Nim Multiplayer Game ( 2 players + AIs)

By manish17xxx on May 24, 2017

Rules to play -
There are 4 boxes with a certain number of gems (chosen randomly). When your turn comes, you can pick a maximum of 3 number of gems from any box. Your task is to force your opponent to pick the last remaining gem.


!nim - Start the game!

!pick (first-letter-of-box) (No-of-gems) - Pick gems from any of the boxes ( Make sure there are enough number of gems present)
Eg: !pick G 3 will pick 3 gems from the gold box.

!replace - Replace yourself with an AI Player who will be playing instead of you.

If no player joins, then an AI Player will be joining by default. It is a 2-player game.

Here is the snippet-

##       Nim Multiplayer Version Script ( with AI Players)            ##
##       Version: 1.0              ##
##       By: manish17               ##
##   #LunarIRC #LunarGames   User - manish  
  Follow my blog : ##
on *:TEXT:!nim*:#: {
  if (%nim != on) && (%ongoing == $null) {
    set %ongoing Nim
    set %nim on
    set %aiplayers Pro Man.Lucy Fir
    set %players $nick
    set %playing 1
    set %chan $chan
    timer 1 1 msg $chan 6 A Game of Nim has been started by %players $+ . 10 There are certain number of gems in each box. You can pick a maximum of 3 gems from any box on your turn. Your task is to force the opponent to pick the last remaining gem.
    timer 1 3 msg %chan 11 Type !accept to fight against him. 17 seconds left...
    timer 1 20 nobody

alias -l nobody {
  timers off
  timer 1 1 msg %chan 7 Looks like nobody accepted the challenge. 3 AI Player $gettok(%aiplayers,1,46) is joining the game.
  inc %playing
  set %players %players $+ . $+ $gettok(%aiplayers,1,46)
  set %valid 0
  timer 1 3 msg %chan 9  $gettok(%players,2,46) has accepted the challenge of $gettok(%players,1,46) and now, it's time to start the game of Nim.
  timer 1 5 startgame
on *:TEXT:!accept*:#: {
  if (%nim == on) && (%playing == 1) && ($nick != %players) {
    timers off  
    inc %playing
    set %players %players $+ . $+ $nick
    set %valid 0
    timer 1 1 msg %chan 9  $nick has accepted the challenge of $gettok(%players,1,46) and now, it's time to start the game of Nim.
    timer 1 3 startgame

alias -l startgame {
  timers off
  set %list G.S.B.L
  set %boxes Gold.Silver.Bronze.Lead
  set %gold 5
  set %silver $rand(6,7)
  set %bronze $rand(7,9)
  set %lead $rand(5,9)
  set %total $calc(%gold + %silver + %bronze + %lead)
  set %gems %gold $+ . $+ %silver $+ . $+ %bronze $+ . $+ %lead
  set %turn 1
  set %tplayer $gettok(%players,1,46)

  timer 1 2 msg %chan 2 The number of gems selected in the boxes are : %gold %silver %bronze %lead
  timer 1 4 showgems
  timer 1 5 msg %chan 6 Its %tplayer $+ 's turn to start the game.
  if ($istok(%aiplayers,%tplayer,46) ) { timer 1 5 ailogic }
  timer 1 5 notice %tplayer To pick gems, type !pick <first letter of box> <no of gems>
  timer 1 5 set %started on
  timer 1 45 timeont

alias -l showgems {
  msg %chan 6 Current Gems : 7Gold: $gettok(%gems,1,46) 15Silver: $gettok(%gems,2,46) 5Bronze: $gettok(%gems,3,46) 6Lead: $gettok(%gems,4,46)

alias -l checkvalidity {
  if ($1 == $null) || ($2 == $null) || (!$istok(%list,$1,46)) {
    notice %tplayer The correct syntax is !pick <First letter of box> <No of gems>
  elseif ($2 !isnum) || ($2 <= 0) || ($2 > 3) {
    notice %tplayer You should pick 1,2 or 3 number of gems from a particular box.
  else {
    set %choice $2
    set %box $findtok(%list,$1,1,46)
    set %boxed $gettok(%boxes,%box,46)
    set %tgem $gettok(%gems,%box,46)
    if ($calc(%tgem - $2) < 0) {
      notice $nick You cannot pick more gems than there are in the box.
    else {
      inc %valid

on *:TEXT:!stopnim*:#: {
  if ($nick isop %chan) {
on *:TEXT:!replace*:#: {
  if ($nick == %tplayer) {
    set %first $gettok(%aiplayers,1,46)
    set %second $gettok(%aiplayers,2,46)
    if $istok(%players,%first,46) { set %x 2 }
    else { set %x 1 }
    msg %chan 10 $nick has been replaced with $gettok(%aiplayers,%x,46) .
    set %tplayer $gettok(%aiplayers,%x,46)
    set %players $replace(%players,$nick,%tplayer)


on *:TEXT:!pick*:#: {
  if (%started == on) && ($nick == %tplayer) {
    timers off
    checkvalidity $2-
    if (%valid == 1) {
      set %valid 0
      msg %chan 3  %tplayer has picked up $3 gems from the %boxed box.
      set %new $calc(%tgem - $3)
      set %gems $deltok(%gems,%box,46)
      set %gems $instok(%gems,%new,%box,46)
      set %total $calc(%total - $3)
      timer 1 3 showgems
      if (%total == 1) { timer 1 4 finishgame }
      elseif (%total == 0) { timer 1 4 loseyou }
      else {
        inc %turn
        if (%turn > 2) { set %turn 1 }
        set %tplayer $gettok(%players,%turn,46)
        timer 1 5 msg %chan 6 Its %tplayer $+ 's turn to continue the game.
        if ($istok(%aiplayers,%tplayer,46) ) { timer 1 5 ailogic }
        timer 1 5 notice %tplayer To pick gems, type !pick <first letter of box> <no of gems>
        timer 1 45 timeont



alias -l loseyou {
  timers off
  timer 1 1 msg %chan 4 %tplayer picked up all the gems, and so he has lost the game eventually. R.I.P!!
  set %players $remtok(%players,%tplayer,1,46)
  timer 1 3 msg %chan 13%players has won the game, earning 20 coins!
  timer 1 3 coins %players 20
  timer 1 5 end
alias -l finishgame {
  coins %tplayer 20
  timers off
  timer 1 3 msg %chan 6 There is only 1 gem remaining and so, 5  %tplayer wins the game, earning 20 coins.
  timer 1 4 end

alias -l end {
  timers off
  msg %chan 10 Game has been finished/stopped.
  unset %ongoing %started %nim %playing %players %turn %chan

alias -l timeont {
  set %ok 1
  msg %chan 6 %tplayer ran out of time, and so he will be making a default move.

alias -l ailogic {
  timers off
  if (%total >= 9 ) { set %ok $rand(2,3) }
  elseif (%total >= 5 ) { set %ok $rand(1,2) }
  elseif (%total == 4) && ($istok(%gems,3,46)) { set %ok 3 }
  else { set %ok 1 }

alias -l getmove {
  if ($gettok(%gems,1,46) >= %ok) { set %bc 1 | set %bx G }
  elseif ($gettok(%gems,2,46) >= %ok) { set %bc 2 | set %bx S }
  elseif ($gettok(%gems,3,46) >= %ok) { set %bc 3 | set %bx B }
  else { set %bc 4 | set %bx L }
  set %tgem $gettok(%gems,%bc,46)
  set %boxed $gettok(%boxes,%bc,46)
  set %new $calc(%tgem - %ok)
  set %gems $deltok(%gems,%bc,46)
  set %gems $instok(%gems,%new,%bc,46)
  set %total $calc(%total - %ok)
  timer 1 3 msg %chan  11 %tplayer picks up %ok gems from the %boxed box.
  timer 1 5 showgems
  if (%total == 1) { timer 1 4 finishgame }
  elseif (%total == 0) { timer 1 4 loseyou }
  else {
    inc %turn
    if (%turn > 2) { set %turn 1 }
    set %tplayer $gettok(%players,%turn,46)
    timer 1 5 msg %chan 6 Its %tplayer $+ 's turn to continue the game.
    if ($istok(%aiplayers,%tplayer,46) ) { timer 1 5 ailogic }
    timer 1 45 timeont

alias -l coins {
  if ($istok(%aiplayers,$1-2,46)) { return }
  elseif ($read(coins.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *)) {
    set %n $readn $+
    set %data $read(coins.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *)
    set %current $gettok(%data,2,32)
    set %new $calc(%current + $2)
    set %data $replace(%data,%current,%new)
    write -dl $+ %n coins.txt
    write coins.txt %data
  else {
    write coins.txt $1 $2


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