/download (http://path/to/file) (SaveAs-Filename) [/commands when file is done]

By QuickStep on Aug 21, 2005

Allows you to download a file and perform actions on it when it's done. I was surprised I couldn't find the snippet on the site, and because of a topic on the site somewhere (somebody asked if it is possible to perform $readini commands on a file online [--well now its possible]) i made the script. ENJOY


/download <http://path/to/file> <SaveAs-Filename> [/commands when file is done]


- Allows simultanious transfers of multiple files
- Allows (optional!) execution of commands when file is done
- Binary read + write for fast transfers and no lag
- Url correction


;Downloads the index page from mirc.com and echoes when its done:
/download www.mirc.com bla.html /echo -a The script has finished downloading

;Downloads the mirc install and run it:
/download http://mirc.arcor-online.net/mirc616.exe mirc616.exe run mirc616.exe
;Another mirc install example:
/download ftp://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/software/mirc/mirc616.exe mirc616.exe run mirc616.exe
;As you can see, also allows downloading through ftp

;Downloads the index page from hawkee.com and runs it:
/download www.hawkee.com/ hawkee.html run hawkee.html

The execution of the commands when the file is done is optional
alias download {
  ;Detect host
  var %hostn = $iif(*: !iswm $geturl($1,1),1,2), %sock = $+(download,$1)

  ;Error checks
  if ($sock(%sock)) {
    erroutput Script is already downloading $1
  if ($file($2)) {
    erroutput File $2 already exists

  ;Everything ready to go
  sockopen %sock $geturl($1,%hostn) 80
  sockmark %sock $false $geturl($1,%hostn) $iif($geturl($1,$+($calc(%hostn + 1),-)),$+(/,$v1),/) $2-
on *:SOCKOPEN:download*:{
  var %a = sockwrite -n $sockname

  ;Nessecary requests
  %a GET $getmark($sockname,3) HTTP/1.1
  %a Host: $getmark($sockname,2)

  ;Connection: close to force the sockclose event
  %a Connection: close

  ;Just-to-make-sure requests:
  %a Accept: */*
  %a Accept-Charset: *
  %a Accept-Encoding: *
  %a Accept-Language: *
  %a Content-Type: application/octet-stream
  %a User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0

  %a $crlf
on *:SOCKREAD:download*:{
  ;First read the headers, and if the header is send, binary write to the specified file
  var %header, &binvar
  if ($getmark($sockname,1)) {
    sockread -fn &binvar
    bwrite $getmark($sockname,4) -1 -1 &binvar
  else sockread %header
  $iif((!%header) && (!$getmark($sockname,1)),sockmark $sockname $true $getmark($sockname,2-))
on *:SOCKCLOSE:download*:$iif($getmark($sockname,5-),$v1)

;Local aliases
alias -l geturl return $gettok($1,$$2,47)
alias -l getmark return $gettok($sock($1).mark,$$2,32)
alias -l erroutput echo $color(info) -ae * /download error: $$1-


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^Neptune   -  Jul 24, 2009

Would anyone know how to edit Zorgon's one so you don't need the "Save As Filename" parameter, and it saves as the filename from the server?

Zorgon   -  Sep 15, 2007

I edited this so that it\'ll support quotations around the filename. It seems to work fine. I hope you don\'t mind. I\'m also unsure about the policies about posting edited versions of code on this site.. but anyway, for anyone who wants it: (tested on mIRC 6.3 using Hawkee\'s noprofile.gif image, and some image of a fuzzy cat eating a plant)

For the noprofile.gif image:
/download http://www.hawkee.com/images/noprofile.gif \"no profile.gif\" echo -a Completed download. Check the mIRC directory.

alias download {
;Detect host
var %hostn = $iif(*: !iswm $geturl($1,1),1,2), %sock = $+(download,$1)

;Error checks
if ($sock(%sock)) {
erroutput Script is already downloading $1
var %2 = $iif($left($2,1) == \",$gettok($2-,1,34),$2)
var %3- = $iif($left($2,1) == \",$gettok($2-,2-,34),$3-)
if ($file(%2)) {
erroutput File %2 already exists

;Everything ready to go
sockopen %sock $geturl($1,%hostn) 80
sockmark %sock $false $geturl($1,%hostn) $iif($geturl($1,$+($calc(%hostn + 1),-)),$+(/,$v1),/) $replace(%2,$chr(32),^_^) %3-
on :SOCKOPEN:download:{
var %a = sockwrite -n $sockname

;Nessecary requests
%a GET $getmark($sockname,3) HTTP/1.1
%a Host: $getmark($sockname,2)

;Connection: close to force the sockclose event
%a Connection: close

;Just-to-make-sure requests:
%a Accept: /
%a Accept-Charset:
%a Accept-Encoding:

%a Accept-Language: *
%a Content-Type: application/octet-stream
%a User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0

%a $crlf
on :SOCKREAD:download:{
;First read the headers, and if the header is send, binary write to the specified file
var %header, &binvar
if ($getmark($sockname,1)) {
sockread &binvar
bwrite $qt($replace($getmark($sockname,4),^_^,$chr(32))) -1 -1 &binvar
else sockread %header
$iif((!%header) && (!$getmark($sockname,1)),sockmark $sockname $true $getmark($sockname,2-))
on :SOCKCLOSE:download:$iif($getmark($sockname,5-),$v1)

;Local aliases
alias -l geturl return $gettok($1,$$2,47)
alias -l getmark return $gettok($sock($1).mark,$$2,32)
alias -l erroutput echo $color(info) -ae * /download error: $$1-

jaytea   -  May 16, 2007

reason it no longer works is due to a correction made as of 6.2:

\"82.Fixed /sockread -nf bug, switches were not being parsed correctly\"

not sure why the author even tried to read a line at a time (as -fn is supposed to do, when this script was made -fn with a &var was simply ignored and treated as if no switches were passed) which is a recipe for disaster :P much less efficient, and reading with -n to a &var causes the trailing CRLF to be turned into 2 null bytes

so in short, anyone still wanting to use this snippet should remove \"-fn\" from \"sockread -fn &binvar\"

Yoinx   -  Oct 07, 2006

I just tried this on 6.2, in reference to a post, and it doesnt seem to download images properly

sean   -  May 19, 2006

this does seem to work for 6.17 :(

KuTsuM   -  Aug 24, 2005

It\'s used to download files off of webservers. Nice job :)

DeathRyder082   -  Aug 21, 2005

Nice snippet name. Don\'t fully understand this, but I guess people will use this.

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