TheMovieDB - Wrapper API

By ProIcons on Jan 31, 2014

The Movie Database mIRC API Wrapper
Written by ProIcons
Version: 1.0.1

To Setup it for first time call /_tmdb_init
and from Menu TMDb->Setup Wizard.

Full Documentation in Code.

** * ************************************************************************************************************ * **
** * The Movie Database mIRC API Wrapper  * _/_/_/_/_/  _/   _/    _/_/_/   _/                _/    _/_/_/ _/_/_/ * **
** * Written by ProIcons                  *    _/     _/_/ _/_/   _/   _/  _/               _/_/   _/  _/   _/    * **
** * Version: 1.0.1                       *   _/     _/ _/_/ _/  _/    _/ _/_/_/_/  _/_/  _/  _/  _/_/_/   _/     * **
** * API Version: 3                       *  _/    _/   _/  _/  _/   _/  _/    _/       _/_/_/_/ _/       _/      * **
** * TDMb API                             * _/    _/       _/  _/_/_/   _/_/_/_/       _/    _/ _/     _/_/_/     * **
** * ************************************************************************************************************ * **
** * is a free and community maintained movie database.                                            * **
** * It's completely user built by people like you. TMDb is currently                                             * **
** * used by millions of people every month and with our and powerful                                             * **
** * API, also used by many popular media centers like XBMC, Plex,                                                * **
** * MythTV and MediaPortal.                                                                                      * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** * API is available for everyone to use, including commercial users.                                            * **
** * A TMDb user account is required to request an API key. Commercial                                            * **
** * users are approved on a per application basis. As always, you must                                           * **
** * attribute TMDb as the source of your data. Please be sure to read                                            * **
** * the API FAQ (                                                             * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** * Terms of Use                                                                                                 * **
** * By using this API you are agreeing to the terms of use. You can read it here.                                * **
** *                                                                   * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** * Forums:                                                                       * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** * Libraries and Wrappers:                                                                                      * **
** * - ActionScript   ( by swagger     )                           * **
** * - C#.Net         ( by watway      )                                             * **
** * - C#.Net         ( by asnoek      )                                    * **
** * - C#.Net         ( by LordMike    )                                      * **
** * - Haskell        ( by Peter Jones )                            * **
** * - Java/Clojure   ( by runexec     )                                          * **
** * - Java           ( by Omertron    )                               * **
** * - Node.js        ( by raqqa       )                                       * **
** * - Node.js        ( by danzajdband )                                   * **
** * - Perl           ( by mithun      )                                        * **
** * - Perl           ( by MariaB      )                                          * **
** * - PHP            ( by glamorous   )                                * **
** * - PHP            ( by pixelead0   )                            * **
** * - PHP            ( by kirboogh    )                                     * **
** * - Python         ( by wagner      )                    * **
** * - Python         ( by doganaydin  )                                 * **
** * - Ruby           ( by ahmetabdi   )                                  * **
** * - Ruby           ( by iriomk      )                                        * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** * - mIRC           ( by ProIcons    )                                                                         * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** * Requirements                                                                                                 * **
** * - $json_utf8           by ProIcons   (included)                                                              * **
** * - URL Encode           by ZigWap     (included)                                                              * **
** * - mIRC Version 6.35+                                                                                         * **
** * - TMDb API-key                                                                                               * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** * Known Bugs:                                                                                                  * **
** * - Some instability has been noticed in the long page results. The last socket seems to load faster           * **
** *   than the previous and begin process without them. In the next update a rebuild of the page loading         * **
** *   system will be made , that will load the next page whenever the previous is finished.                      * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** * Version                                                                                                      * **
** * - v1.0.0                                                                                                     * **
** *  * Initial Release                                                                                           * **
** * - V1.0.1                                                                                                     * **
** *  * Fixed bug on Configuration Wizard where, on variable _tmdb_clear_process instead of ms it was asking for  * **
** *    seconds.                                                                                                  * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** * Available Methods                                                                                            * **
** * - All method are listed here. Everything is documentated. Optional Parameteres                               * **
** *   are between brackets []. Also look into the TMDb-documentation for better                                  * **
** *   understanding of the possible methods.                                                                     * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** * Basic Command Concept:                                                                                       * **
** * - /tmdb <method> [-cpaiyrqdls] [ <callback> [<cbheader> <cbfooter>] ] [page] [is_for_adults] [year]          * **
** *                  [primary_release_year] [custom callback arguments variable] [cache] <query>                 * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** * - $tmdb([<query>]).method(<method>)[.page(<page>).adults(<true/false>).year(<year>).release_year(<year>)     * **
** *                  .language(<lang>).secure().cache().callback(<callback alias>).cbheader(<cbheader>)          * **
** *                  .cbfooter(<cbfooter>)]                                                                      * **
** * -> Methods :                                                                                                 * **
** *    - search/movie                                                                                            * **
** *      - Searches for movies based on your query. Displays 20 Results per Page.                                * **
** *      - Available Switches are: -cpayrq                                                                       * **
** *        * Switch -c [ <callback> [<cbheader> <cbfooter>] ]                                                    * **
** *        * Switch -p [ page (integer) ]                                                                        * **
** *        * Switch -a [ is_for_adults ( true / false ) ]                                                        * **
** *        * Switch -y [ year (integer) ]                                                                        * **
** *        * Switch -r [ primary_release_year ]                                                                  * **
** *        * Switch -q [ custom_callback_arguments_variable (valid variable) ].                                  * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    - search/collection                                                                                       * **
** *      - Searches for movie collections based on your query. Displays 20 Results per Page.                     * **
** *      - Available Switches are: -cpq                                                                          * **
** *        * Switch -c [ <callback> [<cbheader> <cbfooter>] ]                                                    * **
** *        * Switch -p [ page (integer) ]                                                                        * **
** *        * Switch -q [ custom_callback_arguments_variable (valid variable) ].                                  * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    - search/person                                                                                           * **
** *      - Searches for actors/actreess based on your query. Displays 20 Results per Page.                       * **
** *      - Available Switches are: -cpaq                                                                         * **
** *        * Switch -c [ <callback> [<cbheader> <cbfooter>] ]                                                    * **
** *        * Switch -p [ page (integer) ]                                                                        * **
** *        * Switch -a [ is_for_adults ( true / false ) ]                                                        * **
** *        * Switch -q [ custom_callback_arguments_variable (valid variable) ].                                  * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    - search/company                                                                                          * **
** *      - Searches for production companies based on your query. Displays 20 Results per Page.                  * **
** *      - Available Switches are: -cpq                                                                          * **
** *        * Switch -c [ <callback> [<cbheader> <cbfooter>] ]                                                    * **
** *        * Switch -p [ page (integer) ]                                                                        * **
** *        * Switch -q [ custom_callback_arguments_variable (valid variable) ].                                  * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    - search/keyword                                                                                          * **
** *      - Searches for movie keywords based on your query. Displays 20 Results per Page.                        * **
** *      - Available Switches are: -cpaq                                                                         * **
** *        * Switch -c [ <callback> [<cbheader> <cbfooter>] ]                                                    * **
** *        * Switch -p [ page (integer) ]                                                                        * **
** *        * Switch -q [ custom_callback_arguments_variable (valid variable) ].                                  * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    - genre/list                                                                                              * **
** *      - Displays all movies genres.                                                                           * **
** *      - Available Switches are: -cq                                                                           * **
** *        * Switch -c [ <callback> [<cbheader> <cbfooter>] ]                                                    * **
** *        * Switch -q [ custom_callback_arguments_variable (valid variable) ].                                  * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    - clearcache                                                                                              * **
** *      - Clears the database cache.                                                                            * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    - configuration                                                                                           * **
** *      - Gets the API's Configuration                                                                          * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    - movie/{id}                                                                                              * **
** *      - Displays the full info of a movie. Plus casts , alternative_titles , images , keywords , releases     * **
** *        trailers , translations , similar_movies                                                              * **
** *      - Available Switches are: -cld                                                                          * **
** *        * Switch -c [ <callback> [<cbheader> <cbfooter>] ]                                                    * **
** *        * Switch -l [ language ]                                                                              * **
** *        * Switch -d                                                                                           * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *      - Accepts a valid INTEGER number, or a VALID IMDb ID.                                                   * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    - movie/latest                                                                                            * **
** *      - Get the latest movie added to the database.                                                           * **
** *      - Available Switches are: -c                                                                            * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    - movie/upcoming                                                                                          * **
** *      - Get the list of upcoming movies. This list refreshes every day.                                       * **
** *      - Available Switches are: -pc                                                                           * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    - movie/now_playing                                                                                       * **
** *      - Get the list of movies playing in theatres. This list refreshes every day.                            * **
** *      - Available Switches are: -pc                                                                           * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    - movie/popular                                                                                           * **
** *      - Get the list of popular movies on The Movie Database. This list refreshes every day.                  * **
** *      - Available Switches are: -pc                                                                           * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    - movie/top_rated                                                                                         * **
** *      - Get the list of top rated movies. By default, this list will only include movies that have 10 or more * **
** *        votes. This list refreshes every day.                                                                 * **
** *      - Available Switches are: -pc                                                                           * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    - person/{id}                                                                                             * **
** *      - Displays the full info of an actor/actress. Plus combined_credits,images,changes                      * **
** *      - Available Switches are: -cd                                                                           * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    - person/latest                                                                                           * **
** *      - Get the latest person added to the database.                                                          * **
** *      - Available Switches are: -c                                                                            * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    - person/popular                                                                                          * **
** *      - Get the list of popular actors on The Movie Database. This list refreshes every day.                  * **
** *      - Available Switches are: -pc                                                                           * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    - list/{id}                                                                                               * **
** *      - Get the selected list of movies that a user has created.                                              * **
** *      - Available Switches are: -cd                                                                           * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    - collection/{id}                                                                                         * **
** *      - Get the selected collection of movies. In movie query check for belongs_to_collection attribute.      * **
** *      - Available Switches are: -cd                                                                           * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    - validate                                                                                                * **
** *      - validates your api-key that is stored in %_tmdb_api_key variable                                      * **
** *      - Available Switches are: -c                                                                            * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** * -> Switches :                                                                                                * **
** *     Switches are in highly restricted order like it shown in the comand.                                     * **
** *     You CANNOT change the order of the arguments passed in ths command.                                      * **
** *     Example:                                                                                                 * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *     (valid)   /tmdb search/movie -cp callback_function 1 Movie                                               * **
** *     (valid)   /tmdb search/mvoie -cp callback_function callback_header callback_footer 1 Movie               * **
** *     (invalid) /tmdb search/movie -pc 1 callback_function Movie                                               * **
** *     (invalid) /tmdb search/movie -pc 1 callback_function callback_header callback_footer Movie               * **
** *     (valid)   /tmdb search/movie -pc callback_function 1 Movie.                                              * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *     (valid)   //echo -a $tmdb(Movie).method(search/movie).callback(function).page(1)                         * **
** *     (valid)   //echo -a $tmdb(Movie).method(search/movie).callback(function).cbheader(h).cbfooter(f).page(1) * **
** *     (invalid) //echo -a $tmdb().method(search/movie).movie(Movie).callback(function).page(1)                 * **
** *     (valid)   //echo -a $tmdb().method(genre/list)                                                           * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *     No matter how the switches are arranged in the /alias mode. Their OPTIONS are highly restricted in their * **
** *     position as deomnstrated in our default command.                                                         * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *     * Switch      : -c [ <callback> [<cbheader> <cbfooter>] ]                                                * **
** *     * Object Call : .callback(<callback>) [.cbheader([<cbheader>]) .cbfooter([<cbfooter>])]                  * **
** *       - defines a default callback alias that all the results will be parsed on it                           * **
** *            also you can define an alias right before the call of the callback alias and                      * **
** *            an alias right after the call of the callback.                                                    * **
** *            Be NOTICED. if you define a <cbheader> you MUST also define a <cbfooter>.                         * **
** *            if you DON't want footer but you want header you can define alias for footer                      * **
** *            _tmdb_void , or for header in the opossite case.                                                  * **
** *            Every callback alias must have in the first line this:                                            * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *            if ($isid) return $true .                                                                         * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *            So its basic form will be something like:                                                         * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *            alias callback [                                                                                  * **
** *              if ($isid) return $true                                                                         * **
** *              ;..commands...                                                                                  * **
** *            ]                                                                                                 * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *            For each method some different arguments are passed into them.                                    * **
** *            you can set the default arguments for each method from the _tmdb_init                             * **
** *            alias or you can add on each query different arguments. See switch -q.                            * **
** *            on the cbheader and cbfooter callbacks some other arguments are passed                            * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *            by default the alias that callbacks our query is                                                  * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *            alias _tmdb_def_cb [                                                                              * **
** *              if ($isid) return $true                                                                         * **
** *              echo -a [ [ $1- ] ]                                                                             * **
** *            ]                                                                                                 * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *            So it echoes all the result on your active window.                                                * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *            There are default assigned cbheader, cbfooter aliases in _tmdb_init. You                          * **
** *            can change them to _tmdb_void to print only the result you want.                                  * **
** *            %_tmdb_cb_global @socket @timestart @timeend @totalpages @query @method @url @cmd @timeproces     * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *            @socket     : Holds the last socket name of the result of the query we made.For example if there's* **
** *                          a query and it have more than 1 page and less and equal than 20, then it will load  * **
** *                          all pages. So the @socket will hold the name of the last processed socket.          * **
** *            @timestart  : Holds the Unix Time/Ticks that the query started. You can define either ctime/ticks * **
** *                          on its variable on _tmdb_init.                                                      * **
** *            @timeend    : Holds the Unix Time/Ticks that the query finished. You can define either            * **
** *                          ctime/ticks on its variable on _tmdb_init.                                          * **
** *            @totalpages : Holds the totalpages [where supported] of the results.                              * **
** *            @query      : Holds the query we made to the api.                                                 * **
** *            @method     : Holds the method we used to the api.                                                * **
** *            @url        : Holds the final encoded url we queried to get the results.                          * **
** *            @cmd        : Holds the EXACT command we pressed in order these results to be shown.              * **
** *            @timeprocess: Holds the Unix Time/Ticks that the process of the data finished. You can define     * **
** *                          either ctime/ticks on  its variable on _tmdb_init.                                  * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *            On the callback headers and footers for the method movie/{id} the commas, are replaced with dots. * **
** *            in the @url.                                                                                      * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *            Available Arguments for method:                                                                   * **
** *              - search/movie:                                                                                 * **
** *                @is_for_adults @backdrop_path @id @original_title @release_date @year @poster_path            * **
** *                @popularity @title @vote_average @vote_count                                                  * **
** *                Variable Holds Them: %_tmdb_cb_ms                                                             * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *                @is_for_adults : Returns if the movie is nsfw*                                                * **
** *                @backdrop_path : Returns the Backdrop Image Path.                                             * **
** *                @id            : Returns the id of the movie (usefull for full movie query)                   * **
** *                @original_title: Returns the Original Title of the movie                                      * **
** *                @release_date  : Returns the full date that movie released                                    * **
** *                @year          : Returns only the year that movie released                                    * **
** *                @poster_path   : Returns the Poster Image Path.                                               * **
** *                @popularity    : Returns a float number of how much popular the movie is.                     * **
** *                @title         : Returns the title of the movie                                               * **
** *                @vote_average  : Returns the vote average of the movie                                        * **
** *                @vote_count    : Returns the Number of Poeple voted in order vote_average to be calculated.   * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *              - search/collection                                                                             * **
** *                @backdrop_path @id @name @poster_path                                                         * **
** *                Variable Holds Them: %_tmdb_cb_cs                                                             * **
** *                @name          : Returns the name of the collection.                                          * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *              - search/person                                                                                 * **
** *                @profile_path @id @name @popularity @is_for_adults                                            * **
** *                Variable Holds Them: %_tmdb_cb_ps                                                             * **
** *                @profile_path  : Returns the Profile Image path.                                              * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *              - search/company                                                                                * **
** *                @logo_path @id @name                                                                          * **
** *                Variable Holds Them: %_tmdb_cb_os                                                             * **
** *                @logo_path     : Returns the Logo Image Path.                                                 * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *              - search/keyword                                                                                * **
** *                @id @name                                                                                     * **
** *                Variable Holds Them: %_tmdb_cb_ks                                                             * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *              - genre/list                                                                                    * **
** *                @id @name                                                                                     * **
** *                Variable Holds Them: %_tmdb_cb_gl                                                             * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *              - movie/{ID}                                                                                    * **
** *                @jsonfile                                                                                     * **
** *                Theres no variable.                                                                           * **
** *                In this method                                                                                * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *            All the callbacks are executed as identifiers, so even there's a whole string on one of your      * **
** *            arguments it  will be parsed normaly as one of $1-oo ..                                           * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *     * Switch      : -p [ page ]   (INTEGER)                                                                  * **
** *     * Object Call : .page([page]) (INTEGER)                                                                  * **
** *       - defines in what page query must be done. for example in a query with                                 * **
** *         30 pages you can define the page number you want to see.                                             * **
** *         Be noticed YOU MUST NOT make more than 20 simultaneous connections and                               * **
** *         You MUST NOT make more than 30 requests in 10 seconds.                                               * **
** *         If no switch -p, defined by default this wrapper will return all pages                               * **
** *         of the given query as long they are less or equal than 20.                                           * **
** *         You may not define as a page any NON integer and non positive number.                                * **
** *       - Available options: a valid INTEGER number.                                                           * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *     * Switch      : -a                 [ is_for_adults ] (BOOL)                                              * **
** *     * Object Call : .adult(true/false) [ is_for_adults ] (BOOL)                                              * **
** *       - Toggle the inclusion of adult titles.                                                                * **
** *       - Accepted values: true/false.                                                                         * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *     * Switch      : -y [ year ]     (INTEGER)                                                                * **
** *     * Object Call : .year([ year ]) (INTEGER)                                                                * **
** *       - ilter the results release dates to matches that include this value.                                  * **
** *       - Accepted values: a valid INTEGER Year.                                                               * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *     * Switch      : -r [ primary_release_year ]             (INTEGER)                                        * **
** *     * Object Call : .release_year([ primary_release_year ]) (INTEGER)                                        * **
** *       - Filter the results so that only the primary release dates have this value.                           * **
** *       - Accepted values: a valid INTEGER Year.                                                               * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *     * Switch      : -q [ custom_callback_arguments_variable ]         (VARIABLE)                             * **
** *     * Object Call : .variable([ custom_callback_arguments_variable ]) (VARIABLE)                             * **
** *       - by default you can define on the init variables on _tmdb_init the arguments you want                 * **
** *         to pass on each callback for each different method. Though this switchs allows you to                * **
** *         define for a query some other arguments without changing the init function.                          * **
** *         For example you create a variable that holds some arguments                                          * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *         %arguments @name @id                                                                                 * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *         And then you pass it to the command like this                                                        * **
** *         /tmdb search/person -q arguments Angenina Jolie.                                                     * **
** *         And the new arguments are now passed in our default callback.                                        * **
** *         if you want this with a custom call back it is simple...                                             * **
** *         /tmdb search/person -cq custom_callback arguments Angelina Jolie.                                    * **
** *         And you passed it to your own callback with your own arguments and now                               * **
** *         from your callback you can access them like this: $1 for @name $2 for @id.                           * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *     * Switch      : -d                                                                                       * **
** *     * Object Call : .cache()                                                                                 * **
** *       - if you have the variable %_tmdb_cache valued to 2. then it will search for cached content. if it     * **
** *         finds it displays data from there. Otherwise it will get results from the main server and then cache * **
** *         them to your local database.                                                                         * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *     * Switch      : -l [ lang ]                                                                              * **
** *     * Object Call : .language([ lang ])                                                                      * **
** *       - Specifies the result's language should the API Server return if this language is supported in the    * **
** *         specific search/get of data.                                                                         * **
** *       - Accepted values: 2char language based on ISO 639-1 Codes:                                            * **
** *                                                * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *     * Switch      : -s                                                                                       * **
** *     * Object Call : .secure()                                                                                * **
** *       - Establish a Secure SSL Connection with the API Server. If ssl fail to load, based on your settings   * **
** *         query will continue in insecure connection or will halt                                              * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** * Versioning                                                                                                   * **
** *  - For transparency and insight into release cycle, and for striving to maintain backward compatibility,     * **
** *    mIRC TMDb will be maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines as much as possible.                * **
** *    Releases will be numbered with the following format:                                                      * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    <major>.<minor>.<patch>                                                                                   * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    And constructed with the following guidelines:                                                            * **
** *    * Breaking backward compatibility bumps the major (and resets the minor and patch)                        * **
** *    * New additions without breaking backward compatibility bumps the minor (and resets the patch)            * **
** *    * Bug fixes and misc changes bumps the patch                                                              * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    For more information on SemVer, please visit                                          * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** * Bug tracker                                                                                                  * **
** *  - Have a bug or a feature request? Post comment here.                                                       * **
** *  -                                                                  * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** **************************************************************************************************************** **
on *:start:{ set %_tmdb_api_ver 1.0.0-Alpha | _tmdb_init }                                                                                         
on *:load:{ set %_tmdb_api_ver 1.0.0-Alpha | _tmdb_init }                                                                                          
alias _tmdb_init {                                                                                                
  ;TMDB Api Version (Default: 3)
  set %_tmdb_api_version 3

  ;TMDB API Host (Default:
  set %_tmdb_api_host

  ;TMDB API Port (Default: 80)
  set %_tmdb_api_port 80

  ;TMDB API Secure Port (Default: 443)
  set %_tmdb_api_secure_port 443

  if (!$exists(tmdb)) .mkdir tmdb
  if (!$exists(tmdb\system)) .mkdir tmdb\system
  if (!$exists(tmdb\temp)) .mkdir tmdb\temp
  if (!$exists(tmdb\db)) .mkdir tmdb\db
  if (!$exists(tmdb\process)) .mkdir tmdb\process 
  if (!$exists(tmdb\images)) .mkdir tmdb\images
menu * {
  . $style(2) TheMovieDB API:noop
  . $style(3) Version 1.0.0-Alpha:noop
  .Setup Wizard:_tmdb_wizard

alias _tmdb_wizard {
  var %w = @_TMDb_CommandLine
  var %m aline -p %w
  var %b %m ** *************************************************************************** **
  var %f %m *********************************************************************************
  var %h %m **0,0:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::**
  var %t _tmdb_wizard_input
  var %n _tmdb_wizard_input2 
  if (!$1) {
    window -aBCde0k0w0z +l %w 0 0 688 359 $chr(32) Fixedsys 9

    %f | %b
    %m ** 0,0:_________0,0:0,0:______0,0:0,0:0,0:____0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:____0,0:0,0:__0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:_0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:_______0,0:0,0:_____0,0:0,0: **
    %m ** |0,0:0,0:_0,0:0,0:0,0:_0,0:0,0:||_0,0:0,0:0,0:_0,0:`.|_0,0:0,0:0,0:\0,0:0,0:/0,0:0,0:0,0:_|[0,0:0,0:|0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:/0,0:\0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:|_0,0:0,0:0,0:__0,0:\|_0,0:0,0:0,0:_|0,0: **
    %m ** |_/0,0:|0,0:|0,0:\_|0,0:0,0:|0,0:|0,0:`.0,0:\0,0:|0,0:0,0:0,0:\/0,0:0,0:0,0:|0,0:0,0:0,0:|0,0:|.--.0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:/0,0:_0,0:\0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:|0,0:|__)0,0:|0,0:|0,0:|0,0:0,0:0,0: **
    %m ** 0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:|0,0:|0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:|0,0:|0,0:0,0:|0,0:|0,0:|0,0:|\0,0:0,0:/|0,0:|0,0:0,0:0,0:|0,0:'/'`\0,0:\0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:/0,0:___0,0:\0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:|0,0:0,0:___/0,0:0,0:|0,0:|0,0:0,0:0,0: **
    %m ** 0,0:0,0:0,0:_|0,0:|_0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:_|0,0:|_.'0,0:/_|0,0:|_\/_|0,0:|_0,0:0,0:|0,0:0,0:\__/0,0:|0,0:0,0:_/0,0:/0,0:0,0:0,0:\0,0:\_0,0:0,0:_|0,0:|_0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:_|0,0:|_0,0:0,0: **
    %m ** 0,0:0,0:|_____|0,0:0,0:|______.'|_____||_____|[__;.__.'0,0:0,0:|____|0,0:|____||_____|0,0:0,0:|_____|0,0: **
    %h | %b
    %t The Movie Database API - mIRC Setup Wizard
    %t API Version: %_tmdb_api_version
    %t Do you wish to continue ? [Y/n]
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine Y
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 1
  elseif ($1 == 2) {
    %t mIRC TMDb API Wrapper Version %_tmdb_api_ver
    %t Developed by: ProIcons a.k.a Nikolas
    %t 0,0::____0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:_0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:__0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:___0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:_0,0:0,0::::::::::::
    %t 0,0:/0,0:___|0,0:0,0:___|0,0:|_0,0:_0,0:0,0:0,0:_0,0:_0,0:__0,0:0,0:0,0:\0,0:\0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:/0,0:(_)______0,0:_0,0:_0,0:__0,0:__|0,0:|0,0::::::;:::::
    %t 0,0:\___0,0:\0,0:/0,0:_0,0:\0,0:__|0,0:|0,0:|0,0:|0,0:'_0,0:\0,0:0,0:0,0:\0,0:\0,0:/\0,0:/0,0:/|0,0:|_0,0:0,0:/0,0:_`0,0:|0,0:'__/0,0:_`0,0:|0,0::::::::;:::
    %t 0,0:0,0:___)0,0:|0,0:0,0:__/0,0:|_|0,0:|_|0,0:|0,0:|_)0,0:|0,0:0,0:0,0:\0,0:V0,0:0,0:V0,0:/0,0:|0,0:|/0,0:/0,0:(_|0,0:|0,0:|0,0:|0,0:(_|0,0:|0,0:::::::;::::
    %t 0,0:|____/0,0:\___|\__|\__,_|0,0:.__/0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:\_/\_/0,0:0,0:|_/___\__,_|_|0,0:0,0:\__,_|0,0::::::;:::::
    %t 0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:|_|0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:::::::;::::
    %t Before you proceed please read the full manual of this Wrapper.
    %t Understanding how this wrapper works will result to its better
    %t configuration and functionality. If you are newbie please enter
    %t every value this wizard have as default. CHANGE SOMETHING ONLY
    %t if you know what it is doing.
    %t There will be a description for every variable wizard ask you to
    %t define. 
    %t Do you wish to continue ? [Y/n]
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine Y
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 2
  elseif ($1 == 3) {
    %t Allright Lets Get Started. Care what you choose.
    %n 0 0 Wrapper Main Configuration0,0 $str(.,13) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.)
    %t &_tmdb_api_key (Required)
    %n 4 0 This variable holds your UNIQUE API Key. You must define your
    %n 4 0 api key in order to proceed and in order to make queries to the
    %n 4 0 api server. If you don't have an api key you can request one.
    %n 4 0 Please visit: to get an api key.
    %n 4 0 If you feel uncomfortable to enter like this your api key
    %n 4 0 you can type in the editbox exactly this: [pwd]
    %t Please Enter your Input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 3
  elseif ($1 == 4) {
    %n 0 0 Wrapper Main Configuration0,0 $str(.,13) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.)
    %t &_tmdb_api_version (Required) (Default: 3)
    %n 4 0 This variable holds API Server's Protocol Version. Its highly 
    %n 4 0 recommanded to leave this to its default value. This Wrapper
    %n 4 0 Does not support any previous version, but it is able to support
    %n 4 0 future versions.
    %n 4 0 This variable holds float or integer numbers
    %n 4 0 Default: 3
    %h | %h | %h | %h  | %h
    %t Please Enter your Input:
    .timer -ms 1 100 set %_tmdb_wizard_step 4
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine 3
  elseif ($1 == 5) {
    %t &_tmdb_alert (Required) (Default: abc)
    %n 4 0 This variable holds the Alert Message level of this wrapper.
    %n 4 0 Alerts are separated in 3 categories:
    %n 5 0 * Successes: (c) Actions Wrapper took and succeded.
    %n 5 0 * Warnings: (b) Actions Wrapper took and faced dificulties, still 
    %n 7 0 operated  normal.
    %n 5 0 * Errors: (a) Actions Wrapper took and faced dificulties and halted 
    %n 7 0 its operation.
    %n 4 0 Examples:
    %n 5 1 * (Success) - $+ $color(info) * /tmdb: Cache has been cleared 
    %n 5 1 * (Warning) - $+ $color(info) * /tmdb: SSL Failed to Load. Proceeding with 
    %n 28 1  $+ $color(info) $+ No-Secure connection.
    %n 5 4 * (Error)0,0.. - $+ $color(info) * /tmdb: Socket in use - You are using this command 
    %n 28 1  $+ $color(info) $+ extremely fast.
    %n 4 0 [Error: a][Warning: b][Success: c]
    %t Please Enter your Input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 5
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine abc
  elseif ($1 == 6) {
    %b | %n 0 0 Connection Configuration0,0 $str(.,15) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_isid_socket (Required)
    %n 4 0 This variable defines if Wrapper should use mIRC Sockets
    %n 4 0 or VBScript sockets in order to get the data. With mIRC Sockets
    %n 4 0 you have a non-direct result though it is more handled. With VBscript
    %n 4 0 sockets to store the json files, you have the ability with the 
    %n 4 0 identifier to take the file that downloaded instantly as a return value
    %n 4 0 from identifier. Though VBScript Sockets, are not handled very well.
    %n 4 0 Some bugs may appear during its procedure. Though if you want to test 
    %n 4 0 it and give us your feedback you can use it. (Default: vbsocks)
    %n 4 0 mIRC Sockets: mircsocks
    %n 4 0 VBScript Sockets: vbsocks
    %t Please Enter your Input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 6
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_isid_socket
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine vbsocks
  elseif ($1 == 7) {
    %b | %h | %b | %n 0 0 Connection Configuration0,0 $str(.,15) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_ssl (Required)
    %n 4 0 This variable defines if by default establish secure connections
    %n 4 0 to the API Server. (Default: 0)
    %n 4 0 Use SSL By Default: 1
    %n 4 0 Do not use SSL By Default: 0
    %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h 
    %t Please Enter your Input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 7
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine 0

  elseif ($1 == 8) {
    %b | %n 0 0 Connection Configuration0,0 $str(.,15) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_ssl_fail (Required)
    %n 4 0 This variable defines if by default when ssl fails should wrapper
    %n 4 0 stop operation or not. (Default: 0)
    %n 4 0 Halt Operation when SSL Fails: 1
    %n 4 0 Proceed with Non-Secure connecton when SSL Fails: 0
    %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h
    %t Please Enter your Input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 8
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_ssl_fail
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine 0
  elseif ($1 == 9) {
    %b | %h | %b | %n 0 0 Data Processor Configuration0,0 $str(.,11) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_clear_process (Required)
    %n 4 0 This variable defines the time in ms that the jsons marked for process
    %n 4 0 and moved to folder tmdb/process will be erased. (Default: 5000)
    %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h 
    %t Please Enter your Input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 9
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_clear_process
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine 5000
  elseif ($1 == 10) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t Cache Configuration0,0 $str(.,20) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_cache (Required)
    %n 4 0 This variable defines if wrapper must keep cache and when to display
    %n 5 0 results directly from cache. When to keep data to cache and when to 
    %n 5 0 make cache work only with custom switch. (Default: 2) 
    %n 4 0 Do not use cache: (0)
    %n 4 0 Always search for cache, and when is not present cache available 
    %n 5 0 content on cache. Cache wont work with Searches only with static
    %n 5 0 results: (1)
    %n 4 0 Use cache only with switch -d.: (2)
    %h | %h | %h
    %t Please Enter your Input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 10
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_cache
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine 2
  elseif ($1 == 11) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t Cache Configuration0,0 $str(.,20) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_cache_images (Required)
    %n 4 0 This variable defines if wrapper must cache/save images to local 
    %n 4 0 database. This works only when &_tmdb_cache > 0 (Default: 1)
    %n 4 0 Do not cache images: (0)
    %n 4 0 Cache Images: (1)
    %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h
    %t Please Enter your Input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 11
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_cache_images
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine 1
  elseif ($1 == 12) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t Cache Configuration0,0 $str(.,20) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_cache_movie (Required)
    %n 4 0 This variable defines if wrapper must cache/save movies to local 
    %n 4 0 database. This works only when &_tmdb_cache > 0 (Default: 1)
    %n 4 0 Do not cache movies: (0)
    %n 4 0 Cache movies: (1)
    %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h
    %t Please Enter your Input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 12
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_cache_movie
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine 1
  elseif ($1 == 13) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t Cache Configuration0,0 $str(.,20) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_cache_person (Required)
    %n 4 0 This variable defines if wrapper must cache/save actors to local 
    %n 4 0 database. This works only when &_tmdb_cache > 0 (Default: 1)
    %n 4 0 Do not cache actors: (0)
    %n 4 0 Cache actors: (1)
    %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h
    %t Please Enter your Input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 13
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_cache_person
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine 1
  elseif ($1 == 14) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t Cache Configuration0,0 $str(.,20) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_cache_collection (Required)
    %n 4 0 This variable defines if wrapper must cache/save collections to 
    %n 4 0 local database. This works only when &_tmdb_cache > 0 (Default: 1)
    %n 4 0 Do not cache collections: (0)
    %n 4 0 Cache collections: (1)
    %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h
    %t Please Enter your Input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 14
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_cache_collection
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine 1
  elseif ($1 == 15) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t Cache Configuration0,0 $str(.,20) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_cache_genre (Required)
    %n 4 0 This variable defines if wrapper must cache/save genre list to
    %n 4 0 local database. This works only when &_tmdb_cache > 0 (Default: 1)
    %n 4 0 Do not cache genre list: (0)
    %n 4 0 Cache genre list: (1)
    %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h
    %t Please Enter your Input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 15
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_cache_genre
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine 1
  elseif ($1 == 16) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t Cache Configuration0,0 $str(.,20) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_cache_configuration (Required)
    %n 4 0 This variable defines if wrapper must cache/save api configuration  
    %n 4 0 to local database. This works only when &_tmdb_cache>0 (Default: 1)
    %n 4 0 Do not cache api configuration: (0)
    %n 4 0 Cache api configuration: (1)
    %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h
    %t Please Enter your Input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 16
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_cache_configuration
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine 1
  elseif ($1 == 17) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t Search Configuration0,0 $str(.,19) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_search_allpages (Required)
    %n 4 0 If Search contains more than 1 page, and less or equal than 20 display   
    %n 4 -1 them all at once. *HIGHLY NOT RECOMMANDED!*. Some instability has 
    %n 4 0 been noticed, while last socket loads faster than previous ones and  
    %n 4 0 process of the data is getting interupted and some hash tables are 
    %n 4 0 not getting freed, as a result a lot of memory allocation with no 
    %n 4 0 reason. YOU are able to do this with your simple callback functions 
    %n 4 0 until this function get fixed and rebuilded in a way to prevent this 
    %n 4 0 data loss. (Default: 0)
    %n 4 0 Do not contain all pages on search: (0)
    %n 4 0 Contain all pages on search: (1)
    %t Please Enter your Input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 17
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_search_allpages
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine 0
  elseif ($1 == 18) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t Callback Configuration0,0 $str(.,17) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t Callback is a very important feature of this wrapper. Callback allows you
    %t to take advantage of this wrapper, to process the data of the api, to make
    %t new combined requests to api. To post data to the api, to edit your account
    %t information and much more.
    %t This section needs extreme attention because everything you choose will 
    %t affect Wrappers behaviour.
    %t There's a detailed explanation of how this feature works on the manual.
    %t You can find this manual in the first 500 lines of the source code of
    %t this wrapper.
    %t Even this wizard works with TMDb Wrapper Callback functions. In order to
    %t take information and then be able to process it you NEED to use callbacks.
    %t Do you wish to continue ? [Y/n]
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 18
  elseif ($1 == 19) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t Callback Configuration0,0 $str(.,17) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t Before you proceed there are some things you have to know.
    %t There are 3 Types of Callbacks.
    %n 2 0 (1) CallBack header (cbheader):
    %n 4 0 This callback is getting executed right before the execute of the
    %n 4 0 main callback alias.
    %n 2 0 (2) Callback Main (callback):
    %n 4 0 This is the callback that all the data of the api are
    %n 4 0 getting parsed on this.
    %n 2 0 (3) Callback footer (cbfooter):
    %n 4 0 This callback is getting executed right after the execute of the
    %n 4 0 main callback alias.
    %t Press "a" to continue.
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine a
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 19
  elseif ($1 == 20) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t Callback Configuration0,0 $str(.,17) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t The required form of a callback alias:
    %n 2 0 alias callback @
    %n 4 0 if ($isid) @
    %n 6 0 if ($prop == chk) @ return $true ^
    %n 6 0 ;Some Commands you want.
    %n 6 0 ;API's data are getting parsed on !1-
    %n 4 0 ^
    %n 2 0 ^
    %t This is mainly required in order the wrapper to determine
    %t whether you are using a valid callback or not, in order
    %t to not halt its proceedure if it finds an invalid alias.
    %t All aliases must be in this type. Main Header and Footer.
    %t Press "a" to continue.
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine a
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 20
  elseif ($1 == 21) {
    var %_tmdb_wizard_resized 1
    window -a +l @_TMDb_CommandLine -1 -1 688 392
    %b | %h | %b | %t Callback Configuration0,0 $str(.,17) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t We have some default functions you may use on the callbacks.
    %t First of all. If you use except main callback function one more like
    %t cbheader , IT IS REQUIRED to use cbfooter aswell and the opposite.
    %t In any case you don't want to use one of them, as the alias
    %t you can define the predefined alias: _tmdb_void.  As it's name sais,
    %t it voids everything pass into it. There's no process there.
    %t For each differnet method some different argumenets are getting
    %t parsed in the callbacks. You will set here the default arguments
    %t for each method, but you are able to define for each query different
    %t arguments each time by using the switch -q. You have to read more
    %t on the wrapper's manual about this switch and to get a full
    %t picture of how the callbacks are working.
    %t Press "a" to continue.
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine a
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 21
  elseif ($1 == 22) {
    var %_tmdb_wizard_resized 1
    window -a +l @_TMDb_CommandLine -1 -1 688 519
    %b | %h | %b | %t Callback Configuration0,0 $str(.,17) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_cb_global (Required)
    %n 2 0 This is the variable that holds every global arguments will be parsed in
    %n 2 0 header,footer callback aliases during the process of a query.
    %n 2 3 +socket0,0.....: Holds the last socket name of the result of the query
    %n 16 0 we made. 
    %n 2 3 +timestart0,0..: Holds the Unix Time/Ticks that the query started. 
    %n 16 0 You will define either ctime/ticks later. 
    %n 2 3 +timeend0,0....: Holds the Unix Time/Ticks that the query ended. 
    %n 16 0 You will define either ctime/ticks later. 
    %n 2 3 +totalpages0,0.: Holds the totalpages [where supported] of the results.
    %n 2 3 +query0,0......: Holds the query we made to the api.
    %n 2 3 +method0,0.....: Holds the method we used to the api.
    %n 2 3 +url0,0........: Holds the final encoded url we queried to get the
    %n 16 0 results. 
    %n 2 3 +cmd0,0........: Holds the EXACT command we pressed in order these
    %n 16 0 results to be shown.
    %n 2 0 +timeprocess: Holds the Unix Time/Ticks that the process of the data 
    %n 16 0 finished. You will define either ctime/ticks later. 
    %t (Default: @socket @timestart @timeend @totalpages @query @method @url @cmd
    %n 10 0 +timeprocess +cached)
    %t Please enter your input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_cb_global
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine @socket @timestart @timeend @totalpages @query @method @url @cmd @timeprocess @cached
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 22     
  elseif ($1 == 23) {
    var %_tmdb_wizard_resized 1
    window -a +l @_TMDb_CommandLine -1 -1 688 458
    %b | %h | %b | %t Callback Configuration0,0 $str(.,17) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_cb_ms (Required)
    %n 2 0 This is the variable that holds every search/movie method arguments 
    %n 2 0 will be parsed in main callback alias during the process of a query.
    %n 2 3 +is_for_adults0,0.: Returns if the movie is nsfw*                                              
    %n 2 3 +backdrop_path0,0.: Returns the Backdrop Image Path.                                           
    %n 2 3 +id0,0............: Returns the id of the movie (usefull for full movie
    %n 19 0 query)                 
    %n 2 0 +original_title: Returns the Original Title of the movie                                    
    %n 2 3 +release_date0,0..: Returns the full date that movie released                                  
    %n 2 3 +year0,0..........: Returns only the year that movie released                                  
    %n 2 3 +poster_path0,0...: Returns the Poster Image Path.                                             
    %n 2 3 +popularity0,0....: Returns a float number of how much popular the movie is.                   
    %n 2 3 +title0,0.........: Returns the title of the movie                                             
    %n 2 3 +vote_average0,0..: Returns the vote average of the movie                                      
    %n 2 3 +vote_count0,0....: Returns the Number of Poeple voted in order vote_average
    %n 19 0 to be calculated.
    %t (Default: @title @year @id)
    %t Please enter your input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_cb_ms
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine @title @year @id
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 23
  elseif ($1 == 24) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t Callback Configuration0,0 $str(.,17) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_cb_cs (Required)
    %n 2 0 This is the variable that holds every search/collection method arguments 
    %n 2 0 will be parsed in main callback alias during the process of a query.
    %n 2 3 +name0,0..........: Returns the name of the collection.      
    %n 2 3 +backdrop_path0,0.: Returns the Backdrop Image Path.                                           
    %n 2 3 +id0,0............: Returns the id of the collection (usefull for full
    %n 19 0 collection query)
    %n 2 3 +poster_path0,0...: Returns the Poster Image Path.
    %t (Default: @name @id)
    %h | %h
    %t Please enter your input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_cb_cs
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine @name @id
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 24
  elseif ($1 == 25) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t Callback Configuration0,0 $str(.,17) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_cb_ps (Required)
    %n 2 0 This is the variable that holds every search/person method arguments 
    %n 2 0 will be parsed in main callback alias during the process of a query.
    %n 2 3 +name0,0..........: Returns the name of the Person.      
    %n 2 3 +profile_path0,0..: Returns the Profile Image path.                                              
    %n 2 3 +id0,0............: Returns the id of the person (usefull for full
    %n 19 0 person query)
    %n 2 3 +populatiry0,0....: Returns a float number of how much popular the person
    %n 2 3 +is_for_adults0,0.: Returns if the person is nsfw*  
    %n 19 0 is.
    %t (Default: @name @id)
    %t Please enter your input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_cb_ps
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine @name @id
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 25
  elseif ($1 == 26) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t Callback Configuration0,0 $str(.,17) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_cb_os (Required)
    %n 2 0 This is the variable that holds every search/company method arguments 
    %n 2 0 will be parsed in main callback alias during the process of a query.
    %n 2 3 +name0,0..........: Returns the name of the company.      
    %n 2 3 +logo_path0,0.....: Returns the Logo Image path.                                              
    %n 2 3 +id0,0............: Returns the id of the company (usefull for full
    %n 19 0 company query)
    %t (Default: @name @id)
    %h | %h | %h
    %t Please enter your input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_cb_os
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine @name @id
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 26
  elseif ($1 == 27) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t Callback Configuration0,0 $str(.,17) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_cb_ks (Required)
    %n 2 0 This is the variable that holds every search/keyword method arguments 
    %n 2 0 will be parsed in main callback alias during the process of a query.
    %n 2 3 +name0,0..........: Returns the name of the keyword.                                                
    %n 2 3 +id0,0............: Returns the id of the keyword (usefull for full
    %n 19 0 keyword query)
    %t (Default: @name @id)
    %h | %h | %h | %h
    %t Please enter your input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_cb_ks
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine @name @id
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 27
  elseif ($1 == 28) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t Callback Configuration0,0 $str(.,17) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_cb_gl (Required)
    %n 2 0 This is the variable that holds every genre/list method arguments 
    %n 2 0 will be parsed in main callback alias during the process of a query.
    %n 2 3 +name0,0..........: Returns the name of the genre list.                                                
    %n 2 3 +id0,0............: Returns the id of the genre list (usefull for
    %n 19 0 full genre list query)
    %t (Default: @name @id)
    %h | %h | %h | %h
    %t Please enter your input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_cb_gl
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine @name @id
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 28
  elseif ($1 == 29) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t Callback Configuration0,0 $str(.,17) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_cb_time_format (Required)
    %n 2 0 This is the variable that holds the begin and end time format 
    %n 2 0 Available Formats: ctime , ticks
    %n 2 3 ctime0,0..........: Is the current date and time formated in unix time.                                                
    %n 2 3 ticks0,0..........: Is the number of ticks since your operating system 
    %n 19 0 was first started. used for more accurate calculation 
    %n 19 0 of process time.
    %t (Default: ticks)
    %h | %h | %h
    %t Please enter your input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_cb_time_format
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine ticks
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 29
  elseif ($1 == 30) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t Callback Configuration0,0 $str(.,17) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_def_cb (Required)
    %n 2 0 This is the variable that holds the default callback alias. 
    %n 2 0 Callback alias is running as identifier and it must be have
    %n 2 0 a "chk" property like mentioned in the guide earlier that it
    %n 2 0 must return $true . This alias will be executing as an
    %n 2 0 identifier with /noop command on default socket "mircsocks"
    %n 2 0 and on the command execution of the function tmdb. (/tmdb).
    %n 2 0 (Default: _tmdb_def_cb).
    %n 2 0 P.S: it would be wise to let it the default value and see
    %n 2 0 how the system interacting with it, in order to create the
    %n 2 0 the perfect callback afterwards. You can change this later.
    %h | %h
    %t Please enter your input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_def_cb
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine _tmdb_def_cb
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 30
  elseif ($1 == 31) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t Callback Configuration0,0 $str(.,17) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_def_cb_hd (Required)
    %n 2 0 This is the variable that holds the default callback header alias. 
    %n 2 0 Callback header alias is running as identifier and it must be have
    %n 2 0 a "chk" property like mentioned in the guide earlier that it
    %n 2 0 must return $true . This alias will be executing as an
    %n 2 0 identifier with /noop command on default socket "mircsocks"
    %n 2 0 and on the command execution of the function tmdb. (/tmdb).
    %n 2 0 This alias is getting executed right before the main callback alias
    %n 2 0 (Default: _tmdb_def_cb).
    %n 2 0 P.S: it would be wise to let it the default value and see
    %n 2 0 how the system interacting with it, in order to create the
    %n 2 0 the perfect callback afterwards. You can change this later.
    %t Please enter your input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_def_cb_hd
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine _tmdb_def_cb_hd
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 31
  elseif ($1 == 32) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t Callback Configuration0,0 $str(.,17) $+ 1 $$1 $+ /32,4|,0.) | %b | %h
    %t &_tmdb_def_cb_ft (Required)
    %n 2 0 This is the variable that holds the default callback footer alias. 
    %n 2 0 Callback footer alias is running as identifier and it must be have
    %n 2 0 a "chk" property like mentioned in the guide earlier that it
    %n 2 0 must return $true . This alias will be executing as an
    %n 2 0 identifier with /noop command on default socket "mircsocks"
    %n 2 0 and on the command execution of the function tmdb. (/tmdb).
    %n 2 0 This alias is getting executed right after the main callback alias
    %n 2 0 (Default: _tmdb_def_cb).
    %n 2 0 P.S: it would be wise to let it the default value and see
    %n 2 0 how the system interacting with it, in order to create the
    %n 2 0 the perfect callback afterwards. You can change this later.
    %t Please enter your input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_more _tmdb_def_cb_ft
    editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine _tmdb_def_cb_ft
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 32
  elseif ($1 == 33) {
    %b | %h | %b | %t TMDb Setup Wizard. | %b | %h
    %t You have finished your setup wizard. If you read the manual your
    %t configuration will be just fine. If you didn't, you can read it
    %t and run again this wizard by typing /_tmdb_wizard OR by navigating
    %t to the menu TMDb->Setup Wizard.
    %t If you have any questions feel free to contact with me at my email
    %t , or leave a comment on Hawkee.
    %h | %h | %h | %h | %h
    %t You may now close this window safely.
  titlebar @_TMDb_CommandLine Setup Wizard: Step $1 -> $$iif(!$1,1,$1) $+ / $+ 33).s
  if (!%_tmdb_wizard_resized)   window -a +l @_TMDb_CommandLine -1 -1 688 359

alias {
  var %open.char = 14,0[
  var %clos.char = 14,0]
  var %pbar.fill = 4|
  var %pbar.empt = 0,1.
  if ($3) { var %pbar.fill = $2, %pbar.empt = $3 }
  if ($5) { var %open.char = $2, %pbar.fill = $3, %pbar.empt = $4, %clos.char = $5 }
  if ($regex($1,^\d*/\d*$)) { var %p1 = $gettok($1,1,47)), %p2 = $calc($gettok($1,2,47) - %p1) }
  elseif ($regex($1,^\d*%$)) { var %p1 = $calc($remove($1,%) / 10)), %p2 = $calc(10 - %p1)) }
  if (%p1) {
    var %r = $+(%open.char,$str(%pbar.fill,%p1),$str(%pbar.empt,%p2),%clos.char,$iif($right(%clos.char,-1) != ,))
    return $iif($prop == s,$strip(%r),%r) 
  else { return }

on *:input:@_TMDb_CommandLine:{
  var %w = @_TMDb_CommandLine
  var %m aline -p %w
  var %b %m ** *************************************************************************** **
  var %f %m *********************************************************************************
  var %h %m **0,0:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::**
  var %t _tmdb_wizard_input
  var %n _tmdb_wizard_input2 
  var %r _tmdb_wizard_rnput 
  if (%_tmdb_wizard_step) {
    var %s $v1
    if (%s !isnum 21-27) %r $hget(_tmdb_wizard,line) $iif(%s == 3,$str(*,$len($1-)),$1-)

    unset %_tmdb_wizard_step

    if (%s isnum 1-2) || (%s == 18) {
      if ($1 == Y) { _tmdb_wizard $calc(%s + 1)  }
      elseif ($1 == n) { 
        set %_tmdb_wizard_step %s
        %t Are you sure you want to delete all your
        %t configuration and abort this setup? [T=Yes,F=No]
      elseif ($1 === T) {
        window -c @_TMDb_CommandLine | unset %_tmdb_wizard* | if (%s == 17) { unset %_tmdb_* }
      elseif ($1 == F) {
        set %_tmdb_wizard_step %s
        %t Do you wish to continue ? [Y/n]
      else {
        set %_tmdb_wizard_step %s
        %r Do you wish to continue ? [Y/n]
    elseif (%s == 3) {
      if ($1 == [skp]) {
        _tmdb_wizard $calc(%s + 1)
      elseif ($1 == [pwd]) { set %_tmdb_wizard_step 3 | _tmdb_safe_pwdrequest }
      else {
        %t Please wait, until API Server check your api key.
        if ($len($1) == 32) {
          set %_tmdb_wizard_step 3
          _tmdb_key_check $1-
        else {
          %t Your API Key is invalid.
          %t Please Enter your Input:
          set %_tmdb_wizard_step 3
    elseif (%s == 4) {
      if ($1 isnum) {
        set %_tmdb_api_version 3
        _tmdb_wizard $calc(%s + 1)
      else {
        %t Invalid Input. Accepted Values: Integer or float Number.
        set %_tmdb_wizard_step 4
        _tmdb_wizard 4

    elseif (%s == 5) {
      set %_tmdb_alert $1-
      _tmdb_wizard $calc(%s + 1)

    elseif (%s == 6) {
      if ($regex($1,/(vbsocks|mircsocks)/)) {
        set % [ $+ [ %_tmdb_wizard_more ] ] $1-
        _tmdb_wizard $calc(%s + 1)
      else {
        %t Invalid Input. Accepted Values: vbsocks/mircsocks
        %t Please Enter your Input:
        set %_tmdb_wizard_step %s
        editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine mircsocks

    elseif (%s == 7) {
      if ($1 == 1) && ($sslready) {
        set %_tmdb_ssl 1
        _tmdb_wizard $calc(%s + 1)
      elseif (!$sslready) && ($1 == 1) {
        %t It seems that SSL is missing from your Computer.
        %t Please visit:
        %t for more information about installing ssl to your
        %t computer.
        %t Please Enter your Input:
        set %_tmdb_wizard_step 6
        editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine 0
      elseif ($1 == 0) {
        set %_tmdb_ssl 0
        _tmdb_wizard $calc(%s + 1)
    elseif (%s isnum 8-17) {
      if ($1 isnum $iif(%s == 10,0-2,$iif(%s == 9,1-,0-1))) {
        set % [ $+ [ %_tmdb_wizard_more ] ] $1
        unset %_tmdb_wizard_more
        _tmdb_wizard $calc(%s + 1)
      else {
        %t Invalid Input. Accepted Values: Integer Number $iif(%s == 8,[0-1]) $+ $iif(%s == 10,[0-2]) $+ $iif(%s isnum 11-16,[0-1]) 
        %t Please Enter your Input:
        set %_tmdb_wizard_step %s
        editbox @_TMDb_CommandLine $iif(%s == 10,2,$iif(%s == 9,5,$iif(%s == 8,0,$iif(%s == 17,0,1))))
    elseif (%s isnum 19-21) {
      if ($1 == a) {
        _tmdb_wizard $calc(%s + 1)
      else {
        %r Press "a" to continue.
        set %_tmdb_wizard_step %s
    elseif (%s isnum 22-28) {
      set % [ $+ [ %_tmdb_wizard_more ] ] $1-
      unset %_tmdb_wizard_more
      _tmdb_wizard $calc(%s + 1)
    elseif (%s == 29) {
      if ($regex($1,/(ticks|ctime)/)) {
        set % [ $+ [ %_tmdb_wizard_more ] ] $regml(1)
        _tmdb_wizard $calc(%s + 1)
      else {
        %t Invalid Input. Accepted Values: [ticks,ctime] 
        %t Please Enter your Input:
        set %_tmdb_wizard_step %s
        editbox ticks
    elseif (%s isnum 30-32) {
      set % [ $+ [ %_tmdb_wizard_more ] ] $1-
      unset %_tmdb_wizard_more
      _tmdb_wizard $calc(%s + 1)

alias -l len2 {
  var %i = 1
  var %n = 0
  while (%i <= $len($1-)) {
    if ($mid($1-,%i,1) != $chr(3)) { inc %n }
    inc %i
  return %n
alias _tmdb_safe_pwdrequest {
  var %w = @_TMDb_CommandLine | var %m aline -p %w | var %b %m ** *************************************************************************** ** | var %f %m ********************************************************************************* 
  var %h %m **0,0:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::** | var %t _tmdb_wizard_input | var %n _tmdb_wizard_input2  
  var %input $?*="Please enter your 32-character API Key"
  %t Please wait, until API Server check your api key.
  if ($len(%input) == 32) {
    _tmdb_key_check %input
  else {
    %t Your API Key is invalid.
    %t Please Enter your Input:
    set %_tmdb_wizard_step 3

alias -l _tmdb_key_check {
  set %_tmdb_api_key $1
  tmdb validate -c _tmdb_key_check2 $1
alias -l _tmdb_key_check2 {
  var %w = @_TMDb_CommandLine | var %m aline -p %w | var %b %m ** *************************************************************************** ** | var %f %m ********************************************************************************* 
  var %h %m **0,0:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::** | var %t _tmdb_wizard_input | var %n _tmdb_wizard_input2  

  if ($isid) {
    if ($prop == chk) { return $true }
    if ($1) {
      %t Your API Key is valid.
      _tmdb_wizard $calc(%_tmdb_wizard_step + 1)
      unset %_tmdb_wizard_step
    else {
      %t Your API Key is invalid.
      %t Please Enter your Input:

      set %_tmdb_wizard_step 3
alias _tmdb_wizard_input2 {
  aline -p @_TMDb_CommandLine ** 0,0 $+ $str(:,$1) $+  $+ $replace($3-,&,$chr(37),^,$chr(125),@,$chr(123),!,$chr(36),+,@) $+ 0,0 $+ $str(:,$calc(75 - $len2($3-) + $2 + 5 - $len(0 $+ $chr(44) $+ 0 $+ $str(:,$1) $+ ) )) $+  **
alias _tmdb_wizard_rnput {
  hadd -m _tmdb_wizard line $1-
  rline -p @_TMDb_CommandLine $line(@_TMDb_CommandLine,0) ** $replace($1-,&,$chr(37),^,$chr(125),@,$chr(123),!,$chr(36),+,@) $+ 0,0 $+ $str(:,$calc(75 - $len($1-) )) $+  **

alias _tmdb_wizard_input {
  hadd -m _tmdb_wizard line $1-
  aline -p @_TMDb_CommandLine ** $replace($1-,&,$chr(37)) $+ 0,0 $+ $str(:,$calc(75 - $len($1-) )) $+  **
menu @_TMDB_CommandLine {
  sclick:{ movewin $active $calc($mouse.dx -$window($active).x) $calc($mouse.dy -$window($active).y)  }
alias tmdb {
  if ($isid) {
    return $_tmdb_isid($1-). [ $+ [ $prop ] ]
  else {
    _tmdb_alias $1-
alias _tmdb_alias {
  var %e,%w,%s
  if (a isin %_tmdb_alert) { %w = echo $color(info) * /tmdb: Warning: }
  else { %w = noop }
  if (b isin %_tmdb_alert) { %e = echo $color(info) * /tmdb: Error: }
  else { %e = noop }
  if (c isin %_tmdb_alert) { %s = echo $color(info) * /tmdb: }
  else { %s = noop }
  var %_tmdb_method $1
  var %more
  if ($1 == search/movie) {
    var %_tmdb_switch_allow cpayrql

  elseif ($1 === search/collection) {
    var %_tmdb_switch_allow cpql
  elseif ($1 === search/person) {
    var %_tmdb_switch_allow cpaql
  elseif ($1 === search/company) {
    var %_tmdb_switch_allow cpql
  elseif ($1 === search/keyword) {
    var %_tmdb_switch_allow cpql
  elseif ($1 === genre/list) {
    var %_tmdb_switch_allow cqld
  elseif ($1 === configuration) {
    var %_tmdb_switch_allow cd
  elseif ($1 === validate) {
    var %_tmdb_switch_allow c
  elseif ($1 === movie/latest) {
    var %_tmdb_switch_allow cl
  elseif ($1 === movie/upcoming) {
    var %_tmdb_switch_allow pcl
  elseif ($1 === movie/popular) {
    var %_tmdb_switch_allow pcl
  elseif ($1 === movie/top_rated) {
    var %_tmdb_switch_allow pcl
  elseif ($1 === movie/now_playing) {
    var %_tmdb_switch_allow pcl
  elseif ($1 === person/popular) {
    var %_tmdb_switch_allow pc
  elseif ($1 === person/latest) {
    var %_tmdb_switch_allow c
  elseif ($1 === person/latest) {
    var %_tmdb_switch_allow c

  elseif (genre/*/movies iswmcs $1) {
    if ($remove($1,genre/,/movies) isnum) {
      var %_tmdb_switch_allow cpald
    else {
      %e Invalid ID for method genre/{id}/movies. ID must be an integer.
      goto halt

  elseif (movie/* iswmcs $1) {
    if ($remove($1,movie/) isnum) || (($left($remove($1,movie/),2) == tt) && ($right($remove($1,movie/),$calc($len($remove($1,movie/)) - 2)) isnum)) {
      var %_tmdb_switch_allow cld
      var %more = %more $+ &append_to_response=alternative_titles,casts,images,releases,trailers,translations,similar_movies
    else {
      %e Invalid ID for method movie/{id}. ID must be a valid integer movie id or a valid IMDb id.
      goto halt
  elseif (list/* iswmcs $1) {
    if ($len($remove($1,list/)) == 24) {
      var %_tmdb_switch_allow cd
      var %more = %more $+ &append_to_response=item_status
    else {
      %e Invalid ID for method list/{id}. ID must be a valid 24-character string.
      goto halt

  elseif (collection/* iswmcs $1) {
    if ($remove($1,collection/) isnum)  {
      var %_tmdb_switch_allow cld
      var %more = %more $+ &append_to_response=images
    else {
      %e Invalid ID for method collection/{id}. ID must be a valid integer collection id.
      goto halt
  elseif (person/* iswmcs $1) {
    if ($remove($1,person/) isnum)  {
      var %_tmdb_switch_allow cld
      var %more = %more $+ &append_to_response=images,changes,credits
    else {
      %e Invalid ID for method person/{id}. ID must be a valid integer person id.
      goto halt

  elseif ($1 == clearcache) {
    write i.vbs Const DeleteReadOnly = TRUE
    write i.vbs Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    write i.vbs objFSO.DeleteFile("tmdb\db\*"), DeleteReadOnly
    write i.vbs objFSO.DeleteFolder("tmdb\db\*"),DeleteReadOnly
    .run wscript.exe i.vbs
    .timer -ms 1 1000 .remove i.vbs 
    %s Cache has been cleared.
    goto halt
  else {
    %e Unknown Method.
    goto halt

  var %count = 0
  var %_tmdb_tmp_socket $+(_tmdb_sock_,$rand(a,z),.,$ticks,.,$rand(0,9999))
  hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket timestart $ [ $+ [ %_tmdb_cb_time_format ] ]
  hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket language en
  if (-* iswm $2) {
    _tmdb_switch_check $2 %_tmdb_switch_allow $1
    if (c isincs $2) {
      inc %count
      if ($ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ]) {
        if ($ [ $+ [ $ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ] ] ] [ $+ [ ().chk ] ]) {
          hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket callback $ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ]
        else {
          %e Callback $ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ] is not a valid alias.
          goto halt


        if ($ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count + $len($2) + 1 ) ] ]) {
          if ($ [ $+ [ $ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count + 1) ] ] ] ] [ $+ [ ().chk ] ]) {
            hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket cbheader $ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count + 1) ] ]
          else {
            %e Callback header $ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count + 1) ] ] is not a valid alias.
            goto halt

          if ($ [ $+ [ $ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count + 2) ] ] ] ] [ $+ [ ().chk ] ]) {
            hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket cbfooter $ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count + 2) ] ]
          else {
            %e Callback footer $ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count + 2) ] ] is not a valid alias.
            goto halt

          inc %count 2
      else {
        %e You must specify a callback alias name.
        goto halt
    if (p isincs $2) {
      inc %count
      if ($ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ] isnum) {

        %more = $+(%more,&,page=,$ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ])
      else {
        %e Invalid value $iif($v1,$v1,null) for switch p. Value must be a valid integer.
        goto halt
    if (a isincs $2) {
      inc %count
      if ($ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ] == true) || ($ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ] == false) {
        %more = $+(%more,&,include_adult=,$ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ])
      else {
        %e Invalid value $ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ] for switch a. Value must be true/false
        goto halt
    if (y isincs $2) {
      inc %count
      if ($ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ] isnum) {
        %more = $+(%more,&,year=,$int($ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ]))
      else {
        %e Invalid value $ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ] for switch y. Value must be integer
        goto halt
    if (r isincs $2) {
      inc %count
      if ($ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ]) {
        %more = $+(%more,&,primary_release_year=,$ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ])
      else {
        %e Invalid value $iif($ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ],$v1,Null) for switch r. Value must be a valid date.
        goto halt
    if (q isincs $2) {
      inc %count
      if ($ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ]) {
        if (% [ $+ [ $v1 ] ]) {
          hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket args $v1
        else {
          %e Invalid variable $ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ] for switch q. Value must be a valid variable.
          goto halt
    if (l isincs $2) {
      inc %count
      if ($ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ] isalpha) && ($len($ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ]) == 2) {
        hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket language $ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ]
        %more = $+(%more,&language=,$ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ])
      else {
        %e Invalid language $ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ] for switch l. Value must be a valid language. (ISO 639-1)
        goto halt

    if (m isincs $2) {
      inc %count
      if ($ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ] isnum) {
        %mode = $+(%more,&movie_id=,$ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ])
      else {
        %e Invalid movie id $ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ] for switch m. Value must be a valid movie id.
        goto halt
    if (n isincs $2) {
      hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket cont 1
    inc %count
  if (%_tmdb_search_allpages == 1) {
    hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket allpages 1
  else {
    hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket allpages 0
  if ($ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) ] ]) || (*search* !iswm $1) {
    var %query = $ [ $+ [ $calc(2 + %count) $+ - ] ]

  elseif (%_tmdb_method != configuration) && (%_tmdb_method != validate) {
    %e Query must not be null.
    goto halt
  var %_tmdb_sport %_tmdb_api_port
  if (-*s* iswmcs $2) || (%_tmdb_ssl == 1) {
    if ($sslready) {
      var %_tmdb_sport %_tmdb_api_secure_port
      var %_tmdb_sswitch -e
    elseif (%_tmdb_ssl_fail == 1) {
      %e SSL Failed to Load. Have you SSL Installed on your machine?
      goto halt
    else {
      %w SSL Failed to Load. Proceeding with No-Secure connection.
  if (%_tmdb_cache == 1) || ((%_tmdb_cache == 2) && (-*d* iswmcs $2)) {
    if ($regex(%_tmdb_method,/(collection|movie|person|genre|configuration)/)) {
      if (%_tmdb_cache_ [ $+ [ $gettok(%_tmdb_method,1,47) ] ] == 1) {

        if ($exists(tmdb/db/ $+ $regml(1) $+ . $+ $remove(%_tmdb_method,$regml(1),/) $+ . $+ $iif(l isin $2,$remove($gettok(%more,$numtok(%more,38),38),language=) $+ .,en.) $+ db)) || ($exists(tmdb/system/ $+ $regml(1) $+ .json)) {
          if ($exists(tmdb/system/ $+ $regml(1) $+ .json)) { var %f = $regml(1) $+ .json | var %file tmdb/system/ $+ %f }
          else { var %f = $regml(1) $+ . $+ $remove(%_tmdb_method,$regml(1),/) $+ . $+ $iif(l isin $2,$remove($gettok(%more,$numtok(%more,38),38),language=) $+ .,en.) $+ db | var %file tmdb/db/ $+ %f }
          hfree %_tmdb_tmp_socket
          var %_tmdb_tmp_socket = %f

          hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket cached $true
          hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket cmd /tmdb $1-
          hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket query $iif(%query,$v1,null)
          hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket method %_tmdb_method
          hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket url $longfn(%file)
          hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket timestart $ [ $+ [ %_tmdb_cb_time_format ] ]
          hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket timeend $ [ $+ [ %_tmdb_cb_time_format ] ]
          _tmdb_process %_tmdb_tmp_socket
          goto finish
  if (!$sock(%_tmdb_tmp_socket)) {

    if (%_tmdb_valid_api_key) {
      hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket cmd /tmdb $1-
      hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket cached $false
      hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket query $iif(%query,$v1,null)
      hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket method %_tmdb_method
      if (%_tmdb_method == validate) { %_tmdb_method = configuration }
      hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket url $+(/,%_tmdb_api_version,/,%_tmdb_method,?,api_key=,%_tmdb_api_key,$iif(%query,&query= $+ $urlencode(%query)),%more)
      if (%_tmdb_isid_socket == mircsocks) {
        sockopen %_tmdb_sswitch %_tmdb_tmp_socket %_tmdb_api_host %_tmdb_sport
      elseif (%_tmdb_isid_socket == vbsocks) {

        var %file = $json_utf8($+($iif(%_tmdb_sport == 80,http://,https://),%_tmdb_api_host,$hget(%_tmdb_tmp_socket,url)),tmdb\temp\ $+ %_tmdb_tmp_socket).savetofile().nocache()
        if (%file) {
          _tmdb_process %_tmdb_tmp_socket
        else {
          %e VBScript Socket Failed.
          goto halt
      else { %e Unknown Socket to use. Please define socket and try again. | goto halt }
    else {
      if (%_tmdb_method != validate) { 
        hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket fcmd /tmdb $1-

      hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket method validate
      if (%_tmdb_method == validate) { %_tmdb_method = configuration }
      hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket url $+(/,%_tmdb_api_version,/configuration,?,api_key=,%_tmdb_api_key)
      sockopen %_tmdb_tmp_socket %_tmdb_api_host %_tmdb_sport
  else {
    %e Socket in use - You are using this command extremely fast.
    goto halt
  goto finish
  if ($hget(%_tmdb_tmp_socket)) hfree %_tmdb_tmp_socket
alias -l _tmdb_switch_check {
  var %s = $remove($1,-)
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= $len(%s)) {
    if ($mid(%s,%i,1) !isincs $2) && (!$regex($mid(%s,%i,1),/(n|s)/)) {
      echo $color(info) * /tmdb: Invalid switch $mid(%s,%i,1) for method $3
    inc %i

alias _tmdb_isid {
  var %i = 1
  var %prop
  var %id = _tmdb_isid. $+ $calc($ctime + $ticks + $rand(1,9999))
  var %e,%w,%s
  if (a isin %_tmdb_alert) { %w = echo $color(info) * $tmdb: Warning: }
  else { %w = noop }
  if (b isin %_tmdb_alert) { %e = echo $color(info) * $tmdb: Error: }
  else { %e = noop }
  if (c isin %_tmdb_alert) { %s = echo $color(info) * $tmdb: }
  else { %s = noop }
  var %query $1-
  .timer 1 2 _tmdb_isid_clear %id
  while (%i <= $numtok($remove($prop,.jpg),46) ) {
    var %entry = $gettok($remove($prop,.jpg),%i,46)
    var %method = $gettok(%entry,1,40)
    var %property = [ [ $mid($gettok(%entry,2,40),1,$calc($len($gettok(%entry,2,40)) - 1)) ] ]
    var %fmethod = %method $+ ( $+ %property $+ )
    var %prop = %prop $+ . $+ %method $+ ( $+ %property $+ )
    hadd -m %id $gettok(%entry,1,40) %property
    inc %i
  if (!$hget(%id,method)) {
    %e No method supplied.
    goto false
  else {
    tokenize 32 $hget(%id,method)
    if ($1 == search/movie) { var %_tmdb_switch_allow cpayrqls }
    elseif ($1 === search/collection) { var %_tmdb_switch_allow cpqls }
    elseif ($1 === search/person) { var %_tmdb_switch_allow cpaqls }
    elseif ($1 === search/company) { var %_tmdb_switch_allow cpqls }
    elseif ($1 === search/keyword) { var %_tmdb_switch_allow cpqls }
    elseif ($1 === genre/list) { var %_tmdb_switch_allow cqlds }
    elseif ($1 === configuration) { var %_tmdb_switch_allow cds }
    elseif ($1 === validate) { var %_tmdb_switch_allow cs }
    elseif ($1 === movie/latest) { var %_tmdb_switch_allow cls }
    elseif ($1 === movie/upcoming) { var %_tmdb_switch_allow pcls }
    elseif ($1 === movie/popular) { var %_tmdb_switch_allow pcls }
    elseif ($1 === movie/top_rated) { var %_tmdb_switch_allow pcls }
    elseif ($1 === movie/now_playing) { var %_tmdb_switch_allow pcls }
    elseif ($1 === person/popular) { var %_tmdb_switch_allow pcs }
    elseif ($1 === person/latest) { var %_tmdb_switch_allow cs }
    elseif ($1 === person/latest) { var %_tmdb_switch_allow cs }
    elseif ($1 === authentication) { var %_tmdb_switch_allow cs }
    elseif (genre/*/movies iswmcs $1) {
      if ($remove($1,genre/,/movies) isnum) { var %_tmdb_switch_allow cpalds }
      else { %e Invalid ID for method genre/{id}/movies. ID must be an integer. | goto false }
    elseif (movie/* iswmcs $1) {
      if ($remove($1,movie/) isnum) || (($left($remove($1,movie/),2) == tt) && ($right($remove($1,movie/),$calc($len($remove($1,movie/)) - 2)) isnum)) { var %more = &append_to_response=alternative_titles,casts,images,releases,trailers,translations,similar_movies | var %_tmdb_switch_allow clds }
      else { %e Invalid ID for method movie/{id}. ID must be a valid integer movie id or a valid IMDb id. | goto false }
    elseif (list/* iswmcs $1) {
      if ($len($remove($1,list/)) == 24) { var %_tmdb_switch_allow cds | var more = %more $+ &append_to_response=item_status }
      else { %e Invalid ID for method list/{id}. ID must be a valid 24-character string. | goto false }
    elseif (collection/* iswmcs $1) {
      if ($remove($1,collection/) isnum) { var %_tmdb_switch_allow clds | var %more = %more $+ &append_to_response=images }
      else { %e Invalid ID for method collection/{id}. ID must be a valid integer collection id. | goto false }
    elseif (person/* iswmcs $1) {
      if ($remove($1,person/) isnum)  { var %_tmdb_switch_allow clds | var %more = %more $+ &append_to_response=images,changes,credits,combined_cretids }
      else { %e Invalid ID for method person/{id}. ID must be a valid integer person id. | goto false }
    elseif (image/* iswmcs $1) {
      var %_data $remove($1,image/)
      var %_image = $gettok(%_data,2,$asc(/)) $+ .jpg
      var %_data = $gettok(%_data,1,$asc(/))
      var %_img_type = $left(%_data,2)
      var %_img_size = $mid(%_data,3,$len(%_data))
      if (%_img_type == ba) { var %_img_type_f backdrop_sizes }
      elseif (%_img_type == lo) { var %_img_type_f logo_sizes }
      elseif (%_img_type == po) { var %_img_type_f poster_sizes }
      elseif (%_img_type == pr) { var %_img_type_f profile_sizes }
      elseif (%_img_type == st) { var %_img_type_f still_sizes }
      else { %e Invalid image type on /image/{image_type}{image_size}/{image_url}. | goto false }
      var %conf $tmdb().method(configuration).cache() 
      if ($istok($json_utf8(%conf,images,%_img_type_f),%_img_size,44)) {
        if ($exists(tmdb/images/ $+ $remove(%_img_type_f,_sizes) $+ s $+ / $+ %_image)) { return $longfn(tmdb/images/ $+ $remove(%_img_type_f,_sizes) $+ s $+ / $+ %_image) }
        else {
          return $vbs_download($json_utf8(%conf,images,base_url) $+ %_img_size $+ / $+ %_image $+ ,tmdb/images/ $+ $remove(%_img_type_f,_sizes) $+ s $+ / $+ %_image $+ )
        return $false
      else { %e Invalid image size on /image/{image_type}{image_size}/{image_url}. | goto false }

    elseif ($1 == clearcache) {
      write i.vbs Const DeleteReadOnly = TRUE
      write i.vbs Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      write i.vbs objFSO.DeleteFile("tmdb\db\*"), DeleteReadOnly
      write i.vbs objFSO.DeleteFolder("tmdb\db\*"),DeleteReadOnly
      .run wscript.exe i.vbs
      .timer -ms 1 1000 .remove i.vbs 
      %s Cache has been cleared.
      return $true
    else { %e Unknown Method. | goto false }
  var %i = 1
  var %c = callback cbheader cbfooter
  var %p = page
  var %l = language
  var %a = adult
  var %y = year
  var %r = release_year
  var %q = variable
  var %d = cache
  var %m = movie_id
  var %s = secure
  while (%i <= $len(%_tmdb_switch_allow) ) {
    var %k $mid(%_tmdb_switch_allow,%i,1)
    var %z = 1
    while (%z <= $numtok(% [ $+ [ %k ] ],32) ) {
      if ($hget(%id,$gettok(% [ $+ [ %k ] ],%z,32))) {
        var % $+ $gettok(% [ $+ [ %k ] ],%z,32) = $true
      inc %z
    inc %i
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= $hfind(%id,*,0,w) ) {
    var %t $hfind(%id,*,%i,w)
    if (!% [ $+ [ %t ] ]) {
      var %string = %string . $+ %t $+ ()
    inc %i
  if (%string) { %w Properties(s): %string , Won't have any effects on this method. }
  var %count = 0

  var %_tmdb_tmp_socket $+(_tmdb_sock_,$rand(a,z),.,$ticks,.,$rand(0,9999))
  hmake %_tmdb_tmp_socket
  var %_tmdb_sport %_tmdb_api_port
  hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket timestart $ [ $+ [ %_tmdb_cb_time_format ] ]
  hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket language en
  if ($hget(%id,callback)) {
    var %value $v1 
    if ($ [ $+ [ %value ] ] [ $+ [ ().chk ] ]) { hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket callback %value }
    else { %e Invalid value $iif(%value,$v1,null) for method .callback(). Value must be a valid callback-alias* | goto false }
  if ($hget(%id,cbheader)) {
    var %value $v1 | if ($ [ $+ [ %value ] ] [ $+ [ ().chk ] ]) { hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket cbheader %value }
    else { %e Invalid value $iif(%value,$v1,null) for method .cbheader(). Value must be a valid callback-alias* | goto false }
  if ($hget(%id,cbfooter)) {
    var %value $v1 | if ($ [ $+ [ %value ] ] [ $+ [ ().chk ] ]) { hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket cbfooter %value }
    else { %e Invalid value $iif(%value,$v1,null) for method .cbfooter(). Value must be a valid callback-alias* | goto false }
  if ($hget(%id,page)) {
    var %value $v1 | if (%value isnum) { %more = $+(%more,&,page=,%value) }
    else { %e Invalid value $iif(%value,$v1,null) for method .page(). Value must be a valid integer. | goto false }
  if ($hget(%id,adult)) {
    var %value $v1 | if ($regex($1,/(true|false)/)) { %more = $+(%more,&,include_adult=,$regml(1)) }
    else { %e Invalid value $iif(%value,$v1,null) for method .adult(). Value must be a valid boolean (true/false). | goto false }
  if ($hget(%id,year) isnum 1800-2100) {
    var %value $v1 | if (%value isnum) { %more = $+(%more,&,year=,%value) }
    else { %e Invalid value $iif(%value,$v1,null) for method .year(). Value must be a valid year 4-digit integer. | goto false }
  if ($hget(%id,realease_year) isnum 1800-2100) {
    var %value $v1 | if (%value isnum) { %more = $+(%more,&,primary_release_year=,%value) }
    else { %e Invalid value $iif(%value,$v1,null) for method .release_year(). Value must be a valid year 4-digit integer. | goto false }
  if ($hget(%id,variable)) {
    var %value $v1 | if (% [ $+ [ %value ] ]) { hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket args %value }
    else { %e Invalid value $iif(%value,$v1,null) for method .variable(). Value must be a valid variable | goto false }
  if ($hget(%id,language)) {
    var %value $v1 | if (%value isalpha) && ($len(%value) == 2) { hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket language %value | %more = $+(%more,&language=,%value) }
    else { %e Invalid value $iif(%value,$v1,null) for method .language(). Value must be a valid 2-character language: | goto false }
  if ($hget(%id,movie_id)) {
    var %value $v1 | if (%value isnum) { %more = $+(%more,&movie_id=,%value) }
    else { %e Invalid value $iif(%value,$v1,null) for method .movie_id(). Value must be a valid integer | goto false }
  if ($hget(%id,secure)) {
    if ($sslready) { | var %_tmdb_sport %_tmdb_api_secure_port | var %_tmdb_sswitch -e }
    elseif (%_tmdb_ssl_fail == 1) { %e SSL Failed to Load. Have you SSL Installed on your machine? | goto false }
    else { %w SSL Failed to Load. Proceeding with insecure connection. }
  if ($hget(%id,cache)) { var %cache 1 }
  if (%_tmdb_search_allpages == 1) { hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket allpages 1 }
  else { hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket allpages 0 }

  if (%_tmdb_cache == 1) || ((%_tmdb_cache == 2) && (%cache)) {
    if ($regex($hget(%id,method),/(collection|movie|person|list|genre|configuration)/)) {
      if (%_tmdb_cache_ [ $+ [ $gettok($hget(%id,method),1,47) ] ] == 1) {
        if ($exists(tmdb/db/ $+ $regml(1) $+ . $+ $remove($hget(%id,method),$regml(1),/) $+ . $+ $iif($hget(%_tmdb_tmp_socket,language),$v1 $+ .,en.) $+ db)) || ($exists(tmdb/system/ $+ $regml(1) $+ .json)) {
          if ($exists(tmdb/system/ $+ $regml(1) $+ .json)) { var %f = $regml(1) $+ .json | var %file tmdb/system/ $+ %f }
          else { var %f = $regml(1) $+ . $+ $remove($hget(%id,method),$regml(1),/) $+ . $+ $iif($hget(%_tmdb_tmp_socket,language), $v1 $+ .,en.) $+ db | var %file tmdb/db/ $+ %f }
          hfree %_tmdb_tmp_socket
          var %_tmdb_tmp_socket = %f
          hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket cached $true
          hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket cmd $!chr(36) $ [ $!+ [ + ] ]  tmdb( $+ %query $+ ) $+ %prop
          hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket query $iif(%query,$v1,null)
          hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket method $hget(%id,method)
          hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket url $longfn(%file)
          hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket timestart $ [ $+ [ %_tmdb_cb_time_format ] ]
          hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket timeend $ [ $+ [ %_tmdb_cb_time_format ] ]
          if (!$hget(%id,callback)) { return $_tmdb_process(%_tmdb_tmp_socket) }
          else { _tmdb_process %_tmdb_tmp_socket | return $true }

  if (!$sock(%_tmdb_tmp_socket)) {
    if (%_tmdb_valid_api_key) {
      hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket cmd $!chr(36) $ [ $!+ [ + ] ]  tmdb( $+ %query $+ ) $+ %prop
      hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket cached $false
      hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket query $iif(%query,$v1,null)
      hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket method $hget(%id,method)
      if ($hget(%id,method) == validate) { hadd -m %id method configuration }
      elseif ($hget(%id,method) == authentication) { hadd -m %id method authentication/token/new }
      hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket url $+(/,%_tmdb_api_version,/,$hget(%id,method),?,api_key=,%_tmdb_api_key,$iif(%query,&query= $+ $urlencode(%query)),%more)
      if (%_tmdb_isid_socket == mircsocks) {
        sockopen %_tmdb_sswitch %_tmdb_tmp_socket %_tmdb_api_host %_tmdb_sport
      elseif (%_tmdb_isid_socket == vbsocks) {
        var %file = $json_utf8( $+($iif(%_tmdb_sport == 80,http://,https://),%_tmdb_api_host,$hget(%_tmdb_tmp_socket,url)) , tmdb\temp\ $+ %_tmdb_tmp_socket ).savetofile().nocache()
        if (%file) {
          if ($hget(%id,method) == authentication/token/new) {
            var %r_token = $json_utf8(%file,request_token)
            hadd -m %id method authentication/session/new
            var %more = &request_token= $+ %r_token
            hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket url $+(/,%_tmdb_api_version,/,$hget(%id,method),?,api_key=,%_tmdb_api_key,$iif(%query,&query= $+ $urlencode(%query)),%more)
            var %file = $json_utf8( $+($iif(%_tmdb_sport == 80,http://,https://),%_tmdb_api_host,$hget(%_tmdb_tmp_socket,url)) , tmdb\temp\ $+ %_tmdb_tmp_socket ).savetofile().nocache()
            if (%file) {
              return %file $ json_utf8( %file ,session_id)
            else { goto false }
          else {
            if (!$hget(%id,callback)) { return $_tmdb_process(%_tmdb_tmp_socket) }
            else { _tmdb_process %_tmdb_tmp_socket | return $true }
        else {
          %e VBScript Socket Failed.
          goto false
      else { %e Undefined Socket Type. Please define socket type and try again. | goto false }
      return $true
    else {
      if (%_tmdb_method != validate) { 
        hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket fcmd noop $!chr(36) $ [ $!+ [ + ] ]  tmdb( $+ %query $+ ) $+ %prop
      hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket method validate
      if ($hget($1,method) == validate) { hadd -m %id method configuration }
      hadd -m %_tmdb_tmp_socket url $+(/,%_tmdb_api_version,/configuration,?,api_key=,%_tmdb_api_key)
      sockopen %_tmdb_tmp_socket %_tmdb_api_host %_tmdb_sport
      return $true
  else {
    %e Socket in use - Wow Woaah Keep it down cow-boy. You are using this command extremely fast. This should even appear... never...
    goto false
  return $false
  if ($hget(%_tmdb_tmp_socket)) hfree %_tmdb_tmp_socket 
  return $false
alias _tmdb_isid_clear { if ($hget($1)) hfree $1 }
on *:sockopen:_tmdb_*:{
  sockwrite -tn $sockname GET $hget($sockname,url) HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -tn $sockname Host:
  sockwrite -tn $sockname User-Agent: mIRC-API/v1-Alpha
  sockwrite -tn $sockname Accept: application/json
  sockwrite -tn $sockname Accept-Charset: UTF-8
  sockwrite -tn $sockname Connection: close
  sockwrite -tn $sockname $crlf $+ $crlf
on *:sockread:_tmdb_sock_*:{
  if ($sock($sockname).mark == read) {
    goto nextread
  sockread -f %tmdb
  goto next
  sockread -f &tmdb
  if ($sock($sockname).mark == read) {
    if (!$exists(temp)) { mkdir temp }
    bwrite tmdb\temp\ $+ $sockname -1 -1 &tmdb
  if (%tmdb == $null) {
    sockmark $sockname read
  ;else { echo -a [Header] %tmdb }
on *:sockclose:_tmdb_sock_* {
  hadd -m $sockname timeend $ [ $+ [ %_tmdb_cb_time_format ] ]
  _tmdb_process $sockname
alias -l _tmdb_process {
  .timer[_tmdb_timer_ $+ $1 $+ ] -ms 1 3099 _tmdb_clear $1
  var %e,%w,%s
  if (a isin %_tmdb_alert) { %w = echo $color(info) * /tmdb: Warning: }
  else { %w = noop }
  if (b isin %_tmdb_alert) { %e = echo $color(info) * /tmdb: Error: }
  else { %e = noop }
  if (c isin %_tmdb_alert) { %s = echo $color(info) * /tmdb: }
  else { %s = noop }
  var %hashtable $1
  if (%_tmdb_cache > 0) {
    if (!$hget($nopath($1),cached)) {
      var %json = tmdb\temp\ $+ $1
    else {
      var %json = tmdb\db\ $+ $1-
  else {
    var %json = tmdb\temp\ $+ $1
  if ($hget($1,method) == validate) {
    if (!$isid) {
      if ($hget($1,callback)) {
        if ($json_utf8(%json,status_message)) {
          noop $ [ $+ [ $hget($1,callback) ] ] [ $+ [ ($false) ] ] 
        else {
          noop $ [ $+ [ $hget($1,callback) ] ] [ $+ [ ($true) ] ] 
      else {
        if ($json_utf8(%json,status_message)) {
          %e Your API Key is invalid. $v1
          set %_tmdb_valid_api_key $false
          goto end
        else {
          %s Your API Key is valid.
          set %_tmdb_valid_api_key $true
          if ($hget($1,fcmd)) { $v1 }
          goto end
    else {
      if ($json_utf8(%json,status_message)) {
        return $false
      else {
        return $true
  if ($json_utf8(%json,status_code) && $json_utf8(%json,status_code) != 1) {
    var %id = $v1
    if (%id isnum 2-22) {
      %e $json_utf8(%json,status_message)
    goto end
  elseif ($hget($1,method) == configuration) {
    if (%_tmdb_cache_configuration == 1) && (%_tmdb_cache > 0) && (!$hget($1,cached)) {
      .copy -o %json tmdb\system\configuration.json
      var %json tmdb\system\configuration.json
    if (!$isid) {
      noop $ [ $+ [ $iif($hget($1,cbheader),$v1,%_tmdb_def_cb_hd) ] ] [ $+ [ $+ [ ( [ [ $replacecs(%_tmdb_cb_global,$chr(32),$chr(44),@cmd,$hget($1,cmd),@url,$hget($1,url),@query,$hget($1,query),@method,$hget($1,method),@timestart,$hget($1,timestart), $&
        @timeend,$hget($1,timeend),@timeprocess,null,@socket,$1,@totalpages,null,@cached,$hget($1,cached)) ] ] ) ] ]
      noop $ [ $+ [ $iif($hget($1,callback),$v1,_tmdb_def_cb) ] ] [ $+ [ (tmdb\system\configuration.json) ] ]
      noop $ [ $+ [ $iif($hget($1,cbfooter),$v1,%_tmdb_def_cb_ft) ] ] [ $+ [ ( [ [ $replacecs(%_tmdb_cb_global,$chr(32),$chr(44),@cmd,$hget($1,cmd),@url,$hget($1,url),@query,$hget($1,query),@method,$hget($1,method),@timestart,$hget($1,timestart),@timeend, $&
        $hget($1,timeend),@timeprocess,$chr(36) $+ %_tmdb_cb_time_format,@socket,$1,@totalpages,null,@cached,$hget($1,cached)) ] ] ) ] ]
    else {
      return $longfn(tmdb\system\configuration.json)
  elseif ($gettok($hget($1,method),1,47) == search) || (genre/*/movies iswm $hget($1,method)) || ((($gettok($hget($1,method),1,47) == movie) || ($gettok($hget($1,method),1,47) == person)) && ($right($gettok($hget($1,method),2,47),4) !isnum) && ($gettok($hget($1,method),2,47) != latest)) {
    if ($hget($1,allpages) == 1) {
      if ($json_utf8(%json,total_pages) <= 20) {
        if ($json_utf8(%json,page) != $json_utf8(%json,total_pages)) && ($json_utf8(%json,total_pages)) {
          .copy -o %json tmdb\temp\ $+ $replace($hget($1,query),$chr(32),$chr(46)) $+ . $+ $json_utf8(%json,page)
          var %i = 2
          while (%i <= $json_utf8(%json,total_pages)) {
            if (-* iswm $gettok($hget($1,cmd),3,32)) {
              if (*c* iswm $gettok($hget($1,cmd),3,32)) { $gettok($hget($1,cmd),1-3,32) $+ pn $gettok($hget($1,cmd),4,32) %i $gettok($hget($1,cmd),5-,32) }
              else { $gettok($hget($1,cmd),1-3,32) $+ pn %i  $gettok($hget($1,cmd),4-,32) }
            else { $gettok($hget($1,cmd),1-2,32) -pn %i $gettok($hget($1,cmd),3-,32) }
            inc %i
          goto end
      else {
        %w Result pages are over 20. Only first page will be shown.
    if ($hget($1,cont) == 1) {
      .copy -o %json $shortfn(tmdb\temp\ $+ $replace($hget($1,query),$chr(32),$chr(46)) $+ . $+ $json_utf8(%json,page))
      if ($json_utf8(%json,page) == $json_utf8(%json,total_pages)) {
        goto continue

      else {
        goto end

    if ($gettok($hget($1,method),2,47) == movie) || (genre/*/movies iswm $hget($1,method)) || ($gettok($hget($1,method),1,47) == movie) {
      var %set = $!replace($iif($hget($1,args),$v1,%_tmdb_cb_ms),$chr(32),$chr(44),@is_for_adults,$json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,adult),@backdrop_path,$json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,backdrop_path),@id,$json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,id), $&
        @original_title,$json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,original_title), @release_date,$json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,release_date),@poster_path,$json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,poster_path),@popularity,$json_utf82(%json_new,results,%c,popularity), $&
        @title,$json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,title),@vote_average,$json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,vote_average),@vote_count,$json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,vote_count),@year,$left($json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,release_date),4) )
    elseif ($gettok($hget($1,method),2,47) == person) || ($gettok($hget($1,method),1,47) == person) {
      var %set = $!replace($iif($hget($1,args),$v1,%_tmdb_cb_ps),$chr(32),$chr(44),@profile_path,$json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,profile_path),@id,$json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,id),@name,$json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,name),@popularity, $&
        $iif($json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,popularity),$v1,$false) )
    elseif ($gettok($hget($1,method),2,47) == company) {
      var %set = $!replace($iif($hget($1,args),$v1,%_tmdb_cb_os),$chr(32),$chr(44),@logo_path,$json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,logo_path),@id,$json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,id),@name,$json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,name))
    elseif ($gettok($hget($1,method),2,47) == collection) {
      var %set = $!replace($iif($hget($1,args),$v1,%_tmdb_cb_cs),$chr(32),$chr(44),@backdrop_path,$json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,backdrop_path),@id,$json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,id),@name,$json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,name),@poster_path, $&
        $json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,poster_path) )
    elseif ($gettok($hget($1,method),2,47) == keyword) {
      var %set = $!replace($iif($hget($1,args),$v1,%_tmdb_cb_ks),$chr(32),$chr(44),@id,$json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,id),@name,$json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c,name))

    if ($hget($1,cont) == 1) {

      var %i = 1
      noop $ [ $+ [ $iif($hget($1,cbheader),$v1,%_tmdb_def_cb_hd) ] ] [ $+ [ $+ [ ( [ [ $replacecs(%_tmdb_cb_global,$chr(32),$chr(44),@cmd,$hget($1,cmd),@url,$hget($1,url),@query,$hget($1,query),@method,$hget($1,method),@timestart, $&
        $hget($1,timestart),@timeend,$hget($1,timeend),@timeprocess,null,@socket,$1,@totalpages,$json_utf8(%json_new,total_pages),@cached,$hget($1,cached)) ] ] ) ] ]
      while (%i <= $json_utf8(%json,page)) {
        var %json_new = $shortfn(tmdb\temp\ $+ $replace($hget($1,query),$chr(32),$chr(46)) $+ . $+ %i)
        var %c = 0
        while ($json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c)) {  
          var %_tmdb_result = $replace([ [ %set ] ],@query,$hget($1,query),@method,$hget($1,method),@url,$hget($1,url),@cmd,$hget($1,cmd),@timestart,$hget($1,timestart),@timeend,$hget($1,timeend),@cached,$hget($1,cached))
          noop $ [ $+ [ $iif($hget($1,callback),$v1,_tmdb_def_cb) ] ] [ $+ [ ( [ [ $iif(%_tmdb_result,$utfdecode($v1,161),Null) ] ] ) ] ]
          inc %c
        .remove %json_new
        inc %i
      noop $ [ $+ [ $iif($hget($1,cbfooter),$v1,%_tmdb_def_cb_ft) ] ] [ $+ [ ( [ [ $replacecs(%_tmdb_cb_global,$chr(32),$chr(44),@cmd,$hget($1,cmd),@url,$hget($1,url),@query,$hget($1,query),@method,$hget($1,method),@timestart, $&
        $hget($1,timestart),@timeend,$hget($1,timeend),@timeprocess,$chr(36) $+ %_tmdb_cb_time_format,@socket,$1,@totalpages,$json_utf8(%json_new,total_pages),@cached,$hget($1,cached)) ] ] ) ] ]
    else {
      var %json_new = %json
      if (!$isid) {
        var %c = 0
        noop $ [ $+ [ $iif($hget($1,cbheader),$v1,%_tmdb_def_cb_hd) ] ] [ $+ [ ( [ [ $replacecs(%_tmdb_cb_global,$chr(32),$chr(44),@cmd,$hget($1,cmd),@url,$hget($1,url),@query,$hget($1,query),@method,$hget($1,method),@timestart, $&
          $hget($1,timestart),@timeend,$hget($1,timeend),@timeprocess,null,@socket,$1,@totalpages,$json_utf8(%json_new,total_pages),@cached,$hget($1,cached)) ] ] ) ] ]
        while ($json_utf8(%json_new,results,%c)) {
          var %_tmdb_result = $replace([ [ %set ] ],@query,$hget($1,query),@method,$hget($1,method),@url,$hget($1,url),@cmd,$hget($1,cmd),@timestart,$hget($1,timestart),@timeend,$hget($1,timeend),@cached,$hget($1,cached))
          noop $ [ $+ [ $iif($hget($1,callback),$v1,_tmdb_def_cb) ] ] [ $+ [ ( [ [ $iif(%_tmdb_result,$utfdecode($v1,161),Null) ] ] ) ] ]
          inc %c
        noop $ [ $+ [ $iif($hget($1,cbfooter),$v1,%_tmdb_def_cb_ft) ] ] [ $+ [ ( [ [ $replacecs(%_tmdb_cb_global,$chr(32),$chr(44),@cmd,$hget($1,cmd),@url,$hget($1,url),@query,$hget($1,query),@method,$hget($1,method),@timestart, $&
          $hget($1,timestart),@timeend,$hget($1,timeend),@timeprocess,$chr(36) $+ %_tmdb_cb_time_format,@socket,$1,@totalpages,$json_utf8(%json_new,total_pages),@cached,$hget($1,cached)) ] ] ) ] ]
      else { return $longfn(%json) }
  elseif ($hget($1,method) == genre/list) {
    if (%_tmdb_cache_genre == 1) && (%_tmdb_cache > 0) && (!$hget($1,cached)) {
      .copy -o %json tmdb\db\genre.list. $+ $iif($hget($1,language),$v1 $+ .,en.) $+ db
      var %json tmdb\db\genre.list. $+ $iif($hget($1,language),$v1 $+ .,en.) $+ db
    if (!$isid) {
      noop $ [ $+ [ $iif($hget($1,cbheader),$v1,%_tmdb_def_cb_hd) ] ] [ $+ [ ( [ [ $replacecs(%_tmdb_cb_global,$chr(32),$chr(44),@cmd,$hget($1,cmd),@url,$hget($1,url),@query,$hget($1,query),@method,$hget($1,method),@timestart, $&
        $hget($1,timestart),@timeend,$hget($1,timeend),@timeprocess,null,@socket,$1,@totalpages,null,@cached,$hget($1,cached)) ] ] ) ] ]
      var %json_new = %json
      var %i = 1
      while ($json_utf8(%json,genres,%i)) {
        var %_tmdb_result = $replace($replace($iif($hget($1,args),$v1,%_tmdb_cb_gl),$chr(32),$chr(44),@name,$json_utf8(%json_new,genres,%i,name),@id,$json_utf8(%json_new,genres,%i,id)),@query,$hget($1,query),@method,$hget($1,method),@url, $&
        noop $ [ $+ [ $iif($hget($1,callback),$v1,_tmdb_def_cb) ] ] [ $+ [ ( [ [ $iif(%_tmdb_result,$v1,Null) ] ] ) ] ]
        inc %i
      noop $ [ $+ [ $iif($hget($1,cbfooter),$v1,%_tmdb_def_cb_ft) ] ] [ $+ [ ( [ [ $replacecs(%_tmdb_cb_global,$chr(32),$chr(44),@cmd,$hget($1,cmd),@url,$hget($1,url),@query,$hget($1,query),@method,$hget($1,method),@timestart,$hget($1,timestart), $&
        @timeend,$hget($1,timeend),@timeprocess,$chr(36) $+ %_tmdb_cb_time_format,@socket,$1,@totalpages,null,@cached,$hget($1,cached)) ] ] ) ] ]
    else {
      return $longfn(%json)

  elseif ($regex($hget($1,method),/(collection/|movie/|person/|list/)/)) {

    if (%_tmdb_cache_ [ $+ [ $remove($regml(1),/) ] ] == 1) && (%_tmdb_cache > 0) && (!$hget($1,cached)) {

      .copy -o %json tmdb\db\ $+ $remove($regml(1),/) $+ . $+ $json_utf8(%json,id) $+ . $+ $iif($hget($1,language),$v1 $+ .,en.) $+ db
      var %json tmdb\db\ $+ $remove($regml(1),/) $+ . $+ $json_utf8(%json,id) $+ . $+ $iif($hget($1,language),$v1 $+ .,en.) $+ db
      if ($gettok($hget($1,method),2,47) == latest) {
        .copy -o %json tmdb\db\ $+ $remove($regml(1),/) $+ .latest. $+ $iif($hget($1,language),$v1 $+ .,en.) $+ db
        var %json tmdb\db\ $+ $remove($regml(1),/) $+ .latest. $+ $iif($hget($1,language),$v1 $+ .,en.) $+ db
    elseif ($hget($1,cached)) {
      var %json tmdb\db\ $+ $remove($regml(1),/) $+ . $+ $json_utf8(%json,id) $+ . $+ $iif($hget($1,language),$v1 $+ .,en.) $+ db
      if ($gettok($hget($1,method),2,47) == latest) {
        var %json tmdb\db\ $+ $remove($regml(1),/) $+ .latest. $+ $iif($hget($1,language),$v1 $+ .,en.) $+ db
    else {
      .copy -o %json tmdb\process\ $+ $nopath(%json)
      var %json = tmdb\process\ $+ $nopath(%json)
      .timer[_tmdb_procces_ $+ $1 $+ ] 1 %_tmdb_clear_process _tmdb_clear_process %json
    if (!$isid) {
      noop $ [ $+ [ $iif($hget($1,cbheader),$v1,%_tmdb_def_cb_hd) ] ] [ $+ [ ( [ [ $replacecs(%_tmdb_cb_global,$chr(32),$chr(44),@cmd,$hget($1,cmd),@url,$replace($hget($1,url),$chr(44),$chr(46)),@query,$hget($1,query),@method,$hget($1,method),@timestart,$hget($1,timestart), $&
        @timeend,$hget($1,timeend),@timeprocess,null,@socket,$1,@totalpages,null,@cached,$hget($1,cached)) ] ] ) ] ]

      noop $ [ $+ [ $iif($hget($1,callback),$v1,_tmdb_def_cb) ] ] [ $+ [ ( %json ) ] ]
      noop $ [ $+ [ $iif($hget($1,cbfooter),$v1,%_tmdb_def_cb_ft) ] ] [ $+ [ ( [ [ $replacecs(%_tmdb_cb_global,$chr(32),$chr(44),@cmd,$hget($1,cmd),@url,$replace($hget($1,url),$chr(44),$chr(46)),@query,$hget($1,query),@method,$hget($1,method),@timestart,$hget($1,timestart), $&
        @timeend,$hget($1,timeend),@timeprocess,$chr(36) $+ %_tmdb_cb_time_format,@socket,$1,@totalpages,null,@cached,$hget($1,cached)) ] ] ) ] ]
    else {
      return $longfn(%json)

  if (!$hget($nopath($1),cached)) {
    .timer -ms 1 %_tmdb_clear_process .remove tmdb\temp\ $+ $1
  .timer[_tmdb_timer_ $+ $1 $+ ] off
  if ($hget(%hashtable)) .hfree %hashtable
alias -l _tmdb_clear_process {
  if ($exists($1-)) .remove $1-
alias -l _tmdb_clear {
  hfree $1
  if ($exists(tmdb\temp\ $+ $1)) .remove tmdb\temp\ $+ $1
alias -l _tmdb_def_cb_hd {
  if ($isid) { 
    if ($prop == chk)  return $true
    echo -a Starting Results:
    echo -a -
alias _tmdb_def_cb {
  if ($isid) { 
    if ($prop == chk)  return $true
    echo -a [ [ $1- ] ]
alias -l _tmdb_def_cb_ft {
  if ($isid) { 
    if ($prop == chk)  return $true
    echo -a -
    echo -a Finished Query: $5 On Socket: $1 With total time of process: $iif(%_tmdb_cb_time_format == ctime,$calc($9 - $2) Secs,$calc( ($9 - $2) / 1000 ) Secs) (Cached? $10 $+ )
    echo -a CMD:  $8 
    echo -a URL:  $7 
alias -l _tmdb_void { if ($isid) return $true }
** URL Encode                                            **
** Link           **
** By ZigWap                                             **
** Platform:  mIRC                                       **
** Published  Unknown                                    **
alias urlEncode return $regsubex($$1,/([\W\s])/Sg,$+(%,$base($asc(\t),10,16,2)))
** $json_utf8                                            **
** Link              **
** By ProIcons                                           **
** Platform:  mIRC                                       **
** Published  Jun 22, 2013                               **
alias json_utf8 {
  if ($isid) {
    var %c = json_utf8,%x = 2,%str,%p,%v
    while (%x <= $0) {
      %p = $($+($,%x),2)
      if (%p == $null) { noop }
      elseif (%p isnum || $qt($noqt(%p)) == %p) { %str = $+(%str,[,%p,]) }
      else { %str = $+(%str,[',%p,']) }
      inc %x
    if (!$com(%c)) {
      .comopen %c MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
      noop $com(%c,language,4,bstr*,VBScript)
      var %code Function filejson(json) $crlf Dim objStream, strData $crlf Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") $crlf $&
        objStream.CharSet = "utf-8" $crlf objStream.Open $crlf objStream.LoadFromFile(json) $crlf strData = objStream.ReadText() $crlf $&
        filejson = strData $crlf End Function $crlf Function http2json(url) $crlf Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") $crlf $& "GET", url, FALSE $crlf http.send "" $crlf http2json=http.responseText $crlf End Function $crlf $&
        Function str2json(json,value) $crlf Set scriptControl = CreateObject("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl") $crlf $&
        scriptControl.Language = "JScript"  $crlf scriptControl.AddCode("x="& json & ";") $crlf str2json= scriptControl.Eval( "x"& value  ) $crlf  $&
        End Function $crlf Function get_json_from_file(json,value) $crlf get_json_from_file=str2json(filejson(json),value) $crlf End Function $crlf $&
        Function get_json_from_http(url,value) $crlf get_json_from_http=str2json(http2json(url),value) $crlf End Function $crlf $&
        Function save_json_from_http(url,loc) $crlf Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") $crlf fullpath = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(loc) $crlf $&
        Dim objStream, strData $crlf Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") $crlf objStream.CharSet = "utf-8" $crlf objStream.Open $crlf $&
        objStream.WriteText http2json(url) $crlf objStream.SaveToFile fullpath, 2 $crlf save_json_from_http=fullpath $crlf End Function
      noop $com(%c,addcode,1,bstr*,%code)
    var %i = 1
    var %save_to_file $false
    var %nocache $false
    while (%i <= $numtok($prop,46) ) {
      if ($gettok($prop,%i,46) == count()) { %str = %str $+ .length }
      if ($gettok($prop,%i,46) == nocache()) { var %nocache $true }
      if ($gettok($prop,%i,46) == savetofile()) { var %save_to_file $true }
      inc %i

    if ($isfile($1)) {
      var %t $+(get_json_from_file,$chr(40),$qt($shortfn($replace($1,\,\\,;,\u003b))),$chr(44),$qt(%str),$chr(41)))
      if ($com(%c,eval,1,bstr*,%t))  return $com(%c).result 
    elseif (http*://* iswm $1) {
      if (%nocache) { var %url = $1 $+ &_ctime_json_= $+ $ctime $+ . $+ $ticks }
      else { var %url = $1 }
      if (!%save_to_file) { var %t $+(get_json_from_http,$chr(40),$qt($replace($qt(%url),;,\u003b)),$chr(44),$qt(%str),$chr(41))) }
      else { var %t $+(save_json_from_http,$chr(40),$qt($replace($qt(%url),;,\u003b)),$chr(44),$qt($2),$chr(41))) }
      if ($com(%c,eval,1,bstr*,%t))  return $com(%c).result
    else {

      var %t $+(str2json,$chr(40),$qt($replace($1,",')),$chr(44),$qt(%str),$chr(41))
      if ($com(%c,eval,1,bstr*,%t))  return $com(%c).result 
alias vbs_download {
  if ($isid) {
    var %c = vbdownload
    if (!$com(%c)) {
      .comopen %c MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
      noop $com(%c,language,4,bstr*,VBScript)
      var %code Function download(url,file) $crlf Dim objStream, strData $crlf Set xml = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") $crlf xml.Open "GET", url, False $crlf xml.Send $crlf $&
        set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") $crlf objStream.type=1 $crlf $crlf objStream.write xml.responseBody $crlf objStream.savetofile file,2 $crlf $&
        objStream.close $crlf set objStream = nothing $crlf set xml = nothing $crlf download=file $crlf End Function
      write test.vbs %code
      noop $com(%c,addcode,1,bstr*,%code)
    var %t $+(download,$chr(40),$replace($qt($1),;,\u003b),$chr(44),$qt($2),$chr(41)))
    if ($com(%c,eval,1,bstr*,%t)) return $longfn($com(%c).result)

alias jsonclearcache { if ($com(jsonidentifier)) { noop $com(jsonidentifier,executestatement,1,bstr,urlcache = {}) } }
** Copy/Remove Patch                                     **
** By ProIcons                                           **
** Platform:  mIRC                                       **
alias -l remove {
  remove $qt($1-)
alias -l copy {
  if ($1 == -o) {
    var %b = 2
  else { %b = 1 } 
  var %i = 1
  while (!$isfile($gettok($ [ $+ [ [ [ %b $+ - ] ] ] ],1 $+ - $+ %i,32))) {
    if ($calc(%i - 5) > $numtok($ [ $+ [ [ [ %b $+ - ] ] ] ],32)) break
    inc %i
  var %file1 = $gettok($ [ $+ [ [ [ %b $+ - ] ] ] ],1 $+ - $+ %i,32)
  var %file2 = $gettok($ [ $+ [ [ [ %b $+ - ] ] ] ],$calc(%i + 1) $+ -,32)
  if (%b == 2) { if ($exists(%file2)) .remove %file2 }
  .copy $qt(%file1) $qt(%file2)


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^WeSt   -  Oct 05, 2014

I got this error while running the setup wizard.

  • /timer: invalid parameters (line 2219, script14.mrc)
ProIcons  -  Oct 05, 2014

If you run this script under Windows Version >= 8 . And mIRC Version => 7.1 Please consider running mIRC with Administrator Rights. Furthermore it seems that the variable %tmdb_clear_process is missing from your definitions. Please consider running again the TMDB Installation Wizard, or set the variable manually to 5000 for 5 Second delay before the temp file you fetched gets erased.

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terpe   -  Feb 18, 2014

Hey i got this error.

I try this commmand:
/tmdb search/movie -cp callback_function 1 Matrix


  • /tmdb: Error: Callback callback_function is not a valid alias.
  • /tmdb: Error: Callback custom_callback is not a valid alias.

I download the 2 mrc files into mirc directory an load it.
Then i try the Update via GUI.

ProIcons  -  Feb 18, 2014

In your callback alias, try to put this as the first line:

 if ($isid) return $true  

As written in the Documentation:

** *            Every callback alias must have in the first line this:                                            * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *            if ($isid) return $true .                                                                         * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *            So its basic form will be something like:                                                         * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *            alias callback {                                                                                  * **
** *              if ($isid) return $true                                                                         * **
** *              ;..commands...                                                                                  * **
** *            }                                                          
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Hawkee   -  Feb 03, 2014

There you go, I fixed the stats. Wow, this is a long bit of code. This page lags my i7.

ProIcons  -  Feb 04, 2014

I have Posted 2 Snippers, 1 API and 1 GUI, you can see its functionality through the GUI , i have uploaded screenshots

Sorasyn  -  Feb 06, 2014

Would it not have been prudent to separate them up into different files, and then upload as a script? 2372 lines is a little excessive, although it loads just fine on my desktop.

ProIcons  -  Feb 06, 2014

Have you tested it, to report any type of bug or tweak ?:)

P.S lags because you are on MAC _

ProIcons  -  Sep 13, 2014

@Sorasyn Sorry i haven't seen your Comment. This one is the Wrapper. the other Script is just an example use of the Wrapper. It basically depends on this one. Is just an example to demonstrate what kind of data you can get from here. Also in this code there's a powerful tool $json_utf8 , that allows you to parse json on any given language unlike the $json by timi that it could only read ANSI.

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