Runescape stats

By Mylesmart on May 03, 2007

This is a stats script for runescape. The triggers are:
!set defname (for commands without a nick after them it will look up this, if you don't set it then it uses your nick your on on the IRC)

all ! commands are notices, @ commands are a msg in the channel

alias c1 { return $+( 4 $1-,) }
alias c2 { return $+( 7 $1-,) }

on *:text:*:#: {
  tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
  if ($left($1,1) !isin @!.) halt
  if ($right($1,-1) == stats) var %style = astats
  elseif ($regex($1,/co?mb(at)?/Si)) var %style = combat
  elseif ($setskill($remove($1,@,!,.))) var %style = istat, %skill = $setskill($remove($1,@,!,.))
  elseif ($right($1,-1) == defname) && ($2) {
    writeini DefRSN.ini RSNs $mask($fulladdress,3) $replace($2-,$chr(32),-)
    .notice $nick 7You're default RSN for the host 4 $mask($fulladdress,3) 7has been set to $2-
  else halt

  inc %ID
  if ($len($2-) > 12) {
    4 $($+(%,stats.display.,%ID),2) $c1(The nick) $c2($2-) $c1(is too long)
    cleanup %ID
  elseif ($2) set $+(%,stats.rsn.,%ID) $replace($2-,$chr(32),-)
  elseif ($readini(DefRSN.ini,RSNs,$mask($fulladdress,3))) set $+(%,stats.rsn.,%ID) $ifmatch
  elseif ($readini(DefRSN.ini,RSNs,$nick)) set $+(%,stats.rsn.,%ID) $ifmatch
  else set $+(%,stats.rsn.,%ID) $nick

  set $+(%,,%ID) %style
  set $+(%,stats.skill.,%ID) %skill
  set $+(%,stats.display.,%ID) $iif($left($1,1) == @,msg $chan,notice $nick)
  sockopen $+(stats.,%ID) 80

on *:sockopen:stats.*: {
  var %id = $gettok($sockname,2,46)
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /lang/en/aff/runescape/ $+ $($+(%,stats.rsn.,%ID),2) HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $+ $crlf $+ $crlf
on *:sockread:stats.*: {
  sockread &Incoming
  bwrite $sockname -1 -1 &Incoming
  if ($bfind(&Incoming, 1, </html>).text) makehash $sockname
  elseif ($bfind(&Incoming, 1, does not feature in the hiscores.).text) {
    $($+(%,stats.display.,%ID),2) $c1(The nick) $c2($($+(%,stats.rsn.,%ID),2)) $c1(Does not appear in the hiscores)
    cleanup $gettok($sockname,2,46)
alias -l makehash {
  var %file = $1
  bread %file 1 $file(%file).size &stats
  var %currentstat, %x = 1
  while (%x) {
    var %x = $bfind(&stats,$calc(%x + 1),<a href="
    var %currentstat = $striptags($bvar(&stats,%x,200).text)
    tokenize 10 %currentstat
    hadd -m %file $1 $2 $3 $4 $xp2next($3,$4)
  process %file
alias process {
  var %table = $1, %id = $gettok($1,2,46), %x = 0, $&
    %display = $($+(%,stats.display.,%ID),2), $&
    %rsn = $($+(%,stats.rsn.,%ID),2), $&
    %skill = $($+(%,stats.skill.,%ID),2), $&
    %style = $($+(%,,%ID),2)
  if (%style == astats) {
    while (%x <= 23) {
      tokenize 32 $hget(%table,$setskill(%x))
      if ($2) var %statline = %statline $c1($setskill(%x)) $c2($2)
      inc %x
    %display $c1(Stats for) $c2(%rsn) $+ $c1(:)
    %display %statline
  elseif (%style == istat) {
    if (!$hget(%table,%skill)) 7 %display $c1(The nick) $c2(%rsn) $c1(does not appear in the hiscores for) $c2(%skill)
    else {
      tokenize 32 $hget(%table,%skill)
      %display $c2(%skill) $c1(stats for) $c2(%rsn) $+ $c1(:)
      %display $c1(Rank:) $c2($1) $c1(Level:) $c2($bytes($2,b)) $c1(Exp:) $c2($3) $&
        $iif(%skill != Overall,$c1(Exp to lvl) $c2($calc($2 + 1)) $+ $c1(:) $c2($bytes($4,b)))
  elseif (%style == combat) {
    var %a.mult = .32707, %s.mult = .324, %d.mult = .25, %h.mult = .25, %p.mult = .124, %r.mult = .487, %m.mult = .487
    var %a = $iif($gettok($hget(%table,attack),2,32),$v1,-), $&
      %s = $iif($gettok($hget(%table,strength),2,32),$v1,-), $&
      %d = $iif($gettok($hget(%table,defence),2,32),$v1,-), $&
      %h = $iif($gettok($hget(%table,hitpoints),2,32),$v1,-), $&
      %r = $iif($gettok($hget(%table,ranged),2,32),$v1,-), $&
      %m = $iif($gettok($hget(%table,magic),2,32),$v1,-), $&
      %p = $iif($gettok($hget(%table,prayer),2,32),$v1,-)

    var %meleecombat  = $calc(%a * %a.mult + %s * %s.mult + %d * %d.mult + %h * %h.mult + %p * %p.mult), $&
      %RangedCombat = $calc(%r * %r.mult + %p * %p.mult + %d * %d.mult + %h * %h.mult), $&
      %MagicCombat  = $calc(%m * %m.mult + %p * %p.mult + %d * %d.mult + %h * %h.mult)

    if (%MagicCombat == %RangedCombat) && (%MagicCombat == %RangedCombat) {
      %display $c1(The nick) $c2(%rsn) $c1(does not appear in the hiscores for any combat skills)
      cleanup %id
    elseif (%MagicCombat > %RangedCombat) && (%MagicCombat > %MeleeCombat) var %cmbstyle = Magic, %Combat = %MagicCombat
    elseif (%RangedCombat > %MeleeCombat) var %cmbstyle = Ranged, %Combat = %RangedCombat
    else var %cmbstyle = melee, %combat = %MeleeCombat

    var %cmb.temp = $abs($calc($int($calc(%combat +1)) - %combat)), $&
      %a.2lvl = $ceil($calc(%cmb.temp / %a.mult)), %s.2lvl = $ceil($calc(%cmb.temp / %s.mult)), $&
      %d.2lvl = $ceil($calc(%cmb.temp / %d.mult)), %m.2lvl = $ceil($calc(%cmb.temp / %m.mult)), $&
      %r.2lvl = $ceil($calc(%cmb.temp / %r.mult)), %p.2lvl = $ceil($calc(%cmb.temp / %p.mult))

    if (%cmbstyle == magic) var %dynamic.2lvl = $c1(Magic:) $c2(%m.2lvl)
    elseif (%cmbstyle == Ranged) var %dynamic.2lvl = $c1(Ranged:) $c2(%r.2lvl)
    else var %dynamic.2lvl = $c1(Att:) $c2(%a.2lvl) $c1(Str:) $c2(%s.2lvl)
    var %combat = $round(%combat,2), %next = $ceil(%combat)

    %display $c2(%rsn) $c1(is) $c2(%combat) $c1(%cmbstyle style combat)
    %display $c1(Attack:) $c2(%a) $c1(Defence:) $c2(%d) $c1(Strength:) $c2(%s) $c1(Hits:) $c2(%h) $&
      $c1(Mage:) $c2(%m) $c1(Range:) $c2(%r) $c1(Pray:) $c2(%p)
    %display $c1(Levels for) $c2(%next) $+ $c1(:) %dynamic.2lvl $&
      $c1(Def/Hp:) $c2(%d.2lvl) $c1(Prayer:) $c2(%p.2lvl)
  cleanup %id

alias -l cleanup {
  unset $+(%,stats.*.,$1)
  sockclose $+(Stats.,$1)
  .remove $+(Stats.,$1)

alias -l xp {
  var %x = 1, %level = $calc($1 - 1), %xp = 0
  while (%x <= %level) {
    var %TempXp = $calc((%x + 300 * 2^(%x / 7)) /4)
    inc %xp %TempXp
    inc %x
  return $int(%xp)

alias -l xp2Next {
  var %xp = $remove($2,$chr(44)), %nextxp = $xp($calc($1 + 1))
  return $calc(%nextxp - %xp)

alias -l striptags { var %x,%y = $regsub($1-,/(<[^>]+>)/g,$null,%x) | return %x }
alias -l setskill {
  if ($1 == 0) || ($regex($1,/^(st|(skill)?total|overall)$/Si)) return Overall
  elseif ($1 == 1) || ($regex($1,/^at(t|k|tack)$/Si)) return Attack
  elseif ($1 == 2) || ($regex($1,/^def(en[cs]e)?$$/Si)) return Defence
  elseif ($1 == 3) || ($regex($1,/^str(ength)?$/Si)) return Strength
  elseif ($1 == 4) || ($regex($1,/^hp|hit(s|points?)?$/Si)) return Hitpoints
  elseif ($1 == 5) || ($regex($1,/^range(r|d|ing)?$/Si)) return Ranged
  elseif ($1 == 6) || ($regex($1,/^Pray(er)?$$/Si)) return Prayer
  elseif ($1 == 7) || ($regex($1,/^mag(e|ic)$$/Si)) return Magic
  elseif ($1 == 8) || ($regex($1,/^cook(ing)?$/Si)) return Cooking
  elseif ($1 == 9) || ($regex($1,/^wc|wood(cut(ting)?)?$/Si)) return Woodcutting
  elseif ($1 == 10) || ($regex($1,/^fletch(ing)?$/Si)) return Fletching
  elseif ($1 == 11) || ($regex($1,/^fish(ing)?$/Si)) return Fishing
  elseif ($1 == 12) || ($regex($1,/^(fire|fm)(make?(ing)?|ing)?$/Si)) return Firemaking
  elseif ($1 == 13) || ($regex($1,/^craft(ing)?$/Si)) return Crafting
  elseif ($1 == 14) || ($regex($1,/^(smith|smelt)(ing)?$/Si)) return Smithing
  elseif ($1 == 15) || ($regex($1,/^mine(ing)?$/Si)) return Mining
  elseif ($1 == 16) || ($regex($1,/^herb(law|lore)?$/Si)) return Herblore
  elseif ($1 == 17) || ($regex($1,/^agil(ity)?$/Si)) return Agility
  elseif ($1 == 18) || ($regex($1,/^(th(ei|ie)[fv](e|ing)?)$/Si)) return Thieving
  elseif ($1 == 19) || ($regex($1,/^slay(er|ing)?$/Si)) return Slayer
  elseif ($1 == 20) || ($regex($1,/^farm(er|ing)?$/Si)) return Farming
  elseif ($1 == 21) || ($regex($1,/^(rc|runecraft)(er|ing)?$/Si)) return Runecraft
  elseif ($1 == 22) || ($regex($1,/^hunt(er)?(ing?)?$/Si)) return Hunter
  elseif ($1 == 23) || ($regex($1,/^(construct)(ion|ing)?$/si)) return Construction


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jcrosb94   -  Jul 06, 2010

It's missing an end bracket('}') at the end/bottom of the script.

Just add '}' (without the apostrophes) at the end of the script and it may work. If it doesn't, it's because it's outdated. =[

sunslayer   -  Oct 03, 2009

umm... no offense Ghost-writer, but what does that have anything to do with this snippet?

Ghost-writer   -  Aug 25, 2009

ctcp :version::{ haltdef | .ctcpreply $nick $1 12Scripted 12By 14T15e0r15m14z4 | .ignore -tu7 $nick } <--- put my sexiness in there :D! and nice script ;]

mirrorkiss   -  Jun 19, 2009

bracket mismatch in line 149:
alias -l setskill {

please fix this.

criminal   -  Mar 08, 2008

after I tried to solve it ( I failed <.< )
it said
(18:14:24) !stats fireworm999
(18:14:25) -Criminal- Stats for fireworm999 :
(18:14:40) !cmb fireworm999
(18:14:40) -Criminal- The nick fireworm999 does not appear in the hiscores for any combat skills

I really dont know the problem :\ help pls :c ima newb

criminal   -  Mar 08, 2008

Can anyone help me with this?
i copied the code and paste it in remote but after I press \' OK \'
and try to use the command this happens :
(17:32:48) !stats fireworm999
(17:32:49) -Criminal- Stats for fireworm999:
(17:33:06) !cmb fireworm999
(17:33:08) -Criminal- fireworm999 is level 0 Melee Based
(17:33:08) -Criminal- Att: 0 Def: Str: hp: 0 Range: 0 Pray: 0 Magic: 0
(17:33:08) -Criminal- Levels for 1: Att: 4 Str: 4 def/hp: 4 Prayer: 9

Can you help me out with this? :\')

Mudkipz   -  Feb 03, 2008

=s dude anytime i go to look up a stat it goes <a

Mudkipz   -  Jan 11, 2008

dude, do i put this in remote or variable?

A Lot of Numbers   -  Nov 28, 2007

And Also, the To Next level Part Is Messed Up
Rank: 199,970 Level: 82 Exp: <td Exp to lvl 83 : 0

A Lot of Numbers   -  Nov 28, 2007

Any Chance You Could Tell Me Where I Need To Change It So It Only Uses . And @ As Triggers? (As In What Line).

PcDark   -  Jul 05, 2007

this is leached sorry - script.

Mylesmart   -  May 04, 2007

Yes, I\'m sorry about that, that was part of an other script but i took that off.

BackoffJackson   -  May 03, 2007

Why on :TEXT:!nick:#shadowzlair: { ? It would seem that setting a variable on LOAD asking for the channel and using the variable to act as the channel to respond.
Otherwise, good job.

Marshtomp   -  May 03, 2007

Looks good, but i can\'t test it now. When i can I look forword to using it ^_^

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