Highlight notifier

By Sir_Sonic12 on Feb 24, 2008

A highlight script that alerts you when your nick (or one of your customized triggers) is spoken/channel status changed. When mIRC isn't the active application, a window appears in the bottom right corner notifying you (I made this script before $tip was released, that's why I don't use it). Has the ability to log highlights and add Users and Service Bots to an exceptions list, so you're not highlighted on them. Also has the ability to enable spam protection which ignores users if they spam your highlights. I've been updating the script a lot lately and to my knowledge there are no bugs. If you should find one you can post back here or email me at not_thebest@hotmail.com

I've been developing a queue system for the highlight window, so that it will show all the highlights that happen instead of closing the already opened highlight to display the newest one. The next update of the script will include the queue system.

This code was written in mIRC version 6.34
Some aliases in this code were NOT written by me, but proper credit is given in the script where needed.

Update: 11/21/08 - I've re-coded all the events and added an option to notify users that you're running a full-screen application (if you actually are, of course). I've also changed it so you can have highlight notices OFF but still log the highlight. I'm still developing the queue system, so that'll be here soon.

Update: 8/07/09 - Recoded events - added if idle time > X mins notice user, allowed for regex matches in triggers, recoded the exceptions list & now works for multiple networks with seperate lists, changed highlight ignore system to just ignore highlights instead of /ignoring people. Has been bug tested, none found. If any are found post back here/e-mail me @ not_thebest@hotmail.com

Update 8/17/09 - Added option to flash and beep when highlighted and option to get highlighted on actions. re did trigger tab in dialog.

Update: 12/24/10 - Redone events again, uses $tip for display now. Other various bug fixes

; Written by Arbiter (not_thebest@hotmail.com) with help from various people. Credit is given where needed.
; Written in mIRC version 6.34 and may malfunction in older versions.
; Script version: 2.4

alias hversion return 2.4

on *:DEOP:#:{
  if ($chan == $active) && ($appactive == $true) { halt }
  if ($nochan($chan,$network) == yes) halt
  if ($opnick == $me) {
    if ($isbot($nick,$network) == $false) { 
      if (%logging.high == on) { write highlights.txt $time([hh:nn:ssTT]) $+($nick,/,$chan,/,$network,:) You lost OP status. }
      if (%highlight.yeah == on) {
        if ($appactive == $false) {
          noop $tip(Highlight,Highlight - $chan,$+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) took your $+($chr(2),OP,$chr(2)) status in $+($chr(2),$chan,$chr(2)) on $+($chr(2),$network,$chr(2)),5,,window -a $chan,)
        else { 
          echo -at $c.(*** Highlight: $nick took your OP status in $chan on $network)
on *:DEHELP:#:{
  if ($chan == $active) && ($appactive == $true) { halt }
  if ($nochan($chan,$network) == yes) halt
  if ($hnick == $me) {
    if ($isbot($nick,$network) == $false) { 
      if (%logging.high == on) { write highlights.txt $time([hh:nn:ssTT]) $+($nick,/,$chan,/,$network,:) You lost HALFOP status. }
      if (%highlight.yeah == on) {
        if ($appactive == $false) {
          noop $tip(Highlight,Highlight - $chan,$+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) took your $+($chr(2),HALFOP,$chr(2)) status in $+($chr(2),$chan,$chr(2)) on $+($chr(2),$network,$chr(2)),5,,window -a $chan,)
        else { 
          echo -at $c.(*** Highlight: $nick took your HALFOP status in $chan on $network)
on *:DEVOICE:#:{
  if ($chan == $active) && ($appactive == $true) { halt }
  if ($nochan($chan,$network) == yes) halt
  if ($vnick == $me) {
    if ($isbot($nick,$network) == $false) { 
      if (%logging.high == on) { write highlights.txt $time([hh:nn:ssTT]) $+($nick,/,$chan,/,$network,:) You lost VOICE status. }
      if (%highlight.yeah == on) {
        if ($appactive == $false) {
          noop $tip(Highlight,Highlight - $chan,$+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) took your $+($chr(2),VOICE,$chr(2)) status in $+($chr(2),$chan,$chr(2)) on $+($chr(2),$network,$chr(2)),5,,window -a $chan,)
        else { 
          echo -at $c.(*** Highlight: $nick took your VOICE status in $chan on $network)
on *:VOICE:#:{
  if ($chan == $active) && ($appactive == $true) { halt }
  if ($nochan($chan,$network) == yes) halt
  if ($vnick == $me) {
    if ($isbot($nick,$network) == $false) { 
      if (%logging.high == on) { write highlights.txt $time([hh:nn:ssTT]) $+($nick,/,$chan,/,$network,:) You recived VOICE status. }
      if (%highlight.yeah == on) {
        if ($appactive == $false) {
          noop $tip(Highlight,Highlight - $chan,$+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) gave you $+($chr(2),VOICE,$chr(2)) status in $+($chr(2),$chan,$chr(2)) on $+($chr(2),$network,$chr(2)),5,,window -a $chan,)
        else { 
          echo -at $c.(*** Highlight: $nick gave you VOICE status in $chan on $network)
on *:HELP:#:{
  if ($chan == $active) && ($appactive == $true) { halt }
  if ($nochan($chan,$network) == yes) halt
  if ($hnick == $me) {
    if ($isbot($nick,$network) == $false) { 
      if (%logging.high == on) { write highlights.txt $time([hh:nn:ssTT]) $+($nick,/,$chan,/,$network,:) You recived HALFOP status. }
      if (%highlight.yeah == on) {
        if ($appactive == $false) {
          noop $tip(Highlight,Highlight - $chan,$+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) gave you $+($chr(2),HALFOP,$chr(2)) status in $+($chr(2),$chan,$chr(2)) on $+($chr(2),$network,$chr(2)),5,,window -a $chan,)
        else { 
          echo -at $c.(*** Highlight: $nick gave you HALFOP status in $chan on $network)
on *:OP:#:{
  if ($chan == $active) && ($appactive == $true) { halt }
  if ($nochan($chan,$network) == yes) halt
  if ($opnick == $me) {
    if ($isbot($nick,$network) == $false) { 
      if (%logging.high == on) { write highlights.txt $time([hh:nn:ssTT]) $+($nick,/,$chan,/,$network,:) You recived OP status. }
      if (%highlight.yeah == on) {
        if ($appactive == $false) {
          noop $tip(Highlight,Highlight - $chan,$+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) gave you $+($chr(2),OP,$chr(2)) status in $+($chr(2),$chan,$chr(2)) on $+($chr(2),$network,$chr(2)),5,,window -a $chan,)
        else { 
          echo -at $c.(*** Highlight: $nick gave you OP status in $chan on $network)
on *:NOTICE:*:?:{
  if ($chan == $active) && ($appactive == $true) { halt }
  if ($highlighttrig($1-) == yes) || ($+(*,$me,*) iswm $1-) {
    if ($isbot($nick,$network) == $false) { 
      if (!$hget(highlight.ignore,$address($nick,2))) {
        if (%logging.high == on) { write highlights.txt $time([hh:nn:ssTT]) $+($nick,/,NOTICE,/,$network,:) $replace($strip($1-),$chr(34),$chr(39)) }
        if (%highlight.yeah == on) {
          if ($idle >= $calc(%highlight.mins * 60)) {
            if (%highlight.idle == on) {
              .notice $nick %highlight.msg 
              hadd -m highlight.ignore $address($nick,2) ignored
          if ($fullscreen == 0) {
            if ($hget(saidnicks)) { hfree saidnicks }
            if ($($+(%,highlightspam.,$address($nick,2)),2) >= %highlight.times) { 
              hadd -mu60 highlight.ignore $address($nick,2) ignore 
              if ($appactive == $false) {
                noop $tip(Highlight,Highlight Protection,$+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) triggerd your highlight spam protection! Ignoring user for 60 seconds.,5,,,,)
              else { echo -at $c.(*** $nick triggerd your highlight spam protection! Ignoring user for 60 seconds.) }
              unset $+(%,highlightspam.,$address($nick,2)) 
            if ($appactive == $false) {
              if (%highlightprot.status == on) { inc -u $+ %highlight.secs $+(%,highlightspam.,$address($nick,2)) }
              noop $tip(Highlight,Highlight - NOTICE,$+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) said $strip($qt($1-)) in $+($chr(2),NOTICE,$chr(2)) on $+($chr(2),$network,$chr(2)),5,,,)
              if (%highlight.beep == on) .beep 1 | if (%highlight.flash == on) flash Highlight: $+(NOTICE,/,$nick)
            else { 
              echo -at $c.(*** Highlight: $nick highlighted you in notice on $network saying $strip($qt($1-)))
              if (%highlightprot.status == on) { inc -u $+ %highlight.secs $+(%,highlightspam.,$address($nick,2)) }
          else {
            if !$hget(saidnicks,$nick) && %highlight.notice == on {
              .notice $nick I currently have a full-screen application running and may not respond to $&
                to your highlight for some time. Your highlight message has been logged.
              hadd -m saidnicks $nick nohighlight
on *:ACTION:*:#:{
  if ($chan == $active) && ($appactive == $true) { halt }
  if ($nochan($chan,$network) == yes) halt
  if ($highlighttrig($1-,$chan) == yes) {
    if (%highlight.actions == on) {
      if ($isbot($nick,$network) == $false) { 
        if (!$hget(highlight.ignore,$address($nick,2))) {
          if (%logging.high == on) { write highlights.txt $time([hh:nn:ssTT]) $+($nick,/,$chan,/,$network,:) $replace($strip($1-),$chr(34),$chr(39)) }
          if (%highlight.yeah == on) {
            if ($idle >= $calc(%highlight.mins * 60)) {
              if (%highlight.idle == on) {
                .notice $nick %highlight.msg 
                hadd -m highlight.ignore $address($nick,2) ignored
            if ($fullscreen == 0) {
              if ($hget(saidnicks)) { hfree saidnicks }
              if ($($+(%,highlightspam.,$address($nick,2)),2) >= %highlight.times) { 
                hadd -mu60 highlight.ignore $address($nick,2) ignore 
                if ($appactive == $false) {
                  noop $tip(Highlight,Highlight Protection,$+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) triggerd your highlight spam protection! Ignoring user for 60 seconds.,5,,,,)
                else { echo -at $c.(*** $nick triggerd your highlight spam protection! Ignoring user for 60 seconds.) }
                unset $+(%,highlightspam.,$address($nick,2)) 
              if ($appactive == $false) {
                if (%highlightprot.status == on) { inc -u $+ %highlight.secs $+(%,highlightspam.,$address($nick,2)) }
                noop $tip(Highlight,Highlight - $chan,$+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) said $strip($qt($1-)) in $+($chr(2),$chan,$chr(2)) on $+($chr(2),$network,$chr(2)),5,,window -a $chan,)
                if (%highlight.beep == on) .beep 1 | if (%highlight.flash == on) flash Highlight: $+($chan,/,$nick)
              else { 
                echo -at $c.(*** Highlight: $nick highlighted you in $chan on $network saying $strip($qt($1-)))
                if (%highlightprot.status == on) { inc -u $+ %highlight.secs $+(%,highlightspam.,$address($nick,2)) }
            else {
              if !$hget(saidnicks,$nick) && %highlight.notice == on {
                .notice $nick I currently have a full-screen application running and may not respond to $&
                  to your highlight for some time. Your highlight message has been logged.
                hadd -m saidnicks $nick nohighlight
on *:ACTION:*:?:{
  if ($chan == $active) && ($appactive == $true) { halt }
  if (%highlight.actions == on) {
    if ($highlighttrig($1-) == yes) || ($+(*,$me,*) iswm $1-) {
      if ($isbot($nick,$network) == $false) { 
        if (!$hget(highlight.ignore,$address($nick,2))) {
          if (%logging.high == on) { write highlights.txt $time([hh:nn:ssTT]) $+($nick,/,QUERY,/,$network,:) $replace($strip($1-),$chr(34),$chr(39)) }
          if (%highlight.yeah == on) {
            if ($idle >= $calc(%highlight.mins * 60)) {
              if (%highlight.idle == on) {
                .notice $nick %highlight.msg 
                hadd -m highlight.ignore $address($nick,2) ignored
            if ($fullscreen == 0) {
              if ($hget(saidnicks)) { hfree saidnicks }
              if ($($+(%,highlightspam.,$address($nick,2)),2) >= %highlight.times) { 
                hadd -mu60 highlight.ignore $address($nick,2) ignore 
                if ($appactive == $false) {
                  noop $tip(Highlight,Highlight Protection,$+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) triggerd your highlight spam protection! Ignoring user for 60 seconds.,5,,,,)
                else { echo -at $c.(*** $nick triggerd your highlight spam protection! Ignoring user for 60 seconds.) }
                unset $+(%,highlightspam.,$address($nick,2)) 
              if ($appactive == $false) {
                if (%highlightprot.status == on) { inc -u $+ %highlight.secs $+(%,highlightspam.,$address($nick,2)) }
                noop $tip(Highlight,Highlight - QUERY,$+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) said $strip($qt($1-)) in $+($chr(2),QUERY,$chr(2)) on $+($chr(2),$network,$chr(2)),5,,window -a $nick,)
                if (%highlight.beep == on) .beep 1 | if (%highlight.flash == on) flash Highlight: $+(QUERY,/,$nick)
              else { 
                echo -at $c.(*** Highlight: $nick highlighted you in $chan on $network saying $strip($qt($1-)))
                if (%highlightprot.status == on) { inc -u $+ %highlight.secs $+(%,highlightspam.,$address($nick,2)) }
            else {
              if !$hget(saidnicks,$nick) && %highlight.notice == on {
                .notice $nick I currently have a full-screen application running and may not respond to $&
                  to your highlight for some time. Your highlight message has been logged.
                hadd -m saidnicks $nick nohighlight
on *:TEXT:*:#:{
  if ($chan == $active) && ($appactive == $true) { halt }
  if ($nochan($chan,$network) == yes) halt
  if ($highlighttrig($1-,$chan) == yes) {
    if ($isbot($nick,$network) == $false) {
      if (!$hget(highlight.ignore,$address($nick,2))) {
        if (%logging.high == on) { write highlights.txt $time([hh:nn:ssTT]) $+($nick,/,$chan,/,$network,:) $replace($strip($1-),$chr(34),$chr(39)) }
        if (%highlight.yeah == on) {
          if ($idle >= $calc(%highlight.mins * 60)) {
            if (%highlight.idle == on) {
              .notice $nick %highlight.msg 
              hadd -m highlight.ignore $address($nick,2) ignored
          if ($fullscreen == 0) {
            if ($hget(saidnicks)) { hfree saidnicks }
            if ($($+(%,highlightspam.,$address($nick,2)),2) >= %highlight.times) { 
              hadd -mu60 highlight.ignore $address($nick,2) ignore 
              if ($appactive == $false) {
                noop $tip(Highlight,Highlight Protection,$+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) triggerd your highlight spam protection! Ignoring user for 60 seconds.,5,,,,)
              else { echo -at $c.(*** $nick triggerd your highlight spam protection! Ignoring user for 60 seconds.) }
              unset $+(%,highlightspam.,$address($nick,2)) 
            if ($appactive == $false) {
              if (%highlightprot.status == on) { inc -u $+ %highlight.secs $+(%,highlightspam.,$address($nick,2)) }
              noop $tip(Highlight,Highlight - $chan,$+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) said $strip($qt($1-)) in $+($chr(2),$chan,$chr(2)) on $+($chr(2),$network,$chr(2)),5,,window -a $chan,)
              if (%highlight.beep == on) .beep 1 | if (%highlight.flash == on) flash Highlight: $+($chan,/,$nick)
            else { 
              echo -at $c.(*** Highlight: $nick highlighted you in $chan on $network saying $strip($qt($1-)))
              if (%highlightprot.status == on) { inc -u $+ %highlight.secs $+(%,highlightspam.,$address($nick,2)) }
          else {
            if !$hget(saidnicks,$nick) && %highlight.notice == on {
              .notice $nick I currently have a full-screen application running and may not respond to $&
                to your highlight for some time. Your highlight message has been logged.
              hadd -m saidnicks $nick nohighlight
on *:TEXT:*:?:{
  if ($query($nick) == $active) && ($appactive == $true) { halt }
  if ($highlighttrig($1-) == yes) || ($+(*,$me,*) iswm $1-) {
    if ($isbot($nick,$network) == $false) {
      if (!$hget(highlight.ignore,$address($nick,2))) { 
        if (%logging.high == on) { write highlights.txt $time([hh:nn:ssTT]) $+($nick,/,QUERY,/,$network,:) $replace($strip($1-),$chr(34),$chr(39)) }
        if (%highlight.yeah == on) {
          if ($idle >= $calc(%highlight.mins * 60)) {
            if (%highlight.idle == on) {
              .notice $nick %highlight.msg 
              hadd -m highlight.ignore $address($nick,2) ignored
          if ($fullscreen == 0) {
            if ($hget(saidnicks)) { hfree saidnicks }
            if ($($+(%,highlightspam.,$address($nick,2)),2) >= %highlight.times) { 
              hadd -mu60 highlight.ignore $address($nick,2) ignore 
              if ($appactive == $false) {
                noop $tip(Highlight,Highlight Protection,$+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) triggerd your highlight spam protection! Ignoring user for 60 seconds.,5,,,,)
              else { echo -at $c.(*** $nick triggerd your highlight spam protection! Ignoring user for 60 seconds.) }
              unset $+(%,highlightspam.,$address($nick,2)) 
            if ($appactive == $false) {
              if (%highlightprot.status == on) { inc -u $+ %highlight.secs $+(%,highlightspam.,$address($nick,2)) }
              noop $tip(Highlight,Highlight - QUERY,$+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) said $strip($qt($1-)) in $+($chr(2),QUERY,$chr(2)) on $+($chr(2),$network,$chr(2)),5,,window -a $nick,)
              if (%highlight.beep == on) .beep 1 | if (%highlight.flash == on) flash Highlight: $+(QUERY,/,$nick)
            else { 
              echo -at $c.(*** Highlight: $nick highlighted you in query on $network saying $strip($qt($1-)))
              if (%highlightprot.status == on) { inc -u $+ %highlight.secs $+(%,highlightspam.,$address($nick,2)) }
          else {
            if !$hget(saidnicks,$nick) && %highlight.notice == on {
              .notice $nick I currently have a full-screen application running and may not respond to $&
                to your highlight for some time. Your highlight message has been logged.
              hadd -m saidnicks $nick nohighlight
on *:CONNECT:{ set %highlight.ctime $ctime }
on *:INPUT:*:{
  if (%highlight.idle == on) {
    if ($calc($ctime - %highlight.ctime) >= $calc(%highlight.mins * 60)) {
      var %x = 1 
      while ($hget(highlight.ignore,%x).item) {
        if ($hget(highlight.ignore,%x).data == ignored) hdel highlight.ignore $hget(highlight.ignore,%x).item
        inc %x
  set %highlight.ctime $ctime
menu channel {
  .&Highlight Logs:highlightlogs
  .$iif($ini(exceptions.ini,$network,$active),&Delete,&Add) $active $iif($ini(exceptions.ini,$network,$active),from,to) exceptions:{
    if ($ini(exceptions.ini,$network,$active)) {
      remini exceptions.ini $network $active
      echo -at $c.(*** Deleted $qt($active) from highlight exceptions list.)
    else {
      writeini -n exceptions.ini $network $active chan
      echo -at $c.(*** Added $qt($active) to highlight exceptions list.)
menu nicklist {
  .&Highlight Logs:highlightlogs
  .$iif($ini(exceptions.ini,$network,$1),&Delete,&Add) $1 $iif($ini(exceptions.ini,$network,$1),from,to) exceptions:{
    if ($ini(exceptions.ini,$network,$1)) {
      if ($readini(exceptions.ini,n,$network,$1) != bot) {
        remini exceptions.ini $network $1 
        echo -at $c.(*** Deleted user $qt($1) from highlight exceptions list.)
      else echo -at $c.(*** You can't delete non-custom exceptions!)
    else {
      writeini -n exceptions.ini $network $1 user
      echo -at $c.(*** Added user $qt($1) to highlight exceptions list.)
dialog highlight {
  title Highlights $+(v,$hversion) $+($chr(40),$lines(highlights.txt),$chr(41))
  size -1 -1 180 175
  option dbu
  tab "Logs", 1, 1 1 178 172
  list 4, 5 25 170 77, tab 1 size extsel hsbar vsbar
  box "Logs", 5, 3 17 174 88, tab 1
  button "Delete", 6, 74 108 37 12, tab 1
  button "Clear logs", 7, 128 108 37 12, tab 1
  text "Written by Arbiter (AKA Mr_White) @ not_thebest@hotmail.com", 8, 74 155 96 14, disable tab 1
  button "Close", 10, 74 124 91 12, tab 1 cancel
  radio "Enable logging", 11, 8 117 50 10, group tab 1
  radio "Disable logging", 12, 8 131 50 10, tab 1
  radio "Enable Highlights", 17, 8 144 52 10, group tab 1
  radio "Disable Highlights", 18, 8 158 53 10, tab 1
  box "Switches", 19, 5 108 58 61, tab 1
  button "Send selected highlights to clipboard", 31, 74 139 91 12, tab 1
  tab "Triggers", 2
  combo 20, 6 25 76 49, tab 2 sort size
  box "Triggers", 21, 3 17 82 59, tab 2
  button "Add", 22, 5 80 37 12, tab 2
  button "Delete", 23, 5 96 37 12, tab 2
  button "Clear", 24, 46 80 37 12, tab 2
  button "Close", 25, 46 96 37 12, tab 2 cancel
  text Regex is supported. If you don't know regex that well $+ $chr(44) I suggest you just input regular simple triggers. E.g: $me $+ . For more advanced users $+ $chr(44) you don't need the opening and closing / in your regex. Matches are case-insensitive., 67, 4 114 82 55, tab 2
  check "Notice user", 32, 91 41 46 9, tab 2
  text "When a full-screen application is running:", 38, 90 26 80 13, tab 2
  check "When idle time is greater than", 50, 91 58 84 10, tab 2
  edit "", 51, 92 68 14 10, tab 2 limit 3
  text "mins notice user with:", 52, 109 69 57 8, tab 2
  edit "", 53, 92 80 81 15, tab 2 multi autovs
  box "Settings", 56, 87 17 90 154, tab 2
  check "Mass highlight protection", 57, 91 103 73 10, tab 2
  button "—————————————————————", 59, 90 52 84 2, disable tab 2
  button "Save settings", 60, 112 157 39 11, tab 2
  box "", 13, 3 74 82 37, tab 2
  check "Beep when highlighted", 63, 91 119 68 10, tab 2
  check "Flash when highlighted", 64, 91 129 69 10, tab 2
  button "—————————————————————", 26, 90 98 84 2, disable tab 2
  button "—————————————————————", 62, 90 114 84 2, disable tab 2
  button "—————————————————————", 65, 90 140 84 2, disable tab 2
  check "Highlight on actions", 66, 91 145 61 10, tab 2
  tab "Spam protection and Exceptions", 3
  radio "On", 27, 9 107 19 10, group tab 3
  radio "Off", 28, 31 107 21 10, tab 3
  box "Protection status", 29, 6 99 50 20, tab 3
  box "Options", 33, 6 121 46 33, tab 3
  text "Secs:", 34, 9 130 18 8, tab 3
  text "Times:", 35, 9 142 20 8, tab 3
  edit "", 36, 30 129 20 10, tab 3
  edit "", 37, 30 141 20 10, tab 3
  button "Save", 39, 10 157 37 12, tab 3
  combo 42, 7 38 98 57, tab 3 size
  box "Users and Service Bots", 41, 4 30 104 66, tab 3
  button "Update service bots", 45, 57 136 37 17, tab 3 multi
  button "Close", 48, 57 157 37 12, tab 3 cancel
  button "Add", 43, 57 120 37 12, tab 3
  button "Delete", 44, 98 120 37 12, tab 3
  button "Edit:", 46, 60 103 20 12, tab 3
  edit "", 47, 83 104 92 10, tab 3
  text "Select an item from the listbox and edit it in the edit box. When satisfied click the 'Edit:' button to save it.", 14, 99 139 74 27, tab 3
  button "Clear", 30, 139 120 37 12, tab 3
  box "Channels", 40, 110 30 66 66, tab 3
  combo 49, 113 38 60 57, tab 3 sort size
  combo 61, 60 18 60 60, tab 3 size vsbar drop
  tab "About", 15
  text "This script was written in mIRC version 6.34. In this code I have used various aliases not coded by me but credit is given (if I know who the original author is) in the script where it's needed. When the script is first loaded all options are off by default. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions email me at not_thebest@hotmail.com or join #Tittyhump on SwiftIRC. (/server -m irc.SwiftIRC.net -j #Tittyhump).", 16, 6 18 169 52, tab 15 center
  link "arbiter.novahost.org", 9, 3 162 59 8, tab 15
  button "Check version", 54, 70 77 39 12, tab 15
  text Current version: $hversion, 55, 125 162 50 8, tab 15
  icon 58, 6 96 167 50,  $mIRCdir $+ arbitersbannercopy.jpg, 0, tab 15
ctcp *:HLVERSION:*:.ctcpreply $nick HLVERSION $+(v,$hversion) | haltdef
on *:CTCPREPLY:*HLVERSION*:echo -at $nick is using Arbiters Highlight script version $2- | haltdef
on *:dialog:highlight:*:*:{ 
  if ($devent == edit) {
    if ($did == 42) { set %highlight.cclick $did }
    if ($did == 49) { set %highlight.cclick $did }
  if ($devent == init) && ($did == 0) { updateit $network | did -z highlight 4 }
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 61) {
      set %current.server $did(highlight,61).seltext
      reloadexceptions %current.server
    if ($did == 31) {
      if ($did(highlight,4,0).sel == 1) { clipboard $did(highlight,4).seltext }
      else {
        var %p = 1, %nums = $did(highlight,4,0).sel
        while (%p <= %nums) { 
          clipboard -na $did(highlight,4,$did(highlight,4,%p).sel)
          inc %p
    if ($did == 54) hvcheck
    if ($did == 6) { 
      if ($did(highlight,4).seltext) {
        var %f = $read(highlights.txt,nw,$+(*,$gettok($did(highlight,4).seltext,5-,32),*))
        write -dw $+ $qt(%f) highlights.txt
        did -d highlight 4 $did(highlight,4).sel
        dialog -t highlight Highlights $+(v,$hversion) $+($chr(40),$lines(highlights.txt),$chr(41))
      else { echo -at $c.(*** Error: You must select a highlight to delete!) }
    if ($did == 7) { write -c highlights.txt | echo -at $c.(*** Highlight log files cleared.) | did -r highlight 4 | dialog -t highlight Highlights $+(v,$hversion) $+($chr(40),$lines(highlights.txt),$chr(41)) }
    if ($did == 11) { 
      if (%logging.high == on) { echo -at $c.(*** Error: Highlight logging is already on!) }
      else {
        set %logging.high on
        echo -at $c.(*** Highlight logging enabled.)
    if ($did == 12) { 
      if (%logging.high == off) { echo -at $c.(*** Error: Highlight logging is already off!) }
      else {
        set %logging.high off
        echo -at $c.(*** Highlight logging disabled.)
    if ($did == 10) { dialog -x highlight | clearhvars }
    if ($did == 17) { 
      if (%highlight.yeah == on) { echo -at $c.(*** Error: Highlight alerts are already on!) }
      else {
        set %highlight.yeah on
        echo -at $c.(*** Highlight alerts are now enabled.)
    if ($did == 63) {
      if (%highlight.beep == on) {
        set %highlight.beep off
        echo -at $c.(*** Highlight beep OFF.)
      else { 
        set %highlight.beep on
        echo -at $c.(*** Highlight beep ON.)
    if ($did == 64) {
      if (%highlight.flash == on) {
        set %highlight.flash off
        echo -at $c.(*** Highlight flash now OFF.)
      else {
        set %highlight.flash on
        echo -at $c.(*** Highlight flash now ON.)
    if ($did == 66) {
      if (%highlight.actions == on) {
        set %highlight.actions off
        echo -at $c.(*** Highlights will no longer trigger on actions.)
      else {
        set %highlight.actions on
        echo -at $c.(*** Highlights will now trigger on actions.)
    if ($did == 18) { 
      if (%highlight.yeah == off) { echo -at $c.(*** Error: Highlight alerts are already off!) }
      else {
        set %highlight.yeah off
        echo -at $c.(*** Highlight alerts are now disabled.)
    if ($did == 23) { 
      if ($did(highlight,20).seltext) {
        var %l = $read(highlighttrigs.txt,nw,$+(*,$did(highlight,20).seltext,*))
        write -dw $+ $qt(%l) highlighttrigs.txt %l
        did -d highlight 20 $did(highlight,20).sel
        did -d highlight 20 0 
      else { echo -at $c.(*** Error: You must select a highlight trigger to delete!) }
    if ($did == 24) { if ($input(Are you sure you want to clear all highlight triggers?,yvuw,Clear all?) == $yes) { write -c highlighttrigs.txt | echo -at $c.(*** Highlight triggers cleared.) | did -r highlight 20 } }
    if ($did == 25) { dialog -x highlight | clearhvars }
    if ($did == 22) { 
      if ($strip($did(highlight,20).text)) {
        write highlighttrigs.txt $did(highlight,20).text 
        did -a highlight 20 $did(highlight,20).text
        did -d highlight 20 0 
      else { echo -at $c.(*** Error: You must supply a highlight trigger!) }
    if ($did == 27) { set %highlightprot.status on | echo -at $c.(*** Highlight spam protection is now on.) | did -n highlight 36,37 }
    if ($did == 28) { set %highlightprot.status off | echo -at $c.(*** Highlight spam protection is now off.) | did -m highlight 36,37 }
    if ($did == 32) {
      if (%highlight.notice != on) {
        set %highlight.notice on
        echo -at $c.(*** When a full-screen application is running and you are $&
          highlighted you will now notice the user of such.)
      else { 
        set %highlight.notice off 
        echo -at $c.(*** You will no longer inform users via notice $&
          when a full-screen application is running.)
    if ($did == 57) {
      if (%highlight.mass != on) {
        set %highlight.mass on
        echo -at $c.(*** Mass highlight protection is now activated.)
      else {
        set %highlight.mass off
        echo -at $c.(*** Mass highlight protection is now off.)
    if ($did == 50) {
      if (%highlight.idle != on) { 
        set %highlight.idle on
        did -n highlight 51,53
      else { 
        set %highlight.idle off
        did -m highlight 51,53
    if ($did == 60) { 
      if ($strip($did(highlight,51).text) != $null) {
        if ($strip($did(highlight,51).text) > 60) { 
          echo -at $c.(*** Highlight time cannot be greater than 60 minutes. Using default idle time instead. (20 mins))
          set %highlight.mins 20
          did -r highlight 51
          did -a highlight 51 20
        else set %highlight.mins $did(highlight,51).text
      else {
        echo -at $c.(*** Highlight idle time cannot be empty! Using default idle time instead. (20 mins))
        set %highlight.mins 20
        did -a highlight 51 20
      if ($strip($did(highlight,53).text) != $null) {
        set %highlight.msg $did(highlight,53).text
      else {
        echo -at $c.(*** Highlight idle message cannot be empty! Using default message instead.)
        set %highlight.msg I have been idle for more than $iif(%highlight.mins,%highlight.mins,20) minutes. This is a one-time response to your highlight.
        did -a highlight 53 I have been idle for more than $iif(%highlight.mins,%highlight.mins,20) minutes. This is a one-time response to your highlight.
    if ($did == 39) { 
      if ($did(highlight,36).text != $null) && ($did(highlight,37).text != $null) { 
        set %highlight.secs $did(highlight,36).text 
        set %highlight.times $did(highlight,37).text
        echo -at $c.(*** Highlight protection will now ignore user (when activated) after $did(highlight,37).text times in $did(highlight,36).text seconds.)
      else { echo -at $c.(*** Error: Secs/times values cannot be blank! Using defualt values instead.) | set %highlight.secs 15 | set %highlight.times 5 | did -r highlight 36,37 | did -a highlight 37 5 | did -a highlight 36 15 }
    if ($did == 43) { 
      if ($strip($did(highlight,%highlight.cclick).text)) {
        writeini -n exceptions.ini %current.server $did(highlight,%highlight.cclick).text $iif(%highlight.cclick == 42,user,chan) 
        if (%highlight.cclick == 42) {
          var %uline = $didwm(highlight,42,*Service Bots*)
          did -i highlight 42 %uline $did(highlight,42).text   
          did -d highlight 42 0 
        else {
          did -a highlight %highlight.cclick $did(highlight,%highlight.cclick).text
          did -d highlight %highlight.cclick 0
      else { echo -at $c.(*** Error: You must supply an exception to add!) }
    if ($did == 44) {
      if (%highlight.cclick == 42) {
        var %w = 1
        while (%w <= $ini(exceptions.ini,%current.server,0)) {
          if ($did(highlight,42).seltext === $ini(exceptions.ini,%current.server,%w)) && ($readini(exceptions.ini,n,%current.server,$ini(exceptions.ini,%current.server,%w)) == user) { var %yes = 1 | .break }
          else { inc %w } 
        if ($var(%yes)) {
          var %h = $ini(exceptions.ini,%current.server,%w)
          remini exceptions.ini %current.server %h 
          var %lewl = $didwm(highlight,42,$+(*,$did(highlight,42).seltext),*))
          did -d highlight 42 %lewl
          did -d highlight 42 0 
          did -r highlight 47
        else { echo -at $c.(*** Error: You can't delete non-custom exceptions!) }
      else {
        remini exceptions.ini %current.server $did(highlight,%highlight.cclick).seltext
        var %lewl = $didwm(highlight,%highlight.cclick,$+(*,$did(highlight,%highlight.cclick).seltext),*))
        did -d highlight %highlight.cclick %lewl
        did -d highlight %highlight.cclick 0
        did -r highlight 47
    if ($did == 45) { 
      botlist %current.server
      did -r highlight 42
      if ($ini(exceptions.ini,%current.server,0) != 0) {
        var %t = $ini(exceptions.ini,%current.server,0), %g = 0
        did -a highlight 42 $+($str(—,6),User Nicks,$str(—,6))
        while (%g <= %t) {
          var %i = $ini(exceptions.ini,%current.server,%g)
          if ($readini(exceptions.ini,%current.server,%i) == user) {
            did -a highlight 42 %i
          inc %g
      if ($ini(exceptions.ini,%current.server,0) != 0) { did -a highlight 42 $+($str(—,6),Service Bots,$str(—,5)) }
      .timerbotlist 1 1 showbots %current.server
    if ($did == 46) { 
      if ($did(highlight,47).text != $null) {
        var %old = $did(highlight,%highlight.cclick).seltext, %new = $did(highlight,47).text
        renini exceptions.ini ? %current.server $did(highlight,%highlight.cclick).seltext $did(highlight,47).text
        var %hut = $didwm(highlight,%highlight.cclick,$+(*,%old,*))
        did -o highlight %highlight.cclick %hut %new
        did -d highlight %highlight.cclick 0 
      else { echo -at $c.(*** Error: You must have an exception in the edit box to submit it.) }
    if ($did == 30) {
      if ($input(Are you sure you want to clear all highlight exceptions?,yvuw,Clear all?) == $yes) {
        remini exceptions.ini %current.server 
        echo -at $c.(*** Highlight exceptions cleared.)
        closeit did -f highlight 3
    if ($did == 48) { clearhvars }
    if ($did == 42) { 
      set %highlight.cclick $did
      did -d highlight 49 0
      did -u highlight 49
      var %i = 1
      while (%i <= $ini(exceptions.ini,%current.server,0)) {
        if ($did(highlight,42).seltext === $ini(exceptions.ini,%current.server,%i)) && ($readini(exceptions.ini,n,%current.server,$ini(exceptions.ini,%current.server,%i)) == bot) { var %yes = 1 | .break }
        else { inc %i } 
      if *———* !iswm $did(highlight,42).seltext && !$var(%yes) {
        did -n highlight 47
        did -e highlight 46
        did -r highlight 47
        did -a highlight 47 $did(highlight,42).seltext
      else {
        did -m highlight 47
        did -b highlight 46
    if ($did == 49) {
      set %highlight.cclick $did
      did -d highlight 42 0
      did -n highlight 47
      did -e highlight 46
      did -r highlight 47
      did -a highlight 47 $did(highlight,49).seltext
      did -u highlight 42
on *:dialog:highlight:close:0:{ clearhvars }
alias reloadexceptions {
  did -r highlight 42
  did -r highlight 49
  if ($ini(exceptions.ini,$1,0) != 0) {
    var %t = $ini(exceptions.ini,$1,0), %h = 0
    did -a highlight 42 $+($str(—,6),User Nicks,$str(—,6))
    while (%h <= %t) {
      var %i = $ini(exceptions.ini,$1,%h)
      if ($readini(exceptions.ini,$1,%i) == user) {
        did -a highlight 42 %i
      inc %h
  if ($ini(exceptions.ini,$1,0) != 0) {
    var %o = $ini(exceptions.ini,$1,0), %k = 0 
    did -a highlight 42 $+($str(—,6),Service Bots,$str(—,5))
    while (%k <= %o) {
      var %pp = $ini(exceptions.ini,$1,%k)
      if ($readini(exceptions.ini,n,$1,%pp) == bot) {
        did -a highlight 42 %pp
      inc %k
  var %bo = $ini(exceptions.ini,$1,0), %q = 0 
  while (%q <= %bo) {
    var %opp = $ini(exceptions.ini,$1,%q)
    if ($readini(exceptions.ini,n,$1,%opp) == chan) {
      did -a highlight 49 %opp
    inc %q
alias showbots {
  if ($ini(exceptions.ini,$1,0) != 0) {
    var %o = $ini(exceptions.ini,$1,0), %k = 0 
    while (%k <= %o) {
      var %pp = $ini(exceptions.ini,$1,%k)
      if ($readini(exceptions.ini,n,$1,%pp) == bot) {
        did -a highlight 42 %pp
      inc %k
alias highlighttrig {
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= $lines(highlighttrigs.txt)) {
    if ($regex($1,/ $+ $read(highlighttrigs.txt,%i) $+ /i)) || ($+(*,$me,*) iswm $1) { var %lo = go | .break }
    ;($+(*,$read(highlighttrigs.txt,%i),*) iswm $1)
    else inc %i 
  if (%lo) {
    var %nn = 1, %lnick = 0
    while (%nn <= $nick($2,0)) {
      if ($+(*,$nick($2,%nn),*) iswm $1) { inc %lnick }
      inc %nn
    ;$floor($calc($nick($2,0) /5*3))
    if %lnick >= 5 && %highlight.mass == on { return no }
    else { return yes }
alias nochan {
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= $ini(exceptions.ini,$2,0)) {
    if ($ini(exceptions.ini,$2,$1)) && ($readini(exceptions.ini,n,$2,$1) == chan) { return yes | .break }
    else { inc %i } 
alias clearhvars { unset %highlight.cclick %current.server }
alias -l updateit {
  if (!$isfile(arbitersbannercopy.jpg)) dlpic
  did -c highlight $iif(%logging.high == on,11,12)  
  did -c highlight $iif(%highlight.yeah == on,17,18)
  var %i = 1 
  while (%i <= $lines(highlights.txt)) {
    did -a highlight 4 $read(highlights.txt,n,%i)
    inc %i
  var %l = 1 
  while (%l <= $lines(highlighttrigs.txt)) {
    did -a highlight 20 $read(highlighttrigs.txt,n,%l)
    inc %l
  if ($ini(exceptions.ini,$1,0) != 0) {
    var %t = $ini(exceptions.ini,$1,0), %h = 0
    did -a highlight 42 $+($str(—,6),User Nicks,$str(—,6))
    while (%h <= %t) {
      var %i = $ini(exceptions.ini,$1,%h)
      if ($readini(exceptions.ini,$1,%i) == user) {
        did -a highlight 42 %i
      inc %h
  if ($ini(exceptions.ini,$1,0) != 0) {
    var %o = $ini(exceptions.ini,$1,0), %k = 0 
    did -a highlight 42 $+($str(—,6),Service Bots,$str(—,5))
    while (%k <= %o) {
      var %pp = $ini(exceptions.ini,$1,%k)
      if ($readini(exceptions.ini,n,$1,%pp) == bot) {
        did -a highlight 42 %pp
      inc %k
  did -c highlight $iif(%highlightprot.status == on,27,28)  
  if (%highlightprot.status == on) did -n highlight 36,37
  else did -m highlight 36,37
  did -a highlight 36 %highlight.secs 
  did -a highlight 37 %highlight.times
  did -m highlight 47
  did -b highlight 46
  if (%highlight.mass == on) { did -c highlight 57 }
  if (%highlight.mins) { did -a highlight 51 %highlight.mins }
  if (%highlight.msg) { did -a highlight 53 %highlight.msg }
  if (%highlight.idle == on) { did -n highlight 51,53 | did -c highlight 50 }
  else { did -m highlight 51,53 }
  if (%highlight.flash == on) { did -c highlight 64 }
  if (%highlight.beep == on) { did -c highlight 63 }
  if (%highlight.actions == on) { did -c highlight 66 }
  if (%highlight.notice == on) { did -c highlight 32 }
  var %bo = $ini(exceptions.ini,$1,0), %q = 0
  while (%q <= %bo) {
    var %opp = $ini(exceptions.ini,$1,%q)
    if ($readini(exceptions.ini,n,$1,%opp) == chan) {
      did -a highlight 49 %opp
    inc %q
  var %server = $scon(0)
  while %server {
    did -a highlight 61 $scon(%server).network
    if ($scon(%server).network == $1) var %tempserv2 = $scon(%server).network
    dec %server
  set %current.server %tempserv2
  var %use.server = $didwm(highlight,61,$+(*,%current.server,*))
  did -c highlight 61 %use.server 
alias -l c. { return $+($chr(3),$color(info text).dd,$1-,$chr(3)) }
alias -l closeit { 
  dialog -x highlight 
  dialog -dm highlight highlight
  if ($1) { $1- }
alias highlightlogs {
  if ($dialog(highlight)) { dialog -x highlight | dialog -dm highlight highlight }
  else { dialog -dm highlight highlight }
on ^*:NOTICE:*:?: {
  if ($nick = BotServ && %botlist) {
    if ($regex($1-,/^(\S+) \(\w+@\w+\.\w+(?:\.\w+)*\)$/Si)) { writeini -n exceptions.ini $network $regml(1) bot }
    elseif ($regex($1-,/^(\d+) bots available\.$/Si)) {
      unset %botlist
      echo -at $c.(Finished writing bots to Botlist. There are currently $regml(1) bots available. This alias was written by Kol of SwiftIRC.)
alias isbot {
  if ($readini(exceptions.ini,n,$2,$1)) { return $true }
  else { return $false }
alias botlist {
  echo -at $c.(Updating BotList)
  if ($ini(exceptions.ini,$1,0) != 0) {
    var %o = $ini(exceptions.ini,$1,0), %k = 0 
    while (%k < %o) {
      var %pp = $ini(exceptions.ini,$1,%k)
      if ($readini(exceptions.ini,n,$1,%pp) == bot) {
        remini exceptions.ini $1 %pp
      inc %k
  writeini -n exceptions.ini $1 NickServ bot
  writeini -n exceptions.ini $1 ChanServ bot
  writeini -n exceptions.ini $1 BotServ bot
  writeini -n exceptions.ini $1 MemoServ bot
  writeini -n exceptions.ini $1 HostServ bot
  var %server = $scon(0)
  while %server {
    if ($scon(%server).network == $1) var %tempserv = %server
    dec %server
  scon %tempserv
  bs botlist
  set %botlist on
alias nohtml {
  var %x,%i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x)
  %x = $replace(%x,&nbsp;,$null)
  return %x
alias hvcheck {
  if ($sock(hvcheck)) sockclose hvcheck
  sockopen hvcheck arbiter.novahost.org 80
on *:SOCKOPEN:hvcheck: {
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /scripts/hversion.txt HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: arbiter.novahost.org
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf $crlf
on *:SOCKREAD:hvcheck: {
  if ($sockerr) { echo -at $c.(There was an error connecting. $+($chr(40),$sockerr,-,$sockname,$chr(41))) | halt }
  var %x
  sockread %x
  if (*<b>*</b>* iswm %x) {
    tokenize 32 %x
    var %hversion = $nohtml($1), %mversion = $nohtml($2)
  if %hversion && %mversion {
    if ($hversion < %hversion) echo -at $c.(Your Highlight script version $+($chr(40),$hversion,$chr(41)) is out of date! The current version $&
      is %hversion for mIRC $+(v,%mversion),. You may obtain an updated version at http://arbiter.novahost.org/scripts/higlight.txt)
    elseif ($hversion = %hversion) echo -at $c.(Your Highlight script is up to date! $&
      $+($chr(40),v,$hversion,$chr(41))) $iif($version < $remove(%mversion,+),$c.(but your mIRC $&
      version is out of date! Please update your mIRC version to %mversion))
    else echo -at $c.(It seems you've obtained a newer version of Arbiters Highlight script than Arbiter himself!)
alias dlpic {
  if ($sock(dlpic)) sockclose dlpic
  sockopen dlpic arbiter.novahost.org 80
on *:sockopen:dlpic:{
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /images/arbitersbannercopy.jpg HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: arbiter.novahost.org
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf $crlf
on *:sockread:dlpic: {
  if ($sockerr) { echo -at $c.(There was an error connecting. $+($chr(40),$sockerr,-,$sockname,$chr(41))) | halt }
  if (!$sock($sockname).mark) {
    var %SockReader
    sockread %SockReader
    if (%SockReader == $null) { sockmark $sockname 1 }
  else {
    sockread &picture 
    bwrite $qt($mIRCdir $+ arbitersbannercopy.jpg) -1 -1 &picture
alias renini {
  var %filename = $+(", $left($remove($gettok($1-, 1, 63), "), -1), "), %echo = echo $colour(in) -qa *** /renini:
  tokenize 32 $gettok($1-, 2-, 63)
  if (!$isfile(%filename)) {
    %echo File not found: %filename
  if ($0 == 2) {
    var %l = $read(%filename, nw, $+([, $1])), %l = $readn
    if ($ini(%filename, $1)) && (%l) {
      write $+(-l, %l) %filename $+([, $2])
      %echo Renamed topic $+(", $1") to $+(", $2") in %filename
    else { %echo Topic $+(", $1") not found in %filename }
  if ($0 > 2) {
    var %l = $read(%filename, nw, $+([, $1])), %l = $readn, %item
    if ($ini(%filename, $1)) && (%l) {
      if ($ini(%filename, $1, $2)) {
        %item = $readini(%filename, n, $1, $2)
        remini %filename $1-2
        writeini -n %filename $1 $3 %item
        %echo Renamed item $+(", $2") from topic $+(", $1") to $+(", $3") in %filename
      else { %echo Item $+(", $2") from topic $+(", $1") not found in %filename }
    else { %echo Topic $+(", $1") not found in %filename }
on *:start:{ if (!$isfile(arbitersbannercopy.jpg)) dlpic }
on *:load:{
  if (!$isfile(arbitersbannercopy.jpg)) dlpic
  %highlight.secs = 15
  %highlight.times = 5
  %highlightprot.status = off
  %highlight.notice = off
  %highlight.yeah = off
  %highlight.ctime = $ctime
  echo -a $c.(*** You've just loaded Arbiters highlight script $+(v,$hversion,!) Right click anywhere on a channel and select "Highlights" to configure the script. All options are off by default.)
on *:unload:{
  if ($input(Do you wish to remove all variables related to this script? (If you don't plan on using this script again, this is recommended),qy,Highlights $+(v,$hversion)) == $true) {
    unset %highlight.* %highlightprot.status %logging.high %highlights.*


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Sir_Sonic12   -  Sep 20, 2008

It would only ignore them when they say your name once if that's what you have it set to...so don't set it that way.

RagBot   -  Jun 04, 2008

i very highly dislike the 60 second ignore when they only say my name once :(
User1: Hey User2 I need to tell you something important.
User1: (secret ignored)

it\'s just really tedious to have to ask them to say it again :(
I still give a 7/10 for quality of the script.

SnoooP   -  Feb 25, 2008

good job. i cannot beleive what boredom does to people though :P lol

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