iBot v2.1

By Pibb on Jun 20, 2006


Paste the code into your remotes section.

To add yourself as Admin you will need to open the Dialog


/Dialog -m iBot iBot

After you have added youself as Admin, get the bot to the channel you want, and all of that. When you join the channel, you should be given Moderator status in the room, assuming the bot had it first.
If not then something went wrong.


This bot would need Admin/Oper Status to fully work.

Version 1.2

  1. Added Options for Mods to perform certain commands.
  2. Added Options for Voiced Users to perform certain commands.

Version 2.1

  1. Added a Quote/Joke/Fact System.
  2. Added a Greet System.
  3. Added a Dictionary System.
  4. Added Options for Normal Users to perform certain commands.
  5. Added $Null's, Notices, and timers.
  6. Added a Dialog for configuration when you first get the script.

    Suggestions and comments would greatly be appreciated.
dialog iBot {
  Title "iBot v2.1  Created and Scripted by Pibb "
  Size -1 -1 155 64
  Option dbu 
  Text "Options are for setting Admin/Mods/Voiced users for iBot", 1, 5 5 150 25 
  button "Admin", 2, 5 20 40 10, ok flat 
  button "Mod", 3, 55 20 40 10, ok flat 
  button "Voiced", 4, 105 20 40 10, ok flat 
  Text "To Check for Updates, or leave comments and suggestions.", 5, 5 40 150 7
  Text "Visit", 6, 5 49 10 10
  Link "http://www.hawkee.com/snippet.php?snippet_id=1949", 7, 16 49 150 10
On *:Dialog:iBot:Sclick:2:{
  Var %iBot.SetNick.Admin $?="Enter Admin Nickname"
  Writeini iBot.ini %iBot.SetNick.Admin Admin Yes
  Echo -a $Chr(91) $+ Added Admin - %iBot.SetNick.Admin $+ $Chr(93)
On *:Dialog:iBot:Sclick:3:{
  Var %iBot.SetNick.Mod $?="Enter Mod Nickname"
  Writeini iBot.ini %iBot.SetNick.Mod Level Mod
  Echo -a $Chr(91) $+ Added Mod - %iBot.SetNick.Mod $+ $Chr(93)
On *:Dialog:iBot:Sclick:4:{
  Var %iBot.SetNick.Voiced $?="Enter Voiced User Nickname"
  Writeini iBot.ini %iBot.SetNick.Voiced Level Voice
  Echo -a $Chr(91) $+ Added Voiced User - %iBot.SetNick.Voiced $+ $Chr(93)
On *:Dialog:iBot:Sclick:7:{
  Run http://www.hawkee.com/snippet.php?snippet_id=1949
On *:Text:*:#:{
  If ($Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, Admin) == Yes) {
    If ($1- == .Commands) {
      .Notice $Nick $Chr(91)  Command List for Admins $Chr(93)
      /Timer 1 3 .Notice $Nick .Auto <Voice/Mod> <Add/Del> <NickName> 
      /Timer 1 6 .Notice $Nick <+/-> <Op/Voice/Quiet/Ban> <NickName> 
      /Timer 1 9 .Notice $Nick .<Kick/Invite> <NickName> 
      /Timer 1 12 .Notice $Nick .<Join/Part/Reg/UnReg/Kill> <ChannelName or NickName>  
      /Timer 1 15 .Notice $Nick <+/-> <Kline/AutoKill/Admin/Oper> <Ip or Nickname> 
      /Timer 1 18 .Notice $Nick <+/-> <Aop/Sop/Vop> <NickName> 
      /Timer 1 21 .Notice $Nick .Add <Joke/Fact/Quote> <Your Joke/Quote/Fact Here>
      /Timer 1 24 .Notice $Nick .<Greet/Dictionary> <Add/Edit> <Your Greet/Dictionary Entry Here>
      /Timer 1 27 .Notice $Nick .<Greet/Dictionary> <Del> <Name of Dictionary Entry/Leave blank for Greet>
    Elseif ($1 == .Auto) {
      If ($2 == Voice) {
        If ($3 == Add) { writeini iBot.ini $4- Level Voice }
        Elseif ($3 == Del) { remini iBot.ini $4- Level }
      Elseif ($2 == Mod) {
        If ($3 == Add) { Writeini iBot.ini $4- Level Mod }
        Elseif ($3 == Del) { Remini iBot.ini $4- Level }
    Elseif ($1 == .Kick) { Kick $Chan $2- }
    Elseif ($1 == .Invite) { Invite $2- $Chan }
    Elseif ($1 == .Join) { Join $2- }
    Elseif ($1 == .Part) { Part $2- }
    Elseif ($1 == .Reg) { Services Register $2- }
    Elseif ($1 == .Unreg) { Services Drop $2- }
    Elseif ($1 == .Kill) { Kill $2- }
    Elseif ($1 == +) {
      If ($2 == Op) { Mode $Chan +o $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Voice) { Mode $Chan +v $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Quiet) { Mode $Chan +q $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Ban) { Mode $Chan +b $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Kline) { Kline $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == AKill) { Akill $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Admin) { Setoper +Admin $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Oper) { Setoper +Oper $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Aop) { Services AOP $Chan ADD $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Sop) { Services SOP $Chan ADD $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Vop) { Services VOP $Chan ADD $3- }
    Elseif ($1 == -) {
      If ($2 == Op) { Mode $Chan -o $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Voice) { Mode $Chan -v $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Quiet) { Mode $Chan -q $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Ban) { Mode $Chan -b $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Kline) { Unkline $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == AKill) { Rakill $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Admin) { Setoper -Admin $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Oper) { Setoper -Oper $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Aop) { Services AOP $Chan DEL $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Sop) { Services SOP $Chan DEL $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Vop) { Services VOP $Chan DEL $3- }
    Elseif ($1 == .Add) { 
      If ($2 == Joke) {
        Write Jokes.txt $3- By: $Nick
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Added Joke $+ $Chr(93) $3- By: $Nick $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == Fact) {
        Write Facts.txt $3- By: $Nick
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Added Fact $+ $Chr(93) $3- By: $Nick $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == Quote) {
        Write Quotes.txt $3- By: $Nick
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Added Quote $+ $Chr(93) $3- By: $Nick $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == $Null) {
        .Notice $Nick You didn't select a catagory 
        .Notice $Nick Correct usage:  .Add <Joke/Fact/Quote>
    Elseif ($1 == .Quote) { .Msg $Chan $Read(Quotes.txt) }
    Elseif ($1 == .Joke) { .Msg $Chan $Read(Jokes.txt) }
    Elseif ($1 == .Fact) { .Msg $Chan $Read(Facts.txt) }
    Elseif ($1 == .Greet) {
      If ($2 == Add) { 
        Writeini iBot.ini $Nick Greet $3-
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Added Greet $+ $Chr(93) $3- $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == Del) { 
        Remini iBot.ini $Nick Greet 
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Deleted Greet $+ $Chr(93) For $Nick $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == Edit) { 
        Remini iBot.ini $Nick Greet
        Writeini iBot.ini $Nick Greet $3-
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Edited Greet $+ $Chr(93) $3- $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == $Null) {
        .Msg $Chan $Chr(91) $+ $Nick $+ $Chr(93) $Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, Greet)
    Elseif ($1 == .Dictionary) {
      If ($2 == Add) {
        Writeini iBot.ini $Nick $3 $4-
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Added Dictionary Entry $+ $Chr(93) $3 $+ : $4- $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == Del) {
        Remini iBot.ini $Nick $3
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Deleted Dictionary Entry $+ $Chr(93) $3 $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == Edit) {
        Remini iBot.ini $Nick $3
        Writeini iBot.ini $Nick $3 $4-
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Edited Dictionary Entry $+ $Chr(93) $3 $+ : $4- $+ .
      Elseif ($2 != $Null) {
        If ($Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, $2) != $Null) {
          .Msg $Chan $Chr(91) $+ $2 $+ $Chr(93) $Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, $2) $+ .
          .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Dictionary Entry $2 Is not in my file $+ $Chr(93)  $+ .
  Elseif ($Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, Level) == Mod) {
    If ($1- == .Commands) {
      .Notice $Nick $Chr(91)  Command List for Mods $Chr(93)
      /Timer 1 3 .Notice $Nick <+/-> <Op/Voice/Quiet/Ban> <NickName> 
      /Timer 1 6 .Notice $Nick .<Kick/Invite> <NickName or Ip>
      /Timer 1 9 .Notice $Nick .Add <Joke/Fact/Quote> <Your Joke/Quote/Fact Here>
      /Timer 1 12 .Notice $Nick .<Greet/Dictionary> <Add/Edit> <Your Greet/Dictionary Entry Here>
      /Timer 1 15 .Notice $Nick .<Greet/Dictionary> <Del> <Name of Dictionary Entry/Leave blank for Greet>
    Elseif ($1 == .Kick) { Kick $Chan $2- }
    Elseif ($1 == .Invite) { Invite $2- $Chan }
    Elseif ($1 == +) {
      If ($2 == Op) { Mode $Chan +o $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Voice) { Mode $Chan +v $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Quiet) { Mode $Chan +q $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Ban) { Mode $Chan +b $3- }
    Elseif ($1 == -) {
      If ($2 == Op) { Mode $Chan -o $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Voice) { Mode $Chan -v $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Quiet) { Mode $Chan -q $3- }
      Elseif ($2 == Ban) { Mode $Chan -b $3- }
    Elseif ($1 == .Add) { 
      If ($2 == Joke) {
        Write Jokes.txt $3- By: $Nick
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Added Joke $+ $Chr(93) $3- By: $Nick $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == Fact) {
        Write Facts.txt $3- By: $Nick
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Added Fact $+ $Chr(93) $3- By: $Nick $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == Quote) {
        Write Quotes.txt $3- By: $Nick
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Added Quote $+ $Chr(93) $3- By: $Nick $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == $Null) {
        .Notice $Nick You didn't select a catagory 
        .Notice $Nick Correct usage:  .Add <Joke/Fact/Quote>
    Elseif ($1 == .Quote) { .Msg $Chan $Read(Quotes.txt) }
    Elseif ($1 == .Joke) { .Msg $Chan $Read(Jokes.txt) }
    Elseif ($1 == .Fact) { .Msg $Chan $Read(Facts.txt) }
    Elseif ($1 == .Greet) {
      If ($2 == Add) { 
        Writeini iBot.ini $Nick Greet $3-
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Added Greet $+ $Chr(93) $3- $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == Del) { 
        Remini iBot.ini $Nick Greet 
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Deleted Greet $+ $Chr(93) For $Nick $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == Edit) { 
        Remini iBot.ini $Nick Greet
        Writeini iBot.ini $Nick Greet $3-
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Edited Greet $+ $Chr(93) $3- $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == $Null) {
        .Msg $Chan $Chr(91) $+ $Nick $+ $Chr(93) $Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, Greet)
    Elseif ($1 == .Dictionary) {
      If ($2 == Add) {
        Writeini iBot.ini $Nick $3 $4-
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Added Dictionary Entry $+ $Chr(93) $3 $+ : $4- $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == Del) {
        Remini iBot.ini $Nick $3
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Deleted Dictionary Entry $+ $Chr(93) $3 $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == Edit) {
        Remini iBot.ini $Nick $3
        Writeini iBot.ini $Nick $3 $4-
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Edited Dictionary Entry $+ $Chr(93) $3 $+ : $4- $+ .
      Elseif ($2 != $Null) {
        If ($Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, $2) != $Null) {
          .Msg $Chan $Chr(91) $+ $2 $+ $Chr(93) $Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, $2) $+ .
          .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Dictionary Entry $2 Is not in my file $+ $Chr(93)  $+ .
  Elseif ($Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, Level) == Voice) {
    If ($1- == .Commands) {
      .Notice $Nick $Chr(91)  Command List for Voiced $Chr(93)
      /Timer 1 3 .Notice $Nick <+/-> <Quiet> <NickName> 
      /Timer 1 6 .Notice $Nick .Add <Joke/Fact/Quote> <Your Joke/Quote/Fact Here>
      /Timer 1 9 .Notice $Nick .<Greet/Dictionary> <Add/Edit> <Your Greet/Dictionary Entry Here>
      /Timer 1 12 .Notice $Nick .<Greet/Dictionary> <Del> <Name of Dictionary Entry/Leave blank for Greet>
    Elseif ($1 == +) {
      If ($2 == Quiet) { Mode $Chan +q $3- }
    Elseif ($1 == -) {
      If ($2 == Quiet) { Mode $Chan -q $3- }
    Elseif ($1 == .Add) { 
      If ($2 == Joke) {
        Write Jokes.txt $3- By: $Nick
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Added Joke $+ $Chr(93) $3- By: $Nick $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == Fact) {
        Write Facts.txt $3- By: $Nick
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Added Fact $+ $Chr(93) $3- By: $Nick $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == Quote) {
        Write Quotes.txt $3- By: $Nick
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Added Quote $+ $Chr(93) $3- By: $Nick $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == $Null) {
        .Notice $Nick You didn't select a catagory 
        .Notice $Nick Correct usage:  .Add <Joke/Fact/Quote>
    Elseif ($1 == .Quote) { .Msg $Chan $Read(Quotes.txt) }
    Elseif ($1 == .Joke) { .Msg $Chan $Read(Jokes.txt) }
    Elseif ($1 == .Fact) { .Msg $Chan $Read(Facts.txt) }
    Elseif ($1 == .Greet) {
      If ($2 == Add) { 
        Writeini iBot.ini $Nick Greet $3-
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Added Greet $+ $Chr(93) $3- $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == Del) { 
        Remini iBot.ini $Nick Greet 
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Deleted Greet $+ $Chr(93) For $Nick $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == Edit) { 
        Remini iBot.ini $Nick Greet
        Writeini iBot.ini $Nick Greet $3-
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Edited Greet $+ $Chr(93) $3- $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == $Null) {
        .Msg $Chan $Chr(91) $+ $Nick $+ $Chr(93) $Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, Greet)
    Elseif ($1 == .Dictionary) {
      If ($2 == Add) {
        Writeini iBot.ini $Nick $3 $4-
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Added Dictionary Entry $+ $Chr(93) $3 $+ : $4- $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == Del) {
        Remini iBot.ini $Nick $3
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Deleted Dictionary Entry $+ $Chr(93) $3 $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == Edit) {
        Remini iBot.ini $Nick $3
        Writeini iBot.ini $Nick $3 $4-
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Edited Dictionary Entry $+ $Chr(93) $3 $+ : $4- $+ .
      Elseif ($2 != $Null) {
        If ($Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, $2) != $Null) {
          .Msg $Chan $Chr(91) $+ $2 $+ $Chr(93) $Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, $2) $+ .
          .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Dictionary Entry $2 Is not in my file $+ $Chr(93)  $+ .
  Elseif ($Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, Level) == $Null) {
    If ($Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, Admin) == $Null) {
      If ($1- == .Commands) {
        .Notice $Nick $Chr(91)  Command List for Voiced $Chr(93)
        /Timer 1 3 .Notice $Nick .Add <Joke/Fact/Quote> <Your Joke/Quote/Fact Here>
        /Timer 1 6 .Notice $Nick .<Greet/Dictionary> <Add/Edit> <Your Greet/Dictionary Entry Here>
        /Timer 1 9 .Notice $Nick .<Greet/Dictionary> <Del> <Name of Dictionary Entry/Leave blank for Greet>
      Elseif ($1 == +) {
        If ($2 == Quiet) { Mode $Chan +q $3- }
      Elseif ($1 == -) {
        If ($2 == Quiet) { Mode $Chan -q $3- }
      Elseif ($1 == .Add) { 
        If ($2 == Joke) {
          Write Jokes.txt $3- By: $Nick
          .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Added Joke $+ $Chr(93) $3- By: $Nick $+ .
        Elseif ($2 == Fact) {
          Write Facts.txt $3- By: $Nick
          .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Added Fact $+ $Chr(93) $3- By: $Nick $+ .
        Elseif ($2 == Quote) {
          Write Quotes.txt $3- By: $Nick
          .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Added Quote $+ $Chr(93) $3- By: $Nick $+ .
        Elseif ($2 == $Null) {
          .Notice $Nick You didn't select a catagory 
          .Notice $Nick Correct usage:  .Add <Joke/Fact/Quote>
      Elseif ($1 == .Quote) { .Msg $Chan $Read(Quotes.txt) }
      Elseif ($1 == .Joke) { .Msg $Chan $Read(Jokes.txt) }
      Elseif ($1 == .Fact) { .Msg $Chan $Read(Facts.txt) }
      Elseif ($1 == .Greet) {
        If ($2 == Add) { 
          Writeini iBot.ini $Nick Greet $3-
          .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Added Greet $+ $Chr(93) $3- $+ .
        Elseif ($2 == Del) { 
          Remini iBot.ini $Nick Greet 
          .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Deleted Greet $+ $Chr(93) For $Nick $+ .
        Elseif ($2 == Edit) { 
          Remini iBot.ini $Nick Greet
          Writeini iBot.ini $Nick Greet $3-
          .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Edited Greet $+ $Chr(93) $3- $+ .
        Elseif ($2 == $Null) {
          .Msg $Chan $Chr(91) $+ $Nick $+ $Chr(93) $Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, Greet)
      Elseif ($1 == .Dictionary) {
        If ($2 == Add) {
          Writeini iBot.ini $Nick $3 $4-
          .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Added Dictionary Entry $+ $Chr(93) $3 $+ : $4- $+ .
        Elseif ($2 == Del) {
          Remini iBot.ini $Nick $3
          .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Deleted Dictionary Entry $+ $Chr(93) $3 $+ .
        Elseif ($2 == Edit) {
          Remini iBot.ini $Nick $3
          Writeini iBot.ini $Nick $3 $4-
          .Notice $Nick $Chr(91) $+ Edited Dictionary Entry $+ $Chr(93) $3 $+ : $4- $+ .
        Elseif ($2 != $Null) {
          If ($Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, $2) != $Null) {
            .Msg $Chan $Chr(91) $+ $2 $+ $Chr(93) $Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, $2) $+ .
On *:Join:#: { 
  If ($Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, Admin) == Yes) {  
    If ($Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, Greet) != $Null) {
      .Msg $Chan $Chr(91) $+ Auto Greet $+ $Chr(93) $Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, Greet)
      Mode $Chan +o $nick 
    Else { Mode $Chan +o $nick }
  Elseif ($Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, Level) == Mod) { 
    If ($Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, Greet) != $Null) {
      .Msg $Chan $Chr(91) $+ Auto Greet $+ $Chr(93) $Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, Greet)
      Mode $Chan +o $nick 
    Else { Mode $Chan +o $nick }
  Elseif ($Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, Level) == Voice) { 
    If ($Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, Greet) != $Null) {
      .Msg $Chan $Chr(91) $+ Auto Greet $+ $Chr(93) $Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, Greet)
      Mode $Chan +v $nick 
    Else { Mode $Chan +v $nick }
  Else { 
    If ($Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, Greet) != $Null) { .Msg $Chan $Chr(91) $+ Auto Greet $+ $Chr(93) $Readini(iBot.ini, $Nick, Greet) }


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Waldoin4q   -  Apr 14, 2010

Very sexy.

Pibb   -  Jul 21, 2006

Sorry I haven\'t been updating. I\'m gettting ready to leave town for a few days. Then I will be back next Friday, and I will start working on it then.

To Spot:
Read my updates, and those are the features of the bot.

Noutrious   -  Jul 18, 2006

Spot, replace
Var %iBot.SetNick.Admin $?=\"Enter Admin Nickname\"
var %iBot.SetNick.Admin = $$?=\"Enter Admin Nickname\"

Spot   -  Jul 09, 2006

I get this error!

/writeini: insufficient parameters (line 15, iBOT.mrc)

And i dont know anything about to get the bot to join my channel...

And what exactly dos this bot do? :-)

I dont get it, really!

Pibb   -  Jun 25, 2006

Good point. I did have an idea the other day, that I should make another version of this bot for those of you who go to servers that have Nick/Memo/Chan Serv\'s. Currently it\'s not at the top of my list. But I should come around to that sometime soon.

shugo103   -  Jun 25, 2006

nickservs And that stuff. I know you only go to a couple servers But if you post it, it should work for alot of other servers.

Pibb   -  Jun 25, 2006

When you say \"other servers\", do you mean Multiple Servers at once, or ones that use Nick/Memo/Chan Serv\'s.

shugo103   -  Jun 25, 2006

Why not make it work for other servers?

Pibb   -  Jun 25, 2006

I have several more ideas to add to the bot. But not too many, suggestions on what you would like to see on the bot would be appriciated.

Acid-Religion   -  Jun 22, 2006

I see your help system uses 7 notices in a row, which could cause an Excess Flood disconnect on some networks.. A way of improving this could be to put it in one notice with [brackets] to seperate commands, or using timers...

noMen   -  Jun 22, 2006
Happy   -  Jun 21, 2006

Pibb, there are hash table tutorials on mirc.net and mircscripts.org.

Pibb   -  Jun 21, 2006

I read the help file on Hash Tables, but I would probably understand better, if I had a code that used Hash Tables. However I looked in the snippet section and only found Hash Table viewers. And I don\'t think those will make the cut.
If anyone has any kind of code that uses Hash Tables, other then viewers, would you please pm me it.

Smokey   -  Jun 21, 2006

well my pc is from 1924 so i use hash tables.

Bigmomma   -  Jun 21, 2006

/help hash

Pibb   -  Jun 21, 2006

Well, .ini\'s are working well for the structure of my code so far. When I get some time, I might learn Hash tables.

noMen   -  Jun 21, 2006

Hash tables have one big disadvantage to me: you have to hsave them. That means, if mIRC crashes you will loose all your data. A small disadvantage is that you cannot change the contents easily unless you have some kind of editor. About speed and INI: if your PC dates from 1990 or so, yes you should use hash tables. But modern PC\'s process INI files fast enough. By the way: INI files are processed in memory! Re: /help /flushini

Raichu   -  Jun 21, 2006

INI aint that hard if u know how to use it.... and for me personnaly hash are pretty much harder for me

CaRe_Taker   -  Jun 21, 2006

Ive only just Started learnin how to code hash tables
its not overly hard
but im still on basic stuff

ini files are good if you dont no how to code hash tables
Good job :)

one suggestion
maybe make an on load thing So that you dont have to Create iBot.ini
So when you load the script into mirc it Writes the ini or some thin like that :)

Pibb   -  Jun 20, 2006

I\'ve never learned how to use/code hash tables. I might give that a try someday, but for now this will do.

sean   -  Jun 20, 2006

use hash, it will void the .ini and make things less complicated for less experianced users

Pibb   -  Jun 20, 2006

I\'ve never found .ini\'s to be slower. But then again, i\'m on smaller servers. With only 4-5 people having to use the Bots commands.

Smokey   -  Jun 20, 2006

not bad, ini\'s are slow but its a step! congrats! :)

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