
By josiah on Jun 27, 2004

Its A very cool snipet type !hangman to start and it will explain the rest.

alias hc1 { return 03 }
alias hc2 { return 12 }
on *:Text:!*:#:{ do.hang $1- }
on *:Input:#:{ if ((.* iswm $1) || (!* iswm $1)) { do.hang ! $+ $right($1-,-1) } }
alias do.hang {
  if (($1 == !hangman) && (!$hget(hangman))) {
    hmake hangman 10
    hadd hangman word $read(hangman.txt)
    hadd hangman chan $chan
    hadd hangman man $iif($2 ison $chan, $2, $nick($chan, $rand(1,$nick($chan,0))))
    hmsg $msg.hang.start
  if (!$hget(hangman)) { return }
  if ($1 == !hang) {
    if (($2 !isalpha) || ($len($2) != 1)) {
      hmsg $hc1 $+ You gotta pick a letter moron.
    elseif ($hget(hangman,Picked. $+ $2)) {
      hmsg $hc1 $+ Idiot... Try picking a letter that somebody else hasn't picked.
    else {
      hadd hangman Picked. $+ $2 1
      if ($2 isin $hget(hangman,word)) { 
        hmsg $msg.hang.right
      else { 
        var %hang.part = $hang.part
        hmsg $msg.hang.wrong(%hang.part)
alias hang.part {
  hadd hangman wrong $calc($hget(hangman, wrong) + 1)
  if ($hang.partname($hget(hangman, wrong)) == hanging) {
    hmsg $msg.hang.dead
    hfree hangman
  return $hang.partname($hget(hangman, wrong))
alias hang.checkwin {
  if ($hang.got != $hget(hangman,word)) { return }
  hmsg $msg.hang.save
  hfree hangman
alias hang.partname { return $gettok(a head;a neck;torso;arms;hands;legs;feet;hanging, $1, $asc(;)) }
alias hang.got {
  var %i = 1,%hang.got = $hget(hangman, word)
  unset %hang.left
  while (%i <= 26) {
    if (!$hget(hangman, Picked. $+ $chr($calc(96 + %i)))) { 
      %hang.got = $replace(%hang.got, $chr($calc(96 + %i)), @) 
      set -u120 %hang.left %hang.left $+ $chr($calc(96 + %i)) 
    inc %i
  return %hang.got
alias hmsg { msg $$hget(hangman,chan) $1- }
alias msg.hang.clue { return $hc1 $+ Current clue: $hc2 $+ $hang.got $hc1 $+ Letters remaining: $hc2 $+ %hang.left }
alias msg.hang.save { return $hc2 $+ $hget(hangman,man) $+ $hc1 is saved! You're the best channelmates a person could want. }
alias msg.hang.dead { return $hc2 $+ $hget(hangman,man) $+ $hc1 is DEAD! You all suck. Word: $hc2 $+ $hget(hangman,word) }
alias msg.hang.wrong { return $hc1 $+ Smooth gimp! One step closer to dead. You just got $hc2 $+ $hget(hangman, man) $+ $hc1 $+ : $+ $hc2 $1 $+ $hc1 $+ ! $msg.hang.clue }
alias msg.hang.right { return $hc1 $+ Well done, $hc2 $+ $nick $+ $hc1 $+ ! You picked a winning letter. $msg.hang.clue }
alias msg.hang.start { return $hc1 $+ Get ready for some hangman... We are hanging $hc2 $+ $hget(hangman,man) $+ $hc1 $+ , unless you can prevent it. $hc2 $+ !hang <letter> $+ $hc1 to guess a letter. $msg.hang.clue }


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b0sse   -  Jun 16, 2009

decent script.

could use a !word trigger though, if you figure out the entire word and wanna guess at it, instead of having to type word for word all the way out

Eugenio   -  Aug 02, 2008

Different colours
rofl but still.....

JonB_   -  Aug 02, 2008

This guy doesnt know how to script he just stole this one from http://www.snippets.chat4all-worldwide.co.uk/Hangman.html

piratedninja   -  Mar 29, 2008

wow! i love this!

2 questions though, how do i end the game without having to finish guessing?

and how can i make it so the user can guess the entire word?

Sasuke   -  Mar 23, 2007

Kwabam! Awesome. :D

DrPlebb   -  Jul 25, 2004

if $2- = $hget(hangman,word) {

Controversy   -  Jul 19, 2004

can you write an !answer type option so you don\'t have to go through all the letter... it\'s quite fun, folks on my chan enjoy, especially since you create the clues yourself

ShowstoppeR   -  Jul 01, 2004

it works only for me once

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