Twitch Giveaway (AUTO)

By ^WeSt on Jun 19, 2015

Requested for: Draven


Credits to SReject (JSON Code)


This is an giveaway module that when someone start an new giveaway with an specific word when people say this word then the user
added into the list and after giving command to end the giveaway then it will get an random winner and give to the channel also
when it gives the winner it scan if the user is following the channel or not.


!Giveawaystart WORD = This starting the giveaway with the given word and if the user tells this word the bot will automatically add him/her into the list, the giveaway will expire after 5 mins and give the results.

  • Enjoy!
ON !*:TEXT:*:#: { ; by westor 2015
  if (%giveawaystart_ [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) {
    if ($1 == %giveawaymsg_ [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) {
      if ($read(Raffle_ $+ $chan $+ .txt,nw,$nick)) { msg # ( $+ $nick $+ ): You are already into the list! | return }
      write Raffle_ $+ $chan $+ .txt $nick 
      msg # ( $+ $nick $+ ): You have been added to the list.
  if ($1 == !giveawaystart) {
    if ($nick isop #) {
      if ($2) {
        if (%giveawaystart_ [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { msg # ( $+ $nick $+ ): There is an other giveaway at the moment! | return }
        set -e %giveawaystart_ [ $+ [ $chan ] ] On
        set -e %giveawaymsg_ [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $2
        set -e %giveawaynick_ [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $nick
        msg # ( $+ $nick $+ ): Giveaway started and will expire in 5 minutes, the word/phrase to join is $qt($2)
        .timer[GIVEAWAY_SAY] 0 60 giveaway_say $chan
        .timer[GIVEAWAY] 1 300 giveaway_end $chan
        if ($isfile(Raffle_ $+ $chan $+ .txt)) { .remove $qt(Raffle_ $+ $chan $+ .txt) }
      elseif (!$2) { msg # ( $+ $nick $+ ): Please enter a word for the giveaway trigger. }
    elseif ($nick !isop #) { msg # ( $+ $nick $+ ): You are NOT an channel operator! }

alias giveaway_say { ; by westor 2015
  if (!$1) { .timer[GIVEAWAY_SAY] off | return }
  if ($me !ison $1) { .timer[GIVEAWAY_SAY] off | return }
  if (!%giveawaystart_ [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) { .timer[GIVEAWAY_SAY] off | return }
  var %l = $timer([GIVEAWAY]).secs
  if (%l !== 0) { .msg $1 (GIVEAWAY): The GiveAway will expire in:  $+ $duration(%l) $+  }

alias giveaway_end { ; by westor 2015
  .timer[GIVEAWAY*] off
  if (!$1) { return }
  if (!%giveawaystart_ [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) { return }
  var %user = $read(Raffle $+ _ $+ $1 $+ .txt,n)
  unset %giveawaystart_ [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  unset %giveawaymsg_ [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  unset %giveawaynick_ [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  if (%user) { tw_check_follow_auto $remove($1,$chr(35)) %user $1 }
  else { .msg $1 (GIVEAWAY): There is NOT any winner available. }
  if ($isfile(Raffle_ $+ $1 $+ .txt)) { .remove $qt(Raffle_ $+ $1 $+ .txt) }

alias tw_check_follow_auto { ; by westor 2015
  if (!$1) { return }
  var %u = $+ $2 $+ /follows/channels/ $+ $1 $+ ?limit=1&nocache= $+ $ticks
  var %v = twc_ $+ $ticks
  JSONOpen -ud %v %u
  if (%JSONError) { var %error = 1 | goto end | return }
  var %fc = $json(%v,error)
  if (%fc) { 
    var %msg = $json(%v,message) 
    if (is not following isin %msg) { var %status = 0 }
  var %status = $json(%v,created_at)
  if (%error) { msg $3 (GIVEAWAY): Giveaway has ended, the winner is: $2 ( $+ $2 is NOT following the channel) | goto end2 }
  if (!%status) { msg $3 (GIVEAWAY): Giveaway has ended, the winner is: $2 ( $+ $2 is NOT following the channel) }
  elseif (%status) { msg $3 (GIVEAWAY): Giveaway has ended, the winner is: $2 ( $+ $2 is following the channel) }
  JSONClose %v

; -----

alias JSONVersion {
  if ($isid) {
    return $iif($1 != short,JSONForMirc v,v) $+ 0.2.2
alias JSONError {
  if ($isid) {
    return %JSONError 
alias JSONOpen {
  if ($isid) return
  unset %JSONError
  debugger -i 0 Calling /JSONOpen $1-
  var %switches = -, %error, %com, %file
  if (-* iswm $1) {
    %switches = $1
    tokenize 32 $2-
  if ($regex(%switches, ([^dbfuw\-]))) {
    %error = Invalid switches specified: $regml(1)
  elseif ($regex(%switches, ([dbfuw]).*?\1)) {
    %error = Duplicate switch specified: $regml(1)
  elseif ($regex(%switches, /([bfu])/g) > 1) {
    %error = Conflicting switches: $regml(1) $+ , $regml(2)
  elseif (u !isin %switches && w isin %switches) {
    %error = -w switch can only be used with -u
  elseif ($0 < 2) {
    %error = Missing Parameters
  elseif (!$regex($1, /^[a-z][a-z\d_.-]+$/i)) {
    %error = Invalid handler name: Must start with a letter and contain only letters numbers _ . and -
  elseif ($com(JSONHandler:: $+ $1)) {
    %error = Name in use
  elseif (b isin %switches && $0 != 2) {
    %error = Invalid parameter: Binary variable names cannot contain spaces
  elseif (b isin %switches && &* !iswm $2) {
    %error = Invalid parameters: Binary variable names start with &
  elseif (b isin %switches && !$bvar($2, 0)) {
    %error = Invalid parameters: Binary variable is empty
  elseif (f isin %switches && !$isfile($2-)) {
    %error = Invalid parameters: File doesn't exist
  elseif (f isin %switches && !$file($2-).size) {
    %error = Invalid parameters: File is empty
  elseif (u isin %switches && $0 != 2) {
    %error = Invalid parameters: URLs cannot contain spaces
  else {
    .comopen JSONHandler:: $+ $1 MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
    if (!$com(JSONHandler:: $+ $1) || $comerr) {
      %error = Unable to create an instance of MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
    else {
      %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
      if (!$com(%com, language, 4, bstr, jscript) || $comerr) {
        %error = Unable to set ScriptControl's language to Javascript
      elseif (!$com(%com, timeout, 4, bstr, 60000) || $comerr) {
        %error = Unable to set ScriptControl's timeout to 60seconds
      elseif (!$com(%com, ExecuteStatement, 1, bstr, $JScript) || $comerr) {
        %error = Unable to add required javascript to the ScriptControl instance
      elseif (u isincs %switches) {
        if (1 OK != $jstry(%com, $jscript(urlInit), $escape($2-).quote)) {
          %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
        elseif (w !isincs %switches && 0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $jscript(urlParse), status="error").withError) {
          %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
      elseif (f isincs %switches) {
        if (1 OK != $jstry(%com, $jscript(fileParse), $escape($longfn($2-)).quote)) {
          %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
      elseif (b isincs %switches) {
        %file = $tempfile
        bwrite $qt(%file) -1 -1 $2
        debugger %com Wrote $2 to $qt(%file)
        if (0 ?* iswm $jstry(%com, $jscript(fileParse), $escape(%file).quote)) {
          %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
      else {
        %file = $tempfile
        write -n $qt(%file) $2-
        debugger %com Wrote $2- to $qt(%file)
        if (0 ?* iswm $jstry(%com, $jscript(fileParse), $escape(%file).quote)) {
          %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
      if (!%error) {
        if (d isin %switches) {
          $+(.timer, %com) -o 1 0 JSONClose $1
        Debugger -s %com Successfully created
  %error = $iif($error, $error, %error)
  if (%file && $isfile(%file)) {
    .remove $qt(%file)
    debugger %com Removed $qt(%file)
  if (%error) {
    if (%com && $com(%com)) {
      .comclose %com
    set -eu0 %JSONError %error
    Debugger -e 0 /JSONOpen %switches $1- --RAISED-- %error
alias JSONUrlMethod {
  if ($isid) return
  unset %JSONError
  debugger -i 0 Calling /JSONUrlMethod $1-
  var %error, %com
  if ($0 < 2) {
    %error = Missing parameters
  elseif ($0 > 2) {
    %error = Too many parameters specified
  elseif (!$regex($1, /^[a-z][a-z\d_.\-]+$/i)) {
    %error = Invalid handler name: Must start with a letter and contain only letters numbers _ . and -
  elseif (!$com(JSONHandler:: $+ $1)) {
    %error = Invalid handler name: JSON handler does not exist
  elseif (!$regex($2, /^(?:GET|POST|PUT|DEL)$/i)) {
    %error = Invalid request method: Must be GET, POST, PUT, or DEL
  else {
    var %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
    if (1 OK != $jsTry(%com, $JScript(UrlMethod), status="error", $qt($upper($2))).withError) {
      %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
    else {
      Debugger -s $+(%com,>JSONUrlMethod) Method set to $upper($2)
  %error = $iif($error, $v1, %error)
  if (%error) {
    set -eu0 %JSONError %error
    if (%com) set -eu0 % [ $+ [ %com ] $+ ] ::Error %error
    Debugger -e $iif(%com, $v1, 0) /JSONUrlMethod %switches $1- --RAISED-- %error
alias JSONUrlHeader {
  if ($isid) return
  unset %JSONError
  debugger -i 0 Calling /JSONUrlHeader $1-
  var %error, %com
  if ($0 < 3) {
    %error = Missing parameters
  elseif (!$regex($1, /^[a-z][a-z\d_.\-]+$/i)) {
    %error = Invalid handler name: Must start with a letter and contain only letters numbers _ . and -
  elseif (!$com(JSONHandler:: $+ $1)) {
    %error = Invalid handler name: JSON handler does not exist
  elseif (!$regex($2, /^[a-z_-]+:?$/i)) {
    %error = Invalid header name: Header names can only contain letters, _ and -
  else {
    %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
    if (1 OK !== $jsTry(%com, $JScript(UrlHeader), status="error", $escape($regsubex($2, :+$, )).quote, $escape($3-).quote).withError) {
      %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
    else {
      Debugger -s $+(%com,>JSONUrlHeader) Header $+(',$2,') set to $3-
  %error = $iif($error, $v1, %error)
  if (%error) {
    set -eu0 %JSONError %error
    if (%com) set -eu0 % [ $+ [ %com ] $+ ] ::Error %error
    Debugger -e $iif(%com, $v1, 0) /JSONUrlMethod %switches $1- --RAISED-- %error
alias JSONUrlOption {
  if ($isid) return
  unset %JSONError
  Debugger -i 0 /JSONUrlOption is depreciated and will be removed. Please use /JSONUrlMethod and /JSONUrlHeader
  if ($2 == method) {
    JSONUrlMethod $1 $3-
  else {
    JSONUrlHeader $1-
alias JSONUrlGet {
  if ($isid) return
  unset %JSONError
  Debugger -i 0 Calling /JSONUrlGet $1-
  var %switches = -, %error, %com, %file
  if (-* iswm $1) {
    %switches = $1
    tokenize 32 $2-
  if (!$0 || (%switches != - && $0 < 2)) {
    %error = Missing parameters
  elseif (!$regex(%switches, ^-[bf]?$)) {
    %error = Invalid switch(es) specified
  elseif (!$regex($1, /^[a-z][a-z\d_.\-]+$/i)) {
    %error = Invalid handler name: Must start with a letter and contain only letters numbers _ . and -
  elseif (!$com(JSONHandler:: $+ $1)) {
    %error = Specified handler does not exist
  elseif (b isincs %switches && &* !iswm $2) {
    %error = Invalid bvar name: bvars start with &
  elseif (b isincs %switches && $0 > 2) {
    %error = Invalid bvar name: Contains spaces: $2-
  elseif (f isincs %switches && !$isfile($2-)) {
    %error = Specified file does not exist: $longfn($2-)
  else {
    %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
    if ($0 > 1) {
      if (f isincs %switches) {
        if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(UrlData), status="error", $escape($longfn($2-)).quote).withError) {
          %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
        else {
          Debugger -s $+(%com,>JSONUrlGet) Stored $longfn($2-) as data to send with HTTP Request
      else {
        %file = $tempfile
        if (b isincs %switches) {
          bwrite $qt(%file) -1 -1 $2
        else {
          write -n $qt(%file) $2-
        Debugger -s $+(%com,>JSONUrlGet) Wrote specified data to %file
        if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(UrlData), status="error", $escape(%file).quote).withError) {
          %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
        else {
          Debugger -s $+(%Com,>JSONUrlGet) Stored $2- as data to send with HTTP Request
        .remove $qt(%file)
    if (!%error) {
      if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(URLParse), status="error").withError) {
        %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
      else {
        Debugger -s $+(%com,>JSONUrlGet) Request finished
  %error = $iif($error, $v1, %error)
  if (%error) {
    set -eu0 %JSONError %error
    if (%com) set -eu0 % [ $+ [ %com ] $+ ] ::Error %error
    Debugger -e $iif(%com, $v1, 0) /JSONUrlGet %switches $1- --RAISED-- %error
alias JSONGet {
  if ($isid) return
  unset %JSONError
  debugger -i 0 /JSONGet is depreciated and will be removed. Please use /JSONUrlGet
  JSONUrlGet $1-
alias JSONClose {
  if ($isid) return
  unset %JSONError
  Debugger -i 0 /JSONClose $1-
  var %switches = -, %error, %com, %x
  if (-* iswm $1) {
    %switches = $1
    tokenize 32 $2-
  if ($0 < 1) {
    %error = Missing parameters
  elseif ($0 > 1) {
    %error = Too many parameters specified.
  elseif (%switches !== - && %switches != -w) {
    %error = Unknown switches specified
  elseif (%switches == -) {
    %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
    if ($com(%com)) { .comclose %com }
    if ($timer(%com)) { $+(.timer,%com) off }
    unset % [ $+ [ %com ] $+ ] ::Error
    Debugger -i %com Closed
  else {
    %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
    %x = 1
    while (%x <= $com(0)) {
      if (%com iswm $com(%x)) {
        .comclose $v1
        $+(.timer,$v1) off
        unset % [ $+ [ $v1 ] $+ ] ::*
        Debugger -i %com Closed
      else {
        inc %x
  %error = $iif($error, $v1, %error)
  if (%error) {
    set -eu0 %JSONError %error
alias JSONList {
  if ($isid) return
  Debugger -i 0 Calling /JSONList $1-
  var %x = 1, %i = 0
  while ($com(%x)) {
    if (JSONHandler::* iswm $v1) {
      inc %i
      echo $color(info) -a * # $+ %i : $regsubex($v2, /^JSONHandler::/, )
    inc %x
  if (!%i) {
    echo $color(info) -a * No active JSON handlers
alias JSON {
  if (!$isid) {
  var %x, %calling, %i = 0, %com, %get = json, %ref = $false, %error, %file
  if ($JSONDebug) {
    %x = 0
    while (%x < $0) {
      inc %x
      %calling = %calling $+ $iif(%calling,$chr(44)) $($ $+ %x,2)
    debugger -i 0 Calling $!JSON( $+ %calling $+ $chr(41) $+ $iif($prop,. $+ $prop)
  if (!$0) {
  if ($regex($1, ^\d+$)) {
    %x = 1
    while ($com(%x)) {
      if (JSONHandler::* iswm $v1) {
        inc %i
        if (%i == $1) {
          %com = $com(%x)
      inc %x
    if ($0 == 1 && $1 == 0) {
      return %i
  elseif ($regex($1, /^[a-z][a-z\d_.-]+$/i)) {
    %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
  elseif ($regex($1, /^(JSONHandler::[a-z][a-z\d_.-]+)::(.+)$/i)) {
    %com = $regml(1)
    %get = json $+ $regml(2)
    %ref = $true
  if (!%com) {
    %error = Invalid name specified
  elseif (!$com(%com)) {
    %error = Handler doesn't exist
  elseif (!$regex($prop, /^(?:Status|IsRef|IsChild|Error|Data|UrlStatus|UrlStatusText|UrlHeader|Fuzzy|FuzzyPath|Type|Length|ToBvar|IsParent)?$/i)) {
    %error = Unknown prop specified
  elseif ($0 == 1) {
    if ($prop == isRef) {
      return %ref
    elseif ($prop == isChild) {
      Debugger -i 0 $!JSON().isChild is depreciated use $!JSON().isRef
      return %ref
    elseif ($prop == status) {
      if ($com(%com, eval, 1, bstr, status) && !$comerr) {
        return $com(%com).result
      else {
        %error = Unable to determine status
    elseif ($prop == error) {
      if ($eval($+(%,%com,::Error),2)) {
        return $v1
      elseif ($com(%com, eval, 1, bstr, error) && !$comerr) {
        return $com(%com).result
      else {
        %error = Unable to determine if there is an error
    elseif ($prop == UrlStatus || $prop == UrlStatusText) {
      if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript($prop))) {
        %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
      else {
        return $v2
    elseif (!$prop) {
      return $regsubex(%com,/^JSONHandler::/,)
  elseif (!$regex($prop, /^(?:fuzzy|fuzzyPath|data|type|length|toBvar|isParent)?$/i)) {
    %error = $+(',$prop,') cannot be used when referencing items
  elseif ($prop == toBvar && $chr(38) !== $left($2, 1) ) {
    %error = Invalid bvar specified: bvar names must start with &
  elseif ($prop == UrlHeader) {
    if ($0 != 2) {
      %error = Missing or excessive header parameter specified
    elseif (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(UrlHeader), $escape($2).quote)) {
      %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
    else {
      return $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
  elseif (fuzzy* iswm $prop) {
    if ($0 < 2) {
      %error = Missing parameters
    else {
      var %x = 2, %path, %res
      while (%x <= $0) {
        %path = %path $+ $escape($($ $+ %x, 2)).quote $+ $chr(44)
        inc %x
      %res = $jsTry(%com, $JScript(fuzzy), %get, $left(%path, -1))

      if (0 ? iswm %res) {
        %error = $gettok(%res, 2-, 32)
      elseif ($prop == fuzzy) {
        %get = %get $+ $gettok(%res, 2-, 32)
      else {
        return $regsubex(%get, ^json, ) $+ $gettok(%res, 2-, 32)
  if (!%error) {
    if (fuzzy* !iswm $prop) {
      %x = $iif($prop == toBvar, 3, 2)
      while (%x <= $0) {
        %i = $ [ $+ [ %x ] ]
        if ($len(%i)) {
          %get = $+(%get, [", $escape(%i), "])
          inc %x
        else {
          %error = Empty index|item passed.
    if (!%error) {
      if ($prop == type) {
        if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(typeof), %get)) {
          %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
        else {
          return $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
      elseif ($prop == length) {
        if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(length), %get)) {
          %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
        else {
          return $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
      elseif ($prop == isParent) {
        if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(isparent), %get)) {
          %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
        else {
          return $iif($gettok($v2, 2-, 32), $true, $false)
      elseif ($prop == toBvar) {
        %file = $tempfile
        if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(tofile), $escape(%file).quote, %get)) {
          %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
        else {
          bread $qt(%file) 0 $file(%file) $2
        if ($isfile(%file)) { .remove $qt(%file) }
      elseif (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(get), %get)) {
        %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
        if (%error == Object or Array referenced) {
          %error = $null
          Debugger -s $+(%com,>$JSON) Result is an Object or Array; returning reference
          return %com $+ :: $+ $regsubex(%get, /^json/, )
      else {
        var %res = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
        Debugger -s $+(%com,>$JSON) %get references %res
        return %res
  %error = $iif($error, $v1, %error)
  if (%error) {
    set -eu0 %JSONError
    if (%com && $com(%com)) {
      set -eu0 $+(%,%com,::Error) %error
    var %r
    %x = 0
    while (%x < $0) {
      inc %x
      %r = $addtok(%r, $chr(32) $+ $ [ $+ [ %x ] ] , 44)
    debugger -e $iif(%com && $com(%com),%com,0) $!JSON( $+ %r $+ ) $+ $+ $iif($prop,. $+ $prop) --RAISED-- %error
alias JSONDebug {
  if ($isid) {
    return $iif($group(#JSONForMircDebug) == on, $true, $false)
  elseif ($0) {
    tokenize 32 $iif($group(#JSONForMircDebug) == on, off, on)
  if ($regex($1-,/^(?:on|enable)$/i)) {
    .enable #JSONForMircDebug
    debugger -i Debugger Now Enabled
  elseif ($regex($1-, /^(?:off|disable)$/i)) {
    .disable #JSONForMircDebug
    if ($window(@JSONForMircDebug)) {
      close -@ @JSONForMircDebug
#JSONForMircDebug off
alias -l Debugger {
  if ($isid) return
  if (!$window(@JSONForMircDebug)) {
    window -zk0 @JSONForMircDebug
  var %switches = -, %c
  if (-* iswm $1) {
    %switches = $1
    tokenize 32 $2-
  if (e isincs %switches) {
    %c = 04
  elseif (s isincs %switches) {
    %c = 12
  else {
    %c = 03
  var %n = $iif($1, $1, JSONForMirc)
  %n = $regsubex(%n, /^JSONHandler::, )
  aline -p @JSONForMircDebug $+($chr(3),%c,[,%n,],$chr(15)) $2-
#JSONForMircDebug end
alias -l Debugger return
menu @JSONForMircDebug {
  .Clear: clear -@ @JsonForMircDebug
  .Disable and Close: JSONDebug off
alias -l tempfile {
  var %n = 1
  while ($isfile($scriptdirJSONTmpFile $+ %n $+ .json)) {
    inc %n
  return $scriptdirJSONTmpFile $+ %n $+ .json
alias -l escape {
  var %esc = $replace($1-,\,\\,",\")
  return $iif($prop == quote, $qt(%esc), %esc)
alias -l JScript {
  if (!$isid) return
  if (!$0) return (function(){status="init";json=null;url={m:"GET",u:null,h:[],d:null};response=null;var r,x=['MSXML2.SERVERXMLHTTP.6.0','MSXML2.SERVERXMLHTTP.3.0','MSXML2.SERVERXMLHTTP','MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0','MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0','Microsoft.XMLHTTP'],i;while(x.length){try{r=new ActiveXObject(x.shift());break}catch(e){}}xhr=r?function(){,url.u,false);for(i=0;i<url.h.length;i+=1)r.setRequestHeader(url.h[i][0],url.h[i][1]);r.send(url.d);return(response=r).responseText}:function(){throw new Error("HTTP Request object not found")};read=function(f){var a=new ActiveXObject(""),d;a.CharSet="utf-8";a.Open();a.LoadFromFile(f);if(a.EOF){a.close();throw new Error("No content in file")}d=a.ReadText();a.Close();return d;};write=function(f,d){var a=new ActiveXObject("");a.CharSet="utf-8";a.Open();a.WriteText(d);a.SaveToFile(f,2);a.Close()};parse=function(t){if(/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test((t=(String(t)).replace(/[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,function(a){return'\\u'+('0000'+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)})).replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g,'@').replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,']').replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,''))){return eval('('+t+')')}throw new SyntaxError('Unable to Parse: Invalid JSON')};fuzzy=function(){var,b=a.shift(),c="",,e,f,g,h,i;for(e=0;e<a.length;e+=1){f=a[e];if(b.hasOwnProperty(f)){if(typeof b[f]==="function")throw new TypeError("Reference points to a function");b=b[f];c+="[\""+f+"\"]"}else if(d==="[object Object]"){if(typeof f==="number")f=f.toString(10);f=f.toLowerCase();g=-1;i=!1;for(h in b){if(b.hasOwnProperty(h)&&typeof b[h]!=="function"){g+=1;if(h.toLowerCase()===f){b=b[h];c+="[\""+h+"\"]";i=!0;break}else if(g.toString(10)===f){b=b[h];c+="[\""+h+"\"]";i=!0;break}}}if(!i)throw new Error("No matching reference found");}else{throw new Error("Reference does not exist")}}return c}}());
  if ($1 == FileParse)     return if(status!=="init")throw new Error("Parse Not Pending");json=parse(read(@1@));status="done"
  if ($1 == UrlInit)       return if(status!=="init")throw new Error("JSON handler not ready");url.u=@1@;status="url"
  if ($1 == UrlMethod)     return if(status!=="url")throw new Error("URL Request Not Pending");url.m=@1@
  if ($1 == UrlHeader)     return if(status!=="url")throw new Error("URL Request Not Pending");url.h.push([@1@,@2@])
  if ($1 == UrlData)       return if(status!=="url")throw new Error("URL Request Not Pending");url.d=read(@1@)
  if ($1 == UrlParse)      return if(status!=="url")throw new Error("URL Request Not Pending");json=parse(xhr());status="done"
  if ($1 == UrlStatus)     return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");if(!response)throw new Error("URL request not made");return response.status;
  if ($1 == UrlStatusText) return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");if(!response)throw new Error("URL request not made");return response.statusText;
  if ($1 == UrlHeader)     return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");if(!response)throw new Error("URL Request not made");return response.getResponseHeader(@1@)
  if ($1 == fuzzy)         return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");return "1 "+fuzzy(@1@,@2@)
  if ($1 == typeof)        return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");var i=@1@;if(i===undefined)throw new TypeError("Reference doesn't exist");if(i===null)return"1 null";var;if(s==="[object Array]")return"1 array";if(s==="[object Object]")return"1 object";return "1 "+typeof(i)
  if ($1 == length)        return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");var i=@1@;if(i===undefined)throw new TypeError("Reference doesn't exist");if(/^\[object (?:String|Array)\]$/.test("1 "+i.length.toString(10);throw new Error("Reference is not a string or array");
  if ($1 == isparent)      return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");var i=@1@;if(i===undefined)throw new TypeError("Reference doesn't exist");if(/^\[object (?:Object|Array)\]$/.test("1 1";return"1 0"
  if ($1 == tofile)        return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");var i=@2@;if(i===undefined)throw new TypeError("Reference doesn't exist");if(typeof i!=="string")throw new TypeError("Reference must be a string");write(@1@,i);
  if ($1 == get)           return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");var i=@1@;if(i===undefined)throw new TypeError("Reference doesn't exist");if(i===null)return"1";if(/^\[object (?:Array|Object)\]$/.test( new TypeError("Object or Array referenced");if(i.length>4000)throw new Error("Data would exceed mIRC's line length limit");if(typeof i == "boolean")return i?"1 1":"1 0";if(typeof i == "number")return "1 "+i.toString(10);return "1 "+i;
alias -l jsTry {
  if ($isid) {
    if ($0 < 2 || $prop == withError && $0 < 3) {
      return 0 Missing parameters
    elseif (!$com($1)) {
      return 0 No such com
    else {
      var %code = $2, %error, %n = 2, %o, %js
      if ($prop == withError) {
        %error = $3
        %n = 3
      %o = %n
      while (%n < $0) {
        inc %n
        set -l $+(%, arg, $calc(%n - %o)) $eval($+($, %n), 2)
      %code = $regsubex($regsubex(%code, /@(\d+)@/g, $var($+(%, arg, \t ),1).value), [\s;]+$, )
      %error = $regsubex($regsubex(%error, /@(\d+)@/g, $var($+(%, arg, \t ),1).value), [\s;]+$, )
      if (%code) %code = $v1 $+ ;
      if (%error) %error = $v1 $+ ;
      %js = (function(){error=null;try{ $+ %code $+ return"1 OK"}catch(e){ $+ %error $+ error=e.message;return"0 "+error}}())
      debugger $1>$jsTry Executing: %js
      if (!$com($1, eval, 1, bstr, %js) || $comerr) {
        return 0 Unable to execute specified javascript
      return $com($1).result


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Draven   -  Jun 19, 2015

Huge thanks. Working well.

Draven  -  Jun 29, 2015

Well there is one issue I found. The follower piece fails. I follow my channel and it returns not a follower. I don't need that piece. What pieces should I remove or change to make it work?

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