Power / Status

By vegeto079 on Jan 15, 2007

First off, I'd like to say that I posted this in the Scripts section, and I'd rather the script be here and not in the scripts section, seeing that its simply a snippet.

Anyhow, as the script says, to work this, put it in remotes, save it, and type /status in any channel.
If you only want you to see it, just type "/status". But if you want the channel you are in to see it, type "/status a". Or anything else in place of a, it doesnt matter.

What this does is looks through all of your channels relatively fast, and shows how much 'power' you have over anyone else. It displays if you have power over others, and if so, how many. And also displays if you are 'tied' with 'power'.

Just a nice little snippet to show off your status :P

Just added two new things that it would show when you type it, and added a !status command.

;;;;;;;;;;;;;Script By Vegeto079/Peach/|Cloud_Strife|;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;Note: Sorry about huge set 0 in the begining, but its needed;;;
;;;;;Please do not edit this in any way without my permission;;;;;
;;To work this, simply type /status.
;;If you want to only see it yourself, type "/status"
;;If you want the channel you are in to see it, type "/status a"
alias status {
  set %listops 0
  set %listtotal 0
  set %listop 0
  set %listvoice 0
  set %listhop 0
  set %listreg 0
  set %listops2 0
  set %listtotal2 0
  set %listop2 0
  set %listvoice2 0
  set %listhop2 0
  set %listreg2 0
  set %tievoice 0
  set %tiehop 0
  set %tiereg 0
  set %tieop 0
  set %tieall 0
  set %com 1
  set %comchan $comchan($me,%com)
  set %i 1
  set %nick $nick(%comchan,%i)
  if (%nick == $null) { goto done }
  inc %listops
  inc %listtotal
  if ($me isop %comchan) {
    if (%nick isop %comchan) { inc %listop | inc %tieall | inc %tieop }
    if (%nick isreg %comchan) { inc %listreg | inc %listreg2 | inc %listtotal2 }
    if (%nick ishop %comchan) { inc %listhop | inc %listhop2 | inc %listtotal2 }
    if (%nick isvoice %comchan) { inc %listvoice | inc %listvoice2 | inc %listtotal2 }
  if ($me ishop %comchan) {
    if (%nick isop %comchan) { inc %listop }
    if (%nick isreg %comchan) { inc %listreg | inc %listreg2 | inc %listtotal2 }
    if (%nick ishop %comchan) { inc %listhop | inc %tieall | inc %tiehop }
    if (%nick isvoice %comchan) { inc %listvoice | inc %listvoice2 | inc %listtotal2 }
  if ($me isvoice %comchan) {
    if (%nick isop %comchan) { inc %listop }
    if (%nick isreg %comchan) { inc %listreg | inc %listreg2 | inc %listtotal2 }
    if (%nick ishop %comchan) { inc %listhop }
    if (%nick isvoice %comchan) { inc %listvoice | inc %tieall | inc %tievoice }
  if ($me isreg %comchan) {
    if (%nick isop %comchan) { inc %listop }
    if (%nick isreg %comchan) { inc %listreg | inc %tieall | inc %tiereg }
    if (%nick ishop %comchan) { inc %listhop }
    if (%nick isvoice %comchan) { inc %listvoice }
  inc %i
  goto next
  inc %com
  if ($comchan($me,%com) == $null) { goto alldone }
  goto start
  if ($1 == $null) {
    echo -a I Have Power Over: ( $+ %listtotal2 $+ / $+ %listtotal $+ ) Ops: (04 $+ %listop2 $+ / $+ %listop $+ ) HalfOps: (07 $+ %listhop2 $+ / $+ %listhop $+ ) Voices: (02 $+ %listvoice2 $+ / $+ %listvoice $+ ) Regulars: (14 $+ %listreg2 $+ / $+ %listreg $+ )
    echo -a I Tie With: ( $+ %tieall $+ / $+ %listtotal $+ ) Ops: (04 $+ %tieop $+ / $+ %listop $+ ) HalfOps: (07 $+ %tiehop $+ / $+ %listhop $+ ) Voices: (02 $+ %tievoice $+ / $+ %listvoice $+ ) Regulars: (14 $+ %tiereg $+ / $+ %listreg $+ )
    echo -a System Information: Uptime: (11 $+ $uptime(mirc,1) $+ ) Operating System: (07 $+ Windows $os $+ )
    echo -a IRC Information: Server: (03 $+ $server $+ ) Channels Currently In: (04 $+ $chan(0) $+ ) User: (05 $+ $fullname $+ ) Nick: (06 $+ $me $+ ) User Modes: (07 $+ $usermode $+ ) Server Uptime: (09 $+ $uptime(server,2) $+ )
  if ($1 != $null) {
    msg $chan I Have Power Over: ( $+ %listtotal2 $+ / $+ %listtotal $+ ) Ops: (04 $+ %listop2 $+ / $+ %listop $+ ) HalfOps: (07 $+ %listhop2 $+ / $+ %listhop $+ ) Voices: (02 $+ %listvoice2 $+ / $+ %listvoice $+ ) Regulars: (14 $+ %listreg2 $+ / $+ %listreg $+ )
    msg $chan I Tie With: ( $+ %tieall $+ / $+ %listtotal $+ ) Ops: (04 $+ %tieop $+ / $+ %listop $+ ) HalfOps: (07 $+ %tiehop $+ / $+ %listhop $+ ) Voices: (02 $+ %tievoice $+ / $+ %listvoice $+ ) Regulars: (14 $+ %tiereg $+ / $+ %listreg $+ )
    msg $chan System Information: Uptime: (11 $+ $uptime(mirc,1) $+ ) Operating System: (07 $+ Windows $os $+ )
    msg $chan IRC Information: Server: (03 $+ $server $+ ) Channels Currently In: (04 $+ $chan(0) $+ ) User: (05 $+ $fullname $+ ) Nick: (06 $+ $me $+ ) User Modes: (07 $+ $usermode $+ ) Server Uptime: (09 $+ $uptime(server,2) $+ )
on *:text:@status*:#:{
  set %listops 0
  set %listtotal 0
  set %listop 0
  set %listvoice 0
  set %listhop 0
  set %listreg 0
  set %listops2 0
  set %listtotal2 0
  set %listop2 0
  set %listvoice2 0
  set %listhop2 0
  set %listreg2 0
  set %tievoice 0
  set %tiehop 0
  set %tiereg 0
  set %tieop 0
  set %tieall 0
  set %com 1
  set %comchan $comchan($me,%com)
  set %i 1
  set %nick $nick(%comchan,%i)
  if (%nick == $null) { goto done }
  inc %listops
  inc %listtotal
  if ($me isop %comchan) {
    if (%nick isop %comchan) { inc %listop | inc %tieall | inc %tieop }
    if (%nick isreg %comchan) { inc %listreg | inc %listreg2 | inc %listtotal2 }
    if (%nick ishop %comchan) { inc %listhop | inc %listhop2 | inc %listtotal2 }
    if (%nick isvoice %comchan) { inc %listvoice | inc %listvoice2 | inc %listtotal2 }
  if ($me ishop %comchan) {
    if (%nick isop %comchan) { inc %listop }
    if (%nick isreg %comchan) { inc %listreg | inc %listreg2 | inc %listtotal2 }
    if (%nick ishop %comchan) { inc %listhop | inc %tieall | inc %tiehop }
    if (%nick isvoice %comchan) { inc %listvoice | inc %listvoice2 | inc %listtotal2 }
  if ($me isvoice %comchan) {
    if (%nick isop %comchan) { inc %listop }
    if (%nick isreg %comchan) { inc %listreg | inc %listreg2 | inc %listtotal2 }
    if (%nick ishop %comchan) { inc %listhop }
    if (%nick isvoice %comchan) { inc %listvoice | inc %tieall | inc %tievoice }
  if ($me isreg %comchan) {
    if (%nick isop %comchan) { inc %listop }
    if (%nick isreg %comchan) { inc %listreg | inc %tieall | inc %tiereg }
    if (%nick ishop %comchan) { inc %listhop }
    if (%nick isvoice %comchan) { inc %listvoice }
  inc %i
  goto next
  inc %com
  if ($comchan($me,%com) == $null) { goto alldone }
  goto start
  msg $chan I Have Power Over: ( $+ %listtotal2 $+ / $+ %listtotal $+ ) Ops: (04 $+ %listop2 $+ / $+ %listop $+ ) HalfOps: (07 $+ %listhop2 $+ / $+ %listhop $+ ) Voices: (02 $+ %listvoice2 $+ / $+ %listvoice $+ ) Regulars: (14 $+ %listreg2 $+ / $+ %listreg $+ )
  msg $chan I Tie With: ( $+ %tieall $+ / $+ %listtotal $+ ) Ops: (04 $+ %tieop $+ / $+ %listop $+ ) HalfOps: (07 $+ %tiehop $+ / $+ %listhop $+ ) Voices: (02 $+ %tievoice $+ / $+ %listvoice $+ ) Regulars: (14 $+ %tiereg $+ / $+ %listreg $+ )
on *:text:!status*:#:{
  set %listops 0
  set %listtotal 0
  set %listop 0
  set %listvoice 0
  set %listhop 0
  set %listreg 0
  set %listops2 0
  set %listtotal2 0
  set %listop2 0
  set %listvoice2 0
  set %listhop2 0
  set %listreg2 0
  set %tievoice 0
  set %tiehop 0
  set %tiereg 0
  set %tieop 0
  set %tieall 0
  set %com 1
  set %comchan $comchan($me,%com)
  set %i 1
  set %nick $nick(%comchan,%i)
  if (%nick == $null) { goto done }
  inc %listops
  inc %listtotal
  if ($me isop %comchan) {
    if (%nick isop %comchan) { inc %listop | inc %tieall | inc %tieop }
    if (%nick isreg %comchan) { inc %listreg | inc %listreg2 | inc %listtotal2 }
    if (%nick ishop %comchan) { inc %listhop | inc %listhop2 | inc %listtotal2 }
    if (%nick isvoice %comchan) { inc %listvoice | inc %listvoice2 | inc %listtotal2 }
  if ($me ishop %comchan) {
    if (%nick isop %comchan) { inc %listop }
    if (%nick isreg %comchan) { inc %listreg | inc %listreg2 | inc %listtotal2 }
    if (%nick ishop %comchan) { inc %listhop | inc %tieall | inc %tiehop }
    if (%nick isvoice %comchan) { inc %listvoice | inc %listvoice2 | inc %listtotal2 }
  if ($me isvoice %comchan) {
    if (%nick isop %comchan) { inc %listop }
    if (%nick isreg %comchan) { inc %listreg | inc %listreg2 | inc %listtotal2 }
    if (%nick ishop %comchan) { inc %listhop }
    if (%nick isvoice %comchan) { inc %listvoice | inc %tieall | inc %tievoice }
  if ($me isreg %comchan) {
    if (%nick isop %comchan) { inc %listop }
    if (%nick isreg %comchan) { inc %listreg | inc %tieall | inc %tiereg }
    if (%nick ishop %comchan) { inc %listhop }
    if (%nick isvoice %comchan) { inc %listvoice }
  inc %i
  goto next
  inc %com
  if ($comchan($me,%com) == $null) { goto alldone }
  goto start
  notice $nick I Have Power Over: ( $+ %listtotal2 $+ / $+ %listtotal $+ ) Ops: (04 $+ %listop2 $+ / $+ %listop $+ ) HalfOps: (07 $+ %listhop2 $+ / $+ %listhop $+ ) Voices: (02 $+ %listvoice2 $+ / $+ %listvoice $+ ) Regulars: (14 $+ %listreg2 $+ / $+ %listreg $+ )
  notice $nick I Tie With: ( $+ %tieall $+ / $+ %listtotal $+ ) Ops: (04 $+ %tieop $+ / $+ %listop $+ ) HalfOps: (07 $+ %tiehop $+ / $+ %listhop $+ ) Voices: (02 $+ %tievoice $+ / $+ %listvoice $+ ) Regulars: (14 $+ %tiereg $+ / $+ %listreg $+ )
  notice $nick System Information: Uptime: (11 $+ $uptime(mirc,1) $+ ) Operating System: (07 $+ Windows $os $+ )
  notice $nick IRC Information: Server: (03 $+ $server $+ ) Channels Currently In: (04 $+ $chan(0) $+ ) User: (05 $+ $fullname $+ ) Nick: (06 $+ $me $+ ) User Modes: (07 $+ $usermode $+ ) Server Uptime: (09 $+ $uptime(server,2) $+ )


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CharltonJ   -  Sep 07, 2007

woww!! i like it :) 7/10 too :P

m4g3script   -  Jun 16, 2007

good job awesime script 7/10

DarthReven   -  Jan 19, 2007

You may even consider using # of Ops: $nick($chan,0,o) # of HalfOps: $nick($chan,0,h) # of Voiced: $nick($chan,0,v) # of Regular Users: $nick($chan,0,r) # of Users Total: $nick($chan,0) or $nick($chan,0,a) which would get rid of some of the variables

Roy911   -  Jan 17, 2007

Not bad, but use /var next time to cut down the size.

F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Jan 17, 2007

not bad 6/10

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Jan 17, 2007

Hm, very nice. Iv been looking for one of these. Keep up the good work. ;D

vegeto079   -  Jan 16, 2007

no comments?
common, somebody could at least try it, lol

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