IP Locator & Logger V1.0

By dronez4 on Sep 26, 2013

This script Logs works as a dialog when u right click in IRC u'll find that when you get on the dialog you can search the IP Address and it outputs into the the 'list' bar with the info of the IP

If there are any bugs, please post on the Post or find me at IRC.RenCorner.com

menu * {
  .IP Locator:{
    dialog -m ipinfoRC ipinfoRC

DIALOG ipinfoRC {
  title "RenCorner IPinfo Tool"
  size -1 -1 400 400
  button "Search",1, 100 30 200 25
  button "Copy",3, 20 280 170 25
  button "IP Logs",30, 200 280 170 25
  text "",4, 20 70 250 200
  list 2, 100 100 282 35, autohs
  text "Country:" 10, 30 100 70 20
  list 5, 100 130 282 35, autohs
  text "ISP:" 12, 30 130 70 20
  list 6, 100 160 282 35, autohs
  text "HostName:" 14, 30 160 70 20
  list 7, 100 190 282 35, autohs
  text "Currency:" 16, 30 190 70 20
  list 8, 100 220 282 35, autohs
  text "IP Speed:" 18, 30 220 70 20
  list 9, 100 250 282 35, autohs
  text "Blacklist:" 20, 30 250 40 20
  text "© Copyright by dronez4 ©",300, 10 385 170 20
  text "IP Locator and Logger V1.0",301, 250 385 170 20

on *:dialog:ipinfoRC:init:0:{
did -a ipinfoRC 4 Press search to find information on an IP address }

ON *:DIALOG:ipinfoRC:SCLICK:1: {
  did -r ipinfoRC 2
  did -r ipinfoRC 5
  did -r ipinfoRC 6
  did -r ipinfoRC 7
  did -r ipinfoRC 8
  did -r ipinfoRC 9
  set %dgip $$?="Enter a Valid IP Address"

ON *:DIALOG:ipinfoRC:SCLICK:30:{
  if ($read(iplocinfo.ini) == $null) {
    did -r ipinfoRC 2
    did -r ipinfoRC 5
    did -r ipinfoRC 6
    did -r ipinfoRC 7
    did -r ipinfoRC 8
    did -r ipinfoRC 9
    did -a ipinfoRC 2 No logs at all
    did -a ipinfoRC 5 No logs at all
    did -a ipinfoRC 6 No logs at all
    did -a ipinfoRC 7 No logs at all
    did -a ipinfoRC 8 No logs at all 
    did -a ipinfoRC 9 No logs at all
  else {
  run iplocinfo.ini }

ON *:DIALOG:ipinfoRC:SCLICK:3:{ 
  clipboard $did(2).seltext
  clipboard $did(5).seltext
  clipboard $did(6).seltext
  clipboard $did(7).seltext
  clipboard $did(8).seltext
  clipboard $did(9).seltext

alias getdg {
  sockclose dg123
  sockopen dg123 www.ip-tracker.org 80

alias NoHTML {
  if (alt=": isin $1) {
    return $regsubex($1,/<[^>]+(?:>|$)|^[^<>]+>/g,) :emoticon:
  else {
    if (&#39 isin $1) {
      set %removed1 l $remove(%read,&#39)
      return $regsubex($1,/<[^>]+(?:>|$)|^[^<>]+>/g,)
    else {
      return $regsubex($1,/<[^>]+(?:>|$)|^[^<>]+>/g,) 
alias striphtml {
  return $regsubex($1,/=[^"]+(?:>|$)|^[^<>]+</g,) 

on *:sockread:dg123:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) { return }
  else {
    var %read
    sockread %read 
    if (*<img src=images/ip-flags/* iswm %read) && (*ip += "* iswm %read) {
      writeini iplocinfo.ini %dgip Country $remove($nohtml(%read),ip += ",";,$chr(9))
      did -a ipinfoRC 2 $remove($nohtml(%read),ip += ",";)
    if (*</tr><tr><th>Hostname:</th>* iswm %read) {
      set %resultdg $nohtml(%read)
      set %resultdg1 $remove(%resultdg,IP To Country],[Domain To Location,Hostname:)
      writeini iplocinfo.ini %dgip hostname $remove(%resultdg1,$chr(9))
      did -a ipinfoRC 6 %resultdg1
    if (*ISP:* iswm %read) {
      writeini iplocinfo.ini %dgip ISP $remove($gettok(%read,42,62),</td,$chr(9))
      did -a ipinfoRC 5 $remove($gettok(%read,42,62),</td)
    if (*IP Currency:* iswm %read) {
      set %currency $remove($gettok(%read,7,62),</td,$chr(9))
      writeini iplocinfo.ini %dgip Currency $remove(%currency,;#128;,&nbsp;)
      did -a ipinfoRC 7 $remove(%currency,#128;,&nbsp;)      
    if (*IP Address Speed:* iswm %read) {
      writeini iplocinfo.ini %dgip Address-Speed $remove($gettok(%read,88,62),$chr(9))
      did -a ipinfoRC 8 $gettok(%read,88,62)
    if (*IP Blacklist Check:* iswm %read) {
      writeini iplocinfo.ini %dgip Blacklist $remove($nohtml(%read),IP Blacklist Check:,$chr(9))
      did -a ipinfoRC 9 $remove($nohtml(%read),IP Blacklist Check:)
On *:sockopen:dg123: {
  if (!$sockerr) {
    sockwrite -nt dg123 GET /locator/ip-lookup.php?ip= $+ %dgip HTTP/1.0
    sockwrite -n dg123 Host: www.ip-tracker.org
    sockwrite -n dg123 $crlf
  else { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }


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nutty   -  Oct 25, 2013

Thank you for sharing..love it best one i have seen :)

dronez4  -  Oct 31, 2013

Oh hi, Totally forgot about this script, I Need to Re-Script this as the tokens mess up when it comes to HTML Stripping

But thanks it'll be upgraded by next week.

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gstar94250   -  Sep 28, 2013


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