Gather Bot

By HoBbo! on Jun 03, 2005

A gather bot. I know its been made before so please dont flame. This is my first script so please be gentle :] . It features a Member Auth System and commands such as !add , !add b , !remove etc. To turn it on type !on, and !off to turn it off ( obviously :D ) . Also use msg the bot !server [ip]e.g.
/msg BOTNAME !server 45.345.45.435:42534
/msg BOTNAME !pass carrot
use !newdb to clear the database of users
to register with bot, use:
/msg BOTNAME !register [user] [pass] .
to auth with bot, use:
/msg BOTNAME !auth [user] [pass] .
Also, auth de-authentication after channel part.

Please submit constructive comments and any errors you find. Thanks

EDIT: Added !needsub !sub and !cancelsub commands and fixed an authing error too

EDIT2: Added !map (forgot that) and !mixteams command

on *:TEXT:!ban *:%gchan: {
  if ( $nick isop $chan ) {
    mode %gchan kick $2
    mode %gchan +b $2
on *:TEXT:!needsub:%gchan: {
  if ( $nick isop $chan ) {
    set %needsub 1
    msg %gchan 120,5 7::0 Admin: %admin  Has Requested a sub. Use !sub to join the game 7::
on *:TEXT:!sub:%gchan: {
  if ( %needsub = 1 ) {
    if ( $read(dataa.txt,w,$nick) = $null ) { notice $nick 120,5 7::0 You Must be Authed to Sub. 7:: }
    else { set %needsub 0 | msg $nick 120,5 7::0 Please Join  %servip  with password  %servpass  7:: }
  else notice $nick 120,5 7::0 Sorry No Sub needed at the moment  7:: 
on *:TEXT:!cancelsub:%gchan: {
  if ( $nick isop $chan ) {
    if ( %needsub = 1 ) { unset %needsub | notice $nick 120,5 7::0 Sub Canceled  7:: }
    else notice $nick 120,5 7::0 No Sub Requested. So it cant be canceled!  7::  
on *:TEXT:!teams:%gchan: {
  if ( %on = 1 ) {
  else msg $chan 120,5 7::0 No Gather at the moment  7::
on *:TEXT:!on:#:{
  if ( %on = 1 ) { msg $chan 120,5 7::0 A Gather is in process ! 7:: }
  else {  
    set %gchan $chan
    set %admin $nick
    set %on 1
    set %user1 ?
    set %user2 ?
    set %user3 ?
    set %user4 ?
    set %user5 ?
    set %user6 ?
    set %user7 ?
    set %user8 ?
    set %user9 ?
    set %user10 ?
    /msg $chan 120,5 7::0 Gather Starting! 7::
alias msgchan {
  /msg $chan 120,57::0 15Team A 0: %user1 - %user2 - %user3 - %user4 - %user5 - 15Team B 0: %user6 - %user7 - %user8 - %user9 - %user10  Map: %servmap  7::
alias msgnick {
  /msg %user1 120,5 7::0 The Gather is Full Connect to: %servip  Password: %servpass  You are on team A Your Admin is  %admin   7::
  /msg %user2 120,5 7::0 The Gather is Full Connect to: %servip  Password: %servpass  You are on team A Your Admin is  %admin   7::
  /msg %user3 120,5 7::0 The Gather is Full Connect to: %servip  Password: %servpass  You are on team A Your Admin is  %admin   7::
  /msg %user4 120,5 7::0 The Gather is Full Connect to: %servip  Password: %servpass  You are on team A Your Admin is  %admin   7::
  /msg %user5 120,5 7::0 The Gather is Full Connect to: %servip  Password: %servpass  You are on team A Your Admin is  %admin   7::
  /msg %user6 120,5 7::0 The Gather is Full Connect to: %servip  Password: %servpass  You are on team B Your Admin is  %admin   7::
  /msg %user7 120,5 7::0 The Gather is Full Connect to: %servip  Password: %servpass  You are on team B Your Admin is  %admin   7::
  /msg %user8 120,5 7::0 The Gather is Full Connect to: %servip  Password: %servpass  You are on team B Your Admin is  %admin   7::
  /msg %user9 120,5 7::0 The Gather is Full Connect to: %servip  Password: %servpass  You are on team B Your Admin is  %admin   7::
  /msg %user10 120,5 7::0 The Gather is Full Connect to: %servip  Password: %servpass  You are on team B Your Admin is  %admin   7::
on *:TEXT:!add:%gchan: {
  if ( %on = 1 ) {
    if ( $read(dataa.txt,w,$nick) = $null ) { notice $nick 120,5 7::0 You're not Authed. Msg HoBbo User Pass 7:: }
    else { 
      if ( $nick = %user1 || $nick = %user3 || $nick = %user4 || $nick = %user5 || $nick = %user6 || $nick = %user7 || $nick = %user8 || $nick = %user9 || $nick = %user10 ) {
      notice $nick 120,5 7::0 You're Already Added, use !remove to remove yourself from gather 7:: }
      else {
        if ( %user1 = ? ) { set %user1 $nick | msgchan } 
        elseif ( %user2 = ? ) { set %user2 $nick | msgchan }
        elseif ( %user3 = ? ) { set %user3 $nick | msgchan }
        elseif ( %user4 = ? ) { set %user4 $nick | msgchan }
        elseif ( %user5 = ? ) { set %user5 $nick | msgchan }
        elseif ( %user6 = ? ) { set %user6 $nick | msgchan }
        elseif ( %user7 = ? ) { set %user7 $nick | msgchan }
        elseif ( %user8 = ? ) { set %user8 $nick | msgchan }
        elseif ( %user9 = ? ) { set %user9 $nick | msgchan }
        elseif ( %user10 = ? ) { set %user10 $nick | msgchan | msgnick }
        else notice chan 120,5 7::0 Gather is Full 7::
  else notice $nick 120,5 7::0 No Gather at the moment 7::

on *:TEXT:!add b:%gchan: {
  if ( %on = 1 ) {
    if ( $read(dataa.txt,w,$nick) = $null ) { notice $nick 120,5 7::0 You're not Authed. Msg HoBbo !auth User Pass 7:: }
    else { 
      if ( $nick = %user1 || $nick = %user3 || $nick = %user4 || $nick = %user5 || $nick = %user6 || $nick = %user7 || $nick = %user8 || $nick = %user9 || $nick = %user10 ) {
      notice $nick 120,5 7::0 You're Already Added, use !remove to remove yourself from gather 7:: }
      else {
        if ( %user6 = ? ) { set %user6 $nick | msgchan }
        elseif ( %user7 = ? ) { set %user7 $nick | msgchan }
        elseif ( %user8 = ? ) { set %user8 $nick | msgchan }
        elseif ( %user9 = ? ) { set %user9 $nick | msgchan }
        elseif ( %user10 = ? ) { set %user10 $nick | msgchan | msgnick }
        else notice chan 120,5 7::0 Gather is Full 7::
  else notice $nick 120,5 7::0 No Gather at the moment 7::
on *:TEXT:!remove:%gchan: {
  if ( %on = 1 ) {
    if ( $nick = %user1 ) { set %user1 ? | set %out 1 }
    elseif ( $nick = %user2 ) { set %user2 ? | set %out 2 }
    elseif ( $nick = %user3 ) { set %user3 ? | set %out 3 }
    elseif ( $nick = %user4 ) { set %user4 ? | set %out 4 }
    elseif ( $nick = %user5 ) { set %user5 ? | set %out 5 }
    elseif ( $nick = %user6 ) { set %user6 ? | set %out 6 }
    elseif ( $nick = %user7 ) { set %user7 ? | set %out 7 }
    elseif ( $nick = %user8 ) { set %user8 ? | set %out 8 }
    elseif ( $nick = %user9 ) { set %user9 ? | set %out 9 }
    elseif ( $nick = %user10 ) { set %user10 ? | set %out 10 }
    else notice $nick 120,5 7::0 You cant remove from the Gather Because your not in it! 7::
    if ( %out = 1 ) { set %user1  %user2 | set %user2  %user3 | set %user3  %user4 | set %user4  %user5 | set %user5  ? }
    if ( %out = 2 ) { set %user2  %user3 | set %user3  %user4 | set %user4  %user5 | set %user5 ? }
    if ( %out = 3 ) { set %user3  %user4 | set %user4  %user5 | set %user5 ? }
    if ( %out = 4 ) { set %user4  %user5 | set %user5 ? }
    if ( %out = 6 ) { set %user6  %user7 | set %user7  %user8 | set %user8  %user9 | set %user9  %user10 | set %user10 ? }
    if ( %out = 7 ) { set %user7  %user8 | set %user8  %user9 | set %user9  %user10 | set %user10 ? }
    if ( %out = 8 ) { set %user8  %user9 | set %user9  %user10 | set %user10 ? }
    if ( %out = 9 ) { set %user9  %user10 | set %user10 ? }
    if ( %out = 10 ) { set %user10 ? }    
  else notice $nick 120,5 7::0 No Gather at the moment! 7::
on *:text:!server *:?: {
  if ($nick isop %gchan) {
    set %servip  $2 
  else {
on *:text:!pass *:?: {
  if ($nick isop %gchan) {
    set %servpass  $2 
  else {
on *:TEXT:!off:%gchan: {
  unset %on 
  unset %admin
  unset %user1
  unset %user2
  unset %user3
  unset %user4
  unset %user5
  unset %user6
  unset %user7
  unset %user8
  unset %user9
  unset %user10
  msg $chan 120,5 7::0 Gather is 4OFF 7::
on *:TEXT:!newdb:%gchan:{
  if ( $nick isop $chan ) {
    /write -c datab.txt
    /write -c datal.txt
    /write -c dataa.txt
    notice $nick 120,5 7::0 New Database Created 7::
on *:TEXT:!register **:?:{
  set %user $2
  set %pass $3
  if ( $read(datal.txt,w,%user) = $null ) { notice $nick 120,5 Successfully Registered! 7:: |  /write datab.txt %user %pass $nick | /write datal.txt %user }  
  else { notice $nick 120,5 7::0 Sorry Username Taken 7:: }
on *:TEXT:!auth **:?: {
  if ( $nick ison %gchan ) {  
    set %use $2
    set %pas $3
    if ( $read(datab.txt,w,%use %pas *) = $null ) { notice $nick 120,5 7::0 Sorry, Invalid username or password 7:: }
    else { notice $nick 120,5 7::0 Successfully Authed 7:: | /write dataa.txt $nick }
  else msg $nick 120,5 7::0 You must be in %gchan  to auth! 7::
on *:NICK: {
  if ( $newnick ison %gchan ) {
    if ( $nick = %user1 ) { set %user1 $newnick | msgchan }
    elseif ( $nick = %user2 ) { set %user2 $newnick | msgchan }
    elseif ( $nick = %user3 ) { set %user3 $newnick | msgchan }
    elseif ( $nick = %user4 ) { set %user4 $newnick | msgchan }
    elseif ( $nick = %user5 ) { set %user5 $newnick | msgchan }
    elseif ( $nick = %user6 ) { set %user6 $newnick | msgchan }
    elseif ( $nick = %user7 ) { set %user7 $newnick | msgchan }
    elseif ( $nick = %user8 ) { set %user8 $newnick | msgchan }
    elseif ( $nick = %user9 ) { set %user9 $newnick | msgchan }
    elseif ( $nick = %user10 ) { set %user10 $newnick | msgchan }
    //write -ds $+ $nick dataa.txt
    //write dataa.txt $newnick
    if ( $nick = %admin ) { set %admin $newnick }
on *:PART:%gchan: {
  if ( $read(dataa.txt,w,$nick) = $null ) { }
  else { //write -ds $+ $nick dataa.txt | msg $nick 120,5 7::0 Auto De-authentication after channel part 7::
on *:TEXT:!map *:%gchan: {
  if ( $nick isop %gchan ) && ( %on = 1 ) { 
    set %servmap $2
on *:TEXT:!mixteams:%gchan: {
  if ( $nick isop %gchan ) && ( %on = 1 ) {
    set %temp1 %user3
    set %temp2 %user7
    set %temp3 %user1
    set %temp4 %user4
    set %temp5 %user6
    set %temp6 %user8
    set %temp7 %user5
    set %temp8 %user9
    set %temp9 %user10
    set %temp10 %user2
    set %user1 %temp7
    set %user2 %temp3 
    set %user3 %temp6
    set %user4 %temp1
    set %user5 %temp9
    set %user6 %temp5
    set %user7 %temp4
    set %user8 %temp10
    set %user9 %temp8
    set %user10 %temp2


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mitcakos12   -  Apr 19, 2013

i can't to install in my channel. Why? who can to help me?

freakstar`   -  Apr 05, 2012

i found it but i dont know who to give a game plz tell me

freakstar`   -  Apr 05, 2012

how i can this bot works? msg me asap plz..
blackpoison tell me if you know

hackmaster   -  Oct 08, 2009

look at the information in top of this page... god damnit man!

bLacKpoisoN   -  Jan 07, 2008

Ok it works, but!!

[7:03:pm] !add
[7:03:pm] -GatherBot- :: You\'re not Authed. Msg HoBbo User Pass ::

why does it say this, how do i fix?

bLacKpoisoN   -  Jan 07, 2008

how do i make this script work

please tell me step by step where to paste it in and etc..

MaxDamage   -  Jun 30, 2005

i can\'t get the menu up to control it nothing is working :/

PoiXon   -  Jun 05, 2005

on the command !off you have lots of variables to unset

unset %user1
unset %user2
unset %user3
unset %user4
unset %user5
unset %user6
unset %user7
unset %user8
unset %user9
unset %user10

you could just do \"unset %user*\" :)

-rAz-   -  Jun 04, 2005

nvm sorry my mistake

-rAz-   -  Jun 04, 2005

erm the !teams arnt working?

HoBbo!   -  Jun 04, 2005

o yeah D-Link, i forgot to about that. Ill stick it in. And a do a !mixteams feature aswell

D-link   -  Jun 04, 2005

amm its lame bot i must to say..
you dont have options to set a map
or mixing but nice

DarthReven   -  Jun 04, 2005

i\'m not big on gather bots but from what i can see it looks nice

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