Away System

By Gecko321 on Apr 21, 2008

This is an away system. just copy it into a new remotes file.

It has a logging feature. And a Paging Feature. for the paging to work, you need to find a .wav file and rename it to page.wav and place it in your main mIRC dir.

on *:Connect:if (%Away = 1) { Away GoAway }
on *:Load:dialog -m AwaySystem AwaySystem -4

Alias ShortTime Return 15 $+ $Remove($replace($Duration($$1),wks,14w15,wk,14w15,days,14d15,day,14d15,hrs,14h15,hr,14h15,mins,14m15,min,14m15,secs,14s15,sec,14s15),$chr(32))

Alias Away { 
  if ($1 = GoAway) { Goto Bye }
  if ($Away = $False) {
    set %RealNick $me
    Nick %AwayNick
    If ($1 = Quick) { set %Reason Quick Away. }
    elseif ($1 != $null) { set %Reason $1- }
    !Away %Reason
    set %AwaySince $CTime
    set %Away 1
    if (%Silent != 1) { Ame 14is now 3L9eavin3g8. 14Reason8:10(15 $+ %Reason $+ 10) 14Logging8:10(15 $+ $iif(%Logging = 1,Enabled,Disabled) $+ 10) 14Pager8:10(15 $+ $iif(%Pager = 1,Enabled8:15/ctcp $me Page,Disabled) $+ 10) }
    .timeraway $+ $NetWork 0 %Interval away.gone
  elseif ($Away = $True) {
    nick %RealNick
    .timeraway $+ $NetWork off
    set %Away 0
    $iif(%Silent != 1,editbox -s /Ame 14is now 3B9ac3k8. 14Reason8: 10(15 $+ %Reason $+ 10) 14Gone For8:10(15 $+ $ShortTime($Calc($Ctime - %AwaySince)) $+ 10)),halt) 
    if $Lines($MircDirAwayLog.Ini) > 0) { Away.Log.Show }

alias Away.Gone if (!%Silent) { Ame 14Is 3A9wa3y8. 14Reason8:10(15 $+ %Reason $+ 10) 14Logging8:10(15 $+ $iif(%Logging = 1,Enabled,Disabled) $+ 10) 14Pager8:10(15 $+ $iif(%Pager = 1,Enabled8:15/ctcp $me Page,Disabled) $+ 10) 14Gone Since8: $TimeLong(%AwaySince) }

alias Away.Log.Show {
  window -al30k0S @AwayLog
  titlebar @AwayLog Away Log
  echo @AwayLog 15Away Log
  echo @AwayLog 15Double8-15Click on the 14Nick 15in the right to see what messages they left you8.
  var %Temp = 0
  while (%Temp != $ReadIni($MircDirAwayLog.Ini,Nicks,Total)) { inc %Temp | Aline -l @AwayLog 15 $+ $ReadIni($MircDirAwayLog.ini,Nicks,%Temp) }

alias Away.Timer.Idle {
  if (($Away = $False) && (%AutoAway = 1) && ($Idle >= %Idle)) {
    Away 14is now 3L9eavin3g8. 14Reason8:10(15 $+ %Reason $+ 10) 14Logging8:10(15 $+ $iif(%Logging = 1,Enabled,Disabled) $+ 10) 14Pager8:10(15 $+ $iif(%Pager = 1,Enabled8:15/ctcp $me Page,Disabled) $+ 10)    
    set %Reason "Auto8-15Away After $ShortTime(%Idle) 15of inactivity."
    set %AwaySince $CTime
    .TimerAway $+ $NetWork 0 %Interval Away.Gone

menu @AwayLog {
  dclick: {
    clear @AwayLog
    Aline @AwayLog 15Away Log
    Aline @AwayLog 15Double8-15Click on the 14Nick 15in the right to see what messages they left you8.  
    var %Temp = 0
    Echo @AwayLog $Sline(@AwayLog,1)
    while (%Temp != $ReadIni($MircDirAwayLog.Ini,$sline(@AwayLog,1),Times)) {
      inc %Temp 1
      Echo @AwayLog $AscTime($GetTok($ReadIni($MircDirAwayLog.ini,$SLine(@AwayLog,1),%Temp),1,32),15m8/15d8/15yy 15hh8:15nn8:15ss 14tt) 4-15 $GetTok($ReadIni($MircDirAwayLog.ini,$Sline(@AwayLog,1),%Temp),2-,32)
  Clear Log File:{
    if ($?!="Are you Sure?" = $True) {
      remini $MircDirAwayLog.Ini Nicks
      var %Temp = 0
      while (%Temp != $Line(@AwayLog,0,1)) {
        inc %Temp 1
        remini $MircDirAwayLog.Ini $Line(@AwayLog,%Temp,1))
      clear -l @AwayLog
      clear @AwayLog
      Echo @AwayLog 15Away Log
      Echo @AwayLog 15Double8-15Click on the 14Nick 15in the right to see what messages they left you8.  

alias TimeLong {
  if ($1) { var %Date1 = $AscTime($1,dddd mmmm ddoo yyyy) | var %Time = $1 }
  else { var %Date1 = $AscTime($CTime,dddd mmmm ddoo yyyy) | var %Time = $CTime }
  tokenize 32 %Date1
  return 14 $+ $1 $2 $Mid($3,1,2) $+ 15 $+ $Mid($3,3) 14 $+ $4 $AscTime(%Time,15hh14:15nn14:15ss 14tt)

on ^*:Text:*:?:{
  if (($Away = $True) || (%LogNotAway = 1)) {
    if ($Away = $True) { msg $Nick 14I am 3A9wa3y8. 14Reason8: %Reason }
    if (%Logging = 1) {
      close -m $Nick
      if ($ReadIni($MircDirAwayLog.ini,Nicks,Total) = $Null) {
        WriteIni $MircDirAwayLog.ini Nicks Total 1
        WriteIni $MircDirAwayLog.ini Nicks 1 $Nick
        WriteIni $MircDirAwayLog.ini $Nick Times 1
        WriteIni $MircDirAwayLog.Ini $Nick 1 $Ctime $strip($1-)
        WriteIni $MircDirAwayLog.Ini Nicks TotalMessages 1
        msg $Nick 14Your Message has been logged8.
      var %Temp = 0
      While (%Temp != $ReadIni($MircDirAwayLog.ini,Nicks,Total)) {
        inc %Temp 1
        if ($ReadIni($MircDirAwayLog.Ini,Nicks,%Temp) = $Nick) { Goto There }
      WriteIni $MircDirAwayLog.Ini Nicks Total $Calc($ReadIni($MircDirAwayLog.ini,Nicks,Total) +1)
      WriteIni $MircDirAwayLog.ini Nicks $ReadIni($MircDirAwayLog.ini,Nicks,Total) $Nick
      WriteIni $MircDirAwayLog.ini $Nick Times $Calc($ReadIni($MircDirAwayLog.Ini,$Nick,Times) + 1)
      WriteIni $MircDirAwayLog.ini $Nick $ReadIni($MircDirAwayLog.Ini,$Nick,Times) $Ctime $Strip($1-)
      WriteIni $MircDirAwayLog.Ini Nicks TotalMessages $Calc($Readini($MircDirAwayLog.Ini,Nicks,TotalMessages) + 1)
      msg $Nick 14Your message has been Logged8.

on *:Input:*:if ((%KeyPress = 1) && ($Away = $True)) { Away } 

dialog -l AwaySystem {
  title "Away System"
  size -1 -1 487 250
  option pixels
  box "Main Settings", 1, 8 8 473 100
  box "Auto Away", 2, 8 111 223 75
  box "Logging", 3, 240 111 240 75
  box "", 4, 8 190 473 50
  text "Away Nick", 5, 8 21 220 17, right
  edit "", 6, 240 21 81 17
  text "Interval between display of Away Message", 7, 8 50 220 17, right
  edit "", 8, 240 50 81 17
  text "Reason for being Away", 9, 8 79 220 17, right
  edit "", 10, 240 79 81 17
  check "Come back on key press", 11, 330 21 150 17
  check "Pager", 12, 330 40 150 17
  check "Silent Away", 13, 330 59 150 17
  check "Pager while not Away", 14, 330 78 150 17
  check "Auto Away", 15, 16 130 150 17
  text "Idle time before set Away", 16, 16 160 200 17
  edit "", 17, 145 160 81 17
  check "Logging", 18, 248 130 150 17
  check "Logging while not away", 19, 248 160 150 17
  button "Accept Changes", 20, 375 205 100 25, ok

on *:dialog:AwaySystem:*:*:{
  if ($Devent == init) {
    did -ra $Dname 6 %AwayNick
    did -ra $Dname 8 %Interval
    did -ra $Dname 10 %Reason
    did -ra $dname 17 %Idle
    if (%KeyPress = 1) { did -c $dname 11 }
    if (%Pager = 1) { did -c $dname 12 }
    if (%Silent = 1) { did -c $dname 13 }
    if (%PageNotAway = 1) { did -c $dname 14 }
    if (%AutoAway = 1) { did -c $dname 15 }
    if (%Logging = 1) { did -c $dname 18 }
    if (%LogNotAway = 1) { did -c $dname 19 }
  elseif (($devent == sclick) || ($Devent = Close) || ($Did = 20)) {
    set %AwayNick $Did($Dname,6).text
    set %Interval $Did($Dname,8).text
    set %Reason $Did($Dname,10).text
    set %Idle $Did($Dname,17).text
    set %Keypress $Did($Dname,11).state
    set %Pager $did($Dname,12).state
    set %Silent $Did($Dname,13).state
    set %PageNotAway $Did($Dname,14).state
    set %Autoaway $Did($Dname,15).state
    set %Logging $Did($Dname,18).state
    set %LogNotAway $Did($Dname,19).state
  elseif ($devent = edit) {
    if ($Did = 17) { if ($right($Did($Dname,17).text,1) !isnum) { did -ra $Dname 17 $mid($Did($Dname,17).text,1,$Calc($Len($Did($Dname,17).text) - 1)) } }
    if ($Did = 8) { if ($right($Did($Dname,8).text,1) !isnum) { did -ra $Dname 8 $mid($Did($Dname,8).text,1,$Calc($Len($Did($Dname,8).text) - 1)) } }

menu Menubar,Channel {
  Away System
  .$iif($Away = $True,Come Back,Go Away):Away
  .Adjust Settings:dialog -m AwaySystem AwaySystem -4
  .Show Message Log < $+ $iif($ReadIni($MircDirAwayLog.Ini,Nicks,TotalMessages) = $Null,0,$ReadIni($MircDirAwayLog.Ini,Nicks,TotalMessages)) $+ $Chr(32) Message $+ $iif($ReadIni($MircDirAwayLog.Ini,Nicks,TotalMessages) = 1,,s) $+ >:Away.Log.Show

Ctcp *:Page:*:{ 
  if ((($Away = $True) && (%Pager = 1)) || (%PagNotAway = 1)) { splay -w $MircDirPage.wav } 


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fahadmehar   -  Apr 24, 2017

This is NOT Auto Away.????

fahadmehar  -  Apr 24, 2017
  • /nick: insufficient parameters (line 10, script15.ini)
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Gecko321   -  Apr 21, 2008

i fixed it. i had it set up for something i had in my main script.

EL   -  Apr 21, 2008
 <Eve> Test
* <Nem[OTW]> 14I am 3A9wa3y8. 14Reason8: test
* <Nem[OTW]> 14Your Message has been logged8.

ER says its been logged.

  • /aline: insufficient parameters (line 133, fadsf)

I dunno atm whats up an no i didnt make a .wav file these are logger issues.

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