Session Manager Script v4.5.0

By Trel on Dec 20, 2016

Session Manager Script v4.5.0


  • Save/delete named sessions of open channels (per network)
  • Option to automatically save open channels to session called 'previous' on disconnect
  • Option to automatically join a session named 'previous' or 'default' (or disabled) on connect
  • Option to part all channels before connecting to a saved session
  • Ability to add or remove a single channel from an existing session

New in 4.5.0

  • Changed removing single channels to use tokens instead of regex

New in 4.0.0

  • More code cleanup
  • List channels in sessions
  • Rename sessions
  • Add/Remove single channels from existing sessions without being in the session

Planned for v5

  • More code cleanup
  • More input checks
menu channel,status {
  Session Manager
    .Save Session
    ..Save New:/
    ..$submenu( $ $1 ) )
    .Load Session
    ..$submenu( $ $1 ) )
    .Rename Session
    ..$submenu( $ $1 ) )
    .Delete Session
    ..$submenu( $ $1 ) )
    .List Session Channels
    ..$submenu( $ $1 ) )    
    .Add/Remove Individual Channels

menu channel {
  ;By separating it into three parts,
  ;I don't have to use those $iif bits that seem to break mIRC or AdiIRC depending on which way I do it
  Session Manager

    ..Add $chan To Existing
    ...$submenu( $ $1 ) )
    ..Remove $chan From Existing
    ...$submenu( $ $1 ) )

menu channel,status {
  Session Manager
    ..Add Custom Channel To Existing
    ...$submenu( $ $1, custom ) )
    ..Remove Custom Channel From Existing
    ...$submenu( $ $1 ) )
    ..Advanced Mode (Does Nothing Currently)
    ...$iif( $readini( sessMan-options.ini,config,advancedMode ) == true,$style( 1 ),$null ) $+ Enable:writeini sessMan-options.ini config advancedMode true
    ...$iif( $readini( sessMan-options.ini,config,advancedMode ) == $null,$style( 1 ),$null ) $+ Disable:remini sessMan-options.ini config advancedMode
    ..Auto Part current channels on loading
    ...$iif( $readini( sessMan-options.ini,config,autoPart ) == true,$style( 1 ),$null ) $+ Enable:writeini sessMan-options.ini config autoPart true
    ...$iif( $readini( sessMan-options.ini,config,autoPart ) == $null,$style( 1 ),$null ) $+ Disable:remini sessMan-options.ini config autoPart
    ..Auto Join Session on Connect
    ...$iif( $readini( sessMan-options.ini,config,autoJoin ) == truedef,$style( 1 ),$null ) $+ Join Default:writeini sessMan-options.ini config autoJoin truedef
    ...$iif( $readini( sessMan-options.ini,config,autoJoin ) == trueprev,$style( 1 ),$null ) $+ Join Previous:writeini sessMan-options.ini config autoJoin trueprev
    ...$iif( $readini( sessMan-options.ini,config,autoJoin ) == $null,$style( 1 ),$null ) $+ Disable:remini sessMan-options.ini config autoJoin
    ..Auto Save 'previous' on Disconnect
    ...$iif( $readini( sessMan-options.ini,config,autoSave ) == true,$style( 1 ),$null ) $+ Enable:writeini sessMan-options.ini config autoSave true
    ...$iif( $readini( sessMan-options.ini,config,autoSave ) == $null,$style( 1 ),$null ) $+ Disable:remini sessMan-options.ini config autoSave

  if ( $readini( sessMan-options.ini,config,autoSave ) == true ) {
    echo -ag Saving currently connected channels to session 'previous' previous

on *:CONNECT:{
  if ( $readini( sessMan-options.ini,config,autoJoin ) == truedef ) {
    sessMan.load default quiet
  elseif ( $readini( sessMan-options.ini,config,autoJoin ) == trueprev ) {
    sessMan.load previous quiet

alias {
  var %i = 1
  var %chanlist = $null

  if ( $1 == $null ) {
    %sessionName = $?"Session Name. (If blank, will use 'default')"
  else {
    %sessionName = $1

  if ( %sessionName == $null ) {
    %sessionName = default

  while ( %i <= $chan( 0 ) ) {
    ; Turns out using tokens makes this a one liner without needing an if at all
    ; Who knew? ( Apparently everyone who knows AdiIRC/mIRC scripting )
    %chanlist = $addtok( %chanlist,$chan( %i ),44 )
    inc %i

  if ( %chanlist != $null ) {
    writeini sessMan-sessions.ini $network %sessionName %chanlist
    if ( $2 != quiet ) {
        echo -ag Saved %chanlist
        echo -ag $str( $chr( 160 ),2 ) to session: %sessionName
        echo -ag $str( $chr( 160 ),2 ) for network: $network

alias sessMan.load {
  if ( $1 == $null ) {
    ;var %sessionName = default
    echo -ag No Session Specified
  else {
    var %sessionName = $1

  var %chanlist = $readini( sessMan-sessions.ini,$network,%sessionName )
  if ( %chanlist == $null ) {
    if ( $2 != quiet ) {
      echo -ag Session Does Not Exist
  else {
    if ( $readini( sessMan-options.ini,config,autoPart ) == true ) {
    join %chanlist

alias sessMan.rename {
  if ( $1 == $null ) return
  var %oldSessionName = $1

  if ( $2 == $null ) {
    var %newSessionName = $?"New Session Name."
  if ( %newSessionName == $null ) {
    echo -ag New session name is not optional

  var %chanlist = $readini( sessMan-sessions.ini,$network,%oldSessionName )
  if ( %chanlist == $null ) {
    echo -ag Can't rename a session that doesn't exist
  var %newCheck = $readini( sessMan-sessions.ini,$network,%newSessionName )
  if ( %newCheck != $null ) {
    echo -ag Can't rename a session to an exsiting name.
    echo -ag Make sure the new name doesn't already exist.
  remini sessMan-sessions.ini $network %oldSessionName
  writeini sessMan-sessions.ini $network %newSessionName %chanlist
    echo -ag Renamed Session
    echo -ag $chr(160) $+ New Name: %newSessionName
    echo -ag $chr(160) $+ Old Name: %oldSessionName

alias sessMan.delete {
  if ( $1 == $null) {
    echo -ag No Session Specified
  var %sessionName = $1

  var %chanlist = $readini( sessMan-sessions.ini,$network,%sessionName )
  if ( %chanlist == $null ) {
    echo -ag Selected session does not exist
  remini sessMan-sessions.ini $network %sessionName
    echo -ag The session ' $+ %sessionName $+ ' was deleted

alias sessMan.append {
  if ( $1 == $null ) return
  var %sessionName = $1
  var %chanlist = $readini( sessMan-sessions.ini,$network,%sessionName )
  if ( %chanlist == $null ) {
  if ( $2 == custom ) {
    var %channel = $?"Add Which Channel?"
    if ( %channel == $null ) {
      echo -ag Must Choose a Channel
  else {
    var %channel = $chan
  var %chanlist = $addtok( %chanlist,%channel,44 )
  var %chanlist = $sorttok( %chanlist, 44, a )
  echo -ag List is %chanlist
  writeini sessMan-sessions.ini $network %sessionName %chanlist
    echo -ag %channel added to ' $+ %sessionName $+ '

alias sessMan.detach {
  if ( $1 == $null || $2 == $null ) return
  var %sessionName = $1

  if ( $3 == custom ) {
    var %channel = $?"Remove Which Channel?"
    if ( %channel == $null ) {
      echo -ag Must Choose a Channel
  else {  
    var %channel = $2
  var %chanlist = $readini( sessMan-sessions.ini,$network,%sessionName )
  %remove = $findtok( %chanlist, %channel, 1, 44 )

  if ( %remove == $null ) {
    echo -ag %channel is not in %sessionName
    echo -ag Nothing to remove

  %newchanlist = $deltok( %chanlist, %remove, 44 )

  if ( %newchanlist == $null ) {
    remini sessMan-sessions.ini $network %sessionName
      echo -ag %channel was the only channel in the session
      echo -ag Deleting the session instead

  writeini sessMan-sessions.ini $network %sessionName %newchanlist
    echo -ag Channel: %channel removed from Session ' $+ %sessionName $+ '

alias sessMan.partAll {
  var %i = 1
  while ( %i <= $chan( 0 ) ) {
    part $chan( %i )
    inc %i

alias sessMan.listChannels {
  if ( $1 == $null ) return
  var %sessionName = $1
  var %chanlist = $readini( sessMan-sessions.ini, $network, %sessionName )
  if ( %chanlist == $null ) {
    if ( $2 != quiet ) {
      echo -ag Session Does Not Exist
  else {
    echo -ag $chr( 160 ) $+ Channels in %sessionName
    var %i = 1
    while ( %i <= $numtok( %chanlist, 44 ) {
      echo -ag $str( $chr( 160 ), 4 ) $+ $gettok( %chanlist, %i, 44 )
      inc %i

alias {
  var %pos = $sessMan.func.menupos( $1 )
  var %sess = $ini( sessMan-sessions.ini,$network,%pos )

  ;This bit isn't stricly needed because it seems to immediately return null if the return STARTS with null.
  ;However, if there's text first, it will loop indefinitely since it will never return null, so I will include this anyway to be safe.
  ;Basically if I was just returning the variable, it would work right without the forced return on null.
  if ( %sess == $null ) return

  return %sess $+ %sess

alias {
  var %pos = $sessMan.func.menupos( $1 )
  %sess = $ini( sessMan-sessions.ini,$network,%pos )

  ;This bit isn't stricly needed because it seems to immediately return null if the return STARTS with null.
  ;However, if there's text first, it will loop indefinitely since it will never return null, so I will include this anyway to be safe.
  ;Basically if I was just returning the variable, it would work right without the forced return on null.
  if ( %sess == $null ) return
  return %sess $+ :sessMan.load %sess

alias {
  var %pos = $sessMan.func.menupos( $1 )
  %sess = $ini( sessMan-sessions.ini,$network,%pos )

  ;This bit isn't stricly needed because it seems to immediately return null if the return STARTS with null.
  ;However, if there's text first, it will loop indefinitely since it will never return null, so I will include this anyway to be safe.
  ;Basically if I was just returning the variable, it would work right without the forced return on null.
  if ( %sess == $null ) return
  return %sess $+ :sessMan.rename %sess

alias {
  var %pos = $sessMan.func.menupos( $1 )
  var %sess = $ini( sessMan-sessions.ini,$network,%pos )

  ;See the comment in save and load for an explanation on why this line is here
  if ( %sess == $null ) return
  return Delete %sess $+ :sessMan.delete %sess

alias {
  var %pos = $sessMan.func.menupos( $1 )
  var %sess = $ini( sessMan-sessions.ini,$network,%pos )

  ;See the comment in save and load for an explanation on why this line is here
  if ( %sess == $null ) return
  return %sess $+ :sessMan.listChannels %sess

alias {
  var %pos = $sessMan.func.menupos( $1 )  
  var %sess = $ini( sessMan-sessions.ini,$network,%pos )
  var %custom = $2

  ;See the comment in save and load for an explanation on why this line is here
  if ( %sess == $null ) return 
  return %sess $+ :sessMan.append %sess %custom

alias {
  if ( $1 == begin ) {
    %i = 1
    %count = $ini( sessMan-sessions.ini,$network,0 )
    while ( %i <= %count ) {
      %position = $ini( sessMan-sessions.ini,$network,%i )
      if ( $pos( $readini( sessMan-sessions.ini,$network,%position ),$chan,0 ) == 1 ) {
        writeini sessMan-temp.ini menuGen $ini( sessMan-sessions.ini,$network,%i ) 1
      inc %i

  if ( $1 == end ) {
    remini sessMan-temp.ini menuGen

  var %pos = $sessMan.func.menupos( $1 )  
  var %sess = $ini( sessMan-temp.ini,menuGen,%pos )

  ;See the comment in save and load for an explanation on why this line is here
  if ( %sess == $null ) return
  ;return Remove $chan from %sess :sessMan.detach %sess $chan  
  return %sess :sessMan.detach %sess $chan  

alias {
  var %pos = $sessMan.func.menupos( $1 )
  %sess = $ini( sessMan-sessions.ini,$network,%pos )

  ;This bit isn't stricly needed because it seems to immediately return null if the return STARTS with null.
  ;However, if there's text first, it will loop indefinitely since it will never return null, so I will include this anyway to be safe.
  ;Basically if I was just returning the variable, it would work right without the forced return on null.
  if ( %sess == $null ) return
  return %sess $+ :sessMan.detach %sess $chan custom

alias sessMan.func.menupos {
  ;This is because for menus, I need it to not return null for 'begin' and 'end'
  if ( $1 == $null ) {
    return 1
  else {
    return $1

alias sessMan.func.startMsg {
  echo -ag $str( $chr( 45 ), 30 )

alias sessMan.func.endMsg {
  echo -ag $chr(160)

alias sessMan.func.menuini {
  ;This doesn't do anything because it was stupid
  ;Seriously, the line to load the ini is one line long
  ;It doesn't make sense to make it a function when the function call would ALSO be one line
  ;Go away, it's like fetch, it's never going to happen


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Ironshaper   -  Dec 22, 2016

This script looks neat and clean, and helpful at the same time. We at will definitely use it, very appreciate your work. Also, the comments in the code are great. :)

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