Goggled_Bot Version 2.0

By supergeo on Aug 15, 2005

Version 2.1 Notes
I just finished another partial update/cleaning/revision on the code. Also, I made it so that it will add a # if someone forgets it in the channel command. I need more ideas, guys!

Version 2.0 Notes I updated the code and added a coowner. I fixed errors and fixed some security issues for owner. The code is also a little easier on the eyes.
To set up:
type /setup

to change chan: /chan
to change coowner: /coowner
to change owner: /owner

Includes: Modes for channels and users, greet system, Slots game, question game, coin toss, Stats, Kicking, Banning.

Access Modes:
(From greatest to least)
Owner(1): Set by /owner or in /setup
Co-Owner(1)(NEW!): set by /coowner or in /setup
Op(Unlimited): Default Ops
Halfop(Unlimited): Default Halfops
Voice(Unlimited): Default Voices.

alias coowner { set %coowner $$?="Co-Owner:" }

alias chan {
 set %chan $$?="Channel:" 
 if ($chr(35) !isin %chan) set %chan $chr(35) $+ %chan

alias owner { set %owner $$?="Owner's nick:" }

alias setup { chan 

on *:Text:!toss*:%chan:{
  set %z $rand(1,2)
  if (%z == 1)  set %pi Heads 
  else set %pi Tails 
  set %wow $rand(1,2) 
  if (%wow == 1) set %outcome Heads 
  else set %outcome Tails 
  if (%outcome == %pi) { msg $chan $nick needs %pi to win. $me flips the coin. It lands on %outcome . $nick wins! }
  else { msg $chan $nick needs %pi to win. $me flips the coin. It lands on %outcome . $nick loses. }

on *:Text:!owner*:%chan:{
  If ($nick == %owner) || ($nick == %coowner) {
    If ($2 == $null) set %1 $nick
    Else set %1 $2 
    If ($nick == %coowner) && (%1 == %owner) halt 
    Mode $chan +qa-ohv %1 %1 %1 %1 %1
    Msg $chan %1 now has OWNER status.
    Unset %1

on *:Text:!admin*:%chan:{
  if ($nick == %owner) || ($nick == %coowner) {
    If ($2 == $null) set %1 $nick 
    Else set %1 $2 
    If ($nick == %coowner) && (%i == %owner) halt 
    Mode $chan +a-ohv %1 %1 %1 %1
    Msg $chan %1 now has ADMIN status.
    Unset %1

on *:Text:!op*:%chan:{
  if ($me isop $chan) {
    If ($2 == $null) set %1 $nick 
    Else set %1 $2 
    If ($nick == %coowner) && (%1 == %owner) halt 
    If ($nick == %owner) || ($nick == %coowner) { mode $chan +o-qahv %1 %1 %1 %1 %1 }
    Elseif ($nick isop $chan) && (%1 != %owner) && (%1 != %coowner) { mode $chan +o-hv %1 %1 %1 }
    Msg $chan %1 now has OP status 
    Unset %1

on *:Text:!halfop*:%chan:{
  If ($me isop $chan) {
    If ($2 == $null) set %1 $nick 
    Else set %1 $2 
    If ($nick == %coowner) && (%1 == %owner) halt 
    If ($nick == %owner) || ($nick == %coowner) { mode $chan +h-qaov %1 %1 %1 %1 %1 }
    Elseif ($nick isop $chan) && (%1 != %owner) && (%1 != %coowner) { mode $chan +h-v %1 %1  }
    Elseif ($nick ishelp $chan) && (%1 != %owner) && (%1 != %coowner) { mode $chan +h-v %1 %1 }
    Msg $chan %1 now has Half-OP status 
    Unset %1

on *:Text:!voice*:%chan:{
  if ($me isop $chan) || ($me ishelp $chan) {
    if ($2 == $null) { set %1 $nick }
    else { set %1 $2 }
    if ($nick == %coowner) && (%1 == %owner) { halt }
    if ($nick == %owner) || ($nick == %coowner) { mode $chan +v-qaoh %1 %1 %1 %1 %1 }
    elseif ($nick isop $chan) && (%1 != %owner) && (%1 != %coowner) { mode $chan +v-h %1 %1  }
    elseif ($nick ishelp $chan) && (%1 != %owner) && (%1 != %coowner) { mode $chan +v-h %1 %1 }
    elseif ($nick isvoice $chan) && (%1 != %owner) && (%1 != %coowner) { mode $chan +v %1 }
    msg $chan %1 now has Voice status 
    unset %1

on *:Text:!viewgreet*:%chan:{ msg $chan Greet: %gmsg }

on *:Text:!av*:%chan:{
  if ($nick == %owner) || ($nick == %coowner) {
    if ($2 == off) { unset %avoice | halt }
    set %avoice on 

on *:Join:%chan:{
  msg $chan %gmsg
  inc %joins
  if ($nick != $me) inc %users 
  if (%avoice == on) mode $chan +v $nick 

on *:Part:%chan:{ 
  if ($nick != $me) { dec %users 1 | inc %parts }

on *:Text:!users*:%chan:{
  if (%users = 1) { 
    msg %chan There is 1 user on the channel.
    if ($nick isop $chan) { msg %chan The user is an op. }
  msg %chan There are %users users on the channel, including:
  msg %chan %co Ops, %ch Half-Ops, and %cv Voices.

on *:Rawmode:%chan:{ 
  if ($2 != $me) {
    if ($1 === +b) { inc %b }
    if ($1 === -h) { inc %dh | dec %ch }
    if ($1 === -o) { inc %do  | dec %co }
    if ($1 === +h) { inc %ho | inc %ch }
    if ($1 === +o) { inc %op | inc %co }
    if ($1 === +v) { inc %v | inc %cv }
    if ($1 === -b) { inc %ub }
    if ($1 === -v) { inc %dv | dec %cv }
on *:Join:%chan:{ 
  if ($nick != $me) { inc %j }
on *:Kick:%chan:{
  if ($nick != $me) { inc %k }
on *:Part:%chan:{ 
  if ($nick != $me) { inc %p }
on *:Topic:%chan:{
  if ($nick != $me) { inc %t }

on *:Text:!stats*:%chan:{
  if ($nick isop $chan) || ($nick ==%owner) {
    if ($2 == $null) { set %1 $nick }
    else { set %1 $2 }
    notice %1 Stats for $chan $+ :
    notice %1 Joins: %j
    notice %1 Parts: %p
    notice %1 Kicks: %k
    notice %1 Bans: %b
    notice %1 Unbans: %ub
    notice %1 Voices: %v
    notice %1 De-Voices: %dv
    notice %1 Half-Ops: %ho
    notice %1 De-Half-Ops: %dh
    notice %1 Ops: %op
    notice %1 De-Ops: %do
    notice %1 Topic Changes: %t
    notice %1 Users Currently On Channel: %users

on *:Text:!greet*:%chan:{
  if ($nick isop $chan) || ($nick == %owner) || ($nick == %coowner) {
    if ($2 == $null) { set %gmsg Welcome to $chan $nick+ ! }
    else { set %gmsg $2- }
    msg $chan %gmsg

on *:Text:!down*:%chan:{
  if ($nick == %owner) {
    if ($2 == $null) { set %1 $nick }
    else { set %1 $2 }
    mode $chan -qaohv %1 %1 %1 %1 %1
    msg $chan %1 now has WATCHING status.
    unset %1 
  elseif ($nick == %coowner) {
    if ($2 == $null) set %1 $nick 
    else set %1 $2 
    if (%1 != %owner) {
      mode $chan -qaohv %1 %1 %1 %1 %1
      msg $chan %1 now has WATCHING status.
      unset %1

  elseif ($nick isop $chan) { 
    if ($2 == $null) { set %1 $nick }
    else { set %1 $2 }
    if (%1 != %owner) { 
      if (%1 == %coowner) && ($nick != %owner) { halt }
      mode $chan -ohv %1 %1 %1
      msg $chhan %1 now has WATCHING status.
      unset %1
  elseif ($nick ishelp $chan) {
    if ($2 == $null) { set %1 $nick }
    else { set %1 $2 }
    if (%1 != %owner) { 
      if (%1 == %coowner) && ($nick != %owner) { halt }
      mode $chan -hv %1 %1
      msg $chan %1 now has WATCHING status.
      unset %1
  elseif ($nick isvoice $chan) {
    if ($2 == $null) { set %1 $nick }
    else { set %1 $2 }
    if (%1 != %owner) { 
      if (%1 == %coowner) && ($nick != %owner) { halt }    
      mode $chan -v $nick
      msg $chan $nick now has WATCHING status.
      unset %1
on *:Text:!rejoin*:%chan:{
  if ($nick == %owner) || ($nick == %coowner) { hop %chan }

on *:Text:!silence*:%chan:{
  if ($nick == %owner) || ($nick isop $chan) || ($nick == %coowner) {
    if ($2== off) { mode $chan -m | msg $chan The channel is unsilenced }
    else { mode $chan +m | msg $chan The channel is silenced | mode $chan +qa %owner %owner }

on *:Text:!invite*:%chan:{
  if ($nick == %owner) || ($nick isop $chan) || ($nick == %coowner) {
    if ($2 == off) { mode $chan -i | msg $chan The channel is no longer invite only }
    else { mode $chan +i | msg $chan The channel is invite only }

on *:Text:!kick*:%chan:{
  set %1 $2
  set %reason $3-
  if ($nick == %owner) { kick %1 %chan %reason }
  if ($nick == %coowner) && (%1 != %owner) { kick %1 %chan %reason }
  elseif ($nick isop $chan) { 
    if (%1 == %owner) || (%1 == %coowner) || (%1 isop %chan) { halt }
    else { kick %1 %chan %reason }
  elseif ($nick ishelp $chan) {
    if (%1 == %owner) || (%1 == %coowner) || (%1 isop %chan) || (%1 ishelp %chan) { halt }
    else { kick %1 %chan %reason }
    unset %1
    unset %reason

on *:Text:!ban*:%chan: {
  set %1 $2
  set %reason $3-
  if ($nick == %owner) { mode %chan +b %1 | kick %1 %chan %reason }
  if ($nick == %coowner) && (%1 != %owner) { mode %chan +b %1 | kick %1 %chan %reason }
  elseif ($nick isop $chan) { 
    if (%1 == %owner) || (%1 == %coowner) || (%1 isop %chan) { halt }
    else { mode %chan +b %1 | kick %1 %chan %reason }
  elseif ($nick ishelp $chan) {
    if (%1 == %owner) || (%1 == %coowner) || (%1 isop %chan) || (%1 ishelp %chan) { halt }}
      else { mode %chan +b %1 | kick %1 %chan %reason }
    unset %1
    unset %reason
on *:Text:!gag*:%chan:{
  set %1 $2
  if ($nick == %owner) || ($nick isop $chan) || ($nick ishelp $chan) || ($nick == %coowner) {
    if (%1 == %owner) { halt }
    if (%1 == %coowner) && ($nick != %owner) { halt }
    else { mode $chan +b ~q: $+ %1 }
    msg $chan %1 Was gagged by $nick 
    unset %1

on *:Text:!ungag*:%chan:{
  set %1 $2
  if ($nick == %owner) || ($nick isop $chan) || ($nick ishelp $chan) || ($nick == %coowner) {
    mode %chan -b ~q: $+ %1 
    msg $chan %1 Was ungagged by $nick 
    unset %1

on *:Text:!unban*:%chan:{
  if ($nick == %owner) || ($nick isop $chan) || ($nick ishelp $chan) || ($nick == %coowner) {
    set %1 $2
    mode %chan -b %1
    unset %1

on *:Text:!slots:#:{
  if (%hgslots == on) {
    set %sa $rand(1,4)
    if (%sa == 1) { set %sb & }
    if (%sa == 2) { set %sb % }
    if (%sa == 3) { set %sb 8 }
    if (%sa == 4) { set %sb JackPot }
    set %sc $rand(1,4) 
    if (%sc == 1) { set %sd & }
    if (%sc == 2) { set %sd % }
    if (%sc == 3) { set %sd 8 }
    if (%sc == 4) { set %sd JackPot }
    set %se $rand(1,4)
    if (%se == 1) { set %sf & }
    if (%se == 2) { set %sf % }
    if (%se == 3) { set %sf 8 }
    if (%se == 4) { set %sf JackPot }
    if (%rm == chan) { msg $chan $nick Got: %sb %sd %sf }
    if (%rm == nick) { msg $nick You got: %sb %sd %sf }
    if (%wm == chan) {
      if (%sb == &) && (%sb == %sd) && (%sd == %sf) { msg $chan $nick has won! }
      if (%rewards == on) && (%gandreward == voice) && ($me isop $chan) { mode $chan +v $nick }
      if (%rewards == on) && (%gandreward == op) && ($me isop $chan) { mode $chan +o $nick }
      if (%sb == %) && (%sb == %sd) && (%sd == %sf) { msg $chan $nick has won! }
      if (%rewards == on) && (%gprcreward == voice) && ($me isop $chan) { mode $chan +v $nick }
      if (%rewards == on) && (%gprcreward == op) && ($me isop $chan) { mode $chan +o $nick }
      if (%sb == 8) && (%sb == %sd) && (%sd == %sf) { msg $chan $nick has hit the JackPot! }
      if (%rewards == on) && (%geightreward == voice) && ($me isop $chan) { mode $chan +v $nick }
      if (%rewards == on) && (%geightreward == op) && ($me isop $chan) { mode $chan +o $nick }
      if (%sb == Jackpot) && (%sb == %sd) && (%sd == %sf) { msg $chan $nick has hit the Super JackPot! }
      if (%rewards == on) && (%gjpotreward == voice) && ($me isop $chan) { mode $chan +v $nick }
      if (%rewards == on) && (%gjpotreward == op) && ($me isop $chan) { mode $chan +o $nick }
    if (%wm == user) {
      if (%sb == &) && (%sb == %sd) && (%sd == %sf) { msg $nick You have won! }
      if (%rewards == on) && (%gandreward == voice) && ($me isop $chan) { mode $chan +v $nick }
      if (%rewards == on) && (%gandreward == op) && ($me isop $chan) { mode $chan +o $nick }
      if (%sb == %) && (%sb == %sd) && (%sd == %sf) { msg $nick You have won! }
      if (%rewards == on) && (%gprcreward == voice) && ($me isop $chan) { mode $chan +v $nick }
      if (%rewards == on) && (%gprcreward == op) && ($me isop $chan) { mode $chan +o $nick }
      if (%sb == 8) && (%sb == %sd) && (%sd == %sf) { msg $nick You have hit the JackPot! }
      if (%rewards == on) && (%geightreward == voice) && ($me isop $chan) { mode $chan +v $nick }
      if (%rewards == on) && (%geightreward == op) && ($me isop $chan) { mode $chan +o $nick }
      if (%sb == Jackpot) && (%sb == %sd) && (%sd == %sf) { msg $nick You have hit the Super JackPot! }
      if (%rewards == on) && (%gjpotreward == voice) && ($me isop $chan) { mode $chan +v $nick }
      if (%rewards == on) && (%gjpotreward == op) && ($me isop $chan) { mode $chan +o $nick }
  else { msg $chan Slots are currently off! }
on *:Text:!*:#:{ 
  var %c $1 
  goto %c 
  if ($nick isop #) && ($istok(on off,$2,32)) set %gslots $2 
  msg # Slots are currently %gslots $+ ! 
  msg # to play, type !slots . 

menu nicklist,channel {
  .Turn On { set %gslots on }
  .Turn Off { unset %gslots }
  .Addy Slots On:msg $chan Slots is now on!
  .Addy Slots Off:msg $chan Slots are now off!
  .Message outcomes to user:unset %wm | set %wm user
  .Message outcomes to channel:unset %wm | set %wm chan
  ..On:set %rewards on
  ..Off:unset %rewards
  ..% Voice:unset %gprcreward | set %gprcreward voice
  ..% Op:unset %gpcrreward | set %gprcreward op
  ..% None:unset %gprcreward
  ..& Voice:unset %gandreward | set %gandreward voice
  ..& Op:unset %gandreward | set %gandreward op
  ..& None:unset %gandreward
  ..8 Voice:unset %geightreward | set %geightreward voice
  ..8 Op:unset %geightreward | set %geightreward op
  ..8 None:unser %geightreward
  ..JackPot Voice:unset %gjpotreward | set %gjpotreward voice
  ..JackPot Op:unset %gjpotreward | set %gjreward op
  ..JackPot None:unset %gjpotreward 
  ..Voice for all:unset %g* | set %g* voice
  ..Op for all:unset %g* | set %g* op 
  ..None for all:unset %g*
on *:Text:!question*:#:{ 
  set %Question $2
  set %answer $rand(1,3)
  if (%answer == 1) { msg $chan %question : Yes }
  if (%answer == 2) { msg $chan %question : No }
  if (%answer == 3) { msg $chan %question : Maybe }


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KuTsuM   -  Aug 31, 2005

you mean $chr*, and I know that

supergeo   -  Aug 31, 2005

Actually it is! $chan(35) turns out as # in the text! Will add that in an update, though. Guys I need more ideas here!

KuTsuM   -  Aug 30, 2005

alias chan { set %chan $$?=\"Channel:(Don\'t forget the $chr(35) before the channel\'s name):\" } Not very idiot/noobie-proof

supergeo   -  Aug 30, 2005

Anyone have any comments on the new version

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