
By krimson on May 11, 2006

This script basically sends out a specific message to all channels with a given delay. Useful for shell companies or channels that give out eggdrops.

### set the delay (in minutes) between broadcasts
set broadcast(time) 60

### set the broadcast message
set broadcast(message) ""

### set the channel (or channels separated by spaces) in 
### which you don't want to send the broadcast message
set broadcast(silent) ""

### check if message exists
### if message is not set, skip code
### else start timer
if {![info exists broadcast(message)]} { 
     putlog "broadcast.tcl : no message defined"
     } else {
           set announce:timer:info [timer exists announce:broadcast] 
           if {$announce:timer:info != ""} {
             killtimer $announce:timer:info
             unset announce:timer:info
             timer $broadcast(time) announce:broadcast

proc announce:broadcast {} {
   global broadcast
   foreach chan [channels] {
       if {![string match -nocase "*$chan*" "$broadcast(silent)"]} { 
          puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$broadcast(message)" 
   timer $broadcast(time) announce:broadcast 

putlog "LOADED broadcast.tcl by krimson"


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