Away Script

By dgby714 on Jul 14, 2007

All i did was fix up Dizzlenub's Original Script. This is just a Away Script as the Title Said.

All credit go's too Dizzlenub unless he stole it in the first place

mine still might have a few mess ups

Original Script at

alias setbo {
  set %botownersnick $$1
  /notice %botownersnick You Are Now The Bot Owner Nick Too Me
on *:text:brb*:#: {
  if ($nick = %botownersnick) {
    if (%away = on) {
      echo -a You are already away!
    else {
      set %away on
      set %origtime $timestamp
      set %origreason $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $18 $19 $20
      msg $chan 14,1[15,1[0,1[9,1[ $+ $nick is going away]. Reason = %origreason $+ . Time = $timestamp $+ . ]0,1]15,1]14,1]1,1|
on *:text:*back*:#: {
  if ($nick = %botownersnick) {
    if (%away = on) {
      msg $chan 1,1|14,1[15,1[0,1[9,1[ $+ $nick is Back]. Reason = %origreason $+ . Time = %origtime to $timestamp $+ . ]0,1]15,1]14,1]1,1|
      unset %origtime
      unset %origreason  
      set %away off
    else {
      echo -a You are not away!
alias brb {
  if (%away = on) {
    echo -a You are already away!
  else {   
    set %away on
    set %origtime $timestamp
    set %origreason $$1 $$2 $$3 $$4 $$5 $$6 $$7 $$8 $$9 $$10
    msg $active 14,1[15,1[0,1[9,1[ Brb, everybody [Im Going Away]. Reason = %origreason $+ . Time = $timestamp $+ . ]0,1]15,1]14,1]1,1|
alias back {
  if (%away = off) {
    echo -a You are not away!
  else {
    set %away off
    msg $active 1,1|14,1[15,1[0,1[9,1[ Ok, everybody [Im Back]. Reason = %origreason $+ . Time = %origtime to $timestamp $+ . ]0,1]15,1]14,1]1,1|
    unset %origtime
    unset %origreason


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Dizzlenub   -  Jul 14, 2007

Yeah. I think >_>

napa182   -  Jul 14, 2007

where you have: set %origreason $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $18 $19 $20... just use $2- instead of putting all that. Same thing goes with this: set %origreason $$1 $$2 $$3 $$4 $$5 $$6 $$7 $$8 $$9 $$10.. just use $$1-

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