Mass/Multi - Op/deop/voice/devoice/aop/av

By CtrlAltElite on Jun 16, 2007

Here is a idiot proof Op / Voice script.

Set the %1 and %2 just for opening and closeing the text.
I use the following:

%1 = -[
%2 = ]-

It has the following commands:

!op/!deop .... ect
!op/!deop all

!voice/!devoice ... ect
!voice/!devoice all


!aop/!remaop all


!avoice/!remav all

Pritty much does anything, I was too lazy to add 'Multiple' nicks to the auto options :p


on 1:TEXT:!*:#:{
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    if ($me !isop $chan) { .notice $nick %1 I am not an operator in this channel. %2 }
    else {
      if ($1 == !op) {
        if (!$2) { .notice $nick %1 You must provide someone to Op. %2 }
        elseif ($2 == all) {
          .var %a 1
          while (%a <= $nick($chan,0)) {
            if ($nick($chan,%a) == $me) { .inc %a 1 }
            elseif ($nick($chan,%a) isop $chan) { .inc %a 1 }
            else {
              .set %mass $addtok(%mass,$nick($chan,%a),32)
              .inc %a 1
          .mode $chan + $+ $str(o,$numtok(%mass,32)) %mass
          .unset %mass
        elseif ($3) {
          .var %y 2
          while (%y <= $0) {
            if ($ [ $+ [ %y ] ] !ison $chan) { .set %no $addtok(%no,$ [ $+ [ %y ] ],44) }
            else { .set %yes $addtok(%yes,$ [ $+ [ %y ] ],32) }
            .inc %y
          if (%yes) {
            .mode $chan + $+ $str(o,$numtok(%yes,32)) %yes
            .unset %yes
          if (%no) {
            .msg $chan %1 %no is not on this channel %2
            .unset %no
        elseif ($2 !ison $chan) { .notice $nick %1 $2 currently isnt on this channel. %2 }
        else { .mode $chan +o $2 }
      elseif ($1 == !deop) || ($1 == !dop) {
        if (!$2) { .notice $nick %1 You must provide someone to De-Op. %2 }
        elseif ($2 == all) {
          .var %a 1
          while (%a <= $nick($chan,0)) {
            if ($nick($chan,%a) == $me) { .inc %a 1 }
            elseif ($nick($chan,%a) !isop $chan) { .inc %a 1 }
            else {
              .set %mass $addtok(%mass,$nick($chan,%a),32)
              .inc %a 1
          .mode $chan - $+ $str(o,$numtok(%mass,32)) %mass
          .unset %mass
        elseif ($3) {
          .var %y 2
          while (%y <= $0) {
            if ($ [ $+ [ %y ] ] !ison $chan) { .set %no $addtok(%no,$ [ $+ [ %y ] ],44) }
            else { .set %yes $addtok(%yes,$ [ $+ [ %y ] ],32) }
            .inc %y
          if (%yes) {
            .mode $chan - $+ $str(o,$numtok(%yes,32)) %yes
            .unset %yes
          if (%no) {
            .msg $chan %1 %no is not on this channel %2
            .unset %no
        elseif ($2 !ison $chan) { .notice $nick %1 $2 currently isnt on this channel. %2 }
        else { .mode $chan -o $2 }
      elseif ($1 == !voice) || ($1 == !v) {
        if (!$2) { .notice $nick %1 You must provide someone to Voice. %2 }
        elseif ($2 == all) {
          .var %a 1
          while (%a <= $nick($chan,0)) {
            if ($nick($chan,%a) == $me) { .inc %a 1 }
            elseif ($nick($chan,%a) isvoice $chan) { .inc %a 1 }
            else {
              .set %mass $addtok(%mass,$nick($chan,%a),32)
              .inc %a 1
          .mode $chan + $+ $str(v,$numtok(%mass,32)) %mass
          .unset %mass
        elseif ($3) {
          .var %y 2
          while (%y <= $0) {
            if ($ [ $+ [ %y ] ] !ison $chan) { .set %no $addtok(%no,$ [ $+ [ %y ] ],44) }
            else { .set %yes $addtok(%yes,$ [ $+ [ %y ] ],32) }
            .inc %y
          if (%yes) {
            .mode $chan + $+ $str(v,$numtok(%yes,32)) %yes
            .unset %yes
          if (%no) {
            .msg $chan %1 %no is not on this channel %2
            .unset %no
        elseif ($2 !ison $chan) { .notice $nick %1 $2 currently isnt on this channel. %2 }
        else { .mode $chan +v $2 }
      elseif ($1 == !devoice) || ($1 == !dev) || ($1 == !dv) {
        if (!$2) { .notice $nick %1 You must provide someone to De-Voice. %2 }
        elseif ($2 == all) {
          .var %a 1
          while (%a <= $nick($chan,0)) {
            if ($nick($chan,%a) == $me) { .inc %a 1 }
            elseif ($nick($chan,%a) !isvoice $chan) { .inc %a 1 }
            else {
              .set %mass $addtok(%mass,$nick($chan,%a),32)
              .inc %a 1
          .mode $chan - $+ $str(v,$numtok(%mass,32)) %mass
          .unset %mass
        elseif ($3) {
          .var %y 2
          while (%y <= $0) {
            if ($ [ $+ [ %y ] ] !ison $chan) { .set %no $addtok(%no,$ [ $+ [ %y ] ],44) }
            else { .set %yes $addtok(%yes,$ [ $+ [ %y ] ],32) }
            .inc %y
          if (%yes) {
            .mode $chan - $+ $str(v,$numtok(%yes,32)) %yes
            .unset %yes
          if (%no) {
            .msg $chan %1 %no is not on this channel %2
            .unset %no
        elseif ($2 !ison $chan) { .notice $nick %1 $2 currently isnt on this channel. %2 }
        else { .mode $chan -v $2 }
      elseif ($1 == !aop) {
        if (!$2) { .notice $nick %1 You must provide someone to Auto-Op... Or !aop all %2 }
        elseif ($2 == all) {
          .writeini chanstats.ini aop all Yes
          .msg $chan %1 Everyone Will Now Get Auto-Op When They Join %2
        elseif ($chr(64) isin $2) {
          .writeini chanstats.ini aop $mask($2,2) yes
          .msg $chan %1 ( $+ $mask($2,2) $+ ) has been added to the Auto-Op list. %2
        elseif ($2 !ison $chan) { .notice $nick %1 $2 currently isnt on this channel. %2 }
        elseif ($2 == $me) { .notice $nick %1 I cannot Auto-Op myself %2 }
        elseif ($readini(chanstats.ini, aop, $address($2,2))) { .msg $chan %1 $2 Already Gets Auto-Op From Me. %2 }
        else {
          .writeini chanstats.ini aop $address($2,2) Yes
          .mode $chan +o $2
          .msg $chan %1  $2 $+ ( $+ $address($2,2) $+ ) has been ADDED to the Auto-Op list. %2
      elseif ($1 == !remaop) {
        if (!$2) { .notice $nick %1 You must provide someone to Remove Auto-Op from... Or !remaop all %2 }
        elseif ($2 == all) {
          .remini chanstats.ini aop all
          .msg $chan %1 Only people added previously will now get Auto-Op. %2
        elseif ($chr(64) isin $2) {
          if (!$readini(chanstats.ini, aop, $mask($2,2))) { .notice $nick %1 Cannot match ( $+ $2 $+ ) with anyone on the Auto-Op list. %2 }
          else {
            .remini chanstats.ini aop $mask($2,2)
            .msg $chan %1 ( $+ $mask($2,2) $+ ) has been removed from the Auto-Op list. %2
        elseif ($2 !ison $chan) { .notice $nick %1 $2 currently isnt on this channel. Try using !remaop nick! %2 }
        elseif ($2 == $me) { .notice $nick %1 Im not on the Auto-Op list %2 }
        elseif (!$readini(chanstats.ini, aop, $address($2,2))) { .msg $chan %1 Cannot find $2 on the Auto-Op list. %2 }
        else {
          .remini chanstats.ini aop $address($2,2)
          .mode $chan -o $2
          .msg $chan %1  $2 $+ ( $+ $address($2,2) $+ ) has been REMOVED from the Auto-Op List. %2
      elseif ($1 == !avoice) || ($1 == !av) {
        if (!$2) { .notice $nick %1 You must provide someone to Auto-Voice... Or !avoice all %2 }
        elseif ($2 == all) {
          .writeini chanstats.ini avoice all Yes
          .msg $chan %1 Everyone Will Now Get Auto-Voice When They Join %2
        elseif ($chr(64) isin $2) {
          .writeini chanstats.ini avoice $mask($2,2) yes
          .msg $chan %1 ( $+ $mask($2,2) $+ ) has been added to the Auto-Voice list. %2
        elseif ($2 !ison $chan) { .notice $nick %1 $2 currently isnt on this channel. %2 }
        elseif ($2 == $me) { .notice $nick %1 I cannot Auto-Voice myself %2 }
        elseif ($readini(chanstats.ini, avoice, $address($2,2))) { .msg $chan %1 $2 Already Gets Auto-Voice From Me. %2 }
        else {
          .writeini chanstats.ini avoice $address($2,2) Yes
          .mode $chan +v $2
          .msg $chan %1  $2 $+ ( $+ $address($2,2) $+ ) has been ADDED to the Auto-Voice list. %2
      elseif ($1 == !remavoice) || ($1 == !remav) {
        if (!$2) { .notice $nick %1 You must provide someone to Remove Auto-Voice from... Or !remavoice all %2 }
        elseif ($2 == all) {
          .remini chanstats.ini avoice all
          .msg $chan %1 Only people added previously will now get Auto-Voice. %2
        elseif ($chr(64) isin $2) {
          if (!$readini(chanstats.ini, avoice, $mask($2,2))) { .notice $nick %1 Cannot match ( $+ $2 $+ ) with anyone on the Auto-Voice list. %2 }
          else {
            .remini chanstats.ini avoice $mask($2,2)
            .msg $chan %1 ( $+ $mask($2,2) $+ ) has been removed from the Auto-voice list. %2
        elseif ($2 !ison $chan) { .notice $nick %1 $2 currently isnt on this channel. Try using !remavoice nick! %2 }
        elseif ($2 == $me) { .notice $nick %1 Im not on the Auto-Voice list %2 }
        elseif (!$readini(chanstats.ini, avoice, $address($2,2))) { .msg $chan %1 Cannot find $2 on the Auto-Voice list. %2 }
        else {
          .remini chanstats.ini avoice $address($2,2)
          .mode $chan -v $2
          .msg $chan %1  $2 $+ ( $+ $address($2,2) $+ ) has been REMOVED from the Auto-Voice List. %2

on 1:JOIN:#: {
  if ($nick != $me) $$ ($me isop $chan) {
    if ($readini(chanstats.ini, aop, all)) && ($readini(chanstats.ini, avoice, all)) { .mode $chan +vo $nick $nick }
    elseif ($readini(chanstats.ini, aop, all)) && ($readini(chanstats.ini, avoice, $address($nick,2))) { .mode $chan +vo $nick $nick }
    elseif ($readini(chanstats.ini, aop, all)) { .mode $chan +o $nick }
    elseif ($readini(chanstats.ini, avoice, all)) && ($readini(chanstats.ini, aop, $address($nick,2))) { .mode $chan +vo $nick $nick }
    elseif ($readini(chanstats.ini, avoice, all)) { .mode $chan +v $nick }
    elseif ($readini(chanstats.ini, aop, $address($nick,2))) && ($readini(chanstats.ini, avoice, $address($nick,2))) { .mode $chan +vo $nick $nick }
    elseif ($readini(chanstats.ini, aop, $address($nick,2))) { .mode $chan +o $nick }
    elseif ($readini(chanstats.ini, avoice, $address($nick,2))) { .mode $chan +v $nick }


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RusselB   -  Jun 17, 2007

The only problem that I can see in regards to this not functioning, is if the number of nicks being processed, using the all option for $2, is greater than the allowed number of mode changes as specified using $modespl.

It is extensive, and might be able to be shortened, but that would only affect the running time, not the running ability.

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