RControl Bot v1.12a

By Mi9 on Jul 28, 2016

Update: 2019.02.16

Save as RControl Bot.mrc in mirc/scripts folder

/load -rs scripts/RControl Bot.mrc

set bot password

register to bot with a username and password

RControl Bot must have OP status.

Available commands:
op, deop, hop, dehop, voice, devoice, aov, kick, ban, kban, join, part, jump, invite, users [c], chlist, chinfo, nick, quit, botstatus, enable/disable (bot | register), remuser, botpass, newpass, login, logout, help.

;a   RControl Bot v1.12a - 2016.09.24 - [by Mi9]
;    http://hawkee.com/snippet/17200/
CTCP *:VERSION:.ctcpreply $nick VERSION RControl BOT v1.12a - [by Mi9] - http://hawkee.com/snippet/17200/

menu menubar {
  RControl Bot  [by Mi9]
  ..RControl Bot    ( $+ $upper($group(#rcontrol).status) $+ ):{
    if $group(#rcontrol).status == on { .disable #rcontrol | var %cgr 4 } 
    else { .enable #rcontrol | var %cgr 3 } 
    echo  $+ %cgr $+ :.: RControl Bot is $upper($group(#rcontrol).status)
  ..User registration   ( $+ $upper($group(#register).status) $+ ):{
    if $group(#register).status == on { .disable #register | var %cgr 4 } 
    else { .enable #register | var %cgr 3 } 
    echo  $+ %cgr $+ :.: RControl Bot - User registration is $upper($group(#register).status)
  ..Change Bot Password...:{
    .writeini scripts/rcontrol.cfg RC.by.Mi9 bpass $md5($$input(Enter password:,p,RControl Bot / Change Password - [by Mi9]))
    echo -a 4:.: RControl BOT PASSWORD CHANGED

on !^*:text:botstatus:?:{ cfprot
  if ($1 == botstatus) {
    .notice $nick ::: RControl Bot - [by Mi9] - STATUS :::
    .notice $nick Bot control is $upper( $+ $group(#rcontrol).status $+ )
    .notice $nick Users registration is $upper( $+ $group(#register).status $+ )
} halt
on !^*:text:enable*:?:{ cfprot
  if ($2 == $null || $3 == $null) { .msg $nick Syntax: /.msg $me ENABLE <bot $chr(124) register> <botpassword> | halt }
  if ($md5($3) == $readini(scripts/rcontrol.cfg,RC.by.Mi9,bpass)) {
    if ($2 == bot) { .enable #rcontrol | .notice $nick Bot commands is enabled. }
    if ($2 == register) { .enable #register | .notice $nick Users registration is ON. }
  else .notice $nick Invalid password.
} halt
on !^*:text:disable*:?:{ cfprot
  if ($2 == $null || $3 == $null) { .msg $nick Syntax: /.msg $me DISABLE <bot $chr(124) register> <botpassword> | halt }
  if ($md5($3) == $readini(scripts/rcontrol.cfg,RC.by.Mi9,bpass)) {
    if ($2 == bot) { .disable #rcontrol | .notice $nick Bot commands is disabled. }
    if ($2 == register) { .disable #register | .notice $nick Users registration is OFF. }
  else .notice $nick Invalid password.
} halt

#register on
on !^1:text:register*:?:{ cfprot
  if ($2 == $null || $3 == $null) { .msg $nick Syntax: /.msg $me REGISTER <username> <password> | halt }
  if ($readini(scripts/rcontrol.cfg,$2,$2) == $null) {
    .writeini scripts/rcontrol.cfg $2 $2 $md5($3)
    .notice $nick Username $2 was successfully registered.
  else .notice $nick Sorry, username $2 is already registered.
} halt
#register end

#rcontrol on
on !^1:text:login*:?:{ cfprot
  if ($2 == $null || $3 == $null) { .msg $nick Syntax: /.msg $me LOGIN <username> <password> | halt }
  elseif ($readini(scripts/rcontrol.cfg,$2,$2) != $null) {
    if ($md5($3) == $readini(scripts/rcontrol.cfg,$2,$2)) {
      .auser id $nick $address($nick,1) - is logged in as $2
      acmd | .msg $nick Available commands: %acmd | unset %acmd
      var %ccl $comchan($nick,0)
      if (%ccl == 0) { goto end }
      elseif ($comchan($nick,%ccl).op && %ccl != 0) {
        var %aov $readini(scripts/rcontrol.cfg,$2,aov)
        if (%aov != $null) {
          mode $comchan($nick,%ccl) + $+ %aov $nick
          dec %ccl | goto giveaov
    else { .notice $nick AUTHENTICATION FAILED (Invalid Password) }
  else { .notice $nick AUTHENTICATION FAILED (Invalid Username) }
} halt

on !^id:text:*:?:{ cfprot
  acmd | if ($1 !isin %acmd) return | unset %acmd
  if ($1 == help) { acmd | .msg $nick Available commands: %acmd | unset %acmd }
  if ($1 == login) .notice $nick Sorry, You are already authenticated.
  if ($1 == logout) { .ruser $nick | .notice $nick AUTHENTICATION IS CANCELED }
  if ($1 == botpass) {
    if ($2 == $null || $3 == $null) { .msg $nick Syntax: /.msg $me BOTPASS <old botpassword> <new botpassword> }
    else {
      if ($readini(scripts/rcontrol.cfg,RC.by.Mi9,bpass) == $md5($2)) {
        .writeini scripts/rcontrol.cfg RC.by.Mi9 bpass $md5($3) | .notice $nick BOT PASSWORD SUCCESSFULLY CHANGED
      else .notice $nick Old password is incorrect.
  if ($1 == newpass) {
    if ($2 == $null || $3 == $null) { .msg $nick Syntax: /.msg $me NEWPASS <username> <old password> <new password> }
    elseif ($readini(scripts/rcontrol.cfg,$2,$2) != $null) {
      if ($readini(scripts/rcontrol.cfg,$2,$2) == $md5($3)) {
        .writeini scripts/rcontrol.cfg $2 $2 $md5($4) | .notice $nick PASSWORD SUCCESSFULLY CHANGED
      else .notice $nick Old password is incorrect.
    else .notice $nick Invalid username.
  if ($1 == aov) {
    if ($3 == $null || $3 !isin ovn || $4 == $null) { .msg $nick Syntax: /msg $me AOV <username> <o (for Auto-OP), v (for Auto-VOICE), n (for NONE)> <password> | halt }
    elseif ($readini(scripts/rcontrol.cfg,$2,$2) != $null) {
      if ($md5($4) == $readini(scripts/rcontrol.cfg,$2,$2)) {
        if ($3 == o || $3 == v) {
          var %aov $3
          .writeini scripts/rcontrol.cfg $2 aov %aov
          if ($3 == o) var %aov OP | else var %aov VOICE
          .notice $nick Mode for $2 is set to Auto- $+ %aov
        else { .remini scripts/rcontrol.cfg $2 aov | .notice $nick Mode for $2 is set to NONE. }
      else .notice $nick Invalid password.
    else .notice $nick Invalid username.
  if ($1 == users) {
    if ($2 == $null) {
      if $ulist(*,id,0) > 0 {
        set %usr:list $ulist(*,id,0) | set %usr:nr 0 | set %usr:nick $nick
        .notice %usr:nick Authenticated users $ulist(*,0) $+ :
    elseif $2 == c usr-list-c
  if ($1 == chlist) chlist
  if ($1 == nick) {
    if ($2 == $null || $3 == $null) { .msg $nick Syntax: /.msg $me NICK <nick> [anick] <botpassword> | halt }
    if ($md5($3) == $readini(scripts/rcontrol.cfg,RC.by.Mi9,bpass)) {
      nick $2 | .notice $nick My nickname is now $2 
    elseif ($md5($4) == $readini(scripts/rcontrol.cfg,RC.by.Mi9,bpass)) {
      nick $2 | anick $3 | .notice $nick My nickname and alternative nickname are now $2 $+ , $3 
    else .notice $nick Invalid password.
  if ($1 == quit) {
    if ($2 == $null) { .msg $nick Syntax: /.msg $me QUIT <botpassword> [message] | halt }
    if ($md5($2) == $readini(scripts/rcontrol.cfg,RC.by.Mi9,bpass)) $1 $3-
    else .notice $nick Invalid password.
  if ($1 isin "deop devoice invite") { set %$3 [nick] }
  if ($1 isin "kick ban kban") { set %$3 <nick> [reason (only for kick and kban)] }
  if ($1 == op) {
    if ($2 == $null || $chr(35) !isin $left($2,1)) { stc$1 $1 | rchelp }
    elseif ($me isop $2) {
      if ($3 == $null) mode $2 +o $nick
      else mode $2 +o $3-
    else no.op $2
  if ($1 == deop) {
    if ($2 == $null || $chr(35) !isin $left($2,1)) { stc$1 $1 | rchelp }
    elseif ($me isop $2) {
      if ($3 == $null) mode $2 -o $nick
      else mode $2 -o $3-
    else no.op $2
  if ($1 == hop) {
    if ($2 == $null || $chr(35) !isin $left($2,1)) { stc$1 $1 | rchelp }
    elseif ($me isop $2) {
      if ($3 == $null) mode $2 +h $nick
      else mode $2 +h $3-
    else no.op $2
  if ($1 == dehop) {
    if ($2 == $null || $chr(35) !isin $left($2,1)) { stc$1 $1 | rchelp }
    elseif ($me isop $2) {
      if ($3 == $null) mode $2 -h $nick
      else mode $2 -h $3-
    else no.op $2
  if ($1 == voice) {
    if ($2 == $null || $chr(35) !isin $left($2,1)) { stc$1 $1 | rchelp }
    elseif ($me isop $2) {
      if ($3 == $null) mode $2 +v $nick
      else mode $2 +v $3-
    else no.op $2
  if ($1 == devoice) {
    if ($2 == $null || $chr(35) !isin $left($2,1)) { stc$1 $1 | rchelp }
    elseif ($me isop $2) {
      if ($3 == $null) mode $2 -v $nick
      else mode $2 -v $3-
    else no.op $2
  if ($1 == kick) {
    if ($2 == $null || $chr(35) !isin $left($2,1)) { stc$1 $1 | rchelp }
    elseif ($me isop $2) {
      kick $2 $3 $4-
    else no.op $2
  if ($1 == ban) {
    if ($2 == $null || $chr(35) !isin $left($2,1)) { stc$1 $1 | rchelp }
    elseif ($me isop $2) {
      mode $2 +b $3
    else no.op $2
  if ($1 == kban) {
    if ($2 == $null || $chr(35) !isin $left($2,1)) { stc$1 $1 | rchelp }
    elseif ($me isop $2) {
      mode $2 +b $3 | kick $2 $3 $4-
    else no.op $2
  if ($1 == invite) {
    if ($2 == $null || $chr(35) !isin $left($2,1)) { stc$1 $1 | rchelp }
    elseif ($3 == $null) invite $nick $2
    else invite $3 $2
  if ($1 == jump) {
    if ($2 == $null || $chr(35) !isin $left($2,1)) { stc$1 $1 | rchelp }
    else hop -c $2 $3
  if ($1 == join) {
    if ($2 == $null || $chr(35) !isin $left($2,1)) { stc$1 $1 | rchelp }
    else join $2 $3
  if ($1 == part) {
    if ($2 == $null || $chr(35) !isin $left($2,1)) { stc$1 $1 | rchelp }
    else part $2
  if ($1 == chinfo) {
    if ($2 == $null || $chr(35) !isin $left($2,1)) { stc$1 $1 | rchelp }
    else {
      if ($me !ison $2) { .notice $nick Sorry, I am not in  $2  channel. | halt }
      if ($chan($2).mode != $null) var %ch.mode $chan($2).mode | else var %ch.mode not set
      if ($chan($2).topic != $null) var %ch.topic $chan($2).topic | else var %ch.topic not set
      .notice $nick Channel information for $2
      .notice $nick Channel Mode: %ch.mode 1/ Topic: %ch.topic 1/ Idle: $chan($2).idle 1/ Nicknames: $+ $nick($2,0,a) ( OPS: $+ $nick($2,0,o) 1/ HalfOPS: $+ $nick($2,0,h) 1/ VOICED: $+ $nick($2,0,v) 1/ REGULAR: $+ $nick($2,0,r) )
  if ($1 == remuser) {
    if ($2 == $null || $3 == $null) { .msg $nick Syntax: /.msg $me REMUSER <username> <password $chr(124) botpassword> | halt }
    elseif ($readini(scripts/rcontrol.cfg,$2,$2) != $null) {
      if ($md5($3) == $readini(scripts/rcontrol.cfg,$2,$2) || $md5($3) == $readini(scripts/rcontrol.cfg,RC.by.Mi9,bpass)) {
        .remini scripts/rcontrol.cfg $2 | .notice $nick Username $2 was removed.
      else .notice $nick Invalid password.
    else .notice $nick Invalid username.
} halt

on 1:START:{ addpasswd }
on 1:LOAD:{ addpasswd }
on 1:OPEN:?:*: if ($1 isin "botstatus enable disable login register") { close -m $nick }
on ID:OPEN:?:*:{ acmd | if ($1 isin %acmd) { close -m $nick | unset %acmd } }
on id:NICK:{ var %A.user $gettok($ulist($nick,1).info,7,32) | .auser id $newnick $address($newnick,1) - is logged in as %A.user | .ruser $nick $+ ! }
on @id:JOIN:#:{ aov.status }
on !1:PART:#:{ if ($nick(#,0,o) == 0 && $nick(#,0) <= 2 || $nick(#,0,o) == 1 && $nick(#,0) <= 2 && $me !isop #) { hop # | mode # +nt } }
on id:PART:#:{ if ($comchan($nick,0) == 1) { .notice $nick You are not authorised with me anymore. | .ruser $nick } }
on *:QUIT:{ .ruser $nick $+ ! | var %ccq $comchan($nick,0)
  if (%ccq == 0) { goto end }
  elseif ($nick($comchan($nick,%ccq),0,o) == 0 || $nick($comchan($nick,%ccq),0,o) == 1 && $nick($comchan($nick,%ccq),0) == 2 && !$comchan($nick,%ccq).op) { hop $comchan($nick,%ccq) | mode $comchan($nick,%ccq) +nt }
  else { dec %ccq | goto getop }
on 1:DISCONNECT:{ .rlevel id }
on 1:EXIT:{ .rlevel id }
#rcontrol end

alias -l acmd {
  set %acmd 12op, 12deop, 12hop, 12dehop, 12voice, 12devoice, 12aov, 6kick, 6ban, $&
    6kban, 3join, 3part, 3jump, 3invite, 10users [c], 10chlist, 10chinfo, 10nick, $&
    10quit, 14botstatus, 14enable/disable (bot $chr(124) register), 5remuser, 5botpass, 5newpass, 5login, 5logout, help.
alias -l addpasswd {
  if ($readini(scripts/rcontrol.cfg,RC.by.Mi9,bpass) == $null) {
    echo 12 -a :.: RControl Bot by Mi9 :.:
    var %passwd $$input(Enter password:,p,RControl - [by Mi9])
    .writeini scripts/rcontrol.cfg RC.by.Mi9 bpass $md5(%passwd)
    echo -a 4:.: BOT PASSWORD ADDED
alias -l aov.status {
  var %aov $readini(scripts/rcontrol.cfg,$gettok($ulist($nick,1).info,7,32),aov)
  if (%aov != $null && $ulevel == id) { .timer.aov $+ $chan 1 3 mode # + $+ %aov $nick }
alias -l cfprot { if $timer(. $+ $nick).type == online halt | else .timer. $+ $nick 1 3 return }
alias -l chlist {
  var %t.ch $chan(0)
  while (%t.ch > 0) {
    if (p isin $chan(%t.ch).mode) || (s isin $chan(%t.ch).mode) && ($nick($chan(%t.ch),$nick) == $chan) {
      inc %s.ch | goto skip
    if ($me isreg $chan(%t.ch)) unset %my.ch.mode
    if ($me isvoice $chan(%t.ch)) var %my.ch.mode [+]
    if ($me ishop $chan(%t.ch)) var %my.ch.mode [%]
    if ($me isop $chan(%t.ch)) var %my.ch.mode [@]
    var %p.chlist $chan(%t.ch) $+ %my.ch.mode $+ %sep %p.chlist
    dec %t.ch
    if (%t.ch == 0) {
      if ($chan(0) > 1) var %ltr s
      if (%t.ch > 1) var %wrd are | else var %wrd is
      if (%s.ch > 0) var %sp.ch :( $+ %s.ch of them %wrd secret or private $+ ).
      .notice $nick I am on $chan(0) Channel $+ %ltr $+ : %p.chlist %sp.ch
      unset %s.ch
alias -l no.op { .notice $nick Sorry $nick $+ , I don't have OP on $1 channel. }
alias -l stc$1 { set %$1 $1 }
alias -l rchelp { .msg $nick Syntax: /msg $me %$1 <#channel> %$3 | unset %$1 %$3 }
alias -l usr-list-l {
  inc %usr:nr
  if (%usr:nr <= %usr:list) {
    .notice %usr:nick $ulist(*,id,%usr:nr) $ulist(*,id,%usr:nr).info
    .timer.lstusr 1 1 usr-list-l
  else { .notice %usr:nick End of users list. | unset %usr:* }
alias -l usr-list-c {
  var %usr:list $ulist(*,id,0), %usr:nr 0
  inc %usr:nr
  if (%usr:nr >= %usr:list) { unset %separ } | else { set %separ ; }
  if (%usr:nr <= %usr:list) { set %usr:show %usr:show $ulist(*,id,%usr:nr) ( $+ $gettok($ulist(*,id,%usr:nr).info,6,32) $+ ) $+ %separ | goto next }
  else { .notice $nick Authenticated users $ulist(*,0) $+ : | .notice $nick  %usr:show | .notice $nick End of users list. | unset %usr:* }

;a   RControl User v2019.02.16 - [by Mi9]

menu query,nicklist {
  RControl User [by Mi9] 
  .Login...:.msg $$1 LOGIN $$input(!!! $1 will receive confidential information !!! $crlf $+ <Username> <Password> separated by space.,p,RControl User - [by Mi9] - LOGIN to $1)
  . Logout:msg $$1 LOGOUT
  .List Auth Users [L]:msg $$1 users
  .List Auth Users [C]:msg $$1 users c
  .Channels List:/msg $$1 chlist
  .Channel Info...:/msg $$1 chinfo $chr(35) $+ $$input(Channel Info: $crlf $+ Enter channel name without #.,e,RControl User - [by Mi9] - $1)
  .Bot STATUS:/msg $$1 botstatus
  .Enable BOT Commands...:.msg $$1 enable bot $$input(!!! $1 will receive confidential information !!! $crlf $+ Enter Bot Password:,p,RControl User - [by Mi9] - Enable BOT Commands - $1)
  .Disable BOT Commands...:.msg $$1 disable bot $$input(!!! $1 will receive confidential information !!! $crlf $+ Enter Bot Password:,p,RControl User - [by Mi9] - Disable BOT Commands - $1)
  .Enable User REGISTRATION...:.msg $$1 enable register $$input(!!! $1 will receive confidential information !!! $crlf $+ Enter Bot Password:,p,RControl User - [by Mi9] - Enable User REGISTER - $1)
  .Disable User REGISTRATION...:.msg $$1 disable register $$input(!!! $1 will receive confidential information !!! $crlf $+ Enter Bot Password:,p,RControl User - [by Mi9] - Disable User REGISTER - $1)
  .Change Bot Password...:.msg $$1 bpass $$input(!!! $1 will receive confidential information !!! $crlf $+ Change BOT Password: $crlf $+ <old password> <new password> separated by space.,p,RControl User - [by Mi9] - $1)
  .Register as New Username...:.msg $$1 register $$input(!!! $1 will receive confidential information !!! $crlf $+ <New_Username> <Password> separated by space.,p,RControl User - [by Mi9] - REGISTER to $1)
  .Help:msg $$1 help



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Mi9   -  Aug 07, 2016

RControl Bot v1.12 - 2016.09.24

Some bug fixes

RControl Bot v1.11 - 2016.09.10

Improvement for "chlist" command.

RControl Bot v1.10 - 2016.09.07

Changes for "chlist" command

  • channels with mode +p, +s are skipped, if you're not on them.

RControl Bot v1.9a - 2016.09.04

Added commands:

  • change bot nickname and alternative_nickname (optional)
 /.msg botname nick <nick> [anick] <botpassword>
  • disconnect bot from IRC.
 /.msg botname quit <botpassword> [message]

Command changed:

  • "users c" command sent auth users in compact mode.
    Ex. Nick (auth_username); Nick2 (auth_username)
/msg botname users c


  • when an auth user change his nickname
  • auto-op|voice when an auth user join a channel (3 sec. delay)

RControl Bot v1.9 - 2016.08.09

Command added:

  • register (Default ON)
    Register username
    /.msg botname register <username> <password>
  • enable / disable
    Bot commands or Register
    /.msg botname enable  <bot | register> <botpass>
    /.msg botname disable  <bot | register> <botpass>
  • botstatus
    Display if Bot or Register status is ON or OFF

  • remuser
    Remove a username
    /.msg botname remuser <username> <password or botpass>


  • login now need a username
    /.msg botname login <username> <password>

RControl Bot v1.7 - 2016.08.07

  • I renamed "hop" command with "jump"
     /msg botname jump <#channel> [message]
  • Added commands:
    hop / dehop ( For servers that supports HalfOP, Mode +/-h )

  • Some bug fixes
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