Services - Dialog edition

By Vlada_bgd on Apr 23, 2008

My first addon, comment please :)
Edited menu...

            Services Addon                  
          Coded by Vlada_bgd                
    Located at #balkan on         
alias chsrv { dialog -m chsrv chsrv }
dialog chsrv {
  title "Chanserv Services by Vlada_bgd"
  size -1 -1 207 142
  option dbu
  text "Chanserv Addon by Vlada_bgd", 6, 60 133 89 8, center
  button "Register", 1, 8 10 30 10, flat
  button "Identify", 2, 42 10 30 10, flat
  button "Drop", 3, 76 10 30 10, flat
  button "AOP", 4, 42 23 30 10, flat
  button "SOP", 5, 8 35 30 10, flat
  button "VOP", 7, 76 23 30 10, flat
  button "Access", 8, 42 35 30 10, flat
  button "Levels", 9, 76 71 30 10, flat
  button "Akick", 10, 76 35 30 10, flat
  button "Sendpass", 11, 76 47 30 10, flat
  button "Getkey", 12, 42 47 30 10, flat
  button "Logout", 13, 8 47 30 10, flat
  button "Info", 14, 76 59 30 10, flat
  button "Invite", 15, 42 59 30 10, flat
  button "Topic", 16, 8 59 30 10, flat
  button "Kick", 17, 42 71 30 10, flat
  button "HOP", 18, 8 23 30 10, flat
  button "Ban", 19, 8 71 30 10, flat
  button "Unban", 20, 76 83 30 10, flat
  button "Clear", 21, 42 83 30 10, flat
  button "Op", 22, 8 83 30 10, flat
  button "Deop", 23, 76 94 30 10, flat
  button "Voice", 24, 42 94 30 10, flat
  button "Devoice", 25, 8 94 30 10, flat
  button "Halfop", 26, 76 106 30 10, flat
  button "Dehalfop", 27, 42 106 30 10, flat
  button "Owner", 28, 8 106 30 10, flat
  button "Deowner", 29, 42 118 30 10, flat
  button "Protect", 30, 8 118 30 10, flat
  button "Deprotect", 31, 76 118 30 10, flat
  button "Founder", 33, 115 10 38 10, flat
  button "Pass", 34, 115 22 38 10, flat
  button "URL", 35, 115 34 38 10, flat
  button "Entrymsg", 36, 115 46 38 10, flat
  button "Mlock", 37, 115 58 38 10, flat
  button "Opnotice", 38, 115 70 38 10, flat
  button "Peace", 39, 115 82 38 10, flat
  button "Restricted", 40, 115 94 38 10, flat
  button "Secureops", 41, 115 106 38 10, flat
  button "Signkick", 42, 115 118 38 10, flat
  button "Sucessor", 43, 159 10 38 10, flat
  button "Desc.", 44, 159 22 38 10, flat
  button "E-mail", 45, 159 34 38 10, flat
  button "Bantype", 46, 159 46 38 10, flat
  button "Keeptopic", 47, 159 58 38 10, flat
  button "Topiclock", 48, 159 70 38 10, flat
  button "Private", 49, 159 82 38 10, flat
  button "Secure", 50, 159 94 38 10, flat
  button "Securefounder", 51, 159 106 38 10, flat
  button "Xop", 52, 159 118 38 10, flat
  box "Set commands", 32, 112 3 90 130
on *:DIALOG:chsrv:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 1) { msg chanserv register $$?="Channel" $$?="Pass" $$?="Description" }
  if ($did == 2) { msg chanserv identify $$?="Channel" $$?="Pass" }
  if ($did == 3) { msg chanserv drop $$?="Channel" }
  if ($did == 4) { dialog -m aop aop }
  if ($did == 5) { dialog -m sop sop }
  if ($did == 7) { dialog -m vop vop }
  if ($did == 8) { dialog -m acc acc }
  if ($did == 9) { dialog -m lvl lvl }
  if ($did == 10) { dialog -m akk akk }
  if ($did == 11) { msg chanserv sendpass $$?="Channel" }
  if ($did == 12) { msg chanserv getkey $$?="Channel" }
  if ($did == 13) { msg chanserv logout $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 14) { msg chanserv info $$?="Channel" }
  if ($did == 15) { msg chanserv invite $$?="Channel" }
  if ($did == 16) { msg chanserv topic $$?="Channel" $$?="Topic" }
  if ($did == 17) { msg chanserv kick $$?="Channel" $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 18) { dialog -m hop hop }
  if ($did == 19) { msg chanserv ban $$?="Channel" $$?="Nick" $$?="Reason" }
  if ($did == 20) { msg chanserv unban $$?="Channel" }
  if ($did == 21) { dialog -m clr clr }
  if ($did == 22) { msg chanserv op $$?="Channel" $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 23) { msg chanserv deop $$?="Channel" $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 24) { msg chanserv voice $$?="Channel" $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 25) { msg chanserv devoice $$?="Channel" $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 26) { msg chanserv halfop $$?="Channel" $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 27) { msg chanserv dehalfop $$?="Channel" $$?="Nick"" }
  if ($did == 28) { msg chanserv owner $$?="Channel" }
  if ($did == 29) { msg chanserv deowner $$?="Channel" }
  if ($did == 30) { msg chanserv protect $$?="Channel" $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 31) { msg chanserv deprotect $$?="Channel" $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 33) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel" founder $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 34) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel" password $$?="Pass" }
  if ($did == 35) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel" url $$?="Web Link" } 
  if ($did == 36) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel" entrymsg $$?="Greet msg" }
  if ($did == 37) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel" mlock $$?="+/- modes (+nt-iklps)" }
  if ($did == 38) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel" opnotice $$?="on or off" }
  if ($did == 39) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel" peace $$?="on or off" }
  if ($did == 40) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel" restricted $$?="on or off" }
  if ($did == 41) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel" secureops $$?="on or off" }
  if ($did == 42) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel" signkick $$?="on or off" }
  if ($did == 43) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel" successor $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 44) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel" desc $$?="Description of channel" }
  if ($did == 45) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel" email $$?="E-mail adress" }
  if ($did == 46) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel" bantype $$?="0,1,2 or 3" }
  if ($did == 47) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel" keeptopic $$?="on or off" }
  if ($did == 48) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel" topiclock $$?="on or off" }
  if ($did == 49) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel" private $$?="on or off" }
  if ($did == 50) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel" secure $$?="on or off" }
  if ($did == 51) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel" securefounder $$?="on or off" }
  if ($did == 52) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel" xop $$?="on or off" }
dialog aop {
  title "Chanserv AOP"
  size -1 -1 137 25
  option dbu
  button "Add", 1, 3 2 30 10, flat
  button "Del", 2, 37 2 30 10, flat
  button "List", 3, 71 2 30 10, flat
  button "Clear", 4, 105 2 30 10, flat
  text "Chanserv services by Vlada_bgd", 5, 30 15 81 8
on *:DIALOG:aop:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 1) { msg chanserv aop $$?="Channel" add $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 2) { msg chanserv aop $$?="Channel" del $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 3) { msg chanserv aop $$?="Channel" list }
  if ($did == 4) { msg chanserv aop $$?="Channel" clear }
dialog sop {
  title "Chanserv SOP"
  size -1 -1 137 25
  option dbu
  button "Add", 1, 3 2 30 10, flat
  button "Del", 2, 37 2 30 10, flat
  button "List", 3, 71 2 30 10, flat
  button "Clear", 4, 105 2 30 10, flat
  text "Chanserv services by Vlada_bgd", 5, 30 15 81 8
on *:DIALOG:sop:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 1) { msg chanserv sop $$?="Channel" add $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 2) { msg chanserv sop $$?="Channel" del $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 3) { msg chanserv sop $$?="Channel" list }
  if ($did == 4) { msg chanserv sop $$?="Channel" clear }
dialog hop {
  title "Chanserv HOP"
  size -1 -1 137 25
  option dbu
  button "Add", 1, 3 2 30 10, flat
  button "Del", 2, 37 2 30 10, flat
  button "List", 3, 71 2 30 10, flat
  button "Clear", 4, 105 2 30 10, flat
  text "Chanserv services by Vlada_bgd", 5, 30 15 81 8
on *:DIALOG:hop:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 1) { msg chanserv hop $$?="Channel" add $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 2) { msg chanserv hop $$?="Channel" del $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 3) { msg chanserv hop $$?="Channel" list }
  if ($did == 4) { msg chanserv hop $$?="Channel" clear }
dialog vop {
  title "Chanserv VOP"
  size -1 -1 137 25
  option dbu
  button "Add", 1, 3 2 30 10, flat
  button "Del", 2, 37 2 30 10, flat
  button "List", 3, 71 2 30 10, flat
  button "Clear", 4, 105 2 30 10, flat
  text "Chanserv services by Vlada_bgd", 5, 30 15 81 8
on *:DIALOG:vop:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 1) { msg chanserv vop $$?="Channel" add $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 2) { msg chanserv vop $$?="Channel" del $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 3) { msg chanserv vop $$?="Channel" list }
  if ($did == 4) { msg chanserv vop $$?="Channel" clear }
dialog acc {
  title "Chanserv ACCESS"
  size -1 -1 137 25
  option dbu
  button "Add", 1, 3 2 30 10, flat
  button "Del", 2, 37 2 30 10, flat
  button "List", 3, 71 2 30 10, flat
  button "Clear", 4, 105 2 30 10, flat
  text "Chanserv services by Vlada_bgd", 5, 30 15 81 8
on *:DIALOG:acc:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 1) { msg chanserv access $$?="Channel" add $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 2) { msg chanserv access $$?="Channel" del $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 3) { msg chanserv access $$?="Channel" list }
  if ($did == 4) { msg chanserv access $$?="Channel" clear }
dialog lvl {
  title "Chanserv LEVEL"
  size -1 -1 137 25
  option dbu
  button "Enable", 1, 3 2 30 10, flat
  button "Disable", 2, 37 2 30 10, flat
  button "List", 3, 71 2 30 10, flat
  button "Reset", 4, 105 2 30 10, flat
  text "Chanserv services by Vlada_bgd", 5, 30 15 81 8
on *:DIALOG:lvl:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 1) { msg chanserv levels $$?="Channel" set $$?="Type" $$?="Level" }
  if ($did == 2) { msg chanserv levels $$?="Channel" dis $$?="Type" }
  if ($did == 3) { msg chanserv levels $$?="Channel" list }
  if ($did == 4) { msg chanserv levels $$?="Channel" reset }
dialog clr {
  title "Chanserv CLEAR"
  size -1 -1 105 37
  option dbu
  button "Modove", 1, 3 2 30 10, flat
  button "Banove", 2, 37 2 30 10, flat
  button "Izuzetke", 3, 71 2 30 10, flat
  button "Opove", 4, 3 14 30 10, flat
  button "Voiceve", 6, 37 14 30 10, flat
  button "Korisnike", 7, 71 14 30 10, flat
  text "Chanserv services by Vlada_bgd", 5, 13 27 81 8
on *:DIALOG:clr:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 1) { msg chanserv clear $$?="Channel" modes }
  if ($did == 2) { msg chanserv clear $$?="Channel" bans }
  if ($did == 3) { msg chanserv clear $$?="Channel" excepts }
  if ($did == 4) { msg chanserv clear $$?="Channel" ops }
  if ($did == 6) { msg chanserv clear $$?="Channel" voices }
  if ($did == 7) { msg chanserv clear $$?="Channel" users }
alias mmsrv { dialog -m mmsrv mmsrv }
dialog mmsrv {
  title "Memoserv services by Vlada_bgd"
  size -1 -1 125 58
  option dbu
  button "Send", 1, 3 7 30 10, flat
  button "Cancel", 2, 37 7 30 10, flat
  button "List", 3, 3 21 30 10, flat
  button "Read", 4, 37 21 30 10, flat
  button "Delete", 5, 3 34 30 10, flat
  button "Info", 6, 37 34 30 10, flat
  box "Set commands", 7, 70 3 50 42
  button "Notify", 8, 75 14 38 10, flat
  button "Limit", 9, 75 29 38 10, flat
  text "Memoserv addon by Vlada_bgd", 10, 19 48 81 7
on *:DIALOG:mmsrv:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 1) { msg memoserv send $$?="Nick" $$?="Tekst poruke" }
  if ($did == 2) { msg memoserv cancel }
  if ($did == 3) { msg memoserv list new }
  if ($did == 4) { msg memoserv read $$?="Msg number or LAST or NEW" }
  if ($did == 5) { msg memoserv del $$?="Msg number or LAST or ALL" }
  if ($did == 6) { msg memoserv info }
  if ($did == 8) { msg memoserv set notfy $$?="On, off, logon or new" }
  if ($did == 9) { msg memoserv set limit $$?="Max nr. of msgs 1 to 50" }
alias ncsrv { dialog -m ncsrv ncsrv }
dialog ncsrv {
  title "Nickserv services by Vlada_bgd"
  size -1 -1 210 79
  option dbu
  button "Register", 1, 4 7 30 10, flat
  button "Group", 2, 4 20 30 10, flat
  button "Identify", 3, 4 33 30 10, flat
  button "Access", 4, 4 46 30 10, flat
  button "Drop", 5, 4 58 30 10, flat
  button "Recover", 6, 37 7 30 10, flat
  button "Release", 7, 37 20 30 10, flat
  button "Sendpass", 8, 37 33 30 10, flat
  button "Ghost", 9, 37 46 30 10, flat
  button "Alist", 10, 37 58 30 10, flat
  button "Glist", 11, 70 7 30 10, flat
  button "Info", 12, 70 20 30 10, flat
  button "List", 13, 70 33 30 10, flat
  button "Logout", 14, 70 46 30 10, flat
  button "Status", 15, 70 58 30 10, flat
  button "Private", 16, 107 50 30 10, flat
  box "Set commands", 17, 103 10 103 55
  button "Display", 18, 107 17 30 10, flat
  button "URL", 19, 107 28 30 10, flat
  button "Greet", 20, 107 39 30 10, flat
  button "Pass", 21, 139 17 30 10, flat
  button "Lang.", 22, 171 17 30 10, flat
  button "E-mail", 23, 139 28 30 10, flat
  button "Kill", 24, 139 39 30 10, flat
  button "Hide", 25, 139 50 30 10, flat
  button "ICQ", 26, 171 28 30 10, flat
  button "Secure", 27, 171 39 30 10, flat
  button "MSG", 28, 171 50 30 10, flat
  text "Nickserv services by Vlada_bgd", 30, 63 70 89 8, center
on *:DIALOG:ncsrv:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 1) { msg nickserv register $$?="Pass" $$?="Your e-mail" }
  if ($did == 2) { msg nickserv group $$?="Nick to group with" $$?="Pass of that nick" }
  if ($did == 3) { msg nickserv identify $$?="Your Pass" }
  if ($did == 4) { dialog -m acs acs }
  if ($did == 5) { msg nickserv drop }
  if ($did == 6) { msg nickserv recover $$?="Nick" $$?="Pass" }
  if ($did == 7) { msg nickserv release $$?="Nick" $$?="Pass" }
  if ($did == 8) { msg nickserv sendpass $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 9) { msg nickserv ghost $$?="Nick" $$?="Pass" }
  if ($did == 10) { msg nickserv alist $$?="XOP or access value" }
  if ($did == 11) { msg nickserv glist }
  if ($did == 12) { msg nickserv info $$?="Nick or Nick all" }
  if ($did == 13) { msg nickserv list $$?="nick!user@host format" }
  if ($did == 14) { msg nickserv logout }
  if ($did == 15) { msg nickserv status $$?="Nick" }
  if ($did == 16) { msg nickserv set private $$?="On or off" }
  if ($did == 18) { msg nickserv set display $$?="Nick from Your group" }
  if ($did == 19) { msg nickserv set url $$?="Insert link" }
  if ($did == 20) { msg nickserv set greet $$?="Greet msg" }
  if ($did == 21) { msg nickserv set password $$?="New Pass" }
  if ($did == 22) { msg nickserv set language $$?="1 to 10, 1 for english" }
  if ($did == 23) { msg nickserv set email $$?="Your e-mail" }
  if ($did == 24) { msg nickserv set kill $$?="On, off, quick or immed" }
  if ($did == 25) { msg nickserv set hide $$?="email,usermask or quit" $$?="on or off" }
  if ($did == 26) { msg nickserv set icq $$?="Your ICQ number" }
  if ($did == 27) { msg nickserv set secure $$?="On or off" }
  if ($did == 28) { msg nickserv set msg $$?="On or off" }
dialog acs {
  title "Nickserv services ACCESS"
  size -1 -1 106 23
  option dbu
  button "Add", 1, 3 2 30 10, flat
  button "Del", 2, 37 2 30 10, flat
  button "List", 3, 71 2 30 10, flat
  text "Nickserv services by Vlada_bgd", 4, 15 14 73 8
on *:DIALOG:acs:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 1) { msg nickserv access add $$?="mask user@host" }
  if ($did == 2) { msg nickserv access del $$?="mask user@host" }
  if ($did == 3) { msg nickserv access list }

alias btsrv { dialog -m btsrv btsrv }
dialog btsrv {
  title "Botserv services by Vlada_bgd"
  size -1 -1 166 67
  option dbu
  button "BotList", 1, 3 5 30 10, flat
  button "Assign", 2, 38 5 30 10, flat
  button "Kick", 3, 3 17 30 10, flat
  text "Botserv services by Vlada_bgd", 4, 37 57 73 8
  button "Bad Words", 5, 38 17 30 10, flat
  button "Bot /me", 6, 3 29 30 10, flat
  button "Bot (say)", 7, 38 29 30 10, flat
  button "Info", 8, 3 41 30 10, flat
  button "Part", 9, 38 41 30 10, flat
  box "Set commands", 10, 73 4 90 50
  button "Dont kick +o", 11, 76 14 38 10, flat
  button "Dont kick +v", 12, 120 14 38 10, flat
  button "Greet", 13, 76 27 38 10, flat
  button "Fantasy", 14, 120 27 38 10, flat
  button "Simbiosis", 15, 93 41 46 10, flat
on *:DIALOG:btsrv:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 1) { msg botserv botlist }
  if ($did == 2) { msg botserv assign $$?="Channel" $$?="Bot Name" }
  if ($did == 3) { msg botserv kick $$?="Channel" $$?="bolds,badwords,caps,colors,flood,repeat,reverses or underlines" $$?="On or off" }
  if ($did == 5) { dialog -m bw bw }
  if ($did == 6) { msg botserv act $$?="Channel" $$?="Text" }
  if ($did == 7) { msg botserv say $$?="Channel" $$?="Text" }
  if ($did == 8) { msg botserv info $$?="Channel or botnick" }
  if ($did == 9) { msg botserv unassign $$?="Channel" }
  if ($did == 11) { msg botserv set $$?="Channel" dontkickops $$?="On or off" }
  if ($did == 12) { msg botserv set $$?="Channel" dontkickvoices $$?="On or off" }
  if ($did == 13) { msg botserv set $$?="Channel" greet $$?="On or off" }
  if ($did == 14) { msg botserv set $$?="Channel" fantasy $$?="On or off" }
  if ($did == 15) { msg botserv set $$?="Channel" symbiosis $$?="On or off" }
dialog bw {
  title "Botserv BADWORDS"
  size -1 -1 137 25
  option dbu
  button "Add", 1, 3 2 30 10, flat
  button "Del", 2, 37 2 30 10, flat
  button "List", 3, 71 2 30 10, flat
  button "Clear", 4, 105 2 30 10, flat
  text "Botserv services by Vlada_bgd", 5, 30 15 81 8
on *:DIALOG:bw:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 1) { msg botserv badwords $$?="Channel" add $$?="Word" }
  if ($did == 2) { msg botserv badwords $$?="Channel" del $$?="Word" }
  if ($did == 3) { msg botserv badwords $$?="Channel" list }
  if ($did == 4) { msg botserv badwords $$?="Channel" clear }
alias hsrv { dialog -m hsrv hsrv }
dialog hsrv {
  title "Hostserv services by Vlada_bgd"
  size -1 -1 160 42
  option dbu
  button "On", 1, 5 5 30 10, flat
  button "Off", 2, 45 5 30 10, flat
  button "Set", 3, 85 5 30 10, flat
  button "Del", 4, 125 5 30 10, flat
  button "Set All", 5, 5 20 46 10, flat
  button "List", 6, 57 20 46 10, flat
  button "Group", 7, 109 20 46 10, flat
  text "Hostserv addon by Vlada_bgd", 8, 44 34 73 8
on *:DIALOG:hsrv:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 1) { msg hostserv on }
  if ($did == 2) { msg hostserv off }
  if ($did == 3) { msg hostserv set $$?="What nick" $$?="Hostmask or ident@hostmask" }
  if ($did == 4) { msg hostserv del $$?="What nick" }
  if ($did == 5) { msg hostserv setall $$?="What nick" $$?="Hostmask or ident@hostmask" }
  if ($did == 6) { msg hostserv list $$?="What nick or vhost" }
  if ($did == 7) { msg hostserv group }
alias srv { dialog -m srv srv }
dialog srv {
  title "Services"
  size -1 -1 68 114
  option dbu
  button "Chanserv", 1, 12 9 46 10, flat
  button "Nickserv", 2, 12 56 46 10, flat
  button "Memoserv", 3, 12 25 46 10, flat
  button "Botserv", 4, 12 72 46 10, flat
  button "Hostserv", 5, 12 40 46 10, flat
  button "Close", 6, 12 89 46 10, flat
  link "", 7, 13 104 46 8
on *:DIALOG:srv:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 1) { chsrv }
  if ($did == 2) { ncsrv }
  if ($did == 3) { mmsrv }
  if ($did == 4) { btsrv }
  if ($did == 5) { hsrv }
menu menubar,status,channel {


Sign in to comment.
Eugenio   -  Aug 16, 2008

ew @ ircD
bloody nice code tho
/me rates 8

TropicalMeltdown   -  Aug 16, 2008

nice very

Anti   -  Aug 16, 2008

Hmm nice, i like it but for my taste id add something about the on input where you're adding someone to the hop change the saying instead of input request i think you can change it 7/10 nice :)

Vlada_bgd   -  Jul 21, 2008

Storm2108 I`ve been considering this for some time now. I think i will ramake it like this. Anyhow, tnx for rate. This was my first addon afterall.

Storm2108   -  Jul 09, 2008

Why not add tabs for NickServ,Chanserv Etc. Good job btw 8/10

Doodle   -  Jun 26, 2008

add operserv

Vlada_bgd   -  Apr 23, 2008

@Gemster - Edit done...
^Neptune feel free to edit, just keep my name in...

^Neptune   -  Apr 23, 2008

Wow this is nice :D
Mind if I take this and expand on it and use it in my own script?

Gemster   -  Apr 23, 2008

can still be left as a menu, What i meen is 1 main dialog with all services in it.


dialog srvs {
  title \"Services\"
  size -1 -1 54 78
  option dbu
  button \"Nickserv\", 1, 8 8 37 12
  button \"Chanserv\", 2, 8 24 37 12
  button \"Botserv\", 3, 8 40 37 12
  button \"Memoserv\", 4, 8 56 37 12

menu menubar,status,channel {
Vlada_bgd   -  Apr 23, 2008

I thougt that is is better to be in menus, but if anyone else thinks same as You, it wont be toruble, for me to add that dialog. Thanks for comment.

Gemster   -  Apr 23, 2008

Sorry for double post but this will help to keep ppls menu\'s short.

menu menubar,status,channel {

reason for Services1 is because a lot of mircs may already have a services mneu like mine :D
But its a great script and a must have for many ppl.

Gemster   -  Apr 23, 2008

Hmm i bet that took a while to make and test Vlada_bgd.

Well any ways great dialogs, But just a thought: add all dialogs to 1 main dialog :D 7/10

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