login script

By xelent on Jan 28, 2008

This is a login script to your bot, it will give you full access to the bot mIRC.
To set your password at the begging do /msg .login after you have done that you can start use your cmds

Commands: Use .cmd
The trigger .cmd is like an "/".
.cmd quit = /quit ( your bot will quit.)
.cmd op NICK #channel. ( gives the nick op in #?"

on *:text:.login*:?:{ if ($2 == %login) && ($ulevel != 1000) { auser 1000 $nick | set %loginnick $nick | set %innlogget 1 | .msg $nick Your access has been authorized. | .msg $nick Welcome to $me 's mIRC (Remote System by xelent) } | elseif ($ulevel == 1000) { .msg $nick You have already logged in } }
on *:text:.cmd*:*:{ if ($ulevel == 1000) { $2- | .notice $nick Done- } | elseif ($ulevel != 1000) { .msg $nick Authorizing reqiured } | halt }
on *:text:.logout*:*:{ if ($ulevel == 1000) { ruser $nick | set %innlogget 0 | unset %loginnick | .msg $nick You have been logged out from $me 's mIRC (Remote System by xelent) } | elseif ($ulevel != 1000) { .msg $nick You are not logged in } }
on *:text:*:?:{ if ((%innlogget == 1) && ($nick != %loginnick)) { .msg %loginnick $nick : $1- } }


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icerem   -  Jan 25, 2010

dude, it doesnt work. how does this works? is there any better codes to work on undernet? i like to be an op of certain channel even if the existing will remuse.

xelent   -  Jan 28, 2008

This is an private login script that I use to get ulevel 1000 to be able to control bots cmds.

xelent   -  Jan 28, 2008

I just made this so I can control my own bot when I am on a another computer, very simple. Don\'t need a BIG log how all cmds are.

Noutrious   -  Jan 28, 2008

Actually, it would & should help - he can see already made source and figure out what new things to add, if he doesn\'t know what a thing does, /help will be handy.

guest598594   -  Jan 28, 2008

well he may not be as experienced as you Noutrious...why don\'t you try telling him what he can improve on. showing him your script won\'t help anything :/

xelent, i suggest storing usenames and passwords in an .ini, hash table, or maybe even a txt if you don\'t know how to do the others

Noutrious   -  Jan 28, 2008

Well, this is VERY basic, actually this is really vulnerable!
Compare it with mine:

And you will see difference ;)

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