mIRC Paint

By Gex on Mar 08, 2006

load the code to ur remotes and choose mirc paint from the menubar or write /paint

this snippet will add to your mirc a paint program to draw/edit/save picture with lots of options. it has a lot of functions..
-installation: load this code into ur remote (alt + r) then choose mIRC paint from the menubar.
-controls help:-
* Brush:this options will let u draw in the paint window freely..same as the pen will do but the pen for the black and small font.
* Fill:this option lets u fill the chosen area with the specified color.
* spider:this is a new option in fact its not in the MS paint program and it lets u draw many lines all joined by one point(choose the spider then click on the window to specifiy the point and click anywhere in the window to c it working.
* polygon:this will let u draw a polygon(joined lines)
* Add text:this will let u add the specified text to the painting window.(click the add text and set the textoptions(fontsize,fontcolor) then click in the place u want the text to be added to in the painting window.
* Replace color:this will let u replace color x with color y in the painting picture. 
i think the rest of options are too easy and they are well known by all the users. for any help Pm me.
the code starts here:
dialog toolbox {
  title "Toolbar"
  size 2 171 87 192
  option dbu
  text "Color", 2, 7 12 16 8
  combo 1, 35 8 47 50, size drop
  text "Brush size", 3, 6 24 25 8
  edit "", 4, 35 22 35 10, limit 2 center
  radio "Fill", 8, 6 69 75 10, push
  radio "Brush", 9, 6 47 76 10, push
  box "Color,Size", 5, 2 0 84 35
  box "Painting options", 6, 2 37 84 104
  radio "Spider", 7, 6 80 76 10, push
  radio "Pen", 10, 6 58 76 10, push
  button "Open", 11, 1 178 42 12
  button "Save As", 12, 44 178 41 12
  box "Rotate", 13, 2 141 83 36
  button "Rotate 90o", 14, 6 149 37 12
  button "Rotate 270o", 15, 25 162 37 12
  button "Rotate 180o", 16, 44 149 37 12
  radio "Draw Line", 18, 6 103 75 10, push
  radio "Polygon", 19, 6 92 76 10, push
  radio "Add Text", 17, 7 115 74 10, push
  radio "Replace Color", 20, 7 127 74 10, push
dialog repl {
  title "Replace Color"
  size -1 -1 94 38
  option dbu
  button "Replace", 1, 25 26 37 12
  combo 2, 35 2 60 50, size drop
  combo 3, 35 13 60 50, size drop
  text "Replace", 4, 4 3 25 8
  text "With", 5, 6 15 25 8
dialog textopt {
  title "Text options"
  size 1 568 84 51
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 30 2 51 10, autohs
  text "Text", 2, 2 3 23 8
  text "Font Name", 4, 1 14 29 8
  combo 3, 30 14 51 50, size drop
  text "Font Size", 5, 2 27 25 8
  edit "", 6, 30 26 51 10
  combo 7, 30 38 51 50, size drop
  text "Font Color", 8, 2 40 25 8
on *:dialog:textopt:close:* {
  did -c toolbox 9
on *:dialog:toolbox:close:* {
  if ($window(@paint)) { window -c @paint }
  if ($dialog(textopt)) { dialog -x textopt textopt }
  .timercheck off 
on *:dialog:repl:init:* {
  did -ac repl 2,3 Black(1)
  did -a repl 2,3 Dark blue(2)
  did -a repl 2,3 Green(3)
  did -a repl 2,3 Red(4)
  did -a repl 2,3 Maroon(5)
  did -a repl 2,3 Purple(6)
  did -a repl 2,3 Orange(7)
  did -a repl 2,3 Yellow(8)
  did -a repl 2,3 Light green(9)
  did -a repl 2,3 Cyan(10)
  did -a repl 2,3 Light blue(11)
  did -a repl 2,3 Blue(12)
  did -a repl 2,3 Pink(13)
  did -a repl 2,3 Grey(14)
  did -a repl 2,3 light grey(15)
  did -a repl 2,3 12
on *:dialog:Repl:sclick:1 {
  drawreplace @paint $iif($numcheck($right($did(repl,2).seltext,3)),$+($right($did(repl,2).seltext,3),$right($did(repl,2).seltext,2)),$right($did(repl,2).seltext,2)) $iif($numcheck($right($did(repl,3).seltext,3)),$+($right($did(repl,3).seltext,3),$right($did(repl,3).seltext,2)),$right($did(repl,3).seltext,2))
on *:dialog:textopt:init:* {
  did -ac textopt 3 Verdana
  did -a textopt 3 Tahoma
  did -a textopt 3 FixedSys
  did -a textopt 3 Courier
  did -a textopt 3 Impact
  did -a textopt 3 Comic Sans MS
  did -ac textopt 7 Black(1)
  did -a textopt 7 Dark blue(2)
  did -a textopt 7 Green(3)
  did -a textopt 7 Red(4)
  did -a textopt 7 Maroon(5)
  did -a textopt 7 Purple(6)
  did -a textopt 7 Orange(7)
  did -a textopt 7 Yellow(8)
  did -a textopt 7 Light green(9)
  did -a textopt 7 Cyan(10)
  did -a textopt 7 Light blue(11)
  did -a textopt 7 Blue(12)
  did -a textopt 7 Pink(13)
  did -a textopt 7 Grey(14)
  did -a textopt 7 light grey(15)
  did -a textopt 6 12
on *:dialog:toolbox:init:* {
  did -ac toolbox 1 Black(1)
  did -a toolbox 1 Dark blue(2)
  did -a toolbox 1 Green(3)
  did -a toolbox 1 Red(4)
  did -a toolbox 1 Maroon(5)
  did -a toolbox 1 Purple(6)
  did -a toolbox 1 Orange(7)
  did -a toolbox 1 Yellow(8)
  did -a toolbox 1 Light green(9)
  did -a toolbox 1 Cyan(10)
  did -a toolbox 1 Light blue(11)
  did -a toolbox 1 Blue(12)
  did -a toolbox 1 Pink(13)
  did -a toolbox 1 Grey(14)
  did -a toolbox 1 light grey(15)
  did -a toolbox 4 5
  did -c toolbox 9
on *:dialog:toolbox:sclick:11 {
  var %x " $+ $$sfile(*.jpg,Select a Picture,open) $+ "
  if (%x) { 
    var %w $pic(%x).width,%h $pic(%x).height
    window -c @paint
    window -kadop +l @paint  184 239 %w %h 
    drawpic @paint 0 0  %x
on *:dialog:toolbox:sclick:20 {
  echo  $$dialog(repl,repl,@paint)
on *:dialog:toolbox:sclick:12 {
  var %x " $+ $$sfile(*.bmp,Select a Location,Save) $+ .jpg"
  var %quality $$input(Enter a quality level between 1 and 100 (70 recommended),esaq,@paint,Jpg quality,70)
  drawsave -q $+ %quality @paint %x 

on *:dialog:toolbox:sclick:17 {
  if (!$dialog(textopt)) { dialog -m textopt textopt }
on *:dialog:Toolbox:Sclick:14 {
  drawrot -f @paint 90
on *:dialog:toolbox:Sclick:15 {
  drawrot -f @paint 270
on *:dialog:Toolbox:sclick:16 {
  drawrot -f @paint 180
on *:dialog:toolbox:sclick:* {
  if ($devent != 7)  { unset %m1 | unset %x1 | unset %y1 }
  if ($devent != 18) { unset %m2 | unset %x2 | unset %y2 }
  if ($devent != 19) { unset %m3 | unset %y3 | unset %x3 }

alias numcheck {
  if ($int($1)) { return $true }
  else { return $false }
alias paint {
  window -kdop +l @paint  184 239 800 600
  dialog -m toolbox toolbox
  .timercheck 0 0 check.1
alias check.1 {
  if (!$window(@paint)) {
    if ($dialog(toolbox)) { dialog -x toolbox toolbox }
    if ($dialog(textopt)) { dialog -x textopt textopt }
    .timercheck off
menu @paint {
  sclick { 
    if ($did(toolbox,9).state) { set %xy  1 }
    elseif ($did(toolbox,10).state) { set %xypen 1 }
    elseif ($did(toolbox,8).state) { drawfill @paint $iif($numcheck($right($did(toolbox,1).seltext,3)),$+($right($did(toolbox,1).seltext,3),$right($did(toolbox,1).seltext,2)),$right($did(toolbox,1).seltext,2)) 1 300 245 }
    elseif ($did(toolbox,7).state) { 
      if (%m1 == 1) {  set %x1 $mouse.x $mouse.y | drawline @paint $iif($numcheck($right($did(toolbox,1).seltext,3)),$+($right($did(toolbox,1).seltext,3),$right($did(toolbox,1).seltext,2)),$right($did(toolbox,1).seltext,2)) $did(toolbox,4) %y1 %x1 }
      else  { set %y1  $mouse.x $mouse.y  | set %m1 1 }
    elseif ($did(toolbox,18).state) {
      if (%m2 == 1) {  set %x2 $mouse.x $mouse.y | drawline @paint $iif($numcheck($right($did(toolbox,1).seltext,3)),$+($right($did(toolbox,1).seltext,3),$right($did(toolbox,1).seltext,2)),$right($did(toolbox,1).seltext,2)) $did(toolbox,4) %y2 %x2 | unset %x2 | unset %y2 | unset %m2  }
      else  { set %y2  $mouse.x $mouse.y  | set %m2 1 }
    elseif ($did(toolbox,19).state) {
      if (%m3 == 1) {  set %x3 $mouse.x $mouse.y | drawline @paint $iif($numcheck($right($did(toolbox,1).seltext,3)),$+($right($did(toolbox,1).seltext,3),$right($did(toolbox,1).seltext,2)),$right($did(toolbox,1).seltext,2)) $did(toolbox,4) %y3 %x3 | set %x3 %y3 | set %y3 $mouse.x $mouse.y   }
      else  { set %y3  $mouse.x $mouse.y  | set %m3 1 }
    elseif ($did(toolbox,17).state) { 
      drawtext @paint $iif($numcheck($right($did(textopt,7).seltext,3)),$+($right($did(textopt,7).seltext,3),$right($did(textopt,7).seltext,2)),$right($did(textopt,7).seltext,2)) $did(textopt,3) $did(textopt,6) $mouse.x $mouse.y $did(textopt,1)
  mouse {
    if (%xy) {
      drawdot @paint $iif($numcheck($right($did(toolbox,1).seltext,3)),$+($right($did(toolbox,1).seltext,3),$right($did(toolbox,1).seltext,2)),$right($did(toolbox,1).seltext,2)) $did(toolbox,4) $mouse.x $mouse.y
    elseif (%xypen) { 
      drawdot @paint 1 2 $mouse.x $mouse.y
    else { unset %xy* }
  drop { unset %xy* }
menu menubar {
  mIRC Paint:/paint


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sean   -  Apr 16, 2006

you can always select the color and draw over, pretty close to erasing

LIQUID_NiTrO   -  Apr 15, 2006

Great work Gex.

ch1zra   -  Mar 20, 2006

maybe a Undo option ?
btw, I apsolutely like this..
respect :]

globus   -  Mar 17, 2006

cool :)))

sean   -  Mar 15, 2006

absolutly sick :)
nice work

Ace99   -  Mar 09, 2006

Good job, Gex. :D

Gex   -  Mar 08, 2006

thanks for the bug discovery ;) and working on the erase :)

xDaeMoN   -  Mar 08, 2006

Nice. Some suggestions & bugs:

  1. when you rotate a few times, the picture becomes pixelated.
  2. Add an erase feature
Gex   -  Mar 08, 2006

yes but it wont be so nice since u cant choose your rect/elipse size visually thats y ive excluded /drawrect .

QuickStep   -  Mar 08, 2006

you spend quite some work on this, but its quite easy to also implement drawing squares (drawrect) and elipses (drawrect -e)

Gex   -  Mar 08, 2006

Thanks ;)

Jared   -  Mar 08, 2006

With caps: COOL!

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