ircop, oper, admin, op, dialog irc full

By Gemster on Sep 28, 2007

ircop script in dialog.
used for all types ov oper ie. localop to root.not fully finised yet but soon ill be, with every ircop comand and mode there is.
i made this as ive never seen a script with every oper command.
even spamfilters are added.
still much work to be done on is so keep checking back for the updated version.

to use it just copy and paste in remotes(alt+r)

#  Coded by Gemster  #                                
# any bugs please let me know #      
#           #     
Menu channel {
$iif($snick(#,0) == 1,$iif(o !isincs $usermode,$style(2)) IRCOP2) :/set -u0 %tmp.var $$1 | dialog -m ircop2 ircop2 }

dialog IRCOP2 {
  title "IRCOP ALL"
  size -1 -1 193 130
  option dbu
  button "[ oper up ]", 1, 8 16 49 12
  button "[ sa on/off ]", 2, 8 32 49 12
  button "[ sa controls ]", 3, 8 48 49 12
  button "[ bans ]", 4, 8 64 49 12
  button "[ globals ]", 5, 72 16 49 12
  button "[ manipulate ]", 6, 72 32 49 12
  button "[  forbid ]", 7, 72 48 49 12
  button "[ /os op controls ]", 9, 72 64 49 12
  button "[ news ]", 10, 136 16 49 12
  button "[ see +s +p chans ]", 11, 136 32 49 12
  button "[ Vhosts ]", 12, 136 48 49 12
  button "[ spamfilters ]", 13, 136 64 49 12
  button "OK/CANCEL", 8, 79 88 37 12, ok cancel
  text "Thers still alot more to be added at  a later date(soon i hope) ", 14, 8 104 171 8
  link "", 15, 8 120 106 8
on *:DIALOG:IRCOP2:sclick:1:{ /oper $$?="username" $$?="password" }
on *:DIALOG:IRCOP2:sclick:2:{ /msg operserv set superadmin $$?="type on or off" }
on *:DIALOG:IRCOP2:sclick:3:{ /dialog -m Sdialog Sdialog | dialog -k IRCOP2 IRCOP2 }
on *:DIALOG:IRCOP2:sclick:4:{ /dialog -m Bdialog Bdialog | dialog -k IRCOP2 IRCOP2 }
on *:DIALOG:IRCOP2:sclick:5:{ /dialog -m Gdialog Gdialog | dialog -k IRCOP2 IRCOP2 }
on *:DIALOG:IRCOP2:sclick:6:{ /dialog -m Mdialog Mdialog | dialog -k IRCOP2 IRCOP2 }
on *:DIALOG:IRCOP2:sclick:7:{ /dialog -m Fdialog Fdialog | dialog -k IRCOP2 IRCOP2 }
on *:DIALOG:IRCOP2:sclick:9:{ /dialog -m Odialog Odialog | dialog -k IRCOP2 IRCOP2 }
on *:DIALOG:IRCOP2:sclick:10:{ /dialog -m Ndialog Ndialog | dialog -k IRCOP2 IRCOP2 }
on *:DIALOG:IRCOP2:sclick:11:{ /msg operserv chanlist * secret }
on *:DIALOG:IRCOP2:sclick:12:{ /dialog -m Vdialog Vdialog | dialog -k IRCOP2 IRCOP2 }
on *:DIALOG:IRCOP2:sclick:13:{ /dialog -m Pdialog Pdialog | dialog -k IRCOP2 IRCOP2 }

dialog Sdialog {
  title "SA Commands"
  size -1 -1 54 71
  option dbu
  button "Join", 1, 8 8 37 12
  button "Part", 2, 8 24 37 12
  button "svsNick", 3, 8 56 37 12
  button "Mode", 4, 8 40 37 12
on *:DIALOG:Sdialog:sclick:1:{ /sajoin $$?="Nick" $$?="#Channel" }
on *:DIALOG:Sdialog:sclick:2:{ /sapart $$?="Nick" $$?="#Channel" }
on *:DIALOG:Sdialog:sclick:3:{ /operserv svsnick $$?="Nick" $$?="New Nick" }
on *:DIALOG:Sdialog:sclick:4:{ /samode $$?="#Channel" $$?="mode (+-mode)" }

dialog Bdialog {
  title "[ BANS ]"
  size -1 -1 168 104
  option dbu
  button "Kill", 1, 8 16 37 12
  button "AKill", 2, 8 32 37 12
  button "RAKill", 3, 8 48 37 12
  button "Lists", 4, 8 64 37 12
  button "Perm", 5, 64 16 37 12
  button "24 Hour", 6, 64 32 37 12
  button "30 Days", 7, 64 48 37 12
  button "Delete", 8, 64 64 37 12
  button "List", 9, 64 80 37 12
  button "Kline", 10, 120 16 37 12
  button "Un-Kline", 11, 120 32 37 12
  button "Zline", 12, 120 48 37 12
  button "Un-Zline", 13, 120 64 37 12
  box "KILLS", 16, 4 8 45 73
  box "G-Lines", 14, 60 8 45 89
  box "K/Z-Lines", 15, 117 8 44 73
on *:DIALOG:Bdialog:sclick:1:{ /kill $$?="Nick" $$?="Reason" }
on *:DIALOG:Bdialog:sclick:2:{ /akill $$?="Nick" $$?="Reason" }
on *:DIALOG:Bdialog:sclick:3:{ /rakill $$?="Nick" }
on *:DIALOG:Bdialog:sclick:4:{ /msg operserv akill list }
on *:DIALOG:Bdialog:sclick:5:{ /gline $$?="Nick" $$?="Reason" }
on *:DIALOG:Bdialog:sclick:6:{ /gline $$?="Nick" 86400 : $$?="Reason" }
on *:DIALOG:Bdialog:sclick:7:{ /gline $$?="Nick" 30d : $$?="Reason" }
on *:DIALOG:Bdialog:sclick:8:{ /gline -$$?="Nick/Host.Ident/Ip }
on *:DIALOG:Bdialog:sclick:9:{ /stats g }
on *:DIALOG:Bdialog:sclick:10:{ /kline $$?="Nick" $$?="Reason" }
on *:DIALOG:Bdialog:sclick:11:{ /kline -$$?="Nick/Host.Ident/Ip }
on *:DIALOG:Bdialog:sclick:12:{ /zline $$?="IP ex." $$?="Reason" }
on *:DIALOG:Bdialog:sclick:13:{ /zline -$$?="IP ex." }

dialog Gdialog {
  title "[ Globals ]"
  size -1 -1 54 88
  option dbu
  button "Global", 1, 8 8 37 12
  button "Wallops", 2, 8 24 37 12
  button "Globalops", 3, 8 40 37 12
  button "Chatops", 4, 8 56 37 12
  button "Localops", 5, 8 72 37 12
on *:DIALOG:Gdialog:sclick:1:{ /operserv global $$?="Message" }
on *:DIALOG:Gdialog:sclick:2:{ /wallops $$?="Message" }
on *:DIALOG:Gdialog:sclick:3:{ /globops $$?="Message" }
on *:DIALOG:Gdialog:sclick:4:{ /chatops $$?="Message" }
on *:DIALOG:Gdialog:sclick:5:{ /locops $$?="Message" }

dialog Mdialog {
  title "[ Manipulate ]"
  size -1 -1 97 56
  option dbu
  button "Change Somesones Host", 1, 8 8 80 12
  button "Change Someones Ident", 2, 8 24 80 12
  button "Change Someones realname", 3, 8 40 80 12
on *:DIALOG:Mdialog:sclick:1:{ /chghost $$?="Nick"- $$?="new Host" }
on *:DIALOG:Mdialog:sclick:2:{ /chgident $$?="Nick"- $$?="new Ident" }
on *:DIALOG:Mdialog:sclick:3:{ /chgname $$?="Nick" $$?="new Realname" }

dialog Fdialog {
  title "[ Forbid/Drop ]"
  size -1 -1 113 54
  option dbu
  button "Nick", 1, 8 16 37 12
  button "Channel", 2, 8 32 37 12
  button "Nick", 3, 64 16 37 12
  button "Channel", 4, 64 32 37 12
  box "Forbid", 5, 5 8 44 41
  box "Drop", 6, 61 8 44 41
on *:DIALOG:Fdialog:sclick:1:{ /msg nickserv  forbid $$?="Nick" $$?="Reason" }
on *:DIALOG:Fdialog:sclick:2:{ /msg chanserv  forbid $$?="#Channel" $$?="Reason" }
on *:DIALOG:Fdialog:sclick:3:{ /msg nickserv drop $$?="Nick" }
on *:DIALOG:Fdialog:sclick:4:{ /msg chanserv drop $$?="#Channel" }

dialog Odialog {
  title "[ Operserv  Controls ]"
  size -1 -1 121 232
  option dbu
  button "owner +q", 1, 15 16 37 12
  button "deowner -q", 2, 15 32 37 12
  button "protect +a", 3, 15 48 37 12
  button "deprotect -a", 4, 15 64 37 12
  button "op +o", 5, 15 80 37 12
  button "deop -o", 6, 15 96 37 12
  button "halfop +h", 7, 15 112 37 12
  button "dehalfop -h", 8, 15 128 37 12
  button "voice +v", 9, 15 144 37 12
  button "devoice -v", 10, 15 160 37 12
  button "deowner -q", 11, 71 32 37 12
  button "protect +a", 12, 71 48 37 12
  button "deprotect -a", 13, 71 64 37 12
  button "op +o", 14, 71 80 37 12
  button "deop -o", 15, 71 96 37 12
  button "halfop +h", 16, 71 112 37 12
  button "dehalfop -h", 17, 71 128 37 12
  button "voice +v", 18, 71 144 37 12
  button "devoice -v", 19, 71 160 37 12
  button "owner +q", 20, 71 16 37 12
  box "Other Users", 21, 10 8 47 169
  box "My Self", 22, 66 8 47 169
  button "Kick", 23, 16 192 37 12
  button "Ban", 24, 72 192 37 12
  button "Unban", 25, 44 208 37 12
  box "Kicks/Bans", 26, 10 184 103 41
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:1:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" +q $$?="Nick" }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:2:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" -q $$?="Nick" }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:3:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" +a $$?="Nick" }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:4:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" -a $$?="Nick" }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:5:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" +o $$?="Nick" }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:6:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" -o $$?="Nick" }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:7:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" +h $$?="Nick" }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:8:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" -h $$?="Nick" }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:9:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" +v $$?="Nick" }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:10:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" -v $$?="Nick" }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:11:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" -q $nick }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:12:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" +a $nick }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:13:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" -a $nick }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:14:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" +o $nick }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:15:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" -o $nick }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:16:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" +h $nick }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:17:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" -h $nick }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:18:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" +v $nick }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:19:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" -v $nick }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:20:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" +q $nick }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:23:{ /os kick $$?="#Channel" $$?="Nick" $$?="Reason" }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:24:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" +b $$?="Nick" }
on *:DIALOG:Odialog:sclick:25:{ /os mode $$?="#Channel" -b $$?="Nick" }

dialog Ndialog {
  title "News"
  size -1 -1 169 72
  option dbu
  button "Add", 1, 8 16 37 12
  button "Delete", 2, 8 32 37 12
  button "List", 3, 8 48 37 12
  button "Add", 4, 64 16 37 12
  button "Delete", 5, 64 32 37 12
  button "List", 6, 64 48 37 12
  button "Add", 7, 120 16 37 12
  button "Delete", 8, 120 32 37 12
  button "List", 9, 120 48 37 12
  box "Oper News", 10, 60 8 45 57
  box "Random News", 11, 116 8 45 57
  box "Login News", 12, 4 8 45 57
on *:DIALOG:Ndialog:sclick:1:{ /msg OperServ logonnews add $$?="News" }
on *:DIALOG:Ndialog:sclick:2:{ /msg OperServ logonnews del $$?="News" }
on *:DIALOG:Ndialog:sclick:3:{ /msg OperServ logonnews list }
on *:DIALOG:Ndialog:sclick:4:{ /msg OperServ Opernews add $$?="News" }
on *:DIALOG:Ndialog:sclick:5:{ /msg OperServ Opernews del $$?="News" }
on *:DIALOG:Ndialog:sclick:6:{ /msg OperServ Opernews list }
on *:DIALOG:Ndialog:sclick:7:{ /msg OperServ randomnews add $$?="News" }
on *:DIALOG:Ndialog:sclick:8:{ /msg OperServ randomnews del $$?="News" }
on *:DIALOG:Ndialog:sclick:9:{ /msg OperServ randomnews list }

dialog Vdialog {
  title "Vhosts"
  size -1 -1 54 56
  option dbu
  button "Add", 1, 8 8 37 12
  button "Delete", 2, 8 24 37 12
  button "List", 3, 8 40 37 12
on *:DIALOG:Vdialog:sclick:1:{ /msg hostserv set $$?="Nick" $$?="Hostmask / ie." }
on *:DIALOG:Vdialog:sclick:2:{ /msg hostserv del $$?="Nick" }
on *:DIALOG:Vdialog:sclick:3:{ /msg hostserv list * }

dialog Pdialog {
  title "Spamfilters"
  size -1 -1 200 273
  option dbu
  button "Add", 1, 8 8 37 12
  button "Delete", 2, 8 24 37 12
  button "List", 3, 8 40 37 12
  text "ADD: /spamfilter add type action tkltime reason regex ", 4, 56 16 132 8
  text "NOTES :", 5, 56 8 25 8
  text "DEL: /spamfilter del type action tkltime reason regex ", 6, 56 24 130 8
  text "[type] specifies the target type, you can specify multiple targets. ", 7, 8 64 161 8
  text "c = channel msg", 8, 8 72 52 8
  text "p =  private msg ", 9, 8 80 53 8
  text "n =  private notice ", 10, 8 88 56 8
  text "N = channel notice ", 11, 8 96 57 8
  text "P = part msg ", 12, 8 104 58 8
  text "q = quit msg", 13, 8 112 59 8
  text "[action] specifies the action to be taken (only 1 action can be specified). ", 14, 8 128 178 8
  text "block (blocks the msg) ", 15, 8 136 67 8
  text "kill ", 16, 8 144 67 8
  text "tempshun (only shun current session) ", 17, 8 152 99 8
  text "shun ", 18, 8 160 70 8
  text "kline ", 19, 8 168 68 8
  text "gline ", 20, 8 176 69 8
  text "zline ", 21, 8 184 69 8
  text "gzline", 22, 8 192 68 8
  text "[regex] this is the actual regex(text) where we should block on.", 23, 8 208 159 9
  text "[tkltime] the duration of the *LINEs placed by action (use   -   to use the default set::spamfilter::ban-time, this value is ignored  for block/tempshun).", 24, 8 224 187 16
  text "[reason] the reason  for the Spamfilter, CANNOT CONTAIN SPACES _ will be translated to spaces. Again dont use - in the reason space.", 25, 8 248 189 17
  text "-  = defalt", 26, 79 49 51 8
  box "Help Box", 27, 3 55 195 217, disable
on *:DIALOG:Pdialog:sclick:1:{ /spamfilter add $$?="Type (ie: c,p,n,N,P,q) you can use more than 1 ie: cpnN" $$?="Action (ie: block,kill,tempshun,shun,kline,gline) only 1 action can be specifyed." $$?="tkltime (ie: -,1h,2h,12h ect,1d,2d,30d ect) use -  for default. Note blocks & temshuns use -." $$?="Reason (do not use space's or -, use _ insead." $$?="Regex (text) ie: This is the message the spamfilter will catch on" }
on *:DIALOG:Pdialog:sclick:2:{ /spamfilter del $$?="Type (same as the one to be deleted, use list to view the spamfilter you wish to delete)" $$?="Action(same as the one to be deleted, use list to view the spamfilter you wish to delete)" $$?="tkltime (same as the one to be deleted, use list to view the spamfilter you wish to delete)use -  if no time is specifyed" $$?="Reason (same as the one to be deleted, use list to view the spamfilter you wish to delete)" $$?="Regex(Text) (same as the one to be deleted, use list to view the spamfilter you wish to delete)" }
on *:DIALOG:Pdialog:sclick:3:{ /spamfilter }


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Cheiron   -  May 16, 2010

yw lol

btw .. i made an edit on mine

menu menubar,channel,query,status {

that way you can see the dialogue .. your way is nigh impossible to locate

Gemster   -  May 16, 2010

ohh i compleatly forgot to update this, i will upload my updated version in a couple of days :D

Thanks for the remider Cheiron

Cheiron   -  May 16, 2010

how is the update going for this Gemster?

Patatje-oorlog   -  Oct 16, 2008

The only thing to aprove is the following:

on *:DIALOG:IRCOP2:sclick:3:{ /dialog -m Sdialog Sdialog | dialog -k IRCOP2 IRCOP2 }

You can change the diaog names into $dname what makes it less work if you want to change te dialog name

SnoooP   -  Feb 17, 2008

really usefull.. 8/10 =)

Cheiron   -  Feb 17, 2008

Xsee.. this script is for the priveleged few that have Server Op or Server Admin status.. ie IRCop and not normal ops you find in channels. unless you have that access level this script will not be usable to you. however.. looking at it i would say it goes into remotes as per the author\'s note at the top...

to use it just copy and paste in remotes(alt+r)

Xsee   -  Feb 17, 2008

Ehm, How can I load it?

Gemster   -  Sep 28, 2007

still a lot ov work to be done on this.
ive posted this here to get comment and rate to see what u guys think ov it so far :P

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