Mp3 Player

By Del_Felesif on Jan 16, 2006

I added a playlist function to this. I never really got around to making it look better, but I'm used to this. I think I changed everything I needed to, and I think I forgot to do something with the delete playlist, but I don't remember. I also think I stopped making the reset have error messages.

(It's my own work by hand, too)

menu channel,status {
  Jon's Mp3:/mp
alias mp {
  if (!$dialog(jons_mp)) {
    dialog -md jons_mp jons_mp
dialog jons_mp {
  title "Jon's Mp3 Player Version 2.0"
  size -1 -1 500 225
  list 1, 5 5 200 200
  button "Add", 2, 210 5 40 30
  button "Whole List", 3, 300 5 60 30
  button "Delete", 4, 255 5 40 30
  edit "", 5, 5 200 490 20, read
  edit "", 6, 210 40 150 20, read autohs
  button "Set Dir", 7, 365 40 40 20
  button "Reset", 8, 365 5 40 30
  button "Play", 9, 210 160 50 30, default
  button "Stop", 10, 265 160 50 30
  button "Pause", 11, 320 160 50 15
  button "Resume", 12, 320 175 50 15
  box "Songs Played", 13, 210 65 160 90
  edit "1", 14, 215 80 75 20
  button "Set", 15, 290 80 75 20
  button "Play All", 16, 215 105 150 20
  button "Repeat", 17, 215 130 150 20
  check "Random", 18, 375 65 60 15
  check "Message in Channel", 19, 375 85 115 15
  list 20, 5 5 200 200, hide
  button "Options", 21, 410 5 50 30
  button "Random", 22, 435 65 55 20
  button "Send Message", 23, 375 105 115 20
  button "Mute", 24, 375 160 50 30
  menu "Playlist", 25
  item "New", 26, 25
  item "Open", 27, 25
  item "Delete", 28, 25
on *:DIALOG:jons_mp:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 1) {
    set %jonsmp.line $did(jons_mp,1).sel
    set %jonsmp.selected $did(jons_mp,1).seltext
  if ($did == 2) {
    var %jonsmp.file = $sfile(%jonsmp.dir,Choose an mp3. . .,Add)
    if (%jonsmp.file != $null) {
      set %jonsmp.songs $calc(%jonsmp.songs + 1)
      hadd -m %jonsmp.currentplaylist songs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.songs ] ] $nopath(%jonsmp.file)
      hadd -m %jonsmp.currentplaylist dirs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.songs ] ] $nofile(%jonsmp.file)
      hsave -o %jonsmp.currentplaylist $eval(%jonsmp.currentplaylist $+ .hsh)
      dialog -x jons_mp
  if ($did == 3) {
    var = $findfile(%jonsmp.dir,%jonsmp.mp3orwma,0,did -a jons_mp 20 $1-)
    var %jonsmp.temp.lines = $did(jons_mp,20).lines
    var %jonsmp.temp.checking.hash = 1
    while (%jonsmp.temp.lines >= %jonsmp.temp.checking.hash) {
      set %jonsmp.songs $calc(%jonsmp.songs + 1)
      hadd -m %jonsmp.currentplaylist songs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.songs ] ] $nopath($findfile(%jonsmp.dir,%jonsmp.mp3orwma, $+ [ %jonsmp.temp.checking.hash ] $+ ))
      hadd -m %jonsmp.currentplaylist dirs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.songs ] ] $nofile($findfile(%jonsmp.dir,%jonsmp.mp3orwma, $+ [ %jonsmp.temp.checking.hash ] $+ ))
      hsave -o %jonsmp.currentplaylist %jonsmp.currentplaylist $+ .hsh
      inc %jonsmp.temp.checking.hash 1
    dialog -x jons_mp
  if ($did == 4) {
    var %jonsmp.line = $did(jons_mp,1).sel
    var %jonsmp.checking.hash = $calc(%jonsmp.line - 1)
    while (%jonsmp.songs > %jonsmp.checking.hash) {
      inc %jonsmp.checking.hash 1
      hadd %jonsmp.currentplaylist dirs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.checking.hash ] ] $hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,dirs [ $+ [ $calc(%jonsmp.checking.hash + 1) ] ] ))
      hadd %jonsmp.currentplaylist songs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.checking.hash ] ] $hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,songs [ $+ [ $calc(%jonsmp.checking.hash + 1) ] ] ))
      hdel %jonsmp.currentplaylist songs [ $+ [ $calc(%jonsmp.checking.hash + 1) ] ]
      hdel %jonsmp.currentplaylist dirs [ $+ [ $calc(%jonsmp.checking.hash + 1) ] ]
    hdel %jonsmp.currentplaylist songs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.songs ] ]
    hdel %jonsmp.currentplaylist dirs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.songs ] ]
    set %jonsmp.songs $calc(%jonsmp.songs - 1)
    dialog -x jons_mp
  if ($did == 7) {
    var = $sdir="Mp3 directory" c:
    if ( != $null) {
      set %jonsmp.dir
      did -r jons_mp 6
      did -a jons_mp 6 %jonsmp.dir
    else {
      echo -a You didn't select a file.
  if ($did == 8) {
    hdel -w %jonsmp.currentplaylist songs*
    hdel -w %jonsmp.currentplaylist dirs*
    set %jonsmp.songs 0
    dialog -x jons_mp
  if ($did == 9) {
    var %jonsmp.line = $did(jons_mp,1).sel
    set %jonsmp.p $did(jons_mp,1).seltext
    splay $hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,dirs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.line ] ] ) $+ $hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,songs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.line ] ] )
    set %jonsmp.songs.played 1
    if (%jonsmp.message == yes) {
      amsg $me likes 9~*~ $remove($hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,songs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.line ] ] ),.mp3,.wma) 9~*~
  if ($did == 10) {
    splay stop
  if ($did == 11) {
    splay Pause
  if ($did == 12) {
    splay Resume
  if ($did == 15) {
    set %jonsmp.songs.playing $did(jons_mp,14).text
    did -t jons_mp 9
  if ($did == 16) {
    did -c jons_mp 1 1
    set %jonsmp.songs.playing $did(jons_mp,1).lines
    var %jonsmp.line = $did(jons_mp,1).sel
    splay $hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,dirs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.line ] ] ) $+ $hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,songs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.line ] ] )
  if ($did == 17) {
    if (%jonsmp.repeat == no) {
      set %jonsmp.repeat wait
      .timer 1 .2 /set %jonsmp.repeat yes
      did -r jons_mp 17
      did -a jons_mp 17 Unrepeat
    if (%jonsmp.repeat == yes) {
      set %jonsmp.repeat no
      did -r jons_mp 17
      did -a jons_mp 17 Repeat
  if ($did == 18) {
    if (%jonsmp.random == no) {
      set %jonsmp.random wait
      .timer 1 .2 /set %jonsmp.random yes
    if (%jonsmp.random == yes) {
      set %jonsmp.random no
  if ($did == 19) {
    if (%jonsmp.message == no) {
      set %jonsmp.message wait
      .timer 1 .2 /set %jonsmp.message yes
    if (%jonsmp.message == yes) {
      set %jonsmp.message no
  if ($did == 21) {
    if (!$dialog(jons_mp_options)) {
      dialog -mv jons_mp_options jons_mp_options
  if ($did == 22) {
    set %jonsmp.line $rand(1,$did(jons_mp,1).lines)
    did -c jons_mp 1 %jonsmp.line
    set %jonsmp.p $did(jons_mp,1).seltext
    splay $hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,dirs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.line ] ] ) $+ $hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,songs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.line ] ] )
    set %jonsmp.songs.played 1
    if (%jonsmp.message == yes) {
      amsg $me likes 9~*~ $remove($hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,songs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.line ] ] ),.mp3,.wma) 9~*~
  if ($did == 23) {
    msg $active $me likes 9~*~ $remove($hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,songs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.line ] ] ),.mp3,.wma) 9~*~
  if ($did == 24) {
    if ($vol(master).mute == $false) { vol -vu1 | did -o jons_mp 24 1 Unmute } | elseif ($vol(master).mute == $true) { vol -vu2 | did -o jons_mp 24 1 Mute }
on *:Dialog:Jons_mp:menu:*: {
  if ($did == 26) {
    dialog -mv New_Playlist New_Playlist
  if ($did == 27) {
    dialog -mv Open_Playlist Open_Playlist
  if ($did == 28) {
    dialog -mv del_playlist del_playlist
dialog Open_Playlist {
  title "Playlist"
  size -1 -1 200 95
  list 1, 5 5 190 95
dialog Del_Playlist {
  title "Playlist"
  size -1 -1 200 95
  list 1, 5 5 190 95
on *:DIALOG:del_playlist:init:0 {
  var %x = 0
  while (%jonsmp.playlists > %x) {
    inc %x
    did -a del_Playlist 1 $eval($chr(37) $+ jonsmp.playlist. $+ %x,2)
on *:DIALOG:del_playlist:dclick:1: {
  hfree $did(del_playlist,1).seltext
  set %jonsmp.playlists $calc(%jonsmp.playlists - 1)
  unset %jonsmp.playlist. $+ $did(del_playlist,1).sel
  if (%jonsmp.playlists >= $did(del_playlist,1).sel) {
  dialog -x del_playlist
on *:DIALOG:open_playlist:init:0 {
  var %x = 0
  while (%jonsmp.playlists > %x) {
    inc %x
    did -a Open_Playlist 1 $eval($chr(37) $+ jonsmp.playlist. $+ %x,2)
on *:DIALOG:open_playlist:dclick:*: {
  set %jonsmp.currentplaylist $did(open_playlist,1).seltext
  if ($hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,0).item > 1) {
    set %jonsmp.songs $calc($hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,0).item / 2)
  if ($hget($did(open_playlist,1).seltext,0).item < 1) {
    set %jonsmp.songs 0
  dialog -x open_playlist
  dialog -x jons_mp
dialog New_Playlist {
  title "Playlist"
  size -1 -1 300 60
  text "What will you call the new playlist?", 1, 5 5 300 20
  edit "", 2, 5 30 290 20
  button "Go", 3, 0 0 0 0, default
on *:DIALOG:New_Playlist:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 3) {
    inc %jonsmp.playlists
    set %jonsmp.playlist. $+ %jonsmp.playlists $did(New_Playlist,2).text
    hmake $did(New_Playlist,2).text 100
    dialog -x New_Playlist
on *:DIALOG:jons_mp:edit:14: {
  did -t jons_mp 15
on *:DIALOG:jons_mp:init:0: {
  did -a jons_mp 6 %jonsmp.dir
  did -a jons_mp 1 $hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,songs [ $+ [ 1 ] ] ))
  var %jonsmp.checking.hash = 1
  var %jonsmp.finding = [ $calc($hfind(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,*,0,w) / 2) ]
  while (%jonsmp.songs > %jonsmp.checking.hash) {
    inc %jonsmp.checking.hash 1
    did -a jons_mp 1 $hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,songs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.checking.hash ] ] ))
  did -c jons_mp 1 %jonsmp.line
  if (%jonsmp.repeat == yes) {
    did -r jons_mp 17
    did -a jons_mp 17 Unrepeat
  if (%jonsmp.random == yes) {
    did -c jons_mp 18
  if (%jonsmp.message == yes) {
    did -c jons_mp 19
on *:DIALOG:jons_mp:dclick:1: {
  var %jonsmp.line = $did(jons_mp,1).sel
  set %jonsmp.p $did(jons_mp,1).seltext
  splay $hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,dirs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.line ] ] ) $+ $hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,songs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.line ] ] )
  set %jonsmp.songs.played 1
  if (%jonsmp.message == yes) {
    amsg $me likes 9~*~ $remove($hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,songs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.line ] ] ),.mp3,.wma) 9~*~
alias jons_mp_songs_played {
  if (%jonsmp.songs.playing == 1) {
    did -r jons_mp 5
    did -a jons_mp 5 You have played %jonsmp.songs.played $+ / $+ %jonsmp.songs.playing song.
  else {
    did -r jons_mp 5
    did -a jons_mp 5 You have played %jonsmp.songs.played $+ / $+ %jonsmp.songs.playing songs.
on *:LOAD: {
  if ($hget(Default) != Default) {
    hmake Default 100
  set %jonsmp.dir C:Documents and SettingsOwnerMy DocumentsMy Music
  set %jonsmp.songs 0
  set %jonsmp.songs.playing 1
  set %jonsmp.repeat no
  set %jonsmp.random no
  set %jonsmp.message no
  set %jonsmp.mp3orwma *.mp3
  set %jonsmp.playlists 1
  set %jonsmp.playlist.1 Default
  %jonsmp.currentplaylist Default
  echo -a You have just loaded Jon's Mp3 Player Version 2.0! Open with /mp

on *:MP3END: {
  if (%jonsmp.repeat == yes) {
    splay $hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,dirs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.line ] ] ) $+ $hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,songs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.line ] ] )
  if (%jonsmp.songs.played >= %jonsmp.songs.playing) {
  if (!$dialog(jons_mp)) {
    var %jonsmp.dunno yes
  if (%jonsmp.random == no) {
    set %jonsmp.line $calc(%jonsmp.line + 1)
  else {
    set %jonsmp.line $rand(1,$did(jons_mp,1).lines)
  did -c jons_mp 1 %jonsmp.line
  splay $hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,dirs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.line ] ] ) $+ $hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,songs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.line ] ] )
  set %jonsmp.songs.played $calc(%jonsmp.songs.played + 1)
  if (%jonsmp.message == yes) {
    amsg $me likes 9~*~ $remove($hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,songs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.line ] ] ),.mp3,.wma) 9~*~
  if (%jonsmp.dunno == yes) {
    dialog -x jons_mp

dialog jons_mp_options {
  title "Jon's Mp3 Options"
  size -1 -1 100 100
  list 1, 5 5 50 95
  text "Choose which type of file to add for the whole list function", 2, 55 0 50 90
on *:DIALOG:jons_mp_options:init:0: {
  didtok jons_mp_options 1 44 *.wma,*.mp3
on *:DIALOG:jons_mp_options:sclick:1: {
  set %jonsmp.mp3orwma $did(jons_mp_options,1).seltext
  dialog -x jons_mp_options
alias F12 { /msg $active $me likes 9~*~ $remove($hget(%jonsmp.currentplaylist,songs [ $+ [ %jonsmp.line ] ] ),.mp3,.wma) 9~*~ }


Sign in to comment.
T012m3n7oR   -  Mar 21, 2008
  • /splay: invalid parameters (line 838, remote.ini)
  • /hsave: insufficient parameters (line 769, remote.ini)
  • /hsave: insufficient parameters (line 756, remote.ini)
  • /hsave: insufficient parameters (line 756, remote.ini)
  • /hsave: insufficient parameters (line 756, remote.ini)
  • /splay: invalid parameters (line 812, remote.ini)

Is What Happens When I Try And Add A Song Better Work On That..

corax   -  Aug 30, 2006

This script of U it\'s s3cond U tell, but it\'s making to many garbage in status windows, and probadly in difterent one\'s becouse of [tables]

  • /hfree: no such table \'jons_mp\' (line 90, MPplayer.txt)(or mrc)(or ini)
    U should fix that..
vampslim   -  Jan 16, 2006

Well I got it, it\'s probally my script

nobody   -  Jan 16, 2006

I tested it, and I didn\'t get any errors at all. This is a good snippet; however, the dialogs could\'ve been better made, and I didn\'t really get the \"Songs Played\" part.

RoninWarrior   -  Jan 16, 2006

i didnt test it but in need of some serious dialog alignment

Raichu   -  Jan 16, 2006

Vampslim, I didnt get that :S

Raichu   -  Jan 16, 2006

I can comment everywhere i want to, and it happens to be that i have this script run perfectly and this is a real snipped. I can post politely. However, If you keep posting \"1 command alliases with Identifiers\"I mean, The only thing it might be usefull is 2 scripters themself. That means, I dont find it usefull, Neither do scripters because they write theyr own stuff with identifiers.

vampslim   -  Jan 16, 2006

All i\'m getting is:

  • /splay: invalid parameters (line 124, script3.ini)
  • /splay: invalid parameters (line 124, script3.ini)
  • /splay: invalid parameters (line 98, script3.ini)
  • /splay: invalid parameters (line 98, script3.ini)
  • /splay: invalid parameters (line 98, script3.ini)
  • ps Need to fix that

XpLoiTeR   -  Jan 16, 2006

foamy...yes he cant comment more politely everwhere else....anyway i think am outttt i have to study for my exams

Foamy   -  Jan 16, 2006

Ok, Xploiter, He doesn\'t have to send in Script/Snippets to comment. Raichu may comment if he want, Keep the profanity down also.

@ Del_Felseif;
Very good job on the Mp3 Player.

XpLoiTeR   -  Jan 16, 2006

Del_Felsif ... notbad i like it but the design isnt wow..needs an artistic touch ;) ..
in case ur the one who wrote it.....GJ

XpLoiTeR   -  Jan 16, 2006

raichu....Y u dnt attack like u always do????redneck???ur a fool u donno anythg abt scriptin so stop commenting n show us ur skill MrSHIT

Raichu   -  Jan 16, 2006

good job!

Playing possiblitys are fine!
This snipped plays files which has a space in. Keep it up! one of the best snipped mp3players right now!

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