Vote script v1.0

By ^WeSt on Oct 03, 2014

Requested for:



!Votehelp -> Will give you all the available vote commands

!Voteadd [seconds] TEXT = Will add an vote poll on the channel.

!Votestop = Will stop the vote poll on the channel.

!Voteleft = Will display the remaining time before the vote poll expire.

!Vote YES/NO = Will vote with yes or not on the vote poll on the channel.

!Votestats = Will give you the vote poll statistics.

!Voteallstats = Will give you an detailed vote poll statistics.

!Votelast = Will give you the last vote poll that made on the channel.

!Myvote = Will give you what you have vote on the vote poll on the channel.

!Delmyvote = WIll delete your vote from the vote poll from the channel.

ON !*:TEXT:*:#: { 
  tokenize 32 $strip($1-,burci)
  var %commands = !voteadd - !votestop - !vote - !votestats - !voteallstats - !votelast - !myvote - !delmyvote - !voteleft
  if ($1 == !addvote) || ($1 == !newvote) || ($1 == !voteadd) {
    if (%vote) { .notice $nick [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, There is already an vote poll on the channel! - (Started on:  $+ %vote_on $+ ) - (By:  $+ %vote_by $+ ) | return }
    if (!$2) && (!$3-) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, Not enough paramters, try again and enter the text correctly! - (E.g: $1 One or Two?) | return }
    if (!$2) { var %s = 300 }
    if ($2) && ($2 !isnum) { var %s = 300 }
    if ($2) && ($2 isnum) { var %s = $2 | var %s_m = 1 }
    var %tmp = $iif(%s_m,$3-,$2-)
    if (%s > 604800) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, Time too long, try again and use less seconds than 1 week! - (Max seconds: 604800 [1 week]) | return }
    if ($len(%tmp) > 200) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, Vote too long, try again and use an shorter vote message! - (Max chars: 200) | return }
    set -e %vote %tmp
    set -e %vote_by $nick
    set -e %vote_on $ctime
    set -e %vote_sec %s
    set -e %vote_expire $calc($ctime + %s)
    .timer[VOTE_END] 1 %s vote_end $chan
    .msg $chan [NEW VOTE]:  $+ %vote $+  - By:  $+ %vote_by $+ 
    .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Your vote poll has been successfully added. - (Expires on:  $+ $asctime(%vote_expire) $+ )
  if ($1 == !stopvote) || ($1 == !votestop) {
    if (!%vote) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, There is NOT any vote poll running at the moment! | return }
    if ($nick !isop $chan) && ($nick !== %vote_by) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: You must be an channel operator or the vote poll owner to stop the vote! | return }
    .timer[VOTE_END] off
    .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: The vote poll has been successfully stopped.
    vote_end $chan stop
  if ($1 == !vote) {
    if (!%vote) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, There is NOT any vote poll running at the moment! | return }
    if (!$2) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: The vote poll is. - (Vote:  $+ %vote $+ ) | return }
    if ($2 !== yes) && ($2 !== no) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, Incorrect parameters, try again and enter only YES or NO and NOT any others! | return }
    if ($2 == yes) {
      if ($istok(%vote_yes,$nick,32)) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, Already voted, You have already vote for this poll! | return }
      if ($istok(%vote_yes,$nick,32)) { 
        set -e %vote_no $remtok(%vote_no,$nick,1,32)
        set -e %vote_yes $addtok(%vote_yes,$nick,32)
        .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Your vote has been successfully changed! - Thank you!
      set -e %vote_yes $addtok(%vote_yes,$nick,32)
      .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Your vote has been successfully saved. - Thank you!
    if ($2 == no) {
      if ($istok(%vote_no,$nick,32)) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, Already voted, You have already vote for this poll! | return }
      if ($istok(%vote_yes,$nick,32)) { 
        set -e %vote_yes $remtok(%vote_yes,$nick,1,32)
        set -e %vote_no $addtok(%vote_no,$nick,32)
        .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Your vote has been successfully changed! - Thank you!
      set -e %vote_no $addtok(%vote_no,$nick,32)
      .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Your vote has been successfully added. - Thank you!
  if ($1 == !votestats) || ($1 == !statsvote) {
    if (!%vote) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, There is NOT any vote poll available at this time! | return }
    var %yes = $iif(%vote_yes,$v1,0)
    if (%yes == 0) { var %y = 0 }
    elseif (%yes !== 0) { var %y = $numtok(%yes,32) }
    var %no = $iif(%vote_no,$v1,0)
    if (%no == 0) { var %n = 0 }
    elseif (%no !== 0) { var %n = $numtok(%no,32) }
    var %t = $calc(%y + %n)
    .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: The vote poll status are. - (Yes:  $+ %y $+ ) - (No:  $+ %n $+ ) - (Total Votes:  $+ $iif(%t,%t,0) $+ )
  if ($1 == !voteallstats) {
    if (!%vote) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, There is NOT any vote poll available at this time! | return }
    if (!%vote_yes) && (!%vote_no) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: There is NOT any vote available since now! | return }
    var %t = %vote_yes
    var %i = 1
    while (%i <= $numtok(%t,32)) {
      var %n = $gettok(%t,%i,32)
      .msg $chan [# $+ %i $+ ]:  $+ %n $+  - Vote: Yes
      if (%i == $numtok(%t,32)) { 
        .msg $chan End list of possitive votes. - (Total Possitive Votes:  $+ $numtok(%t,32) $+ )
        var %tot = %vote_no
        var %z = 1
        while (%z <= $numtok(%tot,32)) {
          var %nn = $gettok(%tot,%z,32)
          .msg $chan [# $+ %i $+ ]:  $+ %nn $+  - Vote: No
          if (%z == $numtok(%tot,32)) { .msg $chan End list of negative votes. - (Total Negative Votes:  $+ $numtok(%tot,32) $+ ) }
          inc %z
      inc %i
  if ($1 == !lastvote) || ($1 == !votelast) {
    var %yes = $iif(%vote_last_yes,$v1,0)
    if (%yes == 0) { var %y = 0 }
    elseif (%yes !== 0) { var %y = $numtok(%yes,32) }
    var %no = $iif(%vote_last_no,$v1,0)
    if (%no == 0) { var %n = 0 }
    elseif (%no !== 0) { var %n = $numtok(%no,32) }
    var %t = $calc(%y + %n)
    if (%vote_last) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: The last vote was. (Yes:  $+ %y $+ ) - (No:  $+ %n $+ ) - (Total Votes:  $+ $iif(%t,$v1,0) $+ ) - (Vote:  $+ %vote_last $+ ) }
    elseif (!%vote_last) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: There has been NOT any vote made on this channel yet! }
  if ($1 == !myvote) {
    if (!%vote) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, There is NOT any vote poll available at this time! | return }
    if ($istok(%vote_yes,$nick,32)) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: You have vote with YES on this vote poll. }
    elseif ($istok(%vote_no,$nick,32)) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: You have vote with NO on this vote poll. }
    else { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: You have NOT vote for this vote poll until now! }
  if ($1 == !delmyvote) || ($1 == !myvotedel) {
    if (!%vote) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, There is NOT any vote poll available at this time! | return }
    if ($istok(%vote_yes,$nick,32)) { set -e %vote_yes $remtok(%vote_yes,$nick,1,32) | .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Your vote has been removed from the poll. }
    elseif ($istok(%vote_no,$nick,32)) { set -e %vote_no $remtok(%vote_no,$nick,1,32) | .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Your vote has been removed from this poll. }
    else { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: You have NOT vote for this vote poll until now! }
  if ($1 == !voteleft) {
    if (!%vote) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Error, There is NOT any vote poll available at this time! | return }
    var %s = $timer([VOTE_END]).secs
    if (!%s) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: The vote poll cannot be founded! | return }
    .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: The vote poll will expire on  $+ $duration(%s) $+  - (Started on:  $+ $asctime(%vote_on) $+ ) - (By:  $+ %vote_by $+ )
  if ($1 == !votehelp) { .msg $chan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: Vote module channel commands are:  $+ %commands $+  }

alias vote_end {
  if (!$1) { return }
  if (!%vote) && (!%vote_by) && (!%vote_on) { return }
  set %vote_last $iif(%vote,%vote,N/A)
  set %vote_last_by $iif(%vote_by,%vote_by,N/A)
  set %vote_last_on $iif(%vote_on,%vote_on,N/A)
  set %vote_last_yes $iif(%vote_yes,%vote_yes,0)
  set %vote_last_no $iif(%vote_no,%vote_no,0)  
  var %yes = $iif(%vote_yes,$v1,0)
  if (%yes == 0) { var %y = 0 }
  elseif (%yes !== 0) { var %y = $numtok(%yes,32) }
  var %no = $iif(%vote_no,$v1,0)
  if (%no == 0) { var %n = 0 }
  elseif (%no !== 0) { var %n = $numtok(%no,32) }
  var %t = $calc(%y + %n)
  if (%n == %y) { var %win Nobody }
  elseif (%y > %n) { var %win = Yes }
  elseif (%n > %y) { var %win = No }
  .msg $1 [VOTE POLL]: The vote poll has been $iif($2 == stop,stopped!,expired!) - (Winner is:  $+ %win $+ )
  .msg $1 [VOTE POLL]: %vote - (Vote Poll Started on:  $+ $asctime(%vote_on) $+ ) - (Vote Poll Started By:  $+ %vote_by $+ )
  .msg $1 [VOTE POLL]: Yes:  $+ %y $+  - No:  $+ %n $+  - Total Votes:  $+ %t $+ 
  unset %vote %vote_by %vote_on %vote_yes %vote_no %vote_sec %vote_expire


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Hawkee   -  Oct 03, 2014

Was the new page editor clear enough for you? I noticed you got an extra code box at the bottom. You can also use Markdown to make your text more clear.

^WeSt  -  Oct 03, 2014

Well, it was complicated at the start but after some fixes i could understand it, the markdown option i cant find what its the usage?

^WeSt  -  Oct 03, 2014

Also the Last Edit: date was too useful on the previously design.

Hawkee  -  Oct 03, 2014

Thank you for the feedback. The markdown option turns the page into raw markdown without the WYSIWYG code boxes. Its helpful for moving code boxes around and for pasting raw markdown from another source.

I'll try to figure out how to incorporate the modified date.

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