Naked Auth System - Updated 4/22/06

By LIQUID_NiTrO on Jun 15, 2005

This is a basic auth system with lots of aliases to make implementation easy. It is very flexible and has all of the core functions done for you; it is designed to be a scripter's resource for when they need a log in/log out system.
It stores account info in a hash table called Accounts and keeps track of logins trough a separate hash table called Logins. Includes a bunch of popups to for the auth functions including toggling whether or not new accounts may be freely registered and an /authhelp command that tells you all of the aliases and such that are usable.

alias authhelp {
  echo $colour(info) -a * Naked Auth System, by LIQUID_NiTrO aka W-Unit
  echo $colour(notice) -a * COMMAND LIST
  echo $colour(info2) -a * SETPASS: Changes a user's password- /setpass <accountname> <newpassword>
  echo $colour(info2) -a * REGISTER: Registers a new account- /register <accountname> <password> <accesslevel>
  echo $colour(info2) -a * LOGOUT: Logs a user out- /logout <nickname>
  echo $colour(info2) -a * LOCKACCT: Locks a user's account so they cannot log in- /lockacct <nickname|accountname>
  echo $colour(info2) -a * UNLOCKACCT: Reverses the action of /lockacct- /unlockacct <nickname|accountname>
  echo $colour(info2) -a * SETLVL: Changes a user's access level- /setlvl <accountname> <newlevel>
  echo $colour(info2) -a * ACCTINFO: Displays all current accounts and the last nicknames to log into them- /acctinfo
  echo $colour(info2) -a * ACCTINFO: Displays all of certain user's account info- /acctinfo <accountname>
  echo $colour(notice) -a * IDENTIFIER LIST
  echo $colour(info2) -a * loggedin: Returns the account name of a logged in user or 0- $chr(36) $+ loggedin(nickname)
  echo $colour(info2) -a * password: Returns the password for an account- $chr(36) $+ password(accountname)
  echo $colour(info2) -a * password: Returns the password for a logged in user given a nickname- $chr(36) $+ password(nickname).nick
  echo $colour(info2) -a * alevel: Returns the access level of an account- $chr(36) $+ alevel(accountname)
  echo $colour(info2) -a * alevel: Returns the access level for a logged in user given a nickname- $chr(36) $+ alevel(nickname).nick
  echo $colour(info) -a * End of Command List
#registration on
ctcp *:REGISTER: {
  if ( !$2 ) || ( !$3 ) {
    ctcpreply $nick REGISTER Syntax Error: REGISTER accountname password
  if ( $hget(Accounts,$2) ) {
    ctcpreply $nick REGISTER Err: Account Already Exists
  if ( $loggedin($nick) ) {
    ctcpreply $nick REGISTER Err: You already have an account!
  if ( $len($2) < 5 ) {
    ctcpreply $nick REGISTER Err: Account Names must be at least 5 characters long
  if ( $len($3) < 5 ) {
    ctcpreply $nick REGISTER Err: Passwords must be at least 5 characters long
  if ( $2 !isalnum ) {
    ctcpreply $nick REGISTER Err: Account Names must contain only alphanumeric keys
  if ( $chr(44) isin $3 ) {
    ctcpreply $nick REGISTER Err: Please do not use comas in your password
  hadd Accounts $2 $+($3,$chr(44),$fulldate,$chr(44),$nick,$address,0,0)
  if ( $comchan($nick,0) > 0 ) {
    hadd Logins $nick $2
  ctcpreply $nick REGISTER OK
  notice $nick From now on you will need to log in using /ctcp $me login $2 $3
#registration end
alias register {
  if ( !$1 ) || ( !$2 ) {
    echo $colour(info) -a * Register: Syntax Error: REGISTER accountname password access
  if ( $hget(Accounts,$1) ) {
    echo $colour(info) -a * Register: Err: Account Already Exists
  if ( $loggedin($nick) ) {
    echo $colour(info) -a * Register: Err: You already have an account!
  if ( $len($1) < 5 ) {
    echo $colour(info) -a * Register: Err: Account Names must be at least 5 characters long
  if ( $len($2) < 5 ) {
    echo $colour(info) -a * Register: Err: Passwords must be at least 5 characters long
  if ( $1 !isalnum ) {
    echo $colour(info) -a * Register: Err: Account Names must contain only alphanumeric keys
  if ( $chr(44) isin $2 ) {
    echo $colour(info) -a * Register: Err: Please do not use comas in your password
  if ( $3 !isnum ) && ( $3 ) {
    echo $colour(info) -a * Register: Err: Access Level must be a number.
  hadd Accounts $1 $+($2,$chr(44),$fulldate,$chr(44),0,$chr(44),0,$chr(44),$iif($3,$3,0),0)
  echo $colour(info) -a * Register: OK
alias loggedin {
  if ( !$isid ) { halt }
  elseif ( $hget(Logins,$1) ) { return $hget(Logins,$1) }
  else { return 0 }
alias setpass {
  ;/setpass <accountname> <newpassword>
  if ( !$hget(Accounts,$1) ) {
    echo $colour(info) -a * $1 No Such Account
  if ( $len($2) < 5 ) {
    echo $colour(info) -a * Setpass: Err: Passwords must be at least 5 characters long
  if ( $chr(44) isin $2 ) {
    echo $colour(info) -a * Setpass: Err: Please do not use comas in your password
  hadd Accounts $1 $reptok($hget(Accounts,$1),1,$2,44)
  echo $colour(info) -a * Changed $1 $+ 's password to $2
alias password {
  if ( !$isid ) { halt }
  elseif ( $prop == nick ) {
    if ( $hget(Logins,$1) ) {
      return $gettok($hget(Accounts,$hget(Logins,$1)),1,44)
    else {
      return 0
  else {
    return $gettok($hget(Accounts,$1),1,44)
alias alevel {
  if ( !$isid ) { halt }
  elseif ( $prop == nick ) {
    if ( $hget(Logins,$1) ) {
      return $gettok($hget(Accounts,$hget(Logins,$1),5,44)
    else {
      return 0
  else {
    return $gettok($hget(Accounts,$1),6,44)
alias logout {
  ;/logout <nickname>
  if ( !$loggedin($1) ) {
    echo $colour(info) -a * $1 is not logged in!
  hdel Logins $1
  echo $colour(info) -a * Logged $1 out
  notice $nick You have been logged out.
alias lockacct {
  ;/lockacct <nickname|accountname>
  if ( !$hget(Logins,$1) ) {
    if ( $hget(Accounts,$1) ) {
      hadd Accounts $1 $gettok($hget(Accounts,$1),1-5,44) $+ ,1
      if ( $loggedin($gettok($hget(Accounts,$1),3,44)) ) {
        logout $gettok($hget(Accounts,$1),3,44)
        notice $gettok($hget(Accounts,$1),3,44) Your account has been locked.
      echo $colour(info) -a * Locked Account $1
    else {
      echo $colour(info) -a * $1 No Such Nick/Account
  hadd Accounts $loggedin($1) $gettok($hget(Accounts,$loggedin($1)),1-5,44) $+ ,1
  logout $1
  notice $1 Your account has been locked.
  echo $colour(info) -a * Locked Account $loggedin($1)
alias unlockacct {
  ;/unlockacct <nickname|accountname>
  if ( !$hget(Logins,$1) ) {
    if ( $hget(Accounts,$1) ) {
      if ( !$gettok($hget(Accounts,$1),6,44) ) {
        echo $colour(info) -a * That account is not locked!
      hadd Accounts $1 $gettok($hget(Accounts,$1),1-5,44) $+ ,0
      echo $colour(info) -a * UnLocked Account $1
    else {
      echo $colour(info) -a * $1 No Such Nick/Account
  if ( !$gettok($hget(Accounts,$loggedin($1)),6,44) ) {
    echo $colour(info) -a * That account is not locked!
  hadd Accounts $loggedin($1) $gettok($hget(Accounts,$loggedin($1)),1-5,44) $+ ,0
  echo $colour(info) -a * UnLocked Account $loggedin($1)
alias setlvl {
  ;/setlvl <accountname> <level>
  if ( !$hget(Accounts,$1) ) {
    echo $colour(info) -a * $1 No Such Account Name
  if ( $2 !isnum ) {
    echo $colour(info) -a * $2 is not a valid access level
  hadd Accounts $1 $reptok($hget(Accounts,$1),5,$2,44)
  echo $colour(info) -a * Changed $1 $+ 's access level to $2
alias acctinfo {
  ;/acctinfo <accountname>
  if ( $hget(Accounts,$1) ) {
    echo $colour(info) -a * Account Info for $1 $+ : $hget(Accounts,$1)
    echo $colour(info) -a * Format: pass,registered,lastnick,lastaddr,accesslevel,locked
  elseif ( $1 ) {
    echo $colour(info) -a * $1 No Such Account Name
  echo $colour(info) -a * Format: AccountName : LastNick
  var %x = 1
  while ( %x <= $hget(Accounts,0).item ) {
    echo $colour(info) -a * $hget(Accounts,%x).item : $gettok($hget(Accounts,%x),3,44)
    inc %x 1
alias islocked {
  if ( $prop == nick ) {
    return $gettok($hget(Accounts,$hget(Logins,$1)),6,44)
  else {
    return $gettok($hget(Accounts,$1)
ctcp *:LOGIN: {
  if ( !$hget(Accounts,$2) ) {
    ctcpreply $nick LOGIN Err: No Such Account
  elseif ( $islocked($2) ) {
    ctcpreply $nick LOGIN Err: This account has been locked
  elseif ( $comchan($nick,0) < 1 ) {
    ctcpreply $nick LOGIN Err: You must be on at least 1 channel with me to log in
  elseif ( $password($2) !== $3 ) {
    ctcpreply $nick LOGIN Err: Password Incorrect
  ctcpreply $nick LOGIN OK
  hadd Logins $nick $2
  hadd Accounts $reptok($hget(Accounts,$2),3,$nick,44)
  hadd Accounts $reptok($hget(Accounts,$2),4,$address,44)
on *:PART:#: {
  if ( $loggedin($nick) && $comchan($nick,0) == 1 ) {
    hdel Logins $nick
    notice $nick You have been logged out for security reasons.
on *:NICK: {
  if ( $loggedin($nick) ) {
    hadd Logins $newnick $hget(Logins,$nick)
    hdel Logins $nick
alias -l gren {
  if ( $group($1) == enabled ) {
    return 1
  else { return 0 }
on *:CONNECT: {
  if ( !$hget(Logins) ) {
    hmake Logins 50
on *:START: {
  if ( $exists(Accounts.hsh) ) { hload Accounts Accounts.hsh }
  else { hmake Accounts 100 }
on *:EXIT: {
  hsave -o Accounts Accounts.dat
menu channel,status,query {
  Auth System
  .Register Account {
    var %x = $input(Enter Account Name $+ $chr(44) Password $+ $chr(44) and Numeric Access Level $crlf Separated by a space,eq,Register an Account
    if ( %x ) { register %x }
  . $iif(!$hget(Logins),$style(2)) Log Someone Out {
    var %x = $input(Enter Nickname of person to log out,eq,Logout)
    if ( %x ) { logout %x }
  .Retrieve Password
  .. $iif(!$hget(Logins),$style(2)) By Nickname {
    var %x = $input(Enter Nickname to Retrieve Password For,eq,Retrieve Password)
    if ( %x ) { echo $colour(info2) -a * Password for %x $+ : $password(%x).nick }
  ..By Account Name {
    var %x = $input(Enter Account Name to Retrieve Password For,eq,Retrieve Password)
    if ( %x ) { echo $colour(info2) -a * Password for %x $+ : $password(%x) }
  .Set Access Level {
    var %x = $input(Enter Account Name to change access level for followed by the access level to change to $crlf separated by a space,eq,Change access level)
    if ( %x ) { setlvl %x }
  .Set Password {
    var %x = $input(Enter Account Name to change password for followed by the password to change to $crlf separated by a space,eq,Change password)
    if ( %x ) { setpass %x }
  .Open Registration
  .. $iif($gren(#registration),$style(1)) On:enable #registration | echo $colour(info) -a * Open Registration is now ON
  .. $iif(!$gren(#registration),$style(1)) Off:disable #registration | echo $colour(info) -a * Open Registration is now OFF


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LIQUID_NiTrO   -  May 04, 2009

Clouds: Try restarting mIRC to make sure the on START event has executed. Or, if you added this script with the /load command, be sure you answer "Yes" to the dialog that should appear.

Clouds   -  Oct 06, 2007

It\'s bugged.

I tried making a new account, and I get this:

  • /hadd: no such table \'Accounts\' (line 91, script5)
F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Jun 26, 2005

like geo said Nice job :)

xDaeMoN   -  Jun 16, 2005

You need to put it on your remote section. ( ALT-R -> FILE -> NEW )

scottyB   -  Jun 16, 2005

where do i copy it to?

supergeo   -  Jun 16, 2005

Nice job :)

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