
By cdcyborg on Jul 30, 2005

My simple Quote script. When you add the script to mirc, load it and then the setup will easily set it up :) You can use all commands that are used in the channel on that irc using /command Eg. !quotehelp > u use > /quotehelp

on *:LOAD: {
  /echo -a Thanks for using Quoter v1.0 By cdcyborg.
  /echo -a Use /quotehelp for all the commands.
  /writeini quote.ini admins $$?="Who is the bot admin?" yes
  /writeini quote.ini misc channel $$?="what channel will the quote script be active in?"
  /msg $readini(quote.ini, [np], misc, channel) Quote Script Enabled.
  /writeini quote.ini misc limit unlimited

on *:TEXT:!quotehelp*:#: {
  if ($chan !== $readini(quote.ini, [np], misc, channel)) { Halt }
  elseif ($readini(quote.ini, [np], bans, $nick $+ ) == yes) { Halt }
  elseif (!$2) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} Normal Commands: !addquote; !quote; !qlimit; !quotes; !lastquote;
    /msg $chan {6Quote} Admin Commands: !delquote; !setqlimit; !setqchan; !quote <on/off>; !aqban; !dqban;
    /msg $chan {6Quote} Use !quotehelp <command> For more information on a certain command.
  elseif ($2 == !addquote) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} !addquote - Used to add your own quote. Usage: !addquote <quote here>
  elseif ($2 == !quote) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} !quote - This shows a random quote from my quote database. You can also use !quote <number> To view a certain quote.
  elseif ($2 == !qlimit) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} This shows you the maximum allowed quotes in my database.
  elseif ($2 == !quotes) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} This will show you how many quotes are currently in my database.
  elseif ($2 == !delquote) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} This deletes a quote in my database. Usage: !delquote <quote number>
  elseif ($2 == !setqlimit) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} This changes the limit of quotes allowed in my database. Usage: !quotelimit <new limit>
  elseif ($2 == !setqchan) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} This changes the channel the quote script will respond to.
  elseif ($2 == !aqban) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} This adds <nick> to the quote ban list.
  elseif ($2 == !dqban) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} This dels <nick> from the quote ban list.
} }

on *:TEXT:!addquote*:#: {
  if ($chan !== $readini(quote.ini, [np], misc, channel)) { Halt }
  elseif ($readini(quote.ini, [np], bans, $nick $+ ) == yes) { Halt }
  elseif ($readini(quote.ini, [np], misc, status) == off) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} Sorry $nick $+ , The quote script is currently Disabled by admin.
  elseif ($lines(quotes.txt) == $readini(quote.ini, [np], misc, limit) $+ ) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} There is currently the maximum allowed quotes in my database. ( $+ $readini(quote.ini, [np], misc, limit) $+ )
  elseif (!$2) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} Usage: !addquote <quote here>
  else {
    /write quotes.txt $2- (Added by $nick at $time on $date $+ )
    /msg $chan {6Quote} $2- Has been added to my quote database.
} }

on *:TEXT:!aqban*:#: {
  if ($readini(quote.ini, [np], admins, $nick $+ ) !== yes) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} You cant use this command.
  elseif ($readini(quote.ini, [np], bans, $2 $+ ) == yes) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} $2 is already banned from using the quote script.
  else {
    /writeini quote.ini bans $2 yes
    /msg $chan {6Quote} $2 Has been banned from using the quote script.
} }

on *:TEXT:!dqban*:#: {
  if ($readini(quote.ini, [np], admins, $nick $+ ) !== yes) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} You cant use this command.
  elseif ($readini(quote.ini, [np], bans, $2 $+ ) !== yes) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} $2 is not banned from using the quote script.
  else {
    /remini quote.ini bans $2
    /msg $chan {6Quote} $2 Has been allowed to use the quote script.
} }

on *:TEXT:!setqchan*:#: {
  if ($chan !== $readini(quote.ini, [np], misc, channel)) { Halt }
  elseif ($readini(quote.ini, [np], admins, $nick $+ ) !== yes) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} Your cant use this command.
  elseif (# !isin $2) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} Invalid Channel.
  else {
    /writeini quote.ini misc channel $2
} }

on *:TEXT:!qlimit:#: {
  if ($chan !== $readini(quote.ini, [np], misc, channel)) { Halt }
  elseif ($readini(quote.ini, [np], bans, $nick $+ ) == yes) { Halt }
  else {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} Quote Limit: $readini(quote.ini, [np], misc, limit)
} }

on *:TEXT:!setqlimit*:#: {
  if ($chan !== $readini(quote.ini, [np], misc, channel)) { Halt }
  elseif ($readini(quote.ini, [np], admins, $nick $+ ) !== yes) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} Your cant use this command.
  elseif ($2 isnum) {
    /writeini quote.ini misc limit $2
    /msg $chan {6Quote} Quote limit set to $2 $+ .
  elseif ($2 == unlimited) {
    /writeini quote.ini misc limit 999999999999999
    /msg $chan {6Quote} Quote limit set to $2 $+ .
} }

on *:TEXT:!delquote*:#: {
  if ($chan !== $readini(quote.ini, [np], misc, channel)) { Halt }
  elseif ($readini(quote.ini, [np], admins, $nick $+ ) !== yes) || ($nick !isop $chan) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} Your cant use this command.
  elseif ($2 !isnum) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} Usage: !delquote (1 - $lines(quotes.txt) $+ )
  elseif ($2 > $lines(quotes.txt) $+ ) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} $2 is an invalid Quote.
  else {
    /write -dl $+ $2 quotes.txt
    /msg $chan {6Quote} Quote $2 Deleted.
} }

on *:TEXT:!quotes:#: {
  if ($chan !== $readini(quote.ini, [np], misc, channel)) { Halt }
  elseif ($readini(quote.ini, [np], bans, $nick $+ ) == yes) { Halt }
  elseif ($lines(quotes.txt) == 1) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} There is currently 1 Quote in my database.
  else {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} There is currently $lines(quotes.txt) Quotes in my database.
} } 

on *:TEXT:!lastquote:#: {
  if ($chan !== $readini(quote.ini, [np], misc, channel)) { Halt }
  elseif ($readini(quote.ini, [np], bans, $nick $+ ) == yes) { Halt }
  else {
    /msg $chan {6Last Quote} $read(quotes.txt, $lines(quotes.txt) $+ )
} }

on *:TEXT:!quote*:#: {
  if ($chan !== $readini(quote.ini, [np], misc, channel)) { Halt }
  elseif ($readini(quote.ini, [np], misc, admin) == $nick $+ ) && ($2 == off) {
    /writeini quote.ini misc status off
    /msg $chan {6Quote} Quoter Script by cdcyborg Disabled.
  elseif ($readini(quote.ini, [np], misc, admin) == $nick $+ ) && ($2 == on) {
    /writeini quote.ini misc status on
    /msg $chan {6Quote} Quoter Script by cdcyborg Enabled.
  elseif ($readini(quote.ini, [np], bans, $nick $+ ) == yes) { Halt }
  elseif ($readini(quote.ini, [np], misc, status) == off) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} Sorry $nick $+ , The quote script is currently Disabled by admin.
  elseif ($2) && ($2 !isnum) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} To search a quote, Use !quote (1 - $lines(quotes.txt) $+ )
  elseif ($lines(quotes.txt) == 0) {
    /msg $chan {6Quotes} There is currently 0 Quotes in my database.
  elseif ($2 > $lines(quotes.txt)) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} $2 is an invalid quote number.
  elseif ($2) {
    /set %quote.no $2
    /set %quote.wh $read(quotes.txt, %quote.no $+ ) 
    /msg $chan {6Quote} %quote.no $+ : %quote.wh
  elsif (!$2) {
    /set %quote.no $rand(1, $lines(quotes.txt) $+ )
    /set %quote.wh $read(quotes.txt, %quote.no $+ ) 
    /msg $chan {6Random Quote} %quote.no $+ : %quote.wh
} }
alias /quotehelp {
  /echo -a 4>7--------------------------------------------
  /echo -a 4>12 Normal Commands:
  /echo -a 4>12 !addquote; !quote; !qlimit; !quotes; !lastquote
  /echo -a 4>12 Admin Commands:
  /echo -a 4>12 !delquote; !quotelimit <New Limit>; !qchan <New Quote Channel>; !quote <on/off>
  /echo -a 4>7--------------------------------------------
alias /delquote {
  if ($lines(quotes.txt) == 0) {
    /echo -a {6Quote} There is 0 quotes in my database to delete.
  elseif ($1 > $lines(quotes.txt)) {
    /echo -a {6Quote} $1 Is an invalid quote number.
  else {
    /echo -a {6Quote} Quote $1 Deleted.
    /write -dl $+ $1 quotes.txt
} }
alias /quotes {
  if ($lines(quotes.txt == 1)) {
    /echo -a {6Quote} There is currently 1 Quote in my database.
  else {
    /echo -a {6Quote} There is currently $lines(quotes.txt) Quotes in my database.
} }
alias /quote {
  if ($1 == on) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} Quoter v1.0 By Cdcyborg Enabled.
    /writeini quote.ini misc status on
  elseif ($1 == off) {
    /msg $chan {6Quote} Quotes v1.0 By Cdcyborg Disabled.
    /writeini quote.ini misc status off
  elseif ($1) && ($1 > $lines(quotes.txt)) {
    /echo -a {6Quote} $1 is an invalid quote number.
  elseif ($lines(quotes.txt) == 0) {
    /echo -a {6Quote} There is currently 0 Quotes in my database to say.
  elseif ($1) {
    /set %rand.quote $1
    /msg $chan {6Quote} $read(quotes.txt, n, %rand.quote $+ )
  elseif (!$2) {
    /set %rand.quote $rand(1, $+ $lines(quotes.txt) $+ )
    /msg $chan {6Random Quote} $read(quotes.txt, n, %rand.quote $+ )
} }
alias /lastquote {
  if ($lines(quotes.txt) == 0) {
    /echo -a {6Quote} There is currently 0 quotes in my database to say.
  else {
    /msg $chan {6Last Quote} $read(quotes.txt,n, $lines(quotes.txt $+ ))
} }
alias /qchan {
  if (!$1) {
    /echo -a {6Quote} What channel should i set as the new quote channel?
  else {
    /writeini quote.ini misc channel $1
    /echo -a {6Quote} Quote channel set as $1 $+ .
} }
alias /qlimit {
  /echo -a {6Quote} Current Quote limit is $readini(quote.ini, [np], misc, limit) $+ .
alias /setqlimit {
  if (!$1) {
    /echo -a {6Quote} Please put a new quote limit to be set. <number> or unlimited.
  elseif ($2 isnum) {
    /echo -a {6Quote} Quote limit set as $1 $+ .
    /writeini quote.ini misc limit $2
  elseif ($2 == unlimited) {
    /echo -a {6Quote} Quote limit set as $1 $+ .
    /writeini quote.ini misc limit 999999999999999
} }
alias /addquote {
  if (!$1) {
    /echo -a {6Quote} Please put a quote to add.
  else {
    /write quotes.txt $1- (Added by $me at $time on $date $+ )
} }
alias /aqban {
  if ($readini(quote.ini, [np], bans, $1 $+ ) == yes) {
    /echo -a  {6Quote} $1 is already banned from using the quote script.
  else {
    /writeini quote.ini bans $1 yes
    /echo -a {6Quote} $1 Has been banned from using the quote script.
} }
alias /dqban {
  if ($readini(quote.ini, [np], bans, $1 $+ ) !== yes) {
    /echo -a  {6Quote} $1 is not banned from using the quote script.
  else {
    /remini quote.ini bans $1
    /echo -a {6Quote} $1 Has been allowed to use the quote script.
} }


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RoninWarrior   -  Aug 25, 2006

/writeini with no -n switch ?? not good http://www.hawkee.com/snippet.php?snippet_id=1520

please readd all of the comments before you say i am wroung there is a potential hazard here and it has been proven sevral times please use the -n switch anytime you use writeini and readini.

cdcyborg   -  Aug 25, 2006

its not so simple, alot of commands, try it. ;) and the /\'s i couldnt b bothered 2 remove them all after i made it.. lol i din realise i added them in

chaplja   -  Jul 30, 2005

haven\'t tried it yet, but you really don\'t need to use /\'s in ANY of your scripts, they won\'t have any effect - i see this in MANY snippets on this site, it\'s useless :)

they are used only when manually typing something in mIRC where is difference between one and two /\'s.

when using two /\'s, all identifers, variables and commands will be evaluated, when using one /, everything will be treated as plain text

DeathRyder082   -  Jul 30, 2005

Thats alot of coding for a \"simple Quote script\".

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