
By juhapuha on Oct 17, 2007

I think people can find this script useful. Menu Channel popup. Works like: When you add user to shitlist, script scans all channels you are in. If you are oped on channel and user is on channel he will get banned. When some gives you operator status script scans channel for shitlisted users automatically. When someone joins script does the same. Hopefully you will like. One of the big minuses is that script uses only Nickname, not host.

""Shitlist by ShitBreak""

on *:load:{ echo -a Shitlist Made by ShitBreak. Menu channel popup. Please do not rip. }
menu channel {
  ....Shitlist by ShitBreak
  ..Add user to shitlist:{ var %n = $$?="Enter a Nick", %re = $$?="Enter The reason" | writeini shitlist.ini add %n %re | kickchan %n %re }
  ..Remove User from shitlist:/remini shitlist.ini add $$?="Enter a Nick"
  ..Scan Channel For shitlisted users:/shittest $$?="Enter a Channel"
  ..Shitlist list:{
    var %i = 1
    while (%i <= $ini(shitlist.ini,add,0)) {
      echo -a ** Shitlisted:  $+ $ini(shitlist.ini,add,%i) $+  $+ , Reason:  $+ $readini(shitlist.ini,add,$ini(shitlist.ini,add,%i)) $+ 
      inc %i
on *:join:#:{ shittest $chan }
alias shittest {
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= $ini(shitlist.ini,add,0)) {
    if ($ini(shitlist.ini,add,%i) ison $1) && ($me isop $1) { mode $1 -o+b $ini(shitlist.ini,add,%i) $address($ini(shitlist.ini,add,%i),2) | kick $1 $ini(shitlist.ini,add,%i) Shitlisted: $readini(shitlist.ini,add,$ini(shitlist.ini,add,%i)) }
    inc %i
alias kickchan {
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= $chan(0)) {
    if ($1 ison $chan(%i)) && ($me isop $chan(%i)) { kick $chan(%i) $1 Shitlisted: $2- | %k =  $+ $chan(%i) $+  $iif(%k,- %k) }
    inc %i
  if (%k) { echo -a ** Kicked $1 From Channel(s): %k }
  if (!%k) { echo -a ** $1 Was not on the same channels as you, or you weren't opped }
  unset %k
on *:op:#:{ if ($opnick == $me) { shittest $chan }


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DemonicDerek666   -  Dec 09, 2007

nice snippet its helping me out a bunch

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