AutoJoin for Mirc

By kibo on Dec 26, 2014

This file is part of Proscript ver 0.1 by kibo

ProAutoJoin is an autojoin for mirc .It uses the file in the root directory of the mirc that manages channels. It adds and removes channels from mirc.ini in 'attribute [channelfolder].

the comments are in Italian

;Autojoin sfruttando quello del Mirc
;autore kibo

;Quest'addon è stata sviluppata da kibo per il ProScript ver 0.1
;si ringrazia Sagitt per l'idea e per il "sostegno morale" :-D

alias ProJoin { .dialog -m DProJoin }

alias print_fav {
  ;if (!$1) { echo -s Errore nei parametri | return 1 }
  var %x = $mircdir $+ mirc.ini
  var %i = 0 , %max = $maxn()
  while (%i != %max) {
    echo -s $readini(%x,chanfolder,n $+ [ %i ])
    inc %i

;stampa il numero di preferiti serve per ciclare
alias maxn {
  var %i = 0
  var %c1 = 1 , %c2 = 2
  var %x = $mircdir $+ mirc.ini
  while (%c1 < %c2) {
    if ($readini(%x,chanfolder,n $+ [ %i ]) == $null) {
      return %i
    inc %i

;alias inserire un server
;bisogna passare come argomento il server che si vuole aggiungere in questo

;sintassi senza autojoin
;/add_chan #canale
;sintassi con autojoin
;/add_chan #canale AutoJ

alias add_chan {
  var %pos = $maxn()
  var %nq = n $+ %pos
  if ($2 != AutoJ) { writeini mirc.ini chanfolder %nq $1 }
  else { var %par = $1 $+ , $+ , $+ , $+ , $+ 1 | writeini mirc.ini chanfolder %nq %par } 

;$1 = canale da cancellare
alias delete_chan {
  ;Verifichiamo che il canale esiste
  if ($find_chan($1) != 1) { echo -s 7>>Il canale che vuoi cancellare non esiste | halt }
  else {
    fun_delete $find_chan($1,sel)


alias find_chan {
  var %x = $mircdir $+ mirc.ini
  var %i = 0 , %max = $maxn()
  var %trovato = 0
  var %zaz = 1
  while (%i != %max && %trovato != 1) {
    if ($gettok($readini(%x,chanfolder,n $+ [ %zaz ]),1,44) == $1 ) {
      %trovato = 1
    inc %i
    inc %zaz
  return %trovato

alias fun_delete {
  window -ah @win_fav

  var %x = $mircdir $+ mirc.ini
  var %i = 0 , %max = $maxn()
  var %p = 0
  var %zaz = 0
  ;ciclo per memorizzare in una finestra temporanea tutti i canali preferiti
  while (%i != %max) {
    if ($gettok($readini(%x,chanfolder,n $+ [ %i ]),1,44) == $1) { inc %i }
    else { aline @win_fav $readini(%x,chanfolder,n $+ [ %i ]) | inc %i }

  ;cancelliamo tutta la lista

  while (%p != %max) {
    var %nq = n $+ %p
    writeini mirc.ini chanfolder %nq $chr(44)
    inc %p

  ;Riscriviamo tutta la lista
  %p = 1

  while (%p <= $line(@win_fav,0)) {
    var %nq = n $+ %p
    writeini mirc.ini chanfolder %nq $line(@win_fav,%p)
    inc %p

  ;Cancelliamo i dati nella finestra
  var %wi = 0
  var %wix = $lines(0)
  while (%wix != 0) {
    dline @win_fav %wi
    inc %wi
    dec %wix
  window -c @win_fav

dialog DProJoin {
  title "ProScript AutoJoin"
  size  -1 -1 120 55
  option dbu
  box "ProScript AutoJoin", 1, 1 0 118 55
  button "Esci", 4, 85 40 30 10, ok
  button "Aggiungi", 19, 15 40 30 10,
  button "Cancella", 33, 50 40 30 10,
  text "Canale: es #canale", 9, 20 20 60 20
  edit "", 10, 20 30 50 9, return autohs
  box "", 12, 1 109 172 18
  list 18, 2 8 169 100, hide size

;Aggiungiamo canale all'autojoin

on *:dialog:DProJoin:*:*:{
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 19 && $did(10).text != $null) {
      if ($left($did(10).text,1)* iswm $chr(35)) {
        echo -s Il canale 7 $did(10).text 9 e' stato aggiunto all'autojoin
        add_chan $did(10).text AutoJ
        .did -r $dname 10
      else { echo -s Inserire $+ $chr(32) $+ $chr(35) $+ $chr(32) $+ prima del nome del canale }
    if ($did == 33 && $did(10).text != $null) {
      if ($find_chan($did(10).text) == 1) { ;Canale trovato
        echo -s Il canale 7 $did(10).text 9 e' stato cancellato dall' autojoin
        fun_delete $did(10).text AutoJ 
      .did -r $dname 10 


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BadMannerZ   -  Feb 15, 2015

If you want to auto join channels using Mirc, click on Tools, Options & Perform. In the Perform commands box type the following:

/join #ChannelName.r

If the channel happens to be passworded, and you know the password, you can join the channel by typing the following in the Performs commands box:

/join #ChannelName.r password

Click OK after each command

As a side note, you can also auto identify by typing the following in the Perform commands box:

/msg nickserv identify password

I think there's a way to auto join multiple rooms using only one command, however, I don't know what that command is. I merely add another join command on a separate line. If I'm not mistaken, if there are too many perform commands entered, you may get an error, possibly a flood error, but it's been so long I can't recall. At the moment I have 2 join commands, an identify command as well as a /list command and I've experienced no problems. Also, make sure the Enable perform on connect box is ticked.

Hope this helps.

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