Incomplete Picture Window Editor "PWEDitor v1.0 Beta"

By Scriptalias on Aug 06, 2013

I started this back in 2005 burned it to a cd and found it not to long ago... I have been piecing it together slowly and working out the bugs.. its coming together..

This addon is a picture window editor with an event editor to handle the events within custom picture windows. Window event and drawing commands are compiled to .mrc files that will then act as a seperate addon of its own. All of he code is written in mirc script using no other scripting or programming environment. You may be asking why am posting this if its not complete... WELLLllll.... because i want to see it turned into something. And maybe this will spark someones interest. When people put there heads together amazing things can happen...

The whole tool bar is not working currently the basic controls can be displayed in the picture window and modified if they are not created correctly when first inserted using the modify tab.

At this point the even editor is not working correctly I know this already but i recall in 2005 i had it actually had it pulling up some code or at least a small template of some sort. feel free to mess around with the code and post a variation of your own. as long as you give credit where it is due.

You will see some measurements are off for the buttons once it gets passed a certain number of characters in the length of the button caption. its odd because each character on a keyboard has different dimensions and im not sure how to calculate the difference of each one for a total length of the caption to then draw correctly in the picture window.

I also noticed when inserting regular text and dynamic text also pictures they are not refreshing in the picture window after they are inserted successfully.

This idea was based off of Dialog Studio.. i wanted my own similar addition to mIRC and may have bitten more off then i can chew. or at least for the amount of time ive been sitting on it i figure i should just put it out there.. and see what people have to say...

So here is PWEditor v1.0 BUGGY AS HELL! Beta

The zipfile of images and other documents can be downloaded here.

; PWE - Picture Window Editor v1.0 by: 3nter
; Below this line this line is the Main dialog
dialog pwe_eventeditor {
  title "Window Event Editor"
  size -1 -1 360 234
  option dbu
  box "Window event(s) code", 1, 2 14 356 202
  edit "", 2, 4 22 352 190, multi return autohs autovs hsbar vsbar
  button "Save Changes", 3, 260 220 47 12
  button "Close", 4, 310 220 47 12
  combo 5, 50 2 152 50, size drop
  combo 6, 246 2 110 50, size drop
  text "Normal mirc scripting applies in this editor.", 7, 4 220 103 8
  text "Object Browser:", 8, 8 4 41 8
  text "Window Events:", 9, 204 4 41 8
dialog pwe_txtobject {
  title "Choose One"
  size -1 -1 102 48
  option dbu
  button "Dynamic Text", 1, 54 20 45 26
  button "Static Text", 2, 2 20 45 26
  text "Select the type of text object that you want to create.", 3, 2 2 95 14
dialog pwe_proman {
  title "Manager your projects"
  size -1 -1 166 120
  option dbu
  list 1, 5 20 106 96, size vsbar
  button "Delete", 3, 115 48 43 12
  box "", 4, 2 2 162 118
  button "New project", 5, 116 8 43 12
  button "Open selected", 2, 116 25 43 12
  edit "", 6, 6 8 90 10, read autohs
  button "...", 7, 98 8 13 10, flat
dialog PWEditor {
  title "PWE - Picture Window Editor v1.0"
  size -1 -1 136 226
  option dbu
  edit "", 33, 2 215 127 10, read autohs
  link "?", 34, 130 216 4 8
  tab "Properties", 18, 2 109 130 103
  text "Caption:", 31, 11 127 23 8, tab 18
  edit "", 32, 35 125 92 10, tab 18 autohs
  box "Selected Item", 26, 69 170 59 36, tab 18
  box "X-Y", 6, 69 139 59 29, tab 18
  box "W-H", 5, 8 138 59 30, tab 18
  box "Options", 42, 8 170 59 36, tab 18
  text "y", 16, 110 158 5 8, tab 18
  edit "", 17, 100 147 24 10, tab 18 read center
  edit "", 10, 74 147 24 10, tab 18 read center
  text "x", 15, 85 158 5 8, tab 18
  text "Width", 20, 16 158 17 8, tab 18
  edit "", 11, 39 147 24 10, tab 18 read center
  text "Hight", 21, 44 158 15 8, tab 18
  check "Disable", 43, 11 179 28 10, tab 18
  check "Flat", 45, 44 179 20 10, tab 18
  check "Hide", 44, 11 192 24 10, tab 18
  text "Name:", 30, 72 180 17 8, tab 18
  edit "", 27, 93 179 32 10, tab 18 read autohs
  edit "", 29, 106 192 18 10, tab 18 read
  check "Lock ID", 28, 72 192 28 10, tab 18
  edit "", 9, 12 147 24 10, tab 18 read center
  tab "Modify", 2
  box "W-H", 3, 6 126 59 30, tab 2
  edit "", 4, 37 133 24 10, tab 2 center
  text "Hight", 22, 42 144 15 8, tab 2
  text "Width", 19, 13 144 17 8, tab 2
  edit "", 12, 9 133 24 10, tab 2 center
  box "X-Y", 23, 6 158 59 31, tab 2
  edit "", 25, 10 167 24 10, tab 2 center
  edit "", 35, 37 167 24 10, tab 2 center
  text "y", 37, 47 178 5 8, tab 2
  text "x", 36, 19 179 5 8, tab 2
  box "Object Edges", 51, 84 126 44 30, tab 2
  radio "Rounded", 56, 88 134 36 10, tab 2
  radio "Square", 57, 88 144 36 10, tab 2
  button "Apply Changes", 38, 86 198 43 12, tab 2
  combo 52, 6 35 99 18, size edit drop
  box "Layer", 53, 2 27 132 22
  button "+", 54, 110 37 9 8
  button "-", 55, 120 37 9 8
  box "Color Swatches", 46, 19 2 96 22
  icon 47, 89 10 14 8, " $+ %pweditor.scriptdir $+ images\colorswatch-white.bmp", 0, border
  text "FG", 49, 72 11 9 8
  icon 48, 45 10 14 8, " $+ %pweditor.scriptdir $+ images\colorswatch-black.bmp", 0, border
  text "BG", 50, 28 11 9 8
  box "Object Browser", 58, 2 49 132 56
  list 59, 6 58 84 44, size
  button "Remove", 60, 96 87 31 12
  box "Show Objects", 39, 92 54 40 30
  check "Layer Only", 40, 94 63 36 8
  check "All", 41, 94 74 26 8
  menu "File", 80
  item "Project Manager", 81, 80
  item break, 88, 80
  item "Save", 83, 80
  item "Save As", 89, 80
  item break, 84, 80
  item "Export project to .mrc file", 85, 80
  item break, 86, 80
  item "Exit", 87, 80
  menu "View", 7
  item "Toolbar", 8, 7
  item break, 13, 7
  item "ScreenShot *.bmp", 14, 7
  menu "Window Event Editor", 24
  item "Show", 1, 24
; When Creating a new picture window this Dialog will appear
dialog PWE_newfile {
  title "New PWE Window"
  size -1 -1 144 84
  option dbu
  text "Window Name:", 25, 14 9 37 8
  text "Size:", 27, 16 25 13 8
  edit "100", 28, 39 23 16 10, limit 3
  edit "100", 29, 64 23 16 10, limit 3
  edit "500", 30, 90 23 16 10, limit 3
  edit "400", 31, 114 23 16 10, limit 3
  edit "Untitled", 26, 52 7 78 10
  text "X", 1, 34 25 5 8
  text "Y", 2, 59 25 5 8
  text "W", 3, 84 25 5 8
  text "H", 4, 109 25 5 8
  button "Create New Project", 5, 16 66 59 12
  button "Cancel", 6, 80 66 49 12, cancel
  box "", 22, 4 35 136 24
  icon 66, 111 41 15 15, " $+ [ %pweditor.scriptdir $+ [ images\colorswatch-black.bmp" ] $+ ]
  icon 70, 44 41 15 15,  " $+ %pweditor.scriptdir $+ images\colorswatch-darkblue.bmp"
  text "Background", 71, 11 45 29 8
  text "Foreground", 72, 77 45 29 8
;These 2 dialog's are the Color Swatchs
dialog FG-color_swatches {
  title "Select a Foreground Color"
  size -1 -1 144 123
  option dbu
  box "Color Swatches", 17, 4 3 136 42
  icon 1, 9 11 11 11,  "images\colorswatch-black.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 2, 25 11 11 11,  "images\colorswatch-darkblue.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 3, 41 11 11 11,  "images\colorswatch-green.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 4, 57 11 11 11,  "images\colorswatch-red.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 5, 73 11 11 11,  "images\colorswatch-darkred.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 6, 89 11 11 11,  "images\colorswatch-purple.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 7, 105 11 11 11,  "images\colorswatch-orange.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 8, 121 11 11 11,  "images\colorswatch-yellow.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 9, 9 27 11 11,  "images\colorswatch-limegreen.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 10, 25 27 11 11,  "images\colorswatch-teal.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 11, 41 27 11 11,  "images\colorswatch-lightblue.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 12, 57 27 11 11,  "images\colorswatch-blue.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 14, 89 27 11 11,  "images\colorswatch-grey.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 15, 105 27 11 11,  "images\colorswatch-lightgrey.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 13, 73 27 11 11,  "images\colorswatch-pink.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 16, 121 27 11 11,  "images\colorswatch-white.bmp", 0, border
  scroll "", 18, 34 68 66 8, horizontal bottom
  text "Red", 19, 13 69 12 8
  text "Green", 20, 13 80 15 8
  text "Blue", 21, 13 90 11 8
  scroll "", 23, 33 90 67 8, horizontal bottom
  scroll "", 24, 34 79 66 8, horizontal bottom
  edit "", 25, 107 69 21 9, autohs
  edit "", 26, 107 79 21 9, autohs
  edit "", 27, 107 89 21 9, autohs
  box "RGB Color Picker", 28, 4 48 136 71
  check "Enable RGB color picker", 29, 14 55 70 9
  button "Apply", 30, 53 102 37 12
dialog BG-color_swatches {
  title "Select a Background Color"
  size -1 -1 144 123
  option dbu
  box "Color Swatches", 17, 4 3 136 42
  icon 1, 9 11 9 9,  "images\colorswatch-black.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 2, 25 11 9 9,  "images\colorswatch-darkblue.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 3, 41 11 9 9,  "images\colorswatch-green.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 4, 57 11 9 9,  "images\colorswatch-red.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 5, 73 11 9 9,  "images\colorswatch-darkred.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 6, 89 11 9 9,  "images\colorswatch-purple.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 7, 105 11 9 9,  "images\colorswatch-orange.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 8, 121 11 9 9,  "images\colorswatch-yellow.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 9, 9 27 9 9,  "images\colorswatch-limegreen.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 10, 25 27 9 9,  "images\colorswatch-teal.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 11, 41 27 9 9,  "images\colorswatch-lightblue.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 12, 57 27 9 9,  "images\colorswatch-blue.bmp, 0, noborder
  icon 14, 89 27 9 9,  "images\colorswatch-grey.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 15, 105 27 9 9,  "images\colorswatch-lightgrey.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 13, 73 27 9 9,  "images\colorswatch-pink.bmp", 0, noborder
  icon 16, 121 27 9 9,  "images\colorswatch-white.bmp", 0, border
  scroll "", 18, 34 68 66 8, horizontal bottom
  text "Red", 19, 13 69 12 8
  text "Green", 20, 13 80 15 8
  text "Blue", 21, 13 90 11 8
  scroll "", 23, 33 90 67 8, horizontal bottom
  scroll "", 24, 34 79 66 8, horizontal bottom
  edit "", 25, 107 69 21 9, autohs
  edit "", 26, 107 79 21 9, autohs
  edit "", 27, 107 89 21 9, autohs
  box "RGB Color Picker", 28, 4 48 136 71
  check "Enable RGB color picker", 29, 14 56 70 9
  button "Apply", 30, 53 102 37 12
;This is where the Code starts Do not change and information past
;this line unless you have been given permission by Reg. Finley
menu status,channel {
  .Open:/dialog -mav PWEditor PWEditor 
;When the mouse move these are its proerties
menu @PWEditor {
  mouse: { /did -i pweditor 10 1 $mouse.x | /did -i pweditor 17 1 $mouse.y  
    ;/echo -s $inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y, $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pweditor.scriptdir $+ Documents\ $+ %pweditor.tempwindowname $+ -pw.ini,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pweditor.scriptdir $+ Documents\ $+ %pweditor.tempwindowname $+ -pw.ini,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pweditor.scriptdir $+ Documents\ $+ %pweditor.tempwindowname $+ -pw.ini,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pweditor.scriptdir $+ Documents\ $+ %pweditor.tempwindowname $+ -pw.ini,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ )

    ;if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,0,0, $+ %Pweditor.width $+ , $+ %Pweditor.length $+ ) == $true) { 
    ;  /echo -s in rectangle
    ;  /did -i pweditor 10 1 $mouse.x 
    ;  /did -i pweditor 17 1 $mouse.y
;When the user Selects a object to inset this Menu draws the 
;selcected Item.
#notask off
menu @PWEditor {
  sclick: {
    /set %pwe.winlines 0
    while (%pwe.winlines < $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) {
      if ($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines) != #This window was Created in PWEditor v1.0 ) { inc %pwe.winlines | goto loop }
      elseif ($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines) == #This window was Created in PWEditor v1.0) { goto next2 }
      else { goto next2 }
      inc %pwe.winlines
      if ($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,58) == Open) { 
        if (%pwe.winlines == $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) { halt }
        else { goto next2 }
      elseif ($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,58) == Fill) { 
        if (%pwe.winlines == $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) { halt }
        else { goto next2 }
      else { 
        if (Button isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) {
          if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y, $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32) $+ ) == $true) {           
            ;/drawrect @PWEditor 14 2 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32) $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32) 
            ;/drawrect @PWEditor 14 2 $calc($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) - 5) $calc($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) - 5) 6 6 
            ;/drawrect @PWEditor 14 2 $calc($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) + $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)) $calc($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) - 5) 6 6
            ;/drawrect @PWEditor 14 2 $calc($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) - 5) $calc($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) + 20) 6 6 
            ;/drawrect @PWEditor 14 2 $calc($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) + $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)) $calc($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) + 20) 6 6
            ;/enable #buttonresize            
            goto done          
        if (Image isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32)) {
          if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y, $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),2,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),6,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ ) == $true) {           
            goto done          
        if (StaticText isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32)) {
          if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y, $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ ) == $true) {           
            goto done          
        if (DynamicText isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32)) {
          if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y, $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ ) == $true) {           
            goto done          
        if (TextBox isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32)) {
          if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y, $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ ) == $true) {           
            goto done          
        if (GroupBox isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32)) {
          if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y, $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ ) == $true) {           
            goto done          
        if (CheckBox isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32)) {
          if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y, $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ ) == $true) {           
            goto done          
        if (Link isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32)) {
          if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y, $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ ) == $true) {           
            goto done          
        if (%pwe.winlines == $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) { halt }
        else { goto next2 }



;When the Use Clicks anywhere inside the picture window 
;This menu the proporties of the object that the user select
;in the picture window.
menu @PWEditor {
  sclick: {
    /set %PWEditor.xstartloc $did(Pweditor,10)
    /set %PWEditor.ystartloc $did(Pweditor,17)
    /set %pwe.winlines 0
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 Gathering %pweditor.insertobject information please wait...
    while (%pwe.winlines < $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) {
      if ($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines) != #This window was Created in PWEditor v1.0 ) { inc %pwe.winlines | goto loop }
      elseif ($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines) == #This window was Created in PWEditor v1.0) { goto next2 }
      else { goto next2 }
      inc %pwe.winlines
      if ($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,58) == Open) { 
        if (%pwe.winlines == $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) { halt }
        else { goto next2 }
      elseif ($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,58) == Fill) { 
        if (%pwe.winlines == $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) { halt }
        else { goto next2 }
      else { 
        ;/echo -s $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)
        /set %pwe.backgroundstring -BG        
        if ((BG isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && (Button isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {
          ;Button $+ %pwe.winlines $+ -BG         
          if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y, $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32) $+ ) == $true) {           
            /did -i PWEditor 27 1 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58),-BG)
            /did -i PWEditor 9 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)
            /did -i PWEditor 11 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 12 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)
            /did -i PWEditor 4 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 25 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 35 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32)             
            /did -i PWEditor 32 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ , $+ $calc( %pwe.winlines + 2 )),9-,32),32)
            goto done          
        if (Image isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32)) {
          if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y, $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),2,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),6,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ ) == $true) {           
            /did -i PWEditor 27 1 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58))
            /did -i PWEditor 32 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9-,32)
            /did -i PWEditor 9 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pweditor.scriptd
            /did -i PWEditor 12 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pweditor.sir $+ Documents\ $+ %pweditor.tempwindowname $+ -pw.ini,%pwe.winlines),7,32)
            /did -i PWEditor 11 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32)           
            /did -i PWEditor 4 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 25 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 35 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32)             
            goto done          
        if (StaticText isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32)) {
          if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y, $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ ) == $true) {           
            /did -i PWEditor 27 1 $remove $+ $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58))
            /did -i PWEditor 32 1 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),11-,32),$chr(58),-Text)          
            /did -r PWEditor 9     
            /did -r PWEditor 11     
            /did -i PWEditor 12 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)
            /did -i PWEditor 4 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 25 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 35 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32)             
            goto done          
        if (DynamicText isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32)) {
          if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y, $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ ) == $true) {           
            /did -i PWEditor 27 1 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58))
            /did -i PWEditor 32 1 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),12-,32),$chr(58),-Text)            
            /did -r PWEditor 9     
            /did -r PWEditor 11 
            /did -i PWEditor 12 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)
            /did -i PWEditor 4 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 25 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),11,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 35 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),12,32)           
            /did -i PWEditor 25 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 35 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32)             
            goto done          
        if ((BG isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && (TextBox isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {

          if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y, $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ ) == $true) {           
            /did -i PWEditor 27 1 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58),-BG)
            /did -i PWEditor 9 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)
            /did -i PWEditor 11 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 12 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)
            /did -i PWEditor 4 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 25 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 35 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32)             
            ;/did -i PWEditor 32 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ , $+ $calc( %pwe.winlines + 2 )),8-,32),32)

            /did -i PWEditor 32 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ , $+ $calc( %pwe.winlines + 2 )),8-,32),32)
            goto done                   
        if ((BG isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && (GroupBox isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {
          ; /echo -s found gather box
          if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y, $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32) $+ ) == $true) {           
            /did -i PWEditor 27 1 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58),-BG)
            /did -i PWEditor 9 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)
            /did -i PWEditor 11 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 12 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)
            /did -i PWEditor 4 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 25 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 35 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32)             
            /did -i PWEditor 32 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ , $+ $calc( %pwe.winlines + 2 )),9-,32),32)

            goto done                   
        if (CheckBox isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32)) {
          if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y, $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ ) == $true) {           
            /did -i PWEditor 27 1 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58),BG)
            /did -i PWEditor 9 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)
            /did -i PWEditor 11 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 12 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)
            /did -i PWEditor 4 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 25 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 35 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32)             
            /did -i PWEditor 32 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ , $+ $calc( %pwe.winlines + 2 )),9-,32),32)
            goto done                   
        if (Link isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32)) {
          if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y, $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) $+ ) == $true) {           
            /did -i PWEditor 27 1 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58),BG)
            /did -i PWEditor 9 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)
            /did -i PWEditor 12 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)
            /did -i PWEditor 11 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 4 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 25 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32)            
            /did -i PWEditor 35 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32)             
            /did -i PWEditor 32 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ , $+ $calc( %pwe.winlines + 2 )),9-,32),32)
            goto done                   
        if (%pwe.winlines == $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) { /did -o pweditor 33 1 Done Gathering %pweditor.insertobject information. | halt }
        else { goto next2 }

#notask end
alias refreshtoolbar {
  /clear -u @toolbar
  /window -apk0 +l @ToolBar 0 0 89 349
  /drawpic -s @ToolBar 0 0 80 320 " $+ $scriptdirimages\Pwe_toolBar.bmp $+ "

;  if ($did == 58) { /set %pweditor.insertobject Image | /insertobject }
;  if ($did == 59) { /set %pweditor.insertobject Button | /insertobject }
;  if ($did == 60) { /set %pweditor.insertobject Text | /insertobject }
;  if ($did == 7) { /set %pweditor.insertobject Selection | /insertobject }
;  if ($did == 8) { /set %pweditor.insertobject Erase | /insertobject }
;  if ($did == 39) { /set %pweditor.insertobject List Box | /insertobject }
;  if ($did == 22) { /set %pweditor.insertobject Check Box | /insertobject }
;  if ($did == 23) { /set %pweditor.insertobject Drop Menu | /insertobject }
;  if ($did == 24) { /set %pweditor.insertobject Link | /insertobject }
;  if ($did == 41) { /set %pweditor.insertobject Box | /insertobject }
menu @Toolbar {
  sclick: {
    if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,0,5,30,30) == $true) { /drawrect -d @ToolBar 4 1 5 5 34 34 | /set %pweditor.insertobject Button | /insertobject }
    else {      
      if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,0,45,30,30) == $true) { /drawrect -d @ToolBar 4 1 5 44 34 34 | /set %pweditor.insertobject TextBox | /insertobject }
      else { 
        if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,0,85,30,30) == $true) { /drawrect -d @ToolBar 4 1 5 83 34 34 | /set %pweditor.insertobject GroupBox | /insertobject }
        else {
          if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,0,120,30,30) == $true) { /drawrect -d @ToolBar 4 1 5 120 34 34 | /set %pweditor.insertobject CheckBox | /insertobject }
          else {
            if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,0,160,30,30) == $true) { /drawrect -d @ToolBar 4 1 5 160 34 34 | /set %pweditor.insertobject Image | /insertobject }
            else {
              if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,0,197,30,30) == $true) { /drawrect -d @ToolBar 4 1 5 197 34 34 | halt }
              else {
                if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,42,5,30,30) == $true) { /drawrect -d @ToolBar 4 1 42 5 34 34 | halt }
                else {
                  if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,42,45,30,30) == $true) { /drawrect -d @ToolBar 4 1 42 45 34 34 | /set %pweditor.insertobject Text | /insertobject }
                  else {
                    if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,42,85,30,30) == $true) { /drawrect -d @ToolBar 4 1 42 85 34 34 | halt }
                    else { 
                      if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,42,120,30,30) == $true) { /drawrect -d @ToolBar 4 1 42 120 34 34 | halt }
                      else { 
                        if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,42,160,30,30) == $true) { /drawrect -d @ToolBar 4 1 42 160 34 34 | /set %pweditor.insertobject Link | /insertobject }
                        else {
                          if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,42,197,30,30) == $true) { /drawrect -d @ToolBar 4 1 42 197 34 34 | halt }


  mouse: {
    if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,0,0,89,349) == $true) { 
      if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,0,5,30,30) == $true) { /drawpic -s @ToolBar 0 0 80 320 " $+ $scriptdirimages\Pwe_toolBar.bmp $+ " | /drawrect -ecd @ToolBar 1 1 5 5 34 34 | halt }
      else {      
        if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,0,45,30,30) == $true) { /drawpic -s @ToolBar 0 0 80 320 " $+ $scriptdirimages\Pwe_toolBar.bmp $+ " | /drawrect -ecd @ToolBar 1 1 5 44 34 34 | halt }
        else { 
          if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,0,85,30,30) == $true) { /drawpic -s @ToolBar 0 0 80 320 " $+ $scriptdirimages\Pwe_toolBar.bmp $+ " | /drawrect -ecd @ToolBar 1 1 5 83 34 34 | halt }
          else {
            if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,0,120,30,30) == $true) { /drawpic -s @ToolBar 0 0 80 320 " $+ $scriptdirimages\Pwe_toolBar.bmp $+ " | /drawrect -ecd @ToolBar 1 1 5 120 34 34 | halt }
            else {
              if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,0,160,30,30) == $true) { /drawpic -s @ToolBar 0 0 80 320 " $+ $scriptdirimages\Pwe_toolBar.bmp $+ " | /drawrect -ecd @ToolBar 1 1 5 160 34 34 | halt }
              else {
                if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,0,197,30,30) == $true) { /drawpic -s @ToolBar 0 0 80 320 " $+ $scriptdirimages\Pwe_toolBar.bmp $+ " | /drawrect -ecd @ToolBar 1 1 5 197 34 34 | halt }
                else {
                  if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,42,5,30,30) == $true) { /drawpic -s @ToolBar 0 0 80 320 " $+ $scriptdirimages\Pwe_toolBar.bmp $+ " | /drawrect -ecd @ToolBar 1 1 42 5 34 34 | halt }
                  else {
                    if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,42,45,30,30) == $true) { /drawpic -s @ToolBar 0 0 80 320 " $+ $scriptdirimages\Pwe_toolBar.bmp $+ " | /drawrect -ecd @ToolBar 1 1 42 45 34 34 | halt }
                    else {
                      if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,42,85,30,30) == $true) { /drawpic -s @ToolBar 0 0 80 320 " $+ $scriptdirimages\Pwe_toolBar.bmp $+ " | /drawrect -ecd @ToolBar 1 1 42 85 34 34 | halt }
                      else { 
                        if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,42,120,30,30) == $true) { /drawpic -s @ToolBar 0 0 80 320 " $+ $scriptdirimages\Pwe_toolBar.bmp $+ " | /drawrect -ecd @ToolBar 1 1 42 120 34 34 | halt }
                        else { 
                          if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,42,160,30,30) == $true) { /drawpic -s @ToolBar 0 0 80 320 " $+ $scriptdirimages\Pwe_toolBar.bmp $+ " | /drawrect -ecd @ToolBar 1 1 42 160 34 34 | halt }
                          else {
                            if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,42,197,30,30) == $true) { /drawpic -s @ToolBar 0 0 80 320 " $+ $scriptdirimages\Pwe_toolBar.bmp $+ " | /drawrect -ecd @ToolBar 1 1 42 197 34 34 | halt }



;When the user Selects a object and wants to resize a button this 
;menu will be activated.
#buttonresize off
menu @PWEditor {
  sclick: { 
    if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y, $+ $calc($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32) - 5) $+ , $+ $calc($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32) - 5) $+ ,6,6) == $true) {
      /echo -s working
#buttonresize end
;When the user chooses to insert a IMAGE this menu will be activated
#insertimage off
menu @PWEditor {
  sclick: {
    /set %pweditor.imagelocation $sfile(" $+  $+ %pweditor.scriptdir $+  $+ ",Locate the image you wish to insert.,Select)
    if ($exists(" $+ %pweditor.imagelocation $+ ") != $false) { goto next1 }
    else { /did -i pweditor 33 1 The file you are trying to load dose not exist. | /.disable #insertimage | halt }
    if ($gettok(%pweditor.imagelocation, $+ $numtok( $+ %pweditor.imagelocation $+ ,46) $+ ,46) == bmp) { goto next2 }
    elseif ($gettok(%pweditor.imagelocation, $+ $numtok( $+ %pweditor.imagelocation $+ ,46) $+ ,46) == jpg) { goto next2 }
    else { /did -i pweditor 33 1 The file you are trying to load is not bmp or jpg format. *.bmp *.jpg ONLY. | /.disable #insertimage | halt }
    /set %PWEditor.ximagloc $mouse.x
    /set %PWEditor.yimagloc $mouse.y
    if ($inrect( $+ %PWEditor.ximagloc $+ , $+ %PWEditor.yimagloc $+ ,0,0, $+ %Pweditor.width $+ , $+ %Pweditor.length $+ ) == $true) { 
      /set %PWEditor.imagwidth $pic(%pweditor.imagelocation).width     
      /set %PWEditor.imagheight $pic(%pweditor.imagelocation).height
      /did -i pweditor 17 1 %PWEditor.ximagloc
      /did -i pweditor 10 1 %PWEditor.yimagloc
      /did -i pweditor 9 1 %PWEditor.imagwidth
      /did -i pweditor 11 1 %PWEditor.imagheight
    inc %pwe.totalimage
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Image $+ %pwe.totalimage $+ : drawpic -hs @PWEditor %PWEditor.ximagloc %PWEditor.yimagloc %PWEditor.imagwidth %PWEditor.imagheight " $+ %pweditor.imagelocation $+ "    
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 Image Inserted successfully...
    /unset %PWEditor.ximagloc
    /unset %PWEditor.yimagloc
    /unset %pweditor.imagelocation
    /unset %PWEditor.imagwidth
    /unset %PWEditor.imagheight
    /.disable #insertimage
#insertimage end
;When the user chooses to insert a Link this menu will be activated
#insertlink off
menu @PWEditor {
  sclick: {
    /set %PWEditor.xtxtloc $mouse.x
    /set %PWEditor.ytxtloc $mouse.y
    if (%pwe.temptext == $chr(32)) { /did -i pweditor 33 1 Unable to insert text. | /.disable #inserttext | halt }
    else { /set %pwe.temptext $$?="Enter the text you wish to insert here." }
    /set %pweditor.tempurl $$?="Enter the url for this link."
    /set %pwe.txtnum $width(%pwe.temptxt,arial,1)
    /set %PWEditor.linkwidth $calc(10 * %pwe.txtnum + 5)
    /set %PWEditor.linkheight 21
    /set %PWEditor.Line2y $calc(%PWEditor.ytxtloc + 16)
    inc %pwe.totallink
    ;%PWEditor.linkwidth + %pwe.blanktokens
    /set %pwe.widthx $calc(%PWEditor.xtxtloc + %PWEditor.linkwidth)
    ;/echo -s $calc(%PWEditor.xtxtloc + %PWEditor.linkwidth)
    ;/echo -s %PWEditor.xtxtloc %PWEditor.linkwidth
    /set %pwe.widthy $calc(%PWEditor.ytxtloc + 16 \ 4.5)
    ;/echo -s %pwe.widthx %pwe.widthy
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Link $+ %pwe.totallink $+ -BG : drawrect -f @PWEditor %BGsel.color 1 %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.ystartloc %PWEditor.linkwidth %PWEditor.linkheight 
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Link $+ %pwe.totallink $+ -Text: drawtext -hb @PWEditor %FGsel.color %BGsel.color %PWEditor.xtxtloc %PWEditor.ytxtloc %pwe.temptext
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Link $+ %pwe.totallink $+ -Line: drawline -i @PWEditor %FGsel.color 2 %PWEditor.xtxtloc %PWEditor.Line2y %pwe.widthx %pwe.widthy 
    ;/echo -s drawline -i @PWEditor %FGsel.color 2 %PWEditor.xtxtloc %PWEditor.Line2y %PWEditor.widthx %PWEditor.widthy 
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Link $+ %pwe.totallink $+ -URL: %pweditor.tempurl
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 Link Inserted successfully...   
    /unset %PWEditor.xtxtloc
    /unset %PWEditor.ytxtloc    
    /unset %pweditor.temptext
    /.disable #insertlink
    /unset %PWEditor.xtxtloc
    /unset %PWEditor.ytxtloc
#insertlink end
;When the user chooses to insert a TEXT this menu will be activated
#inserttext off
menu @PWEditor {

  sclick: { 
    /set %PWEditor.xtxtloc $mouse.x
    /set %PWEditor.ytxtloc $mouse.y
    ;/set %PWEditor.xtxtloc $did(Pweditor,10)
    ;/set %PWEditor.ytxtloc $did(Pweditor,17)
    if (%pweditor.temptext == $chr(32)) { /did -i pweditor 33 1 Unable to insert text. | /.disable #inserttext | halt }
    else { /set %pweditor.temptext $$?="Enter the text you wish to insert here." }
    /set %pwe.txtnum $width(%pwe.temptxt,arial,1)
    inc %pwe.totalstattext
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " StaticText $+ %pwe.totalstattext $+ -Text: drawtext -hbc @PWEditor %FGsel.color %BGsel.color %PWEditor.xtxtloc %PWEditor.ytxtloc $calc(%pwe.txtnum * 21) 21 %pweditor.temptext
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 Text Inserted successfully...   

    /.disable #inserttext
    /unset %PWEditor.xtxtloc
    /unset %PWEditor.ytxtloc    
    /unset %pweditor.temptext
    ;/unset %PWEditor.xtxtloc
    ;/unset %PWEditor.ytxtloc

#inserttext end
;When the user chooses to insert a DynamicTEXT this menu will be activated
#insertdyntext off
menu @PWEditor {
  sclick: {
    /set %PWEditor.xtxtloc $mouse.x
    /set %PWEditor.ytxtloc $mouse.y
    ;/set %PWEditor.xtxtloc $did(Pweditor,10)
    ;/set %PWEditor.ytxtloc $did(Pweditor,17)
    if (%pweditor.temptext == $chr(32)) { /did -i pweditor 33 1 Unable to insert text. | /.disable #inserttext | halt }
    else { /set %pweditor.temptext $$?="Enter the text you wish to insert here." }
    /set %pwe.txtnum $width(%pwe.temptxt,arial,1)
    inc %pwe.totaldyntext
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " DynamicText $+ %pwe.totaldyntext $+ -Text: drawtext -hbo @PWEditor %FGsel.color %BGsel.color %PWEditor.xtxtloc %PWEditor.ytxtloc $calc(%pwe.txtnum * 21) 21 %pweditor.temptext
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 Dynamic text inserted successfully...   

    /.disable #insertdyntext
    /unset %PWEditor.xtxtloc
    /unset %PWEditor.ytxtloc    
    /unset %pweditor.temptext
    ;/unset %PWEditor.xtxtloc
    ;/unset %PWEditor.ytxtloc

#insertdyntext end
;When the user chooses to insert a BUTTON this menu will be activated
#insertbutton off
menu @PWEditor {
  sclick: {
    /set %PWEditor.xstartloc $mouse.x
    /set %PWEditor.ystartloc $mouse.y
    /set %pwe.temptxt $$?="Enter Caption for this button."
    /set %pwe.txtnum $width(%pwe.temptxt,arial,1)

    /set %PWEditor.butwidth $calc(9 * %pwe.txtnum + 5)
    /set %PWEditor.butheight 21
    inc %pwe.totalbuttons
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Button $+ %pwe.totalbuttons $+ -Shadow: drawrect -fd @PWEditor 14 1 $calc(%PWEditor.xstartloc + 2) $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + 2) %PWEditor.butwidth %PWEditor.butheight 
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Button $+ %pwe.totalbuttons $+ -BG: drawrect -fd @PWEditor 15 1 %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.ystartloc %PWEditor.butwidth %PWEditor.butheight 
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Button $+ %pwe.totalbuttons $+ -Overlay: drawrect -d @PWEditor %FGsel.color %BGsel.color %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.ystartloc %PWEditor.butwidth %PWEditor.butheight 
    /set %PWEditor.textlocx $calc(%PWEditor.xstartloc + 6)
    /set %PWEditor.textlocy $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + 3)
    /set %PWEditor.Line2y $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + %PWEditor.butheight - 3)
    /set %PWEditor.Line1y $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + 1)
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Button $+ %pwe.totalbuttons $+ -Text: drawtext -hb @PWEditor %FGsel.color 15 %PWEditor.textlocx %PWEditor.textlocy %pwe.temptxt
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Button $+ %pwe.totalbuttons $+ -Top: drawreplace @PWEditor 15 0 %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.Line1y %PWEditor.butwidth 2 
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Button $+ %pwe.totalbuttons $+ -Bottom: drawreplace @PWEditor 15 14 %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.Line2y %PWEditor.butwidth 2 
    ;%PWEditor.butwidth 2    
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 Button successfully inserted...    
    /unset %PWEditor.butwidth
    /unset %PWEditor.butheight
    /unset %PWEditor.xstartloc
    /unset %PWEditor.ystartloc
    /.disable #insertbutton


#insertbutton end
;When the user chooses to insert a TextBox this menu will be activated
#inserttextbox off
menu @PWEditor {
  sclick: { 
    /set %PWEditor.xstartloc $mouse.x
    /set %PWEditor.ystartloc $mouse.y
    /set %pwe.temptxt $$?="Enter starting text for this textbox."
    /set %pwe.txtnum $width(%pwe.temptxt,arial,1)
    /set %PWEditor.butwidth $calc(9 * %pwe.txtnum + 5)
    /set %PWEditor.butheight 21
    inc %pwe.totaltxtbox
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " TextBox $+ %pwe.totaltxtbox $+ -Shadow: drawrect -fd @PWEditor 14 1 $calc(%PWEditor.xstartloc + 2) $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + 2) %PWEditor.butwidth %PWEditor.butheight 
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " TextBox $+ %pwe.totaltxtbox $+ -BG: drawrect -fd @PWEditor %BGsel.color 1 %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.ystartloc %PWEditor.butwidth %PWEditor.butheight 
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " TextBox $+ %pwe.totaltxtbox $+ -Overlay: drawrect -d @PWEditor %FGsel.color 1 %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.ystartloc %PWEditor.butwidth %PWEditor.butheight 
    /set %PWEditor.textlocx $calc(%PWEditor.xstartloc + 6)
    /set %PWEditor.textlocy $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + 3)
    /set %PWEditor.Line2y $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + %PWEditor.butheight - 2)
    /set %PWEditor.Line1y $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + 2)
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Textbox $+ %pwe.totaltxtbox $+ -Text: drawtext -hb @PWEditor %FGsel.color %BGsel.color %PWEditor.textlocx %PWEditor.textlocy %pwe.temptxt
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Textbox $+ %pwe.totaltxtbox $+ -Top: drawreplace @PWEditor 15 0 %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.Line1y %PWEditor.butwidth 1 
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Textbox $+ %pwe.totaltxtbox $+ -Bottom: drawreplace @PWEditor 15 14 %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.Line2y %PWEditor.butwidth 2 
    ;%PWEditor.butwidth 2 
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 TextBox successfully inserted...    
    /unset %PWEditor.butwidth
    /unset %PWEditor.butheight
    /unset %PWEditor.xstartloc
    /unset %PWEditor.ystartloc
    /.disable #inserttextbox
#inserttextbox end
;When the user chooses to insert a GroupBox this menu will be activated
#insertgroupbox off
menu @PWEditor {
  sclick: {
    /set %PWEditor.xstartloc $mouse.x
    /set %PWEditor.ystartloc $mouse.y
    /set %pwe.temptxt $$?="Enter caption for this groupbox."
    /set %pwe.txtnum $width(%pwe.temptxt,arial,1)
    /set %PWEditor.boxwidth $calc(9 * %pwe.txtnum + 15)
    /set %PWEditor.boxhight 60
    inc %pwe.totalgroupbox
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " GroupBox $+ %pwe.totalgroupbox $+ -Shadow: drawrect -fd @PWEditor 14 1 $calc(%PWEditor.xstartloc + 2) $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + 2) %PWEditor.boxwidth %PWEditor.boxhight 
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " GroupBox $+ %pwe.totalgroupbox $+ -BG: drawrect -fd @PWEditor %BGsel.color 1 %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.ystartloc %PWEditor.boxwidth %PWEditor.boxhight 
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " GroupBox $+ %pwe.totalgroupbox $+ -Overlay: drawrect -d @PWEditor %FGsel.color 1 %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.ystartloc %PWEditor.boxwidth %PWEditor.boxhight 
    /set %PWEditor.textlocx $calc(%PWEditor.xstartloc + 6)
    /set %PWEditor.textlocy $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc - 8)
    /set %PWEditor.Line2y $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + %PWEditor.boxhight - 2)
    /set %PWEditor.Line1y $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + 2)
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Groupbox $+ %pwe.totalgroupbox $+ -Text: drawtext -hb @PWEditor %FGsel.color %BGsel.color %PWEditor.textlocx %PWEditor.textlocy %pwe.temptxt
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Groupbox $+ %pwe.totalgroupbox $+ -Top: drawreplace @PWEditor 15 0 %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.Line1y %PWEditor.boxwidth 1 
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Groupbox $+ %pwe.totalgroupbox $+ -Bottom: drawreplace @PWEditor 15 14 %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.Line2y %PWEditor.boxwidth 2 
    ;%PWEditor.butwidth 2    
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 GroupBox successfully inserted...    
    /unset %PWEditor.boxwidth
    /unset %PWEditor.boxhight
    /unset %PWEditor.xstartloc
    /unset %PWEditor.ystartloc
    /.disable #insertgroupbox
#insertgroupbox end
;When the user chooses to insert a CheckBox this menu will be activated
#insertcheckbox off
menu @PWEditor {
  sclick: {
    /set %PWEditor.xstartloc $mouse.x
    /set %PWEditor.ystartloc $mouse.y
    /set %pwe.temptxt $$?="Enter starting value for this check box. Eg. " $+ $chr(34) $+"1" $+ $chr(34) $+"
    /set %pwe.txtnum $width(%pwe.temptxt,arial,1)
    /set %PWEditor.checkwidth 15
    /set %PWEditor.checkheight 15
    inc %pwe.totalcheckbox
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " CheckBox $+ %pwe.totalcheckbox $+ -Shadow: drawrect -f @PWEditor 14 1 $calc(%PWEditor.xstartloc + 2) $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + 2) %PWEditor.checkwidth %PWEditor.checkheight 
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " CheckBox $+ %pwe.totalcheckbox $+ -BG: drawrect -f @PWEditor %BGsel.color 1 %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.ystartloc %PWEditor.checkwidth %PWEditor.checkheight 
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " CheckBox $+ %pwe.totalcheckbox $+ -Overlay: drawrect @PWEditor %FGsel.color 1 %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.ystartloc %PWEditor.checkwidth %PWEditor.checkheight 
    /set %pwe.innerwidth $calc(%PWEditor.checkwidth - 3)
    /set %pwe.innerheight $calc(%PWEditor.checkheight - 3)
    /set %pwe.innerx $calc(%PWEditor.xstartloc + 2)
    /set %pwe.innery $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + 2)
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " CheckBox $+ %pwe.totalcheckbox $+ -Overlay: drawrect @PWEditor 15 1 %pwe.innerx %pwe.innery %pwe.innerwidth %pwe.innerheight 
    /set %PWEditor.checklocx $calc(%PWEditor.xstartloc + 6)
    /set %PWEditor.checklocy $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + 3)
    /set %PWEditor.Line2y $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + %PWEditor.checkheight - 2)
    /set %PWEditor.Line1y $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + 2)
    ;/write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Checkbox $+ %pwe.totalcheckbox $+ -Text: drawtext -hb @PWEditor %FGsel.color %BGsel.color %PWEditor.checklocx %PWEditor.checklocy %pwe.temptxt
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Check $+ %pwe.totalcheckbox $+ -Top: drawreplace @PWEditor 15 0 %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.Line1y %PWEditor.checkwidth 1 
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Check $+ %pwe.totalcheckbox $+ -Bottom: drawreplace @PWEditor 15 15 %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.Line2y %PWEditor.checkwidth 2 
    ;%PWEditor.checkwidth 2    
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 CheckBox successfully inserted...    
    /unset %PWEditor.checkwidth
    /unset %PWEditor.checkhight
    /unset %PWEditor.xstartloc
    /unset %PWEditor.ystartloc
    /.disable #insertcheckbox
#insertcheckbox end
;When the user chooses to insert a CheckBox this menu will be activated
#insertradio off
menu @PWEditor {
  sclick: { 
    /set %PWEditor.xstartloc $mouse.x
    /set %PWEditor.ystartloc $mouse.y
    /set %pwe.temptxt $$?="Enter starting value for this check box. Eg. " $+ $chr(34) $+"1" $+ $chr(34) $+"
    /set %pwe.txtnum $width(%pwe.temptxt,arial,1)
    /set %PWEditor.checkwidth 15
    /set %PWEditor.checkheight 15
    inc %pwe.totalcheckbox
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " RadioBox $+ %pwe.totalcheckbox $+ -Shadow: drawrect -fd @PWEditor 14 1 $calc(%PWEditor.xstartloc + 2) $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + 2) %PWEditor.checkwidth %PWEditor.checkheight 
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Radiobox $+ %pwe.totalcheckbox $+ -BG: drawrect -fd @PWEditor %BGsel.color 1 %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.ystartloc %PWEditor.checkwidth %PWEditor.checkheight 
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " RadioBox $+ %pwe.totalcheckbox $+ -Overlay: drawrect -d @PWEditor %FGsel.color 2 %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.ystartloc %PWEditor.checkwidth %PWEditor.checkheight 
    /set %pwe.innerwidth $calc(%PWEditor.checkwidth - 2)
    /set %pwe.innerheight $calc(%PWEditor.checkheight - 2)
    /set %pwe.innerx $calc(%PWEditor.xstartloc + 2)
    /set %pwe.innery $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + 2)
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " RadioBox $+ %pwe.totalcheckbox $+ -Overlay: drawrect -d @PWEditor 15 2 %pwe.innerx %pwe.innery %pwe.innerwidth %pwe.innerheight 
    /set %PWEditor.checklocx $calc(%PWEditor.xstartloc + 6)
    /set %PWEditor.checklocy $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + 3)
    /set %PWEditor.Line2y $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + %PWEditor.checkheight - 2)
    /set %PWEditor.Line1y $calc(%PWEditor.ystartloc + 2)
    ;/write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Radiobox $+ %pwe.totalcheckbox $+ -Text: drawtext -hb @PWEditor %FGsel.color %BGsel.color %PWEditor.checklocx %PWEditor.checklocy %pwe.temptxt
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Radio $+ %pwe.totalcheckbox $+ -Top: drawreplace @PWEditor 15 0 %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.Line1y %PWEditor.checkwidth 1 
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Radio $+ %pwe.totalcheckbox $+ -Bottom: drawreplace @PWEditor 15 14 %PWEditor.xstartloc %PWEditor.Line2y %PWEditor.checkwidth 2 
    ;%PWEditor.checkwidth 2    
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 CheckBox successfully inserted...    
    /unset %PWEditor.checkwidth
    /unset %PWEditor.checkhight
    /unset %PWEditor.xstartloc
    /unset %PWEditor.ystartloc
    /.disable #insertcheckbox
#insertradio end
;Alias's Basicly Explain them Self
alias f3 {
  /dialog -mav PWEditor PWEditor
alias countobjects {
  /set %pwe.countobj 0
  /set %pwe.totalbuttons 0
  /set %pwe.totalstattext 0
  /set %pwe.totaldnytext 0
  /set %pwe.totaltxtbox 0
  /set %pwe.totalimage 0
  /set %pwe.totalgroupbox 0
  /set %pwe.totalcheckbox 0
  /set %pwe.totallink 0
  while (%pwe.countobj < $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) {
    inc %pwe.countobj
    if (( $+ BG isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj)) && (Button isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj))) {
      inc %pwe.totalbuttons
    if (StaticText isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj)) {
      inc %pwe.totalstattext
    if (DynamicText isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj)) {
      inc %pwe.totaldyntext
    if ((BG isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj)) && (TextBox isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj))) {
      inc %pwe.totaltxtbox
    if (Image $+ %pwe.countobj isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj)) {
      inc %pwe.totalimage
    if ((BG isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj)) && (GroupBox isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj))) {
      inc %pwe.totalgroupbox
    if ((BG isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj)) && (CheckBox isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj))) {
      inc %pwe.totalcheckbox
    if (Link isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj)) {
      inc %pwe.totallink
alias checkforduplicateeventthenpopulate {
  /set %pwe.dupnum 0
  /did -r pwe_eventeditor 2
  while (%pwe.dupnum < $lines( $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+ )) {
    inc %pwe.dupnum

    if (Window events for: isin $read( $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+ ,%pwe.dupnum)) {
      goto skipaline
    if (alias $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).seltext $+ - $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,6).seltext isin $read( $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+ ,%pwe.dupnum)) {
      /did -a pwe_eventeditor 2 $read( $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+ ,%pwe.dupnum) $+ $crlf
    else {
      if (( $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).seltext $+ - $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,6).seltext $+ Code: isin $read( $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+ ,%pwe.dupnum)) && ($did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text isin $read( $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+ ,%pwe.dupnum))) {
        /did -a pwe_eventeditor 2 $remove($read( $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+ ,%pwe.dupnum),$did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ -Code:) $+ $crlf
      else {
        if ((Endof isin $read( $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+ ,%pwe.dupnum)) && ($did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text isin $read( $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+ ,%pwe.dupnum))) {
          /did -a pwe_eventeditor 2 Endof $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,6).text         
          goto done
        ;/did -a pwe_eventeditor 2 $remove($read( $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+ ,%pwe.dupnum),$did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ - $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,6).text $+ Code:) $+ $crlf

alias txtobjectcheck {
  if (%pwe.txtobject == Dynamic) { /.enable #insertdyntext }
  else { /.enable #inserttext } 
alias createproject {
  /set %pwe.winlines 0
  /window -c @PWEditor
  while (%pwe.winlines < $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) {
    if ($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines) != #This window was Created in PWEditor v1.0 ) { inc %pwe.winlines | goto loop }
    elseif ($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines) == #This window was Created in PWEditor v1.0) { goto next2 }
    else { goto next2 }
  inc %pwe.winlines
  ;/echo -s 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),2-,32)
  if ($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,58) == Open) { 
    $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),2-,32) 
    if (%pwe.winlines == $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) { halt }
    else { goto next2 }
  elseif ($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,58) == Fill) { 
    $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),2-,32)
    if (%pwe.winlines == $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) { halt }
    else { goto next2 }
  else { 
    if (%pwe.winlines == $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) { goto fillObjectBrowser }
    else {
      if ((URL isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && (Link isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {
        goto next2
      else {
        $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),2-,32)
        if (%pwe.winlines == $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) { goto fillObjectBrowser }
        else { goto next2 }
  /did -r pweditor 59
  /set %pwe.winlines 0
  ;/echo -s got to loop2
  while (%pwe.winlines < $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ )) {
    ;/echo -s In loop2    
    ;/echo -s 1 $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines)

    if ($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines) != #This window was Created in PWEditor v1.0 ) { inc %pwe.winlines | goto loop2 }
    elseif ($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines) == #This window was Created in PWEditor v1.0) { goto next3 }
    else { goto next3 }
    inc %pwe.winlines
    ;/echo -s 1 $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines)
    if ($gettok($read(%pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,58) == Open) { 
      if (%pwe.winlines == $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) { halt }
      else { goto next3 }
    elseif ($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,58) == Fill) { 
      if (%pwe.winlines == $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) { halt }
      else { goto next3 }
    else { 
      if ((BG isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && (Button isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {
        /did -a pweditor 59 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58),-BG)
        goto done          
      if ((Area isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && (Image isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {

        /did -a pweditor 59 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58))
        goto done          
      if ((Text isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && (StaticText isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {

        /did -a pweditor 59 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58),-Text)
        goto done          
      if ((Text isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && (DynamicText isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {
        /did -a pweditor 59 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58),-Text)
        goto done          
      if ((BG isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && (TextBox isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {

        /did -a pweditor 59 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58),-BG)
        goto done          
      if ((BG isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && (GroupBox isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {

        /did -a pweditor 59 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58),-BG)
        goto done          
      if ((BG isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && (CheckBox isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {

        /did -a pweditor 59 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58),-BG)
        goto done          
      if ((BG isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && (Link isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {

        /did -a pweditor 59 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58),-BG)
        goto done          
      if (%pwe.winlines == $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) { goto complete }
      else { goto next3 }

alias insertobject {
  if ($window(@pweditor,0)) { goto next }
  else { /did -i pweditor 33 1 Unable to insert %pweditor.insertobject $+ . Create a new project then try again. | halt }
  /.disable #insertimage
  /.disable #insertbutton
  /.disable #inserttext
  /.disable #insertdyntext
  /.disable #inserttextbox
  /.disable #insertlink
  if (%pweditor.insertobject == Image) { 
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 Select a starting point for this %pweditor.insertobject $+ .
    /.enable #insertimage
  if (%pweditor.insertobject == Button) { 
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 Select a starting point for this %pweditor.insertobject $+ .
    /.enable #insertbutton 
  if (%pweditor.insertobject == Text) {
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 Select a starting point for this %pweditor.insertobject $+ .
    /dialog -mav pwe_txtobject pwe_txtobject

  if (%pweditor.insertobject == TextBox) { 
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 Select a starting point for this %pweditor.insertobject $+ .
    /.enable #inserttextbox
  if (%pweditor.insertobject == Selection) { 
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 Select a starting point for this %pweditor.insertobject $+ .
  if (%pweditor.insertobject == Erase) { 
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 Select a starting point for this %pweditor.insertobject $+ . 
  if (%pweditor.insertobject == List Box) { 
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 Select a starting point for this %pweditor.insertobject $+ . 
  if (%pweditor.insertobject == CheckBox) { 
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 Select a starting point for this %pweditor.insertobject $+ .
    /.enable #insertcheckbox
  if (%pweditor.insertobject == Drop Menu) { 
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 Select a starting point for this %pweditor.insertobject $+ . 
  if (%pweditor.insertobject == Link) { 
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 Select a starting point for this %pweditor.insertobject $+ . 
    /.enable #insertlink
  if (%pweditor.insertobject == GroupBox) { 
    /did -i pweditor 33 1 Select a starting point for this %pweditor.insertobject $+ . 
    /.enable #insertgroupbox
alias refresh {
  /dialog -x PWEditor
  /dialog -mav pweditor pweditor
alias pwe.objectnum {

  /set %pwe.countobj 0
  /set %pwe.totalbuttons 0
  /set %pwe.totalstattext 0
  /set %pwe.totaldnytext 0
  /set %pwe.totaltxtbox 0
  /set %pwe.totalimage 0
  /set %pwe.totalgroupbox 0
  /set %pwe.totalcheckbox 0
  /set %pwe.totallink 0
  /set %pwe.currentobj 0
  while (%pwe.countobj < $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) {
    ;/echo -s Button $+ %pwe.currentobj isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj)
    if (%pwe.countobj == $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) {
      goto done

    if (Button isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj)) {
      inc %pwe.totalbuttons
      return %pwe.totalbuttons
    if (StaticText $+ %pwe.currentobj isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj)) {
      inc %pwe.totalstattext
      /set %pwe.obnum %pwe.totalstattext 
      return %pwe.totalstattext
    if (DynamicText $+ %pwe.currentobj isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj)) {
      inc %pwe.totaldyntext
      /set %pwe.obnum %pwe.totaldyntext
      return %pwe.totaldnytext
    if (TextBox $+ %pwe.currentobj isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj)) {
      inc %pwe.totaltxtbox
      /set %pwe.obnum %pwe.totaltxtbox 
      return %pwe.totaltxtbox
    if (Image $+ %pwe.currentobj isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj)) {
      inc %pwe.totalimage
      /set %pwe.obnum %pwe.totalimage 
      return %pwe.totalimage
    if (GroupBox $+ %pwe.currentobj isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj)) {
      inc %pwe.totalgroupbox
      /set %pwe.obnum %pwe.totalgroupbox
      return %pwe.totalgroupbox
    if (CheckBox $+ %pwe.currentobj isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj)) {
      inc %pwe.totalcheckbox
      /set %pwe.obnum %pwe.totalcheckbox 
      return %pwe.totalcheckbox
    if (Link $+ %pwe.currentobj isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj)) {
      inc %pwe.totallink
      /set %pwe.obnum %pwe.totallink
      return %pwe.totallink

alias wirteobjectchange {
  /set %pwe.objnum 1
  /set %pwe.currentobj 0
  while (%pwe.objnum < $lines(%pwe.openfile $+ )) {
    if (Fill isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.countobj)) {
      /set %pwe.currentobj 0
    if ($did(pweditor,56).state == 1) {
      /set %pwe.editswitch -d
    else {
      /set %pwe.editswitch -
    inc %pwe.currentobj

    ;============Edit Object
    ;/echo -s Checking Object
    if (($did(pweditor,27).text isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.objnum)) && (Shadow isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.objnum))) {
      /write -dl $+ %pwe.objnum " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ "
      /write -il $+ %pwe.objnum " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " $did(pweditor,27).text $+ -Shadow: drawrect %pwe.editswitch $+ f @PWEditor 14 2 $calc($did(pweditor,25).text + 2) $calc($did(pweditor,35).text + 2) $did(pweditor,12).text $did(pweditor,4).text
      goto editBG  
    inc %pwe.currentobj
    if (($did(pweditor,27).text isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.objnum)) && (BG isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.objnum))) {
      /write -dl $+ %pwe.objnum " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ "

      if (Button isin $did(pweditor,27).text) {
        /write -il $+ %pwe.objnum " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " $did(pweditor,27).text $+ -BG: drawrect %pwe.editswitch $+ f @PWEditor 15 %FGsel.color $did(pweditor,25).text $did(pweditor,35).text $did(pweditor,12).text $did(pweditor,4).text 
      else {
        /write -il $+ %pwe.objnum " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " $did(pweditor,27).text $+ -BG: drawrect %pwe.editswitch $+ f @PWEditor %BGsel.color %FGsel.color $did(pweditor,25).text $did(pweditor,35).text $did(pweditor,12).text $did(pweditor,4).text 


      goto editOverlay      
    inc %pwe.currentobj
    if (($did(pweditor,27).text isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.objnum)) && (Overlay isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.objnum))) {
      /write -dl $+ %pwe.objnum " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ "
      /write -il $+ %pwe.objnum " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " $did(pweditor,27).text $+ -Overlay: drawrect %pwe.editswitch @PWEditor %FGsel.color %BGsel.color $did(pweditor,25).text $did(pweditor,35).text $did(pweditor,12).text $did(pweditor,4).text

      goto editText     
    inc %pwe.currentobj
    if (($did(pweditor,27).text isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.objnum)) && (-Text isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.objnum))) {
      /write -dl $+ %pwe.objnum " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ "
      /set %pwe.newtextloc $calc($did(pweditor,25).text / 4)
      /set %pwe.newtxtX $calc($did(pweditor,25).text + %pwe.newtextloc)
      if (Button isin $did(pweditor,27).text) {
        /write -il $+ %pwe.objnum " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " $did(pweditor,27).text $+ -Text: drawtext -hb @PWEditor %FGsel.color 15 $calc($did(pweditor,25).text + 6) $calc($did(pweditor,35).text + 3) $did(pweditor,32).text    
      elseif (GroupBox isin $did(pweditor,27).text) {
        /write -il $+ %pwe.objnum " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " $did(pweditor,27).text $+ -Text: drawtext -hb @PWEditor %FGsel.color %BGsel.color $calc($did(pweditor,25).text + 6) $calc($did(pweditor,35).text - 8) $did(pweditor,32).text    
      else {
        /write -il $+ %pwe.objnum " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " $did(pweditor,27).text $+ -Text: drawtext -hb @PWEditor %FGsel.color %BGsel.color $calc($did(pweditor,25).text + 6) $calc($did(pweditor,35).text + 3) $did(pweditor,32).text    
      goto topline
    inc %pwe.currentobj
    /set %pwe.newlinex $did(pweditor,25).text
    /set %pwe.newliney $did(pweditor,35).text
    /set %pwe.newbuttonwidth $did(pweditor,12).text
    /set %pwe.newbuttonheight $did(pweditor,4).text
    /set %PWEditor.Line2y $calc(%pwe.newliney + %pwe.newbuttonheight - 3)
    /set %PWEditor.Line1y $calc(%pwe.newliney + 1)
    /set %pwe.newnewlineX $calc(%pwe.newlinex + %pwe.newbuttonheight - 3)
    /set %pwe.txtnum $calc($did(pweditor,25).text + 6)

    if (($did(pweditor,27).text isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.objnum)) && (-Top isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.objnum))) {
      if (Button isin $did(pweditor,27).text) {
        /write -dl $+ %pwe.objnum " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ "
        if ($did(pweditor,27).text == "") {
          /write -il $+ %pwe.objnum " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " $did(pweditor,27).text $+ -Top: drawreplace @PWEditor 15 0 %pwe.newlineX %PWEditor.Line1y %pwe.newbuttonwidth 2 
          /write -il $+ %pwe.objnum " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " $did(pweditor,27).text $+ -Top: drawreplace @PWEditor 15 0 %pwe.newlineX %PWEditor.Line1y $calc(%pwe.txtnum * 21) 2 

        goto bottom      


    if (($did(pweditor,27).text isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.objnum)) && (-Bottom isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.objnum))) {
      if (Button isin $did(pweditor,27).text) {
        /write -dl $+ %pwe.objnum " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ "
        /write -il $+ %pwe.objnum " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " $did(pweditor,27).text $+ -Bottom: drawreplace @PWEditor 15 14 %pwe.newlineX %PWEditor.Line2y %pwe.newbuttonwidth 2


    inc %pwe.objnum

  /did -o pweditor 33 1 Done modifying $did(pweditor,27).text $+ .

;Whenever a button is clicked, a menu is selected, or data is changed
;in a dialog these events will be activated.
on 1:dialog:pwe_txtobject:sclick:1: {
  /set %pwe.txtobject Dynamic
  /unset %pwe.txtobject
  /dialog -x pwe_txtobject
on 1:dialog:pwe_txtobject:sclick:2: {
  /set %pwe.txtobject Static
  /unset %pwe.txtobject
  /dialog -x pwe_txtobject

on 1:dialog:pweditor:sclick:38: {
  /did -o pweditor 33 1 Modifying $did(pweditor,27).text please wait.

;Whenever a button is clicked in the main dialog, a menu is selected, or data is changed
;in a dialog these events will be activated.
on 1:dialog:pwe_eventeditor:sclick:4: {
  /dialog -x pwe_eventeditor
on 1:dialog:pweditor:sclick:60: {

  if ($?!=("Are you sure you want to remove " $+ $did(pweditor,59).seltext $+ " from your project?") == $true) {
    /set %pwe.winlines 0
    while (%pwe.winlines < $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) {
      if ($did(pweditor,59).seltext isin $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines)) {
        /write -dl $+ %pwe.winlines " $+ %pwe.openfile $+ -pw.ini $+ "
      inc %pwe.winlines
on 1:dialog:pweditor:dclick:59: {
  /set %PWEditor.xstartloc $did(Pweditor,10)
  /set %PWEditor.ystartloc $did(Pweditor,17)
  /set %pwe.winlines 0

  /did -i pweditor 33 1 Gathering %pweditor.insertobject information please wait...
  while (%pwe.winlines < $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) {
    if ($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines) != #This window was Created in PWEditor v1.0 ) { inc %pwe.winlines | goto loop }
    elseif ($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines) == #This window was Created in PWEditor v1.0) { goto next2 }
    else { goto next2 }
    inc %pwe.winlines
    if ($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,58) == Open) { 
      if (%pwe.winlines == $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) { halt }
      else { goto next2 }
    elseif ($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,58) == Fill) { 
      if (%pwe.winlines == $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) { halt }
      else { goto next2 }
    else { 
      ;/echo -s $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)
      if (Image isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32)) {
        /did -i PWEditor 27 1 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58))
        /did -i PWEditor 32 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9-,32)
        /did -i PWEditor 9 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)

        /did -i PWEditor 12 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pweditor.sir $+ Documents\ $+ %pweditor.tempwindowname $+ -pw.ini,%pwe.winlines),7,32)
        /did -i PWEditor 11 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32)           
        /did -i PWEditor 4 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32)            
        /did -i PWEditor 25 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32)            
        /did -i PWEditor 35 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32)             
        goto done          
      if (StaticText isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32)) {
        /did -i PWEditor 27 1 $remove( $+ $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58)),-Text))
        /did -i PWEditor 32 1 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),11-,32), $+ $chr(58) $+ )            
        /did -r PWEditor 9     
        /did -r PWEditor 11     
        /did -i PWEditor 12 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)
        /did -i PWEditor 4 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32)            
        /did -i PWEditor 25 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32)            
        /did -i PWEditor 35 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32)             
        goto done          
      if (DynamicText isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32)) {

        /did -i PWEditor 27 1 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32), $+ $chr(58) $+ )
        /did -i PWEditor 32 1 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),12-,32), $+ $chr(58) $+ )            
        /did -r PWEditor 9     
        /did -r PWEditor 11 
        /did -i PWEditor 12 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)
        /did -i PWEditor 4 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32)            
        /did -i PWEditor 25 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),11,32)            
        /did -i PWEditor 35 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),12,32)           
        /did -i PWEditor 25 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32)            
        /did -i PWEditor 35 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32)             
        goto done          
      if ((BG isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && ( $+ $did(pweditor,59).seltext isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {
        ;/echo -s found gather box
        /did -i PWEditor 27 1 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58),-BG)
        /did -i PWEditor 9 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)
        /did -i PWEditor 11 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32)            
        /did -i PWEditor 12 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)
        /did -i PWEditor 4 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32)            
        /did -i PWEditor 25 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32)            
        /did -i PWEditor 35 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32)             
        /did -i PWEditor 32 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ , $+ $calc( %pwe.winlines + 2 )),9-,32),32)
        goto done                   
      if (Link isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32)) {

        /did -i PWEditor 27 1 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58) ,BG)
        /did -i PWEditor 9 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)
        /did -i PWEditor 12 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),9,32)
        /did -i PWEditor 11 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32)            
        /did -i PWEditor 4 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),10,32)            
        /did -i PWEditor 25 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),7,32)            
        /did -i PWEditor 35 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),8,32)             
        /did -i PWEditor 32 1 $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ , $+ $calc( %pwe.winlines + 2 )),9-,32),32)
        goto done                   
      if (%pwe.winlines == $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) { /did -o pweditor 33 1 Done Gathering %pweditor.insertobject information. | halt }
      else { goto next2 }

on 1:dialog:pwe_eventeditor:sclick:6: {
  /set %pwe.winlines 0
  /did -r pwe_eventeditor 2
  while (%pwe.winlines < $lines( $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+ )) {
    inc %pwe.winlines
    if (%pwe.winlines == $lines( $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+ )) {
      if ($did(pwe_eventeditor,2).lines == 0) {
        ;/echo -s no lines
        /write " $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+  $+ " /alias $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ - $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,6).text Startof $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,6).text $+ $crlf
        /write " $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+  $+ " $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ -Code: Enter you code between these tags $+ $crlf
        /write " $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+  $+ " Endof $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,6).text $+ $crlf

        ;/echo -s healdef1
        goto done
      else {
        ;/did -r pwe_eventeditor 2
        ;/echo -s checking duplicates.....
        if ($did(pwe_eventeditor,2).lines == 0) {
          /write " $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+  $+ " /alias $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ - $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,6).text Startof $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,6).text $+ $crlf
          /write " $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+  $+ " $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ -Code: Enter you code between these tags $+ $crlf
          /write " $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+  $+ " Endof $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,6).text $+ $crlf

        ;/echo -s healdef2
        goto done
    else {
      if ($did(pwe_eventeditor,2).lines == 0) {
        /write " $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+  $+ " /alias $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ - $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,6).text Startof $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,6).text $+ $crlf
        /write " $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+  $+ " $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ -Code: Enter you code between these tags $+ $crlf
        /write " $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+  $+ " Endof $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,6).text $+ $crlf

      ;/echo -s checking duplicates.....

      ;/echo -s healdef3

alias gathereventscript {
  if ($len($did(pwe_eventeditor,2)text) ==  0) {
    /did -a pwe_eventeditor 2 /alias $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ - $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,6).text Startof $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,6).text $+ $crlf
    /did -a pwe_eventeditor 2 $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ -Code: Enter you code between these tags $+ $crlf
    /did -a pwe_eventeditor 2 Endof $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,6).text $+ $crlf

    /write " $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+  $+ " /alias $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ - $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,6).text Startof $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,6).text $+ $crlf
    /write " $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+  $+ " $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ -Code: Enter you code between these tags $+ $crlf
    /write " $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+  $+ " Endof $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,5).text $+ $did(pwe_eventeditor,6).text $+ $crlf

  ;/echo -s Gahter Window Object Event.
on 1:dialog:pwe_eventeditor:init:0: {
  /set %pwe.winlines 0
  while (%pwe.winlines < $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ )) {
    ;;/echo -s 1 $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines)

    if ($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines) != #This window was Created in PWEditor v1.0 ) { inc %pwe.winlines | goto loop }
    elseif ($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines) == #This window was Created in PWEditor v1.0) { goto next2 }
    else { goto next2 }
    inc %pwe.winlines
    ;;/echo -s 1 $read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines)
    if ($gettok($read(%pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,58) == Open) { 
      if (%pwe.winlines == $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) { halt }
      else { goto next2 }
    elseif ($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,58) == Fill) { 
      if (%pwe.winlines == $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) { halt }
      else { goto next2 }
    else { 
      if ((BG isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && (Button isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {
        /did -a pwe_eventeditor 5 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58),-BG)
        goto done          
      if ((Area isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && (Image isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {

        /did -a pwe_eventeditor 5 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58))
        goto done          
      if ((Text isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && (StaticText isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {

        /did -a pwe_eventeditor 5 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58),-Text)
        goto done          
      if ((Text isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && (DynamicText isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {
        /did -a pwe_eventeditor 5 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58),-Text)
        goto done          
      if ((BG isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && (TextBox isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {

        /did -a pwe_eventeditor 5 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58),-BG)
        goto done          
      if ((BG isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && (GroupBox isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {

        /did -a pwe_eventeditor 5 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58),-BG)
        goto done          
      if ((BG isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && (CheckBox isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {

        /did -a pwe_eventeditor 5 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58),-BG)
        goto done          
      if ((BG isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58)) && (Link isin $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1-,58))) {

        /did -a pwe_eventeditor 5 $remove($gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,%pwe.winlines),1,32),$chr(58),-BG)
        goto done          
      if (%pwe.winlines == $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ )) { goto complete }
      else { goto next2 }
  /did -a pwe_eventeditor 6 OnPress
  /did -a pwe_eventeditor 6 OnRelease
  /did -a pwe_eventeditor 6 OnClick
  /did -a pwe_eventeditor 6 OnDoubleClick
  /did -a pwe_eventeditor 6 OnOver
on 1:dialog:pweditor:close:0: {
  /window -c @PWEditor
  /window -c @Toolbar
  /set %pwe.toolbar 0
  unset %pwe.*
  unset %Pweditor.*
  /.disable #notask
on 1:dialog:pweditor:menu:8: {
  if (%pwe.toolbar = 1) { /did -o pweditor 8 Show Toolbar | /window -c @ToolBar | /set %pwe.toolbar 0 }
  else { /did -o pweditor 8 Hide Toolbar
    /window -apk0 +l @ToolBar 0 0 89 349
    /drawpic -s @ToolBar 0 0 80 320 " $+ $scriptdirimages\Pwe_toolBar.bmp $+ "
    /set %pwe.toolbar 1
on 1:dialog:pwe_proman:sclick:7: {
  /set %pwe.browsedir $sdir(%pweditor.scriptdir $+ Documents\)
  /did -o pwe_proman 6 1 %pwe.browsedir
  /set %pwe.filenum 1
  /did -r pwe_proman 1
  while ($nopath($findfile( $+ %pwe.browsedir $+ ,*-pw.ini,%pwe.filenum))) {
    if (Events isin $nopath($findfile( $+ %pwe.browsedir $+ ,*-pw.ini,%pwe.filenum))) { goto skipline }
    /did -a pwe_proman 1 $nopath($findfile( $+ %pwe.browsedir $+ ,*-pw.ini,%pwe.filenum))
    inc %pwe.filenum
on 1:dialog:pwe_proman:sclick:2: {
  /set %pwe.openeventfile $did(pwe_proman,6).text $+ $replace($did(pwe_proman,1).seltext,-pw.ini,-Events-pw.ini)
  if ($isfile(%pwe.openeventfile) == true) {
    if ($?!=("Are you sure you want to open this file. You will loose your if you continue.") == $true) {
      /set %pwe.openfile $did(pwe_proman,6).text $+ $did(pwe_proman,1).seltext
      ;/echo -a 1
    else {
      /set %pwe.openfile $did(pwe_proman,6).text $+ $did(pwe_proman,1).seltext
      ; /echo -a 2
  else {
    /set %pwe.openfile $did(pwe_proman,6).text $+ $did(pwe_proman,1).seltext

    ; /echo -a 3

  /dialog -x pwe_proman    
  /set %Pweditor.width $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,2),2,32)
  ;/echo -s %Pweditor.width 
  /set %Pweditor.height $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,2),4,32)
  ;/echo -s %Pweditor.height
  /set %Pweditor.winx $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,3),3,32) 
  /set %Pweditor.winy $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,3),6,32)
  /set %pweditor.tempwindowname $gettok($read( $+ %pwe.openfile $+ ,1),3,32)

on 1:dialog:pwe_proman:init:0: {
  /did -a pwe_proman 6 %pweditor.scriptdir $+ Documents\
  /set %pwe.filenum 1
  /.did -r pwe_proman 1
  while ($nopath($findfile( $+ %pweditor.scriptdir $+ Documents\ $+ ,*-pw.ini,%pwe.filenum))) {
    if (Events isin $nopath($findfile( $+ %pweditor.scriptdir $+ Documents\ $+ ,*-pw.ini,%pwe.filenum))) { goto skipline }
    /.did -a pwe_proman 1 $nopath($findfile( $+ %pweditor.scriptdir $+ Documents\ $+ ,*-pw.ini,%pwe.filenum))
    inc %pwe.filenum

on 1:dialog:pwe_proman:sclick:3: {
  /set %pwe.browsedir $did(pwe_proman,6).text
  if ($?!=("Are you sure you want to delete this file. It will be removed from your HD.") == $true) {
    /.remove -b " $+ %pwe.browsedir $+ $did(pwe_proman,1).seltext $+ "
    /.remove -b " $+ $replace( $+ %pwe.browsedir $+ $did(pwe_proman,1).seltext $+ ,-pw.ini,-Events-pw.ini) $+ "
    /set %pwe.filenum 1
    /did -r pwe_proman 1
    while ($nopath($findfile( $+ %pwe.browsedir $+ ,*-pw.ini,%pwe.filenum))) {
      if (Events isin $nopath($findfile( $+ %pwe.browsedir $+ ,*-pw.ini,%pwe.filenum))) { goto skipline }
      /did -a pwe_proman 1 $nopath($findfile( $+ %pwe.browsedir $+ ,*-pw.ini,%pwe.filenum))
      inc %pwe.filenum
on 1:dialog:pweditor:menu:81: {
  /dialog -mav pwe_proman pwe_proman
on 1:dialog:pweditor:menu:1: {
  if ($window(@pweditor,0)) { goto next }
  else { /did -i pweditor 33 1 Unable edit window events . Create a new project then try again. | halt }
  /dialog -mav pwe_eventeditor pwe_eventeditor
on 1:dialog:pwe_proman:sclick:5: {
  /dialog -mav pwe_newfile pwe_newfile
on 1:dialog:pweditor:menu:87: {
  /window -c @PWEditor
  /window -c @Toolbar
  /set %pwe.toolbar 0
  /.disable #notask
  /dialog -x pweditor
on 1:dialog:pweditor:init:0: {
  /set %pweditor.scriptdir $scriptdir
  ;/set %pweditor.removefromdir $remove( $+ %pweditor.scriptdir $+ ,$chr(48))
  /.disable #inserttext
  /.disable #insertbutton
  /.disable #insertimage
  /.disable #insertgroupbox
  /.disable #insertlink
  /.disable #insertdyntext
  /.disable #buttonend
  /.disable #buttonhight
  /.enable #notask
on 1:dialog:pweditor:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 48) { /dialog -mav BG-color_swatches BG-color_swatches }
  if ($did == 47) { /dialog -mav FG-color_swatches FG-color_swatches }
  if ($did == 54) { 
    /set %pwe.lyrnum 0
    while (%pwe.lyrnum < $lines( $+ %pwe.openfile,%pwe.lyrnum)) {
      inc %pwe.lyrnum
  if ($did == 55) { 


on 1:dialog:pwe_newfile:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 5) { 
    if ($window(@pweditor,0)) { unset %pwe.* | unset %PWEditor.* | /window -c @pweditor }
    /set %Pweditor.width $did(pwe_newfile,30)
    /set %Pweditor.height $did(pwe_newfile,31)
    /set %Pweditor.winx $did(pwe_newfile,28) 
    /set %Pweditor.winy $did(pwe_newfile,29)
    /set %pweditor.tempwindowname $did(pwe_newfile,26).text
    /set %pwe.openfile %pweditor.scriptdir $+ Documents\ $+ %pweditor.tempwindowname $+ -pw.ini
    /set %pwe.openeventfile %pweditor.scriptdir $+ Documents\ $+ %pweditor.tempwindowname $+ -Events-pw.ini
    /write " $+ %pwe.openeventfile $+ " Window events for: %pweditor.tempwindowname
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Window Name: %pweditor.tempwindowname
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Width: %Pweditor.width Height: %Pweditor.width
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " X Position: %Pweditor.winx - Y Position: %Pweditor.winy
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " FG color: %FGsel.color    
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " BG color: %BGsel.color
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " #This window was Created in PWEditor v1.0  
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Open: /.window -abBrg2ik0prwz +et @PWEditor %Pweditor.winx %Pweditor.winy %Pweditor.width %Pweditor.height
    /write " $+ %pwe.openfile $+  $+ " Fill: /.drawfill -hs @PWEditor %BGsel.color %FGsel.color 0 1 %Pweditor.width %Pweditor.height
    /dialog -x pwe_newfile    
    /dialog -x pwe_proman  
  if ($did == 66) { /dialog -mav FG-color_swatches FG-color_swatches }
  if ($did == 70) { /dialog -mav BG-color_swatches BG-color_swatches }
on 1:dialog:FG-color_swatches:sclick:*: {
  if (($did < 1) || ($did > 16)) { return }
  else { goto next }
  if ($did == 1) { /set %FGsel.color 1 }
  if ($did == 2) { /set %FGsel.color 2 }
  if ($did == 3) { /set %FGsel.color 3 }
  if ($did == 4) { /set %FGsel.color 4 }
  if ($did == 5) { /set %FGsel.color 5 }
  if ($did == 6) { /set %FGsel.color 6 }
  if ($did == 7) { /set %FGsel.color 7 }
  if ($did == 8) { /set %FGsel.color 8 }
  if ($did == 9) { /set %FGsel.color 9 }
  if ($did == 10) { /set %FGsel.color 10 }
  if ($did == 11) { /set %FGsel.color 11 }
  if ($did == 12) { /set %FGsel.color 12 }
  if ($did == 13) { /set %FGsel.color 13 }
  if ($did == 14) { /set %FGsel.color 14 }
  if ($did == 15) { /set %FGsel.color 15 }
  if ($did == 16) { /set %FGsel.color 0 }
  if (%FGsel.color == $chr(48)) { 
    /set %selected.FGtemp $remove( $+ %pweditor.scriptdir $+ ,$did(FG-color_swatches,16),0) 
    /set %selected.FG " $+ $deltok( $+ $remove( $+ $did(FG-color_swatches,16) $+ , $+ $chr(48) $+ ) $+ ,0,32) $+ "
  else { 
    /set %selected.FGtemp $remove( $+ %pweditor.scriptdir $+ ,$did(FG-color_swatches,%FGsel.color),0)
    /set %selected.FG " $+ $deltok( $+ $remove( $+ $did(FG-color_swatches,%FGsel.color) $+ , $+ $chr(48) $+ ) $+ ,0,32) $+ "
  if (($dialog(pweditor).active == $true) || (PWE - Picture Window Editor v1.0 isin $dialog(pweditor).title)) { /did -g pweditor 47 %selected.FG }
  if ((New PWE Window isin $dialog(pwe_newfile).title) || ($dialog(pwe_newfile).active == $true)) { /did -g pwe_newfile 66 %selected.FG }
  /dialog -x FG-color_swatches
on 1:dialog:BG-color_swatches:sclick:*: {
  if (($did < 1) || ($did > 16)) { return }
  else { goto next }
  if ($did == 1) { /set %BGsel.color 1 }
  if ($did == 2) { /set %BGsel.color 2 }
  if ($did == 3) { /set %BGsel.color 3 }
  if ($did == 4) { /set %BGsel.color 4 }
  if ($did == 5) { /set %BGsel.color 5 }
  if ($did == 6) { /set %BGsel.color 6 }
  if ($did == 7) { /set %BGsel.color 7 }
  if ($did == 8) { /set %BGsel.color 8 }
  if ($did == 9) { /set %BGsel.color 9 }
  if ($did == 10) { /set %BGsel.color 10 }
  if ($did == 11) { /set %BGsel.color 11 }
  if ($did == 12) { /set %BGsel.color 12 }
  if ($did == 13) { /set %BGsel.color 13 }
  if ($did == 14) { /set %BGsel.color 14 }
  if ($did == 15) { /set %BGsel.color 15 }
  if ($did == 16) { /set %BGsel.color 0 }
  if (%BGsel.color == $chr(48)) { 
    /set %selected.BGtemp $did(BG-color_swatches,16) 
    /set %selected.BG " $+ $deltok( $+ $remove( $+ $did(BG-color_swatches,16) $+ , $+ $chr(48) $+ ) $+ ,0,32) $+ "
  else { 
    /set %selected.BGtemp $did(BG-color_swatches,%BGsel.color)
    /set %selected.BG " $+ $deltok( $+ $remove( $+ $did(BG-color_swatches,%BGsel.color) $+ , $+ $chr(48) $+ ) $+ ,0,32) $+ "
    ;/set %selected.BG " $+ $remove( $+ $chr(48) $+ ,$did(BG-color_swatches,%BGsel.color),0)  "
  if ((PWE - Picture Window Editor v1.0 isin $dialog(pweditor).title) || ($dialog(pweditor).active == $true)) { /did -g pweditor 48 %selected.BG }
  if ((New PWE Window isin $dialog(pwe_newfile).title) || ($dialog(pwe_newfile).active == $true)) { /did -g pwe_newfile 70 %selected.BG }
  /dialog -x BG-color_swatches


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Scriptalias   -  Aug 11, 2013

Wow that is a pretty cool app. but its a little over kill for what i need.
im looking for somthing that i can package and distribute with my addon..
Not so much to debug and code this picture window editor. BUT to debug the code that is written by the user to ensure the picuter window will work correctly on run time.

i like using mirc editor im oldschoool...

Savage_CL   -  Aug 09, 2013

Well a small piece to a big puzzle... There's code that will calculate the width for you. From the help docs:


Returns width of text in pixels for the specified font.

If B is non-zero, the font is bold, if C is non-zero, control codes are processed. Both B and C are optional.

Note: If you use a negative number for the font size, it will match the size of fonts in the font dialog.

Scriptalias  -  Aug 09, 2013

That helped thanks. Im actually close to finishing the event editor since I posted this. Once i complete that to handle the controls that are enabled now. I would then continue to design and implement the rest of the controls for the toolbar then add them to the event editor.

I dont know if you could point me in a direction to find dlls to debug mircscript *.mrc files? i need a way to debug the event editor scripts inside of the editor. I would simply place a text box that runs horizontal on the bottom of the dialog to act a debug window to display any errors before any changes are saved. I dont want to have to try and write a debug dll file on my own... that can take some time.

Savage_CL  -  Aug 09, 2013

Actually, it's not a DLL, but a whole program, called mSLDev. You can find it at

A friend of mine, Wiz126, created it, and all of my serious mSL development happens there. It's a fully fledged IDE (similar in concept to Eclipse) dedicated to mSL. I suggest you try it out!

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