Acronyms Replacer

By fluppy on Jul 01, 2006

Basically just an acroynm replacing thingy, yea. Once you've loaded this into your remotes, right click in a channel or click the menubar then click Acronyms. Or type /acro. Click add acronym to add one, delete acronym to delete one. You can edit the completed acronym on the right. Tick the box to enable/disable them. The short acronym will be replaced by the long acronym when you type it in a channel or query. Hold ctrl when you press enter or use /say or /me to cancel the replacing.

dialog acronyms {
  title "Acronyms Editor"
  size -1 -1 220 165
  option dbu
  list 1, 1 9 152 141, size
  button "Add Acronym", 2, 1 151 50 12
  button "Delete Acronym", 3, 52 151 50 12
  text "flupScript Acronyms", 4, 2 1 52 8
  check "Acronyms Enabled", 6, 103 151 55 12,
  text "Edit", 7, 156 10 25 8
  edit "", 8, 155 26 63 10
  text "Short Acro", 9, 156 18 27 8
  text "Long Acro", 10, 156 37 25 8
  edit "", 11, 155 46 63 10, autohs
  button "Make Changes", 12, 155 58 37 12

on *:dialog:acronyms:init:0:{
  did -m acronyms 8
  did -r acronyms 1
  var %x 1
  while (%x <= $hget(acronyms,0).item) {
    did -a acronyms 1 $gettok($hget(acronyms,%x).item,1,32)
    inc %x
  if (%acronyms.on == $true) {
    did -c acronyms 6
  if (%acronyms.on != $true) {
    did -u acronyms 6
on *:dialog:acronyms:sclick:1:{
  if ($did(1).sel != $null) {
    did -ra acronyms 8 $hget(acronyms,$did(1).sel).item
    did -ra acronyms 11 $hget(acronyms,$did(1).sel).data
on *:dialog:acronyms:sclick:2:{
  var %acroshort $$?="Short Acronym. (Eg: lol)"
  if ($hget(acronyms,$gettok(%acroshort,1,32)) != $null) { 
    echo -a You already have an acronym for that. Edit it instead.
  else {
    var %acrolong $$?="Long Acronym. (Eg: Laughing out Loud)"
    hadd acronyms $gettok(%acroshort,1,32) %acrolong  
    did -r acronyms 1
    var %x 1
    while (%x <= $hget(acronyms,0).item) {
      did -a acronyms 1 $gettok($hget(acronyms,%x).item,1,32)
      inc %x
on *:dialog:acronyms:sclick:3:{
  hdel acronyms $did(1).seltext
  did -r acronyms 1
  did -r acronyms 8
  did -r acronyms 11
  var %x 1
  while (%x <= $hget(acronyms,0).item) {
    did -a acronyms 1 $gettok($hget(acronyms,%x).item,1,32)
    inc %x
on *:dialog:acronyms:sclick:6:{
  if ($did(6).state == 1) {
    set %acronyms.on $true
  if ($did(6).state == 0) {
    set %acronyms.on $false
on *:dialog:acronyms:sclick:12:{
  hadd acronyms $did(1).seltext $did(11).text
on *:input:*:{
  if (%acronyms.on == $true) {
    if ($left($1,1) != /) && (!$ctrlenter) {
      var %acrotext = $1-
      var %acrotext.send = $1-
      var %acronum2 = 1
      while (%acronum2 <= $numtok(%acrotext,32)) {
        if ($hget(acronyms,$gettok(%acrotext,%acronum2,32))) {
          var %1 = $gettok(%acrotext,%acronum2,32))
          var %2 = $hget(acronyms,$gettok(%acrotext,%acronum2,32))
          var %acrotext.send = $reptok(%acrotext.send,%1,%2,1,32)
          inc %acronum2
        if (!$hget(acronyms,$gettok(%acrotext,%acronum2,32)) {
          inc %acronum2
      msg $active %acrotext.send 
on *:disconnect:{ hsave acronyms acronyms.txt }
on *:START:{
  if (!$hget(acronyms)) { hmake acronyms 10 }
  if ($isfile(acronyms.txt)) { hload acronyms acronyms.txt }
alias acro dialog -m acronyms acronyms
menu channel,menubar {


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err2   -  Jul 20, 2006

Zomg flup, kewl acronym thingie
why don\'tyou just pos yer entirescript while yer at T_T
Good job tho

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