Battle Script Part Two

By Disturbed on Dec 30, 2006

Due to not being able to fit in one snippet :\ i had to add this to finish the script so everything works :D

Put it right under the first part.
When done type /chan yourchannel , to set it. :)

Srry for the old version. Hope You enjoy.

on *:text:*!FlyingSword*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%w5 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == FlyingSword) { 
        set %lengthofsword $rand(10,30)
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

opponent ] ] + %lengthofsword)
        dec %ohealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Pulls Out The 3F9lying 3S9word2 And Does 

The Damage Of The Length Of The Sword:4 %lengthofsword
        msg $chan 4 $+ %opponent $+ 2 Now Has %ohealth 4Health 7,2 And $nick 

Has %chealth 4Health
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        unset %w5 [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 
        set %turn %opponent
        unset %lengthofsword
        unset %damage
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%w10 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == FlyingSword) {
        set %lengthofsword $rand(10,30)
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

challenger ] ] + %lengthofsword)
        dec %chealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Pulls Out The 3F9lying 3S9word2 And Does 

The Damage Of The Length Of The Sword:4 %lengthofsword
        msg $chan 4 $+ %challenger $+ 2 Now Has %chealth 4Health 7,2 And $nick 

Has %ohealth 4Health
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        unset %w10 [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 
        unset %damage
        unset %lengthofsword
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:!bugreport*:%chan: {
  write Bugs.txt $nick Says: $2-
  notice $nick Thanks For Informing Me On The Bug!
on *:Text:!idea*:%chan: {
  write Ideas.txt $nick Says: $2-
  notice $nick Thanks For The Idea
on *:text:!shop:%chan: {
  notice $nick 14,1Welcome To The Shop
  notice $nick 4,1WEAPONS
  notice $nick 14,1!Pike.. in battle when its Your Turn. type !pike.. COST: 1000
  notice $nick 14,1!mines.. in battle when its Your tyrn. type !mines.. COST: 2000
  notice $nick 14,1!lasers.. in battle when its your turn. type !lasers.. COST: 

  notice $nick 14,1!blade.. in Battle When its your turn type !blade.. COST: 2500
  notice $nick 4,1ARMOR
  notice $nick 14,1The Cloak, Permantly increasing Your Defence by 5, COST: 1000
  notice $nick 14,1Steel Armor, Permantly increasing your defence by 5, COST: 1500
  notice $nick 14,1God ChestPlate, Permantly increasing Your Defense by 1000, 

COST: 50000
  notice $nick 4,1LUCK WEAPONS
  notice $nick 14,1Lucky Assault, When U Type !Lucky Assault ( when its ur turn ) 

, u will increase ur attack by a random number, COST: 3000
  notice $nick 4,1LUCK DEFENCE
  notice $nick 14,1Lucky Defence, When U Type !Lucky Defence ( when its ur turn ) 

, u will increase ur Defence by a random number, COST: 3000
  notice $nick 4,1HEALTHS
  notice $nick 14,1medi Pack, Permently increasing ur health, COST: 1500
  notice $nick 14,1Large Medi Pack, Permently increasing ur health, COST: 3000
  notice $nick 14,1God Aura, Permently increasing your health by 1000, COST: 50000
  notice $nick 4,1PowerUps
  notice $nick 14,1God Spear, Premently increasing your attack by 1000, COST: 

on *:text:!potions:%chan: {
  notice $nick POTIONS:
  notice $nick 6,1Potion1: Increase Health By 25. COST: 200
  notice $nick 6,1Potion2: InCrease Health By 45. COST: 600
on *:text:!buy*:%chan: {
  if ($2 == Pike) { 
    if (%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 999) {
      notice $nick 6,1You Have Just Bought The PIKE, Type !pike in battle to use 

      set %pike [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
      dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1000
  if ($2 == mines) { 
    if (%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 1999) {
      notice $nick 6,1You Have Just Bought the MINES, Type !mines in battle to use 

      set %mines [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
      dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 2000
  if ($2 == lasers) {
    if (%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 2999) {
      notice $nick 6,1You Have Just Bought the LASERS, Type !lasers in battle to 

use it
      set %lasers [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
      dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 3000
  if ($2 == blade) {
    if (%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 2499) {
      notice $nick 6,1You Have Just Bought the BLADE, Type !blade in battle to use 

      set %blade [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
      dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 2500
  if ($2 == cloak) {
    if (%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 999) {
      notice $nick 6,1You Have Just Bought the CLOAK, Ur Defence Has Been 

      dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1000
      inc %defencepower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 3
  if ($2- == Steel Armor) {
    if (%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 1499) {
      notice $nick 6,1You Have Just Bought the STEEL ARMOR, Ur Defence Has Been 

      dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1500
      inc %defencepower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
  if ($2- == Potion1) {
    if (%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 199) {
      notice $nick 6,1You Have Bought Potion1 type !Use Potion1 in battle to 

increase ur HP
      dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 200
      set %potion1 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
  if ($2 == Potion2) {
    if (%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 599) {
      notice $nick 6,1You Have Bought Potion2 type !Use Potion2 in battle to 

increase ur HP
      dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 600
      set %potion2 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
  if ($2- == Lucky Assault) {
    if (%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 2999) {
      notice $nick 6,1You Have Bought The !lucky assault move, type !lucky assault 

in a battle to increase ur attack ( just during the battle )
      dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 3000
      set %luckyassault [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
  if ($2- == Lucky Defence) {
    if (%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 2999) {
      notice $nick 6,1You Have Bought The !lucky Defence move, type !lucky Defence 

in a battle to increase ur Defence ( just during the battle )
      dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 3000
      set %luckydefence [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
  if ($2- == God ChestPlate) {
    if (%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 49999) {
      notice $nick 6,1You Have Bought The God ChestPlate, Increasing Your Defense 

By 1000.
      dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 50000
      inc %defencepower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1000
  if ($2- == God Spear) {
    if (%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 49999) {
      notice $nick 6,1You Have Bought The God Spear, Increasing Your Attack By 

      dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 50000
      inc %defencepower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1000
  if ($2- == God Aura) {
    if (%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 49999) {
      notice $nick 6,1You Have Bought The God Aura, Increasing ur health by 1000.
      dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 50000
      inc %health [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1000
  if ($2- == medi pack) {
    if (%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 1499) {
      notice $nick 6,1You Have Bought The Medi Pack, Increasing ur health at the 

beginning of the battle
      dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1500
      inc %health [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 15
  if ($2- == Large medi pack) {
    if (%money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 2999) {
      notice $nick 6,1You Have Bought The Large Medi Pack, InCreasing ur health at 

the beginning of the battle!
      dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 3000
      inc %health [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 30
on *:text:*!Pike*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%pike [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) {
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

opponent ] ] + 2)
        dec %ohealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Brings On The3 PIKE3 Hurting %opponent for 

%Damage And $nick Is Increased His Health by7 2514!
        msg $chan 4 $+ %opponent $+ 2 Now Has %ohealth 4Health 7,2 And $nick 

Has %chealth 4Health
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %turn %opponent
        inc %chealth 25
        unset %damage
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%pike [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) {
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

challenger ] ] + 2)
        dec %chealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Brings On The3 PIKE3 Hurting %challenger for 

%Damage and increasing4 $nick $+ 's Health By7 25
        msg $chan 4 $+ %challenger $+ 2 Now Has %chealth 4Health 7,2 And $nick 

Has %ohealth 4Health
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!!
        unset %damage
        inc %ohealth 25
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!mines*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%mines [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) {
        set %mines $rand(1,50)
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

opponent ] ] + %mines)
        dec %ohealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Lays Down4 %mines 3Mines!2 And %opponent 

gets hit by them causing %damage !
        msg $chan 4 $+ %opponent $+ 2 Now Has %ohealth 4Health 7,2 And $nick 

Has %chealth 4Health
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        unset %mines
        set %turn %opponent
        unset %damage
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%mines [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) {
        set %mines $rand(1,50)
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

challenger ] ] + 13 + %mines)
        dec %chealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Lays Down4 %mines 3Mines!2 And %challenger 

gets hit by them causing %damage !
        msg $chan 4 $+ %challenger $+ 2 Now Has %chealth 4Health 7,2 And $nick 

Has %ohealth 4Health
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        unset %mines      
        unset %damage
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!laser*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%lasers [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) {
        dec %defencepower [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 6
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 11 Fires10 Lasers11 At10 %opponent 

11Decreasing10 %opponent $+ 's 11Defence
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %turn %opponent
        unset %damage
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%lasers [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) {
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 5
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 11 Fires10 Lasers11 At10 %challenger 

11Decreasing10 %challenger $+ 's 11Attack
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!blade*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%blade [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) {
        set %amountdaggers $rand(1,60)
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

opponent ] ] + %amountdaggers)
        dec %ohealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Chucks Loads Of Daggers For A Bonus Damage 

Of:4 %amountdaggers
        msg $chan 4 $+ %opponent $+ 2 Now Has %ohealth 4Health 7,2 And $nick 

Has %chealth 4Health
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %turn %opponent
        unset %amountdaggers
        unset %damage
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%blade [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) {
        set %amountdaggers $rand(1,60)
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

challenger ] ] + %amountdaggers)
        dec %chealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Chucks Loads Of Daggers For A Bonus Damage 

Of:4 %amountdaggers
        msg $chan 4 $+ %challenger $+ 2 Now Has %chealth 4Health 7,2 And $nick 

Has %ohealth 4Health
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        unset %damage
        unset %amountofdaggers 
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!Lucky Defence*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%LuckyDefence [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) && (%

defenceused [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) {
        set %defenceget $rand(8,10)
        set %defenceused [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
        inc %defencepower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %defenceget
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses The Lucky Defence, increasing $nick $+ 's 

Defence By: %defenceget
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %turn %opponent
        unset %defenceget
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%Luckydefence [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) && (%

defenceused [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) {
        set %defenceget $rand(8,10)
        set %defenceused [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
        inc %defencepower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %defenceget
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses The Lucky Defence, increasing $nick $+ 's 

Defence By: %defenceget
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %turn %challenger
        unset %defenceget
on *:text:*!Lucky Assault*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%Luckyassault [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) && (%

assaultused [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) {
        if (%poisoned [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] == on) {
          dec %chealth 5
          msg $chan 3The Poison Has Sapped $nick $+ 's Health by 5
        set %assaultget $rand(11,13)
        set %assaultused [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
        inc %attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %assaultget
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses The Lucky Assault, increasing $nick $+ 's 

Attack By: %assaultget
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %turn %opponent
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%Luckyassault [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) && (%

assaultused [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) {
        if (%poisoned [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] == on) {
          dec %ohealth 5
          msg $chan 3The Poison Has Sapped $nick $+ 's Health by 5
        set %assaultget $rand(11,13)
        set %assaultused [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
        inc %attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %assaultget
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses The Lucky Assault, increasing $nick $+ 's 

Attack By: %assaultget
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!use potion1*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%potion1 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) {
        if (%poisoned [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] == on) {
          dec %chealth 5
          msg $chan 6,1The Poison Has Sapped $nick $+ 's Health by 5
        inc %chealth 25
        unset %potion1 [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
        msg $chan 6,1 $+ $nick $+  2Used Potion Increasing His Healt by:4 257!
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%potion1 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) {
        if (%poisoned [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] == on) {
          dec %ohealth 5
          msg $chan 6,1The Poison Has Sapped $nick $+ 's Health by 5
        inc %ohealth 25
        unset %potion1 [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
        msg $chan 6,1 $+ $nick $+ 2 Used Potion Increasing His Healt by:4 257!
on *:text:*!use potion2*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%potion1 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) {
        if (%poisoned [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] == on) {
          dec %chealth 5
          msg $chan 6,1The Poison Has Sapped $nick $+ 's Health by 5
        inc %chealth 50
        unset %potion2 [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
        msg $chan 6,1 $+ $nick $+ 2 Used Potion Increasing His Health by:4 

      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%potion1 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) {
        if (%poisoned [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] == on) {
          dec %ohealth 5
          msg $chan 6,1The Poison Has Sapped $nick $+ 's Health by 5
        inc %ohealth 50
        unset %potion2 [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
        msg $chan 6,1 $+ $nick $+ 2 Used Potion Increasing His Healt by:4 507!
on *:text:*!Chidori*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%character [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] == Sasuke) && 

(%used-Sasuke [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] != on) {
        dec %ohealth 25
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And 11BLASTS2 %opponent 

Hurting Them7 254!2 And Decreasing There Attack!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Sasuke [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 6
        set %turn %opponent
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%character [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == Sasuke) && (%used

-Sasuke [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) {
        dec %chealth 25
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And 11BLASTS2 %opponent 

For A Damage of7 254!2 Also Decreasing %challenger $+ 's attack!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Sasuke [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 6
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!Purifying-Arrow*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%character [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] == Kagome) && 

(%used-Kagome [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] != on) {
        set %rand-body $rand(1,7)
        if (%rand-body == 1) { 
          set %body head
          set %damage 50
        if (%rand-body == 2) {
          set %body legs
          set %damage 25
        if (%rand-body == 3) {
          set %body arms
          set %damage 20    
        if (%rand-body == 4) {
          set %body chest
          set %damage 30
        if (%rand-body == 5) {
          set %body Elbow
          set %damage 10
        if (%rand-body == 6) {
          set %body foot
          set %damage 5
        if (%rand-body == 7) {
          set %body eye
          set %damage 60
        dec %ohealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And Launches The 11Holy 

2Arrow Right Through %opponent $+ 's %body ! causing %damage Damage!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Miko [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] on
        unset %body
        unset %damage
        set %turn %opponent
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%character [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == Kagome) && (%used

-Kagome [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) {
        set %rand-body $rand(1,7)
        if (%rand-body == 1) { 
          set %body head
          set %damage 55
        if (%rand-body == 2) {
          set %body legs
          set %damage 25
        if (%rand-body == 3) {
          set %body arms
          set %damage 20        
        if (%rand-body == 4) {
          set %body chest
          set %damage 30
        if (%rand-body == 5) {
          set %body Elbow
          set %damage 10
        if (%rand-body == 6) {
          set %body foot
          set %damage 5
        if (%rand-body == 7) {
          set %body eye
          set %damage 60
        dec %chealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And Launches A 11Holy 

2Arrow at %challenger hitting Them in The %body ! causing %damage damage!!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Kagome [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
        unset %rand-body
        unset %damage
        unset %body
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!HellFire*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%character [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] == Devil) && 

(%used-Devil [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] != on) {
        dec %ohealth 25
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And 4BLASTS2 %opponent 

with HELLFIRE, Hurting Them7 254!2 And Decreasing There Attack!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Devil [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 6
        set %turn %opponent
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%character [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == Devil) && (%used-

Devil [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) {
        dec %chealth 25
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And Fires a Wall Of Fire 

For A Damage of7 254!2 Also Decreasing %challenger $+ 's attack!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Devil [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 6
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!DragonTwister*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%character [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] == 

Inunotaishou) && (%used-Inunotaishou [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] != on) {
        dec %ohealth 25
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And 4BLASTS2 %opponent 

with DragonTwister, Hurting Them7 254!2 And Decreasing There Attack!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Inunotaishou [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 6
        set %turn %opponent
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%character [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == Inunotaishou) && 

(%used-Inunotaishou [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) {
        dec %chealth 25
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And Fires a huge orb at 

%opponent For A Damage of7 254!2 Also Decreasing %challenger $+ 's attack!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Inunotaishou [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 6
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!PoisonClaw*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%character [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] == 

Sesshoumaru) && (%used-Sesshoumaru [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] != on) {
        dec %ohealth 25
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And 3Covers his hand in 

Acidic Poison and Slashing Through2 %opponent  Hurting Them7 254!2 And 

Decreasing There Attack!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Sesshoumaru [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 6
        set %turn %opponent
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%character [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == Sesshoumaru) && 

(%used-Sesshoumaru [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) {
        dec %chealth 25
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And 3Covers his hand in 

Acidic Poison and Slashing His Opponent For A Damage of7 254!2 Also Decreasing %

challenger $+ 's attack!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Sesshoumaru [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 6
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!SandCoffin*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%character [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] == Gaara) && 

(%used-Gaara [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] != on) {
        dec %ohealth 45
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And 7Covers2 %opponent 

With 7Sand And Crushing Them. Hurting Them7 454!2 And Decreasing There Attack!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Gaara [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 6
        set %turn %opponent
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%character [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == Gaara) && (%used-

Gaara [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) {
        dec %chealth 45
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And Covers His Opponent 

With Sand And Crushing Them Doing Damage of7 454!2 Also Decreasing %challenger $+ 

's attack!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Gaara [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 6
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!WindScar*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%character [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] == Inuyasha) 

&& (%used-Inuyasha [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] != on) {
        dec %ohealth 30
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And Slashes Through2 %

opponent With 14WindScar. Hurting Them7 454!2 And Decreasing There Attack!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Inuyasha [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 6
        set %turn %opponent
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%character [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == Inuyasha) && (%

used-Inuyasha [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) {
        dec %chealth 30
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And Uses 14WindScar 4To 

Slash Through Them Doing Damage of7 454!2 Also Decreasing %challenger $+ 's 

        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Inuyasha [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 6
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!DeathStrike*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%character [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] == Naraku) && 

(%used-Naraku [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] != on) {
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

opponent ] ] + 28)
        dec %ohealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 and comes Slashing 

Through4 %opponent 2For A damage Of4 %damage $+ 2! And Decreases %opponent $+ 's 

Attack by 2 and defence by 2 
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Naraku [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] on
        set %turn %opponent
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 2
        dec %defencepower [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 2
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%character [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == Naraku) && (%used

-Naraku [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) {
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

challenger ] ] + 28)
        dec %chealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 and Comes Slashing 

Through 4 %challenger 2For A damage Of4 %damage $+ 2! And Decreases %challenger 

$+ 's Attack and defence by 2!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Naraku [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 2
        dec %defencepower [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 2
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!Smite*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%character [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] == God) && 

(%used-God [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] != on) {
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

opponent ] ] + 28)
        dec %ohealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 Accends From The Heavens 

And Smashes4 %opponent 2For A damage Of4 %damage $+ 2! And Decreases %opponent 

$+ 's Attack by 2 and defence by 2 
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-God [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] on
        set %turn %opponent
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 2
        dec %defencepower [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 2
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%character [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == God) && (%used-God 

[ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) {
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

challenger ] ] + 28)
        dec %chealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 Accends From The Heavens 

And Smashes4 %challenger 2For A damage Of4 %damage $+ 2! And Decreases %

challenger $+ 's Attack and defence by 2!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-God [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 2
        dec %defencepower [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 2
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!Tsukuyomi*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%character [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] == Itachi) && 

(%used-Itachi [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] != on) {
        dec %ohealth 45
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And 14Puts2 %opponent In 

A World Of Him Being Stapped Over And Over, Hurting Them7 454!2 And Decreasing 

There Attack!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Itachi [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 6
        set %turn %opponent
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%character [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == Itachi) && (%used

-Itachi [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) {
        dec %chealth 45
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And Puts 2 %opponent In A 

World Of Him Being Stapped Over and Over, Hurting Them7 454!2 Also Decreasing %

challenger $+ 's attack!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Itachi [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 6
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!Rasengan*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%character [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] == Naruto) && 

(%used-Naruto [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] != on) {
        dec %ohealth 45
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And 11Blast2 %opponent 

with 11Rasengan Hurting Them7 454!2 And Decreasing There Attack!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Naruto [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 6
        set %turn %opponent
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%character [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == Naruto) && (%used

-Naruto [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) {
        dec %chealth 45
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And 11Blast2 %opponent 

with 11Rasengan Hurting Them7 454!2 Also Decreasing %challenger $+ 's attack!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Naruto [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 6
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!LightningBLade*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%character [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] == Kakashi) 

&& (%used-Kakashi [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] != on) {
        dec %ohealth 45
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And 11Blast2 %opponent 

with 12LightningBlade Hurting Them7 454!2 And Decreasing There Attack!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Kakashi [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 6
        set %turn %opponent
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%character [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == Kakashi) && (%

used-Kakashi [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) {
        dec %chealth 45
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And 11Blast2 %opponent 

with 12LightningBlade Hurting Them7 454!2 Also Decreasing %challenger $+ 's 

        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Kakashi [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 6
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!HeavensWrath*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%character [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] == Jesus) && 

(%used-Jesus [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] != on) {
        dec %ohealth 45
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And 2Commands The Heavens 

To Smash 2 %opponent with 11its might, Hurting Them7 454!2 And Decreasing There 

        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Jesus [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 6
        set %turn %opponent
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%character [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == Jesus) && (%used-

Jesus [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) {
        dec %chealth 45
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 2 Uses His7 SPECIAL2 And 2Commands The Heavens 

To Smash 2 %opponent with 11its might, Hurting Them7 454!2 Also Decreasing %

challenger $+ 's attack!
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Jesus [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
        dec %attackpower [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 6
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:!guide*:%chan: {
  notice $nick 14,1This Is A Rpg Battle Script By Aero(, Dont 

Abuse Or Flame Users.
  notice $nick 14,1Type !help <what you need help with> 
  notice $nick 14,1There are "commands". There are "game". "help" And "Combos"
  notice $nick 14,1To Make An Account type !characters
  notice $nick 14,1Type !help if u need any. 
on *:text:!rob*:%chan: {
  if (%rob [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) {
    msg $nick 15,1You Have Already Robbed Someone Within 30 mins!
  if (%rob [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) && ($2 ison #) && (%account [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == on) 

    msg $chan 15,1 $nick Attempts To Rob $2 
    set %attempt $rand(1,5) 
  if (%attempt == 1) {
    set %this-money $round($calc(%money [ $+ [ $2 ] ] / 2),0)
    msg $chan 15,1 $nick SuccessFully Robs $2
    msg $chan 15,1 $nick Has Robbed $2 by %this-money Money From $2
    inc %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %this-money
    dec %money [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %this-money
    set -u1800 %rob [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
  else {
    msg $chan 15,1 $nick Has Failed To Rob $2 !
    set -u1800 %rob [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
on *:text:!help*:%chan: {
  if (!$2) { 
    notice $nick 15,1This Is A Game Where when you battle people and you get a 

random hand and you have to battle and win and be the best in the game by buying 

stuff in the shops!! Type !Stats to see your stats in the game and fight people 

with !Battle <person u wish to fight>
    notice $nick 15,1You Have An Idea For A Game?? Type !Idea <idea> and $me Will 

make it, Find A Bug in the game?? Type !Bugreport <bug> and I'll try and fix it ! 

Need Help With Combos type !Help Combos ! Need Help With The Commands type !Help 

Commands ! Thanks!
  if ($2 == commands) {
    notice $nick 14,1The Commands For The Game Are: 4!Rob <person on chan>14. 

4!Fight <person on chan>14. 4!Shop 14to see all the stuff u can buy. 4!Stats 

<nick> 14or 4!Stats 14to see ur or someone elses stats!, 4!ghealth 14to see the 

healths in a battle. 4!folder 14to see your hand in a battle. 4!refresh 14to 

refresh ur hand during a battle!
  if ($2 == combos) {
    notice $nick 10,1In The Game There Are New Combo's If u have the. 4Beamer 

10AND 4Blaster 10in your hand type 4!beam10, if you have the 

4Lightning10,4ElectroSword 10And 4LightningArrow 10Or 4ElectricArrow 10type 

4!Ulti-Bolt10, if you have 4EvilSoul 10And 4EvilDemon10 Type 4!Unleash-

Demon10, if you have 4LightSoul 10And 4AngelOfHeaven10 Type 4!Unleash-Angel10. 
    notice $nick 10,1If you have 4LightSoul10 And 4EvilDemon 10 type 4!Light-

Combo10, if you have 4EvilSoul 10And 4AngelOfHeaven10, type 4!Evil-Combo.    
  else { 
    notice $nick 2ERROR7:4 UNKKNOWN COMMAND
on *:text:!Light Beam:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%light [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] > %evil [ $+ [ %

challenger ] ]) && (%used-lightbeam [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] != on) {
        set %rand-body $rand(1,7)
        if (%rand-body == 1) { 
          set %body head
          set %damage 43
        if (%rand-body == 2) {
          set %body legs
          set %damage 17
        if (%rand-body == 3) {
          set %body arms
          set %damage 15     
        if (%rand-body == 4) {
          set %body chest
          set %damage 13
        if (%rand-body == 5) {
          set %body Elbow
          set %damage 18
        if (%rand-body == 6) {
          set %body foot
          set %damage 9
        if (%rand-body == 7) {
          set %body eye
          set %damage 39
        dec %ohealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 8 Pull Out The Power Of The 11Angels!7,8 

Decreasing His Light Powers. While The Angels Attack It Hits3 %opponent 8in the3 

%body 8for a damage of3 %damage
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Lightbeam  [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] on
        unset %rand-body
        unset %body
        unset %damage
        dec %light [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 
        set %turn %opponent
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%light [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > %evil [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) 

&& (%used-Lightbeam [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) {
        set %rand-body $rand(1,7)
        if (%rand-body == 1) { 
          set %body head
          set %damage 43
        if (%rand-body == 2) {
          set %body legs
          set %damage 17
        if (%rand-body == 3) {
          set %body arms
          set %damage 15     
        if (%rand-body == 4) {
          set %body chest
          set %damage 13
        if (%rand-body == 5) {
          set %body Elbow
          set %damage 18
        if (%rand-body == 6) {
          set %body foot
          set %damage 9
        if (%rand-body == 7) {
          set %body eye
          set %damage 39
        dec %chealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 8 Pull Out The Power Of The 11Angels!7,8 

Decreasing His Light Powers. While The Angels Attack It Hits3 %challenger 8in 

the3 %body 8for a damage of3 %damage
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-Lightbeam [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
        unset %rand-body
        unset %damage
        unset %body
        dec %light [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:!dark Beam:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%evil [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] > %Light [ $+ [ %

challenger ] ]) && (%used-darkbeam [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] != on) {
        set %rand-body $rand(1,7)
        if (%rand-body == 1) { 
          set %body head
          set %damage 50
        if (%rand-body == 2) {
          set %body legs
          set %damage 20
        if (%rand-body == 3) {
          set %body arms
          set %damage 13
        if (%rand-body == 4) {
          set %body chest
          set %damage 21
        if (%rand-body == 5) {
          set %body Elbow
          set %damage 9
        if (%rand-body == 6) {
          set %body foot
          set %damage 7
        if (%rand-body == 7) {
          set %body eye
          set %damage 39
        dec %ohealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 14 Pulls Out the 2EVIL14 Within Decreasing its 

Evil PointS! Summoning2 SANTAN14 Hitting %opponent in the %body causing %damage 

        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-darkbeam [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
        unset %rand-body
        unset %body
        unset %damage
        dec %evil [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 
        set %turn %opponent
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%evil [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > %light [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) 

&& (%used-Darkbeam [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) {
        set %rand-body $rand(1,7)
        if (%rand-body == 1) { 
          set %body head
          set %damage 43
        if (%rand-body == 2) {
          set %body legs
          set %damage 17
        if (%rand-body == 3) {
          set %body arms
          set %damage 15     
        if (%rand-body == 4) {
          set %body chest
          set %damage 13
        if (%rand-body == 5) {
          set %body Elbow
          set %damage 18
        if (%rand-body == 6) {
          set %body foot
          set %damage 9
        if (%rand-body == 7) {
          set %body eye
          set %damage 39
        dec %chealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 14 Pulls Out the 2EVIL14 Within Decreasing its 

Evil PointS! Summoning2 SANTAN14 Hitting %challenger in the %body causing %damage 

        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        set %used-darkbeam [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
        unset %rand-body
        unset %damage
        unset %body
        dec %evil [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!Unleash-Angel*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%w1 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == Lightsoul) && (%w3 [ $+ 

[ $nick ] ] == AngelOfHeaven) { 
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

opponent ] ] + 35)
        dec %ohealth %damage
        inc %attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
        inc %defencepower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 3 UNLEASHES2 The 8Light 2 Soul And 

8AngelOfHeaven2 For A Devastating Damage of %damage And Increasing His Attack And 

        msg $chan 4 $+ %opponent $+ 2 Now Has %ohealth 4Health 7,2 And $nick 

Has %chealth 4Health
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        unset %w1 [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 
        unset %w3 [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 
        set %turn %opponent
        unset %damage
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%w6 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == LightSoul) && (%w8 [ $+ [ 

$nick ] ] == AngelOfheaven) {
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

challenger ] ] + 35)
        dec %chealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 3 UNLEASHES2 The 8Light 2 Soul And 

8AngelOfHeaven2 For A Devastating Damage of %damage And Increasing His Attack And 

        msg $chan 4 $+ %challenger $+ 2 Now Has %chealth 4Health 7,2 And $nick 

Has %ohealth 4Health
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        inc %attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
        inc %defencepower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
        unset %w6 [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 
        unset %w8 [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 
        unset %damage
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!Light-Combo*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%w1 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == Lightsoul) && (%w3 [ $+ 

[ $nick ] ] == EvilDemon) { 
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

opponent ] ] + 35)
        dec %ohealth %damage
        inc %attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
        inc %defencepower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 3 UNLEASHES2 The 8Light 2 Soul And 

14EvilDemon2 For A Devastating Damage of %damage And Increasing His Attack And 

        msg $chan 4 $+ %opponent $+ 2 Now Has %ohealth 4Health 7,2 And $nick 

Has %chealth 4Health
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        unset %w1 [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 
        unset %w3 [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 
        set %turn %opponent
        unset %damage
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%w6 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == LightSoul) && (%w8 [ $+ [ 

$nick ] ] == EvilDemon) {
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

challenger ] ] + 35)
        dec %chealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 3 UNLEASHES2 The 8Light 2 Soul And 

14EvilDemon2 For A Devastating Damage of %damage And Increasing His Attack And 

        msg $chan 4 $+ %challenger $+ 2 Now Has %chealth 4Health 7,2 And $nick 

Has %ohealth 4Health
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        inc %attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
        inc %defencepower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
        unset %w6 [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 
        unset %w8 [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 
        unset %damage
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!Unleash-Demon*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%w1 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == Evilsoul) && (%w3 [ $+ 

[ $nick ] ] == EvilDemon) { 
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

opponent ] ] + 35)
        dec %ohealth %damage
        inc %attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
        inc %defencepower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 3 UNLEASHES2 The 14EVIL2 Soul And 

14EVILDEMON2 For A Devastating Damage of %damage And Increasing His Attack And 

        msg $chan 4 $+ %opponent $+ 2 Now Has %ohealth 4Health 7,2 And $nick 

Has %chealth 4Health
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        unset %w1 [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 
        unset %w3 [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 
        set %turn %opponent
        unset %damage
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%w6 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == EvilSoul) && (%w8 [ $+ [ 

$nick ] ] == EvilDemon) {
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

challenger ] ] + 35)
        dec %chealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 3 UNLEASHES2 The 14EVIL2 Soul And 

14EVILDEMON2 For A Devastating Damage of %damage And Increasing His Attack And 

        msg $chan 4 $+ %challenger $+ 2 Now Has %chealth 4Health 7,2 And $nick 

Has %ohealth 4Health
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        inc %attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
        inc %defencepower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
        unset %w6 [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 
        unset %w8 [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 
        unset %damage
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!Evil-Combo*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%w1 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == Evilsoul) && (%w3 [ $+ 

[ $nick ] ] == AngelOfHeaven) { 
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

opponent ] ] + 35)
        dec %ohealth %damage
        inc %attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
        inc %defencepower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 3 UNLEASHES2 The 14EVIL2 Soul And 

8AngelOfHeaven2 For A Devastating Damage of %damage And Increasing His Attack And 

        msg $chan 4 $+ %opponent $+ 2 Now Has %ohealth 4Health 7,2 And $nick 

Has %chealth 4Health
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        unset %w1 [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 
        unset %w3 [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 
        set %turn %opponent
        unset %damage
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%w6 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == EvilSoul) && (%w8 [ $+ [ 

$nick ] ] == AngelOfHeaven) {
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

challenger ] ] + 35)
        dec %chealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 3 UNLEASHES2 The 14EVIL2 Soul And 

8AngelOfHeaven2 For A Devastating Damage of %damage And Increasing His Attack And 

        msg $chan 4 $+ %challenger $+ 2 Now Has %chealth 4Health 7,2 And $nick 

Has %ohealth 4Health
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        inc %attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
        inc %defencepower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
        unset %w6 [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 
        unset %w8 [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 
        unset %damage
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!Ulti-Bolt*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%w2 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == ElectroSword) && (%w3 [ 

$+ [ $nick ] ] == Lightning) && (%w4 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == ElectricArrow) || (%w4 [ 

$+ [ $nick ] ] == LightningArrow) {
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

opponent ] ] + 55)
        dec %ohealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 8 SUMMONS 2The8 LIGHTNING3 GODS2 To Summon An 

3ALMIGHTY10 Blast2 Of 8Electric Surge2 into %opponent For A Damage of %damage 

        msg $chan 4 $+ %opponent $+ 2 Now Has %ohealth 4Health 7,2 And $nick 

Has %chealth 4Health
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        unset %w2 [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 
        unset %w3 [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 
        unset %w4 [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 
        set %turn %opponent
        unset %damage
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%w7 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == ElectroSword) && (%w8 [ 

$+ [ $nick ] ] == Lightning) && (%w9 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == ElectricArrow) || (%w9 [ 

$+ [ $nick ] ] == LightningArrow) {
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

challenger ] ] + 55)
        dec %chealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 8 SUMMONS 2The8 LIGHTNING3 GODS2 To Summon An 

3ALMIGHTY10 Blast2 Of 8Electric Surge2 into %challenger For A Damage of %damage 

        msg $chan 4 $+ %challenger $+ 2 Now Has %chealth 4Health 7,2 And $nick 

Has %ohealth 4Health
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        unset %w6 [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 
        unset %w7 [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 
        unset %w8 [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 
        unset %damage
        set %turn %challenger
on *:text:*!beam*:%chan: {
  if (%battle == on) { 
    if ($nick isin %turn) {
      if ($nick == %challenger) && (%w1 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == Beamer) && (%w2 [ $+ [ 

$nick ] ] == blaster) {
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

opponent ] ] + 35)
        inc %chealth 10
        dec %ohealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 10 Grabs A Laser Gun And11 Equips10 The11 

Beamer10 And11 Blaster To Form The 9Power Gun10 For A Damage Of %damage And 

Increasing $nick $+ 's Health by 20!
        msg $chan 4 $+ %opponent $+ 2 Now Has %ohealth 4Health 7,2 And $nick 

Has %chealth 4Health
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %opponent $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        unset %w1 [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 
        unset %w2 [ $+ [ %challenger ] ] 
        set %turn %opponent
        unset %damage
      if ($nick == %opponent) && (%w6 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == Beamer) && (%w7 [ $+ [ 

$nick ] ] == blaster) {
        set %damage $calc(%attackpower [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %defencepower [ $+ [ %

challenger ] ] + 35)
        inc %ohealth 20
        dec %chealth %damage
        msg $chan 4 $+ $nick $+ 10 Grabs A Laser Gun And11 Equips10 The11 

Beamer10 And11 Blaster To Form The 9Power Gun10 For A Damage Of %damage And 

Increasing $nick $+ 's Health by 20!
        msg $chan 4 $+ %challenger $+ 2 Now Has %chealth 4Health 7,2 And $nick 

Has %ohealth 4Health
        msg $chan 2It Is Now 4 $+ %challenger $+ 's2 Turn7!! 
        unset %w6 [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 
        unset %w8 [ $+ [ %opponent ] ] 
        unset %damage
        set %turn %challenger
alias chan {
  if ($1) {
    if (%chan != $null) {
      set %thing $?!="You Want to change the channel into $1 ?"
    if (%thing == $true) { 
      set %chan $1
      echo -a Changed Channel to $1
    if (%thing == $false) {
      echo -a Nothin Changed
    if (%chan == $null) {
      echo -a Chan Setted into $1  
      set %chan $1
    if (!$1) { 
      echo -a Please Specify a channel   


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Anti   -  Jul 09, 2007

Hahahaha! Nice Job Dood Nice Job! :D I love it !

APinis   -  Jan 21, 2007


APinis   -  Jan 21, 2007

It doesnt work! Every time i want to make an acc it says i alrdy have one!

APinis   -  Jan 21, 2007

It doesnt work! Every time i want to make an acc it says i alrdy have one!

APinis   -  Jan 21, 2007

It doesnt work! Every time i want to make an acc it says i alrdy have on!

Disturbed   -  Dec 30, 2006

iono im lazy i guess :|

Sir_Sonic12   -  Dec 30, 2006

Just wondering, But since there\'s more then one part to the game why not put it in an addon?

Disturbed   -  Dec 30, 2006

Srry For Before, Enjoy :D

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