afford that many! 10,15[] | halt }
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) >= %Price) {
          writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Average-Ramen $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Average-Ramen) + $3)
          writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Money $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) - %Price)
          notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have bought $3 bowls of Average Ramen! 10,15[]
      if ($2 == Strong-Ramen) {
        set %Price $Calc($3 * 10000)
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) <= %Price) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You can't afford that many! 10,15[] | halt }
        if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) >= %Price) {
          writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Strong-Ramen $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Strong-Ramen) + $3)
          writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Money $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) - %Price)
          notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have bought $3 bowls of Strong Ramen! 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Eat*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Traveling) == Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You are traveling! 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($2 == Light-Ramen) {
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Light-Ramen) <= 1) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You don't have any bowls of Light Ramen! 10,15[] | halt }
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick MHp $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,MHp) + 15)
      notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have increased your Max Health by 15! 10,15[]
    if ($2 == Average-Ramen) {
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Average-Ramen) <= 1) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You don't have any bowls of Average Ramen! 10,15[] | halt }
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick MHp $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,MHp) + 25)
      notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have increased your Max Health by 25! 10,15[]
    if ($2 == Strong-Ramen) {
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Strong-Ramen) <= 1) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You don't have any bowls of Strong Ramen! 10,15[] | halt }
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick MHp $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,MHp) + 50)
      notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have increased your Max Health by 50! 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Use*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Traveling) == Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You are traveling! 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($2 == Health-Pill) {
      Set %Use $Calc($3 * 250)
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Health-Pills) <= 1) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You don't have any Health Pills! 10,15[] | halt }
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Health-Pills $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Health-Pills) - $3)
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick MHp $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,MHp) + %Use)
      notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have increased your Max Health by %Use 10,15[]
    if ($2 == Strength-Pill) {
      Set %Use $Calc($3 * 1000)
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Strength-Pills) <= 1) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You don't have any Strength Pills! 10,15[] | halt }
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Strength-Pills $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Strength-Pills) - $3)
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Strength $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Strength) + %Use)
      notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have increased your Strength by %Use 10,15[]
    if ($2 == Defense-Pill) {
      Set %Use $Calc($3 * 1000)
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Defense-Pills) <= 1) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You don't have any Defense Pills! 10,15[] | halt }
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Defense-Pills $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Defense-Pills) - $3)
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Defense $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Defense) + %Use)
      notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have increased your Defense by %Use 10,15[]
    if ($2 == Tai-Pill) {
      Set %Use $Calc($3 * 500)
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Tai-Pills) <= 1) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You don't have any Taijutsu Pills! 10,15[] | halt }
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Tai-Pills $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Tai-Pills) - $3)
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Taijutsu $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Taijutsu) + %Use)
      notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have increased your Taijutsu by %Use 10,15[]
    if ($2 == Gen-Pill) {
      Set %Use $Calc($3 * 500)
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Gen-Pills) <= 1) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You don't have any Genjutsu Pills! 10,15[] | halt }
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Gen-Pills $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Gen-Pills) - $3)
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Genjutsu $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Genjutsu) + %Use)
      notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have increased your Genjutsu by %Use 10,15[]
    if ($2 == Nin-Pill) {
      Set %Use $Calc($3 * 500)
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Nin-Pills) <= 1) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You don't have any Ninjutsu Pills! 10,15[] | halt }
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Nin-Pills $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Nin-Pills) - $3)
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Ninjutsu $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Ninjutsu) + %Use)
      notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have increased your Ninjutsu by %Use 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Money*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 Money: $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) 10,15[]
on 250:Text:!Lag*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    msg $Chan 10,15[]4 ***ATTENTION*** 3Fixing Lag In #NarutoUniverse All Commands Will Be Ignored! 4***ATTENTION*** 10,15[]
    Ignore *!*@* 
    .timer 1 60 Unignore *!*@* 
    .timer 1 60 msg $Chan 10,15[]4 ***ATTENTION*** 3Lag Fixed... You May Resume All Commands. 4***ATTENTION*** 10,15[]
on 500:Text:!AddMoney*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 That person isn't registered! 10,15[] | halt }
    msg $Chan 10,15[]4 ***ATTENTION***3 $Nick has given $2 $3 Money! 4***ATTENTION*** 10,15[]
    writeini $2 $+ .ini $2 Money $calc($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Money) + $3)
on 500:Text:!RemMoney*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 That person isn't registered! 10,15[] | halt }
    msg $Chan 10,15[]4 ***ATTENTION***3 $Nick has taken $3 Money from $2!4***ATTENTION*** 10,15[]
    writeini $2 $+ .ini $2 Money $calc($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Money) - $3)
Alias Heal {
  notice $1 10,15[] 2,13Lady Tsunade:1,15 "Okay, You have been fully healed $1 You are free to go." 10,15[]
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Hp $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,MHp)
on 1:Text:`Items*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) { 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    notice $Nick 10,15[]7,15 Items 10,15-||-2,15 HealthPills: $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Health-Pills) 10,15-2,15 StrengthPills: $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Strength-Pills) 10,15-2,15 DefensePills: $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Defense-Pills) 10,15[]
    notice $Nick 10,15[]7,15 Items 10,15-||-2,15 TaiPills: $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Tai-Pills) 10,15-2,15 GenPills: $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Gen-Pills) 10,15-2,15 NinPills: $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Nin-Pills) 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Heal*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Traveling) == Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You are traveling! 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Fighting) == Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You are fighting! 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($timer(Heal $+ $nick).secs != $null) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You Are Healing! 10,15[] | halt }
    notice $Nick 10,15[] 2,13Lady Tsunade:1,15 "You will be healed in 30 seconds." 10,15[]
    .timerheal 1 30 /Heal $Nick
on 1:Text:`Place*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) { 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    notice $nick 10,15[]5,15 You are currently at:2,15 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Place) 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Area*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) { 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    notice $nick 10,15[]5,15 The village you are at is:2,15 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Area) 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Origin*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) { 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    notice $nick 10,15[]5,15 You originated from the2,15 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Village) Village. 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Ttl*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) { 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Traveling) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[] You aren't traveling! 10,15[] | halt }
    notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 Travel Time Left: $duration($timer(Travel $+ $nick).secs)) 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Travel*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) { 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Traveling) == Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You are already traveling! 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Fighting) == Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You are fighting! 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($timer(Heal $+ $nick).secs != $null) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You Are Healing! 10,15[] | halt }    
    if ($2 == Hidden-Leaf-Village) {
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Area) == Hidden-Leaf-Village) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You are already at the Hidden-Leaf-Village! 10,15[] | halt }
      msg $chan 10,15[]0,0 $Name($Nick) 12,15begins to travel to the 3Hidden-Leaf-Village 10,15[]
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Traveling-To Hidden-Leaf-Village
      /Travel $Nick
    if ($2 == Hidden-Sand-Village) {
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Area) == Hidden-Sand-Village) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You are already at the Hidden-Sand-Village! 10,15[] | halt }
      msg $chan 10,15[]0,0 $Name($Nick) 12,15begins to travel to the 8Hidden-Sand-Village 10,15[]
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Traveling-To Hidden-Sand-Village
      /Travel $Nick
    if ($2 == Hidden-Sound-Village) {
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Area) == Hidden-Sound-Village) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You are already at the Hidden-Sound-Village! 10,15[] | halt }
      msg $chan 10,15[]0,0 $Name($Nick) 12,15begins to travel to the 14Hidden-Sound-Village 10,15[]
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Traveling-To Hidden-Sound-Village
      /Travel $Nick
    if ($2 == Hidden-Cloud-Village) {
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Area) == Hidden-Cloud-Village) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You are already at the Hidden-Cloud-Village! 10,15[] | halt }
      msg $chan 10,15[]0,0 $Name($Nick) 12,15begins to travel to the 0Hidden-Cloud-Village 10,15[]
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Traveling-To Hidden-Cloud-Village
      /Travel $Nick
    if ($2 == Hidden-Waterfall-Village) {
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Area) == Hidden-Waterfall-Village) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You are already at the Hidden-Waterfall-Village! 10,15[] | halt }
      msg $chan 10,15[]0,0 $Name($Nick) 12,15begins to travel to the 12Hidden-Waterfall-Village 10,15[]
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Traveling-To Hidden-Waterfall-Village
      /Travel $Nick
    if ($2 == Hidden-Mist-Village) {
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Area) == Hidden-Mist-Village) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You are already at the Hidden-Mist-Village! 10,15[] | halt }
      msg $chan 10,15[]0,0 $Name($Nick) 12,15begins to travel to the 10Hidden-Mist-Village 10,15[]
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Traveling-To Hidden-Mist-Village
      /Travel $Nick
Alias Travel {
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Place Traveling
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Traveling Yes
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Area Traveling
  /TimerTravel $+ $1 1 $Rand(35,50) /Arrive $1
Alias Arrive {
  msg %chanset 10,15[]0,0 $Name($1) 12,15has Arrived at the5,15 $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Traveling-To) 10,15[]
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Place Village-Center
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Traveling No
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Area $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Traveling-To)
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Traveling-To Nowhere
on 1:Text:`Active Players*:#:{ 
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    msg $chan 10,15[]2 Active Players:5 %ActivePlayers 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Accept Path-To-Genin*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Place) != Ninja-School) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You aren't at the Ninja-School! 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Rank) == Genin) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You are already a Genin! 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($timer(Heal $+ $nick).secs != $null) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You Are Healing! 10,15[] | halt }
    /Genin $Nick
Alias Genin {
  notice $nick 10,15[]3,15 Iruka Sensei:14,15 Congratulations, You have passed and you are now a genin! (Hands you ninja headband) 10,15[]
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Taijutsu $Calc($readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Taijutsu) + 500)
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Genjutsu $Calc($readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Genjutsu) + 500)
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Ninjutsu $Calc($readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Ninjutsu) + 500)
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Strength $Calc($readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Strength) + 500)
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Defense $Calc($readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Defense) + 500)
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Intelligence $Calc($readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Intelligence) + 500)
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Rank Genin
  Var %Equipment $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Equipment)
  Var %Equipment %Equipment Ninja-Headband
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Equipment %Equipment
on 1:Text:`Equipment*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    notice $nick 10,15[]2,15 Equipment:5,15 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Equipment) 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Wear Ninja-HeadBand*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,HeadGear) != None) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 Please remove your current HeadGear before you equip this. 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,HeadGear) == Ninja-HeadBand) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You already have that equipped! 10,15[] | halt }
    Var %Equipment $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Equipment)
    if ($istok(%Equipment,Ninja-HeadBand,32) == $true) {
      notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You have equipped your Ninja HeadBand! 10,15[]
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick HeadGear Ninja-HeadBand
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Taijutsu $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Taijutsu) + 1000)
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Genjutsu $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Genjutsu) + 1000)
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Ninjutsu $Calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Ninjutsu) + 1000)
Alias Sharingan {
  msg %chanset 10,15[]0,0 $Name($1) 1,15Has actived their 4,15Sharingan1,15 and gains 200 Genjutsu and Ninjutsu! 10,15[]
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Genjutsu $Calc($readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Genjutsu) + 200)
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Ninjutsu $Calc($readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Ninjutsu) + 200)
  /TimerSharingan $+ $1 1 300 /SharinganTimesUp $1
on 1:Text:`Activate Sharingan*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($timer(Heal $+ $nick).secs != $null) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You Are Healing! 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Kekei-Genkai) != Sharingan) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You don't have the Sharingan as a Kekei-Genkai! 10,15[] | halt }
    /Sharingan $Nick
Alias SharinganTimesUp {
  msg %chanset 10,15[]0,0 $Name($1) 1,15Loses control of their 4,15Sharingan1,15 and it slowly fades away. 10,15[]
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Genjutsu $Calc($readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Genjutsu) - 200)
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Ninjutsu $Calc($readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Ninjutsu) - 200)
Alias Byakugan {
  msg %chanset 10,15[]0,0 $Name($1) 1,15Has actived their 0,15Byakugan1,15 and gains 200 Taijutsu and Intelligence! 10,15[]
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Taijutsu $Calc($readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Taijutsu) + 200)
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Intelligence $Calc($readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Intelligence) + 200)
  /TimerByakugan $+ $1 1 300 /ByakuganTimesUp $1
on 1:Text:`Activate Byakugan*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($timer(Heal $+ $nick).secs != $null) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You Are Healing! 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Kekei-Genkai) != Byakugan) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You don't have the 0,15Byakugan1,15 as a Kekei-Genkai! 10,15[] | halt }
    /Byakugan $Nick
Alias ByakuganTimesUp {
  msg %chanset 10,15[]0,0 $Name($1) 1,15Loses control of their 0,15Byakugan1,15 and their eyes turn blank white. 10,15[]
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Taijutsu $Calc($readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Taijutsu) - 200)
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Intelligence $Calc($readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Intelligence) - 200)
on 1:Text:`Forest*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Area) != Hidden-Leaf-Village) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You must be at the 3,15Hidden-Leaf-Village1,15 before you enter the Forest! 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Place) != Village-Center) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You need to be at the center of the Village(Village-Center)! 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Place) == Forest) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You are already in the Forest! 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Traveling) == Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You are traveling! 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($timer(Heal $+ $nick).secs != $null) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You Are Healing! 10,15[] | halt }
    Set %Motto $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Motto)
    msg $chan 10,15[]0,0 $Name($Nick) 1,15Silently enters the 3Forest1... The leaves thrashing with the wind all around him/her. As he/she enters they say, 4"1 %Motto 4"
    Set %EnteredForest %EnteredForest $Nick
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Place Forest
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Fighting Yes
on 1:Text:`Leave Forest*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Place) != Forest) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 You aren't in the 3Forest!10,15[] | halt }
    msg $chan 10,15[]0,0 $Name($Nick) 1,15Searches for his/her way out of the 3Forest1,15 for 30 seconds 10,15[]
    .TimerLeave $+ $Nick 1 30 /ForestLeave $Nick
Alias ForestLeave {
  msg %chanset 10,15[]0,0 $Name($1) 1,15Has found their way out of the 3Forest1 and is now back at the Center of the Village(Village-Center) 10,15[]
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Place Village-Center
  writeini $1 $+ .ini $1 Fighting No
  Set %EnteredForest $remtok(%EnteredForest,$1,1,32)
on 1:Text:`Entered Forest*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    msg $chan 10,15[]2,15Entered In 3Forest:5 %EnteredForest 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Motto*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    set %Motto $2-
    notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 Your motto is now, " %Motto " 10,15[]
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Motto %Motto
on 500:Text:!Pwipe*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 That person does not exist! 10,15[] | halt }
    msg $chan 10,15[]4 ***ATTENTION***3 $Nick has deleted $2 from the game!4 ***ATTENTION*** 10,15[]
    set %ActivePlayers $remtok(%ActivePlayers,$2,1,32)
    remove -b $2 $+ .ini
on 1:Text:`Attacks*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    notice $nick 10,15[]2 Attack #1:5 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Move1) 10||2 Attack #2:5 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Move2) 10||2 Attack #3:5 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Move3) 10||2 Attack #4:5 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Move4) 10||2 Attack #5:5 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Move5) 10,15[]
    notice $nick 10,15[]2 Attack #6:5 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Move6) 10||2 Attack #7:5 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Move7) 10||2 Attack #8:5 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Move8) 10||2 Attack #9:5 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Move9) 10||2 Attack #10:5 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Move10) 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Taijutsu*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    notice $nick 10,15[]2 Taijutsu:5 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Taijutsu) 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Genjutsu*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    notice $nick 10,15[]2 Genjutsu:5 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Genjutsu) 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Ninjutsu*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    notice $nick 10,15[]2 Ninjutsu:5 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Ninjutsu) 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Strength*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    notice $nick 10,15[]2 Strength:5 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Strength) 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Defense*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    notice $nick 10,15[]2 Defense:5 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Defense) 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Level*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    notice $nick 10,15[]2 Level:5 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Level) 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Health*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    notice $nick 10,15[]2 Health:5 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Hp) / $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,MHp) 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Intelligence*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    notice $nick 10,15[]2 Intelligence:5 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Intelligence) 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Exp*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    notice $nick 10,15[]2 Experience:5 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Exp) / $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,NExp) 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Read*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please `Register (In the channel) 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) == No) { notice $nick 10,15[]12,15 Please log in. 10,15[] | halt } 
    if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 That person isn't registered! 10,15[] | halt }
    msg $chan 10,15[] 1,0([0,0 $Name($2) ])1,15 Health: $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Hp) / $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,MHp) 10,15|1,15 Ninjutsu: $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Ninjutsu) 10,15|1,15 Genjutsu: $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Genjutsu) 10,15|1,15 Taijutsu: $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Taijutsu) 10,15[]
    msg $chan 10,15[]1,15 [Stats Continued] Intelligence: $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Intelligence) 10,15|1,15 Level: $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Level) 10,15|1,15 Exp: $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Exp) / $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,NExp) 10,15[]
    msg $chan 10,15[]1,15 [Stats Continued Again...] Strength: $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Strength) 10,15|1,15 Defense: $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Defense) 10,15|1,15 Rank: $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Rank) 10,15|1,15 Clan: $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Clan) 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Help*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($2 == Travel) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 To Travel to different places just type `Travel Hidden-(Village Here)-Village 10,15||1,15 Example: `Travel Hidden-Cloud-Village 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($2 == Shops) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 To see what Shops are currently in your area type `Places 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($2 == Motto) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 To make a Motto just simply type `Motto (Motto you want) in the channel. 10,15||1,15 Example: `Motto Hello 10,15[] | halt }
    if ($2 == Register) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 To Register just type `Register in the channel. 10,15[] | halt }
    notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 Help Subjects: Register, Travel, Shops, and Motto. (More Coming Soon...) 10,15[]  
on 250:Text:!Heal*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,Register,Complete) ! = Yes) { notice $nick 10,15[]1,15 That person isn't registered! 10,15[] | halt }
    msg $chan 10,15[]1,15 $2 Has been fully Healed by " $Nick " 10,15[]
    /Heal $2
on 1:Text:`Servers*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    notice $nick 10,15[]2,15 Servers: 5(Servers) 10,15[]
on 1:Text:`Amsg*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    scon -asl Amsg 4<12 $+ $Nick $+ 4>14 $2-
on 1:Text:`Ame*:#:{
  if (%NarutoRpg == On) {
    scon -asl Amsg 4*12 $Nick 10 $+ $2-


Sign in to comment.
Mirccoder   -  May 23, 2009

well Roxas good luck on that when it comes out hit me up i play it while i am at it i might even make my own Naruto Bot and i like to point things out.

Logan you use to much of Romeos Stuff And You shouldn't of posted his snippets if he wanted them here he would of done it him self. Logan Try To make a naruto bot just from scratch meaning no other sources near you to help not one at all not even battle bot script or darkkeepers.

Roxas   -  Apr 30, 2009

Well, I'm starting on a Narutobot, and I got a basic wall... but yeah, mine is from scratch... Logan just ripped from the original pokebot, which was Romeos... so you really have to think that this is fail.

Mirccoder   -  Mar 23, 2009

Ok i went therw this code 10 times and i can name off 5 codes this has rips from dude if yo need help makeing a non rip naruto bot hit me up dude and i be welcome dude and um my grandmother she found the same 10 xD so theres some rips in it no offense

Logan   -  Dec 27, 2008

Ok, its been like forever since I've been on here, but just to let you know I am completely remaking the Naruto Bot into a better version. I have picked up MANY ideas and such.

Mirccoder   -  Oct 05, 2008

this is ok but darkkeepers is better i belive all really darkeepers needs is a update

pokemaster23   -  Sep 01, 2008
 on 1:TEXT:*:#:{

if (%narutorpg == on) {
if (text isin $1-) /action/

saves so much room

 on 1:TEXT:*:#:{

if (%narutorpg == on) && (text isin $1-) /action/ || -next i statement -

and so on.

Logan   -  Aug 21, 2008

Wtf. I never ripped. I created this from scratch.

Ace99   -  Aug 02, 2008

Lmfao if anything everyones copying Romeo\'s Starter Battle Bot. Nobodys copying Darkkeeper

Darkkeeper   -  Jul 29, 2008

my DCC Bleach Based RPG will be exclusive mostlikely, have desided yet, but i really dont care if they rip my scripts

EL   -  Jul 29, 2008

rofl dont post it DK just get ripped i d keep it exclusive to your network man;p

Darkkeeper   -  Jul 29, 2008

:/ slaps Luc everyone knows people have been ripping on my NinjaRpg ever sicne i posted the damn thing. Anyways, idc, im working on the official V2 now.

Eugenio   -  Jul 29, 2008


EL   -  Jul 29, 2008

rofl fail LuC

Eugenio   -  Jul 29, 2008

bit late LucSatise

LucSatise   -  Jul 29, 2008

um this is ripped soz to break it to u -.-

check DarkKeepers NinjaRPG

Logan   -  Jul 28, 2008

Ok at the end theres a \"`Servers\" command so just put in the server in the ()\'s and ur set.

Logan   -  Jul 28, 2008

Ok, I\'ve been really busy lately. I\'ve been packing up because I\'m going to cross the country :(. Sorry I havn\'t been doing anything on the bot, but I\'m going to continue on it soon. Hope you look forward to it :D.

Logan   -  May 08, 2008

I know...

pokemaster23   -  May 07, 2008

So am I....

Logan   -  May 07, 2008

Lol... I know. You\'re one of the beta testers for the one I got on.

JOBNED1   -  May 07, 2008

Looks good still needs some fine tuning but you know that already. ^^

Logan   -  May 06, 2008

Updated again!!! :)

Logan   -  May 06, 2008


^Neptune   -  May 06, 2008

lol @ the ink cartridge thing

napa182   -  May 06, 2008


Sweet16   -  May 06, 2008

I love watching Naruto. Indeed it was my favorite pastime during the day... I have happen to enter this site and it was really a pleasure to me. Thank you for it was updated this time.


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EL   -  May 05, 2008

haha suck ass scriptor :P

Logan   -  May 05, 2008


Logan   -  May 05, 2008

Napa... I made some of this a long time ago. I had to fix all the bugs I had because I was a suck ass scripter back then. Now I\'m better so I fixed all the bugs.

napa182   -  May 05, 2008

Updation: Many bugs fixed!!!
Updation: More bugs fixed!!!

um why are there so many bugs in ur script that you have to fix if you are making this as you say from scratch???

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