Shit list

By xdesoto on Jul 01, 2007

I could have it where it does the hostname and nick name
but I was lazy

on *:load: {
  echo -a 2*** Shitlist 1.0 
  echo -a 2*** Command for use: /shitlist
  .set %st.msg Shitlisted!
  .set %st.status off
  .set %st.reason kb

alias shitlist { dialog -m shitlist shitlist }
dialog shitlist {
  title "Shitlist 1.0 "
  size -1 -1 348 244
  box "Config", 1, 6 5 336 231
  box "List", 2, 16 21 151 154
  list 3, 26 39 130 125, size sorted
  box "Options", 4, 170 21 162 81
  text "Nick:", 5, 179 47 30 13
  edit "", 6, 212 39 109 22, multi return autohs
  button "ADD", 7, 183 68 65 23
  button "REM", 8, 252 68 65 23
  box "Status", 10, 171 102 81 73
  radio "On", 11, 180 119 60 23, push group
  radio "Off", 12, 180 143 60 23, push
  box "Reason", 13, 254 102 78 56
  radio "Kick", 14, 262 120 51 13, group
  radio "Kick/Ban", 15, 262 136 64 13
  text "S h i t l i s t", 16, 267 160 60 13, disabled
  box "Message", 17, 16 175 235 49
  edit "", 18, 26 192 214 22, multi return autohs
  button "Exit", 19, 262 191 65 23, ok
on *:dialog:shitlist:*:*: {
  if $devent = init {
    didtok shitlist 3 32 %st.list 
    did -a shitlist 18 %st.msg
    if (%st.status == on) { did -c shitlist 11 }
    elseif (%st.status == off) { did -c shitlist 12 }
    if (%st.reason == k) { did -c shitlist 14 }
    elseif (%st.reason = kb) { did -c shitlist 15 }
  if $devent = sclick { 
    if $did = 7 { if ($did(6).text == $null) { return } | else { did -a shitlist 3 $did(6).text | set %st.list $didtok(shitlist,3,32) | .auser 3 $did(6).text | did -r shitlist 6 } }
    if $did = 8 { if ($did(3).sel == $null) { return } | else { .ruser $did(3,$did(3).sel).text | did -d shitlist 3 $did(3).sel | set %st.list $didtok(shitlist,3,32) } }
    if $did = 11 { .set %st.status on | .enable #shitlist }
    if $did = 12 { .set %st.status off | .disable #shitlist }
    if $did = 14 { .set %st.reason k }
    if $did = 15 { .set %st.reason kb }
  if $devent = edit {
    if $did = 18 { .set %st.msg $did(18) }

#shitlist on
on 3:join:#: { if ($me isop $chan) { if (%st.reason == k) { kick $chan $nick %st.msg } | elseif (%st.reason == kb) { ban $chan $nick 3 | kick $chan $nick %st.msg } } }
#shitlist end

alias st.about { dialog -m st.about st.about }
dialog st.about {
  title "About.."
  size -1 -1 156 114
  box "Shitlist 1.0", 1, 10 7 140 11
  text "Released: 05/30/2007", 3, 11 49 116 13
  list 4, -24 71 202 6, size
  button "Exit", 5, 43 84 65 23, ok

alias shitlist.unload { echo -a 2*** Addon unloaded! | .unload -rs $scriptdirshitlist20.mrc }

menu status,channel,menubar {
  Shitlist 1.0


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xdesoto   -  Jul 01, 2007

there\'s no explanation on what it does

it\'s a shit list you put the name of the person you don\'t want in there and it keeps em out
i hate shit lists i think they are pointless but so many people like em ;/
so i made a quick one since there arent many dialogs out there
good Idea lindrian and if i wasnt tired when I did it i prob would have done that and put it as a host name instead of just the nick

Bouncer   -  Jul 01, 2007

Other than the scanner Lindrian mentioned, I like it bro.

Lindrian   -  Jul 01, 2007

Why not add a scanner? When you join a channel, scan and ban the user(s) that are blacklisted. etc.

stargazer989   -  Jul 01, 2007

there\'s no explanation on what it does

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