
By StonedStoner on Aug 29, 2005

Trivia game(for bots) I made a few months ago u will need trivia questions(search google) put in a .txt called trivia.txt

PS: i know theres some parts that could be made more simple but idc cuase it works for the most part but there is a common bug where it adds ppl 2 times and screws up the scoring.

plz post feedback on problems u might have or suggestions.

;;;Trivia by SlipknoT aka StonedStoner;;;
;!trivia - Start Trivia game
;!strivia - Stop current game
;!top5 - see the top 5 of weekor month
;example: !top5 week or !top5 month
;!reset - resets score specified
;example: !reset week or !reset month
on *:TEXT:*:#Trivia: {
  set %triv.text $strip($1-,c)
  if (%triv.text == !trivia) {
    trivia 0
  if (%trivia == on) {
    if ($1 == !top5) {
      top5 $2
    if (%triv.text == !strivia) {
      set %trivia off
    if (%triv.text == %trivia.a) {
      if (%answered == yes) {
      set %answered yes
      .timer 1 5
      trivia.answered $nick
      unset %trivia.a
      set %trivia.qn $calc(%trivia.qn + 1)
  if ($nick == MasterNick) {
    if ($1 == !reset) {
      reset $2
alias trivia.answered { 
  if ($1 == $null) { halt } 
  else {  
    set %trivia.week.add %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
    set %trivia.month.add %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
    set %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $calc(%trivia.p + %trivia.week.add) 
    set %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $calc(%trivia.p + %trivia.month.add)
    msg #Trivia $trivtalk(CORRECT!) $+ 4 $1 $trivtalk(got the answer:) $+ 4 %trivia.a $trivtalk(In:) $+ 4 $duration($calc($ctime - %trivia.el)) $+ 14!4 $1 $trivtalk(is awarded:) $+ 4 %trivia.p 14. $trivtalk(Total Points This Week:) $+ 4 %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $trivtalk(Total Points This Month:) $+ 4 %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
    if (%trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] > %trivia.week.1) {
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 1) == $1) {
        set %trivia.week.1 %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
        goto month
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 1) !== $1) { 
        set %trivia.week.2 %trivia.week.1 
        set %trivia.week.1 %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
        writeini -s trivia.ini week 2 $readini(trivia.ini, week, 1)
        writeini -s trivia.ini week 1 $1
        msg #Trivia $trivtalk(Congrats!) $+ 4 $1 $trivtalk(is now this weeks) $+ 4 #1 P14layer! 
        top5 week 
        goto month 
    if (%trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] > %trivia.week.2) {
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 2) == $1) {
        set %trivia.week.2 %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
        goto month
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 1) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 2) !== $1) { 
        set %trivia.week.3 %trivia.week.2 
        set %trivia.week.2 %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
        writeini -s trivia.ini week 3 $readini(trivia.ini, week, 2)
        writeini -s trivia.ini week 2 $1
        msg #Trivia $trivtalk(Congrats!) $+ 4 $1 $trivtalk(is now this weeks) $+ 4 #2 P14layer! 
        top5 week 
        goto month
    if (%trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] > %trivia.week.3) {
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 3) == $1) {
        set %trivia.week.3 %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
        goto month
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 1) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 2) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 3) !== $1) { 
        set %trivia.week.4 %trivia.week.3 
        set %trivia.week.3 %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
        writeini -s trivia.ini week 4 $readini(trivia.ini, week, 3)
        writeini -s trivia.ini week 3 $1
        msg #Trivia $trivtalk(Congrats!) $+ 4 $1 $trivtalk(is now this weeks) $+ 4 #3 P14layer! 
        top5 week 
        goto month
    if (%trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] > %trivia.week.4) {
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 4) == $1) {
        set %trivia.week.4 %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
        goto month
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 1) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 2) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 3) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 4) !== $1) {  
        set %trivia.week.5 %trivia.week.4 
        set %trivia.week.4 %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
        writeini -s trivia.ini week 5 $readini(trivia.ini, week, 4)
        writeini -s trivia.ini week 4 $1
        msg #Trivia $trivtalk(Congrats!) $+ 4 $1 $trivtalk(is now this weeks) $+ 4 #4 P14layer! 
        top5 week 
        goto month
    if (%trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] > %trivia.week.5) {
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 5) == $1) {
        set %trivia.week.5 %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
        goto month
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 1) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 2) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 3) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 4) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 5) !== $1) {
        set %trivia.week.6 %trivia.week.5  
        set %trivia.week.5 %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
        writeini -s trivia.ini week 5 $1
        msg #Trivia $trivtalk(Congrats!) $+ 4 $1 $trivtalk(is now this weeks) $+ 4 #5 P14layer! 
        top5 week 
        goto month
    if (%trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] > %trivia.week.6) {
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 6) !== $1) { 
        set %trivia.week.6 %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
        goto month
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 1) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 2) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 3) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 4) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 5) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 6) !== $1) { 
        set %trivia.week.6 %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
        writeini -s trivia.ini week 6 $1 
        goto month 
    if (%trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] > %trivia.month.1) {
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 1) == $1) {
        set %trivia.month.1 %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 1) !== $1) { 
        set %trivia.month.2 %trivia.month.1 
        set %trivia.month.1 %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
        writeini -s trivia.ini month 2 $readini(trivia.ini, month, 1)
        writeini -s trivia.ini month 1 $1
        msg #Trivia $trivtalk(Congrats!) $+ 4 $1 $trivtalk(is now this months) $+ 4 #1 P14layer! 
        top5 month 
    if (%trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] > %trivia.month.2) {
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 2) == $1) {
        set %trivia.month.2 %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 1) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 2) !== $1) { 
        set %trivia.month.3 %trivia.month.2 
        set %trivia.month.2 %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
        writeini -s trivia.ini month 3 $readini(trivia.ini, month, 2)
        writeini -s trivia.ini month 2 $1
        msg #Trivia $trivtalk(Congrats!) $+ 4 $1 $trivtalk(is now this months) $+ 4 #2 P14layer! 
        top5 month 
    if (%trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] > %trivia.month.3) {
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 3) == $1) {
        set %trivia.month.3 %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 1) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 2) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 3) !== $1) { 
        set %trivia.month.4 %trivia.month.3 
        set %trivia.month.3 %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
        writeini -s trivia.ini month 4 $readini(trivia.ini, month, 3)
        writeini -s trivia.ini month 3 $1
        msg #Trivia $trivtalk(Congrats!) $+ 4 $1 $trivtalk(is now this months) $+ 4 #3 P14layer! 
        top5 month 
    if (%trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] > %trivia.month.4) {
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 4) == $1) {
        set %trivia.month.4 %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 1) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 2) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 3) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 4) !== $1) {  
        set %trivia.month.5 %trivia.month.4 
        set %trivia.month.4 %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
        writeini -s trivia.ini month 5 $readini(trivia.ini, month, 4)
        writeini -s trivia.ini month 4 $1
        msg #Trivia $trivtalk(Congrats!) $+ 4 $1 $trivtalk(is now this months) $+ 4 #4 P14layer! 
        top5 month 
    if (%trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] > %trivia.month.5) {
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 5) == $1) {
        set %trivia.month.5 %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 1) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 2) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 3) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 4) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 5) !== $1) {
        set %trivia.month.6 %trivia.month.5  
        set %trivia.month.5 %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
        writeini -s trivia.ini month 5 $1
        msg #Trivia $trivtalk(Congrats!) $+ 4 $1 $trivtalk(is now this months) $+ 4 #5 P14layer! 
        top5 month 
    if (%trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] > %trivia.month.6) {
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 6) !== $1) { 
        set %trivia.month.6 %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
      if ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 1) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 2) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 3) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 4) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 5) !== $1) && ($readini(trivia.ini, month, 6) !== $1) { 
        set %trivia.month.6 %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
        writeini -s trivia.ini month 6 $1 
alias trivia { 
  if (%trivia == on) { HALT } 
  else { 
    if ($1 == 0) { 
      set %trivia.max un 
      set %trivia on 
      set %trivia.qn 1 
      msg #Trivia $trivtalk(Trivia is now on! Get ready!)    
      .timer 1 5 
alias { 
  if (%trivia = off) { 
    msg #Trivia $trivtalk(End of Round! Stopping Trivia.) 
  else { 
    set %trivia.rand $rand(1,$lines(trivia.txt)) 
    set %trivia.n $read(trivia.txt,%trivia.rand) 
    set %trivia.q $gettok($read(trivia.txt,%trivia.rand),1,42) 
    set %trivia.a $gettok($read(trivia.txt,%trivia.rand),2,42) 
    set %trivia.h1 $trivhint(%trivia.a,2,*) 
    set %trivia.h2 $trivhint(%trivia.a,3,*)
    set %trivia.h3 $trivhint(%trivia.a,4,*) 
    set %trivia.p $rand(15,20)
    unset %trivia.n
    msg #Trivia 4[15 $+ %trivia.qn $+ 4]15 4[ $+ %trivia.rand 15/4 $lines(trivia.txt) $+ 4] [15 $+ %trivia.q $+ 4] 4[ $+ $trivtalk(Worth) $+ 4 %trivia.p 4P14oints4] 
    set %trivia.el $ctime
    unset %answered
    .timerhint1 1 10 hint1
    .timerhint2 1 20 hint2
    .timerhint3 1 30 hint3
    .timerq 1 40 trivia.unanswered
alias trivia.unanswered {
  if (%answered == yes) {
  msg #trivia $trivtalk(Question unanswered Answer was:) $+ 4 %trivia.a
  unset %trivia.a
  set %trivia.qn $calc(%trivia.qn + 1)
  .timer 1 5
alias top5 {
  if ($1 == week) {
    msg #trivia $trivtalk(Top 5 players of the week are 1st:) $+ 4 $readini(trivia.ini, week, 1) %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $readini(trivia.ini, week, 1) ] ] $+ , $trivtalk(2nd:) $+ 4 $readini(trivia.ini, week, 2) %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $readini(trivia.ini, week, 2) ] ]  $+ , $trivtalk(3rd:) $+ 4 $readini(trivia.ini, week, 3) %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $readini(trivia.ini, week, 3) ] ]  $+ , $trivtalk(4th:) $+ 4 $readini(trivia.ini, week, 4) %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $readini(trivia.ini, week, 4) ] ]  $+ , $trivtalk(5th:) $+ 4 $readini(trivia.ini, week, 5) %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $readini(trivia.ini, week, 5) ] ] 
  if ($1 == month) {
    msg #trivia $trivtalk(Top 5 players of the month are 1st:) $+ 4 $readini(trivia.ini, month, 1) %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $readini(trivia.ini, month, 1) ] ] $+ , $trivtalk(2nd:) $+ 4 $readini(trivia.ini, month, 2) %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $readini(trivia.ini, month, 2) ] ] $+ , $trivtalk(3rd:) $+ 4 $readini(trivia.ini, month, 3) %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $readini(trivia.ini, month, 3) ] ] $+ , $trivtalk(4th:) $+ 4 $readini(trivia.ini, month, 4) %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $readini(trivia.ini, month, 4) ] ] $+ , $trivtalk(5th:) $+ 4 $readini(trivia.ini, month, 5) %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $readini(trivia.ini, month, 5) ] ]
;Made by FiberOptics
alias trivhint { 
  var %a, %b = $regsub($1,/(?<=\S{ $+ $2})\S/g,$replace($$3,\,\\,$,\$),%a) 
  return %a 
alias hint1 {
  if (%answered == yes) {
  else {
    msg #Trivia 4[15 $+ %trivia.qn $+ 4] $trivtalk(Hint One:) $+ 4 %trivia.h1
alias hint2 {
  if (%answered == yes) {
  else {
    msg #Trivia 4[15 $+ %trivia.qn $+ 4] $trivtalk(Hint Two:) $+ 4 %trivia.h2
alias hint3 {
  if (%answered == yes) {
  else {
    msg #Trivia 4[15 $+ %trivia.qn $+ 4] $trivtalk(Hint Three:) $+ 4 %trivia.h3
;did not make this talker;
alias trivtalk {
  var %c1 4
  var %c2 14
  tokenize 32 $1-
  var %i $0,%t,%b = $iif(%b,$chr(2)),%u = $iif(%u,$chr(31))
  while %i {
    var %w $ [ $+ [ %i ] ],%t = $+($chr(3),$base(%c1,10,10,2),$replace($left(%w,1),a, A,b, B,c, C,d, D,e, E,f, F,g, G,h, H,i, I,j, J,k, K,l, L,m, M,n, N,o, O,p, P,q, Q,r, R,s, S,t, T,u, U,v, V,w, W,x, X,y, Y,z, Z,[, 4[,], 4]),$chr(3),$base(%c2,10,10,2),%u,%b,$replace($mid(%w,2),:, 15:,!, 15!),$chr(15)) %t 
    dec %i
  return %t
;not sure where i got it but if someone knows tell me and i will give credit;
alias reset {
  if ($1 == week) {
    .timerresetweek -o 0 604800 reset week
    unset %trivia.week.*
    set %trivia.week.1 0
    set %trivia.week.2 0
    set %trivia.week.3 0
    set %trivia.week.4 0
    set %trivia.week.5 0
    set %trivia.week.6 0
    writeini trivia.ini week 1 none
    writeini trivia.ini week 2 none
    writeini trivia.ini week 3 none
    writeini trivia.ini week 4 none
    writeini trivia.ini week 5 none
    writeini trivia.ini week 6 none
  if ($1 == month) {
    unset %trivia.month.*
    set %trivia.month.1 0
    set %trivia.month.2 0
    set %trivia.month.3 0
    set %trivia.month.4 0
    set %trivia.month.5 0
    set %trivia.month.6 0
    writeini trivia.ini month 1 none
    writeini trivia.ini month 2 none
    writeini trivia.ini month 3 none
    writeini trivia.ini month 4 none
    writeini trivia.ini month 5 none
    writeini trivia.ini month 6 none
on *:JOIN:#trivia: {
  if (%trivia.month. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] <= 1) {
    notice $nick $trivtalk(welcome to $chan $nick $+ . it's time for you to start gettin points so get to it!)
  elseif (%trivia.month. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 0) {
    notice $nick $trivtalk(welcome back $nick $+ . you have) $+ 4 %trivia.week. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $trivtalk(points this week. and) $+ 4 %trivia.month. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $trivtalk(points this month.)
    if ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 1) == $nick) {
      mode # +o $nick
    if ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 2) == $nick) {
      mode # +v $nick
    if ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 3) == $nick) {
      mode # +v $nick
    if ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 4) == $nick) {
      mode # +v $nick
    if ($readini(trivia.ini, week, 5) == $nick) {
      mode # +v $nick
on *:disconnect: {
   set %trivia off
on *:exit: {
  set %trivia off


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Vegitha   -  Mar 08, 2011

works awesome

TaTHaR   -  Feb 16, 2011

Heya, I just found this script and wanna try but it won't show questions. I created trivia.txt and putted that in the mirc directory. The questions made in format question?*answer but don't work. Does any one know what to do?


masterlatino   -  Mar 03, 2010


masterlatino   -  Mar 03, 2010


Hellogoodbye   -  Mar 29, 2009

does /trivia work ?

Fuzion   -  Sep 07, 2008

this ever gonna be updated?

mannix143   -  Aug 29, 2008

i know... i am just hoping that someone can make a script something like i mentioned, i have been looking for one since im not a scripter. :)

F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Aug 29, 2008

I'm sorry sir, but did you notice that this was posted in 2005......

mannix143   -  Aug 29, 2008

is there a way to make this accept multiple answer?


Question: Capital of New york?

nick1 - Albany
Quick typing!!! nick1 gets 7 points. (cps 3.90), (WPM 4.45) <-just for example

nick2 - Albany
nick2 gets 3 points. (cps 3.50), (WPM 2.25)

nick3 - albany
nick3 gets 2 points. (cps 2.15), (WPM 2.00)

nick4 - albany
nick4 gets 1 point (cps 1.90), (WPM 1.71)

Something like that would be nice....because if someone is very fast in typing, and the bot only accepts the first right answer.... the fastest one will only have scores(and what if the slower one plays at the same time with the faster one in an hour, the slower one will have no point if they play at the same time). at least with this, theres a complimentary points to the other people playing.


erry   -  Nov 16, 2007

how the F should the questions be like what format like Question\hint1\hint2,or how the f please tell me!?

dothackking   -  Sep 22, 2007

I can\'t even get it to start... I\'ve tried a few things, I\'m not a scripter so if it\'s a problem with the script I wouldn\'t know. I put a trivia.txt file where you said, added a question (Just for test) and I can\'t get the trivia to even start.... Any help?

|MELIORITE|   -  Jun 11, 2007

You create a text file called trivia.txt either with questions downloaded or ones you have self-researched. You save / keep the file in the same place that you would store this snippet (even if you have loaded it straight to your remotes, you will find it in the files where yours or your bots files are kept- e.g. C:/Program Files/BotName/mIRC ). Then the snippet will read the file from within the same location...

lumby4reward   -  Jun 11, 2007

ok, so where do i put the questions, i dont really know please tell me ASAP

shadow-x   -  Feb 22, 2006

it was question*answer

the top5 wont work
if someone has some points it ist in the top5

Trivia Is Now On! Get Ready! [1] [3 / 9] [admin naam?] [Worth 17 Points] thundur CORRECT! shadow Got The Answer: thundur In: 13secs! shadow Is Awarded: 17 . Total Points This Week: 17 Total Points This Month: 17 !top5 week Top 5 Players Of The Week Are 1st: none , 2nd: none , 3rd: none , 4th: none , 5th: none
KuTsuM   -  Feb 21, 2006

I beleive, in trivia.txt, put it in the following format

shadow-x   -  Feb 21, 2006

how do i add a question hint 1 2 and 3 and the anwser

No0ne   -  Feb 01, 2006

Hmm an update. Wonder what it was?

xDaeMoN   -  Jan 19, 2006

Yes, you copy/paste the code. -> Then your bot, do ALT-R to bring up the remotes editor. -> Click File -> New -> Paste the code in the blank space -> then press OK.

The commands for this script are listed above or on the script itself.

willy-wonka   -  Jan 19, 2006

Am new, How do you \"Send Snippet to Clipboard\" do I paste and copy? and do I paste it somewhere in the Irc? Where???? Appreciate any help. xxxx

jacobhunter   -  Jan 19, 2006

How do i add questions?

StonedStoner   -  Aug 30, 2005

i dont know y i never did that laziness i guess but might as well

xDaeMoN   -  Aug 30, 2005

\";If the bot gets disconnected without being turned off(!strivia)
you may need to do !strivia then !trivia to cut it back on.\"

Why not make it automatic then. Use the On Disconnect event for this and also the On Exit event.

StonedStoner   -  Aug 30, 2005

Updated: put commands in that i forgot.

StonedStoner   -  Aug 29, 2005

lol ty bryan

KuTsuM   -  Aug 29, 2005

Of course, nice job jonas :)

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