F0x's Mega Op Script

By ƒØ× on Oct 20, 2007

F0x's Mega Op Script
Made By F0x Of The SwiftIRC Network

I Have Combined All My Op Scripts Into One Big Script.

How To Use:
Right-Click In Either Channel For General Commands, Or Nicklist For User Specific Commands.
(All Commands Can Be Viewed From Both Though). Select The Menu "F0x's Mega Op Script"

CREDITS: Most Of This Script Has Been Made By Me, The Only Ones Not Done Is The Mass Part, And The Original For Op-Stats
I Have Edited Op Stats To My Own Style, And Expanded It To Display More Information.

; F0x's Mega Op Script
; Made By F0x Of The SwiftIRC Network
; www.F0xB0t.net.tc
; How To Use:
; Right-Click In Either Channel For General Commands, Or Nicklist For User Specific Commands.
; (All Commands Can Be Viewed From Both Though). Select The Menu "F0x's Mega Op Script"
; CREDITS: Most Of This Script Has Been Made By Me, The Only Ones Not Done Is The Mass Part, And The Original For Op-Stats
; I Have Edited Op Stats To My Own Style, And Expanded It To Display More Information.

menu * {
  F0x's Mega Op Script
  .Strip Access
  ..Remove Temp And Perm Access:/astrip $$1
  ..Mute:/mute $$1
  ..Unmute:/unmute $$1
  ..OP:/mass +o
  ..DEOP:/mass -o
  ..HOP:/mass +h
  ..DEHOP:/mass -h
  ..VOICE:/mass +v
  ..DEVOICE:/mass -v
  ..OWNER:/mass +q
  ..DEOWNER:/mass -q
  ..ADMIN:/mass +a
  ..DEADMIN:/mass -a
  ..EXCEPTION:/mass +e
  ..DEEXCEPTION:/mass -e
  ..INVITE:/mass +I
  ..DEINVITE:/mass -I
  ..BAN:/mass +b
  ..UNBAN:/mass -b
  ..Noob:/kick # $$1 2Stupid Noob
  ..Pwned:/kick # $$1 2Pwned!!
  ..Owned:/kick # $$1 2http:// $+ $$1 $+ .justgotowned.com
  ..Volcano:/kick # $$1 2Feel The Heat Of The Volcano!
  ..Steal:/kick # $$1 2I Will Steal Your Channel Status!
  ..Raped:/kick # $$1 2Rape This!
  ..Bitch:/kick # $$1 2Bitch Much?
  ..Specified Kicks
  ...Spamming:/kick # $$1 2Stop Spamming
  ...Flooding:/kick # $$1 2Stop Flooding
  ...Swearing:/kick # $$1 2Stop Swearing
  ...Advertising:/kick # $$1 2No Advertising In Here!
  ...Respect Ops:/kick # $$1 2Respect The Ops Idiot.
  ...I Just Don't Like You:/kick # $$1 2You Know What? I Just Don't Like You.
  ..Custom Kick:/dialog -m f0xkick f0xkick
  ..Noob:/ban -k # $$1 2Stupid Noob
  ..Pwned:/ban -k # $$1 2Pwned!!
  ..Owned:/ban -k # $$1 2http:// $+ $$1 $+ .justgotowned.com
  ..Volcano:/ban -k # $$1 2Feel The Heat Of The Volcano!
  ..Steal:/ban -k # $$1 2I Will Steal Your Channel Status!
  ..Raped:/ban -k # $$1 2Rape This!
  ..Bitch:/ban -k # $$1 2Bitch Much?
  ..Specified Bans
  ...Spamming:/ban -k # $$1 2Stop Spamming
  ...Flooding:/ban -k # $$1 2Stop Flooding
  ...Swearing:/ban -k # $$1 2Stop Swearing
  ...Advertising:/ban -k # $$1 2No Advertising In Here!
  ...Respect Ops:/ban -k # $$1 2Respect The Ops Idiot.
  ...I Just Don't Like You:/ban -k # $$1 2You Know What? I Just Don't Like You.
  ..Custom Ban:/dialog -m f0xban f0xban
  .User Moderation
  ...Temp Add
  ....Voice:/mode # +v $$1
  ....Half Op:/mode # +h $$1
  ....Op:/mode # +o $$1
  ....V+H+O:/mode # +ohv $$1 $$1 $$1
  ...Temp Remove
  ....Voice:/mode # -v $$1
  ....Half Op:/mode # -h $$1
  ....Op:/mode # -o $$1
  ....V-H-O:/mode # -ohv $$1 $$1 $$1
  ....Auto Voice:/cs access # add $$1 3
  ....Auto Half-Op:/cs access # add $$1 4
  ....Auto Op:/cs access # add $$1 5
  ....Auto Admin:/cs access # add $$1 10
  ....Remove Auto Access:/cs access # del $$1
  ....Add:/cs akick # add $$1
  ...On:/mode # +b ~q: $+ $address($1,2)
  ...Off:/mode # -b ~q: $+ $address($1,2)
  ...On:/mode # +e $$1
  ...Off:/mode # -e $$1
  ..Query:/query $$1
  ..Whois:/whois $$1
  .Channel Moderation
  ....On:/mode # +m
  ....Off:/mode # -m
  ....On:/mode # +p
  ....Off:/mode # -p
  ....On:/mode # +s
  ....Off:/mode # -s
  ....Remove:/mode # +S
  ....Activate:/mode # -S
  ....Off:/cs set # secureops off
  ....On:/cs set # secureops on
  ...Set Random Key:/mode # +k $rand(1,9) $+ $rand(A,Z) $+ $rand(1,9) $+ $rand(a,z)
  ..Flood Control
  ...Activate:/mode # +f [10j#i5,5k#K5,10m#M5,4n#N5,5t#b]:4
  ...Deactivate:/mode # -f [10j#i5,5k#K5,10m#M5,4n#N5,5t#b]:4
  ..Assign Channel Bot
  ...Phoenix:/bs assign # Phoenix
  ...X:/bs assign # X
  ...Pest-Control:/bs assign # Pest-Control
  ...mIRC:/bs assign # mIRC
  ...Qwerty:/bs assign # Qwerty
  ...Owned:/bs assign # Owned
  ...Dr:/bs assign # Dr
  ...HC:/bs assign # HC
  ...Jess:/bs assign # Jess
  ...ReBirth:/bs assign # ReBirth
  ...Res:/bs assign # Res
  ...TheDarkLegend:/bs assign # TheDarkLegend
  ...BikeStealer:/bs assign # BikeStealer
  ...BlAcKdRaGoN:/bs assign # BlAcKdRaGoN
  ...Dr_Evil:/bs assign # Dr_Evil
  ...Eagle:/bs assign # Eagle
  ...GameFAQs:/bs assign # GameFAQs
  ...GayBot:/bs assign # GayBot
  ...HeadBanger:/bs assign # HeadBanger
  ...Hutch:/bs assign # Hutch
  ...Lara:/bs assign # Lara
  ...LavaDragon:/bs assign # LavaDragon
  ...LemonParty:/bs assign # LemonParty
  ..Unassign BotServ Bots
  ...Unassign:/bs unassign #
  ....On:/msg botserv set # fantasy on
  ....Off:/msg botserv set # fantasy off
  ....On:/msg botserv set # symbiosis on
  ....Off:/msg botserv set # symbiosis off
  ....Op Protection
  .....On:/msg botserv set # dontkickops on
  .....Off:/msg botserv set # dontkickops off
  ....Voice Protection
  .....On:/msg botserv set # dontkickvoices on
  .....Off:/msg botserv set # dontkickvoices off
  ....On:/msg botserv set # greet on
  ....Off:/msg botserv set # greet off
  .Custom Bots
  ..F0xB0t:/invite F0xB0t #
  ..Runescript:/invite Runescript #
  ..ZetaScript:/invite Zetascript #
  ..Slimshady:/invite slimshady #
  ..ZyxaScript:/invite ZyxaScript #
  ..Dustbot:/invite Dustbot #
  .Useful Channels
  ..#bot:/join #bot
  ..#irchelp:/join #irchelp
  ..#pcw:/join #pcw
  ..#swiftswitch:/join #swiftswitch
  ..#f0xb0t:/join #f0xb0t
  ..#botts:/join #botts
alias astrip {
  /mode # -ohv $1 $1 $1
  /cs access # del $1
alias mute {
  /mode # +b ~q: $+ $1 $+ *@*
alias unmute {
  /mode # -b ~q: $+ $1 $+ *@*
alias mass {
  if ($me ishop $chan) || ($me isop $chan) {
    if ($1 isin +vvoice) { set %prefix $+(+,$str(v,$modespl)) | goto start }
    if ($1 isin -vdevoice) { set %prefix $+(-,$str(v,$modespl)) }
    if ($1 isin +oop) { set %prefix $+(+,$str(o,$modespl)) | goto start }
    if ($1 isin -odeop) { set %prefix $+(-,$str(o,$modespl)) }
    if ($1 isin +qowner) { set %prefix $+(+,$str(q,$modespl)) | goto start }
    if ($1 isin -qdeowner) { set %prefix $+(-,$str(q,$modespl)) }
    if ($1 isin +aprotect) { set %prefix $+(+,$str(a,$modespl)) | goto start }
    if ($1 isin -adeprotect) { set %prefix $+(-,$str(a,$modespl)) }
    if ($1 isin +hhalfop) { set %prefix $+(+,$str(h,$modespl)) | goto start }
    if ($1 isin -hdehalfop) { set %prefix $+(-,$str(h,$modespl)) }
    if ($1 isin +eexcept) { set %prefix $+(+,$str(e,$modespl)) | goto start }
    if ($1 isin -eunexcept) { set %prefix $+(-,$str(e,$modespl)) }
    if ($1 isin +Iinvitelist) { set %prefix $+(+,$str(I,$modespl)) | goto start }
    if ($1 isin -Iinvitelist) { set %prefix $+(-,$str(I,$modespl)) }
    if ($1 isin +bban) { set %prefix $+(+,$str(b,$modespl)) | goto start }
    if ($1 isin -bunban) { set %prefix $+(-,$str(b,$modespl)) }
    set %massing $nick($chan,0)
    while (%massing) {
      if ($nick($chan,%massing) != $me) { set %mass1 %mass1 $nick($chan,%massing) }
      if ($gettok(%mass1,0,32) = $modespl) { mode $chan %prefix %mass1 | unset %mass1 }
      dec %massing
    mode $chan %prefix %mass1 | unset %mass1 
  else { echo -a *** Error you're not an halfop on $chan *** }
  alias f0xkick {
    dialog -m f0xkick f0xkick
  dialog f0xkick {
    title "F0x's Custom Kicks & Bans"
    size -1 -1 131 111
    option dbu
    text "By F0x", 1, 50 102 60 10
    box "Custom Kicks", 3, 1 1 130 110, centre
    edit "Nick", 4, 33 11 67 13
    edit "Reason", 5, 33 28 67 13
    edit "#channel", 6, 33 45 67 13
    button "Kick", 7, 69 75 37 12
    button "Cancel", 8, 45 90 37 12, Cancel
  on *:dialog:f0xkick:sclick:7:{
    /kick $did(6) $did(4) $did(5)
  alias f0xban {
    dialog -m f0xban f0xban
  dialog f0xban {
    title "F0x's Custom Kicks & Bans"
    size -1 -1 131 111
    option dbu
    text "By F0x", 1, 50 102 60 10
    box "Custom Bans", 3, 1 1 130 110, centre
    edit "Nick", 4, 33 11 67 13
    edit "Reason", 5, 33 28 67 13
    edit "#channel", 6, 33 45 67 13
    button "Ban", 7, 69 75 37 12
    button "Cancel", 8, 45 90 37 12, Cancel
  on *:dialog:f0xban:sclick:7:{
    /ban -k $did(6) $did(4) $did(5)
  alias opstats {
    set %opstat 0
    set %opstat2 $comchan($me,0)
    set %opchans 0
    set %halfopchans 0
    set %voicechans 0
    set %total $comchan($me,0)
    goto start
    while (%opstat < %opstat2) {
      inc %opstat 1
      if ($comchan($me,%opstat).op == $true) { inc %opchans 1 | goto start }
      if ($comchan($me,%opstat).help == $true) { inc %halfopchans 1 | goto start }
      if ($comchan($me,%opstat).voice == $true) { inc %voicechans 1 | goto start }
    msg $chan 2 $+ $me $+ 's Channel Statistics: OP:3 %opchans 2H-OP:3 %halfopchans 2VOICE:3 %voicechans 2Total Channel(s):3 %total 2IRC Network:3 $network 2Server:3 $server $+ : $+ $port 2Current Time:3 $time 2Currently Away?:3 $away $awaymsg 2Highlighting On?:3 $highlight 2Usermode:3 $usermode 2mIRC Version:3 $version 2System Uptime:3 $uptime(system,1) 2IRC Uptime:3 $uptime(mirc,1) 2 $+ .
    unset %opchans |  unset %halfopchans |  unset %voicechans |  unset %opstat |  unset %opstat2


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Gummo   -  Oct 21, 2007
if ($1 isin +Iinvitelist) { set %prefix $+(+,$str(I,$modespl)) | goto start }
if ($1 isin -Iinvitelist) { set %prefix $+(-,$str(I,$modespl))

Shouldn\'t they have something different for \'invitelist\'?

Kyousoukyoku   -  Oct 20, 2007

Missing a bracket at the end of your mass command.

ƒØ×   -  Oct 20, 2007

the /mass command should work because its in a alias in the script. It works fine for me, maybe you missed part of the script?

Tippy   -  Oct 20, 2007

I like it fox,But /mass is a unknown command try to make it a bit different so that you can use it on any server/ISC

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