Itachi Mp3 Player v3.0

By ZabuzaMomochi on Jul 29, 2006

Load it into remotes and press F3((Note this is from a script that im makeing)) Also thanks goes out to pwntage for his %reapsong idea and the !Get idea.

;Itachi mp3 player
;Please remember to also close the miniplayer window when your finished

dialog IMp3 {
  title "Itachi's Mp3 Player"
  size -1 -1 262 180
  option dbu
  list 1, 0 48 250 60, size
  button "Stop The Song", 3, 0 108 80 12
  button "Pause The Song", 4, 0 120 80 12
  button "Resume The Song", 5, 0 132 80 12
  button "Decrease The Volume", 6, 182 120 80 12
  button "Increase The Volume", 7, 182 108 80 12
  button "Close", 8, 222 0 40 47, multi
  list 9, 0 12 221 21, size
  button "Add a song to your playlist", 10, 0 35 74 12
  button "Player ON", 11, 148 35 74 12
  button "Player OFF", 12, 74 35 74 12
  button "Mute the song", 2, 182 132 80 12
  Button "Msg ON", 29, 0 0 60 12
  button "Msg OFF" 30, 60 0 60 12
  Text "Thank you for using [I]Mp3 Itachi Script 1.0", 20, 80 145 110 8
  Link "Hawkee forums", 21, 115 130 60 20
  Menu "File", 22
  Item "Play file", 23
  item "Close", 24, ok
  item "Stop File", 25
  Item "Pause File", 26
  Item "Resume File", 27
  Item "Select Directory", 28
alias F3 { 
  dialog -md Imp3 Imp3 
  dialog -md Miniplayer Miniplayer
On *:DIALOG:IMp3:*:*: {
  If ($devent = sclick) {
    If ($did = 2) { If (%play = on) { vol -v 0 } }
    If ($did = 3) { If (%play = on) { splay stop } }
    If ($did = 4) { If (%play = on) { splay Pause } }
    If ($did = 5) { If (%play = on) { splay Resume } }
    If ($did = 6) {
      If (%vol < 0) { set %vol 65535 | goto one }
      If (%vol > 0) {
        dec %vol $calc(65535/5)
        vol -v %vol
    If ($did = 7) && (%play = on) {
      If (%vol > 0) { set %vol 65535 | goto one }
      If (%vol < 0) { set %vol 0 | goto one }
      inc %vol $calc(65535/5)
      vol -v %vol
    If ($did = 8) { dialog -x Imp3 Imp3 }
    If ($did = 10) { set %sz $sfile(%dir) | set %m $replace(%sz,%dir,$chr(32)) | write -i songs.txt %m | didtok IMp3 1 C %m | Didtok MiniPlayer 9 C %m }
    If ($did = 11) { set %play on }
    If ($did = 12) { set %play off }
    if ($did = 28) {   
      set %dir $sdir="Whats The Directory You Want Your Files To Play From?"
      write SongFiles.txt  
    if ($did = 23) { 
      if (%msgset == on) {
        if (%msgset == off) {
    if ($did = 25) { splay stop }
    if ($did = 26) { splay pause }
    if ($did = 27) { splay resume } 
    if ($did = 29) { set %msgset on }
    if ($did = 30) { set %msgset off }  
  If ($devent = dclick) {
    If ($did = 1) {
      if (%msgset = on) {
        splay -p %dir $+ $read(songs.txt, w, * $+ $gettok($did(1).seltext,1-,4) $+ *)
        set %reapsong %dir $+ $read(songs.txt, w, * $+ $gettok($did(1).seltext,1-,4) $+ *)
        timer1 1 .00000000001 start
      if (%msgset = off) {
        splay -p %dir $+ $read(songs.txt, w, * $+ $gettok($did(1).seltext,1-,4) $+ *)
        set %reapsong %dir $+ $read(songs.txt, w, * $+ $gettok($did(1).seltext,1-,4) $+ *)
        timer1 1 .00000000001 OStart        
    If ($did = 9) { 
      if (%msgset = on) {
      If (%msgset = off) {
    if ($did = 21) {
      run iexplore.exe
      echo -a You will now be directed to hawkee forums!
  If ($devent = init) {
    var %i 1
    If ($read(songs.txt,%i)) {
      didtok Imp3 1 C $replace($read(songs.txt,%i),.mp3,$chr(32))
      inc %i
      goto start
    Elseif (!$read(songs.txt,%i)) {
      unset %i
alias temp { return $replace(%reapsong,%dir,$chr(32),.mp3,$chr(32)) }
on *:TEXT:!Get*:*: { 
  dcc send $nick $insong.fname
on *:mp3end: {
  If (%song = off) { halt | }
  If (%song = on) {
    set %repeat $?!="Would you like it to repeat?"
    If (%repeat = $true) { 
      if (%msgset == on) {
        splay -p %reapsong 
        timer1 1 1 /start 
      if (%msgset == Off) {
        timer 1 1 /ostart
    If (%repeat = $false) { echo Please Select Another Song | halt }
    If (!%repeat) { echo Invalid selection | halt } 
on *:Load: {
  echo -a Itachi Mp3 Player 1.0 - Press F3 for Settings.
  if (%Dir == $null) {
    set %dir $sdir="Whats The Directory You Want Your Files To Play From?"
    write SongFiles.txt
    Else { Halt | }
Dialog miniplayer {
  title "MiniMp3"
  size -1 -1 150 40
  option dbu
  List 9, 0 0 130 30
  Button "Play", 2, 130 0 20 10
  Button "Pause", 3, 130 10 20 10
  Button "Resume", 4, 130 20 20 10
  Button "Add A Song", 5, 0 25 40 15
  Button "Close", 6, 40 25 40 15, ok 
  Button "Stop", 7, 130 30 20 10
  Button "Mp3Player", 8, 80 25 45 15
on *:DIALOG:Miniplayer:*:*: {
  if ($Devent = Dclick) {
    if ($did = 9) {
      if (%msgset == on) {
        splay -p %dir $+ $read(songs.txt, w, * $+ $gettok($did(9).seltext,1-,4) $+ *)
        set %reapsong %dir $+ $read(songs.txt, w, * $+ $gettok($did(9).seltext,1-,4) $+ *)
        timer1 1 .00000000001 /start      
      If (%Msgset == off) {
        splay -p %dir $+ $read(songs.txt, w, * $+ $gettok($did(9).seltext,1-,4) $+ *)
        set %reapsong %dir $+ $read(songs.txt, w, * $+ $gettok($did(9).seltext,1-,4) $+ *)
        timer1 1 .00000000001 /ostart
  if ($Devent = SClick) {
    if ($Did = 2) {
      if (%Msgset == on) {
        splay -p %dir $+ $read(songs.txt, w, * $+ $gettok($did(1).seltext,1-,4) $+ *)
        set %reapsong %dir $+ $read(songs.txt, w, * $+ $gettok($did(9).seltext,1-,4) $+ *)
        timer1 1 .00000000001 start      
      if (%Msgset == off) {
        splay -p %dir $+ $read(songs.txt, w, * $+ $gettok($did(9).seltext,1-,4) $+ *)
        set %reapsong %dir $+ $read(songs.txt, w, * $+ $gettok($did(9).seltext,1-,4) $+ *)
        timer1 1 .00000000001 ostart      
    if ($did = 3) { splay pause }
    if ($Did = 4) { Splay resume } 
    if ($Did = 5) { set %sz $sfile(%dir) | set %m $replace(%sz,%dir,$chr(32)) | write -i songs.txt %m | didtok IMp3 1 C %m | Didtok MiniPlayer 9 C %m } 
    if ($Did = 7) { Splay Stop }  
    if ($Did = 8) { dialog -md Imp3 Imp3 }  
alias start {
  If ($insong) {
    did -r IMp3 9 | Did -r Miniplayer 9
    didtok IMp3 9 C Now Playing: $temp | didtok MiniPlayer 9 C Now Playing: $temp
    msg $Active %Header I'm Listening To11 $temp $+ , %Seperator 2Length:11 $asctime($calc($sound($insong.fname).length / 1000 ),nn:ss) $+ . %Seperator 4Type !Get to download song %Seperator You have $asctime($calc($sound($insong.fname).length / 1000 ),nn:ss) minute/seconds to download the song!2 9ItAcHi ScRiPt %Footer
Alias OStart {
  if ($insong) {
    did -r IMp3 9 | did -r Miniplayer 9
    didtok IMp3 9 C Now Playing: $Temp | didtok MiniPLayer 9 C Now Playing: $temp
    Echo -a Now playing: $Temp $+ . ItAcHi ScRiPt  
dialog Mp3Set {
  Title "Color Modifications"
  Size -1 -1 190 170
  option dbu
  Edit "-=|=[[", 1, 30 10 50 10, autohs %Header
  Text "Seperator", 2, 0 0 30 7
  Edit "]-[", 3, 30 0 50 10, autohs %Seperator
  Text "Header" 4, 0 10 30 7
  Edit "]]=|=-", 5, 30 20 50 10, autohs %Footer
  Text "Footer", 6, 0 20 30 7
  Button "Save", 7, 0 130 40 40, ok
  Button "Cancel", 8, 150 130 40 40, cancel
  Button "Open Mini Player", 9, 100 100 70 20
  Button "Open Dialog And MiniPlayer", 10, 20 100 70 20
  Link "NoodleSoup", 11, 80 80 40 40
  Link "Hawkee", 12, 80 70 40 40
on *:DIALOG:Mp3Set:*:*: {
  if ($devent = SClick) {
    if ($did = 9) {
      dialog -md MiniPlayer MiniPlayer
    if ($did = 10) {
  if ($devent = DClick) {
    if ($Did = 11) {
    if ($Did = 12) {
Menu Channel {
  .Settings:dialog -md Mp3Set Mp3Set
  .MiniPlayer:dialog -md MiniPlayer MiniPlayer


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jub369   -  Jan 20, 2008

good script

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Dec 16, 2006

yes, this is my very first.

X1qu10n3r   -  Dec 16, 2006

The only thing I can that needs improving is the alignments. Just a this your first mp3?

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Dec 16, 2006

Thanks x1.. qu.. 10n.. er.. Person! I spent some time on this!

X1qu10n3r   -  Dec 16, 2006

Hey, nice mp3 ya got there. I like it. Keep it up man.

Goriff   -  Nov 11, 2006

I don\'t see how to add a song file (total noob at this stuff)

Goriff   -  Nov 11, 2006

Oh wait I just saw where it says to do that :x

Goriff   -  Nov 11, 2006

Does this go in remotes or popups or what?

Yoinx   -  Nov 07, 2006

since you said in an earlier comment, you didnt know where to get dialog studio from,

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Nov 06, 2006

uhh sorry i was out of inteenet(internet o_o) so i just got back on and i will uber edit the script.. or somthing like that.

hawkshaw   -  Aug 31, 2006

I add your code to my remote.ini files but THe ADD SONG doesnt Work, im using mirc 6.2 ! :(

Zachery   -  Aug 17, 2006

the add song does not work

RoninWarrior   -  Aug 17, 2006

Well it works for what i have used / tested but the dialog is hidious scary i fell out of my puter chair!!!!!!

Rage   -  Aug 09, 2006

ZabuzaMomochi, Nice Job man..... Very Clean.

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Aug 08, 2006

Added color modifications and more to the mini player.

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Aug 08, 2006

Added a miniplayer. Have fun. Note To use the miniplayer you might wanna try to re load it into remotes. :P

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Aug 02, 2006

And i went to the radio, that you posted, and their like, all perverts their. o_o;

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Aug 02, 2006

ok i fixed the Msg OFF/ON command before it wouldnt play it if the msg was off.

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Aug 02, 2006

So your holding a grudge for a.. ban?

satanic_melody   -  Aug 02, 2006

immortal radio Sucks... I was on there for about 3 seconds and then got banned for saying Ich hast wich is I hate for the people Who cant speak German.... Even tho i did say things in english right before it..

type /server (6667) then /join #hatchetradio

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Aug 01, 2006

xD ok. BUT YOU CAN LISTEN TO IMMORTAL RADIO.(( /server -m -j #Immortal-Radio listen to it live: :@

Midnight   -  Aug 01, 2006

Nawzzzzzzzzzz reinstall XP. <3

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Aug 01, 2006

Lol you might just wanna re install what you had cause i dont have it. May i suggest winamp?

Midnight   -  Aug 01, 2006

Yeah it was something called \"MP3 ENCODER\" fi thats what you have.

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Aug 01, 2006

Its alright lol. ^^ I was gonna add the thanks in anyways (IM A LAZY PERSON!) xD But i decided to do it now. Looking forward to see the script ^^

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Aug 01, 2006

Its alright lol. ^^ I was gonna add the thanks in anyways (IM A LAZY PERSON!) xD But i decided to do it now. Looking forward to see the script ^^

Pwntage`Ninja   -  Aug 01, 2006

Sorry to tell you off .-. I was in a real pissed off mood x_x

And thanx for the kudos. I\'m looking forward to the premiere of my new script, it may appear in the Scripts section on here, if not here, on

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Aug 01, 2006

XD True umm i believe you deleted something called \"Mp3 codecs\" so do you want me to DCC you the file?

Midnight   -  Aug 01, 2006

Hey Alkora. :@ looks nice but i cant listen tuh music on my comp so i cant really say anything. :D

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Aug 01, 2006

Hmm? No pwntage(if i spelled that right..) i didnt use your code at all. I used the idea. 2 different but not totally different things. I thought that you had a good idea with the %reapsong and also(if you didnt notice) the !Get idea. I didnt use your script at all. Oh and i came here to post something. I edited the dialog so if fits much better than before, but the menu items still arent working.

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