XCept Lastseen v1.0

By Pwntage`Ninja on Apr 04, 2007

The point of this script is the same as the services version of !seen . It logs most basic IRC events, and whenever you (the user) or someone else types .seen it will tell you when they last saw $nick. You can also use .seenclear to clear all records.

It also includes a flood control, so if anyone tries to flood the .seen command, it will ignore them for 10 seconds.

on *:START: {
  If ($hget(lastseen)) { hfree lastseen }
  hmake lastseen
  If ($isfile($scriptdirlastseen.txt)) { hload lastseen $scriptdirlastseen.txt }
  echo -a 3,1.9:15XCept Lastseen v1.0 - Loaded9:3.
on *:UNLOAD: { unload.cmds }
on *:EXIT: { unload.cmds }
alias -l unload.cmds {
  If (!$isfile($scriptdirlastseen.txt)) { write $scriptdirlastseen.txt }
  hsave lastseen $scriptdirlastseen.txt
  hfree lastseen
  echo -a 3,1.9:15XCept Lastseen v1.0 - Unloaded9:3.
on *:NICK: {
  hadd -m lastseen $nick Changing nicknames from $nick to $newnick
on *:QUIT: {
  hadd -m lastseen $nick Quiting IRC with Quit message: $1- (Date: $date / Time: $time $+ )
on *:JOIN:#: {
  hadd -m lastseen $nick Joining $chan (Date: $date / Time: $time $+ )
on *:PART:#: {
  hadd -m lastseen $nick Parting $chan (Date: $date / Time: $time $+ )
on *:KICK:#: {
  hadd -m lastseen $knick Being kicked from $chan (Date: $date / Time: $time $+ )
  hadd -m lastseen $nick Kicking $knick from $chan (Date: $date / Time: $time $+ )
on *:OP:*: {
  hadd -m lastseen $opnick Being OPed in $chan (Date: $date / Time: $time $+ )
  hadd -m lastseen $nick OPing $opnick in $chan (Date: $date / Time: $time $+ )
on *:DEOP:*: {
  hadd -m lastseen $opnick Being DE-OPed in $chan (Date: $date / Time: $time $+ )
  hadd -m lastseen $nick DE-OPing $opnick in $chan (Date: $date / Time: $time $+ )
on *:HELP:*: {
  hadd -m lastseen $opnick Being HELPed in $chan (Date: $date / Time: $time $+ )
  hadd -m lastseen $nick HELPing $opnick in $chan (Date: $date / Time: $time $+ )
on *:DEHELP:*: {
  hadd -m lastseen $hnick Being DE-HELPed in $chan (Date: $date / Time: $time $+ )
  hadd -m lastseen $nick DE-HELPing $hnick in $chan (Date: $date / Time: $time $+ )
on *:VOICE:*: {
  hadd -m lastseen $vnick Being VOICEd in $chan (Date: $date / Time: $time $+ )
  hadd -m lastseen $nick VOICing $vnick in $chan (Date: $date / Time: $time $+ )
on *:DEVOICE:*: {
  hadd -m lastseen $vnick Being DE-VOICEd in $chan (Date: $date / Time: $time $+ )
  hadd -m lastseen $nick DE-VOICing $vnick in $chan (Date: $date / Time: $time $+ )
on *:TEXT:.seen*:*: {
  If ($seenfld($nick) != $true) {
    If (!$2) || ($3) { halt }
    If ($2 = $nick) { msg $target 3,1.9:15Looking for yourself, eh, $2 $+ ? $+ 9:3. | halt }
    If ($target ischan) && ($2 ison $target) { msg $target 3,1.9:15 $+ $2 is on the channel right now!9:3. | halt }
    If (!$hget(lastseen,$2)) { msg $target 3,1.9:15 I have not seen $2 $+ 9:3. | halt }
    If ($hget(lastseen,$2)) {
      msg $target 3,1.9:15I last saw $2 $hget(lastseen,$2) $+ 9:3.
  If ($seenfld($nick) = $true) { .ignore -u10 $nick | .notice 3,1.9:15Added to ignore list for 10secs for flooding9:3. }
on *:INPUT:*: {
  If ($1 = .seen) && (!$3) && ($2) && (!$ctrlenter) {
    If ($2 = $me) { msg $target 3,1.9:15Looking for yourself, eh, $2 $+ ? $+ 9:3. | halt }
    If ($target ischan) && ($2 ison $target) { msg $target 3,1.9:15 $+ $2 is on the channel right now!9:3. | halt }
    If (!$hget(lastseen,$2)) { msg $target 3,1.9:15 I have not seen $2 $+ 9:3. | halt }
    If ($hget(lastseen,$2)) {
      msg $target 3,1.9:15I last saw $2 $hget(lastseen,$2) $+ 9:3.
  If ($1 = .seenclear) && ($2) && (!$ctrlenter) {
    hfree lastseen
    msg $active 3,1.9:15Cleared all .seen records9:3.
alias seenfld {
  If (!$1) { halt }
  %seen = $false
  If (%seenfld. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) {
    If (%seenfld. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] < 5) { inc %seenfld. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 1 }
    If (%seenfld. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] >= 5) { unset %seenfld. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] | %seen = $true }
  If (%seenfld. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = $null) {
    set -z %seenfld. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 2
  return %seen
  unset %seen


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Noutrious   -  Apr 04, 2007

!$ctrlenter - thanks for this, didn`t thought of this in the first place on inputs!
btw, the script is very nice - 8/10!

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