QuakeBot Script v0.2 by OrFeAsGr

By OrFeAsGr on May 06, 2016

QuakeBot Script v0.2 Is Fully Scripted by OrFeAsGr - http://humanity.ucoz.com -
This is a bot script that sends the most recent earthquakes globally or near some places you choose!
-Sends new earthquakes to the channel you choose in the network you choose
-Map Link That points to the epicenter of the earthquake
-Magnitude and Epicenter Location
-You can filter the earthquakes that the bot sends by magnitude (from 2+ to 8+)
-You can make the bot send only earthquakes that occure near a place of your choice (from a given list of places)
-Filter and place settings commands are used only by a list of nicks you set
All users can use it:
Response: Bot Sends Stats Of EarthQuakes (today, last 7 days, last month, last year)
Only Masters Nicks Can use:
!filter <2-8> | none
Usage: the 1st and only parameter should be a number from 2 to 8 or none (for no filter)
it sets the magnitude filter to that number
Response: Lists of places you can set the bot to look for near eartquakes
Usage: The 1st and only parameter should be a place from the list or "none" (without " ") for global earthquakes.
!qfeed on/off
The parameter can be either on or off. it sets on or off the timer that checks for new earthquakes i.e the scripts main purpose.
!qmasters- nick
Removes the nick from the masters list
!qmasters+ nick
Adds the nick to the masters list

I think it's a usefull script for an IRC channel! Have fun tracking earthquakes! Share the link if you share this script! Don't remove the adv message if you'd like!
(The site that is used for this script is http://earthquaketrack.com )

;;;;;;;;QuakeBot Script by OrFeAsGr - http://humanity.ucoz.com -;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;Version: v0.2;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;; http://hawkee.com/snippet/17015/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
ON *:SOCKOPEN:quake: { if ($sockerr) { echo -at Error while retrieving earthquake info... | sockclose $sockname } | sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $+($iif(%cplaceq, $gettok(%placesquakelinks,$findtok(%placesquake,%cplaceq,1,126),126), $null),/recent,$iif(%filterquakes && %filterquakes != None, $+(?mag_filter=,$v1), $null)) HTTP/1.1 | sockwrite -nt $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 | $iif(%etag, sockwrite -nt $sockname If-None-Match: %etag, $Null) | sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: earthquaketrack.com | sockwrite $sockname $crlf }

ON *:SOCKREAD:quake: {
if (!%QUAKESversion) || (%QUAKESversion != v0.2) { set %QUAKESversion v0.2 }
  if ($sockerr) { echo -at Error while retrieving earthquake info... | sockclose $sockname }
  var %quake
  sockread %quake
  if (*Places Near* iswm %quake) {
    if (!%magndepth) {
      if (!%bchose) {
        set -u225 %bchose 1
        .timer 1 1 msg %chanquake You Have Chosen A Combination Of Place And/Or Filter Which Doesn't Result To Any Recorded Events. Please lower the Magnitude Filter Or Wait For Such Event To Occure! :)
  ; http://humanity.ucoz.com ;
  if (ETag: "*"  iswm %quake) {
    set %etag $gettok(%quake,2,32)
  if (HTTP/1.1 304* iswm %quake) {
    sockclose $sockname
  if (*earthquakes today* iswm %quake) || (*earthquakes in the past* iswm %quake) {
    inc %statsc 1
    set -u15 %nstats $replace($addtok(%nstats,$remove($replace($gettok(%quake,1-,32),$chr(44),.),<li>,</li>),44),$chr(44),$+($chr(44),$chr(32)))
    if (%statsc == 4) {
      unset %statsc 
      if (%lstats != %nstats) {
        set %lstats %nstats
  if (*abbr class="timeago"* iswm %quake) {
    if (!%quaketstop) {
      set %quaketstop 1
      var %ntime = $replace($remove($gettok(%quake,3,32),title=",Z,">),T,$chr(32)) UTC
      if (%ntime == %lastqtime) {
        unset %quake*
        sockclose $sockname
      elseif (%ntime != %lastqtime) {
        set %lastqtime %ntime
  if (*magnitude*depth* iswm %quake) {
    set %magndepth $gettok($gettok($remove(%quake,$chr(44)),3,62),1,60) $gettok($gettok(%quake,2,44),1,60)
  if (*a href="/*/recent*</a* iswm %quake) {
    if (%magndepth) && (!%gloccc) {
      inc %quakecountloc 1
      if (%quakecountloc < 4) {
        var %at = $gettok($gettok(%quake,2,62),1,60)
        set %quakeloc $replace($addtok(%quakeloc,%at,44),$chr(44),$+($chr(44),$chr(32)))
  if (*Location:* iswm %quake) {
    set %gloccc epir
  if (%gloccc == epir) && (*Location:* !iswm %quake) {
    var %g = $gettok(%quake,3-,32)
    set %quakelat $remove($gettok(%g,1,44),$chr(32))
    set %quakemag $remove($gettok(%g,2,44),$chr(32))
    set %gloccc qdist
  if (%gloccc == qdist) {
    if (*m from* iswm %quake) {
      set %quakedist %quake
      sockclose $sockname
      unset %gloccc 
      set %lastquakemsg $iif(%filterquakes && %filterquakes != None, 3Filter14:7 $v1, $null) $iif(%cplaceq, 3Tracking Near14:7 $v1 $+($chr(03),03,$chr(124)), $null) 7 Date&Time14: %lastqtime 7 Magnitude & Depth14: %magndepth 7Epicenter14: $+(http://maps.google.com/maps?q=loc:,%quakelat,$chr(44),%quakemag,&z=7) %quakedist %quakeloc
      msg %chanquake 14-3EarthQuake Feed14- $iif(%filterquakes && %filterquakes != None, 3Filter14:7 $v1, $null) $iif(%cplaceq, 3Tracking Near14:7 $v1 $+($chr(03),03,$chr(124)), $null) 7 Date&Time14: %lastqtime 7 Magnitude & Depth14: %magndepth 7Epicenter14: $+(http://maps.google.com/maps?q=loc:,%quakelat,$chr(44),%quakemag,&z=7) %quakedist %quakeloc
      if (!%delayquakeadv) {
        set -u1000 %delayquakeadv 1
        .timer 1 5 msg %chanquake 3Quake14-3Bot Script By 7OrFeAsGr14!!! - http://humanity.ucoz.com -
      unset %quake* %magndepth

ON *:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($chan == %chanquake) {
    if ($strip($1) == !stats) {
      if (!%saystatsquake) {
        set -u100 %saystatsquake 1
        msg %chanquake %lstats
    if ($istok(%mastersquake,$nick,32)) {
      if ($strip($1) == !filter) {
        if ($strip($2) isnum 2-8) || ($strip($2) == None) {
          if (%filterquakes != $strip($2)) {
            .timer 1 1 msg $chan 7Changed Filter From4 $iif(%filterquakes, $iif($v1 != None, $+($v1,+), $v1), None) 7to3 $iif($strip($2) != None, $+($strip($2),+), $strip($2)) 7magnitude. $iif(%cplaceq, $+($chr(40),$chr(03),07,Place,$chr(03),14,:,$chr(32),$chr(03),03,$v1,$chr(15),$chr(41)), $null)
            set %filterquakes $strip($2)
          elseif (%filterquakes == $strip($2)) {
            .timer 1 1 msg $chan 7Magnitude Filter Is Already3 $strip($2)
      if ($strip($1) == !qfeed) {
        if ($strip($2) == off) {
          if ($timer(quake).secs) { .timer 1 1 msg $chan 7EarthQuake Tracking Is Now 4Off14! | .timerquake off }
          elseif (!$timer(quake).secs) { .timer 1 1 msg $chan 7Eartquake Tracking Is Already4 Off14! }
        elseif ($strip($2) == on) {
          if (!$timer(quake).secs) { .timer 1 1 msg $chan 7EarthQuake Tracking Is Now 3On14! | .timerquake 0 45 sockopen quake earthquaketrack.com 80 }
          elseif ($timer(quake).secs) { .timer 1 1 msg $chan 7Eartquake Tracking Is Already3 On14! }
      if ($strip($1) == !qmasters-) {
        if ($istok(%mastersquake,$strip($2),32)) {
          set %mastersquake $remtok(%mastersquake,$strip($2),1,32)
          .timer 1 1 msg $chan $strip($2) Was Removed From Quake-Masters!
      if ($strip($1) == !qmasters+) {
        if (!$istok(%mastersquake,$strip($2),32)) {
          set %mastersquake $addtok(%mastersquake,$strip($2),32)
          .timer 1 1 msg $chan $strip($2) Was Added In Quake-Masters!
      if ($strip($1) == !places) {
        .timer 1 1 msg $chan Places: $replace(%placesquake,$chr(126),$+($chr(44),$chr(32)))
        .timer 1 2 msg $chan You can set me to track earthquakes near any of these places! Type !near <place> (type "!near none" (without ") to set it to global tracking (Default))
      if ($strip($1) == !near) {
        if ($istok(%placesquake,$strip($2-),126) == $true) {
          if (%cplaceq != $strip($2-)) {
            .timer 1 1 msg $chan 7Changed Place From4 $iif(%cplaceq, $v1, None) 7To3 $strip($2-) . $iif(%filterquakes && %filterquakes != none, $+($chr(40),$chr(03),07,Magintude Filter,$chr(03),14,:,$chr(32),$chr(03),03,$v1,$chr(15),$chr(41)), $null)
            set %cplaceq $strip($2-)
          elseif (%cplaceq == $strip($2-)) {
            .timer 1 1 msg $chan 7Place Is Already3 %cplaceq
        elseif ($istok(%placesquake,$strip($2-),126) == $false) && ($strip($2-) != None) {
          .timer 1 1 msg $chan 4False3 Argument14,3This Place Is Not On The List! Do !places to see the list!
        elseif ($strip($2-) == None) {
          .timer 1 1 msg $chan 7EarthQuakes Will Now Be Tracked Globally14! $iif(%filterquakes && %filterquakes != None, $+($chr(40),$chr(03),07,Magintude Filter,$chr(03),14,:,$chr(32),$chr(03),03,$v1,$chr(15),$chr(41)), $null)
          unset %cplaceq

ON *:JOIN:#: {
  if ($chan == %chanquake) {
    if ($nick != $me) {
      if (%joinquake) {
        if (!$($+(%,recjoin,$address($nick,2)),2)) {
          set -u500 $+(%,recjoin,$address($nick,2))
          notice $nick Hey $nick ! Welcome to $+($chan,!) Last EarthQuake That Occured Is: %lastquakemsg
          notice $nick New Events Are Sent With A Channel Message! Thanks for the support! (QuakeBot by OrFeAsGr) http://humanity.ucoz.com
    elseif ($nick == $me) {
      .timer 1 2 sockopen quake earthquaketrack.com 80
      .timerquake 0 45 sockopen quake earthquaketrack.com 80
      msg $chan 7,3Let's track some earthquakes14...7,3Shall we14? 

ON *:LOAD: {
  if (!placesquake) {
    set %placesquake LA and Southern California~Northern California~San Francisco Bay Area, California~The Pacific Northwest~South America~The Caribbean and Central America~Southeast Asia~Europe~Asia~The Middle East~Southern and Central Africa~Japan~New Zealand~United States~Greece~British Columbia~California~Oklahoma~Texas
  if (!%placesquakelinks) {
    set %placesquakelinks /v/la~/v/norcal~/v/sf~/v/pnw~/v/southamerica~/v/caribbean~/v/seasia~/v/europe~/v/asia~/v/middleeast~/v/safrica~/p/japan~/p/new-zealand~/p/united-states~/p/greece~/p/canada/british-columbia~/p/united-states/california/~/p/united-states/oklahoma~/p/united-states/texas
  if (!%netquake) { set %netquake $?="-QuakeBot- Please enter the network you want the QuakeBot Script to work in" }
  if (!%chanquake) { set %chanquake $?="-QuakeBot- Please enter the channel you want the QuakeBot Script to work in" }
  if (!%mastersquake) { set %mastersquake $?="-QuakeBot- Please enter the nicks which you want QuakeBot to listen to for settings" }
  echo -at 3The Script Will Now Work At 7Network14: %netquake 3And 7Channel14: %chanquake

  var %y = $?!="-QuakeBot- Do you want to connect to %netquake and join %chanquake for the QuakeBot Script to work?"
  if (%y == $true) { server -m %netquake 6667 -j %chanquake }
  else { echo -at QuakeBot Script By OrFeAsGr - http://humanity.ucoz.com - }

ON *:EXIT: {
if (%delayquakeadv) { unset %delayquakeadv }

;;;;;;;;QuakeBot Script by OrFeAsGr - http://humanity.ucoz.com -;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;Version: v0.1b;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;; http://hawkee.com/snippet/17015/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Do you want to help me make some money? You can do it without paying for nothing! Just visit my site http://humanity.ucoz.com ,turn off your ad blocker, watch an ad and turn it back on! You'll be giving me something less than a cent! Thanks!

Or do you want to donate some bucks because you like my scripts??? Visit https://www.paypal.me/OrFeAsGr
Thx! ^_^


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dma   -  May 08, 2016

how do i get it started up i filled in the blanks

dma  -  May 08, 2016

i joined my network but is used my alterantive nick to use it .. dont worry about it i'll unload it.. thanks for your time

OrFeAsGr  -  May 09, 2016

Hey! :)
You get a Yes/No window for connecting to the network you set when you Load the script.
You can delete lines 186 to 190 to stop this whenever mIRC starts.

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OrFeAsGr   -  May 08, 2016

Latest change(s) below:
-Added ID and version for Update checker!

dma  -  May 13, 2016

this script is working fine.. i like your stuff... but people are like why are you into earthquakes? i say i interested lol..

OrFeAaGr : can u make a baseball script? from !mlb like that?? get back to me please....dma irc.axon.pw #irc

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OrFeAsGr   -  May 06, 2016

For Full Image Click Here> http://humanity.ucoz.com/earthquakes.png

dma  -  Aug 27, 2016

this is running very well , i was wondering if you could make one for tornadoes plz

thanks dma irc.axon.pw #irc

dma  -  Oct 16, 2017


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