
By `[-Alex-] on Oct 14, 2007

right click any where on the screen or use the commands...

Menu * {
  `[-Alex-]'s Ultimate Blacklist:/dialog -md blacklist blacklist
dialog blacklist {
  title "Cupid's Ultimate Blacklist"
  size -1 -1 260 193
  option dbu
  tab "Nick", 1, 0 -1 254 175
  box "Blacklist new nick", 4, 8 21 91 89, tab 1
  edit "", 5, 15 36 50 10, tab 1 autohs
  check "Blacklist address", 7, 16 54 50 10, tab 1
  check "Blacklist nick", 8, 16 66 50 10, tab 1
  button "Ban nick!", 10, 15 93 37 12, tab 1
  box "Blacklist", 12, 117 25 125 132, tab 1
  list 11, 122 33 114 119, tab 1 size vsbar
  box "Unblacklist nick", 19, 8 114 90 50, tab 1
  edit "", 28, 15 128 50 10, tab 1 autohs
  button "Unblacklist nick", 29, 12 143 41 12, tab 1
  button "Unblacklist all", 41, 57 143 37 12, tab 1
  tab "Channel", 2
  edit "", 15, 15 36 50 10, tab 2 autohs
  text "Channel", 16, 68 37 23 8, tab 2
  check "Blacklist all users on channel", 17, 17 54 80 10, tab 2
  button "Blacklist channel!", 20, 16 91 50 12, tab 2
  box "Blacklist new channel", 21, 8 21 91 89, tab 2
  box "Blacklist", 22, 117 25 125 132, tab 2
  list 23, 122 33 114 119, tab 2 size vsbar
  box "Unblacklist channel", 24, 8 114 90 50, tab 2
  edit "", 25, 15 128 50 10, tab 2 autohs
  button "Unblacklist channel", 27, 12 143 51 12, tab 2
  check "Blacklist nicks", 42, 24 66 50 10, tab 2
  check "Blacklist addresses", 43, 24 78 57 10, tab 2
  tab "Blacklist Setup", 3
  box "Storage info (optional)", 30, 9 19 110 46, tab 3
  text "Channel filename.ini", 31, 67 36 51 8, tab 3
  box "External Use", 36, 133 24 82 47, tab 3
  check "Allow external use", 37, 138 34 57 10, tab 3
  check "Nick blacklist", 38, 145 45 50 10, group tab 3
  edit "", 6, 14 35 50 10, tab 3 autohs
  edit "", 26, 14 49 50 10, tab 3 autohs
  text "Nick filename.ini", 32, 67 50 51 8, tab 3
  check "Channel blacklist", 33, 145 56 50 10, group tab 3
  box "Channel Kick Blacklist", 34, 21 80 89 70, tab 3
  check "Turn on kick blacklist", 35, 29 92 77 10, tab 3
  edit "", 39, 29 105 18 10, tab 3 autohs
  text "Number of kicks ", 40, 50 106 41 8, tab 3
  button "OK", 13, 170 178 37 12, ok cancel
  button "Cancel", 14, 213 178 37 12, cancel
  edit "", 9, 3 179 142 10, autohs
  text "status", 18, 148 180 17 8
  text "", 44, 219 3 38 9
  text "", 45, 179 3 38 9
on *:dialog:blacklist:sclick:14:{
  /timer $+ blacklist off
  /timer $+ blacklistdate off
on *:dialog:blacklist:sclick:35:{
  if ($did($dname,35).state == 1) {
    set %kickstop on
    /did -e blacklist 39
    /did -ar blacklist 9 kick now activated
  elseif ($did($dname,35).state == 0) {
    set %kickstop off
    /did -ar blacklist 39
    /did -b blacklist 39
    /did -ar blacklist 9 kick deactivated
on *:dialog:blacklist:sclick:41:{
  /remove %nick_blacklist
  /did -r blacklist 11
on *:dialog:blacklist:sclick:33,38:{
  if ($did($dname,33).state == 1) && ($did($dname,38).state == 1) {
    /did -ar blacklist 9 externaluse activated for nick and channel blacklisting
  elseif ($did($dname,33).state != 1) && ($did($dname,38).state == 1) {
    /did -ar blacklist 9 externaluse deactivated for channel blacklisting
  elseif ($did($dname,33.state == 1) && ($did)$dname,38.state != 1) {
    /did -ar blacklist 9 externaluse deactivated for nick blacklisting
on *:dialog:blacklist:init:*:{
  /timer $+ blacklist 0 1 /did -ra blacklist 45 $!time(HH:nn:ss)
  /timer $+ blacklistdate 0 1 /did -ra blacklist 44 $!time(ddd/mmm/yyyy)
  /did -b blacklist 42
  /did -b blacklist 43
  if (%kickstop == $null) {
    set %kickstop off
  if (%kickstop == off) {
    /did -b blacklist 39
  if (%kickstop == on) {
    /did -c blacklist 35
    /did -e blacklist 39
    /did -ar blacklist 39 %kicknum
  if (%nick_blacklist == $null) {
    set %nick_blacklist nick_blacklist.txt
  if (%chan_blacklist == $null) {
    set %chan_blacklist nick_blacklist.txt
  /write $+(-ds,$chr(13),$chr(10)) %nick_blacklist
  /did -m blacklist 9
  /did -ar blacklist 6 %chan_blacklist
  /did -ar blacklist 26 %nick_blacklist
  if ($readini(blacklist.ini,extuse,on) == true) {
    /did -c blacklist 37
    /did -e blacklist 38
    /did -e blacklist 33
  if ($readini(blacklist.ini,extuse,on) != true) {
    /did -b blacklist 38
    /did -b blacklist 33
  if ($readini(blacklist.ini,extuse,nick) == true) {
    /did -c blacklist 38
  if ($readini(blacklist.ini,extuse,nick) == true) && ($readini(blacklist.ini,extuse,chan) != true) {
    /did -ar blacklist 9 externaluse active for nick blacklisting
  elseif ($readini(blacklist.ini,extuse,nick) == true) && ($readini(blacklist.ini,extuse,chan) == true) {
    /did -ar blacklist 9 externaluse active for nick and chan blacklisting
  elseif ($readini(blacklist.ini,extuse,nick) != true) && ($readini(blacklist.ini,extuse,chan) == true) {
    /did -ar blacklist 9 externaluse active for channel blacklisting
  if ($readini(blacklist.ini,extuse,chan) == true) {
    /did -c blacklist 33
  loadbuf -o blacklist 11 %nick_blacklist
  loadbuf -o blacklist 23 %chan_blacklist
on *:dialog:blacklist:sclick:37:{
  if ($did($dname,37).state == 1) {
    /did -ar blacklist 9 Externaluse activated
    /did -e blacklist 33
    /did -e blacklist 38
  elseif ($did($dname,37).state == 0) {
    /did -bu blacklist 38
    /did -bu blacklist 33
    /did -ar blacklist 9 Externaluse deactivated
on *:dialog:blacklist:sclick:13:{
  /timer $+ blacklist off
  /timer $+ blacklistdate off
  if (%kickstop == on) && ($did($dname,39).edited == $true) {
    set %kicknum $did($dname,39)
  elseif (%kickstop == on) && ($did($dname,39).edited != $true) {
    set %kickstop off
    unset %kicknum
  /write $+(-ds,$chr(13),$chr(10)) %nick_blacklist
  if ($did($dname,6).edited == $true) && (*.txt* iswm $did($dname,6)) {
    set %chan_blacklist $did($dname,6)
  else { set %chan_blacklist chan_blacklist.txt
  if ($did($dname,26).edited == $true) && (*.txt* iswm $did($dname,26)) {
    set %nick_blacklist $did($dname,26)
  else { set %nick_blacklist nick_blacklist.txt }
  if ($did($dname,37).state == 1) {
    /writeini blacklist.ini extuse on true
  if ($did($dname,37).state == 0) {
    /writeini blacklist.ini extuse on false
  if ($did($dname,33).state == 1) {
    /writeini blacklist.ini extuse chan true
  if ($did($dname,33).state == 0) {
    /writeini blacklist.ini extuse chan false
  if ($did($dname,38).state == 1) {
    /writeini blacklist.ini extuse nick true
  if ($did($dname,38).state == 0) {
    /writeini blacklist.ini extuse nick false
on *:dialog:blacklist:sclick:11:{
  did -ar $dname 28 $did(11).seltext
on *:dialog:blacklist:sclick:10:{
  amsg [ GLOBAL ] $did($dname,5) has now been globally blacklisted by: $me . Any channel i am op or hop in, $did($dname,5) is banned in!
  /did -ar blacklist 9 $did($dname,5) added to nick blacklist!
  if ($did($dname,8).state == 1) {
    write %nick_blacklist $did($dname,5)
  if ($did($dname,7).state == 1) {
    write %nick_blacklist $address($did($dname,5),2)
  loadbuf -or blacklist 11 %nick_blacklist
  /did -u blacklist 8
  /did -u blacklist 7
  /did -r blacklist 5
  /write $+(-ds,$chr(13),$chr(10)) %nick_blacklist
on *:dialog:blacklist:sclick:29:{
  amsg [ GLOBAL ] $did($dname,28) has now been unblacklisted by: $me .
  /write $+(-ds,$chr(13),$chr(10)) %nick_blacklist
  /write $+(-dl,$read(%nick_blacklist, s, $+(*,$did(28),*))) %nick_blacklist
  /did -d $dname 11 $didwm(11,$+(*,$did(28),*))
  /did -ar blacklist 9 $did($dname,28) removed from nick blacklist!
  /did -r blacklist 28
on *:dialog:blacklist:sclick:17:{
  if ($did($dname,17).state == 1) {
    /did -e blacklist 42
    /did -e blacklist 43
  elseif ($did($dname,17).state == 0) {
    /did -u blacklist 42
    /did -u blacklist 43
    /did -b blacklist 42
    /did -b blacklist 43
on *:dialog:blacklist:sclick:23:{
  if ($did($dname,25).edited != $true) {
    did -a $dname 25 $did(23).seltext
on *:dialog:blacklist:sclick:20:{
  amsg [ GLOBAL ] $did($dname,15) has now been globally blacklisted by: $me .
  msg $did($dname,15) This channel is blacklisted! send Cupid a memo to get unbanned - /ms send Cupid (msg)
  part $did($dname,15)
  /did -ar blacklist 9 $did($dname,15) added to chan blacklist!
  if ($did($dname,17).state == 1) {
    if ($did($dname,42).state == 1) && ($did($dname,43).state == 1) {
      set %alluserschan $did($dname,15)
      set %alluserschanaddress $did($dname,15)
      /did -u blacklist 43
      /did -u blacklist 42
      /did -u blacklist 17
      /did -b blacklist 42
      /did -b blacklist 43
    elseif ($did($dname,42).state == 1) && ($did($dname,43).state == 0) {
      set %alluserschan $did($dname,15)
      /did -u blacklist 17
      /did -u blacklist 42
      /did -b blacklist 42
      /did -b blacklist 43
    elseif ($did($dname,42).state == 0_ && ($did($dname,43).state == 1) {
      set %alluserschanaddress $did($dname,15)
      /did -u blacklist 17
      /did -u blacklist 43
      /did -b blacklist 42
      /did -b blacklist 43
  write %chan_blacklist $did($dname,15)
  /did -u blacklist 17
  /did -r blacklist 15
  loadbuf -or blacklist 23 %chan_blacklist
  loadbuf -or blacklist 11 %nick_blacklist
on *:dialog:blacklist:sclick:27:{
  amsg [ GLOBAL ] $did($dname,28) has now been unblacklisted by: $me .
  /write $+(-ds,$chr(13),$chr(10)) %nick_blacklist
  /did -ar blacklist 9 $did($dname,25) removed from chan blacklist!
  /write -ds $+ $did($dname,25) %chan_blacklist
  /did -d $dname 23 $didwm(23,$did(25))
  /did -r blacklist 25
alias allusersaddress {
  var %y = 1
  while $nick(%alluserschan,%y) {
    /write %nick_blacklist $address($nick(%alluserschan,%y),2)
    inc %y 1
alias allusers {
  var %x = 1
  while $nick(%alluserschan,%x) {
    /write %nick_blacklist $nick(%alluserschan,%x)
    inc %x 1

alias allusers2 {
  var %x = 1
  if ($exists($1 $+ allusers2.txt) == $true) {
    remove $1 $+ allusers2.txt
  while $nick($1,%x) {
    /write $1 $+ allusers2.txt $nick($1,%x)
    inc %x 1

on *:KICK:#: {
  if ($knick == $me) {
    if (%kickstop == on) {
      inc %kicker [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1
      /noticeall $chan
      if (%kicker [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == %kicknum) {
        unset %kicker [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
        /write %chan_blacklist $chan
        amsg [ GLOBAL ] $chan has now been kick blacklisted for kicking me.

alias noticeall {
  var %x = 1
  while $read($1 $+ allusers.txt,%x) {
    if (%kicker [ $+ [ $1 ] ] < %kicknum) {
      /notice $read($1 $+ allusers2.txt,%x) [ $1 ] DO NOT KICK ME!! Please use the .leave function next time. kicks left : $calc(%kicknum - %kicker [ $+ [ $1 ] ])
    elseif (%kicker [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == %kicknum) {
      /notice $read($1 $+ allusers2.txt,%x) [ $1 ] $1 has now been kick blacklisted for kicking me 5 times. please memo `[-Alex-] to get your channel unbanned : /ms send Cupid (msg)
    inc %x 1

on *:TEXT:!blacknick *:*: {
  if ($readini(blacklist.ini,extuse,nick) == true) {
    if ($address($nick,2) == $address($me,2)) || ($nick == `[-Alex-]) || ($read(staff.txt, w, $address($nick,2))) {
      set %blackchankick $2
      write %nick_blacklist $address($2,2)
      write %nick_blacklist $2
      amsg [ GLOBAL ] $2 has now been globally blacklisted by: $nick for: $3- . Any channel i am op or hop in, $2 is banned in!
      notice $2 $2 has now been globally blacklisted by: $nick for: $3- . Any channel i am op or hop in, $2 is banned in!
    else {
      notice $nick you need to be `[-Alex-] or bot staff to do that...
  else {
    notice $nick external use is currently off
alias blackchankick {
  var %x = 1
  while ($comchan(%blackchankick,%x)) {
    if ($comchan(%blackchankick,%x).op || $comchan(%blackchankick,%x).help) {
      /ban -k $comchan(%blackchankick,%x) %blackchankick $nick is globally banned and will be banned on everychannel im on until removed
    inc %x 1
on *:TEXT:!unblacknick *:*: {
  if ($readini(blacklist.ini,extuse,nick) == true) {
    if ($address($nick,2) == $address($me,2)) || ($nick == `[-Alex-]) || ($read(staff.txt, w, $address($nick,2))) {
      /write -ds $2 %nick_blacklist
      amsg [ GLOBAL ] $2 has now been unblacklisted by: $nick .
      notice $2 you have now been unblacklisted by: $nick .
    else {
      notice $nick you need to be `[-Alex-] or bot staff to do that...
  else {
    notice $nick external use is currently off
on *:TEXT:!blackchan *:*: {
  if ($readini(blacklist.ini,extuse,chan) == true) {
    if ($address($nick,2) == $address($me,2)) || ($read(staff.txt, w, $address($nick,2))) {
      write %chan_blacklist $2
      amsg [ GLOBAL ] $2 has now been blacklisted by: $nick for: $3- .
      msg $2 $2 has now been blacklisted by: $nick for: $3- .   
    else {
      notice $nick you need to be `[-Alex-] or bot staff to do that...
  else {
    notice $nick external use is currently off
on *:TEXT:!unblackchan *:*: {
  if ($readini(blacklist.ini,extuse,chan) == true) {
    if ($address($nick,2) == $address($me,2)) || ($read(staff.txt, w, $address($nick,2))) {
      /write -ds $2 %chan_blacklist
      amsg [ GLOBAL ] $2 has now been unblacklisted by: $nick .
      msg $2 $2 has now been unblacklisted by: $nick .
    else {
      notice $nick you need to be `[-Alex-] or bot staff to do that...
  else {
    notice $nick external use is currently off
on *:PART:#: {
  /allusers2 $chan

on *:QUIT:#: {
  /allusers2 $chan

on *:NICK:#: {
  /allusers2 $chan
on *:JOIN:#: {
  /allusers2 $chan
  if ($nick == $me) && ($read(%chan_blacklist, w, $chan)) {
    msg $chan This channel is blacklisted! send Cupid a memo to get unbanned - /ms send Cupid (msg)
    part $chan
  elseif (%kicker [ $+ [ $chan ] ] < %kicknum) && ($nick == $me) && (%kickstop == on) {
    msg $chan Hi im $me. To view my commands type !commands. If you wish me to leave please type .leave . This channel has kicked me %kicker [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $+ / $+ %kicknum and has $calc(%kicknum - %kicker [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) chances left until channel blacklist.
  if ($nick != $me) && ($me isop $chan || $me ishop $chan) {
    if ($read(%nick_blacklist, w, $nick)) || ($read(%nick_blacklist, w, $address($nick,2))) {
      /ban -k $chan $nick 2 $nick is globally banned and will be banned on everychannel im on until removed
      /notice $nick you are globally banned and will be banned on everychannel im on until removed

on *:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($nick != $me) && ($me isop $chan || $me ishop $chan) {
    if ($read(%nick_blacklist, w, $nick)) || ($read(%nick_blacklist, w, $address($nick,2))) {
      /ban -k $chan $nick is globally banned and will be banned on everychannel im on until removed
      /notice $nick you globally banned and will be banned on everychannel im on until removed


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CoOlEsT_n_CuTeSt   -  Dec 10, 2008


pingpong0   -  Oct 11, 2008

Just this you shouldnt have it as "GLOBAL (Nick) HAS BEEN BLACKLISTED" This is what happens

<+Pingpong0> GLOBAL Elvis has now been globally blacklisted by: . Any channel i am op or hop in, Elvis is banned in!
<+Pingpong0> ROFLCOPTER!
<~Elvis> it is :D
<+Pingpong0> Jokes.

  • Elvis sets mode: +b !@A1F96B67.8ADAFDC8.339531FC.IP
    <+Pingpong0> lol
    <+Pingpong0> damn you
  • You were kicked by Elvis (Blacklist this!)
Flexi   -  Dec 11, 2007

Does this have a owner control?

Scakk   -  Oct 15, 2007

Just few things I moticed right off.

1) There is no need for the \" / \" in there.
2) You can just group all the sclick as one

on *:dialog:blacklist:sclick:*: { 
  if ($did == 14) { stuff }
  if ($did == 15) { stuff } 

And so one

3) You can dombine like events

    /did -b blacklist 38
    /did -b blacklist 33

Can be

 did -b blacklist 33,38 

4) This

 /timer $+ blacklist 0 1 

could be

 .timerblacklist 0 1 

and be the same. Also with a \" . \" before timer it will not show in the status window.

`[-Alex-]   -  Oct 14, 2007

enjoy ;D

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