ivana's notepad, im going to keep editing

By Korvin on Mar 05, 2008

before you accuse me of stealing, it says "BY IVANALICIUS" in the script... sooo.. duh

What i did, was add a few word changing things and added a status bar, like in the real notepad

Origionally created by Ivanalicious from www.Hawkee.com
i decided to choose my favorite notepad script and edit
it to my likings, this is what ive gotten so far =D =D

#notepad on

on *:LOAD:{
  echo -a NotePad By Ivanalicius Loaded :>) Visit www.hawkee.com

menu Menubar {
dialog Notepad {
  title "Ivanalicius_Hawkee.txt - Ivana NotePad [/notepad]"
  size -1 -1 260 186
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 0 0 260 176, multi return autohs autovs hsbar vsbar
  text "Length: 0      Lines: 0      Words: 0", 5, 2 177 206 10
  text $($time(dddd d/m/yyyy hh:nn:ss TT)), 6, 175 177 206 10
  menu "File", 910
  item "New", 911, 910
  item "Open...", 912, 910
  item break, 913, 910
  item "Save", 914, 910
  item "Save as...", 915, 910
  item break, 916, 910
  item "Print", 917, 910
  item break, 918, 910
  item "Close", 919, 910, ok
  menu "Tools", 920
  item "Copy", 922, 920
  item "Paste", 923, 920
  item "Clear", 924, 920
  item break, 925, 920
  menu "Word changing", 2
  item "Encode", 19, 2
  item "Decode", 20, 2, checked
  item break, 21, 2
  item "Text to CHR", 22, 2
  item "CHR to Text", 23, 2
  item break, 24, 2
  item "All Upper", 25, 2
  item "All Lower", 26, 2
  menu "Insert", 55
  item "Date and Time", 926, 55
  item "Random Number", 56, 55
  item "Random Letter", 57, 55
alias len-_ {
  var %i = 1, %v = 0
  while ($did(notepad,1,%i)) {
    %v = $calc(%v + $len($v1))
    inc %i
  return %v
alias wrd-_ {
  var %i = 1, %v = 0
  while ($did(notepad,1,%i)) {
    %v = $calc(%v + $gettok($v1,0,32))
    inc %i
  return %v
alias tme-_ $iif($dialog(notepad),did -ra notepad 6 $time(dddd d/m/yyyy hh:nn:ss TT),timertm-_ off)
alias Notepad { $iif(!$dialog(notepad),dialog -md notepad notepad,dialog -v notepad notepad) }
on *:dialog:Notepad:init:*:{ set %mnp.file newfile | .timertm-_ 0 1 tme-_ }
on *:dialog:Notepad:edit:1:{ did -ra notepad 5 Length: $len-_ $+ $str($chr(32) $+ $chr(160),3) $+ Lines: $did(notepad,1).lines $+ $str($chr(32) $+ $chr(160),3) $+ Words: $wrd-_ }
on *:dialog:Notepad:menu:*:{
  if ($did == 911) { did -r Notepad 1 | dialog -t $dname Ivanalicius_Hawkee.txt - mIRC NotePad | set %mnp.file newfile }
  if ($did == 912) { var %a = $sfile($mircdir,Open,Open) | loadbuf -ro Notepad 1 %a | dialog -t $dname $nopath(%a) - mIRC NotePad | set %mnp.file %a }
  if ($did == 914) {
    if (%mnp.file == newfile) { goto a }
    else { goto b }
    var %a = $sdir($mircdir,Select the directory where the file should be saved)
    if (%a == $null) { return }
    var %b = $?="New name of the file. E.x. lame.txt"
    if (%b == $null) { return }
    dialog -v $dname
    dialog -t $dname %b - Ivanalicius NotePad
    goto b
    mnp.save %mnp.file
  if ($did == 915) {
    var %a = $sdir($mircdir,Select the directory where the file should be saved)
    if (%a == $null) { return }
    var %b = $?="New name of the file. E.x. lame.txt"
    if (%b == $null) { return }
    mnp.save %a $+ %b
    dialog -t $dname %b - mIRC NotePad
    dialog -v $dname
    set %mnp.file %a $+ %b
  if ($did == 56) { did -a Notepad 1 $rand(1,9) }
  if ($did == 57) { did -a Notepad 1 $rand(A,Z) }
  if ($did == 917) { mnp.print }
  if ($did == 919) { dialog -x Notepad }
  if ($did == 922) { clipboard $did(1).seltext }
  if ($did == 923) { mnp.paste }
  if ($did == 924) { did -r Notepad 1 }
  if ($did == 926) { did -a Notepad 1 $time(hh:nn) $date }
  if ($did == 931) { mnp.about }
  if ($did isnum 19-20) { $iif($did == 19,enc-_,dec-_) }
  if ($did isnum 22-23) { $iif($did == 22,ttc-_,ctt-_) }
  if ($did isnum 25-26) { $iif($did == 25,u\l-_,l\u-_) }
alias enc-_ {
  var %i = 1
  while ($did(notepad,1,%i)) {
    did -o notepad 1 %i $encode($v1)
    inc %i
alias dec-_ {
  var %i = 1
  while ($did(notepad,1,%i)) {
    did -o notepad 1 %i $decode($v1)
    inc %i
alias ttc-_ {
  var %i = 1
  while ($did(notepad,1,%i)) {
    did -o notepad 1 %i $chrwrite($v1)
    inc %i
alias chrwrite $iif($isid,return,echo) $iif($len($1-) > 1,$!+ $+ $chr(40)) $+ $replace($mid($regsubex($1-,/(.)/g,$+($!chr,$chr(40),$asc(\t),$chr(41),$chr(44))),1,-1),$+($chr(44),$!chr(32),$chr(44)),$+($chr(41) $!+,$chr(40))) $+ $iif($len($1-) > 1,$chr(41))
alias ctt-_ {
  var %i = 1
  while ($did(notepad,1,%i)) {
    did -o notepad 1 %i $($v1,2)
    inc %i
alias u\l-_ {
  var %i = 1
  while ($did(notepad,1,%i)) {
    did -o notepad 1 %i $upper($v1)
    inc %i
alias l\u-_ {
  var %i = 1
  while ($did(notepad,1,%i)) {
    did -o notepad 1 %i $lower($v1)
    inc %i
alias mnp.paste {
  var %a = 1
  while (%a <= $cb(0)) { 
    did -a $dname 1 $cb(%a) $crlf
    inc %a

alias mnp.save { savebuf -o Notepad 1 " $+ $1 $+ " }
alias mnp.print {
  var %b = " $+ $scriptdirTEMP.txt $+ "
  write -c %b
  savebuf -o Notepad 1 " $+ $scriptdirTEMP.txt $+ "
  run -n notepad /p %b
  .timer 1 1 .remove %b

#notepad end


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F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Mar 23, 2008

never mind, fixed it :)

F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Mar 23, 2008


borrowed your

alias len-_ {
  var %i = 1, %v = 0
  while ($did(jcc_notepad,1,%i)) {
    %v = $calc(%v + $len($v1))
    inc %i
  return %v
alias wrd-_ {
  var %i = 1, %v = 0
  while ($did(jcc_notepad,1,%i)) {
    %v = $calc(%v + $gettok($v1,0,32))
    inc %i
  return %v

but isn\'t working for me :S why? :P

Korvin   -  Mar 05, 2008

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