op control

By Gemster on Sep 11, 2007

an amazing full op contol dialog. ive had loads ov users wanting this snippet so that why im posting it here.

originaly i made this for my mirc and ive decided to share it :P

How to use:
copy and paste to remotes (alt+r)
select a nick from the nicklist, highlight the nick then right click and u will see "op control"

You must be oped in a chan to see or use this snippet,
You must be on sop/aop list and chanserv must be on the server to use chanserv op/halfop/voice ect.

#  Coded by Gemster  #                                
# any bugs please let me know #      
# gemster111@hotmail.co.uk    #     
Menu nicklist {
  $iif($me isop $chan, Op Control):dialog -m opcontrol opcontrol 

on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:init:0: {
  did -ra opcontrol 2 $snick($active,1)
dialog opcontrol {
  title "Op Controls"
  size -1 -1 344 481
  option pixels
  tab "op contols", 1, 48 40 242 352
  button "op", 3, 72 120 75 25, tab 1
  button "deop", 4, 72 152 75 25, tab 1
  button "halfop", 5, 72 184 75 25, tab 1
  button "dehalfop", 6, 72 216 75 25, tab 1
  button "voice", 7, 72 248 75 25, tab 1
  button "devoice", 8, 72 280 75 25, tab 1
  button "protect", 9, 72 312 75 25, tab 1
  button "deprotect", 10, 72 344 75 25, tab 1 ok
  box "Myself", 11, 175 104 93 274, disable tab 1
  button "op", 12, 184 120 75 25, tab 1
  button "deop", 13, 184 152 75 25, tab 1
  button "halfop", 14, 184 184 75 25, tab 1
  button "dehalfop", 15, 184 216 75 25, tab 1
  button "voice", 16, 184 248 75 25, tab 1
  button "devoice", 17, 184 280 75 25, tab 1
  button "protect", 18, 184 312 75 25, tab 1
  button "deprotect", 19, 184 344 75 25, tab 1
  box "Chanserv ", 20, 64 104 93 274, disable tab 1
  box "Help:", 24, 1 384 328 70, tab 1
  tab "Extra", 29
  button "ignore", 30, 72 120 75 25, tab 29
  button "unignore", 31, 72 152 75 25, tab 29
  button "kick", 32, 72 184 75 25, tab 29
  button "kick/ban", 33, 72 216 75 25, tab 29
  button "pwnt ban", 34, 72 248 75 25, tab 29
  button "+e", 36, 184 120 75 25, tab 29
  button "-e", 37, 184 152 75 25, tab 29
  button "+I", 38, 184 184 75 25, tab 29
  button "-I", 39, 184 216 75 25, tab 29
  tab "timed bans", 35
  button "1 minute", 41, 72 120 75 25, tab 35
  button "5 minutes", 42, 72 152 75 25, tab 35
  button "10 minutes", 43, 72 184 75 25, tab 35
  button "15 minutes", 44, 72 216 75 25, tab 35
  button "30 minutes", 45, 72 248 75 25, tab 35
  button "1 hour", 46, 184 120 75 25, tab 35
  button "5 hors", 47, 184 152 75 25, tab 35
  button "12 hours", 48, 184 184 75 25, tab 35
  button "1 day", 49, 184 216 75 25, tab 35
  text "OP CONTROLS", 21, 2 12 167 19, center
  link "www.gemster.org", 23, 177 459 112 16
  text "Op Controls Coded By Gemster", 22, 9 459 159 16, center
  text "HINT:", 25, 14 402 34 16
  text "Chanserv: makes chanserv or botserv to op,deop,voice ect.", 26, 14 418 298 16
  text "Myself: makes you op,deop.voice ect", 27, 14 434 310 16
  edit "%tmp.var", 2, 56 72 141 21, disable center
  text "Nickname to use", 28, 200 76 85 16, disable center
  button "ok", 40, 122 391 75 25, ok
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:3:{ chanserv op $active $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:4:{ chanserv deop $active $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:5:{ cs halfop $active $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:6:{ cs dehalfop $active $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:7:{ cs voice $active $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:8:{ cs devoice $active $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:9:{ chanserv protect $active $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:10:{ chanserv deprotect $active $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:12:{ mode $active +o $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:13:{ mode $active -o $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:14:{ mode $active +h $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:15:{ mode $active -h $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:16:{ mode $active +v $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:17:{ mode $active -v $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:18:{ mode $active +a $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:19:{ mode $active -a $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:30:{ ignore $did(2) 1 }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:31:{ ignore -r $did(2) 1 }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:32:{ kick $active $did(2) $$?="Reason?" }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:33:{ kick $active $did(2) $$?="Reason?" | mode $active +b $$address($did(2),1) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:34:{ mode $active +b $address($did(2),1) | mode $active +b $did(2) | /mode $active +b $address($did(2),2) | /mode $active +b $address($did(2),3) |  /mode $active +b $address($did(2),4) |  /mode $active +b $address($did(2),5) |  /mode $active +b $address($did(2),6) |  /mode $active +b $address($did(2),7) |  /mode $active +b $address($did(2),8) |  /mode $active +b $address($did(2),9) |  /mode $active +b $address($did(2),10) | /mode $active +b $address($did(2),20) | kick $active $did(2) PWNT Bitch }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:36:{ mode $active +e $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:37:{ mode $active -e $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:38:{ mode $active +I $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:38:{ mode $active -I $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:41:{ ban -u60 $active $did(2) 2 | msg $active places $did(2) on a4 1 minute ban. | set %timekick $$?!="Do you wanna Kick this user aswell?" | if (%timekick == $true) { inc %kick.counter | kick $active $did(2) $kickstxt : %kick.counter $+ } | unset %timekick }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:42:{ ban -u300 $active $did(2) 2 | msg $active places $did(2) on a4 5 minute ban. | set %timekick $$?!="Do you wanna Kick this user aswell?" | if (%timekick == $true) { inc %kick.counter | kick $active $did(2) $kickstxt : %kick.counter $+ } | unset %timekick }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:43:{ ban -u600 $active $did(2) 2 | msg $active places $did(2) on a4 10 minute ban. | set %timekick $$?!="Do you wanna Kick this user aswell?" | if (%timekick == $true) { inc %kick.counter | kick $active $did(2) $kickstxt : %kick.counter $+ } | unset %timekick }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:44:{ ban -u900 $active $did(2) 2 | msg $active places $did(2) on a4 15 minute ban. | set %timekick $$?!="Do you wanna Kick this user aswell?" | if (%timekick == $true) { inc %kick.counter | kick $active $did(2) $kickstxt : %kick.counter $+ } | unset %timekick }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:45:{ ban -u1800 $active $did(2) 2 | msg $active places $did(2) on a4 30 minute ban. | set %timekick $$?!="Do you wanna Kick this user aswell?" | if (%timekick == $true) { inc %kick.counter | kick $active $did(2) $kickstxt : %kick.counter $+ } | unset %timekick }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:46:{ ban -u3600 $active $did(2) 2 | msg $active places $did(2) on a4 1 hour ban. | set %timekick $$?!="Do you wanna Kick this user aswell?" | if (%timekick == $true) { inc %kick.counter | kick $active $did(2) $kickstxt : %kick.counter $+ } | unset %timekick }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:47:{ ban -u18000 $active $did(2) 2 | msg $active places $did(2) on a4 5 hour ban. | set %timekick $$?!="Do you wanna Kick this user aswell?" | if (%timekick == $true) { inc %kick.counter | kick $active $did(2) $kickstxt : %kick.counter $+ } | unset %timekick }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:48:{ ban -u43200 $active $did(2) 2 | msg $active places $did(2) on a4 12 hour ban. | set %timekick $$?!="Do you wanna Kick this user aswell?" | if (%timekick == $true) { inc %kick.counter | kick $active $did(2) $kickstxt : %kick.counter $+ } | unset %timekick }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:49:{ ban -u86400 $active $did(2) 2 | msg $active places $did(2) on a4 1 day ban. | set %timekick $$?!="Do you wanna Kick this user aswell?" | if (%timekick == $true) { inc %kick.counter | kick $active $did(2) $kickstxt : %kick.counter $+ } | unset %timekick }


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VxD aka DEATHJ0KER   -  Jul 08, 2012

great dialog, it would be nice to have the mass command and owner and deowner control :)

irchainscriptz   -  Mar 21, 2011

Nice Snippet gemster!!

jarrodkharis   -  Mar 21, 2011

GEMSTER IS THE BOMB!!!! lol ... good job on the script dude, so far i cant even get it to work :-S purely due to my ignorance to intelligence :D but im yet to find a script u have made that has any real bad feedback.

eyiezinc   -  Mar 01, 2010

nice.. easy to use... good job Gemster

Syele   -  Jul 12, 2008

I love this one, Use it a lot!

Scakk   -  Mar 15, 2008

You have an sclick listed twice.

on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:38:{ mode $active +I $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:opcontrol:sclick:38:{ mode $active -I $did(2) }

Second one should be 39 instead of 38.

DemonicDerek666   -  Mar 14, 2008

Dude this is the most effin awsome snippet ive seen im gonna be useing it very offten

Gemster   -  Oct 23, 2007

Thanks TheFrye and there will me more in the near future.

as soon as i find time :P

Anti   -  Oct 11, 2007

rofl damn shipping and handling :P

guest598594   -  Oct 11, 2007

$19.95 + S&H


Anti   -  Oct 11, 2007

gemster nice :) mountiandeqw acan i have that guide rofl :P

TheFrye   -  Oct 11, 2007

i really lIke your snippet. it is easy to use. i look forward to more.

guest598594   -  Sep 11, 2007

in that part i told u, put the end } another line down ;)

Gemster   -  Sep 11, 2007

done ty mountaindew

guest598594   -  Sep 11, 2007
Menu nicklist {
  $iif($me isop $chan, Op Control):dialog -m opcontrol opcontrol
Gemster   -  Sep 11, 2007

thanks for the info Akishoot

Akishoot   -  Sep 11, 2007

Oh, and it could be a tad bit smaller as well. Just my opinion though. ^_^

Akishoot   -  Sep 11, 2007

Works nicely. :) Although the dialog could use a bit of cleaning hehe. Nice work overall though :D

Gemster   -  Sep 11, 2007

Please leave comments and rate this snippet
I hope u all enjoy

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