Frogger game (Updated)

By CharltonJ on Jan 16, 2008

well this is a frogger game made it by me :P copy and paste it on your bot and type /me crosses the road to begin the game :P if you find any bug please always let me know, you can find me on #ICW or #Worldchat, or comment here, thanks.

Updated (11/11/2011)

  • Loss
  • Frogger Statistics better
  • Registration to play

If Anything wrong, Find me on -j #ICW

Thank you.

alias userread { return $readini -n users.ini $1 $2 }
on *:LOAD:{ //set %lvl 0 | echo -a 1,7Thanks for loading the Frogger game | echo -a 1,7You can find me on -j #ICW1 if anything wrongs.. | echo -a 1,7Have fun! | halt }
on *:action:*crosses*road*:#: {
  if (%lvl == 0) { /set %pnick $nick | run1 }
  if (%lvl == 1) { run2 }
  if (%lvl == 2) { run3 }
  if (%lvl == 3) { win }

alias run1 {
  if ($userread($nick,reg) == $null) { notice $nick You aren't registered yet, you cannot play the frogger game. (Command SYNTAX: !Register (Password) on the Bot's PM/Query | halt }
  if ($nick == %pnick) {
    var %x = $rand(1,5)
    if (%x == 1) { .msg $chan 1,7 $+ $nick starts crossing The Road:0Progress 5,5_1,1___ | /notice $nick you can keep going! | /set %lvl 1 | halt }
    if (%x == 2) { .msg $chan 14,1Shit4,0 $nick $+ 04. 14You4'14ve got hit by a Ambulance4. | set %lvl 0 | /ignore $nick | /timer 1 10 /ignore -r $nick | /msg # 14,1Please Wait 001004seconds 14if you want to do another4. | /timer 1 20 /notice $nick 14,1You can now type 0/me crosses the road! | set %nloss $userread($nick,l) | writeini users.ini $nick l $calc(%nloss + 1) | unset %nloss   }
    if (%x == 3) { .msg $chan 14,1Shit4,0 $nick $+ 04. 14You4'14ve got hit by a Taxi4. | set %lvl 0 | /ignore $nick | /timer 1 10 /ignore -r $nick | /msg # 14,1Please Wait 001004seconds 14if you want to do another4. | /timer 1 20 /notice $nick 14,1You can now type 0/me crosses the road! | set %nloss $userread($nick,l) | writeini users.ini $nick l $calc(%nloss + 1) | unset %nloss }
    if (%x == 4) { .msg $chan 1,7 $+ $nick starts crossing The Road:0Progress 5,5_1,1___ | /notice $nick you can keep going! | /set %lvl 1 | halt }
    if (%x == 5) { .msg $chan 1,7 $+ $nick starts crossing The Road:0Progress 5,5_1,1___  | /notice $nick you can keep going! | /set %lvl 1 | halt }

alias run2 {
  if ($nick == %pnick) {
    var %y = $rand(1,5)
    if (%y == 1) { .msg $chan 1,7 $+ $nick continues crossing The Road:0Progress 5,5__1,1__ | /notice $nick you can keep going! | /set %lvl 2 | halt }
    if (%y == 2) { .msg $chan 14,1Shit4,0 $nick $+ 04. 14You4'14ve got hit by a Motor4. | set %lvl 0 | /ignore $nick | /timer 1 10 /ignore -r $nick | /msg # 14,1Please Wait 001004seconds14 if you want to do another4.  | /timer 1 20 /notice $nick 14,1You can now type 0/me crosses the road! | set %nloss $userread($nick,l) | writeini users.ini $nick l $calc(%nloss + 1) | unset %nloss }
    if (%y == 3) { .msg $chan 14,1Shit4,0 $nick $+ 04. 14You4'14ve got hit by a car4. | set %lvl 0 | /ignore $nick | /timer 1 10 /ignore -r $nick | /msg # 14,1Please Wait 001004seconds 14if you want to do another4. | /timer 1 20 /notice $nick 14,1You can now type 0/me crosses the road! | set %nloss $userread($nick,l) | writeini users.ini $nick l $calc(%nloss + 1) | unset %nloss }
    if (%y == 4) { .msg $chan 1,7 $+ $nick continues crossing The Road:0Progress 5,5__1,1__ | /notice $nick you can keep going! | /set %lvl 2 | halt }
    if (%y == 5) { .msg $chan 1,7 $+ $nick continues crossing The Road:0Progress 5,5__1,1__ | /notice $nick you can keep going! | /set %lvl 2 | halt }

alias run3 {
  if ($nick == %pnick) {
    var %i = $rand(1,5)
    if (%i == 1) { .msg $chan 1,7 $+ $nick continues crossing The Road:0Progress 5,5___1,1_ | /notice $nick you can keep going! | /set %lvl 3 | halt }
    if (%i == 2) { .msg $chan 14,1Oh Shit4,0 $nick $+ 04. 14You4'14ve got hit by a Police car4. | set %lvl 0 | /ignore $nick | /timer 1 10 /ignore -r $nick | /msg # 14,1Please Wait 001004seconds 14if you want to do another4. | /timer 1 20 /notice $nick 14,1You can now type 0/me crosses the road! | set %nloss $userread($nick,l) | writeini users.ini $nick l $calc(%nloss + 1) | unset %nloss }
    if (%i == 3) { .msg $chan 14,1Oh Noes4,0 $nick $+ 04. 14You4'14ve got hit by a Taxi4. | set %lvl 0 | /ignore $nick | /timer 1 10 /ignore -r $nick | /msg # 14,1Please Wait 001004seconds 14if you want to do another4. | /timer 1 20 /notice $nick 14,1You can now type 0/me crosses the road! | set %nloss $userread($nick,l) | writeini users.ini $nick l $calc(%nloss + 1) | unset %nloss }
    if (%i == 4) { .msg $chan 1,7 $+ $nick continues crossing The Road:0Progress 5,5___1,1_ | /notice $nick you can keep going! | /set %lvl 3 | halt }
    if (%i == 5) { .msg $chan 1,7 $+ $nick continues crossing The Road:0Progress 5,5___1,1_ | /notice $nick you can keep going! | /set %lvl 3 | halt }

alias win {
  if ($nick == %pnick) {
    if (%level. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %level. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0 }
    var %w = $rand(1,5)
    if (%w == 1) { .msg $chan 1,7 $+ $nick continues crossing The Road:0Progress 5,5____1,1  | set %Levw $userread($nick,level) | writeini users.ini $nick level $calc(%Levw + 1) | unset %Levw | msg $chan 1,7Successfully!0 $nick 1goes to the level0 $userread($nick,level) | /set %lvl 0 | | /ignore *!*@* | /timer 1 20 /ignore -r *!*@* | /msg # 7,1Please Wait 20seconds if you want to do another. | /timer 1 20 /msg # 7,1You can now type /me crosses the road!halt }
    if (%w == 2) { .msg $chan  14,1Shit4,0 $nick $+ 04. 14You4'14ve got hit by a car4. | set %lvl 0 | /ignore $nick | /timer 1 20 /ignore -r $nick | /msg # 7,1Please Wait 20seconds if you want to do another. | /timer 1 20 /msg # 7,1You can now type /me crosses the road! | set %nloss $userread($nick,l) | writeini users.ini $nick l $calc(%nloss + 1) | unset %nloss }
    if (%w == 3) { .msg $chan  14,1Shit4,0 $nick $+ 04. 14You4'14re unlucky dude4.. 14got hit by a School bus4. | set %lvl 0 | /ignore $nick | /timer 1 20 /ignore -r $nick | /msg # 7,1Please Wait 20seconds if you want to do another. | /timer 1 20 /msg # 7,1You can now type /me crosses the road! | set %nloss $userread($nick,l) | writeini users.ini $nick l $calc(%nloss + 1) | unset %nloss }
    if (%w == 4) { .msg $chan 1,7 $+ $nick continues crossing The Road:0Progress 5,5____1,1  | set %Levw $userread($nick,level) | writeini users.ini $nick level $calc(%Levw + 1) | unset %Levw | msg $chan 1,7Successfully!0 $nick 1goes to the level0 $userread($nick,level)  | /set %lvl 0 | | /ignore *!*@* | /timer 1 20 /ignore -r *!*@* | /msg # 7,1Please Wait 20seconds if you want to do another. | /timer 1 20 /msg # 7,1You can now type /me crosses the road! | halt }
    if (%w == 5) { .msg $chan 1,7 $+ $nick continues crossing The Road:0Progress 5,5____1,1   | set %Levw $userread($nick,level) | writeini users.ini $nick level $calc(%Levw + 1) | unset %Levw | msg $chan 1,7Successfully!0 $nick 1goes to the level0 $userread($nick,level)  | /set %lvl 0 | /ignore *!*@* | /timer 1 20 /ignore -r *!*@* | /msg # 7,1Please Wait 20seconds if you want to do another. | /timer 1 20 /msg # 7,1You can now type /me crosses the road! | halt }
on *:TEXT:!Fstats:#:{
  if ($userread($nick,level) == $null) { //notice $nick Sorry but you don't have any statistics yet. | halt }
  else {
    msg # 00,01 $+ $nick $+ 4'14s Froggers statistics 4: (14,1Level4:0 $userread($nick,level) 4 $+ $chr(124) $+  14Loss4:0 $userread($nick,l) $+ 04)
on *:TEXT:!Fstats*:#:{
  if ($userread($2,level) == $null) { //notice $nick Sorry but $2 Doesn't have any statistics yet. | halt }
  else {
    msg # 00,01 $+ $2 $+ 4'14s Froggers statistics 4: (14,1Level4:0 $userread($2,level) 4 $+ $chr(124) $+  14Loss4:0 $userread($2,l) $+ 04)
on *:TEXT:!Reg*:?:{
  if ($left($nick,1) isnum) { .msg $nick Sorry, you can't register this nickname. | halt }
  if ($chr(58) isin $nick) { .msg $nick Sorry, you can't register this nickname. | halt }
  if ($Userread($nick,reg) == $Null) {
    if ($2 == $null) { .msg $nick Please specify a password! | halt }
    writeini users.ini $nick level 0
    writeini users.ini $Nick Reg REGISTERED
    writeini users.ini $nick l 0
    writeini users.ini $nick pass $2
    .msg $Nick Thank you for registering  $+ $Nick $+ , with the password  $+ $2 $+ . You can now start playing the frogger game on #ICW by typing: /me crosses the road!
  else { .msg $nick You are already signed up! | halt }


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CharltonJ   -  Nov 12, 2011

Thank you Fuzion <3 :)

Fuzion   -  Nov 11, 2011

well done CJ :D

CharltonJ   -  Nov 10, 2011

Frogger script is updated, have fun, if any bug please let me know on -j #ICW .. thanks

CharltonJ   -  Oct 17, 2010

gj buddy =]

T012m3n7oR   -  Jun 07, 2008

that is the new snippet link


T012m3n7oR   -  Jun 07, 2008

I put a load script before it to auto put the level 0 when loaded it will be a bit quicker then :)

on *:LOAD: {
  echo 9 -a You Have Loaded The Frogger Game.
  echo 9 -a I Do Hope You Like It.
  echo 9 -a Ask Someone Else To Type /me crosses the road.
  set %lvl 0

also there is no way to advance though the levels(parts) i changed it down to 4 ways, hit by tank, hit by car, progress, and level(go to the next part). And it works for me just fine nice idea, but the script needs alot of work to get it to work.

i will repost the script once i get it to work, and link it back to here giving you credit.


CharltonJ   -  Jan 17, 2008

oh i forgot to say:P when you load it type /set %lvl 0 :)

Romulus777   -  Jan 16, 2008

I see some grammar problems. Hitted, for example. Anyway, I\'m going to try and get SCAKK to try it on his bot.

guest598594   -  Jan 16, 2008

umm the two !fstats events duznt really make sense, because the second one can still not have a $2, so you\'d be better off just checking if ($2) or for the second one, make it $$2

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