
By Get_A_Fix on Jan 24, 2008

Basic detection of public/private channel spam, DALNet specific.

I checked if any antispam snippets had been added and found none under tcl, all the others were in the mIRC Scripting language, so I thought I should add this.

# No.Spam v1.beta - Get_A_Fix/istok (DALnet/IRCSpeed)

# $Id: No.Spam.tcl,v1 25/01/2008 10:47:30am GMT +12 (NZST) getafix Exp $

# - Script Info: 
# - DALNet Specific TCL
# - This script will send an onjoin message to whomever joins the channel where this script is enabled.
#   It will send 3 lines of text (as most spam/drones usually require 3 or more lines to trigger).
#   It will also cycle all valid channel(s). (edit cycletime for duration)

# - NOTE: 'spglobflags' and 'spchanflags' are the flags required to be exempt from pub/msg antispam checks.
#         'ojglobflags' and 'ojchanflags' are the flags required to be exempt from the onjoin channel message.

# - Current Settings exempt: +n (Global Owner)       +n (Channel owner)
#                            +m (Global Master)      +m (Channel Master)
#                            +o (Global Operator)    +o (Channel Operator)
#                            +b (Global Bot)         +f (Channel Friend)
#                            +f (Global Friend)

# - Current Trigger set to '!' 
# - You can edit/modify 'pubtrig' to whatever Trigger you would like.
# - You can edit/modify the 'spamwords' variable to match whatever text you would like.
# - Public Command Syntax Only.

# - Syntax:

# - Onjoin Message:   <trigger>onjoin on/off            (ie: !onjoin on OR !onjoin off <-)
# - No.Spam ON/OFF:   <trigger>antispam on/off       (ie: !antispam on OR !antispam off <-)
# - This enables or disables Antispam. Antispam works for both public AND message.

# Set public trigger here
set pubtrig "!"

# Set cycle time set in minutes
set cycletime "5"

proc getTrigger {} {
  global pubtrig
  return $pubtrig

set exemptwords {

set spamwords {  

setudef flag antispam
setudef flag ojcheck

set spglobflags mnobf
set spchanflags mnof
set ojglobflags mnobf
set ojchanflags mnof

bind MSGM - * spamword:msg
bind PUBM - * spamword:pub
bind JOIN - * onjoin:notice
bind CTCP - ACTION spamword:act
bind PUB - ${pubtrig}antispam antispam:pub
bind PUB - ${pubtrig}onjoin ojcheck:pub
bind MSG - antispam antispam:msg
bind MSG - onjoin ojcheck:msg

proc antispam:pub {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  if {![matchattr [nick2hand $nick] o|m $chan]} {putquick "NOTICE $nick :\037ERROR\037: You do not have access to this command."; return}
  if {([lindex [split $arg] 0] == "") && ![regexp c [getchanmode $chan]]} {putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\037ERROR\037: Incorrect Parameters. \037SYNTAX\037: [getTrigger]antispam on/off"; return}
  if {([lindex [split $arg] 0] == "") && [regexp c [getchanmode $chan]]} {putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :ERROR: Incorrect Parameters. SYNTAX: [getTrigger]antispam on/off"; return}

  if {[lindex [split $arg] 0] == "on"} {
    if {[channel get $chan antispam] && ![regexp c [getchanmode $chan]]} {putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\037ERROR\037: This setting is already enabled."; return}
    if {[channel get $chan antispam] && [regexp c [getchanmode $chan]]} {putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :ERROR: This setting is already enabled."; return}
    channel set $chan +antispam
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :Enabled AntiSpam Protections for $chan"

  if {[lindex [split $arg] 0] == "off"} {
    if {![channel get $chan antispam] && ![regexp c [getchanmode $chan]]} {putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\037ERROR\037: This setting is already disabled."; return}
    if {![channel get $chan antispam] && [regexp c [getchanmode $chan]]} {putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :ERROR: This setting is already disabled."; return}
    channel set $chan -antispam
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :Disabled AntiSpam Protections for $chan"

proc antispam:msg {nick uhost hand arg} {
  global botnick
  set chan [strlwr [lindex $arg 0]]
  if {![matchattr [nick2hand $nick] o|m $chan]} {putquick "NOTICE $nick :\037ERROR\037: You do not have access to this command."; return}
  if {([lindex [split $arg] 0] == "") && (![string match "*#*" $arg])} {putquick "NOTICE $nick :\037ERROR\037: Incorrect Parameters. \037SYNTAX\037: /msg $botnick antispam #channel on/off"; return}
  if {[lindex [split $arg] 0] == ""} {putquick "NOTICE $nick :\037ERROR\037: Incorrect Parameters. \037SYNTAX\037: /msg $botnick antispam #channel on/off"; return}
  if {[lindex [split $arg] 1] == ""} {putquick "NOTICE $nick :\037ERROR\037: Incorrect Parameters. \037SYNTAX\037: /msg $botnick antispam $chan on/off"; return}

  if {[lindex [split $arg] 1] == "on"} {
    if {[channel get $chan antispam]} {putquick "NOTICE $nick :\037ERROR\037: This setting is already enabled."; return}
    channel set $chan +antispam
    putquick "NOTICE $nick :Enabled AntiSpam Protections for $chan"

  if {[lindex [split $arg] 1] == "off"} {
    if {![channel get $chan antispam]} {putquick "NOTICE $nick :\037ERROR\037: This setting is already disabled."; return}
    channel set $chan -antispam
    putquick "NOTICE $nick :Disabled AntiSpam Protections for $chan"

proc ojcheck:pub {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  if {![matchattr [nick2hand $nick] o|m $chan]} {putquick "NOTICE $nick :\037ERROR\037: You do not have access to this command."; return}
  if {([lindex [split $arg] 0] == "") && ![regexp c [getchanmode $chan]]} {putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\037ERROR\037: Incorrect Parameters. \037SYNTAX\037: [getTrigger]onjoin on/off"; return}
  if {([lindex [split $arg] 0] == "") && [regexp c [getchanmode $chan]]} {putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :ERROR: Incorrect Parameters. SYNTAX: [getTrigger]onjoin on/off"; return}

  if {[lindex [split $arg] 0] == "on"} {
    if {[channel get $chan ojcheck] && ![regexp c [getchanmode $chan]]} {putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\037ERROR\037: This setting is already enabled."; return}
    if {[channel get $chan ojcheck] && [regexp c [getchanmode $chan]]} {putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :ERROR: This setting is already enabled."; return}
    channel set $chan +ojcheck
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :Enabled Onjoin Message Checking for $chan"

  if {[lindex [split $arg] 0] == "off"} {
    if {![channel get $chan ojcheck] && ![regexp c [getchanmode $chan]]} {putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\037ERROR\037: This setting is already disabled."; return}
    if {![channel get $chan ojcheck] && [regexp c [getchanmode $chan]]} {putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :ERROR: This setting is already disabled."; return}
    channel set $chan -ojcheck
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :Disabled Onjoin Message Checking for $chan"

proc ojcheck:msg {nick uhost hand arg} {
  global botnick
  set chan [strlwr [lindex $arg 0]]
  if {![matchattr [nick2hand $nick] o|m $chan]} {putquick "NOTICE $nick :\037ERROR\037: You do not have access to this command."; return}
  if {([lindex [split $arg] 0] == "") && (![string match "*#*" $arg])} {putquick "NOTICE $nick :\037ERROR\037: Incorrect Parameters. \037SYNTAX\037: /msg $botnick onjoin #channel on/off"; return}
  if {[lindex [split $arg] 0] == ""} {putquick "NOTICE $nick :\037ERROR\037: Incorrect Parameters. \037SYNTAX\037: /msg $botnick onjoin #channel on/off"; return}
  if {[lindex [split $arg] 1] == ""} {putquick "NOTICE $nick :\037ERROR\037: Incorrect Parameters. \037SYNTAX\037: /msg $botnick onjoin $chan on/off"; return}

  if {[lindex [split $arg] 1] == "on"} {
    if {[channel get $chan ojcheck]} {putquick "NOTICE $nick :\037ERROR\037: This setting is already enabled."; return}
    channel set $chan +ojcheck
    putquick "NOTICE $nick :Enabled Onjoin Message Checking for $chan"

  if {[lindex [split $arg] 1] == "off"} {
    if {![channel get $chan ojcheck]} {putquick "NOTICE $nick :\037ERROR\037: This setting is already disabled."; return}
    channel set $chan -ojcheck
    putquick "NOTICE $nick :Disabled Onjoin Message Checking for $chan"

proc spamword:msg {nick uhost hand text} { 
  global spamwords exemptwords spglobflags spchanflags
  foreach nospamchan [channels] {
    if {[channel get $nospamchan antispam]} {
      if {([botisop $nospamchan]) && (![isbotnick $nick])} { 
        if {![matchattr $hand $spglobflags|$spchanflags $nospamchan]} {
          if {([onchan $nick $nospamchan]) && (![isop $nick $nospamchan]) && (![isvoice $nick $nospamchan])} {
            foreach pattern $exemptwords {
              if {[string match -nocase $pattern $text]} {return}
            foreach pattern $spamwords {
              if {[string match -nocase $pattern $text]} {
                putquick "MODE $nospamchan +b *!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]" 
                putquick "KICK $nospamchan $nick :(\002MSGSPAM\002) - You are \002NOT\002 Permitted to Advertise in $nospamchan - Matching: $pattern"
                putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :Spamming/Advertising on a Channel where you \002DONT\002 have access is a breach of this Networks AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) - Read:"
  return 0

proc spamword:pub {nick uhost hand chan text} { 
  global spamwords exemptwords spglobflags spchanflags
  foreach nospamchan [channels] {
    if {[channel get $nospamchan antispam]} {
      if {([botisop $nospamchan]) && (![isbotnick $nick])} {
        if {![matchattr $hand $spglobflags|$spchanflags $nospamchan]} {
          if {([onchan $nick $nospamchan]) && (![isop $nick $nospamchan]) && (![isvoice $nick $nospamchan])} {
            foreach pattern $exemptwords {
              if {[string match -nocase $pattern $text]} {return}
            foreach pattern $spamwords {
              if {[string match -nocase $pattern $text]} { 
                putquick "MODE $chan +b *!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]" 
                putquick "KICK $nospamchan $nick :(\002PUBSPAM\002) - You are \002NOT\002 Permitted to Advertise in $nospamchan - Matching: $pattern"
                putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :Spamming/Advertising on a Channel where you \002DONT\002 have access is a breach of this Networks AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) - Read:"
  return 0

proc spamword:act {nick uhost hand dest key text} {
  global botnick spamwords exemptwords spglobflags spchanflags
  if {![string match "*#*" $dest]} {return}
  set chan $dest
  foreach nospamchan [channels] {
    if {[channel get $nospamchan antispam]} {
      if {([botisop $nospamchan]) && (![isbotnick $nick])} {
        if {![matchattr $hand $spglobflags|$spchanflags $nospamchan]} {
          if {([onchan $nick $nospamchan]) && (![isop $nick $nospamchan]) && (![isvoice $nick $nospamchan])} {
            foreach pattern $exemptwords {
              if {[string match -nocase $pattern $text]} {return}
            foreach pattern $spamwords {
              if {[string match -nocase $pattern $text]} { 
                putquick "MODE $chan +b *!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]" 
                putquick "KICK $nospamchan $nick :(\002PUBSPAM\002) - You are \002NOT\002 Permitted to Advertise in $nospamchan - Matching: $pattern"
                putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :Spamming/Advertising on a Channel where you \002DONT\002 have access is a breach of this Networks AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) - Read:"
  return 0

proc onjoin:notice {nick uhost hand chan} {
  global ojglobflags ojchanflags
  if {[channel get $chan ojcheck]} {
    if {![isbotnick $nick]} {
      if {![matchattr $hand $ojglobflags|$ojchanflags $chan]} {
        putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :Hello $nick"
        putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :I am checking for Infected/SPAM clients/bots!"
        putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :Please do \002NOT\002 Reply to this Message."
  return 0

timer $cycletime cycle
proc cycle {} {
  global cycletime
  foreach c [channels] {
    putserv "PART $c :AutoMated Cycle..."; timer $cycletime cycle

putlog "No.Spam v1 Spam:Check - .:Loaded:."


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youngblood   -  Aug 23, 2008

this would of been better off making it easier for the others by making a dialog for it this looks a litte complicated

mentalglitch   -  May 13, 2008

lol agreed. tis all the script holders syntax, never blame the bot/script :P

Get_A_Fix   -  Jan 28, 2008

heh, I guess that would depend on the user/channel and what they would like to match/kick/ban. Easily edited.

if {[string match -nocase \"*hawkee*\" $text]} { return }
F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Jan 26, 2008

does anyone have any info on

^^ Would get you kicked......

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