
By tidy trax on May 27, 2004

Draws a button in a picture window, it can have various styles and receives certain events.
For documentation, read the comments throughout the code.

; draws a button in a picture window, it can receive various events, and it can have different styles.
; /button [-abBcCdefgGhHiIk<N>KloOprRsSuU] [+b<N>] <@window rgb x y width height font fontsize fontrgb text/icon>
; -a reverse text.
; -b bevel text.
; -B bold text.
; -c center text.
; -C interpret rgb and fontrgb as control codes rather than rgb values.
; -d uses dbu instead of pixels (doubles the sizes you specify)
; -e emboss text.
; -f fill button with background colour.
; -g add gamma to colours.
; -G remove gamma from colours.
; -h interpret rgb and fontrgb as hexidecimal numbers rather than rgb values.
; -H interpret rgb and fontrgb as octal numbers rather than rgb values.
; -i invert colours.
; -I draws an icon instead of text.
; -k<N> uses an existing id instead of creating a new one.
; -K randomize colours.
; -l aligns text to the left.
; -o overline text.
; -O double overline text.
; -p uses pixels instead of dbu (halves the sizes you specify)
; -r aligns text to the right.
; -R rotate colours.
; -s strikethrough text.
; -S double strikethrough text.
; -u underline text.
; -U double underline text.
; +b<N> <N> can be 1-11 and it specifies a border for the button, try them out to see which you prefer (+b11 is my personal favourite).
; +b<N> can only be used if a -switch was used, the -l switch was created especially for this.
; $button([window],<id>)
; returns info about the specified window and id, if no window is specified, the active window is used.

alias button {
  if !$isid {
    if $left($1,1) == - { var %switch = $1 }
    if $left($2,2) == +b { 
      var %border 
      .echo -q $regsub($right($2,-1),/\D/g,,%border) 
    if !%border { 
      if %switch { tokenize 32 $2- }
    elseif %border { tokenize 32 $3- }
    var %window = $1, %rgb = $2, %x = $3, %y = $4, %w = $5, %h = $6, %font = $7, %fontsize = $8, %fontrgb = $9, %text = $10-, %fontx, %fonty
    colour -r 0
    colour -r 1
    var %id = $calc($hget(button [ $+ [ %window ] ],0).item +1)
    if I !isincs %switch { 
      var %i = $len(%text)
      while $iif(B isincs %switch,$width($left(%text,%i),%font,%fontsize,1),$width($left(%text,%i),%font,%fontsize)) > %w {
        %text = $left(%text,%i)
        dec %i
    if d isincs %switch { 
      inc %x %x
      inc %y %y
      inc %w %w
      inc %h %h
      %switch = $removecs(%switch,d)
    elseif p isincs %switch {
      %x = $calc(%x /2)
      %y = $calc(%y /2)
      %w = $calc(%w /2)
      %h = $calc(%h /2)
      %switch = $removecs(%switch,p)
    if k isincs %switch { 
      var %id = $mid(%switch,$calc($pos(%switch,k) +1))
      .echo -q $regsub(%id,/\D/g,,%id)
      if $window(%window) {
        if $hget(button [ $+ [ %window ] ],%id) {
          tokenize 32 $hget(button [ $+ [ %window ] ],%id)
          if $left($2,2) == +b { tokenize 32 $3- }
          elseif $left($1,1) == - { tokenize 32 $2- }
          drawrect -fr %window $getdot(%window,1,1) 1 $calc($2 -2) $calc($3 -2) $calc($4 +4) $calc($5 +4)
    if I isincs %switch { var %file = %text }
    if C isincs %switch { 
      %rgb = $colour($remove(%rgb,$chr(3)))
      %fontrgb = $colour($remove(%fontrgb,$chr(3)))
    elseif h isincs %switch {
      %rgb = $base($remove(%rgb,$chr(35)),16,10)
      %fontrgb = $base($remove(%fontrgb,$chr(35)),16,10)
    elseif H isincs %switch {
      %rgb = $base($remove(%rgb,$chr(35)),8,10)
      %fontrgb = $base($remove(%fontrgb,$chr(35)),8,10)
    if i isincs %switch { 
      %rgb = $calc(16777215 - %rgb)
      %fontrgb = $calc(16777215 - %fontrgb)
    if l isincs %switch { %fontx = $calc(%x +3) }
    elseif r isincs %switch { %fontx = $calc((%x + %w) - $iif(B isincs %switch,$width(%text,%font,%fontsize,1),$width(%text,%font,%fontsize)) -3) }
    elseif c isincs %switch { %fontx = $calc(%x + (%w /2) - ($iif(B isincs %switch,$width(%text,%font,%fontsize,1),$width(%text,%font,%fontsize)) /2)) }
    if !%fontx { %fontx = $calc(%x +3) }
    %fontx = $int(%fontx)
    %fonty = $int($calc(%y + (%h /2) - ($height(%text,%font,%fontsize) /2)))
    if $window(%window) && $window(%window).type != picture {
      echo -ac Info * /button: ' $+ %window $+ ' is not a picture window.
    if !%text { 
      echo -ac Info * /button: insufficient parameters.
    if %rgb !isnum 0-16777215 {
      echo -ac Info * /button: ' $+ %rgb $+ ' is an invalid colour.
    if %file && !$isfile(%file) {
      echo -ac Info * /button: ' $+ %file $+ ' doesn't exist.
    if %file { %file = $shortfn(%file) }
    if !$window(%window) { window -p %window }
    if K isincs %switch {
      %rgb = $r(0,16777215)
      %fontrgb = $r(0,16777215)
    if g isincs %switch {
      var %r = $gettok($rgb(%rgb),1,44), %g = $gettok($rgb(%rgb),2,44), %b = $gettok($rgb(%rgb),3,44)
      var %fr = $gettok($rgb(%fontrgb),1,44), %fg = $gettok($rgb(%fontrgb),2,44), %fb = $gettok($rgb(%fontrgb),3,44)
      inc %r $r(0,$calc(255 - %r))
      inc %g $r(0,$calc(255 - %g))
      inc %b $r(0,$calc(255 - %b))
      inc %fr $r(0,$calc(255 - %fr))
      inc %fg $r(0,$calc(255 - %fg))
      inc %fb $r(0,$calc(255 - %fb))
      %rgb = $rgb(%r,%g,%b)
      %fontrgb = $rgb(%fr,%fg,%fb)
    elseif G isincs %switch {
      var %r = $gettok($rgb(%rgb),1,44), %g = $gettok($rgb(%rgb),2,44), %b = $gettok($rgb(%rgb),3,44)
      var %fr = $gettok($rgb(%fontrgb),1,44), %fg = $gettok($rgb(%fontrgb),2,44), %fb = $gettok($rgb(%fontrgb),3,44)
      dec %r $r(0,%r)
      dec %g $r(0,%g)
      dec %b $r(0,%b)
      dec %fr $r(0,%fr)
      dec %fg $r(0,%fg)
      dec %fb $r(0,%fb)
      %rgb = $rgb(%r,%g,%b)
      %fontrgb = $rgb(%fr,%fg,%fb)
    if R isincs %switch {
      tokenize 32 %rgb %fontrgb
      %fontrgb = $1
      %rgb = $2
    hadd -m button [ $+ [ %window ] ] %id %switch $iif(%border,+b $+ %border) %rgb %x %y %w %h %font %fontsize %fontrgb %fontx %fonty $iif(%file,%file,%text)
    drawrect - $+ $iif(f isincs %switch,f) $+ r %window %rgb 1 %x %y %w %h
    if !%file { 
      if a isincs %switch {
        var %i = 1, %retext
        while $mid(%text,%i,1) {
          %retext = $ifmatch $+ %retext
          inc %i
        %text = %retext
      if b isincs %switch { drawtext - $+ $iif(B isincs %switch,o) $+ r %window $rgb(shadow) %font %fontsize $calc(%fontx +1) $calc(%fonty +1) %text }
      drawtext - $+ $iif(B isincs %switch,o) $+ r %window %fontrgb %font %fontsize %fontx %fonty %text 
      if e isincs %switch { drawtext - $+ $iif(B isincs %switch,o) $+ r %window $rgb(shadow) %font %fontsize $calc(%fontx -1) $calc(%fonty -1) %text }
      if o isincs %switch { drawline -r %window %fontrgb 1 %fontx %fonty $calc(%fontx + $iif(B isincs %switch,$width(%text,%font,%fontsize,1),$width(%text,%font,%fontsize))) %fonty }
      elseif O isincs %switch { 
        drawline -r %window %fontrgb 1 %fontx %fonty $calc(%fontx + $iif(B isincs %switch,$width(%text,%font,%fontsize,1),$width(%text,%font,%fontsize))) %fonty 
        drawline -r %window %fontrgb 1 %fontx $calc(%fonty -2) $calc(%fontx + $iif(B isincs %switch,$width(%text,%font,%fontsize,1),$width(%text,%font,%fontsize))) $calc(%fonty -2) 
      if s isincs %switch { drawline -r %window %fontrgb 1 %fontx $calc(%fonty + ($height(%text,%font,%fontsize) /2)) $calc(%fontx + $iif(B isincs %switch,$width(%text,%font,%fontsize,1),$width(%text,%font,%fontsize))) $calc(%fonty + ($height(%text,%font,%fontsize) /2)) }
      elseif S isincs %switch { 
        drawline -r %window %fontrgb 1 %fontx $calc(%fonty + ($height(%text,%font,%fontsize) /3)) $calc(%fontx + $iif(B isincs %switch,$width(%text,%font,%fontsize,1),$width(%text,%font,%fontsize))) $calc(%fonty + ($height(%text,%font,%fontsize) /3)) 
        drawline -r %window %fontrgb 1 %fontx $calc(%fonty + ($height(%text,%font,%fontsize) /2)) $calc(%fontx + $iif(B isincs %switch,$width(%text,%font,%fontsize,1),$width(%text,%font,%fontsize))) $calc(%fonty + ($height(%text,%font,%fontsize) /2)) 
      if u isincs %switch { drawline -r %window %fontrgb 1 %fontx $calc(%fonty + $height(%text,%font,%fontsize)) $calc(%fontx + $iif(B isincs %switch,$width(%text,%font,%fontsize,1),$width(%text,%font,%fontsize))) $calc(%fonty + $height(%text,%font,%fontsize)) }
      elseif U isincs %switch { 
        drawline -r %window %fontrgb 1 %fontx $calc(%fonty + $height(%text,%font,%fontsize)) $calc(%fontx + $iif(B isincs %switch,$width(%text,%font,%fontsize,1),$width(%text,%font,%fontsize))) $calc(%fonty + $height(%text,%font,%fontsize)) 
        drawline -r %window %fontrgb 1 %fontx $calc(%fonty + $height(%text,%font,%fontsize) +2) $calc(%fontx + $iif(B isincs %switch,$width(%text,%font,%fontsize,1),$width(%text,%font,%fontsize))) $calc(%fonty + $height(%text,%font,%fontsize) +2) 
    elseif %file { drawpic -ms %window %x %y %w %h %file }
    if %border == 1 { drawrect -r %window $rgb(frame) 1 %x %y %w %h }
    elseif %border == 2 { drawrect -r %window $rgb(shadow) 1 %x %y %w %h }
    elseif %border == 3 { drawrect -r %window $rgb(hilight) 1 %x %y %w %h }
    elseif %border == 4 { drawrect -r %window $rgb(3dlight) 1 %x %y %w %h }
    elseif %border == 5 { 
      drawline -r %window $rgb(hilight) 1 %x %y $calc(%x + %w) %y %x %y %x $calc(%y + %h)
      drawline -r %window $rgb(shadow) 2 $calc(%x + %w) %y $calc(%x + %w) $calc(%y + %h) %x $calc(%y + %h) $calc(%x + %w) $calc(%y + %h)
    elseif %border == 6 { 
      drawline -r %window $rgb(shadow) 1 %x %y $calc(%x + %w) %y %x %y %x $calc(%y + %h)
      drawline -r %window $rgb(shadow) 2 $calc(%x + %w) %y $calc(%x + %w) $calc(%y + %h) %x $calc(%y + %h) $calc(%x + %w) $calc(%y + %h)
    elseif %border == 7 { 
      drawline -r %window $rgb(3dlight) 1 %x %y $calc(%x + %w) %y %x %y %x $calc(%y + %h)
      drawline -r %window $rgb(shadow) 2 $calc(%x + %w) %y $calc(%x + %w) $calc(%y + %h) %x $calc(%y + %h) $calc(%x + %w) $calc(%y + %h)
    elseif %border == 8 { 
      drawline -r %window $rgb(shadow) 2 %x %y $calc(%x + %w) %y %x %y %x $calc(%y + %h)
      drawline -r %window $rgb(hilight) 1 $calc(%x + %w) %y $calc(%x + %w) $calc(%y + %h) %x $calc(%y + %h) $calc(%x + %w) $calc(%y + %h)
    elseif %border == 9 { 
      drawline -r %window $rgb(shadow) 2 %x %y $calc(%x + %w) %y %x %y %x $calc(%y + %h)
      drawline -r %window $rgb(shadow) 1 $calc(%x + %w) %y $calc(%x + %w) $calc(%y + %h) %x $calc(%y + %h) $calc(%x + %w) $calc(%y + %h)
    elseif %border == 10 { 
      drawline -r %window $rgb(shadow) 2 %x %y $calc(%x + %w) %y %x %y %x $calc(%y + %h)
      drawline -r %window $rgb(3dlight) 1 $calc(%x + %w) %y $calc(%x + %w) $calc(%y + %h) %x $calc(%y + %h) $calc(%x + %w) $calc(%y + %h)
    elseif %border == 11 {
      drawline -r %window $rgb(0,0,0) 1 %x %y $calc(%x + %w) %y %x %y %x $calc(%y + %h)
      drawline -r %window $rgb(0,0,0) 1 $calc(%x + %w) %y $calc(%x + %w) $calc(%y + %h) %x $calc(%y + %h) $calc(%x + %w) $calc(%y + %h)
      drawline -r %window $rgb(190,190,200) 1 $calc(%x +1) $calc(%y +1) $calc((%x +1) + (%w -2)) $calc(%y +1) $calc(%x +1) $calc(%y +1) $calc(%x +1) $calc($calc(%y +1) + (%h -2))
      drawline -r %window $rgb(148,148,148) 1 $calc((%x +1) + (%w -2)) $calc(%y +1) $calc((%x +1) + (%w -2)) $calc((%y +1) + (%h -2)) $calc(%x +1) $calc((%y +1) + (%h -2)) $calc((%x +1) + (%w -2)) $calc((%y +1) + (%h -2))
  elseif $isid {
    if !$2 { tokenize 32 $active $1 }
    return $iif($left($gettok($hget(button [ $+ [ $1 ] ],$2),2,32),2) == +b,$gettok($hget(button [ $+ [ $1 ] ],$2),1-2,32) $1 $gettok($hget(button [ $+ [ $1 ] ],$2),3-,32),$iif($left($gettok($hget(button [ $+ [ $1 ] ],$2),1,32),1) == -,$gettok($hget(button [ $+ [ $1 ] ],$2),1,32) $1 $gettok($hget(button [ $+ [ $1 ] ],$2),3-,32),$1 $hget(button [ $+ [ $1 ] ],$2)))

; this event just cleans up hash tables when the window is closed.

on *:close:@:{
  if $hget(button [ $+ [ $target ] ]) { .hfree $ifmatch }

; this catches the events.

menu @* {
    if $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ]) {
      var %i = 1
      while $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).item {
        tokenize 32 $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).data
        if $left($2,2) != +b {
          if $left($1,1) == - { 
            var %switch = $1
            tokenize 32 $2- 
        elseif $left($2,2) == +b {
          var %switch = $1, %border = $2
          tokenize 32 $3-
        if $inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,$2,$3,$4,$5) { 
          if $mouse.key & 2 { .signal button_ctrlsclick $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).item %switch %border $active $1- }
          elseif $mouse.key & 4 { .signal button_shiftsclick $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).item %switch %border $active $1- }
          else { .signal button_sclick $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).item %switch %border $active $1- }
        inc %i
    if $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ]) {
      var %i = 1
      while $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).item {
        tokenize 32 $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).data
        if $left($2,2) != +b {
          if $left($1,1) == - { 
            var %switch = $1
            tokenize 32 $2- 
        elseif $left($2,2) == +b {
          var %switch = $1, %border = $2
          tokenize 32 $3-
        if $inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,$2,$3,$4,$5) { 
          if $mouse.key & 2 { .signal button_ctrluclick $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).item %switch %border $active $1- }
          elseif $mouse.key & 4 { .signal button_shiftuclick $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).item %switch %border $active $1- }
          else { .signal button_uclick $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).item %switch %border $active $1- }
        inc %i
    if $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ]) {
      var %i = 1
      while $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).item {
        tokenize 32 $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).data
        if $left($2,2) != +b {
          if $left($1,1) == - { 
            var %switch = $1
            tokenize 32 $2- 
        elseif $left($2,2) == +b {
          var %switch = $1, %border = $2
          tokenize 32 $3-
        if $inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,$2,$3,$4,$5) { 
          if $mouse.key & 2 { .signal button_ctrlrclick $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).item %switch %border $active $1- }
          elseif $mouse.key & 4 { .signal button_shiftrclick $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).item %switch %border $active $1- }
          else { .signal button_rclick $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).item %switch %border $active $1- }
        inc %i
    if $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ]) {
      var %i = 1
      while $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).item {
        tokenize 32 $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).data
        if $left($2,2) != +b {
          if $left($1,1) == - { 
            var %switch = $1
            tokenize 32 $2- 
        elseif $left($2,2) == +b {
          var %switch = $1, %border = $2
          tokenize 32 $3-
        if $inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,$2,$3,$4,$5) { 
          if $mouse.key & 2 { .signal button_ctrldclick $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).item %switch %border $active $1- }
          elseif $mouse.key & 4 { .signal button_shiftdclick $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).item %switch %border $active $1- }
          else { .signal button_dclick $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).item %switch %border $active $1- }
        inc %i
    if $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ]) {
      var %i = 1
      while $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).item {
        tokenize 32 $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).data
        if $left($2,2) != +b {
          if $left($1,1) == - { 
            var %switch = $1
            tokenize 32 $2- 
        elseif $left($2,2) == +b {
          var %switch = $1, %border = $2
          tokenize 32 $3-
        if $inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,$2,$3,$4,$5) { 
          if $mouse.key & 2 { .signal button_ctrlmouse $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).item %switch %border $active $1- }
          elseif $mouse.key & 4 { .signal button_shiftmouse $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).item %switch %border $active $1- }
          else { .signal button_mouse $hget(button [ $+ [ $active ] ],%i).item %switch %border $active $1- }
        inc %i

; these are the events.
; if you aren't too sure about how to use signals, type /help signals.
; the following events can be used:
; button_sclick - left clicked the button.
; button_ctrlsclick - left clicked the button with ctrl held down.
; button_shiftsclick - left clicked the button with shift held down.
; button_uclick - unclicked the button.
; button_ctrluclick - unclicked the button with ctrl held down.
; button_shiftuclick - unclicked the button with shift held down.
; button_dclick - double clicked the button.
; button_ctrldclick - double clicked the button with ctrl held down.
; button_shiftdclick - double clicked the button with shift held down.
; button_rclick - right clicked the button.
; button_ctrlrclick - right clicked the button with ctrl held down.
; button_shiftrclick - right clicked the button with shift held down.
; button_mouse - moved the mouse over the button.
; button_ctrlmouse - moved the mouse over the button with ctrl held down.
; button_shiftmouse - moved the mouse over the button with shift held down.

on *:signal:button_sclick:{ .echo -q button sclick: $1- }
on *:signal:button_ctrlsclick:{ .echo -q button ctrl+sclick: $1- }
on *:signal:button_shiftsclick:{ .echo -q button shift+sclick: $1- }
on *:signal:button_uclick:{ .echo -q button uclick: $1- }
on *:signal:button_ctrluclick:{ .echo -q button ctrl+uclick: $1- }
on *:signal:button_shiftuclick:{ .echo -q button shift+uclick: $1- }
on *:signal:button_dclick:{ .echo -q button dclick: $1- }
on *:signal:button_ctrldclick:{ .echo -q button ctrl+dclick: $1- }
on *:signal:button_shiftdclick:{ .echo -q button shift+dclick: $1- }
on *:signal:button_rclick:{ .echo -q button rclick: $1- }
on *:signal:button_ctrlrclick:{ .echo -q button ctrl+rclick: $1- }
on *:signal:button_shiftrclick:{ .echo -q button shift+rclick: $1- }
on *:signal:button_mouse:{ .echo -q button mouse: $1- }
on *:signal:button_ctrlmouse:{ .echo -q button ctrl+mouse: $1- }
on *:signal:button_shiftmouse:{ .echo -q button shift+mouse: $1- }

; example script
; //button -bcfB +b5 @mp3 $rgb(209,209,209) 50 50 15 15 webdings 15 0 4
; on *:signal:button_sclick:{ 
;   if $1 $4 == 1 @mp3 { splay $shortfn($$sfile(c:\*.mp3,choose a song,play)) }
; }
; nothing special, just an example.

; note
; you cannot use events in this file unless you remove the ones already in the file.

; contact
; irc: /server irc.undernet.org -j #mirc.net
; email: tidy_trax@mirc.net
; msn: mat_tye@hotmail.com


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Kobra   -  Aug 05, 2004
  • /button: insufficient parameters.
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