Protection - Demon

By Ginom on Apr 10, 2008

Fighting script of protection of the operator mirc 6.2 - 6.31


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Kardadantis   -  Mar 31, 2010

батенька, засуньте скрипт се в попу, бо от русского текста остались одни квадратики и ху пойми щас, чё там написано было :)))))

Jonesy44   -  Apr 19, 2009

Great Alexander's not greek.. i'm the fucking great alex. fucck you.

GreyFox   -  Apr 18, 2009

Its russian language :) itz similar with the macedonian language..

My friend Ivanalicius mecedonian is Greece... Skopia is not macedonian... MACEDONIAN IS GREECE... Stop say that macedonian is other country... Skopia is the real name Of this country.. No Greece... No macedonian...
So, Ivanalicius, if you don't know something please, SHUT YOU 'RE MOUTH AND RESPECT THE COUNTRY -= GREECE =- !!! All countrys want our history, change names and steal our History... Great Alexander Is Greek... Makedonian... Makedonian Is Greece...

Prelude   -  Feb 12, 2009

Comments: 6

mIRC Snippet: Protection - Demon
Posted on Apr 11, 2008 12:39 pm
You've been laughing at me, at my efforts to talk to you in English, so I won't translate it. Try and translate yourself, I'd like to laugh too .)
Sincerely yours, Ginom.

Umm.. what a lil diick, gets a 3 for not useful. And why all the fancy just give ppl access you can trust ya twat.

:Edit: Oh i see its cause of ppl like this:

Kinda weird with these aeiou vouwels. No wonder not so many Russian know how to read or write.

Dw about douche bags like him, he fails are English as well, just scroll up :D

fire_wizard1   -  Feb 12, 2009

its actualy 311 lines bigger then a normal one, and im not about to really work on something this big :/ oh well

Falefel   -  Aug 11, 2008

so now what

Joshuaxiong1 :S ur English sucks with all my respect comeon man \"cancelation\" ??

Ginom if nobody is going to translate ur script
it would be a lose
since it will not be useful for people who doesn\'t understand ur language

Ginom   -  Apr 12, 2008

Hey, guys, did you fail your English exams at school? There are so many mistakes :) The script works properly.

Joshuaxiong1   -  Apr 12, 2008

ohhh ok but that script I translated don\'t work properly

napa182   -  Apr 12, 2008

script here

Joshuaxiong1   -  Apr 12, 2008


napa182   -  Apr 12, 2008

Joshuaxiong1 try useing the code tags =/

Joshuaxiong1   -  Apr 11, 2008


banpro on

on @!*:BAN:#:{
if ($istok(%immune.user,$nick,32)) { return }
if ($banmask iswm $address($me,5)) || ($ip isin $banmask) || ($me isin $banmask) || ($banmask iswm $ipmask) {
var %c = $wildsite
if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action1) == (none)) { return }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action1) == Deop kickban) { .raw -q mode # -bo+be $banmask $nick $mask($fulladdress,2) $address($me,2) | .raw -q kick # $nick : $+ $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg1),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg1),Ban protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action1) == kick) { .raw -q mode $chan -b $banmask | .raw -q kick $chan $nick : $+ $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg1),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg1),Ban protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action1) == Deop) { .raw -q mode $chan -bo $banmask $nick }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action1) == Deop kick) { .raw -q mode # -bo $banmask $nick | kick # $nick : $+ $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg1),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg1),Ban protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action1) == Deop filter kick (all clones)) { .raw -q mode $chan -bo+b $banmask $nick $mask($fulladdress,2) | fkick }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action1) == Deop kickban and Add (auto-kick)) { if ($level($nick) != akick) .guser -a akick $nick 2 $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg1),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg1),Ban protection) | .raw -q mode $chan -bo+b $banmask $nick %c $+ $lf $+ kick $chan $nick : $+ $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg1),$readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,Msg1),Ban protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action1) == kick and Add (auto-kick)) { .guser -a akick $nick 2 $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg1),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg1),Ban protection) | .raw -q mode $chan -b $banmask $+ $lf $+ kick $chan $nick : $+ $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg1),$readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,Msg1),Ban protection) }


banpro end

kickpro on

On !:KICK:#:{
if ($knick == $me) {
if ($istok(%immune.user,$nick,32)) { return }
.auser -a mkick $me
set -u1200 %c2 $wildsite
set -u1200 %k|n $nick
if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action3) == (none)) { return }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action3) == Deop kickban and Add (auto-kick)) { if ($level($nick) != akick) .guser -a akick $nick 2 $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg2),$readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,Msg2),Kick protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action3) == kick 3 times) { .guser -a k1,k2 $nick 2 }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action3) == kick 4 times) { .guser -a k1,k2,k3 $nick 2 }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action3) == kick 5 times) { .guser -a k1,k2,k3,k4 $nick 2 }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action3) == kick 6 times) { .guser -a k1,k2,k3,k4,k5 $nick 2 }
if ($opnick == $me) && (%offender != $null) {
if ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action6) == (none)) { return }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action6) == kick) { .raw -q kick # $dpname $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg3),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg3),Deop protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action6) == deop kick) { .raw -q mode # -o $dpname | .raw -q kick $chan $dpname : $+ $iif($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,msg3),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg3),Deop protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action6) == Deop kickban) { .raw -q mode $chan -o+be $dpname $daddress $address($me,2) | .raw -q kick $chan $dpname : $+ $iif($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,msg3),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg3),Deop protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action6) == Deop kick and Add (auto-kick)) { if ($level($dpname) != akick) .guser -a akick $dpname 2 $iif($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,msg3),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg3),Deop protection) | .raw -q mode # -o $dpname | .raw -q kick $chan $dpname : $+ $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg3),$readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,Msg3),Deop protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action6) == Deop kickban and Add (auto-kick)) { if ($level($dpname) != akick) .guser -a akick $dpname 2 $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg3),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg3),Deop protection) | .raw -q mode $chan -o+be $dpname %osite $address($me,2) | .raw -q kick $chan $dpname : $+ $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg3),$readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,Msg3),Deop protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action6) == kick) { .raw -q kick # $dpname $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg3),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg3),Deop protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action6) == kick 3 times) { .auser -a d1,d2 $dpname 2 | .raw -q kick # $dpname $iif($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,msg3),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg3),Deop protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action6) == kick 4 times) { .auser -a d1,d2,d3 $dpname 2 | .raw -q kick # $dpname $iif($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,msg3),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg3),Deop protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action6) == kick 5 times) { .auser -a d1,d2,d3,d4 $dpname 2 | .raw -q kick # $dpname $iif($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,msg3),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg3),Deop protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action6) == kick 6 times) { .auser -a d1,d2,d3,d4,d5 $dpname 2 | .raw -q kick # $dpname $iif($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,msg3),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg3),Deop protection) }
else { if ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action6) != $null) { $readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action6) } }

kickpro end

Deoppro on

ON *!:DEOP:#:{
if ($istok(%immune.user,$nick,32)) { return }
if ($opnick == $me) {
set -u1200 %offender $nick
set -u1200 %osite $wildsite
if ($len($1) < 4) {
if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action5) == (none)) { return | goto seoption1 }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action5) == Chanserv op me) { .msg ChanServ op $chan $me | goto seoption1 }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action5) == Chanserv op me deop nick) { .msg ChanServ deop $chan $nick | ChanServ op $chan $me | goto seoption1 }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action5) == X op me) { .quote X op $chan $me | goto seoption1 }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action5) == X op me deop nick) { .quote X deop $chan $nick | X op $chan $me | goto seoption1 }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action5) == cycle chan to regain ops) { .raw -q part $chan | .raw -q join $chan $chan(#).key | goto seoption1 }
else { if ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action5) != $null) $readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action5) | goto seoption1 }
elseif ($len($1) >= 5) {
if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action5) == (none)) { return | goto seoption2 }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action5) == Chanserv op me) { .timero -m 1 1900 .msg ChanServ op $chan $me | goto seoption2 }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action5) == Chanserv op me deop nick) { .timero -m 1 1900 .msg ChanServ deop $chan $nick | ChanServ op $chan $me | goto seoption2 }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action5) == X op me) { timero -m 1 1900 .quote X op $chan $me | goto seoption2 }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action5) == X op me deop nick) { .timero -m 1 1900 quote X deop $chan $nick | X op $chan $me | goto seoption2 }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action5) == cycle chan to regain ops) { .timero -m 1 1900 .raw -q part $chan | .raw -q join $chan $chan(#).key | goto seoption2 }
else { if ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action5) != $null) .timero -m 1 1900 $readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action5) | goto seoption2 }
if ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action7) == (none)) { return }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action7) == Chanserv akick add site) { .msg ChanServ akick $chan add %osite }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action7) == Chanserv op me) { .msg ChanServ op $chan $me }
else { if ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action7) != $null) { $readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action7) } }
if ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action7) == (none)) { return }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action7) == Chanserv akick add site) { .timeru -m 1 1900 .msg ChanServ akick $chan add %osite }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action7) == Chanserv op me) { .timeru -m 1 1900 .msg ChanServ op $chan $me }
else { if ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action7) != $null) { .timeru -m 1 1900 $readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action7) } }
else { if ($readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action7) != $null) { .timeru -m 1 1900 $readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action7) } }

on ^mkick:OP:#:{
if ($opnick == $me) && (%k|n != $null) {
if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action3) == (none)) { return }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action3) == Deop) { if (%k|n ison #) .raw -q mode # -o %k|n }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action3) == Deop kick) { if (%k|n ison #) .raw -q mode # -o %k|n | .raw -q kick # %k|n : $+ $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg2),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg2),Kick protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action3) == Deop kickban) { if (%k|n ison #) .raw -q mode # -o+b %k|n %c2 | .raw -q kick # %k|n : $+ $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg2),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg2),Kick protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action3) == Deop kick and Add (auto-kick)) { if (%k|n ison #) .raw -q mode # -o %k|n | .raw -q kick # %k|n : $+ $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg2),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg2),Kick protection) | if ($level(%k|n) != akick) .guser -a akick %k|n 2 }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action3) == Deop kickban and Add (auto-kick)) { if ($level(%c2) != akick) .auser -a akick %c2 $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg2),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg2),kick protection) | .raw -q mode $chan -o+b %k|n %c2 | .raw -q kick $chan %k|n : $+ $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg2),$readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,Msg2),kick protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action3) == kick 3 times) { if (%k|n ison #) .raw -q kick # %k|n $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg2),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg2),Kick protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action3) == kick 4 times) { if (%k|n ison #) .raw -q kick # %k|n $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg2),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg2),Kick protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action3) == kick 5 times) { if (%k|n ison #) .raw -q kick # %k|n $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg2),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg2),Kick protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action3) == kick 6 times) { if (%k|n ison #) .raw -q kick # %k|n $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg2),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg2),Kick protection) }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action3) == kick) { if (%k|n ison #) .raw -q kick # %k|n $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg2),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg2),Kick protection) }
goto rd
if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action4) == (none)) { return }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action4) == ban site) { ban # %k|n 2 }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action4) == ban normal) { ban # %k|n 1 }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action4) == Deop all ops) { dopop }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action4) == Chanserv unban chan me) { .msg ChanServ Unban $chan $me }
elseif ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action4) == Chanserv akick add site) { msg ChanServ akick $chan add %c2 }
else { $readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,action4) }

Deoppro end

on me:*:KICK:#:{ if ($level($me) == mkick) .rlevel -r mkick }

alias Unban if (!$dialog(Unban)) dialog -m UnbanUnban
dialog `Unban {
title \"Protection\"
size -1 -1 380 360
icon mIRC.exe,20
option $ifmatch
TAB \"\",1,-40 -40 1 1
Tab \"\",2
Tab \"\",888
Tab \"\",889
Box \"\",3, 5 35 370 285
Check \"\",4,15 7 110 22,tab 1
button \"OK\",5,180 330 70 23,ok,default
button \"Cancellation\",6,255 330 70 23,cancel
button \"Exceptions\",7,105 330 72 23
text \"We make:\",8,20 60 90 20,tab 1
combo 9,65 58 285 200,drop,size,edit,tab 1
text \"Second action (you can write your command)\",10,20 95 300 30,tab 1
combo 11,20 115 330 220,drop,edit,size,tab 1
text \"Communication:\",12,20 242 170 20,tab 1
Edit \"\",13,20 265 330 22,autohs,tab 1
radio \"BAN\",14,150 7 60 23,push
radio \"KICK\",15,220 7 60 23,push
radio \"DeOP\",16,290 7 60 23,push
button \"List of akikof\",17,15 330 85 23
Check \"\",18,15 7 110 22,tab 2
Check \"\",19,15 7 110 22,tab 888
text \"We make:\",20,20 60 90 20,tab 2
combo 21,65 58 285 200,drop,size,edit,tab 2
text \"Second action (you can write your command)\",22,20 95 300 30,tab 2
combo 23,20 115 330 220,drop,edit,tab 2
text \"Communication:\",24,20 242 170 20,tab 2
Edit \"\",25,20 265 330 22,autohs,tab 2
box \"Legend:\",26,20 150 330 85,tab 1
text \"$nick : it returns no the offender.\",27,44 170 270 15,tab 1
text \"$wildsite : the address of the offender returns.\",28,30 188 270 15,tab 1
text \"$chan : the name of the channel returns.\",29,40 207 250 15,tab 1
box \"Legend:\",30,20 150 330 85,tab 2
text \"$kname : it returns no the offender.\",31,41 170 270 15,tab 2
text \"$kaddress : the address of the offender returns.\",32,30 188 270 15,tab 2
text \"$chan : the name of the channel returns.\",33,49 207 250 15,tab 2
text \"First destviye:\",34,20 72 90 25,tab 888
combo 35,111 68 240 200,drop,size,edit,tab 888
text \"Your command:\",36,20 50 200 15,tab 888
text \"\",37,20 95 70 30,tab 888
combo 38,111 93 240 200,drop,size,edit,tab 888
text \"$dpname : it returns no the offender.\",39,35 170 270 15,tab 888
text \"$daddress : the address of the offender returns.\",40,30 188 270 15,tab 888
text \"$chan : the name of the channel returns.\",41,49 207 250 15,tab 888
box \"Legend:\",42,20 150 330 85,tab 888
text \"Communication:\",43,20 242 170 20,tab 888
Edit \"\",44,20 265 330 22,autohs,tab 888
text \"Second destviye:\",45,20 122 90 30,tab 888
combo 46,111 118 240 220,drop,edit,tab 888
list 47 ,20 150 288 160,vsbar,hsbar,tab 889
edit \"\",48,20 68 288 22,autohs,tab 889
text \"To add the address (nick!user@host):\",49,23 50 150 15,tab 889
text \"Reason for akika:\",50,23 93 100 15,tab 889
edit \"\",51,20 110 288 22,autohs,tab 889
text \"List of akikov:\",52,23 135 200 15,tab 889
button \"+\",53,312 66 23 23,tab 889
button \"-\",54,315 150 23 23,tab 889
button \"~\",55,315 175 23 23,tab 889
button \"To clean\",57,312 275 55 23,tab 889
Check \"\",56,15 7 110 22,tab 889
button \"Upward\",58,315 210 50 23,tab 889
button \"Downward\",59,315 235 50 23,tab 889

on :dialog:`Unban:sclick:59:{ did -c $dname 47 $calc($did(47).sel + 1) }
:dialog:Unban:sclick:58:{ did -c $dname 47 $calc($did(47).sel - 1) } on *:dialog:Unban:sclick:57:{ rlevel -r akick | did -r $dname 47 }
on *:dialog:`Unban:sclick:56:{
if ($did(56).state == 1) {
did -raf $dname 56 Auto-kick with the approach vkl
.enable #akick
elseif ($did(56).state == 0) {
did -raf $dname 56 Auto-kick with the approach of off
.disable #akick

on :dialog:`Unban:sclick:4:{
if ($did(4).state == 1) {
did -raf $dname 4 Ban protection vkl
.enable #banpro
elseif ($did(4).state == 0) {
did -raf $dname 4 Ban the protection of off
.disable #banpro
:dialog:Unban:sclick:18:{ if ($did(18).state == 1) { did -raf $dname 18 Kick protection vkl .enable #kickpro } elseif ($did(18).state == 0) { did -raf $dname 18 Kick is the protection of off .disable #kickpro } } on *:dialog:Unban:sclick:19:{
if ($did(19).state == 1) {
did -raf $dname 19 Deop protection vkl
.enable #Deoppro
elseif ($did(19).state == 0) {
did -raf $dname 19 Deop the protection of off
.disable #Deoppro
on *:dialog:Unban:sclick:55:{ if ($did(47).seltext != $null) { var %in = $gettok($did(Unban,47).seltext,1,32)
.ruser akick $gettok($did(Unban,47).seltext,1,32) did -ra $dname 48 $gettok($did(Unban,47).seltext,1,32)
did -ra $dname 51 $gettok($did(Unban,47).seltext,2-,32) did -d $dname 47 $did(Unban,47).sel
if ($input( + ,4,Info:)) return


on :dialog:Unban:sclick:54:{ if ($did(47).seltext != $null) { ruser akick $gettok($did(Unban,47).seltext,1,32)
did -d $dname 47 $did(`Unban,47).sel
:dialog:Unban:sclick:53:{ if ($did(Unban,48) != $null) {
auser -a akick $did(Unban,48) $did(Unban,51)
did -za $dname 47 $did(Unban,48) $did(Unban,51)
did -r $dname 48,51

on :dialog:`Unban:init::{
var %1per = did -a $dname 9
var %2per = did -a $dname 21
var %3per = did -a $dname 11,23
var %4per = did -a $dname 35
var %5per = did -a $dname 38
var %6per = did -a $dname 46
if ($group(#akick).status == on) {
did -raf $dname 56 br /> did -c $dname 56
elseif ($group(#akick).status == off) { did -raf $dname 56 Akik with the approach of off }

if ($group(#banpro).status == on) {
did -raf $dname 4 Vkl of baN To zaShchytu
did -c $dname 4
elseif ($group(#banpro).status == off) { did -raf $dname 4 BaN Of zaShchyta of off }
if ($group(#kickpro).status == on) {
did -raf $dname 18 Vkl kick To zaShchytu
did -c $dname 18
elseif ($group(#kickpro).status == off) { did -raf $dname 18 Kick Of zaShchyta of off }
if ($group(#Deoppro).status == on) {
did -raf $dname 19 Vkl of deOP To zaShchytu
did -c $dname 19
elseif ($group(#Deoppro).status == off) { did -raf $dname 19 DeOP Of zaShchyta of off }
did -c $dname 14
did -rz $dname 47 | var %d = 1 | while ($ulist(,akick,%d)) { did -a $dname 47 $ulist(,akick,%d) $ulist(*,akick,%d).info | inc %d }
%1per Deop
%1per Kick
%1per Deop/kik
%1per Deop/kik/ban
%1per Deop/kik(vsekh of clones)
%1per Deop/kik/ban/akik
%1per Kik/akik
%1per (emptily)
%2per Kick
%2per Deop
%2per Deop/kik
%2per Deop/kik/ban
%2per Deop/kik/akik
%2per Deop/kik/ban/akik
%2per Kick of 3 times
%2per Kick of 4 times
%2per Kick of 5 times
%2per Kick of 6 times
%2per (emptily)
%3per Ban the address
%3per Ban is usual
%3per Deop of all opov
%3per Chanserv razbanivayet me
%3per Chanserv it adds into akik
%3per (emptily)
%4per Chanserv is overdrunk me
%4per Chanserv is overdrunk me, it deopit to mudilu
%4per X op to me
%4per X op to me, deop to niku
%4per To perezayti
%4per (emptily)
%5per Kick
%5per Deop/kik
%5per Deop/kik/ban
%5per Deop/kik/akik
%5per Deop/kik/ban/akik
%5per Kick of 3 times
%5per Kick of 4 times
%5per Kick of 5 times
%5per Kick of 6 times
%5per (emptily)
%6per Chanserv it adds into akik
%6per Chanserv it adds into akik
%6per (emptily)
if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action1) != $null) {
did -o $dname 9 ! $readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action1)
did -f $dname 9
if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action2) != $null) did -o $dname 11 ! $readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action2)
if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,Msg1) != $null) did -a $dname 13 $readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,Msg1)
if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,Msg2) != $null) did -a $dname 25 $readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,Msg2)
if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,Msg3) != $null) did -a $dname 44 $readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,Msg3)
if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action3) != $null) {
did -o $dname 21 ! $readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action3)
if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action4) != $null) {
did -o $dname 23 ! $readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action4)
if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action5) != $null) {
did -o $dname 35 ! $readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action5)
if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action6) != $null) {
did -o $dname 38 ! $readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action6)
if ($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action7) != $null) {
did -o $dname 46 ! $readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,action7)
did -z $dname 47


on :dialog:`Unban:sclick:17:{ did -c $dname 889 | did -u $dname 14,15,16 }
:dialog:Unban:sclick:14:{ did -c $dname 1 } on *:dialog:Unban:sclick:15:{ did -c $dname 2 | did -f $dname 21 }
on :dialog:`Unban:sclick:16:{ did -c $dname 888 | did -f $dname 35 }
:dialog:`Unban:sclick:9:{ if ($did(9) != $null) writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action1 $did(9).seltext }

on :dialog:`Unban:sclick:11:{
if ($did(11).seltext != $null) writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action2 $did(11).seltext
:dialog:Unban:Edit:11:{ if ($did(11) != $null) writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action2 $did(11) elseif ($did(11) == $null) writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action2 (none) } on *:dialog:Unban:sclick:23:{
if ($did(23).seltext != $null) writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action4 $did(23).seltext
on :dialog:`Unban:Edit:23:{
if ($did(23) != $null) writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action4 $did(23)
elseif ($did(23) == $null) writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action4 (none)
:dialog:Unban:Edit:13:{ if ($did(13) != $null) writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection Msg1 $did(13) elseif ($did(13) == $null) remini mirc.ini Ban-protection Msg1 } on *:dialog:Unban:Edit:25:{
if ($did(25) != $null) writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection Msg2 $did(25)
elseif ($did(25) == $null) remini mirc.ini Ban-protection Msg2
on :dialog:`Unban:Edit:44:{
if ($did(44) != $null) writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection Msg3 $did(44)
elseif ($did(44) == $null) remini mirc.ini Ban-protection Msg3
:dialog:Unban:sclick:35:{ if ($did(35).seltext != $null) writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action5 $did(35).seltext } on *:dialog:Unban:Edit:35:{
if ($did(35) != $null) writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action5 $did(35)
elseif ($did(35) == $null) writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action5 (none)
on :dialog:`Unban:sclick:38:{
if ($did(38).seltext != $null) writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action6 $did(38).seltext
:dialog:Unban:Edit:38:{ if ($did(38) != $null) writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action6 $did(38) elseif ($did(38) == $null) writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action6 (none) } on *:dialog:Unban:sclick:46:{
if ($did(46).seltext != $null) writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action7 $did(46).seltext
on *:dialog:`Unban:Edit:46:{
if ($did(46) != $null) writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action7 $did(46)
elseif ($did(46) == $null) writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action7 (none)

on *:dialog:`Unban:sclick:21:{
if ($did(21) != $null) writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action3 $did(21).seltext

on *:dialog:`Unban:sclick:7:{ _:Exclude }

alias ipmask { return $+($left($address($me,5),$pos($address($me,5),@,1)),$ip) }

Menu channel,status,menubar,nicklist {
.Tuning:/Unban .the Hzery- exception:/_:Exclude .To add akik:/Addakick .Correcting akikov:/Unban | did -c `Unban 889
.To unload the script:/Unloadbanpro

akick on

on ^@akick:JOIN:#: {
if ($istok(%immune.user,$nick,32)) { echo -atc Highlight * yuzer from the list of akikof $maddress it entered on # ( $+ the cancellation of akik $nick in the list of the exceptions $+ ) | return }
.raw -q mode $chan +b $maddress
.raw -q kick $chan $nick $ulist($maddress,akick,1).info

akick end

on ^@k1:JOIN:#:{ .raw -q kick # $nick $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg2),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg2),Kick protection) | .ruser k1 $wildsite | halt }
on ^@k2:JOIN:#:{ .raw -q kick # $nick $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg2),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg2),Kick protection) | .ruser k2 $wildsite | halt }
on ^@k3:JOIN:#:{ .raw -q kick # $nick $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg2),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg2),Kick protection) | .ruser k3 $wildsite | halt }
on ^@k4:JOIN:#:{ .raw -q kick # $nick $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg2),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg2),Kick protection) | .ruser k4 $wildsite | halt }
on ^@k5:JOIN:#:{ .raw -q kick # $nick $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg2),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg2),Kick protection) | .ruser k5 $wildsite | halt }
on ^@d1:JOIN:#:{ .raw -q kick # $nick $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg3),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg3),Deop protection) | .ruser d1 $nick | halt }
on ^@d2:JOIN:#:{ .raw -q kick # $nick $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg3),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg3),Deop protection) | .ruser d2 $nick | halt }
on ^@d3:JOIN:#:{ .raw -q kick # $nick $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg3),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg3),Deop protection) | .ruser d3 $nick | halt }
on ^@d4:JOIN:#:{ .raw -q kick # $nick $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg3),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg3),Deop protection) | .ruser d4 $nick | halt }
on ^@d5:JOIN:#:{ .raw -q kick # $nick $iif($readini(mirc.ini,n,Ban-protection,msg3),$readini(mirc.ini,Ban-protection,Msg3),Deop protection) | .ruser d5 $nick | halt }

alias _:Exclude {
if (!$dialog(Exclude)) dialog -m Exclude Exclude
goto c
if ($active ischan) && ($snicks != $null) did -o Exclude 8 ! $snicks($active,1)

dialog Exclude {
title \"Exceptions\"
size -1 -1 150 105
option dbu
icon mIRC.exe,20
list 1,40 31 101 67, size hsbar vsbar
button \"To add\", 2,4 18 32 12, default
button \"To move away\", 4,4 31 32 12
button \"Upward\",11,4 44 32 12
button \"Downward\",12,4 57 32 12
button \"OK\", 5,4 76 32 12, ok
button \"Cancellation\", 6,4 90 32 12, cancel
combo 8,41 18 100 121,drop,size,edit
box \"\",9,4 0 142 15
text \"List of yuzerov of exceptions from the protection:\",10,25 5 150 10

on :dialog:Exclude:sclick:11:{ did -c $dname 1 $calc($did(1).sel - 1) }
:dialog:Exclude:sclick:12:{ did -c $dname 1 $calc($did(1).sel + 1) }

on :dialog:Exclude:init::{
didtok $dname 1 32 %immune.user
did -z $dname 1
did -a $dname 8 ChanServ
did -a $dname 8 X
if ($active Ischan) { var %h = $nick($active,0) | while (%h) { did -a $dname 8 $nick($active,%h) | dec %h } }

on *:dialog:Exclude:sclick:2:{
if ($did(8).text == $null) { return }
else {
did -a $dname 1 $did(8).text
set %immune.user $didtok(Exclude,1,32)
did -o $dname 8 !
did -z $dname 1

on *:dialog:Exclude:sclick:4:{
if ($did(1).sel == $null) { return }
else {
did -d $dname 1 $did(1).sel
set %immune.user $didtok(Exclude,1,32)
alias dopop { var %mchannel = $chan($active) | if ($me isop %mchannel) { var %i = $nick(%mchannel,0,o), %nicks | while (%i) { if ($nick(%mchannel,%i,o) != $me) %nicks = $addtok(%nicks,$nick(%mchannel,%i,o),32) | if ($numtok(%nicks,32) == 6) { .raw -q mode %mchannel $+(-,$str(o,6)) %nicks | var %nicks } | dec %i } | if (%nicks) .raw -q mode %mchannel $+(-,$str(o,6)) %nicks | else { halt } } }
alias kname { return %k|n }
alias kaddress { return %c2 }
alias dpname { return %offender }
alias daddress { return %osite }
alias fkick { var %i = 1 | while ($ialchan($wildsite,$chan,%i).nick) { if ($ialchan($wildsite,$chan,%i).nick != $me) && ($ialchan($wildsite,$chan,%i).nick ison $chan) { .raw -q kick $chan $ialchan($wildsite,$chan,%i).nick :filter kick $wildsite } | inc %i } }

alias Addakick {
if (!$dialog(Addakick)) dialog -m Addakick Addakick
goto p
if ($active ischan) && ($snicks != $null) did -o Addakick 2 ! $snicks($active,1)
dialog Addakick {
title \"List of akikov\"
size -1 -1 150 115
option dbu
icon mIRC.exe,20
text \"It is no:\",1,12 20 27 15
combo 2,38 19 100 150,drop,edit,size
box \"SpiSocEk:\",3,5 5 140 90
text \"Reason:\",4,12 74 27 15
combo 5,38 73 100 150,drop,edit,size
text \"\",6,12 48 17 15
combo 7,38 46 100 150,drop,edit,size
button \"OK\",8,32 101 40 12,ok,default
button \"Cancellation\",9,78 101 40 12,cancel
text \"Mask:\",10,39 35 80 8
text \"Communications for Akika:\",11,39 63 80 8
on :dialog:Addakick:init::{
var % = did -a $dname 7
var %? = did -a $dname 5
if ($active Ischan) { var %/ = $nick($active,0) | while (%/) { did -a $dname 2 $nick($active,%/) | dec %/ } }
% 0 !user@host
% 1
% 2
% 3
% 4 !
% 5 nick!user@host
% 6 nick!
% 7 nick!@host
% 8 nick!
% 9 nick!
%? Blacklisted
%? Vozrostnoy qualification, you come when it will be carried out 25 years
%? Malicious disturber
%? The advertisement of channels is forbidden
%? To you here it can\'t be helped
%? To tear you all is necessary as Sidorov mom!
%? Good will always conquer evil! Will be placed it on the elbows and brutally it will kill!
if ($did(2) != $null) {
var %user = $did(2)
guser -a akick $did(2) $iif($did(7) != $null,$left($did(7),1)) $iif($did(5) != $null,$did(5))
var %com = 1 | while ($comchan(%user,%com)) { if ($comchan(%user,%com).op) ban -k $comchan(%user,%com) %user $iif($did(7) != $null,$left($did(7),1),1) $iif($did(5) != $null,$did(5),Banned) | inc %com }
on :LOAD:{
if ($version < 6.12) {
echo -sc Info
mIRC $version , mIRC6.2 ,
Unload -rs Banpro.mrc
elseif ($version >= 6.12) {
if ($exists(mirc.ini) == $true) {
writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action1 Deop
writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action2 nserv razbanivayet me
writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection Access is forbidden!
writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action3 Kick
writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action4 Ban is usual
writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection Msg2 Good-bye you malysh\'!
writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action5 To perezayti
writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action6 the Deop- kick -ban
writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection action7 (emptily)
writeini -n mirc.ini Ban-protection Msg3 You poimeli!
alias Unloadbanpro {
remini mirc.ini Ban-protection
Unset -s %immune.user
Unset -s %offender
Unset -s %osite
Unset -s %k|n
Unset -s %c2
Unload -rs Banpro.mrc

Ginom   -  Apr 11, 2008

You\'ve been laughing at me, at my efforts to talk to you in English, so I won\'t translate it. Try and translate yourself, I\'d like to laugh too .)
Sincerely yours, Ginom.

Jonesy44   -  Apr 11, 2008

Looks real nice, i might pop a translator on it to get an english version, unless he translates it beofre me :P

criminal   -  Apr 11, 2008

One word... Wauw

^Neptune   -  Apr 11, 2008

Woah this looks awesome from the screenshot :-)

Amazing since a ban dialog like this can be done in ~300 lines, but this one has like 1000000000. More lines, the more advanced the script is likely ro be :D

PLEASE try and make an english version of this Ginom, it looks awesome :D

Grand job.

Ivanalicius   -  Apr 11, 2008

Its russian language :) itz similar with the macedonian language..

btw nice script Ginom ;)

Jonesy44   -  Apr 11, 2008

looks .. interesting .. lol .. atleast there\'s a variety of languages on here.

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