connection killer

By napa182 on Feb 20, 2008

ok what this does is kills all new incoming connections to a server. you can add the ip's of ur staff so they can connect. so add them like they are in the snotice's when they connect. you can also give ur staff access to the trigger "!conkill on !conkill off" to use by adding their MUST be either admin or ircop to use this. paste into a new remote and either click on ur menubar or in a channel to open the dialog. someone may find this useful..enjoy...


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PyThOn   -  Nov 22, 2011

.msg botserv say $chan Connection Killer Is Now ON!! All Incoming Connection's Will Be Killed
if ($strip($2) == off) {
unset %conkill
.msg botserv say $chan Connection Killer Is Now OFF!!

I would Put it as .msg $chan Connection Killer Is Now OFF!! Just a little change.

Jethro   -  Jul 16, 2010

The regex will either match luscious and lucious only and nothing else.

No, it's not equivalent to luscious

luscious is pretty much equivalent to: if luscious isin $1- or luscious iswm $1-

I wouldn't recommend that you use the wild-card (iswm) or the isin operator, because if someone says the adverb "lusciously," he or she will get k-lined!

Your initial text event was okay, because you didn't insert the asterisk at both ends of the word luscious. But it'll still match for one word, and not "lucious"

Lucius   -  Jul 16, 2010

Thanks, pretty nice refinement and I'll be using them all.
and it isn't active right now, it just seemed appropriate here instead of in chat lol.
I can't seem to get a grip on regex. is that equiv to luscious and not luscious* ?

Jethro   -  Jul 16, 2010

I almost forgot that you can use regex for matching these two feminine names you want to kline:

on $*:text:/\slu(sc|c)ious\b/iS:#:{
Jethro   -  Jul 16, 2010

lol My bad that I misspelled your name. Oh, you can just use an if-then-else statement for the warnings:

on *:text:*luscious:#:{
  if ($($+(%,grrr,$nick),2) >= 3) {
    kline $nick
    unset $+(%,grrr,$nick)
  else {
    inc $+(%,grrr,$nick)
    notice $nick My name is Lucius, not lucious or even luscious. I am a guy, and $&
      this is your $ord($($+(%,grrr,$nick),2)) notice. The 4th notice will result a kline.

Yes, one if statement will do the trick. And you really should have made the $ord(%grrr [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) works to its advantages instead of making it work once. I ditch the use of brackets [ ] in your example, 'cause they look ugly to me. lol Last but not least, you should unset the variable matching the nick you've kline'd so the count will start afresh.

Lucius   -  Jul 16, 2010

I saw that post a while ago, was just making sure...

and Jethro....^^

 on *:text:*luscious:#: {
   if (!%grrr [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { notice $nick My name is Lucius, not lucious or even luscious, I am a guy | set %grrr [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
   if (%grrr [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 3) { kline $nick }
   if (%grrr [ $+ [ $nick ] ] <= 3) { notice $nick My name is Lucius, not lucious or even luscious, I am a guy, and this is the $ord(%grrr [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) notice.  the 4th will be a kline. | inc %grrr [ $+ [ $nick ] ] } } 
napa182   -  Jul 16, 2010

so true Jethro_. I figure if I post it people are going to do whatever they want to do to it anyways.

Jethro   -  Jul 16, 2010

I hope you don't mind me tweaking it a little.Luscious, I believe napa doesn't mind about having his code being "modified" or worse yet, "ripped." He doesn't care, just like the fine print he has in some of his script descriptions, and I quote, > like always rip strip this script how ever you want i just don't

Lucius   -  Jul 16, 2010

I love it too napa, just what I always wanted :]

I hope you don't mind me tweaking it a little. I added a notice to the allowed connections, so if you are using this to keep the site empty (no admin around etc) as soon as one allowed does sign in, it will msg them after 10 seconds (to give them time to enter rooms etc) and let them know that it's on and nobody can enter.

I also added a log to it, when the connection killer is turned off either by dialog or by trigger it will post each killed connection since it was turned on (in order of: 1st kill---most recent end) then wipe the log. (the log is posted in #AdminRoom but you can change that right at the botton in the: alias conkicklist

I know these tweaks aren't for everyone, but for a fairly quiet site that closes shop late at night, it's perfect in my opinion. I couldn't have made the script myself, TY napa for not biting my head off for these additions (I HOPE....)

dialog conkill {
  title "Connection Killer"
  size -1 -1 156 132
  option dbu
  box "Address To Allow", 1, 2 1 97 33
  text "Enter Adderss:", 2, 5 10 37 8
  edit "", 3, 5 20 91 9, autohs
  button "Add", 4, 48 10 18 9, flat
  button "Del", 5, 76 10 18 9, flat
  box "Address Allow List", 6, 2 37 97 58
  list 7, 5 48 91 44, size vsbar
  box "Con Killer On/Off", 8, 101 1 53 24
  check "on", 9, 104 12 17 10, flat
  check "off", 10, 133 12 17 10, flat
  edit "", 11, 119 82 31 9, read
  text "Time:", 12, 104 82 14 8
  box "Trigger Access", 13, 101 29 53 25
  check "on", 14, 104 40 17 10, flat
  check "off", 15, 133 40 18 10, flat
  box "Date/Time", 16, 101 58 53 37
  text "Date:", 17, 104 69 14 8
  edit "", 18, 119 69 31 9, read
  box "Add/Del Nicks To Use Trigger", 19, 2 98 97 32
  list 20, 105 107 45 19, size vsbar
  text "Add/Del Nick:", 21, 5 107 33 8
  edit "", 22, 42 107 50 9
  button "Add", 23, 12 117 26 9, flat
  button "Del", 24, 53 117 26 9, flat
  box "Nick Trigger List", 25, 101 98 53 32
dialog conkir {
  title "ERROR"
  size -1 -1 91 23
  option dbu
  box "??X????t0??X?", 1, 1 1 89 21
  text "ERROR! Please Enter An Address", 2, 4 10 84 8
dialog conkiw {
  title "ERROR"
  size -1 -1 91 23
  option dbu
  box "??X????t0??X?", 1, 1 1 89 21
  text "ERROR! Please Enter A Nick", 2, 4 10 84 8
on *:load: {
  echo 12 -a You Have Just Loaded Napa182's Connection Killer
  echo 12 -a A Script0rs Inc. Production
  echo -a (???? ??X????t0??X? ????)?
menu menubar,channel {
  .Connetion killer:{ conkill }
alias conkill { dialog $iif($dialog(conkill),-v,-md) conkill conkill }
alias conkir { dialog $iif($dialog(conkir),-v,-md) conkir conkir }
alias conkiw { dialog $iif($dialog(conkiw),-v,-md) conkiw conkiw }
alias datee { did -ra conkill 18 $date(mm.dd.yy) }
alias contime { did -ra conkill 11 $time(h:nn:sst) }
on *:DIALOG:conkill:close:0:{ .timerdatte off | .timercon off }
on *:DIALOG:conkill:init:0:{
  if (%conkill) { did -c conkill 9 }
  if (!%conkill) { did -c conkill 10 }
  if (%trigger) { did -c conkill 14 }
  if (!%trigger) { did -c conkill 15 }
  did -a conkill 11 $time(h:nn:sst) | .timercon 0 1 contime
  did -a conkill 18 $date(mm.dd.yy) | .timerdatte 0 1 datee
  if (%allow) {
    var %conallow = $gettok(%allow,1-,44)
    var %bo = $numtok(%conallow,44), %oh = 1
    while ( %oh <= %bo ) {
      did -a conkill 7 $gettok(%conallow,%oh,44)
      inc %oh
  if (%trignick) {
    var %trigallow = $gettok(%trignick,1-,44)
    var %bo = $numtok(%trigallow,44), %oh = 1
    while ( %oh <= %bo ) {
      did -a conkill 20 $gettok(%trigallow,%oh,44)
      inc %oh
on *:DIALOG:conkill:sclick:*:{
  if ($did == 9) { set %conkill on | did -u conkill 10 }
  if ($did == 10) { unset %conkill | did -u conkill 9 | conkicklist }
  if ($did == 14) { set %trigger on | did -u conkill 15 }
  if ($did == 15) { unset %trigger | did -u conkill 14 }
  if ($did == 4) {
    if (!$did(3).text) {
    else {
      set %allow $addtok(%allow,( $+ $did(3).text $+ ),44)
      did -r conkill 3
      did -r conkill 7
      var %conallow = $gettok(%allow,1-,44)
      var %bo = $numtok(%conallow,44), %oh = 1
      while ( %oh <= %bo ) {
        did -a conkill 7 $gettok(%conallow,%oh,44)
        inc %oh
  if ($did == 5) {
    if (!$did(3).text) {
    else {
      set %allow $remtok(%allow,( $+ $did(3).text $+ ),1,44)
      did -r conkill 3
      did -r conkill 7
      var %conallow = $gettok(%allow,1-,44)
      var %bo = $numtok(%conallow,44), %oh = 1
      while ( %oh <= %bo ) {
        did -a conkill 7 $gettok(%conallow,%oh,44)
        inc %oh
  if ($did == 23) {
    if (!$did(22).text) {
    else {
      set %trignick $addtok(%trignick,$did(22).text,44)
      did -r conkill 22
      did -r conkill 20
      var %trigallow = $gettok(%trignick,1-,44)
      var %bo = $numtok(%trigallow,44), %oh = 1
      while ( %oh <= %bo ) {
        did -a conkill 20 $gettok(%trigallow,%oh,44)
        inc %oh
  if ($did == 24) {
    if (!$did(22).text) {
    else {
      set %trignick $remtok(%trignick,$did(22).text,1,44)
      did -r conkill 22
      did -r conkill 20
      var %trigallow = $gettok(%trignick,1-,44)
      var %bo = $numtok(%trigallow,44), %oh = 1
      while ( %oh <= %bo ) {
        did -a conkill 20 $gettok(%trigallow,%oh,44)
        inc %oh
on *:text:*:#: {
  if ($strip($1) == !conkill) {
    if ($nick isin $gettok(%trignick,1-,44)) && (%trigger == on) {
      if ($strip($2) == on) {
        set %conkill on
        .msg #AdminRoom $chan Connection Killer Is Now ON!! All Incoming Connection's Will Be Killed
      if ($strip($2) == off) {
        unset %conkill
        .msg #AdminRoom $chan Connection Killer Is Now OFF!!
on *:snotice:*client connecting*:{
  if (%conkill == on) {
    if ($10 isin $gettok(%allow,1-,44)) {
      timer 1 10 notice $9 CONKILLER IS ON, please turn it off if you are staying here. (in admin room: !conkill off)

    else { 
      if (!%conkickercount) {
        set %conkickercount 1
      while (%conkickernick [ $+ [ %conkickercount ] ]) {
        inc %conkickercount
      set %conkickernick [ $+ [ %conkickercount ] ] $time(ddd:hh:mmtt) > $1-
    Kill $9 Sorry We Are Not Accepting Any New Connections At This Time. Try Back Later }


alias conkicklist {
  if (!%conkickernick1) { msg #AdminRoom No attempted connections while CONKILLER was turned on. }
  if (%conkickernick1) {
    msg #AdminRoom CONKILLER LOG:  (listed from earliest to most recent)
    while (%conkickercount) {
      timer 1 %conkickercount msg #AdminRoom killed: %conkickernick [ $+ [ %conkickercount ] ]
      unset %conkickernick [ $+ [ %conkickercount ] ]
      dec %conkickercount
      if (%conkickercount < 1) {
        unset %conkickercount 
TheWhistler  -  Jan 28, 2013

for some reasons the Trigger !conkill do not work and Address To Allow is not working either , i get no errors but as for the connection killer it works great just those 2 dont work, reason i dont know, even my friend has it all the above do the same thing, is there any reason why they dont work ??

Lucius  -  Mar 04, 2013

It's been a long time since I coded so I can't offer to fix it as I barely remember how this works but from memory I remember that the allow address could be quite fiddly, it has to match the ip as the server sends it -perfectly- (IE: maybe you need brackets/different spacings, or letters if it is kept as a secure format, or even it's checking the wrong word in the connection message to match against). As for the conkill, I don't know why it wouldn't work for you. Possibilities are: server has a different format for the connection messages or kill commands, and first check as always, the script is not on an admin connection.

Last I used this (probably only a couple of months after I posted it) it was working fine on a chatspace server.

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TheWhistler   -  Sep 04, 2008

after using this i like it very much and thanks for it , was wondering if you make it to work on serveral servers where u can just add in the servers addies, for i have 4 servers , dontlike to be on all 4 at the same time with just 1 connection killer, instead of just 1 server, if not it still works great, and keep up the great work

TheWhistler   -  Aug 15, 2008

never mind think i see where to add the ip's in at

AdrianF   -  Jun 13, 2008

lol @ whitleer

TheWhistler   -  Jun 05, 2008

i like this but couldnt it be made so you can just add certern ip\'s that you dont wnat to connect to the server , if so that would be greattttttt, i know i could use one ???

ZiX   -  Apr 25, 2008

very nice, napa182

Xitr0   -  Feb 20, 2008

great script napa182

SLS10   -  Feb 20, 2008

I could see this being used for evil and otherwise naughty things, though. Like an admin of a large channel who\'s sick of everyone, so they unleash this script on \'em. Of course, highly improbable, but still.

napa182   -  Feb 20, 2008


Darkkeeper   -  Feb 20, 2008

Very nice napa

shideezhi   -  Feb 20, 2008

love it

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