Cup Script

By Froggeh on Sep 05, 2005

Look below -->

//Here is a good working cup script witch i spend some time on
//if there are any bugs please tell me or add me on msn @ 
// and i will fix them asap and update it :)
//for more info on this script just ask me

//ok first you need to make your self a bot admin by
//typing /guser 100 yourname 2
//Then you need to set the admin and public channel:
//-achan (in the admin channel)
//-chan (in the public channel)
//Then you need to set some colours in the public channel do:
//-color1 your-colour-here
//-midcolor your-colour-here
//-color2 your-color-here
//To add cup admins do:
//-aa user-name
//and this to remove one:
//-ra user-name
//and the same to add a master admin apart from you do -ama and 
//To start a cup do -cup on (in the public channel)
//To finnish a cup do -dc winner-name
//To cancil a cup do -cc
//ect ect, You have have a look through this script to find other 
//commands ect if you need any help like a said, just email me 
//or join #Froggeh @ Quakenet and ask me in there :)
//and all the commands have anti-spam

on 100:TEXT:-admins:%adminchan:{
  //var %d = 1 
  while ($readini(remote.ini, users, $ini(remote.ini, users, %d))) { 
    msg %adminchan $ifmatch
    inc %d 
on 100:TEXT:-j *:#:{
  /join $2
  notice $nick done.
on 100:TEXT:-p *:#:{
  /part $2
  notice $nick done.
on 100:TEXT:-aa *:#:{
  if ($nick ison $chan) {
    /guser 5 $2 2 ; $+ $2
    /unload -rs remote.ini
    /load -rs remote.ini
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    notice $nick that person is not in this channel
on 100:TEXT:-ra *:#:{
  ruser 5 $2
  /unload -rs remote.ini
  /load -rs remote.ini
  notice $nick done.
on 100:TEXT:-ama *:#:{
  if ($nick ison $chan) {
    /guser 100 $2 2 ; $+ $2
    /unload -rs remote.ini
    /load -rs remote.ini
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    notice $nick that person is not in this channel
on 100:TEXT:-rma *:#:{
  ruser 100 $2
  /unload -rs remote.ini
  /load -rs remote.ini
  notice $nick done.
on 100:TEXT:-cchan:#:{
  set %cchan $chan 
  notice $nick done.
on 100:TEXT:-achan:#:{
  set %adminchan $chan 
  notice $nick done.
on 100:TEXT:-color1*:%cchan:{
  set %color1 $2-
  notice $nick done.

on 100:TEXT:-midcolor*:%cchan:{
  set %midcolor $2-
  notice $nick done.
on 100:TEXT:-color2*:%cchan:{
  set %color2 $2-
  notice $nick done.
on 100:TEXT:-cup on:%cchan:{
  set %team1 ?
  set %team2 ?
  set %team3 ?
  set %team4 ?
  set %team5 ?
  set %team6 ?
  set %team7 ?
  set %team8 ?
  set %map1 ?
  set %map2 ?
  set %map3 ?
  set %winner1 ?
  set %winner2 ?
  set %winner3 ?
  set %winner4 ?
  set %admin $nick
  set %type ?
  set %rules ?
  set %time ?
  set %prize ?
  set %cup on
  set %round 1 (Start)
  topic %cchan %color1 Welcome to %cchan %midcolor Type: %type %midcolor Admin: %admin %midcolor -commands for a full list of commands %color2
on 100:TEXT:-s1 *:%cchan:{
  set %section1 $2-
  topic %cchan %color1 Welcome to %cchan %midcolor %section1 %midcolor %section2 %midcolor Total Cups: %camount %color2
  notice $nick done.
on 100:TEXT:-s2 *:%cchan:{
  set %section2 $2-
  topic %cchan %color1 Welcome to %cchan %midcolor %section1 %midcolor %section2 %midcolor Total Cups: %camount %color2
  notice $nick done.
on *:TEXT:-teams:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) && (%round == 1 (Start)) && (!%commands-stop)  {
    set %teams %team1 %team2 %team3 %team4 %team5 %team6 %team7 %team8
    set %servers %team1 %team3 %team5 %team7
    msg %cchan %color1 Cup Status %midcolor Round: %round %midcolor Map: %map1 %midcolor $calc(8 - $count(%teams,?)) $+ /8 Teams %midcolor $calc(4 - $count(%servers,?)) $+ /4 Servers %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor %team1 vs %team2 %midcolor Using %team1 $+ 's Server %midcolor Winner: %winner1 %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor %team3 vs %team4 %midcolor Using %team3 $+ 's Server %midcolor Winner: %winner2 %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor %team5 vs %team6 %midcolor Using %team5 $+ 's Server %midcolor Winner: %winner3 %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor %team7 vs %team8 %midcolor Using %team7 $+ 's Server %midcolor Winner: %winner4 %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
  elseif (%cup == on) && (%round == 2 (Semi Final)) && (!%commands-stop) {
    set %teams %team1 %team2 %team3 %team4
    set %servers %team1 %team3
    msg %cchan %color1 Cup Status %midcolor Round: %round %midcolor Map: %map2 %midcolor $calc(4 - $count(%teams,?)) $+ /4 Teams %midcolor $calc(2 - $count(%servers,?)) $+ /2 Servers %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor %team1 vs %team2 %midcolor Using %team1 $+ 's Server %midcolor Winner: %winner1 %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor %team3 vs %team4 %midcolor Using %team3 $+ 's Server %midcolor Winner: %winner2 %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
  elseif (%cup == on) && (%round == 3 (Final)) && (!%commands-stop) {
    set %teams %team1 %team2
    set %servers %team1
    msg %cchan %color1 Cup Status %midcolor Round: %round %midcolor Map: %map3 %midcolor $calc(2 - $count(%teams,?)) $+ /2 Teams %midcolor $calc(1 - $count(%servers,?)) $+ /1 Servers %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor %team1 vs %team2 %midcolor Using %team1 $+ 's Server %midcolor Winner: %winner1 %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
  elseif (!%commands-stop) {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
on *:TEXT:-maps:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) && (%round == 1 (Start)) && (!%commands-stop)  {
    set %teams %team1 %team2 %team3 %team4 %team5 %team6 %team7 %team8
    set %servers %team1 %team3 %team5 %team7
    msg %cchan %color1 Cup Status %midcolor Round: %round %midcolor Map: %map1 %midcolor $calc(8 - $count(%teams,?)) $+ /8 Teams %midcolor $calc(4 - $count(%servers,?)) $+ /4 Servers %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor Round 1 %midcolor %map1 %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor Round 2 %midcolor %map2 %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor Round 3 %midcolor %map3 %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
  elseif (%cup == on) && (%round == 2 (Semi Final)) && (!%commands-stop) {
    set %teams %team1 %team2 %team3 %team4
    set %servers %team1 %team3
    msg %cchan %color1 Cup Status %midcolor Round: %round %midcolor Map: %map2 %midcolor $calc(4 - $count(%teams,?)) $+ /4 Teams %midcolor $calc(2 - $count(%servers,?)) $+ /2 Servers %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor Round 1 %midcolor %map1 %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor Round 2 %midcolor %map2 %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor Round 3 %midcolor %map3 %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
  elseif (%cup == on) && (%round == 3 (Final)) && (!%commands-stop) {
    set %teams %team1 %team2
    set %servers %team1
    msg %cchan %color1 Cup Status %midcolor Round: %round %midcolor Map: %map3 %midcolor $calc(2 - $count(%teams,?)) $+ /2 Teams %midcolor $calc(1 - $count(%servers,?)) $+ /1 Servers %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor Round 1 %midcolor %map1 %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor Round 2 %midcolor %map2 %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor Round 3 %midcolor %map3 %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
  elseif (!%commands-stop) {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
on 5:TEXT:-at 1 *:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %team1 $3
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-at 2 *:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %team2 $3
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-at 3 *:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %team3 $3
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-at 4 *:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %team4 $3
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-at 5 *:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %team5 $3
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-at 6 *:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %team6 $3
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-at 7 *:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %team7 $3
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-at 8 *:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %team8 $3
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-am 1 *:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %map1 $3
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-am 2 *:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %map2 $3
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-am 3 *:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %map3 $3
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-aw 1 *:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %winner1 $3
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-aw 2 *:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %winner2 $3
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-aw 3 *:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %winner3 $3
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-aw 4 *:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %winner4 $3
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-rt 1:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %team1 ?
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-rt 2:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %team2 ?
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-rt 3:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %team3 ?
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-rt 4:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %team4 ?
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-rt 5:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %team5 ?
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-rt 6:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %team6 ?
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-rt 7:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %team7 ?
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-rt 8:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %team8 ?
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-rm 1:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %map1 ?
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-rm 2:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %map2 ?
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-rm 3:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %map3 ?
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-rw 1:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %winner1 ?
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-rw 2:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %winner2 ?
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-rw 3:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %winner3 ?
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-rw 4:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %winner4 ?
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-arules *:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %rules $2-
    notice $nick done.
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
  elseif (!%commands-stop) {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
on 5:TEXT:-aprize *:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %prize $2-
    notice $nick done.
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
  elseif (!%commands-stop) {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
on 5:TEXT:-atime *:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %time $2-
    notice $nick done.
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
  elseif (!%commands-stop) {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
on 5:TEXT:-atype *:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %type $2-
  topic %cchan %color1 Welcome to %cchan %midcolor Type: %type %midcolor Admin: %admin %midcolor -commands for a full list of commands %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
  elseif (!%commands-stop) {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
on *:TEXT:-commands:%cchan:{
  if (!%commands-stop) {
    msg %cchan %color1 Cup Commands %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor -teams %midcolor -maps %midcolor -prize %midcolor -type %midcolor -time %midcolor -rules %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
on *:TEXT:-prize:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) && (!%commands-stop) {
    msg %cchan %color1 Cup Prize %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor %prize %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
  elseif (!%commands-stop) {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
on *:TEXT:-time:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) && (!%commands-stop) {
    msg %cchan %color1 Cup Time %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor %time %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
  elseif (!%commands-stop) {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
on *:TEXT:-type:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) && (!%commands-stop) {
    msg %cchan %color1 Cup Type %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor %type %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
  elseif (!%commands-stop) {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
on *:TEXT:-rules:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) && (!%commands-stop) {
    msg %cchan %color1 Cup Rules %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor %Rules %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
  elseif (!%commands-stop) {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
on *:TEXT:-status:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) && (!%commands-stop) {
    msg %cchan %color1 Cup status %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor Round: %round %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
  elseif (!%commands-stop) {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
on *:TEXT:-lwinner:%cchan:{
  if (!%commands-stop) {
    msg %cchan %color1 Last Cup Winner %color2
    msg %cchan %color1 %cchan %midcolor Last Winner: %lwinner %color2
    set -u5 %commands-stop 1
on 5:TEXT:-r 2:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %round 2 (Semi Final)
    set %team1 ?
    set %team2 ?
    set %team3 ?
    set %team4 ?
    set %team5 ?
    set %team6 ?
    set %team7 ?
    set %team8 ?
    set %winner1 ?
    set %winner2 ?
    set %winner3 ?
    set %winner4 ?
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-r 3:%cchan:{
  if (%cup == on) {
    set %round 3 (Final)
    set %team1 ?
    set %team2 ?
    set %team3 ?
    set %team4 ?
    set %team5 ?
    set %team6 ?
    set %team7 ?
    set %team8 ?
    set %winner1 ?
    set %winner2 ?
    set %winner3 ?
    set %winner4 ?
    notice $nick done.
  else {
    msg %cchan %color1 There is no cup in progress %color2
on 5:TEXT:-dc *:%cchan:{
  set %camount $calc(%camount + 1)
  set %lwinner $2
  set %team1 ?
  set %team2 ?
  set %team3 ?
  set %team4 ?
  set %team5 ?
  set %team6 ?
  set %team7 ?
  set %team8 ?
  set %map1 ?
  set %map2 ?
  set %map3 ?
  set %winner1 ?
  set %winner2 ?
  set %winner3 ?
  set %winner4 ?
  set %admin ?
  set %type ?
  set %rules ?
  set %time ?
  set %prize ?
  set %cup off
  topic %cchan %color1 Welcome to %cchan %midcolor %section1 %midcolor %section2 %midcolor Total Cups: %camount %color2
  msg %cchan %color1 The cup has now finnished %midcolor The winning team was %lwinner %color2
on 5:TEXT:-cc:%cchan:{
  set %team1 ?
  set %team2 ?
  set %team3 ?
  set %team4 ?
  set %team5 ?
  set %team6 ?
  set %team7 ?
  set %team8 ?
  set %map1 ?
  set %map2 ?
  set %map3 ?
  set %winner1 ?
  set %winner2 ?
  set %winner3 ?
  set %winner4 ?
  set %admin ?
  set %type ?
  set %rules ?
  set %time ?
  set %prize ?
  set %cup off
  topic %cchan %color1 Welcome to %cchan %midcolor %section1 %midcolor %section2 %midcolor Total Cups: %camount %color2
  msg %cchan %color1 The cup has been cancled %color2


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Chainchomp   -  Sep 28, 2006

Spent a lot of time on it, well done!

BulletProof   -  Sep 28, 2005

No I think that \"-\" doesnt work in mirc.
Ex: on 100:TEXT:-admins:%adminchan:{
I think it must be: on 100:TEXT:!admins:%adminchan:{ or something like that!

AndrewMiller17   -  Sep 27, 2005

BulletProof, did you set the user levels? The \'on 100:Text:-admins:%adminchan:{\' if you go to the bots script editor and add 100: to the User section then the commands should work. Unless there was an error in the code.

BulletProof   -  Sep 27, 2005

Can someone repair this script? I think this is very awsome but doesnt work...
Pls someone repair!


AndrewMiller17   -  Sep 05, 2005

Well, it does look like it took alot of work.

Froggeh   -  Sep 05, 2005

yes, i no because i registered today on hawkee and i didnt no i cud edit my snippet :)

AndrewMiller17   -  Sep 05, 2005

Thats alot of code. Also I wasn\'t aware that \'-\' could work as a trigger. And it looks like you doubleposted this snippet.

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