Mp3 player

By blackvenomm666 on Aug 06, 2016

This is my mp3 player standard features such as play pause stop repeat 1 song repeat all songs and shuffle, has two tabs one for the songs the other for spam options to add folders of music to the player click file then directory then add

![Image]( )

Menu Menubar,Nicklist,Channel {
  Mp3: dialog $iif($dialog(mp3.System),-v,-md mp3.System) mp3.System 
Dialog mp3.System {
  Title "mp3System"
  Size -1 -1 150 174
  Option dbu
  ;-----Songs Tab 100
  Tab "+ Songs " ,100, 02 02 148 22, tab 100
  list 3, 40 32 109 90, hsbar vsbar tab 100
  button "Play", 2, 0 32 37 10, flat tab 100
  button "stop ", 4, 0 64 37 10, flat tab 100 
  button "pause ", 5, 0 48 37 10, flat tab 100
  button "up", 7, 0 89 37 10, tab 100
  button "down", 8, 0 105 37 10, tab 100
  button "mute", 9, 0 121 37 10, tab 100
  list 21, 40 125 109 55, hsbar vsbar tab 100
  button "Repeat", 600, 0 153 37 10, tab 100
  button "Shuffle", 700, 0 138 37 10, tab 100
  menu "File", 23
  menu "Directory",24,23
  item "Add Directory", 15, 
  item "Delete Directory", 16, 
  menu "Close",27,23
  item " Close", 25, 
  item "Close And Stop Music", 26, 
  ;-----Spam options Tab 200
  Tab "+ Spam options " ,200, 02 02 170 22, tab 200
  text "channels you are in", 201, 02 30 60 10, tab 200
  list 202, 02 38 50 78, hsbar vsbar tab 200
  text "Channels to spam", 204, 100 30 60 10, tab 200
  list 203, 98 38 50 78, hsbar vsbar tab 200
  button "add ", 205, 60 44 26 10, flat tab 200
  button "delete ", 206, 60 97 26 10, flat tab 200
  button "refresh ", 207, 60 70 26 10, flat tab 200
  text "Mp3SpamType", 312, 02 118 37 10, tab 200
  button "Random ", 301, 02 128 30 10, flat tab 200 
  button "BlueBlack ", 302, 40 128 30 10, flat tab 200
  button "Redblack ", 303, 80 128 30 10, flat tab 200
  button "Monkey", 304, 118 128 30 10, flat tab 200
  button "Rosewhip ", 305, 02 144 30 10, flat tab 200
  button "Fish ", 306, 40 144 30 10, flat tab 200
  button "Fire1 ", 307, 80 144 30 10, flat tab 200
  button "Fire2 ", 308, 118 144 30 10, flat tab 200
  button "Turn spam off ", 309, 45 160 60 10, flat tab 200
on *:DIALOG:mp3.system:init:*: {
  if (%mute == on) {
    did -r mp3.system 9
    did -a mp3.system 9 unmute
  if (%mute == off) || (%mute == $null) {
    did -r mp3.system 9
    did -a mp3.system 9 mute
  if (%repeat == 1) {
    did -r mp3.system 600
    did -a mp3.system 600 repeat 1
  if (%repeat == all) {
    did -r mp3.system 600
    did -a mp3.system 600 repeat all
  if (%repeat == off) || (%repeat == !$null) {
    did -r mp3.system 600
    did -a mp3.system 600 repeat off
  if (%Shuffle == on) {
    did -r mp3.system 700
    did -a mp3.system 700 Shuffle on
    .set %repeat off
  if (%Shuffle == off) || (%Shuffle == $null) {
    did -r mp3.system 700
    did -a mp3.system 700 Shuffle off

  didtok -az $dname 202 32 $regsubex($str(-,$chan(0)),/./g,$chan(\n) $chr(32))
  var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    didtok -az $dname 203 32 $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)
    inc %a
  dialog -v mp3.system
  dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
  var %dir = 1
  while (%dir <= $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,0)) {
    did -a mp3.system 21 $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,%dir)
    inc %dir
alias check {
  var %dir = 1
  while (%dir <= $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,0)) {
    did -a mp3.system 21 $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,%dir)
    inc %dir
alias spamit {
  say 3,1now playing %currentsong
  say Remaining time  $asctime($round($calc(($insong.length - $insong.pos) / 1000),0),nn:ss),none)
on *:dialog:mp3.system:menu:15: { 
  var %mp31 = $replace($$?="Playlist Name:",$chr(32),_), %mp32 = $sdir(*,Choose a Music Folder,Add)
  if (%mp31 && %mp32) { writeini mp3.ini Directory %mp31 %mp32 }
  .set %mp3file %mp31
  did -r mp3.system 3
  noop $findfile($readini(mp3.ini,directory,%mp3file),*mp3,0,1,did -az mp3.system 3 $nopath($1-))  
  noop $findfile($readini(mp3.ini,directory,%mp3file),*wma,0,1,did -az mp3.system 3 $nopath($1-))
  did -r mp3.system 21
  var %dir = 1
  while (%dir <= $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,0)) {
    did -a mp3.system 21 $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,%dir)
    inc %dir
on *:dialog:mp3.system:menu:16: { 
  var %mp31 = $replace($$?="Playlist Name:",$chr(32),_)
  if (%mp31) { remini mp3.ini Directory %mp31 }
  did -r mp3.system 21 
  var %dir = 1
  while (%dir <= $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,0)) {
    did -a mp3.system 21 $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,%dir)
    inc %dir
on *:dialog:mp3.system:menu:25: { 
  .dialog -x mp3.system mp3.system

on *:dialog:mp3.system:menu:26: { 
  .splay stop
  .dialog -x mp3.system mp3.system

on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:700: { 
  if (%Shuffle == off) || (%Shuffle == $null) {

    did -r mp3.system 700
    did -a mp3.system 700 Shuffle on
    .set %Shuffle on
    .set %repeat off
    did -r mp3.system 600
    did -a mp3.system 600 repeat off
  else {
    did -r mp3.system 700
    did -a mp3.system 700 Shuffle off
    .set %Shuffle off



on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:2: {
  if (%randspam == on) {
    .set %randspamnum $rand(1,7)
    var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
    while (%a <= %b) {
      if (%randspamnum == 1) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } 
      if (%randspamnum == 2) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } 
      if (%randspamnum == 3) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
      if (%randspamnum == 4) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
      if (%randspamnum == 5) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
      if (%randspamnum == 6) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
      if (%randspamnum == 7) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
      inc %a
  elseif (%spamall == on ) {
    var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
    while (%a <= %b) {
      if (%spam1 == on ) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } 
      if (%spam2 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } 
      if (%spam3 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
      if (%spam4 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
      if (%spam5 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
      if (%spam6 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
      if (%spam7 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
      inc %a
  if ($insong.pause = $true) && (.wma isin $did($dname,3).seltext) {
    did -r mp3.system 5
    did -a mp3.system 5 pause
    splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.wma)),.wma)
    dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
    set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel
    .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext
  elseif ($insong.pause = $true) && (.mp3 isin $did($dname,3).seltext) {
    did -r mp3.system 5
    did -a mp3.system 5 pause
    splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.mp3)),.mp3)
    dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
    set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel
    .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext
  elseif (.wma isin $did($dname,3).seltext) {
    splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.wma)),.wma)
    dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
    set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel
    .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext
  elseif (.mp3 isin $did($dname,3).seltext) {
    splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.mp3)),.mp3)
    dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
    set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel
    .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext


on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:4: {
  if ($insong.pause = $true) {
    did -r mp3.system 5
    did -a mp3.system 5 pause
    .splay stop 
    dialog -t mp3.system Player:Stopped
  else {
    .splay stop 
    dialog -t mp3.system Player:Stopped
on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:5:{
  if ($insong.pause = $true) {
    splay resume
    dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
    set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel 
    did -r mp3.system 5
    did -a mp3.system 5 pause
  else { splay -p pause
    dialog -v mp3.system
    dialog -t mp3.system Player:Paused
    did -r mp3.system 5
    did -a mp3.system 5 resume
on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:7:{
  vol -v $calc( $vol(master) + 1000)
  dialog -v mp3.system
  dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:8:{
  vol -v $calc( $vol(master) - 1000)
  dialog -v mp3.system
  dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:9:{
  if (%mute == off) || (%mute == $null) {
    vol -vu1
    dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol:muted
    .set %mute on
    did -r mp3.system 9
    did -a mp3.system 9 unmute
  else {
    vol -vu2
    dialog -t mp3.system Unmuted
    .timer 1 2 dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
    .set %mute off
    did -r mp3.system 9
    did -a mp3.system 9 mute

on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:11:{
  vol -vu2
  dialog -t mp3.system Unmuted
  .timer 1 2 dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %

on *:dialog:mp3.system:dclick:3:{
  if (%randspam == on) {
    .set %randspamnum $rand(1,7)
    var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
    while (%a <= %b) {
      if (%randspamnum == 1) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } 
      if (%randspamnum == 2) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } 
      if (%randspamnum == 3) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
      if (%randspamnum == 4) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
      if (%randspamnum == 5) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
      if (%randspamnum == 6) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
      if (%randspamnum == 7) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
      inc %a
  elseif (%spamall == on ) {
    var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
    while (%a <= %b) {
      if (%spam1 == on ) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } 
      if (%spam2 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } 
      if (%spam3 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
      if (%spam4 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
      if (%spam5 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
      if (%spam6 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
      if (%spam7 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
      inc %a
  if ($insong.pause = $true) && (.wma isin $did($dname,3).seltext) {
    did -r mp3.system 5
    did -a mp3.system 5 pause
    splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.wma)),.wma)
    dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
    set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel
    .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext
  elseif ($insong.pause = $true) && (.mp3 isin $did($dname,3).seltext) {
    did -r mp3.system 5
    did -a mp3.system 5 pause
    splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.mp3)),.mp3)
    dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
    set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel
    .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext

  elseif (.wma isin $did($dname,3).seltext) {
    splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.wma)),.wma)
    dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
    set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel
    .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext
  elseif (.mp3 isin $did($dname,3).seltext) {
    splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.mp3)),.mp3)
    dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
    set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel
    .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext



on *:dialog:mp3.system:close:*:{ 
  if ($dialog(spam.system)) {
    .dialog -x spam.system
  if ($dialog(Spamchan.System)) {
    .dialog -x Spamchan.System

on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:19: {
  .dialog -v,-md spam.system spam.system
on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:20: {
  .dialog -v,-md Spamchan.System Spamchan.System
on *:dialog:mp3.system:dclick:21:{
  .set %mp3file $did(mp3.system,21).seltext 
  did -r mp3.system 3
  noop $findfile($readini(mp3.ini,directory,%mp3file),*mp3,0,1,did -az mp3.system 3 $nopath($1-))  
  noop $findfile($readini(mp3.ini,directory,%mp3file),*wma,0,1,did -az mp3.system 3 $nopath($1-))
on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:205: {
  write spam $+ $server $+ .txt $did(mp3.system,202).seltext
  didtok -r $dname 203 32 $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)

on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:206: {
  if (!$did(203).sel) { noop $input(Please Highlite A Channel In Spam List Box To Delete,uwo,Error!) } | else { write -dl $+ $did(203).sel spam $+ $server $+ .txt | $chanlistalias } 
  didtok -r $dname 203 32 $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)
alias spam {
  var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    didtok -az $dname 203 32 $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)
    inc %a
on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:207: {
  didtok -r $dname 202 32
  didtok -az $dname 202 32 $regsubex($str(-,$chan(0)),/./g,$chan(\n) $chr(32))

on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:301: {
  set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
  if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt
  else { 
    .set %randspam on
    .set %spamall off
on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:600:{

  if (%repeat == off) {
    .set %repeat 1  
    did -r mp3.system 600
    did -a mp3.system 600 repeat 1
    did -r mp3.system 700
    did -a mp3.system 700 Shuffle off
    .set %Shuffle off

  elseif (%repeat == 1) {
    .set %repeat all
    did -r mp3.system 600
    did -a mp3.system 600 repeat all
    did -r mp3.system 700
    did -a mp3.system 700 Shuffle off
    .set %Shuffle off

  else { 
    .set %repeat off
    did -r mp3.system 600
    did -a mp3.system 600 repeat off


on *:dialog:mp3.system:close:*:{ 
  if (%repeat == on) {
    .set %repeat off
on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:302: {
  set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
  if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt
  else { 
    .set %randspam off
    .set %spamall on
    .set %spam1 on
    .set %spam2 off
    .set %spam3 off
    .set %spam4 off
    .set %spam5 off
    .set %spam6 off
    .set %spam7 off
    echo -a 12,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,303).seltext
on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:303: {
  set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
  if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt
  else { 
    .set %randspam off
    .set %spamall on
    .set %spam2 on
    .set %spam1 off
    .set %spam3 off
    .set %spam4 off
    .set %spam5 off
    .set %spam6 off
    .set %spam7 off
    echo -a 4,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,303).seltext 
on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:304: {
  set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
  if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt
  else { 
    .set %randspam off
    .set %spamall on
    .set %spam3 on
    .set %spam1 off
    .set %spam2 off
    .set %spam4 off
    .set %spam5 off
    .set %spam6 off
    .set %spam7 off
    echo -a 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,303).seltext 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 
on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:305: {
  set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
  if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt
  else { 
    .set %randspam off
    .set %spamall on
    .set %spam4 on
    .set %spam1 off
    .set %spam2 off
    .set %spam3 off
    .set %spam5 off
    .set %spam6 off
    .set %spam7 off
    echo -a 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,303).seltext @}4-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`
on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:306: {
  set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
  if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt
  else { 
    .set %randspam off
    .set %spamall on
    .set %spam5 on
    .set %spam1 off
    .set %spam2 off
    .set %spam3 off
    .set %spam4 off
    .set %spam6 off
    .set %spam7 off
    echo -a 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing $did($dname,303).seltext 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< 
on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:307: {
  set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
  if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt
  else { 
    .set %randspam off
    .set %spamall on
    .set %spam6 on
    .set %spam1 off
    .set %spam2 off
    .set %spam3 off
    .set %spam4 off
    .set %spam5 off
    .set %spam7 off
    echo -a 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1
on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:308: {
  set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
  if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt
  else { 
    .set %randspam off
    .set %spamall on
    .set %spam7 on
    .set %spam1 off
    .set %spam2 off
    .set %spam3 off
    .set %spam4 off
    .set %spam5 off
    .set %spam6 off
    echo -a 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,303).seltext 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%, 
on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:309: {
  .set %randspam off
  .set %spamall off
  .set %spam1 off
  .set %spam2 off
  .set %spam3 off
  .set %spam4 off
  .set %spam5 off
  .set %spam6 off
  .set %spam7 off

on *:MP3END: {
  if ($dialog(mp3.system)) && (%repeat == 1) {
    .set %nextsong %mp3.system.songnumber
    .set %nextsong2  $did(mp3.system,3,%nextsong)
    set %mp3.system.songnumber %nextsong
    .set %currentsong %nextsong2
    if (.mp3 isin %nextsong2) {
      splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.mp3)).seltext,.mp3))
    elseif (.wma isin %nextsong2) { 
      splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.wma)).seltext,.wma))
    $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -u mp3.system 3)
    $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -c mp3.system 3 %nextsong) 
    if (%randspam == on) {
      .set %randspamnum $rand(1,7)
      var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
      while (%a <= %b) {
        if (%randspamnum == 1) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
        if (%randspamnum == 2) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
        if (%randspamnum == 3) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
        if (%randspamnum == 4) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
        if (%randspamnum == 5) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
        if (%randspamnum == 6) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
        if (%randspamnum == 7) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
        inc %a
    elseif (%spamall == on ) {
      var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
      while (%a <= %b) {
        if (%spam1 == on ) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
        if (%spam2 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
        if (%spam3 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
        if (%spam4 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
        if (%spam5 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
        if (%spam6 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
        if (%spam7 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
        inc %a

  else {
    if (%shuffle == on) {
      .set %shufflenum $lines(shuffle.txt)
      .set %nextsong $rand(1, %shufflenum)
      .set %nextsong2  $did(mp3.system,3,%nextsong)
      set %mp3.system.songnumber %nextsong
      .set %currentsong %nextsong2   

      write -c shuffle.txt
      noop $findfile($readini(mp3.ini,directory,%mp3file),*mp3,0,1,write shuffle.txt $nopath($1-))  
      noop $findfile($readini(mp3.ini,directory,%mp3file),*wma,0,1,write shuffle.txt $nopath($1-))
      $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -u mp3.system 3)
      $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -c mp3.system 3 %nextsong)
      set %mp3.system.songnumber %nextsong
      .set %currentsong %nextsong2
      if (.mp3 isin %nextsong2) {
        splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.mp3)).seltext,.mp3))
      elseif (.wma isin %nextsong2) { 
        splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.wma)).seltext,.wma))
      $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -u mp3.system 3)
      $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -c mp3.system 3 %nextsong) 
      if (%randspam == on) {
        .set %randspamnum $rand(1,7)
        var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
        while (%a <= %b) {
          if (%randspamnum == 1) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
          if (%randspamnum == 2) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
          if (%randspamnum == 3) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
          if (%randspamnum == 4) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
          if (%randspamnum == 5) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
          if (%randspamnum == 6) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
          if (%randspamnum == 7) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
          inc %a

      elseif (%spamall == on ) {
        var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
        while (%a <= %b) {
          if (%spam1 == on ) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
          if (%spam2 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
          if (%spam3 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
          if (%spam4 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
          if (%spam5 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
          if (%spam6 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
          if (%spam7 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
          inc %a

    .set %nextsong $calc(%mp3.system.songnumber + 1)
    .set %nextsong2  $did(mp3.system,3,%nextsong)
    set %mp3.system.songnumber %nextsong
    .set %currentsong %nextsong2   
    if (%repeat == all) && (%nextsong2 == $null) {
      .set %nextsong 1
      .set %nextsong2  $did(mp3.system,3,%nextsong)

      set %mp3.system.songnumber %nextsong
      .set %currentsong %nextsong2
      if (.mp3 isin %nextsong2) {
        splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.mp3)).seltext,.mp3))
      elseif (.wma isin %nextsong2) { 
        splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.wma)).seltext,.wma))
      $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -u mp3.system 3)
      $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -c mp3.system 3 %nextsong) 
      if (%randspam == on) {
        .set %randspamnum $rand(1,7)
        var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
        while (%a <= %b) {
          if (%randspamnum == 1) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
          if (%randspamnum == 2) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
          if (%randspamnum == 3) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
          if (%randspamnum == 4) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
          if (%randspamnum == 5) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
          if (%randspamnum == 6) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
          if (%randspamnum == 7) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
          inc %a

      elseif (%spamall == on ) {
        var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
        while (%a <= %b) {
          if (%spam1 == on ) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
          if (%spam2 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
          if (%spam3 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
          if (%spam4 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
          if (%spam5 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
          if (%spam6 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
          if (%spam7 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
          inc %a

    else {
      if (.mp3 isin %nextsong2) {
        splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.mp3)).seltext,.mp3))
      elseif (.wma isin %nextsong2) { 
        splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.wma)).seltext,.wma))
      $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -u mp3.system 3)
      $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -c mp3.system 3 %nextsong)  
      if (%randspam == on) {
        .set %randspamnum $rand(1,7)
        var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
        while (%a <= %b) {
          if (%randspamnum == 1) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
          if (%randspamnum == 2) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
          if (%randspamnum == 3) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
          if (%randspamnum == 4) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
          if (%randspamnum == 5) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
          if (%randspamnum == 6) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
          if (%randspamnum == 7) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
          inc %a
      elseif (%spamall == on ) {
        var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
        while (%a <= %b) {
          if (%spam1 == on ) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
          if (%spam2 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
          if (%spam3 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
          if (%spam4 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
          if (%spam5 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
          if (%spam6 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
          if (%spam7 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
          inc %a


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Hawkee   -  Aug 06, 2016

Keeping mIRC alive! Did you build this recently?

blackvenomm666  -  Aug 07, 2016

No I had my mp3 player posted here before I just went through and redid it some so I deleted the original post and reposted it. Been around a year since I even got on irc until yesterday lol

DashRipr0ck  -  Jan 19, 2018

I like this script, blackvenomm666! (Belated) thank you!

blackvenomm666  -  Feb 20, 2018

thanks dash

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